
Use the pictures from the game to share the story… 1. God (World) In the beginning, God spoke and the world, with everything around it, on it and in it, was created. God declared, “It is good.” 2. and Eve (Apple) God spoke again, and from the very earth He created, God formed man. He breathed into the man, giving Him life and named the man Adam. Then, God spoke once more, and casting deep sleep on Adam, God took one rib from the man and made woman. Seeing man and woman made in His image, God declared, “It is very good.” Everything was very good… until it wasn’t. Adam and Eve made the choice to disobey God and eat the fruit of the forbidden tree, and sin came into the world. But God had a plan to fix this. 3. (Rainbow) Thousands of years passed, and thousands of humans lived on the earth. But the humans were choosing sin instead of God. Except for one, and his name was Noah. God told Noah to build an ark, and on the ark bring his family and the animals God had created – two of every kind of animal. God sent the rain and flooded the whole earth, but Noah, his family and the animals were saved. When the rain stopped and the flood subsided, God placed a rainbow in the sky as a sign of His promise not to destroy, but to save. 4. and Sarah (Stars) Hundreds of years passed, and again thousands of humans lived on the earth. Some were choosing God, and some were choosing sin. God called out to one man, who was living a life honoring God. His name was Abram. God changed Abram’s name to Abraham, and promised that his wife, Sarah would give birth to a son. Then God told Abraham to count the stars in the sky. Abraham would be the father of that many descendants… 5. (Laughter Emoji) Sarah laughed when she heard that she was to be a mother, for she was a very old woman. But God kept His promise and Sarah gave birth to Isaac, whose name means “laughter”. 6. (Ladder) Isaac grew, and had two sons. His younger son was named Jacob. God sent a dream to Jacob about a ladder extending from heaven to earth, and just had he had done with Abraham, God changed Jacob’s name to Israel. Israel would be the father of twelve sons, and these sons would be the , or leaders, of the twelve tribes of Israel. 7. Joseph (Coat) Joseph was the eleventh son of Jacob. He was the favorite son, and Jacob gave Joseph a beautiful, colorful coat. This made all of Joseph’s brothers very jealous, so much so that they plotted and sold him into slavery! But what they meant for evil, God meant for good. Joseph would become a great leader in Egypt, and would eventually reunite with and forgive his brothers. 8. Moses (Burning Bush) Hundreds of years after Joseph, the tribes of Israel were now slaves in Egypt. God called out to Moses from a burning bush, and told him that he, Moses, was to go to pharaoh and ask him to free the Israelites. 9. Moses (Frogs) Moses did as God commanded, but pharaoh’s heart was hardened and he refused. Everytime the pharaoh said no, God would send plague upon the Egyptians – turning their water to blood, sending flies and frogs, hail and darkness… finally, pharaoh told Moses to take the Israelites and GO! 10. Moses (Mountain) Moses led the Israelites out of Egypt and into the wilderness, and eventually the promised land. God spoke to Moses, and promising to care for His people, God called Moses up to the top of a mountain and gave him the ten ways that people could live good lives and choose to honor and love God – the Ten Commandments. 11. and (Wheat) Hundreds of years after Moses led the people out of Egypt, the Israelites wanted a king. God would eventually choose just the right person, but before He did, he selected the great-grandmother of the king. A young widow named Ruth, who gave up the things she wanted to care for her mother-in-law, Naomi. Ruth would take wheat from the fields to make sure Naomi had enough to eat. Ruth’s self-sacrificial love showed God what a good and caring heart she had. She would eventually remarry, and have a son named Obed. Obed would grow up to have a son named , and Jesse would be the father of the chosen king. 12. Samuel (Bed) Around the same time that Jesse was growing up, a woman named Hannah was praying for a child. Hearing her prayers, God answered and Hannah gave birth to a son named Samuel. To thank God for His gift to her, she offered Samuel in service to the church. There, Samuel studied under Eli, the priest, and one night, he heard God calling his name. Samuel grew to become a great prophet, and would anoint the first king of Israel, King Saul. 13. (Slingshot) Saul was a good king, but not a great king. God told Samuel he was to anoint another, one of the sons of Jesse. So it was that Samuel anointed the youngest son of Jesse, who was named David. David served King Saul, playing music for him to calm the king. David also showed trust in God by standing up to , the Philistine, and defeating him with one stone from his slingshot. When he was an adult, David succeeded Saul as king of Israel, and he was a great king. 14. Elijah (Cup) Hundreds of years after David was king, the Israelites were again turning away from God. God chose several men as prophets to tell the people His Word and help lead them back to God. One of the prophets was Elijah. His message taught the people to remember the First Commandment – that there is ONE God and we are to love and worship only Him. Elijah is the prophet who people expected to bring the Messiah, so even today, a special cup is set for him at the Passover meal. 15. Jonah (Whale) Yet another prophet was Jonah… yet, he was not an obedient prophet. God called for Jonah to go to Nineveh and tell the people to repent. When Jonah disobeyed God, he was swallowed by a whale for three days. After escaping the whale, Jonah went to Nineveh. The people there repented, just as God had asked, but Jonah did not feel they were worthy of God’s love. God reminded Jonah that ALL people are worthy of His love and mercy. 16. Isaiah (Christmas Star) Finally, the prophet Isaiah brought one of the most important messages from God: from the house of David, a child would be born to a virgin in Bethlehem of Judea. He would be the Prince of Peace and the long awaited king. From Adam, came Noah. From Noah, came Abraham. From Abraham, came Isaac. From Isaac, came Jacob. From Jacob, came Joseph. From Joseph, came Moses. Moses led the twelve tribes of Israel named for Jacob’s sons. Ruth gave birth to Obed, who was father of Jesse, who was the father of David, the king. David’s children would have children, and years later one of those children would be Joseph, the man who married Mary, the woman chosen to be the mother of , born in Bethlehem under the bright Christmas star. Jesus is the true King, who came to fulfill the promise that God made when He first created man and woman – that YOU who are made in His image, would have an eternal life of happiness and love with God.