
RUTH – the great-grandmother of Israel’s King March 10th, 2009

There are only two books of the named after women. The book of and the book of Esther. Both books are centered on the redemption of people during a spiritually and morally declining time of nations in history.

Following the lineage as stated in the Genesis 10, we see that Ruth's geneology goes back through Moab, the son of Lot, all the way back to the godly lineage of . the son of , and futher back to , the son that and Eve had after killed . As marries Ruth, a son is born and they name him Obed. Obed has a son named . Jesse has a son named David.

This story reminds me of any nation that declines, both spiritually and morally. When things look extremely bad, when economies fail, when leaders of nations sign the death warrant of unborn children, when budgets exceed the ability of any one to pay them back, it smacks of one thing. Man is determined to take his God-given ability to dominate and misuse his power for his own gain.

But, in the middle of all of these triying times, God always has a remnant of true believers. It is for these believers that God, sovereign above all earthly and Heavenly authority, who will bring us through to better times.

Boaz was honorable in that he redeemed his family name and secured their safety.

Jesus Christ has redeemed you and I in a better way. purchased us by shedding His own blood and dying for us. Our names and lives were purchased and written down as those who have been saved from the ravages and eternal death of sin. No only are we saved while still here on earth, but we are redeemed for a better time. An eternity in Heaven with the full rights as inhabitants of that Holy place. It is an eternal inheritance, bought with a heavy price. The life of Jesus Christ Himself.

For and Ruth, there was a time they endured the death of those closest to them. It seemed as though God was mad at them or punishing them for some reason. Later, they would begin to see the plan that God had unfolding before their eyes. A plan of redemption and salvation.

We suffer while here on earth. We suffer when we lose a child, a husband or wife, a parent. We suffer when we see godless men who think only of themselves in leadership. We suffer many things. But remember, Gods plans are greater than the grandest plans of fallen mankind.

God will see the remnant of believers through to glory. He always has and always will.