Select Bibliography

Note: This is a very selective list, with emphasis on recent Chinese publications. English titles are confi ned to those consulted by the author. Chinese titles are arranged alphabetically according to . The list is in seven parts: I. Bibliographies II. Periodicals III. Encyclopedias, dictionaries IV. Anthologies a. Comprehensive b. Fiction c. Poetry d. Drama e. Essays f. Miscellaneous V. General studies VI. Recent translations VII. Shakespeare studies

I. Bibliographies

ഭᇦࠪ⡸һъ㇑⨶ተ⡸ᵜമҖ侶㕆: 㘫䈁ࠪ⡸ཆഭਔި᮷ᆖ㪇֌ⴞᖅ 1949–1979, ѝॾҖተ, 1980 (Copyright Library, State Publishing Bureau, ed. Bibliography of Published Translations of Foreign Classics, 1949–1979) ѝഭ⽮Պ、ᆖ䲒ཆഭ᮷ᆖ⹄ウᡰ㕆: ᡁഭᣕ࠺ⲫ䖭Ⲵཆഭ᮷ᆖ֌૱઼䇴䇪᮷ㄐⴞᖅ㍒ᕅ (1978–1980), ेӜ, 1980

© Foreign Language Teaching and Research Publishing Co., Ltd 171 and Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2015 Z. Wang, Degrees of Affi nity, China Academic Library, DOI 10.1007/978-3-662-45475-6 172 Select Bibliography

(Foreign Literature Research Institute, Academy of Social Sciences, ed. Bibliography of Foreign Literary Works and Critical Articles on them Published in Chinese Periodicals, 1978–1980) Deeney, John J. ed. Chinese English Comparative Literature Bibliography: A Pedagogical Arrangement of Sources in English, Tamkang Review, Vol, XII, No. 4 (Summer 1982)

II. Periodicals

(A, annual; 2/year, biannual; Q, quarterly; Bm, bimonthly; M, monthly; where names have changed, only present ones are given.) ᱕仾䈁ы (Spring Breeze Translation Miscellany) 2/year Shenyang 1980— ᖃԓ㣿㚄᮷ᆖ (Contemporary Soviet Literature) Bm 1980— ᖃԓཆഭ᮷ᆖ (Contemporary Foreign Literature) Q Nanjing 1980—. —㣿᮷ᆖ (Russian-Soviet Literature) Bm Wuhan 1980״ 㘫䈁䙊䇟 (Translation Newsletter) M Beijing 1980— 㘫䈁᮷ᆖ䘹࠺ (Selected Translated Literature) M Xian 1985— ഭཆ᮷ᆖ (Literature Abroad) Q Beijing 1980— 㖾ഭ᮷ᆖы࠺ (American Literature Miscellany) Q Jinan 1981— ᰕᵜ᮷ᆖ (Japanese Literature) Q Changcun 1982— 㦾༛∄ӊ⹄ウ (Shakespeare Studies) A Hangzhou 1983— ц⭼⭥ᖡ (World Cinema) Bm Beijing 1979— ц⭼᮷ᆖ (World Literature) Bm Beijing 1953— ц⭼᮷㢪 (World Literature and Art) Q Guangzhou 1981— 㣿㚄᮷ᆖ (Soviet Literature) Bm Beijing 1980— ཆഭ䈇 (Poetry Abroad) A Beijing 1983— ཆഭ᮷ᆖ (Foreign Literatures) M Beijing 1980— ཆഭ᮷ᆖᆓ࠺ (Foreign Literature Quarterly) Q Beijing 1981— ཆഭ᮷ᆖᣕ䚃 (Foreign Literature Report) Bm 1980— ཆഭ᮷ᆖ⅓䍿 (Foreign Literature Appreciation) Q Changsha 1978— ཆഭ᮷ᆖ⹄ウ (Foreign Literature Research) Q Wuhan 1978— ཆഭ᮷ᆖ⹄ウ䳶࠺ (Studies in Foreign Literature) 2/year Beijing 1979— ཆഭ᮷㢪 (Foreign Literature and Art) Bm Shanghai 1979— ཆഭᠿࢗ (Foreign Drama) Q Beijing 1980— ཆഭሿ䈤ᣕ (Foreign Fiction Reporter) M Shenyang 1981— ཆഭሿ䈤䘹࠺ (Selected Foreign Fiction) Bm Harbin 1984— ᮷㢪⨶䇪䈁ы (Translations of Literary Theory) 2/year Beijing 1983— 䈁⎧ (Translation Sea) 2/year Guangzhou 1981— 䈁᷇ (Translation Forest) Q Nanjing 1979— ѝഭ∄䖳᮷ᆖ (Comparative Literature in China) Hangzhou 1984— Chinese Literature Q Beijing 1951— Chinese Literature: Essays, Articles , Reviews (CLEAR) 2/year Madison, Wisconsin 1979— Select Bibliography 173

Comparative Criticism A Cambridge 1979— Comparative Literature Q Eugene, Oregon 1949 Comparative Literature Studies Q Urbana, Illinois 1963— Critical Inquiry Q Chicago 1975— Littérature chinois e Q Beijing 1964— Poetics Today Q Jerusalem 1980— Renditions: a Chinese-English Translation Magazine 2/year Hong Kong 1973— Revue de litterature comparée Q Paris 1921— Tamkang Review Q Taipei 1970— Wen Yuan, Studies in Language, Literature and Culture A Beijing 1985— World Literature Today Q Norman, Oklahoma 1971— Yearbook of Comparative and General Literature A Bloomington, Indiana 1952—

III. Encyclopedias, Dictionaries

ѝഭབྷⲮ、ޘҖཆഭ᮷ᆖধ кǃл޼ѝഭབྷⲮ、ࠪ⡸⽮, 1983 ( Encyclopedia Sinica: Foreign Literatures , 2 vols.) ᕐ㤡Ֆǃ੅਼ޝǃ䫡ழ㹼ǃ㜑⒋⧽ѫ㕆: ཆഭ਽֌ᇦՐкǃѝǃл޼ѝഭ⽮Պ、ᆖࠪ⡸⽮, 1980 (Zhang Yinglun et al, ed. Lives of Famous Foreign Authors , 3 vols.) :䜁ݻ励ǃ䜝ᇦ⭣ǃ哴ᇍ⭏ǃ᮷㖾ᜐ㕆 ཆഭ᮷ᆖ֌૱ᨀ㾱 1а4 ޼к⎧᮷㢪ࠪ⡸⽮, 1980 ( Kelu et al, ed. Synopses of Foreign Literary Works , 4 vols.)

IV. Anthologies

a. Comprehensive

:㺱ਟహǃ㪓㺑ᐭǃ䜁ݻ励㕆䘹 ཆഭ⧠ԓ⍮֌૱䘹, ഋ޼, ⇿޼࠶кл䜘к⎧᮷㢪ࠪ⡸⽮, 1980 (Yuan Kejia et al, ed. Selected Foreign Modernist Works , 4 vols, each in 2 parts)

b. Fiction

《 ц⭼᮷ᆖ》 30 ᒤՈ⿰֌૱䘹, 1ǃ2 ޼⎉⊏᮷㢪ࠪ⡸⽮, 1983 ( Selected Outstanding Works Published in World Literature Magazine in the Last Thirty Years , 2 vols.) ࡈሯᓧ㕆䘹: ◣བྷ࡙ӊ⸝ㇷሿ䈤䘹Ӫ≁᮷ᆖࠪ⡸⽮, 1982 (Liu Shoukang, ed. Selected Australian Short Stories ) 174 Select Bibliography

ᕐ⦹Җ㕆䘹: ᗧ䈝ഭᇦѝ⸝ㇷሿ䈤䘹ѝഭ䶂ᒤࠪ⡸⽮, 1983 (Zhang Yushu, ed. Ausgewählte Novellen und Erzählungen der deutschsprachigen Länder ) ᶘ↖㜭㕆䘹: ᗧ䈝ഭᇦ⸝ㇷሿ䈤䘹Ӫ≁᮷ᆖࠪ⡸⽮, 1981 (Yang Wuneng, ed. Selected Short Stories of German-Speaking Countries ) ཊӪ䈁: ь⅗⸝ㇷሿ䈤䘹Ӫ≁᮷ᆖࠪ⡸⽮, 1979 ( Selected East European Short Stories ) ⽮⡸ഭ⸝ㇷሿ䈤䘹Ӫ≁᮷ᆖࠪ״ :㪻䐟㕆䘹 (Jiang Lu, ed. Selected Russian Short Stories ) ഭ⸝ㇷሿ䈤䘹ѝഭ䶂ᒤࠪ⡸, 1984״ :ᕐ㗭ǃ䱸⟺㕆䘹 (Zhang Yu and Chen Xin, ed. Selected Russian Short Stories ) 㕆䘹: ⌅ഭ⸝ㇷሿ䈤䘹ѝഭ䶂ᒤࠪ⡸⽮, 1978ى䎥ቁ (Zhao Shaohou, ed. Selected French Short Stories ) 䠁ᘇᒣ㕆䘹: ⌅ഭᖃԓ⸝ㇷሿ䈤䘹Ӫ≁᮷ᆖࠪ⡸⽮, 1981 (Jin Zhiping, ed. Selected Contemporary French Short Stories ) 《 ཆഭ᮷㢪》㕆䗁䜘㕆: ᖃԓ᜿བྷ࡙⸝ㇷሿ䈤䘹к⎧䈁᮷ࠪ⡸⽮, 1983 (Editorial Board of Foreign Literature and Art, ed. Contemporary Italian Short Stories ) 㪓⠅⭏ㅹ䈁: ᣹б㖾⍢⸝ㇷሿ䈤䘹Ӫ≁᮷ᆖࠪ⡸⽮, 1981 ( Latin American Short Stories , tr. Dong Yansheng et al.) ѝഭ䶂ᒤࠪ⡸⽮㕆䘹: ᣹б㖾⍢⸝ㇷሿ䈤䘹ѝഭ䶂ᒤࠪ⡸⽮, 1983 ( Selected Latin American Short Stories ) ཊӪ䈁: 㖾ഭ⸝ㇷሿ䈤䳶Ӫ≁᮷ᆖࠪ⡸⽮, 1978 ( American Short Stories ) ⦻ր㢟㕆䘹: 㖾ഭ⸝ㇷሿ䈤䘹, кǃл޼ѝഭ䶂ᒤࠪ⡸⽮, 1980 (Wang Zuoliang, ed. Selected American Short Stories , 2 vols.) ᖃԓ㖾ഭ⸝ㇷሿ䈤䳶к⎧䈁᮷ࠪ⡸⽮ (Contemporary American Short Stories ) ᷇❼ཙ䈁: 㔵⭨⸝ㇷሿ䈤䘹ཆഭ᮷ᆖࠪ⡸⽮, 1981 (Selected Burmese Short Stories , tr. Lin Huangtian) 傜Ⓚ䈁: ইᯟ᣹ཛ⸝ㇷሿ䈤䳶Ӫ≁᮷ᆖࠪ⡸⽮, 1978 (Selected Yugoslav Short Stories , tr. Ma Yuan) ᮷⌱㤕㕆䘹: ᰕᵜ⸝ㇷሿ䈤䘹Ӫ≁᮷ᆖࠪ⡸⽮, 1981 (Wen Jieruo, ed. Selected Japanese Short Stories ) ᮷⌱㤕㕆䘹: ᰕᵜᖃԓሿ䈤䘹, кǃл޼ཆഭ᮷ᆖࠪ⡸⽮, 1981 (Wen Jieruo, ed. Selected Contemporary Japanese Short Stories , 2 vols.) 儈ᖇऔ㕆䘹: ᰕᵜ⸝ㇷሿ䈤䘹ѝഭ䶂ᒤࠪ⡸⽮, 1983 (Gao Huiqin, ed. Selected Japanese Short Stories ) ेӜᐸ㤳བྷᆖ㣿㚄᮷ᆖ⹄ウᡰ㕆䘹: 㣿㚄ᖃԓሿ䈤䘹ཆഭ᮷ᆖࠪ⡸⽮, 1981 (Soviet Literature Institute, Beijing Normal University, ed. Selected Contemporary Soviet Fiction ) 《 ཆഭ᮷㢪》 㕆䗁䜘㕆: ᖃԓ㣿㚄ѝ⸝ㇷሿ䈤䘹, кǃл޼ к⎧䈁᮷ࠪ⡸⽮, 1983 Select Bibliography 175

(Editorial Board of Foreign Literature and Art, ed. Contemporary Soviet Novelettes and Short Stories , 2 vols.) 哴ᇍ⭏ㅹ䈁: ঠᓖ⧠ԓ⸝ㇷሿ䈤䘹Ӫ≁᮷ᆖࠪ⡸⽮, 1978 ( Selected Contemporary Indian Short Stories , tr. Huang Baosheng et al) ᵡ㲩㕆䘹: 㤡ഭ⸝ㇷሿ䈤䘹Ӫ≁᮷ᆖࠪ⡸⽮, 1980 (Zhu Hong, ed. Selected English Short Stories ) ᵡ㲩㕆䘹: 㤡ഭ⸝ㇷሿ䈤䘹ѝഭ䶂ᒤࠪ⡸㔤, 1981 (Zhu Hong, ed. Selected English Short Stories ) ⧠ᖃԓ㤡ഭ⸝ㇷሿ䈤䳶к⎧䈁᮷ࠪ⡸⽮ ( Modern and Contemporary English Short Stories )

c. Poetry

䛩㔋㕆: ཆഭ਽ᇦ䈇䘹䟽ᒶࠪ⡸⽮, 1983 (Zhou Jiang, ed. Selected Famous Poems from Abroad ) ഋᐍཆഭ᮷ᆖᆖՊ䘹㕆: ཆഭᣂᛵ䈇਽֌⅓䍿ഋᐍӪ≁ࠪ⡸⽮, 1983 (Foreign Literature Association of Sichuan Province, ed. Famous Foreign Lyrics for Appreciation ) 䈇࠺⽮㕆: ц⭼ᣂᛵ䈇䘹᱕仾᮷㢪ࠪ⡸⽮, 1983 (Editorial Board of Poetry Magazine, ed. Selected World Lyrical Poems ) 㧛ᇦ⾕ǃ儈ᆀት㕆: 㾯ᯩ⡡ᛵ䈇䘹╃⊏ࠪ⡸⽮, 1981 (Mo Jiaxiang and Gao Zhiju, ed. Selected Western Love Poems ) 䫡᱕㔞䈁: ᗧഭ䈇䘹к⎧䈁᮷ࠪ⡸⽮, 1982 ( Selected German Poems , tr. Qian Chunqi) 㖇⍋䈁: ⌅ഭ⧠ԓ䈇䘹 ⒆ইӪ≁ࠪ⡸⽮, 1984 ( Selected Modern French Verse , tr. Luo Lo) 㤳ᐼ㺑䈁: ⌅ഭ䘁ԓ਽ᇦ䈇䘹Ӫ≁᮷ᆖࠪ⡸⽮, 1981 ( Selected Poems of Famous Modern French Poets , tr. Fan Xiheng) ⊸བྷ࣋ǃࡈ仾Ӂ䈁: ᐤ哾ޜ⽮䈇䘹Ӫ≁᮷ᆖࠪ⡸⽮, 1984 ( Selected Poems of the Paris Commune , tr. Shen Dali and Liu Fengyun) ⭣ྕ䈁: 㖾ഭ⧠ԓޝ䈇Ӫ䘹䳶⒆ইӪ≁ࠪ⡸⽮, 1983 ( Six Modern American Poets , tr. Shen Ao) ਕ䘹⒆ইӪ≁ࠪ⡸⽮, 1983أ᷇᷇䈁: ᰕᵜਔި ( Selected Japanese Classical Haiku , tr. Lin Lin) ᶘ⛸䈁: зਦ䳶, кǃл޼⒆ইӪ≁ࠪ⡸⽮, 1984 ( Manyoshu , tr. Yang Lie, 2 vols.) ⦻ր㢟䈁: 㣿Ṭޠ䈇䘹⒆ইӪ≁ࠪ⡸⽮, 1985 ( Selected Scottish Verse , tr. Wang Zuoliang) ⦻ᆸӱ䈁: 㣿㚄ᣂᛵ䈇䘹⒆ইӪ≁ࠪ⡸⽮, 1984 (Selected Soviet Lyrics , tr. Wang Shouren) 䠁ݻᵘ䈁: ঠᓖਔ䈇䘹⒆ইӪ≁ࠪ⡸⽮, 1984 (Selected Ancient Verse of India , tr. Jin Kemu) ঎ѻ⩣䈁: 㤡ഭ䈇䘹⒆ইӪ≁ࠪ⡸⽮, 1983 176 Select Bibliography

( Selected English Verse , tr. Bian Zhilin) ḕ㢟䬞䈁: 㤡㖾⧠ԓ䈇䘹⒆ইӪ≁ࠪ⡸⽮, 1985 ( Selected Contemporary British and American Verse , tr. Zha Liangzheng) ᡤᵋ㡂䈁䈇䳶⒆ইӪ≁ࠪ⡸⽮, 1983 ( Poems Translated by Dai Wangshu ) ằᇇዡ䈁䈇䳶⒆ইӪ≁ࠪ⡸⽮, 1983 ( Poems Translated by Liang Zongdai )

d. Drama

䍍ݻ⢩, ቔླྀᯟᓃㅹ㪇ᯭ૨㦓ㅹ䈁: 㦂䈎⍮ᠿࢗ䳶к⎧䈁᮷ࠪ⡸⽮, 1982 ( Plays of the Theatre of the Absurd , tr. Shi Xianrong et al) 㦂䈎⍮ᠿࢗ䘹ཆഭ᮷ᆖࠪ⡸⽮, 1983 ( Selected Plays of the Theatre of the Absurd ) ᣹б㖾⍢⧠ԓ⤜ᒅࢗ䘹, ⦻ཞҀ䈁Ӫ≁᮷ᆖࠪ⡸⽮, 1978 ( Modern Latin American One-Act Plays , tr. Wang Yangle) ᰕᵜ⣲䀰䘹, ⭣䶎䈁Ӫ≁᮷ᆖࠪ⡸⽮, 1980 ( Nihon Kyogensho , tr. Shen Fei) ᰕᵜ⭥ᖡࢗᵜ䘹ཆഭ᮷ᆖࠪ⡸⽮, 1979 ( Selected Japanese Screen Plays ) 㖇傜ቬӊᠿࢗ䘹, ཊӪ䈁, кǃл޼ཆഭ᮷ᆖࠪ⡸⽮, 1981 ( Selected Romanian Plays , 2 vols.)

e. Essays

᱃╡⋹ㅹ䘹㕆: ཆഭᮓ᮷䘹⒆ইӪ≁ࠪ⡸⽮, 1981 (Yi Shuquan et al, ed. Selected Essays of Foreign Countries ) ѝഭ֌ᇦॿՊ⊏㣿࠶Պ㕆: ཆഭՈ⿰ᮓ᮷䘹ѝഭ᮷㢪㚄ਸࠪ⡸ޜਨ, 1984 (Writers Association of Province, ed. Outstanding Essays of Foreign Countries ) 《 ц⭼᮷ᆖ》㕆䗁䜘㕆: ཆഭՈ⿰ᮓ᮷䘹Ⲯ㣡᮷㢪ࠪ⡸⽮, 1984 (Editorial Board of World Literature Magazine, ed. Outstanding Essays of Foreign Countries )

f. Miscellaneous

㘫䈁⨶䇪о㘫䈁ᢰᐗ䇪᮷䳶ѝഭሩཆ㘫䈁ࠪ⡸࢜ਨ, 1983 ( Writings on Translation Theory and Technique ) Select Bibliography 177

《 㘫䈁䙊䇟》 㕆䗁䜘㕆: 㘫䈁⹄ウ䇪᮷䳶 (1894–1948) ཆ䈝ᮉᆖо⹄ウࠪ⡸⽮, 1984 (Editorial Board of Translation Newsletter , ed. Essays on Translation ) 㖇ᯠ⪻㕆: 㘫䈁䇪䳶୶࣑ঠҖ侶, 1984 (Luo Xinzhang, ed. Collected Writings on Translation Theory ) 䠁ݻᵘ䈁: ਔԓঠᓖ᮷㢪⨶䇪᮷䘹Ӫ≁᮷ᆖࠪ䫓⽮, 1980 ( Selected Ancient Indian Writings on Literary Theory , tr. Jin Kemu) ཆഭ᮷ᆖ⹄ウ䍴ᯉы࠺ѝഭ⽮Պ、ᆖ䲒ཆഭ᮷ᆖ⹄ウᡰ㕆 (Foreign Literature Research Institute, Academy of Social Sciences, ed. Reference Material for Foreign Literature Research, an on-going series which includes the following) ᶘઘ㘠㕆䘹: 㦾༛∄ӊ䇴䇪≷㕆, кǃл޼ѝഭ⽮Պ、ᆖࠪ⡸⽮, 1985 (Yang Zhouhan, ed. Shakespeare Criticism , 2 vols.) ᮷㖾ᜐ㕆䘹: ਨ਴⢩⹄ウཆ䈝ᮉᆖо⹄ウࠪ⡸⽮, 1982 (Wen Meihui, ed. Studies in Sir Walter Scott ) 㖇㓿ഭ㕆䘹: ⣴ᴤᯟ䇴䇪䳶к⎧䈁᮷ࠪ⡸⽮, 1982 (Luo Jinguo, ed. Dickens Criticism ) ᶘ䶉䘌㕆䘹: ࣳᵇ⢩࿺࿩⹄ウѝഭ⽮Պ、ᆖࠪ⡸⽮ (Yang Jingyuan, ed. Studies in the Brontë Sisters ) 㪓㺑ᐭ㕆䘹: ⎧᰾ေ⹄ウѝഭ⽮Պ、ᆖࠪ⡸⽮ (Dong Hengxun, ed. Studies in Ernest Hemingway ) ᵾ᮷׺㕆䘹: ⾿ݻ㓣䇴䇪䳶ѝഭ⽮Պ、ᆖࠪ⡸⽮, 1983 (Li Wenjun, ed. Critical Articles on William Faulkner ) ⅗㖾ਔި֌ᇦ䇪⧠ᇎѫѹ઼⎚╛ѫѹ, Ҽ޼ѝഭ⽮Պ、ᆖࠪ⡸⽮, 1980 ( European and American Classical Writers on Realism and Romanticism ) ཆഭ⧠ԓࢗ֌ᇦ䇪ࢗ֌ѝഭ⽮Պ、ᆖࠪ⡸⽮, 1982 ( Modern Foreign Playwrights on Dramatic Art ) 㤳Ԣ㤡(Fan Zhongying) Some remarks on the criteria of translation. Babel 36, 2 (1990), 97–110. ঎ѻ⩣ (1989)《 㦾༛∄ӊᛢࢗ䇪Ⰵ》 (ेӜй㚄)DŽ (Bian Zhilin, On Shakespeare ’s Tragedies ) ᷇㓮 (1908)《 ඇ㚹։⭏䘠》ࡽ㕆ᒿ (୶࣑ঠҖ侶, 1981)DŽ (Lin Shu, Preface to his translation of David Copperfi eld; Beijing: Commercial Press, 1981)

V. General Studies

䱸↓⾕: ѝഭ᮷ॆൠ⨶й㚄Җᓇ, 1983 (Chen Cheng-hsiang: China, a Cultural Geography ) 㪓㺑ᐭǃᵡ㲩ǃᯭ૨㦓ǃ䜁൏⭏: 㖾ഭ᮷ᆖㆰਢ кǃл޼ Ӫ≁᮷ᆖࠪ⡸⽮, 1978, 1985 (Dong Hengxun et al: Brief History of American Literature , 2 vols.) 㤳ᆈᘐ: 㤡ഭ᮷ᆖ䇪䳶ཆഭ᮷ᆖࠪ⡸⽮, 1981 178 Select Bibliography

(Fan Cunzhong: On English Literature ) ߟ㠣ㅹ: ᗧഭ᮷ᆖㆰਢкǃл޼Ӫ≁᮷ᆖࠪ⡸⽮, 1958 (Feng Zhi et al: Brief History of German Literature ) ᠸᇍᵳ: 励䗵൘ц⭼᮷ᆖкⲴൠս䲅㾯Ӫ≁ࠪ⡸⽮, 1981 (Ge Baoquan: Lu Xun’s Position in World Literature ) ᠸᇍᵳ: 䱯Q↓Ր൘ഭཆӪ≁᮷ᆖࠪ⡸⽮, 1981 (Ge Baoquan: Ah Q in Foreign Lands ) 哴؞ᐡ: ѝഭ⧠ԓ᮷ᆖㆰਢѝഭ䶂ᒤࠪ⡸⽮, 1984 (Huang Xiuji: Brief History of Modern Chinese Literature ) ᆓ㗑᷇: 㖇᪙㹽䛓ࡍ᧒ཆഭ᮷ᆖࠪ⡸⽮, 1979 (Ji Xianlin: Prolegomena to Ramayana) 䠁ݻᵘ: ∄䖳᮷ॆ䇪䳶й㚄Җᓇ, 1984 (Jin Kemu: On Comparative Culture ) ᵾ⌭৊: ѝഭ䘁ԓᙍᜣਢ䇪Ӫ≁ࠪ⡸⽮, 1979 (Li Zehou: Essays in the Intellectual History of Modern China ) ᵾ⌭৊: 㖾Ⲵশ〻᮷⢙ࠪ⡸⽮, 1981 (Li Zehou: The Beautiful: Its Evolution ) ᵾ⌭৊ǃࡈ㓢㓚: ѝഭ㖾ᆖਢㅜаধѝഭ⽮Պ、ᆖࠪ⡸⽮, 1984 (Li Zehou and Liu Gangji: History of Aesthetics in China , vol. 1) ḣ呓ҍǃ䜁ݻ励ǃᕐ㤡Ֆ: ⌅ഭ᮷ᆖਢкǃѝ޼Ӫ≁᮷ᆖࠪ⡸⽮, 1979, 1981 (Liu Mingjiu et al: History of French Literature , 2 vols, published) ⾿ᔪᐸ㤳བྷᆖѝ᮷㌫㕆䘹: 励䗵䇪ཆഭ᮷ᆖཆഭ᮷ᆖࠪ⡸⽮, 1982 (Department of Chinese, Fujian Normal University, ed. Lu Xun On Foreign Literature ) 䫡䫏Җ: 䈸㢪ᖅк⎧ᔰ᰾Җᓇ, 1948; 㺕䇒ᵜ, ਔ㉽ࠪ⡸⽮, 1985 (Qian Zhongshu: Notes on Literature and Art ) 䫡䫏Җ: ㇑䭕ㇷഋধਔ㉽ࠪ⡸⽮, 1979 (Qian Zhongshu: Perspectives on Literature , 4 vols.) 䫡䫏Җ: ᰗ᮷ഋㇷਔ㉽ࠪ⡸⽮, 1979 (Qian Zhongshu: Four Essays of Yesterday ) 䫡䫏Җ: ҏᱟ䳶俉⑟ᒯ䀂䮌ࠪ⡸⽮, 1984 (Qian Zhongshu: Yei Shi Ji (Collection of Essays)) ⦻ր㢟: 㤡ഭ᮷ᆖ䇪᮷䳶ཆഭ᮷ᆖࠪ⡸⽮, 1980 (Wang Zuoliang: Essays in the History of English Literature ) ⦻ր㢟: ѝཆ᮷ᆖѻ䰤⊏㣿Ӫ≁ࠪ⡸⽮, 1984 (Wang Zuoliang: Between Literatures ) ᶘ㔋: ᱕⌕䳶к⎧᮷㢪ࠪ⡸⽮, 1979 (Yang Jiang: Spring Earth: Collection of Essays ) ᶘઘ㘠: ᭫⦹䳶ेӜབྷᆖࠪ⡸⽮, 1983 (Yang Zhouhan: For My Mentors: Collection of Essays ) ,ᶘઘ㘠ǃ੤䗮ݳǃ䎥㩍㮔ѫ㕆: ⅗⍢᮷ᆖਢкǃл޼Ӫ≁᮷ᆖࠪ⡸⽮, 1965 1979 (Yang Zhouhan et al: History of European Literature , 2 vols) 䜁᭿: 㤡㖾䈇ⅼᠿࢗ⹄ウ ेӜᐸ㤳བྷᆖࠪ⡸⽮, 1984 Select Bibliography 179

(Zheng Min: Studies in English and American Poetry and Drama ) ᵡ㲩: 㤡㖾᮷ᆖᮓ䇪й㚄Җᓇ, 1984 (Zhu Hong: Stray Essays in English and American Literature ) ᵡݹ▌: 㾯ᯩ㖾ᆖਢкǃл޼Ӫ≁᮷ᆖࠪ⡸⽮, 1963; ㅜҼ⡸ 1979 (Zhu Guangqian: History of Western Aesthetics , 2 vols.) ᵡݹ▌:㢪᮷ᵲ䈸ᆹᗭӪ≁ࠪ⡸⽮, 1981 (Zhu Guangqian: Causeries on Art and Literature ) ᵡݹ▌: 䈇䇪й㚄Җᓇ, 1984 (Zhu Guangqian: On Poetry ) Auerbach, E. (1953). Mimesis: The representation of reality in Western literature . 1946 (Eng. Trans.). Princeton: Princeton University Press. Brower, R. A. (Ed.). (1959). On translation . Cambridge: Harvard University Press. Curtius, E. R. (1953). European literature and the Latin middle ages (English ver- sion). Princeton: Princeton University Press. Eagleton, T. (1983). Literary theory . Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press. Empson, W. (1935). Some versions of Pastoral . London: Chatto & Windus. Etiemble, R. (1963). Comparaison n’est pas raison: La Crise de la Littérature com- parée . Paris: Gallimard. Fairbank, J. K. (Ed.). (1978). The Cambridge history of China, vol. 10, Late Ching, 1800–1911, Part I . New York: Cambridge University Press. Frye, N. (1963). The well-tempered critic . Bloomington: Indiana University Press. Guillén, C. (1971). Literature as system . Princeton: Princeton University Press. Hamburger, M. (1969). The truth of poetry . London: Weidenfeld and Nicholson Hsia, C. T. (1961). History of modern Chinese fi ction 1917 – 1957. New Haven: Yale University Press. Kenner, H. (1971). The pound era . Berkeley and Los Angeles: University of California Press. Levin, H. (1966). Refractions . New York: Oxford University Press. Levin, H. (1981). Memories of the moderns . London: Faber and Faber. Liu, J. J. Y. (1975). Chinese theories of literature. Chicago: University of Chicago Press Needham, J. (1954–). Science and civilization in China. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press Prawer, S. S. (1973). Comparative literary studies: An introduction . London: Oxford University Press. Prawer, S. S. (1976). Karl Marx and world literature . Oxford: Clarendon Press. Smith, B. H. (1978). On the margins of discourse . Chicago: Chicago University Press. Spence, J. D. (1981). The gate of heavenly peace . New York: Viking. Spitzer, L. (1948). Linguistics and literary history . Princeton: Princeton University Press. Steiner, G. (1977). After Babel . London: Oxford University Press. Wakeman, F., Jr. (1977). The fall of imperial China . New York: Free Press. Weisstein, U. (1973). Comparative literature and literary theory . Bloomington: Indiana University Press. 180 Select Bibliography

VI. Recent Translations of Individual Works

Note: This list, confi ned to the years 1978–1984, is even less complete than the rest. Mainly it is based on the catalogues of three publishers, which are: Ӫ≁᮷ᆖࠪ⡸⽮ (abbrev. Ӫ᮷) People’s Literature Publishing House, Beijing; ཆഭ᮷ᆖࠪ⡸⽮ (ཆ᮷) Foreign Literature Publishing House, Beijing; 䈁᮷ࠪ⡸⽮ (䈁᮷) Translations Publishing House, Shanghai. While these are indubitably the major national publishers of translations of literary works, there are numerous provincial and municipal publishers which also put out translations from time to time. These latter are on the whole not represented. Further, some of the titles listed are new editions of old translations, with or without revi- sions. Looking over the entries again, however, the compiler is satisfi ed that most major translators and their recent productions are included. Enough has been given, perhaps, to show the range and diversity of the translations made in the period covered. Akutakawa Ryunosuke: Selected Fiction , tr. Wen Jieruo et al 㣕ᐍ嗉ѻӻ㪇, ᮷⌱㤕ㅹ䈁: ሿ䈤䘹Ӫ᮷, 1981 Hans Anderson: Selected Fairy Tales , tr. Ye Junjian 䈁: ᆹᗂ⭏ㄕ䈍䘹Ӫ᮷, 1978ڕਦੋ José Maria Arguedas: Los rios profundes , tr. Zhang Renjian 䱯Ṭ䗮ᯟ㪇, ㄐӱ䢤䈁:␡⊹Ⲵ⋣⍱Ӫ᮷, 1982 Ariyoshi Sawako: Kokotsu no Hito , tr. Xiu Feng and Wei Hui ᴹਹր઼ᆀ㪇, ⿰Ѡǃ⑝ᖇ䈁:ᙽᜊⲴӪӪ᮷, 1979 Aristotle: Poetics , tr. Luo Niansheng ӊ䟼ᯟཊᗧ㪇, 㖇ᘥ⭏䈁: 䈇ᆖӪ᮷, 1982 Miguel Angel Asturias: El senor Presidente, tr. Huang Zhiliang and Liu Jingyan 䱯ᯟമ䟼ӊᯟ㪇, 哴ᘇ㢟, ࡈ䶉䀰䈁: ᙫ㔏ݸ⭏ཆ᮷, 1980 Honoré de Balzac: Complete Works , vol. 1 䳶, ㅜаধӪ᮷, 1984ޘᐤቄᵝݻ Honoré de Balzac: Eugene Grandet ; Pere Goriot , tr. Fu Lei ⮦䈁: ⅗⾆࿞·㪋ᵇਠ儉㘱ཤӪ᮷, 1980ڵ ,ᐤቄᵝݻ㪇 Honoré de Balzac: Les Illusions perdues tr. Fu Lei 䴧䈁:ᒫ⚝Ӫ᮷, 1978ڵ ,ᐤቄᵝݻ㪇 Charles Baudelaire: LesFleurs du Mal . tr. Wang Liaoyi ⌒ᗧ㧡ቄ㪇, ⦻Ҷа䈁: ᚦѻ㣡ཆ᮷, 1980 Giro Alegria Bazan: Los Perros hambrientos , tr. He Xiao 㾯㖇·䱯㧡Ṭ䟼ӊ㪇, 䍪ᲃ䈁: 侕侯Ⲵ⤇ཆ᮷, 1982 Pierre-Augustine Caron de Beaumarchais: Two Plays ( le Barbier de Seville, le Mariage de Figaro ), tr. Wu Dayuan ঊ傜㠽㪇, ੤䗮ݳ䈁:ᠿࢗҼ⿽Ӫ᮷, 1981 Select Bibliography 181

Saul Bellow: Humboldt’s Gift 䍍ဴ㪇: ⍚๑Ⲵ⽬⢙ ⊏㣿Ӫ≁ࠪ⡸⽮ Keinrich Boll: Ansichten Eines Clowns , tr. Gao Niansheng and Zhang Liecai ՟ቄ㪇, 儈ᒤ⭏ǃᕐ⛸ᶀ䈁: ሿсѻ㿱䈁᮷, 1983 Jorge Luis Borge: Short Stories , tr. Wang Yangle ঊቄ䎛ᯟ㪇, ⦻ཞҀ䈁: ঊቄ䎛ᯟ⸝ㇷሿ䈤䳶䈁᮷, 1983 Robert Burns: Selected Poems , tr. Wang Zuoliang ⦻ր㢟䈁: ᖝᯟ䈇䘹Ӫ᮷, 1985 George Gordon Byron: 70 Lyrical Poems , tr. Yang Deyu ᶘᗧ䊛䈁: ᤌՖᣂᛵ䈇гॱ俆⒆ইӪ≁ࠪ⡸⽮, 1981 George Gorden Byron: Don Juan , 2 vols., tr. Zha Liangzheng. ᤌՖ㪇, ḕ㢟䬞䈁: ୀ⫌кǃл޼Ӫ᮷, 1980 Albert Camus: la Peste , tr. Gu Fangji and Xu Zhiren ࣐㕚㪇, 亮ᯩ⍾ǃᗀᘇӱ䈁: 啐⯛䈁᮷, 1980 Cervantes: Don Quixote , 2 vols., tr. Yang Jiang ຎзᨀᯟ㪇, ᶘ㔋䈁: าਹ䇳ᗧкǃл޼Ӫ᮷/1978 Anton Chekhov: Works , vols. 2 and 3 ཱྀ䇳ཛ㪇, ⊍嗉䈁: ᮷䳶ㅜҼǃйধ 䈁᮷, 1982, 1983 Carlo Collodi: Pinnochio , tr. Ren Yongyong 䙷䇠ཆ᮷, 1980ཷڦ⍋䘚㪇, ԫⓦ: ᵘ、 Fenimore Cooper: The Deerslayer , tr. Bai Bing ᓃ⧰㪇, ⲭ┘䈁: ᢃ咯ሶཆ᮷, 1982 D. Defoe: Robinson Crusoe , tr. Fang Yuan ㅋ⾿㪇, ᯩ৏䈁: 励┘䘺┲⍱䇠Ӫ᮷, 1982 Emily Dickenson: Selected Poems , tr. Jiang Feng ⊏ᷛ䈁: ⣴䠁἞䈇䘹⒆ইӪ≁ࠪ⡸⽮, 1984 Dostoevsky: The Insulted and the Humiliated , tr. Nan Jiang 䗡Ⲵ Ӫ᮷, 1980מ䱰ᙍ࿕㙦ཛᯟส㪇, ই⊏䈁: 㻛Ⅺ߼о㻛 Dostoevsky: Brothers Karamazov , tr. Geng Jizhi 䱰ᙍ࿕㙦ཛᯟส㪇, 㙯⍾ѻ䈁: ঑᣹⧋րཛݴᕏӪ᮷, 1981 Dostoevsky: Crime and Punishment , tr. Zhu Haiguan and Wang Xin 䱰ᙍ࿕㙦ཛᯟส㪇, ᵡ⎧㿲ǃ⦻ؑ䈁: 㖚о㖊 Alexandre Dumas peré: Count of Monte Cristo , 4 vols., tr. Jiang Xuemo བྷԢ傜㪇, 㪻ᆖ⁑䈁: สᓖኡ՟⡥ ഋ޼Ӫ᮷, 1978 Alexandre Dumas fi ls: La Dame aux camélias , tr. Wang Zhensun ሿԢ傜㪇, ⦻ᥟᆉ䈁: 㥦㣡ྣཆ᮷, 1980 Aesop’s Fables , tr. Luo Niansheng et al 㖇ᘥ⭏ㅹ䈁: Ժ㍒ሃ䀰Ӫ᮷, 1981 Eckermann: Gespräche mit Goethe , tr. Zhu Guangqian ݻᴬ䗁ᖅ, ᵡݹ▌䈁: କᗧ䈸䈍ᖅӪ᮷, 1978⡡ Ralph Ellison: The Invisible Man , tr. Ren Shaoceng et al ᣹·㢮䟼἞㪇, ԫ㓽ᴮㅹ䈁: ⴻн㿱ⲴӪཆ᮷, 1984 Antoine de Saint-Exuperv: Vol de nuit , tr. Wang Wenyi et al ൓ෳݻ㎞֙䟼㪇, ⊚᮷╚ㅹ䈁: ཌ㡚Ӫ᮷, 1981 Fadiev: Debacle , tr. Lei Ran 182 Select Bibliography

⌅ᦧ㙦ཛ㪇, ⻺❦䈁: ⇱⚝Ӫ᮷, 1978 Gustav Flaubert: Madame Bovary , tr. ੮䈁: व⌅࡙ཛӪӪ᮷, 1979ڕᾬᤌ㪇, ᵾ⾿ La Fontaine: Fables , tr. Yuan Fang ᣹ሱѩ㪇, 䘌ᯩ䈁: ሃ䀰䈇Ӫ᮷, 1982 Fumanov: Chapayev , tr. Zheng Jisheng et al ᇼᴬ䈪ཛ㪇,䜁⍾⭏ㅹ䈁 : ᚠᐤ㙦ཛཆ᮷, 1981 Rémolo Gallegos: Dona Barbara , tr. Bai Ying and Wang Xiang ࣐ࡇᠸᯟ㪇, ⲭႤǃ⦻⴨䈁: า၌ᐤᐤ᣹Ӫ᮷, 1979 Gogol: Selected Fiction and Plays , tr. Man Tao ᷌ᠸ䟼㪇, ┑⏋䈁:ሿ䈤ᠿࢗ䘹Ӫ᮷, 1979 M. Gorky: Selected Works , 4 vols. 儈ቄส㪇, ཊӪ䈁: ᮷䳶ഋধӪ᮷, 1982 M. Gorky: Memoirs , tr. Ba Jin 儉ቄส㪇, ᐤ䠁䈁: ᮷ᆖ߉➗ Ӫ᮷, 1978 M. Gorky: On Literature , tr. Meng Chang et al 儈ቄส㪇, ᆏ᰼ㅹ䈁: 䇪᮷ᆖӪ᮷, 1978 M. Gorky: Further on Literature , tr. Bing Yi et al 儈ቄส㪇, ߠཧㅹ䈁: 䇪᮷ᆖ㔝䳶Ӫ᮷, 1979 Graham Greene: The Heart of the Matter , tr. Fu Weici 㔤᝸䈁.䰞仈ⲴṨᗳཆ᮷, 1980ڵ ,Ṭ䴧঴࿶·Ṭ᷇㪇 Hafi z: Selected Lyrics , tr. Xing Bingshun ૸㨢ީ㪇, 䛒⿹亪䈁: ᣂᛵ䈇䘹ཆ᮷, 1981 Heinrich Heine: Deutschland, Ein Wintermarchen , tr. Feng Zhi ⎧⎵㪇, ߟ㠣䈁: ᗧഭ, ањߜཙⲴㄕ䈍Ӫ᮷, 1978 Heinrich Heine: Lyrische Gedichte , tr. Feng Zhi et al ⎧⎵㪇, ߟ㠣ㅹ䈁: ᣂᛵ䈇䘹䳶 ⊏㣿Ӫ≁ࠪ⡸⽮, 1984 Joseph Heller: Catch-22 , tr. Nan Jiang and Zhao Shouyin ⎧ं㪇, ই⊏ǃ䎥ᆸැ䈁: ㅜҼॱҼᶑߋ㿴 䈁᮷, 1979 A.E. Housman: The Shropshire Lad , tr. Zhou Xuliang 䴽ᯟᴬ㪇, ઘ➖㢟䈁: 㾯㖇Პ䜑ቁᒤ ⒆ইӪ≁ࠪ⡸⽮, 1983 Victor Hugo: Quartre-vingt-treize , tr. Zheng Yonghui 䴘᷌㪇, 䜁≨ᖇ䈁: ҍйᒤ Ӫ᮷, 1982 Victor Hugo: Les Miserables , 4 vols. tr. Li Dan 䴘᷌㪇, ᵾѩ䈁: ᛢ᜘ц⭼ഋধ Ӫ᮷, 1958—80 Victor Hugo: Notre Dame de Paris , tr. Chen Jingrong 䴘᷌㪇, 䱸ᮜᇩ䈁: ᐤ哾൓⇽䲒 Ӫ᮷, 1982 H. Ibsen: Peer Gynt , tr. Xiao Qian ᱃ঌ⭏㪇, 㛆Ү䈁: ษቄ·Ӝ⢩ Ӫ᮷, 1984 Ibuse Masuji: Selected Fiction , tr. Ko Yiwen ӅԿ匏Ҽ㪇, ḟ⇵᮷䈁: ሿ䈤䘹ཆ᮷, 1982 Inoue Yashushi: Tenpe no Iraka , tr. Luo Shiyi Ӆк䶆㪇, ᾬ䘲ཧ䈁: ݳᒣѻ㯘Ӫ᮷, 1980 Kafka: Castle , tr. Tang Yongkuan Select Bibliography 183

঑ཛ঑㪇, ⊔≨ᇭ䈁: ෾๑䈁᮷, 1980 Kato Taichi: Shiroi Epiron to Shiroi Yagi , tr. Gao Liefu ࣐㰔ཊа㪇, 儈⛸ཛ䈁: ⲭത㼉઼ⲭኡ㖺Ӫ᮷, 1979 Kawabata Yasunari: Maihime , tr. Tang Yuemei ᐍㄟᓧᡀ㪇, ୀᴸẵ䈁: 㡎လཆ᮷, 1984 Gottfried Keller: Der Griine Heinrich , Vol. I, tr. Tian Dewang ࠟं㪇, ⭠ᗧᵋ䈁: 㔯㺓Ә࡙к޼Ӫ᮷, 1980 O. Killens: Youngblood, 2 vols. tr. Zhang Yousong สՖᯟ㪇, ᕐ৻ᶮ䈁: ᶘᐳ᣹ᗧаᇦкǃл޼ ཆ᮷, 1980 Henry Lawson: Selected Short Stories ࣣ἞㪇, ཊӪ䈁: ⸝ㇷሿ䈤䳶Ӫ᮷, 1978 Lermontov: Hero of Our Time , tr. Zhai Songnian; another version, tr. Cao Ying 㧡㫉ᢈཛ㪇㘏ᶮᒤ䈁: ᖃԓ㤡䳴Ӫ᮷, 1978 㧡㫉ᢈཛ㪇, 㥹Ⴄ䈁: ᖃԓ㤡䳴䈁᮷, 1982 Gotthold Ephraim Lessing: Laocoon , tr. Zhu Guangqian 㧡䗋㪇, ᵡݹ▌䈁: ᣹ྗᆄӪ᮷, 1979 Mario Vargas Llosa: La Ciudad y los Perros , tr. Zhao Shaotian 傜䟼ྕ·ᐤቄᯟᯟ, ⮕㩘㪇, 䎥㓽ཙ䈁: ෾ᐲо⤇ཆ᮷, 1981 Jack London: The Call of the Wild , tr. Jiang Tianzuo ᶠݻ·Ֆᮖ㪇, 㪻ཙր䈁: 㦂䟾Ⲵબ୔ཆ᮷, 1981 Jack London: White Fang , tr. Jiang Tianzuo ᶠݻ·Ֆᮖ㪇, 㪻ཙր䈁: 䴚㱾 ཆ᮷, 1982 Jack London: Selected Short Stories , tr. Wan Zi and Yu Ning ᶠݻ·Ֆᮖ㪇, з㍛ǃ䴘ᆱ䈁: ⸝ㇷሿ䈤䘹ཆ᮷, 1981 Bernard Malamud: The Assistant , tr. Ye Feng 傜᣹唈ᗧ㪇, ਦሱ䈁: Չ䇑䈁᮷, 1980 Gabriel García Márquez: Novelettes and Short Stories , tr. Zhao Deming et al ࣐㾯ӊ·傜ቄݻᯟ㪇, 䎥ᗧ᰾ㅹ䈁: ѝ⸝ㇷሿ䈤䳶䈁᮷, 1982 Gabriel García Márquez: Cien anos de Soledad , tr. Gao Changrong; another ver- sion, tr. Huang Jinyan et al ࣐㾯ӊ·傜ቄݻᯟ㪇, 儈䮯㦓䈁: Ⲯᒤᆔ⤜《䮯ㇷሿ䈤》ᙫㅜйᵏ, ेӜॱᴸ ࠪ⡸ ⽮, 1984 ࣐㾯ӊ·傜ቄݻᯟ㪇, 哴䭖⚾ǃ⊸ഭ↓ǃ䱸⋹䈁: Ⲯᒤᆔ⤜䈁᮷, 1984 Somerset Maugham: The Moon and Six Pence , tr. Fu Weici ׯ༛ཆ᮷, 1932ޝᜏ᝸䈁: ᴸӞ઼ڵ ,࿶㪇∈ Guy de Maupassant: Selected Novelettes and Short Stories, tr. Hao Yun and Zhao Shaohou 䈁: 㧛⋺ẁѝ⸝ㇷሿ䈤䘹Ӫ᮷, 1981ى䜍䘀, 䎥ቁ Mayakovsky: Selected Works , 2 vols. 傜䳵ਟཛᯟส㪇, ཊӪ䈁: 䘹䳶кǃлধӪ᮷, 1984 Minakami Tsutomu: Selected Works ≤кࣹ㪇, ཊӪ䈁: 䘹䳶Ӫ᮷, 1982 Murasaki Shikibu: The Tale of Genji , 2 vols., tr. Feng Zikai ㍛ᔿ䜘㪇, Ѡᆀᚪ䈁: Ⓚ∿⢙䈝ҼধӪ᮷, 1980, 1982 Vladmir Nabokov: Pnin , tr. Mei Shaowu 184 Select Bibliography

㓣ঊ、ཛ㪇, ẵ㓽↖䈁:Პᆱ䈁᮷, 1982 Joyce Carol Oates: Wonderland , tr. Song Zhaolin et al Ժᯟ·঑⍋ቄ·⅗㥘㪇, ᆻݶ䵆ㅹ䈁: ཷຳཆ᮷, 1980҄ Sean O’Casey: Selected Plays , tr. Huang Yushi and Lin Yijin ྗࠟ㾯㪇, 哴䴘⸣ǃ᷇⯁Ӻ䈁: ᠿࢗ䘹Ӫ᮷, 1982 N. Ostrovsky: How Steel Was Tempered , tr. Mei Yi ቬ·ྗᯟ⢩⍋ཛᯟส㪇, ẵ⳺䈁: 䫒䫱ᱟᘾṧ⛬ᡀⲴ ཆ᮷, 1932 Plato: Dialogues , tr. Zhu Guangqian ᷿᣹മ㪇, ᵡݹ▌䈁: ᮷㢪ሩ䈍䳶Ӫ᮷, 1980 Edgar Allan Poe: Selected Short Stories , tr. Chen Liangting and Xu Ruchun ⡡䇪·එ㪇, 䱸㢟ᔧǃᗀ⊍᱕䈁: ⸝ㇷሿ䈤䘹ཆ᮷, 1982 Pushkin: Selected Lyrical Poems , tr. Liu Zhanqiu Პᐼ䠁㪇, ࡈ⒋⿻䈁: ᣂᛵ䈇䘹⒆ইӪ≁ࠪ⡸⽮, 1984 Alain Rohbe-Grillet: Les Gommes ; tr. Lin Qing 㖇ᐳ-Ṭ䟼㙦㪇, ᷇䶂䈁: ₑⳞ䈁᮷, 1981 Roman R.oland: Jean Christophe , 4 vols., tr. Fu Lei 䴧䈁: 㓖㘠, ݻ࡙ᯟᵥཛഋ޼Ӫ᮷, 1930ڵ ,㪇ޠ㖇ᴬ·㖇 Jean Jacques Rousseau: Les Confessions , 2 vols., tr. Li Xing and Fan Xiheng ঒ờ㪇, 哾ᱏ䈁: ᗿᛄᖅ (ㅜа䜘) Ӫ᮷, 1980 ঒ờ㪇, 㤳ᐼ㺑䈁: ᗿᛄᖅ (ㅜҼ䜘) Ӫ᮷, 1983 Juan Rulfo: Novelettes and Short Stories , tr. Ni Huadi et al 㜑ᆹ·励ቄ䇣㪇, ٚॾ䘚ㅹ䈁: ѝ⸝ㇷሿ䈤䳶ཆ᮷, 1980 Sadi: Rose Garden , tr. Shui Jianfu 㩘䘚㪇, ≤ᔪ俕䈁: 㭧㮷ഝӪ᮷, 1980 Le Sage: Gil Blas , tr. Yang Jiang ं㩘ᰕ㪇, ᶘ㔋䈁: ਹቄ·ᐳ᣹ᯟ George Sand: Horace , tr. Luo Guoling ҄⋫·ẁ㪇, 㖇ഭ᷇䈁: ྗ᣹ᯟ⒆ইӪ≁ࠪ⡸⽮, 1984 Walter Scott: Ivanhoe , tr. Liu Zunqi and Zhang Yi ਨ਴⢩㪇, ࡈሺỻǃㄐ⳺䈁: 㢮ࠑ䎛Ӫ᮷, 1978 Walter Scott: Heart of Midlothian , tr. Zhang Yi ਨ਴⢩㪇, ㄐ⳺䈁: ѝ⍋䗋䜑Ⲵᗳ㜿Ӫ᮷, 1981 Walter Scott: Old Mortality , tr. Wang Peide ਨ਴⢩㪇, ⦻ษᗧ䈁: ؞ໃ㘱ӪӪ᮷, 1981 Walter Scott: Kenilworth , tr. Wang Peide ਨ਴⢩㪇, ⦻ษᗧ䈁: 㛟㓣ቄ⊳ᙍ๑Ӫ᮷, 1982 William Shakespeare: Complete Works , 11 vols. tr. Zhu Shenghao et al 㦾༛∄ӊ㪇, ᵡ⭏䊚ㅹ䈁: ޘ䳶11ধ Ӫ᮷, 1978 Irwin Shaw: Rich Man, Poor Man , 2 vols., tr. Shi Xianrong et al ⅗᮷·㛆㪇, ᯭ૨㦓ㅹ䈁: ᇼӪ, ェӪкǃл޼ཆ᮷, 1980 Percy Bysshe Shelley: Selected Poems , tr. Jiang Feng ⊏ᷛ䈁: 䴚㧡䈇䘹⒆ইӪ≁ࠪ⡸⽮, 1980 Shimazaki Toson: Hakai , tr. Ke Yiwen and Chen Dewen ዋኡཷ㰔ᶁ㪇, ḟ⇵᮷ǃ䱸ᗧ᮷䈁: ⹤ᡂӪ᮷, 1982 Shiroyama Saburo: Selected Fiction , tr. Wang Dunxu and Shi Renmeng Select Bibliography 185

෾ኡй䛾㪇, ⦻ᮖᰝ, ᯭӪỖ䈁: ሿ䈤䘹ཆ᮷, 1980 Isaac Bashevis Singer: Selected Short Stories , tr. Wan Zi et al 䗋Ṭ㪇, з㍛ㅹ䈁: ⸝ㇷሿ䈤䳶ཆ᮷, 1980 Isaac Bashevis Singer: The Magician of Lublin , tr. Lu Jin and Wu Lao 䗋Ṭ㪇, 咯䠁ǃ੤ࣣ䈁: ঒ᐳ᷇Ⲵ冄ᵟᐸ 䈁᮷, 1979 Tobias Smollett: Roderick Random , tr. Yang Zhouhan ᯟᵛ㧡⢩㪇, ᶘઘ㘠䈁: 㬍ⲫՐ 䈁᮷, 1980 Sono Ayako: Selected Fiction , tr. Wen Jieruo and Wen Xuepu ᴮ䟾㔛ᆀ㪇, ᮷⌱㤕ǃ᮷ᆖᵤ䈁: ሿ䈤䘹ཆ᮷, 1982 John Steinbeck: The Grapes of Wrath , tr. Hu Zhongchi ᯟඖษݻ㪇, 㜑Ԣᤱ䈁: ᝔ᙂⲴ㪑㪑ཆ᮷, 1982 John Steinbeck: Winter of Discontent , tr. Wu Junyi ᯟඖษݻ㪇, ੤൷⠞䈁: ✖ᚬⲴߜཙӪ᮷, 1982 Strindberg: Selected Plays , tr. Shi Qin’e et al ᯟ⢩᷇๑㪇, ⸣⩤ၕㅹ䈁: ᠿࢗ䘹 J. Swift: Gulliver’s Travels , tr. Zhang Jian 䈁: Ṭࡇ֋⑨䇠Ӫ᮷, 1979ڕᯟေཛ⢩㪇, ᕐ R. Tagore: Selected Poems , tr. Shi Zhen and Xie Bingxin ⌠ᠸቄ㪇, ⸣ⵏǃ䉒ߠᗳㅹ䈁: 䈇䘹Ӫ᮷, 1980 Henry David Thoreau: Walden , tr. Xu Chi ờ㖇㪇, ᗀ䘏䈁: ⬖ቄⲫ⒆䈁᮷, 1982 R. Tressell: The Ragged-Trousered Philanthropists , tr. Sun Zhu et al ⢩䴧ຎቄ㪇, ᆉ䬒ㅹ䈁: ク⹤㼔ᆀⲴ᝸ழᇦ 䈁᮷ A Thousand and One Nights , Vols. 1–6, tr. Na Xun 㓣䇝䈁: аॳ䴦аཌ 1а6 ধ Ӫ᮷, 1982–1984 Leo Tolstoy: Anna Karenina, 2 vols., tr. Zhou Yang and Xie Sutai; another ver- sion, tr. Cao Ying ࡇཛ·ᢈቄᯟ⌠㪇, ઘᢜǃ䉒㍐ਠ䈁: ᆹ၌·঑ࡇቬ၌кǃл޼Ӫ᮷, 1981 ࡇཛ·ᢈቄᯟ⌠㪇, 㥹Ⴄ䈁: ᆹ၌, ঑ࡇቬ၌кǃл޼ 䈁᮷, 1982 Leo Tolstoy: Resurrection , tr. Ru Long: another version, tr. Cao Ying ࡇཛ·ᢈቄᯟ⌠㪇, ⊍嗉䈁: ༽⍫؞䇒ᵜӪ᮷, 1979 ࡇཛ·ᢈቄᯟ⌠㪇, 㥹Ⴄ䈁: ༽⍫䈁᮷, 1983 Leo Tolstoy: Caucasian Captive , tr. Shi Yi et al ࡇཛ·ᢈቄᯟ⌠㪇, 䘲ཧㅹ䈁: 儈࣐㍒Ⲵ؈㱿 Ivan Sergeyevich Turgeniev: Virgin Soil , tr. Ba Jin ነṬ⎵ཛ㪇, ᐤ䠁䈁: ༴ྣൠӪ᮷, 1979 Valmiki: Ramayana , 7 vols., tr. Ji Xianlin 㲱ු㪇, ᆓ㗑᷇䈁: 㖇᪙㹽䛓гধ (ޛ޼) Ӫ᮷, 1980–84 I. M. Vazov: Selected Poems, tr. Yang Yanjie Հրཛ㪇, ᶘ⠅ᶠ䈁: 䈇䘹Ӫ᮷, 1982 Jules Verne: Selected Works , tr. various hands (7 titles published) ࠑቄ㓣䘹䳶, ཊӪ䈁 (ᐢࠪ7⿽) ѝഭ䶂ᒤࠪ⡸⽮ 1979–81 Virgil: Aeneid , tr. Yang Zhouhan 㔤⩚ቄ㪇, ᶘઘ㘠䈁: ෳ⎵䱯ᯟ㓚Ӫ᮷, 1984 Voltaire: Selected Fiction , tr. Fu Lei 186 Select Bibliography

䴧䈁: Կቄ⌠ሿ䈤䘹Ӫ᮷, 1980ڵ Oscar Wilde: Picture of Dorian Gray , tr. Rong Rude Ӫ᮷, 1982 ۿቄᗧ㪇, 㦓ྲᗧ䈁: 䚃䘎·㪋䴧Ⲵ⭫⦻ Herman Wouk: Winds of War , 3 vols. ݻ㪇, ཊӪ䈁: ᡈҹ仾Ӂкǃѝǃл޼Ӫ᮷, 1979⊲ Herman Wouk: War and Remembrance , 4 vols. ݻ㪇, ཊӪ䈁: ᡈҹоഎᗶ, 1а4 ޼Ӫ᮷, 1981⊲ Yashar Kemal: Ince Memed , tr. Li Xiande, Vol. 1 䳵㩘ቄ·ࠟ傜ቄ㪇, ᵾ䍔ᗧ䈁:Ⱉᆀ哖哖ᗧ ㅜаধཆ᮷, 1981 Emile Zola: L’Argent , tr. Dong Lin ᐖ᣹㪇, ߜ᷇䈁: 䠁䫡Ӫ᮷, 1980 Emile Zola: Germinal , tr. Li Ke ᐖ᣹㪇, 哾ḟ䈁: 㨼㣭Ӫ᮷, 1982

VII. Shakespeare Studies

i . 各ࢗ注䟺本 (Editions)

ࢗ: ૸࿶䴧⢩, 㼈ޝ㼈ݻᆹѫ㕆, 㦾༛∄ӊ⌘䟺ыҖ, ेӜ୶࣑, 1985——(ᐢࠪ ࣋ᯟ·ࠟ᫂, Ԣ༿ཌѻỖ, ㅜॱҼཌ, ᰐһ⭏䶎, Ә࡙ӄц) (Qiu Ke’an gen. ed. William Shakespeare: Works, Beijing, 1984—. Individual plays and The Sonnets in single volumes with English texts and Chinese annotations; to date the following published: Hamlet, Julius Caesar, A Midsummer Night ’s Dream, The Twelfth Night, Much Ado About Nothing, Henry V, The Sonnets. )

ii. 䈁䈁ᵜᵜ (Translations)

1 . ࢗࢗ֌֌ (Plays)

ᵡ⭏䊚ㅹ䈁, 㦾༛∄ӊޘ䳶, 11 ধ, ेӜӪ≁᮷ᆖࠪ⡸⽮, 1978 (ޡ 37 ࢗ, ᵡ䈁 31 ࢗ, ਖᯩᒣ䈁Ә࡙ӄц, ᯩ䟽䈁⨶ḕйц, ㄐ⳺䈁Ә࡙ޝц, ᶘઘ㘠䈁Ә࡙ޛ ц, ԕ৺ằᇇዡǃᕐ䉧㤕ǃᶘᗧ䊛ǃ哴䴘⸣Ⲵ䈇ⅼ䈁᮷) (Complete Works of William Shakespeare . Trans. Zhu Shenghao and others, 11 vols. Beijing 1978. Altogether 37 Plays, 31 of which were translated by Zhu Shenghao. Henry V was translated by Fang Ping; Richard III by Fang Chong; Henry VI by Zhang Yi and Henry VIII by yang Zhouhan. Translations of poems were by Liang Zongdai, Zhang Guruo, Yang Deyu, Huang Yushi, etc.) ằᇎ⿻䈁, 㦾༛∄ӊᠿࢗޘ䳶, к⎧୶࣑, 1939 ᒤࡽࠪ 8 ࢗ, ަ։൘ޝॱᒤԓ ൘ਠ⒮㔝ࠪᆼᡀDŽ( Complete Dramatic Works of William Shakespeare . Trans. Liang Shiqiu. The fi rst 8 plays were published in Shanghai in 1939, and the rest in Taiwan in the 1960s.) Select Bibliography 187

ᴩᵚ仾䈁, 㦾༛∄ӊޘ䳶 (ӵ11ࢗ), 䍥䱣᮷䙊, 1942—1944 ( Complete Works of William Shakespeare. 11 plays only. Trans. Cao Weifeng. 1942—1944.) ᴩᵚ仾䈁, 㦾ࢗ 12 ⿽, к⎧ᯠ᮷㢪, 1955–1962 (Twelve Plays by William Shakespeare . Trans. Cao Weifeng. Shanghai 1955—1962.) ঎ѻ⩣䈁, 㦾༛∄ӊᛢࢗഋ⿽, ेӜӪ≁᮷ᆖࠪ⡸⽮, 1988 (޵ਜ਼૸࿶䴧⢩, ,㖇, 䟼ӊ⦻, 哖ݻⲭᯟ) (William Shakespeare, Four Tragedies Hamlet⪏ྕ Othello, King Lear and Macbeth Trans. Bian Zhilin, Beijing 1988.) ᯩᒣ䈁, 㦾༛∄ӊௌࢗӄ⿽, к⎧䈁᮷, 1979 (Ԣ༿ཌѻỖ, ေቬᯟ୶Ӫ, ᦅ仾 ᥹ᖡ, ⑙㦾Ⲵ仾⍱၈ݯԜ, ᳤仾䴘) (William Shakespeare, Five Comedies. Including Midsummer Night ’s Dream, The Merchant of Venice, Much Ado About Nothing, The Merry Wives of Windsor, The Tempest . Trans. Fang Ping, Shanghai 1979.) ⭠≹䈁, ૸ᆏ䴧⢩,《 ቁᒤѝഭ》ᵲᘇ, 1921; к⎧ѝॾ, 1922 (Hamlet . Trans. Tian Han. 1st published 1921; Shanghai 1922.) ⭠≹䈁, 㖇ᇶ⅗оᵡѭਦ, к⎧ѝॾ, 1924 (Romeo and Juliet. Trans. Tian Han. Shanghai 1924.) ᴩ⿪䈁, Ḅ 㵌⅗оᒭѭਦ, 䟽ᒶ, 1944; ेӜӪ≁᮷ᆖࠪ⡸⽮, 1979 (Romeo and Juliet . Trans. Cao Yu. Chongqing, 1944; Beijing 1979.) ḣᰐᗼ䈁, 䈕᫂བྷሶ, 䟽ᒶ, 1944 (William Shakespeare, Julius Caesar . Trans. Liu Wu-chi. Chongqing 1944.) ᶘᲖ䈁, 䳵ިӪਠ┑, 䟽ᒶ, 1944 ( Timor of Athens . Trans. Yang Hui. Chongqing 1944.) ᆉབྷ䴘䈁, 哾⨺⦻, к⎧୶࣑, 1948 ( King Lear . Trans. Sun Dayu. Shanghai 1948.) ੅㦗䈁, Ԣ༿ཌѻỖ, ेӜӪ≁᮷ᆖࠪ⡸⽮, 1954 (A Midsummer Night ’s Dream . Trans. Lü Ying. Bejing 1954.) ੤ޤॾ䈁, Ә࡙ഋц, ेӜӪ≁᮷ᆖࠪ⡸⽮, 1957 ( Henry IV . Trans. Wu Xinghua. Beijing 1957.) ᯩ䟽䈁, ⨶ḕйц, ेӜӪ≁᮷ᆖࠪ⡸⽮, 1959 (Richard III . Trans. Fang Chong. Beijing 1959.) ᯩᒣ䈁, ྕ⪏㖇, к⎧䈁᮷, 1980 ( Othello . Trans. Fang Ping. Shanghai 1980.) 㤡㤕䈊䈁, 䈧ੋޕ⬞,《 ཆഭ᮷ᆖ》, 1981 ᒤㅜ 7 ᵏ ( Measure for Measure. Trans. Ying Ruocheng. Foreign Literatures , No. 7, 1981.) ਼᷇⍾䈁, ѩ哖⦻ᆀ૸࿶䴧Ⲵᛢࢗ,《 ѝഭᠿࢗ》, 1983 ( Hamlet . Trans. Lin Tongji, Shanghai 1983.)

2 . 䈇 (Poems)

ॱഋ㹼䳶 (Sonnets) ằᇇዡ䈁《ॱഋ㹼䈇》 《( 㦾༛∄ӊޘ䳶》ㅜ 11 ধ, 1978; ᦞ《㦾༛∄ӊⲴ୶㉱》 ㅹᰗ䈁) (William Shakespeare. Sonnets . Trans. Liang Zongdai, included in the 1978 Complete Works .) ᶘ⟉喴䈁 《ॱഋ㹼䈇䳶》, ޵㫉ਔ, 1980 (Sonnets . Trans. Yang Xiling, Inner Mongolia 1980.) ነየ䈁《ॱഋ㹼䈇䳶》, к⎧䈁᮷, 1981 (ᦞ1950ᰗ䈁) (Sonnets . Trans. Tu An, Shanghai 1981.) 188 Select Bibliography

㔤㓣ᯟо䱯䜭ቬ (ᴩǃᯩҼ䈁䈁਽⮕ᔲ) ᴩ呯➗䈁 1934; 䟽ᒶབྷᰦԓ, 1943 ᯩᒣ䈁 1952; к⎧䈁᮷, 1985 ᕐ䉧㤕䈁 《( 㦾༛∄ӊޘ䳶》, 1978) ( Venus and Adonis. Trans. Cao Hongzhao 1934; Chongqing, 1934 Trans. Fang Ping 1952; Shanghai 1985. Trans. Zhang Guruo, included in the 1978 Complete Works .) 励ݻѭэਇ䗡䇠 ᶘᗧ䊛䈁 《( 㦾༛∄ӊޘ䳶》, 1978) ( The Rape of Lucrece . Trans. Yang Deyu, included in the 1978 Complete Works .) ᛵྣᙘ 哴䴘⸣䈁 《( 㦾༛∄ӊޘ䳶》, 1978) (A Lovers Complaint . Trans. Huang Yushi, included in the 1978 Complete Works .) ࠔࠠоᯁ呐 哴䴘⸣䈁 《( 㦾༛∄ӊޘ䳶》, 1978) ⦻ր㢟䈁 《( 䈫Җ》, 1991ᒤㅜ 1 ᵏ) ( ਖᮓ㿱ᵡ⒈:《 ⮚⸣ῤ䳶》, к⎧୶࣑, 1936; ḣᰐᗼ䈁:《 㦾༛∄ӊᰦԓⲴᣂᛵ 䈇》, 䟽ᒶབྷᰦԓ, 1942) ( The Phoenix and the Turtle. Trans. Huang Yushi, included in the 1978 Complete Works; Trans. Wang Zuoliang, published in Du Shu, No. 1, 1991. Translations of parts of the poem are also to be found in Zhu Xiang, Shanghai 1936 and in Liu Wu-chi, Chongqing 1942.)

3 . 㦾㦾ࢗ᭵һࢗ᭵һ (Tales from Plays)

੏䗩⠅䈝 (᷇㓔䈁, ⧋ѭоḕቄᯟ·ޠ࿶㪇《Ӿ㦾༛∄ӊᶕⲴ᭵һ》 1809) к⎧ ୶࣑, 1904 (Mary and Charles Lamb, Tale s from Shakespeare. Trans. Lin Shu, Shanghai 1904.) 㦾༛∄ӊ᭵һ䳶 (㛆Ү䈁, ৏㪇ণѪޠ࿶࿺ᕏᡰ߉), ेӜѝഭ䶂ᒤ, 1957 (Mary and Charles Lamb, Tales from Shakespeare . Trans. Xiao Qian, Beijing 1957.) 㦾༛∄ӊশਢࢗ᭵һ䳶 (㤡ഭཾं——ᓃཷ᭩߉, ⊔ⵏ䈁), ेӜѝഭ䶂ᒤ, 1981 ཾं——ᓃཷѪ㤡ഭ਽ᆖ㘵, ㅄ਽Q, ↔Җवਜ਼ॱањ㦾ࢗ᭵һ, Ѫޠ࿶࿺ᕏᡰ ᵚ䘠DŽ(Quiller-Couch, Historical Tales from Shakespeare. Trans. Tang Zhen, Beijing 1981.) Select Bibliography 189

iii. ⭏⭏ᒣᒣ (Life)

㼈ݻᆹ, 㦾༛∄ӊᒤ䉡 (㤡≹ሩ➗) ेӜ୶࣑, 1988 (Qiu Ke’an, Shakespeare : The Chronological Life (bilingual), Beijing 1988.) ᆹ·՟ਹᯟ㪇ǃࡈഭӁ䈁: 㦾༛∄ӊՐेӜ 1987 (Anthony Burgess, Shakespeare . Trans. Liu Guoyun, Beijing 1987.)

i v . 䇴䇴ӻӻ (Criticism)

1 . Җ (Books)

ᶘઘ㘠㕆䘹, 㦾༛∄ӊ䇴䇪≷㕆 (кл޼) ⽮、1979, 1981 (Yang Zhouhan ed., Selected Shakespeare Criticism , 2 vols., Beijing 1979, 1981.) ᯭ૨㦓, 㦾༛∄ӊ઼ԆⲴᠿࢗ, ेӜ, 1981 (Shi Xianrong, Shakespeare and His Plays , Beijing 1981.) ᯩᒣ, ઼㦾༛∄ӊӔњᴻ৻੗, ഋᐍӪ≁, 1981 (Fang Ping, Make Friends with Shakespeare . Sichuan 1981.) 䍪⾕哏ㅹ, 㦾༛∄ӊ⹄ウ᮷䳶, 䲅㾯Ӫ≁, 1982 (He Xianglin, Essays on Shakespeare . Shaanxi 1982.) 䎥Ԣ⊵, 㤡ഭՏབྷᠿࢗᇦ㦾༛∄ӊ, ेӜ୶࣑, 1983 (Zhao Zhongyuan, Shakespeare the Great English Dramatist . Beijing 1983.) ㍒ཙㄐ, 㦾༛∄ӊ—ԆⲴ֌૱৺ަᰦԓ, к⎧༽ᰖ, 1986 (Suo Tianzhang, Shakespeare , his Works and Times . Shanghai 1986.) ᕐ⌇⾕ㅹ, 㦾༛∄ӊᕅ䇪(кл޼), ѝഭᠿࢗ, 1988. (Zhang Sixiang et al, Introduction to Shakespeare 2 vols., Beijing 1988.) ঎ѻ⩣, 㦾༛∄ӊᛢࢗ䇪Ⰵ, ेӜй㚄, 1989 (Bian Zhilin, On Shakespeare ’s Tragedies , Beijing 1989.) ᴩṁ䫗ǃᆉ⾿㢟, 㦾༛∄ӊ൘ѝഭ㡎ਠк, ૸ቄ┘ࠪ⡸⽮, 1989 (Cao Shujun and Sun Fuliang, Shakespeare on the Chinese Stage , Harbin 1989.) ⦻ր㢟, 㦾༛∄ӊ㔚䇪—ެ৺ѝഭ㦾ᆖ, 䟽ᒶࠪ⡸⽮, 1991 (Wang Zuoliang, Preliminary Essays on Shakespeare—and Shakespeare in China , Chongqing 1991.)

(ॱᒤԓѝഭ㦾ᆖ⹄ウⲴབྷ㠤ᯩ 䶒ޛॱᒤԓѝഭ㦾ᆖ⹄ウⲴབྷ㠤ᯩ᰾ޛ䇪䇪᮷᮷ (Articles) (ѮѮֻᙗ䍘ֻᙗ䍘, 䈤䈤᰾ . 2

a . ᙫ䇪 (General)

䱸ᲃॾ, ޣҾ “㦾༛∄ӊॆ” 䰞仈 (к) (л), ᰶ᰾ᐸ䲒ᆖᣕ, 1980, 1, 2DŽ (Chen Xiaohua, About the Question of Shakespearization. Journal of Kunming Teachers Training College , 1 & 2, 1980.) 190 Select Bibliography

,੮, “㦾༛∄ӊॆ” о “ᑝंᔿ”, 《ᠿࢗ㢪ᵟ䇪ы》, 1980, 2 (Li Jianwuڕᵾ Shakespearization versus Schillerization. Dramatic Art Miscellany , 2, 1980.) ᯩᒣ, ӰѸਛ “㦾༛∄ӊॆ”?《 ཆഭ᮷ᆖ⹄ウ》, 1982, 3 (Fang Ping, What is Shakespearization? Foreign Literature Research , 3, 1982.) ⦻ր㢟, 㤡ഭ䈇ࢗо㦾༛∄ӊ,《 㦾༛∄ӊ⹄ウ》, ࡋ࠺ਧ 1983 (Wang Zuoliang, English Poetic Drama and Shakespeare. Shakespeare Studies . S. S., 1, 1983.) ᆉབྷ䴘, ޣҾ㦾༛∄ӊᠿࢗⲴࠐњ䰞仈,《 ཆഭ᮷ᆖ⹄ウ》, 1983, 1 (Sun Dayu, Some Questions Concerning Shakespeare’s Plays. Foreign Literature Research , 1, 1983.) ᶘઘ㘠, 㦾༛∄ӊྲᱟ䈤,《 㦾༛∄ӊ⹄ウ》, ࡋ࠺ਧ 1983 (Yang Zhouhan, Thus Spake Shakespeare. S. S., 1, 1983.) 䎥◗, 䈸䈸㦾༛∄ӊⲴᠿࢗࡋ֌઼Ӫ⢙ກ䙐, 《㦾༛∄ӊ⹄ウ》, ࡋ࠺ਧ 1983 (Zhao Li, Shakespeare’s Drama and Characterization. S. S . 1, 1983.) 傜⧲, 㦾ࢗ䟼Ⲵᇇᮉц⭼,《 ᠿ᮷》, 1989, 3 (Ma Ke, Religion in Shakespeare’s Plays. Xi Wen 3, 1983.) 䎥⇵㺑, “㦂䉜” Ⲵ㦾༛∄ӊ, 《㦾༛∄ӊ⹄ウ》, ㅜ 2 ᵏ 1984 (Zhao Yiheng, “Absurd” Shakespeare. S. S . 2, 1984.)

b . ਴ࢗ࠶䇪 (On Individual Plays)

ᆉᇦ⿰, 㦾༛∄ӊⲴ《૸࿶䴧⢩》,《 ཆഭ᮷ᆖ⹄ウ䳶࠺》, ㅜ 6 䗁 1982 (Sun Jiaxiu, Shakespeare’s Hamlet. Foreign Literature Studies , No. 6, 1982.) ᮷䖙, ҏ䈸《૸࿶䴧⢩》 ࢗѝⲴєњ䰞仈,《 㦾༛∄ӊ⹄ウ》, ㅜ 3 ᵏ 1986 (Wen Xuan, Two Questions in Hamlet. S. S . 3, 1986.) 䱸䳴, 䟽ᯠᮤྭ㝡㢲ҶⲴᰦԓ——䇴《૸࿶䴧⢩》 Ⲵѫ仈,《 㦾༛∄ӊ⹄ウ》, ㅜ 3 ᵏ, 1986 (Chen Xiong, Repair the Time Out of Joint. S. S . 3, 1986.) ᆉᇦ⿰,《ྕ⪏㖇》Ⲵ㢪ᵟ࠶᷀,《 㦾༛∄ӊ⹄ウ》, ㅜ 2 ᵏ, 1984 (Sun Jiaxiu, An Artistic Analysis of Othello. S.S . 2, 1984.) ,ᕐੋᐍ,《 哖ݻⲭ》 Ⲵᛢࢗᙗ,《 㦾༛∄ӊ⹄ウ》, ㅜ 2 ᵏ 1984 (Zhang Junchuan The Tragic Quality of Othello. S. S . 2, 1984.) 䜁᭿,《 ᵾቄ⦻》 Ⲵ䊑ᖱ᜿ѹ,《 㦾༛∄ӊ⹄ウ》, ࡋ࠺ਧ 1983 (Zheng Min, The Symbolic Meaning of King Lear. S. S ., 1, 1983.) ᆉᇦ⿰《, ᵾቄ⦻》: ભ仈ᔿⲴਠ䇽о␡࡫Ⲵਜ਼᜿《, 㦾༛∄ӊ⹄ウ》, ㅜ 3 ᵏ 1986 (Sun Jiaxiu, King Lear : Salient Expressions in the Dialogue and Their Deep Thematic Signifi cance. S. S . 3, 1986.) ᡤ䭿喴, ޣҾ䛃㛟䘉њӪ⢙Ⲵ᧒䇘,《 㦾༛∄ӊ⹄ウ》, ࡋ࠺ਧ 1983 (Dai Liuling, Notes on Macbeth. S. S ., 1, 1983.) ,ઘ⧿㢟,《 哖ݻⲭ》Ⲵᛢࢗ᭸᷌,《 㦾༛∄ӊ⹄ウ》, ࡋ࠺ਧ 1983 (Zhou Jueliang The Tragic Effect of Macbeth. S. S . 1, 1983.) ᵾ䍻ᆱ, 㦾༛∄ӊⲴ《Ⲷབྷ⅒ௌ》, 《㦾༛∄ӊ⹄ウ》, ࡋ࠺ਧ 1983 (Li Funing, Shakespeare’s As You Like It. S. S ., 1. 1983.) ᵾ䍻ᆱ, 㦾༛∄ӊⲴ《⨶ḕҼц》,《 㦾༛∄ӊ⹄ウ》, ㅜ 2 ᵏ 1984 (Li Fun-ing, Shakespeare’s Richard II. S. S . 2 1984.) Select Bibliography 191

ᯩ䟽, ޣҾ㦾༛∄ӊⲴ 《⨶ḕйц》, 《㦾༛∄ӊ⹄ウ》, ࡋ࠺ਧ 1983 (Fang Chong, Shakespeare’s Richard III. S. S ., 1, 1982.) 䱞ඔ,《 ေቬᯟ୶Ӫ》 о《䇪⣩ཚӪ䰞仈》,《 㦾༛∄ӊ⹄ウ》, ㅜ 2 ᵏ 1984 (Ruan Shen, The Merchant of Venice and Marx ’ s On the Jewish Question. S. S. 2, 1984)

c . 䈝䀰ǃ仾Ṭ (Language and Style)

亮㕃᰼, ޣҾ㦾༛∄ӊⲴ䈝䀰䰞仈, 《㦾༛∄ӊ⹄ウ》, ࡋ࠺ਧ 1983 (Gu Shouchang, On Shakespeare’s Language. S. S., 1, 1983.) ⦻ր㢟, ⲭփ䈇ਾ䶒Ⲵᜣ䊑ц⭼《, 㦾༛∄ӊ⹄ウ》, ㅜ 2 ᵏ 1984 (Wang Zuoliang, The World within Elizabethan Blank Verse—Shakespeare ’s Use of Language (1). S. S . 2, 1984.) ⦻ր㢟, ⲭփ䈇൘㡎ਠкⲴᴰਾᰕᆀ,《 㦾༛∄ӊ⹄ウ》, ㅜ 3 ᵏ 1986 (Wang Zuoliang, Last Days of Blank Verse on the Stage—Shakespeare’s Use of Language (2). S. S . 3, 1986.)

d . ∄䖳⹄ウ (Comparative Studies)

ᯩᒣ, ᴩ⿪઼㦾༛∄ӊ,《 㦾༛∄ӊ⹄ウ》, ㅜ 2 ᵏ 1984 (Fang Ping, Cao Yu and Shakespeare. S. S . 2, 1984) ᇊᙗоᔰ᭮ර——㦾༛∄ӊоѝഭᠿᴢⲴ㢪ᵟ∄䖳, 《㦾༛∄ӊ⹄ٷ ,傜❟㦓 ウ》, ㅜ 2 ᵏ 1984 (Ma Zhuorong, Assumption and the Expansive Type: a Comparison between Shakespeare’s Art and that of Chinese Drama. S. S . 2, 1984.) ᴩՐ䫗ǃᆉ⾿㢟, 㦾༛∄ӊሩѝഭᠿࢗਁኅⲴᖡ૽઼֌⭘, 《㦾༛∄ӊ⹄ウ》, ㅜ 3 ᵏ 1986 (Cao Chuanjun and Sun Fuliang, Remarks on Shakespeare’s Infl uence on, and the Role He Played in, the Development of Chinese Drama. S. S . 3, 1986.) Wu Qianzhi, The Globe and the Garden—Some Parallels in Stagecraft Between Shakespeare and Beijing Opera. Wen Yuan , Studies in Language , Literature and Culture 1. Beijing 1987

e . ╄ࠪ⹄ウ (Staging)

Philip Brockbank, Shakespeare Renaissance in China. Shakespeare Quarterly 40 (1988) 哴րѤ, 㦾༛∄ӊᰦԓⲴ㦾ࢗ╄ࠪ, 《㦾༛∄ӊ⹄ウ》, ㅜ 2 ᵏ 1984 (Huang Zuolin, Shakespeare’s Drama in England. S. S . 2, 1984.) ੤ݹ㘰, ㆰ䈸㦾ࢗ╄ࠪᖒᔿѻ╄ਈ, 《㦾༛∄ӊ⹄ウ》, ㅜ 2 ᵏ 1984 (Wu Guangyao, A Brief Discussion of the Evolution of the Presentation Form of Shakespeare’s Drama. S. S . 2, 1984.) Carolyn Wakeman, Measure for Measure on the Chinese Stage Shakespeare Quarterly , 33 (1982) 192 Select Bibliography

哴րѤ,《 Ḅ㵌⅗оᒭѭਦ》 ሬ╄Ⲵ䈍,《 㦾༛∄ӊ⹄ウ》, ࡋ࠺ਧ 1983 (Huang Zuolin, Director’s Notes on Romeo and Juliet. S. S ., 1, 1983.) ,⨶ᕐཷ㲩, ൘ᇎ䐥઼᧒㍒ѝⲴݯ⛩փՊ——䈅䈸 《ေቬᯟ୶Ӫ》 Ⲵሬ╄༴ 《㦾༛∄ӊ⹄ウ》, ࡋ࠺ਧ 1983 (Zhang Qihong, On Directing The Merchant of Venice. S. S ., 1, 1983.) ᗀԱᒣ, 《㖇ᇶ⅗оᵡѭਦ》 ሬ╄ᵝ䇠, 《㦾༛∄ӊ⹄ウ》, ࡋ࠺ਧ 1983 (Xu Qiping, Notes on Directing Romeo and Juliet. S. S ., 1, 1983.) ᜐ㓚, 《ေቬᯟ୶Ӫ》 ╄ࠪᛵߥ, 《㦾༛∄ӊ⹄ウ》, ࡋ࠺ਧ 1983 (Hui Ji, On Staging The Merchant of Venice. S. S ., 1, 1983.) 䱶⦹▴, 䈸《ေቬᯟ୶Ӫ》Ⲵ㡎ਠ㖾ᵟ䇮䇑,《 㦾༛∄ӊ⹄ウ》 ㅜҼᵏ 1984 (Lu Yucheng, Remarks on the Stage Designs of The Merchant of Venice. S. S . 2, 1984.) ፄਟ䘚, ᧒≲㦾ࢗ╄ࠪ䘎䍟ᙗⲴа⅑ᇎ䐥——《Ḅᇶ⅗оᒭѭਦ》 㡎ਠ䇮䇑ᗇ ཡ䈸,《 㦾༛∄ӊ⹄ウ》, ㅜ 2 ᵏ 1984 (Cui Kedi, An Attempt at continuity in the Performance of Shakespeare’s Dramatic Works: the Merits and Shortcomings of the Stage Design of Romeo and Juliet. S. S . 2, 1984.)

f . 㘫䈁᧒䇘 (Studies of Translation Technique)

঎ѻ⩣,《 ૸࿶䴧⢩》 Ⲵ≹䈝㘫䈁৺ަ᭩㕆⭥ᖡⲴ≹䈝䝽丣,《 㦾༛∄ӊ⹄ウ》, ࡋ࠺ਧ 1983 (Bian Zhilin, On Translating Hamlet into Chinese and on the Chinese Dubbing of Its Film Version. S. S ., 1, 1983.) ⦻ր㢟, ањ㦾ࢗ㘫䈁ᇦⲴশ〻,《 ѝഭ㘫䈁》, 1990, 1 (Wang Zuoliang, Bian Zhilin at 80: a Poet-Translator’s Achievement. Chinese Translators Journal , 1, 1990.)

3 . ҖҖ䇴о᮷䇪㔬䘠䇴о᮷䇪㔬䘠 (Surveys and Book Reviews)

Chang Cheng-hsian, Shakespeare in China. Shakespeare Survey 6, 1953 ᠸᇍᵳ, 㦾༛∄ӊ֌૱൘ѝഭ,《 㦾༛∄ӊ⹄ウ》 ࡋ࠺ਧ 1983 (Ge Baoquan, Shakespeare ’ s Works in China. S. S . 1, 1983.) He Qixin, China’s Shakespeare. Shakespeare Quarterly 37 (1986) ᆏᇚᕪ, ѝॾ㦾ᆖॱᒤ (1978–1988), 《ཆഭ᮷ᆖ⹄ウ》 1990, 2 (Meng Xianqiang, Shakespeare Studies in China: 1978–1988. Foreign Literature Research , 2, 1990.) ᶘઘ㘠, Ҽॱц㓚㦾䇴,《 ཆഭ᮷ᆖ⹄ウ》, 1980, 4 (Yang Zhouhan, Twentieth- Century Shakespeare Studies. Foreign Literature Research , 2, 1990.) ᵾ䍻ᆱ, 㾯ᯩ㦾༛∄ӊ䇴䇪઼⹄ウᾲߥ,《 㦾༛∄ӊ⹄ウ》, ㅜ 3 ᵏ 1986 (Li Funing, A Survey of Shakespeare’s Studies and Criticism in the West. S. S. 3, 1986.) 㼈ݻᆹ, 㦾ᆖ൘㤡ഭ,《 㦾༛∄ӊ⹄ウ》, ㅜ 3 ᵏ 1986 (Qiu Ke’an, Shakespeare Studies in Britain. S. S . 1, 1983.) 䱞ඔ, 㣿㚄㦾ᆖਢ䇪䗁㾱——ެ䈸 “ѝ䰤⣦ᘱ” 䰞仈,《 㦾༛∄ӊ⹄ウ》, ㅜ 3 ᵏ 1986 (Ruan Shen, Abstracts from Papers on the History of Shakespeare Studies in the Soviet Union. S. S . 3, 1986.) Select Bibliography 193

㤳ᆈᘐ, 㓖㘠⭏䇪㦾༛∄ӊᠿࢗ, 《㦾༛∄ӊ⹄ウ》, ࡋ࠺ਧ 1983 (Fan Cunzhong, Samuel Johnson on Shakespeare. S. S . 1, 1983.) 䇨ഭ⪻, ⡡唈⭏䇪㦾༛∄ӊ,《 㦾༛∄ӊ⹄ウ》, ࡋ࠺ਧ 1983 (Xu Guozhang, Emerson on Shakespeare. S. S . 1, 1983.) ᠸᇍᵳ䈁, 㼤ཊ㼤䇪㦾༛∄ӊ,《 㦾༛∄ӊ⹄ウ》, ㅜ 2 ᵏ 1984 (Ge Baoquan, trans. Petöfi on Shakespeare. S. S . 2, 1984.) 䫡ݶ᰾, 䇴ᐳᙍᯠ㕆《㦾༛∄ӊॱഋ㹼䈇䳶》, 《㦾༛∄ӊ⹄ウ》, ㅜ 2 ᵏ 1984 (Qian Zhaoming, A Review of Shakespeare ’s Sonnets edited with analytic commentary by Stephen Booth. S. S . 2, 1984.)

4 . ࠺࠺⢙⢙ (Periodicals)

《 㦾༛∄ӊ⹄ウ》 ᶝᐎ⎉⊏᮷㢪, ਾ〫к⎧, ᐢࠪйᵏ 1983 (Shakespeare Studies Hangzkou 1983-) 《 ཆഭ᮷ᆖ》 㦾༛∄ӊуਧ, ेӜཆ䈝ᮉᆖо⹄ウࠪ⡸⽮, ㅜ 7 ᵏ 1981 ( Foreign Literatures Special issue on Shakespeare 7, 1981.)

v. (Bibliography) ҖҖⴞⴞ

ᕐᜐ≁ǃ䎥ሿ⌒, 㦾༛∄ӊ⹄ウⴞᖅ㍒ᕅ (к),《 㦾༛∄ӊ⹄ウ》, ㅜ 3 ᵏ 1986 (Zhang Huimin and Zhao Xiaobo, A Bibliography of Shakespeare Studies (Part I). S. S . 3, 1986.)