
10 Fun Facts About Grilled

National Day is observed annually on April 12th. Listed in a reader’s opinion poll, Grilled Cheese are among one of the top comfort foods in the . According to food historians, cooked and cheese is an ancient food, enjoyed across the world in many cultures. The United States modern version of the grilled originated in the 1920s when inexpensive sliced bread and became easily available. Originally it was made as an open- faced sandwich.

United States government cookbooks describe Navy cooks broiling “American cheese filling sandwiches” during World War II.

Grilled cheese sandwiches are versatile thanks to the ability to mix and match , bread, and seasonings. Adding sauteed vegetables or herb-infused oils can elevate this simple to a whole other level. A grilled cheese sandwich is often accompanied by , a southern delicacy! Grilled cheese sandwiches can be served with , tomato, and various other additions. It makes the meal much more filling. Today’s notion of the grilled cheese is commonly traced back to the 1920s, when the Iowa man considered “the father of sliced bread” invented a bread slicer that made distributing white bread easy and affordable. In 2004, the online casino GoldenPalace.com paid $28,000 for a half-eaten grilled cheese with the likeness of the Virgin Mary depicted in the “burn” pattern. In 2009, hosted the world’s first grilled cheese competition: thousands and thousands of people competed at and attended the National Grilled Cheese Invitational, which has turned into a much-anticipated annual food festival. 3/4 of people who buy sliced cheese make at least one grilled cheese per month. The world record for eating grilled cheese is 47 sandwiches in 10 minutes. The typical grilled cheese sandwich contains about 291 calories. Between the 1920s and the 1970s, the sandwich was called a ““ The Ancient Romans were the first civilization to make a cooked bread and cheese type sandwich. Many cultures since have invented their own take on the dish. In Switzerland it is customary to the bread and melt the cheese separately before combining them, while in the (grilled and cheese sandwich) is popular.


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