Apple: The Next 35 Years

Phase 1: 1976-2011

Defunct Computer Companies

•Agami Systems •Commodore •Alliant •Compaq •Altos •CompuAdd •Amdahl •Control Data Systems •Amiga •Convergent Technology •Apollo •Corvus •AST Research •Cromemco •Atari •Cyrix •Be •Data General •Burroughs •Datapoint •Callan Data •Dataproducts •Cascade •Digital Equipment Corp. •Centronics •Eagle Computer •Chips and Technologies •Eckert-Mauchly • Defunct Computer Companies

•Exodus Communications •Logic Computing •GENICOM •Magnuson Computer Sys. •HAL Computer Systems •MAI Basic Four •Happy Computers •Microdata •Hercules •Micropolis •IBM (personal •MOS Technology computers) •Mostek •Inacom •MPC Corporation •Integrated Micro •Network Computing Solutions Devices •Interleaf •NextGen •Kaypro •NeXT •Leading Edge •Northgate •Lisp Machines •NorthStar Defunct Computer Companies

•Onyx Systems •Remington Rand •Origin Systems •Ross Technology •Osborne Computer •Sandial Systems •Otrona •Scientific Data Systems •Pertec •Seattle Computer Products •Platinum Technology •Sequent Computer Sys. •Power Computing •Shugart Associates •Prime Computer •Sirius Systems Technology •Pyramid Technology •Solboune Computer •Quantex Microsystems •Supertek Computers •Quantum Effects •Symbolics •Qume • •Radio Shack (PCs) •UNIVAC •RCA •Wang

Steve Wozniak Apple I, II designer Jeff Raskin (1943-2005) project manager creator of Human Interface Guidelines , creator of QuickDraw and modern computer graphics designer of Mac interface, icons , marketing wizard Jean-Louis Gassee, Mac II creator, open systems proponent , reformed Apple manufacturing, engineering, rehired Jobs , NeXTStep creator, creator of Mac OS X Jonathan Ive, industrial design guru Kenneth Thompson, creator of UNIX, B programming language, Go programming language (never worked for Apple) Dennis Ritchie (1941-2011) co-creator of UNIX, creator of C programming language (never worked for Apple) Bill Joy, developed BSD UNIX, vi text editor, co-founder of Sun Microsystems (never worked for Apple) , inventor of computer mouse (never worked for Apple) Linus Torvalds, developer of Linux kernal (never worked for Apple) Bill Gates, creator of MITS BASIC, founder of Phase 2: 2012-2046