Select Bibliography Note: This is a very selective list, with emphasis on recent Chinese publications. English titles are confi ned to those consulted by the author. Chinese titles are arranged alphabetically according to pinyin . The list is in seven parts: I. Bibliographies II. Periodicals III. Encyclopedias, dictionaries IV. Anthologies a. Comprehensive b. Fiction c. Poetry d. Drama e. Essays f. Miscellaneous V. General studies VI. Recent translations VII. Shakespeare studies I. Bibliographies ഭᇦࠪ⡸һъ㇑⨶ተ⡸ᵜമҖ侶㕆: 㘫䈁ࠪ⡸ཆഭਔި᮷ᆖ㪇ⴞᖅ 1949–1979, ѝॾҖተ, 1980 (Copyright Library, State Publishing Bureau, ed. Bibliography of Published Translations of Foreign Classics, 1949–1979) ѝഭ⽮Պ、ᆖ䲒ཆഭ᮷ᆖ⹄ウᡰ㕆: ᡁഭᣕ࠺ⲫ䖭Ⲵཆഭ᮷ᆖ૱઼䇴䇪᮷ㄐⴞᖅ㍒ᕅ (1978–1980), ेӜ, 1980 © Foreign Language Teaching and Research Publishing Co., Ltd 171 and Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2015 Z. Wang, Degrees of Affi nity, China Academic Library, DOI 10.1007/978-3-662-45475-6 172 Select Bibliography (Foreign Literature Research Institute, Academy of Social Sciences, ed. Bibliography of Foreign Literary Works and Critical Articles on them Published in Chinese Periodicals, 1978–1980) Deeney, John J. ed. Chinese English Comparative Literature Bibliography: A Pedagogical Arrangement of Sources in English, Tamkang Review , Vol, XII, No. 4 (Summer 1982) II. Periodicals (A, annual; 2/year, biannual; Q, quarterly; Bm, bimonthly; M, monthly; where names have changed, only present ones are given.) ᱕仾䈁ы (Spring Breeze Translation Miscellany) 2/year Shenyang 1980— ᖃԓ㣿㚄᮷ᆖ (Contemporary Soviet Literature) Bm Beijing 1980— ᖃԓཆഭ᮷ᆖ (Contemporary Foreign Literature) Q Nanjing 1980—. —㣿᮷ᆖ (Russian-Soviet Literature) Bm Wuhan 1980״ 㘫䈁䙊䇟 (Translation Newsletter) M Beijing 1980— 㘫䈁᮷ᆖ䘹࠺ (Selected Translated Literature) M Xian 1985— ഭཆ᮷ᆖ (Literature Abroad) Q Beijing 1980— 㖾ഭ᮷ᆖы࠺ (American Literature Miscellany) Q Jinan 1981— ᰕᵜ᮷ᆖ (Japanese Literature) Q Changcun 1982— 㦾༛∄ӊ⹄ウ (Shakespeare Studies) A Hangzhou 1983— ц⭼⭥ᖡ (World Cinema) Bm Beijing 1979— ц⭼᮷ᆖ (World Literature) Bm Beijing 1953— ц⭼᮷㢪 (World Literature and Art) Q Guangzhou 1981— 㣿㚄᮷ᆖ (Soviet Literature) Bm Beijing 1980— ཆഭ䈇 (Poetry Abroad) A Beijing 1983— ཆഭ᮷ᆖ (Foreign Literatures) M Beijing 1980— ཆഭ᮷ᆖᆓ࠺ (Foreign Literature Quarterly) Q Beijing 1981— ཆഭ᮷ᆖᣕ䚃 (Foreign Literature Report) Bm Shanghai 1980— ཆഭ᮷ᆖ⅓䍿 (Foreign Literature Appreciation) Q Changsha 1978— ཆഭ᮷ᆖ⹄ウ (Foreign Literature Research) Q Wuhan 1978— ཆഭ᮷ᆖ⹄ウ䳶࠺ (Studies in Foreign Literature) 2/year Beijing 1979— ཆഭ᮷㢪 (Foreign Literature and Art) Bm Shanghai 1979— ཆഭᠿ (Foreign Drama) Q Beijing 1980— ཆഭሿ䈤ᣕ (Foreign Fiction Reporter) M Shenyang 1981— ཆഭሿ䈤䘹࠺ (Selected Foreign Fiction) Bm Harbin 1984— ᮷㢪⨶䇪䈁ы (Translations of Literary Theory) 2/year Beijing 1983— 䈁⎧ (Translation Sea) 2/year Guangzhou 1981— 䈁᷇ (Translation Forest) Q Nanjing 1979— ѝഭ∄䖳᮷ᆖ (Comparative Literature in China) Hangzhou 1984— Chinese Literature Q Beijing 1951— Chinese Literature: Essays, Articles , Reviews (CLEAR) 2/year Madison, Wisconsin 1979— Select Bibliography 173 Comparative Criticism A Cambridge 1979— Comparative Literature Q Eugene, Oregon 1949 Comparative Literature Studies Q Urbana, Illinois 1963— Critical Inquiry Q Chicago 1975— Littérature chinois e Q Beijing 1964— Poetics Today Q Jerusalem 1980— Renditions: a Chinese-English Translation Magazine 2/year Hong Kong 1973— Revue de litterature comparée Q Paris 1921— Tamkang Review Q Taipei 1970— Wen Yuan, Studies in Language, Literature and Culture A Beijing 1985— World Literature Today Q Norman, Oklahoma 1971— Yearbook of Comparative and General Literature A Bloomington, Indiana 1952— III. Encyclopedias, Dictionaries ѝഭབྷⲮ、ޘҖཆഭ᮷ᆖধ кǃлѝഭབྷⲮ、ࠪ⡸⽮, 1983 ( Encyclopedia Sinica: Foreign Literatures , 2 vols.) ᕐ㤡Ֆǃ਼ޝǃ䫡ழ㹼ǃ㜑⒋⧽ѫ㕆: ཆഭᇦՐкǃѝǃлѝഭ⽮Պ、ᆖࠪ⡸⽮, 1980 (Zhang Yinglun et al, ed. Lives of Famous Foreign Authors , 3 vols.) :䜁ݻ励ǃ䜝ᇦ⭣ǃ哴ᇍ⭏ǃ᮷㖾ᜐ㕆 ཆഭ᮷ᆖ૱ᨀ㾱 1а4 к⎧᮷㢪ࠪ⡸⽮, 1980 (Zheng Kelu et al, ed. Synopses of Foreign Literary Works , 4 vols.) IV. Anthologies a. Comprehensive :㺱ਟహǃ㪓㺑ᐭǃ䜁ݻ励㕆䘹 ཆഭ⧠ԓ⍮૱䘹, ഋ, ⇿࠶кл䜘к⎧᮷㢪ࠪ⡸⽮, 1980 (Yuan Kejia et al, ed. Selected Foreign Modernist Works , 4 vols, each in 2 parts) b. Fiction 《 ц⭼᮷ᆖ》 30 ᒤՈ⿰૱䘹, 1ǃ2 ⎉⊏᮷㢪ࠪ⡸⽮, 1983 ( Selected Outstanding Works Published in World Literature Magazine in the Last Thirty Years , 2 vols.) ࡈሯᓧ㕆䘹: ◣བྷ࡙ӊ⸝ㇷሿ䈤䘹Ӫ≁᮷ᆖࠪ⡸⽮, 1982 (Liu Shoukang, ed. Selected Australian Short Stories ) 174 Select Bibliography ᕐ⦹Җ㕆䘹: ᗧ䈝ഭᇦѝ⸝ㇷሿ䈤䘹ѝഭ䶂ᒤࠪ⡸⽮, 1983 (Zhang Yushu, ed. Ausgewählte Novellen und Erzählungen der deutschsprachigen Länder ) ᶘ↖㜭㕆䘹: ᗧ䈝ഭᇦ⸝ㇷሿ䈤䘹Ӫ≁᮷ᆖࠪ⡸⽮, 1981 (Yang Wuneng, ed. Selected Short Stories of German-Speaking Countries ) ཊӪ䈁: ь⅗⸝ㇷሿ䈤䘹Ӫ≁᮷ᆖࠪ⡸⽮, 1979 ( Selected East European Short Stories ) ⽮⡸ഭ⸝ㇷሿ䈤䘹Ӫ≁᮷ᆖࠪ״ :㪻䐟㕆䘹 (Jiang Lu, ed. Selected Russian Short Stories ) ഭ⸝ㇷሿ䈤䘹ѝഭ䶂ᒤࠪ⡸, 1984״ :ᕐ㗭ǃ䱸⟺㕆䘹 (Zhang Yu and Chen Xin, ed. Selected Russian Short Stories ) 㕆䘹: ⌅ഭ⸝ㇷሿ䈤䘹ѝഭ䶂ᒤࠪ⡸⽮, 1978ى䎥ቁ (Zhao Shaohou, ed. Selected French Short Stories ) 䠁ᘇᒣ㕆䘹: ⌅ഭᖃԓ⸝ㇷሿ䈤䘹Ӫ≁᮷ᆖࠪ⡸⽮, 1981 (Jin Zhiping, ed. Selected Contemporary French Short Stories ) 《 ཆഭ᮷㢪》㕆䗁䜘㕆: ᖃԓབྷ࡙⸝ㇷሿ䈤䘹к⎧䈁᮷ࠪ⡸⽮, 1983 (Editorial Board of Foreign Literature and Art , ed. Contemporary Italian Short Stories ) 㪓⠅⭏ㅹ䈁: б㖾⍢⸝ㇷሿ䈤䘹Ӫ≁᮷ᆖࠪ⡸⽮, 1981 ( Latin American Short Stories , tr. Dong Yansheng et al.) ѝഭ䶂ᒤࠪ⡸⽮㕆䘹: б㖾⍢⸝ㇷሿ䈤䘹ѝഭ䶂ᒤࠪ⡸⽮, 1983 ( Selected Latin American Short Stories ) ཊӪ䈁: 㖾ഭ⸝ㇷሿ䈤䳶Ӫ≁᮷ᆖࠪ⡸⽮, 1978 ( American Short Stories ) ⦻ր㢟㕆䘹: 㖾ഭ⸝ㇷሿ䈤䘹, кǃлѝഭ䶂ᒤࠪ⡸⽮, 1980 (Wang Zuoliang, ed. Selected American Short Stories , 2 vols.) ᖃԓ㖾ഭ⸝ㇷሿ䈤䳶к⎧䈁᮷ࠪ⡸⽮ ( Contemporary American Short Stories ) ᷇❼ཙ䈁: 㔵⭨⸝ㇷሿ䈤䘹ཆഭ᮷ᆖࠪ⡸⽮, 1981 ( Selected Burmese Short Stories , tr. Lin Huangtian) 傜Ⓚ䈁: ইᯟཛ⸝ㇷሿ䈤䳶Ӫ≁᮷ᆖࠪ⡸⽮, 1978 ( Selected Yugoslav Short Stories , tr. Ma Yuan) ᮷⌱㤕㕆䘹: ᰕᵜ⸝ㇷሿ䈤䘹Ӫ≁᮷ᆖࠪ⡸⽮, 1981 (Wen Jieruo, ed. Selected Japanese Short Stories ) ᮷⌱㤕㕆䘹: ᰕᵜᖃԓሿ䈤䘹, кǃлཆഭ᮷ᆖࠪ⡸⽮, 1981 (Wen Jieruo, ed. Selected Contemporary Japanese Short Stories , 2 vols.) 儈ᖇऔ㕆䘹: ᰕᵜ⸝ㇷሿ䈤䘹ѝഭ䶂ᒤࠪ⡸⽮, 1983 (Gao Huiqin, ed. Selected Japanese Short Stories ) ेӜᐸ㤳བྷᆖ㣿㚄᮷ᆖ⹄ウᡰ㕆䘹: 㣿㚄ᖃԓሿ䈤䘹ཆഭ᮷ᆖࠪ⡸⽮, 1981 (Soviet Literature Institute, Beijing Normal University, ed. Selected Contemporary Soviet Fiction ) 《 ཆഭ᮷㢪》 㕆䗁䜘㕆: ᖃԓ㣿㚄ѝ⸝ㇷሿ䈤䘹, кǃл к⎧䈁᮷ࠪ⡸⽮, 1983 Select Bibliography 175 (Editorial Board of Foreign Literature and Art , ed. Contemporary Soviet Novelettes and Short Stories , 2 vols.) 哴ᇍ⭏ㅹ䈁: ঠᓖ⧠ԓ⸝ㇷሿ䈤䘹Ӫ≁᮷ᆖࠪ⡸⽮, 1978 ( Selected Contemporary Indian Short Stories , tr. Huang Baosheng et al) ᵡ㲩㕆䘹: 㤡ഭ⸝ㇷሿ䈤䘹Ӫ≁᮷ᆖࠪ⡸⽮, 1980 (Zhu Hong, ed. Selected English Short Stories ) ᵡ㲩㕆䘹: 㤡ഭ⸝ㇷሿ䈤䘹ѝഭ䶂ᒤࠪ⡸㔤, 1981 (Zhu Hong, ed. Selected English Short Stories ) ⧠ᖃԓ㤡ഭ⸝ㇷሿ䈤䳶к⎧䈁᮷ࠪ⡸⽮ ( Modern and Contemporary English Short Stories ) c. Poetry 䛩㔋㕆: ཆഭᇦ䈇䘹䟽ᒶࠪ⡸⽮, 1983 (Zhou Jiang, ed. Selected Famous Poems from Abroad ) ഋᐍཆഭ᮷ᆖᆖՊ䘹㕆: ཆഭᣂᛵ䈇⅓䍿ഋᐍӪ≁ࠪ⡸⽮, 1983 (Foreign Literature Association of Sichuan Province, ed. Famous Foreign Lyrics for Appreciation ) 䈇࠺⽮㕆: ц⭼ᣂᛵ䈇䘹᱕仾᮷㢪ࠪ⡸⽮, 1983 (Editorial Board of Poetry Magazine, ed. Selected World Lyrical Poems ) 㧛ᇦ⾕ǃ儈ᆀት㕆: 㾯ᯩ⡡ᛵ䈇䘹╃⊏ࠪ⡸⽮, 1981 (Mo Jiaxiang and Gao Zhiju, ed. Selected Western Love Poems ) 䫡᱕㔞䈁: ᗧഭ䈇䘹к⎧䈁᮷ࠪ⡸⽮, 1982 ( Selected German Poems , tr. Qian Chunqi) 㖇⍋䈁: ⌅ഭ⧠ԓ䈇䘹 ⒆ইӪ≁ࠪ⡸⽮, 1984 ( Selected Modern French Verse , tr. Luo Lo) 㤳ᐼ㺑䈁: ⌅ഭ䘁ԓᇦ䈇䘹Ӫ≁᮷ᆖࠪ⡸⽮, 1981 ( Selected Poems of Famous Modern French Poets , tr. Fan Xiheng) ⊸བྷ࣋ǃࡈ仾Ӂ䈁: ᐤ哾ޜ⽮䈇䘹Ӫ≁᮷ᆖࠪ⡸⽮, 1984 ( Selected Poems of the Paris Commune , tr. Shen Dali and Liu Fengyun) ⭣ྕ䈁: 㖾ഭ⧠ԓޝ䈇Ӫ䘹䳶⒆ইӪ≁ࠪ⡸⽮, 1983 ( Six Modern American Poets , tr. Shen Ao) ਕ䘹⒆ইӪ≁ࠪ⡸⽮, 1983أ᷇᷇䈁: ᰕᵜਔި ( Selected Japanese Classical Haiku , tr. Lin Lin) ᶘ⛸䈁: зਦ䳶, кǃл⒆ইӪ≁ࠪ⡸⽮, 1984 ( Manyoshu , tr. Yang Lie, 2 vols.) ⦻ր㢟䈁: 㣿Ṭޠ䈇䘹⒆ইӪ≁ࠪ⡸⽮, 1985 ( Selected Scottish Verse , tr. Wang Zuoliang) ⦻ᆸӱ䈁: 㣿㚄ᣂᛵ䈇䘹⒆ইӪ≁ࠪ⡸⽮, 1984 ( Selected Soviet Lyrics , tr. Wang Shouren) 䠁ݻᵘ䈁: ঠᓖਔ䈇䘹⒆ইӪ≁ࠪ⡸⽮, 1984 ( Selected Ancient Verse of India , tr. Jin Kemu) ѻ⩣䈁: 㤡ഭ䈇䘹⒆ইӪ≁ࠪ⡸⽮, 1983 176 Select Bibliography ( Selected English Verse , tr. Bian Zhilin) ḕ㢟䬞䈁: 㤡㖾⧠ԓ䈇䘹⒆ইӪ≁ࠪ⡸⽮, 1985 ( Selected Contemporary British and American Verse , tr. Zha Liangzheng) ᡤᵋ㡂䈁䈇䳶⒆ইӪ≁ࠪ⡸⽮, 1983 ( Poems Translated by Dai Wangshu ) ằᇇዡ䈁䈇䳶⒆ইӪ≁ࠪ⡸⽮, 1983 ( Poems Translated by Liang Zongdai ) d. Drama 䍍ݻ⢩, ቔླྀᯟᓃㅹ㪇ᯭ૨㦓ㅹ䈁: 㦂䈎⍮ᠿ䳶к⎧䈁᮷ࠪ⡸⽮, 1982 ( Plays of the Theatre of the Absurd , tr. Shi Xianrong et al) 㦂䈎⍮ᠿ䘹ཆഭ᮷ᆖࠪ⡸⽮, 1983 ( Selected Plays of the Theatre of the Absurd ) б㖾⍢⧠ԓ⤜ᒅ䘹, ⦻ཞҀ䈁Ӫ≁᮷ᆖࠪ⡸⽮, 1978 ( Modern Latin American One-Act Plays , tr. Wang Yangle) ᰕᵜ⣲䀰䘹, ⭣䶎䈁Ӫ≁᮷ᆖࠪ⡸⽮, 1980 ( Nihon Kyogensho , tr. Shen Fei) ᰕᵜ⭥ᖡᵜ䘹ཆഭ᮷ᆖࠪ⡸⽮, 1979 ( Selected Japanese Screen Plays ) 㖇傜ቬӊᠿ䘹, ཊӪ䈁, кǃлཆഭ᮷ᆖࠪ⡸⽮, 1981 ( Selected Romanian Plays , 2 vols.) e. Essays ᱃╡⋹ㅹ䘹㕆: ཆഭᮓ᮷䘹⒆ইӪ≁ࠪ⡸⽮, 1981 (Yi Shuquan et al, ed. Selected Essays of Foreign Countries ) ѝഭᇦॿՊ⊏㣿࠶Պ㕆: ཆഭՈ⿰ᮓ᮷䘹ѝഭ᮷㢪㚄ਸࠪ⡸ޜਨ, 1984 (Writers Association of Jiangsu Province, ed. Outstanding Essays of Foreign Countries ) 《 ц⭼᮷ᆖ》㕆䗁䜘㕆: ཆഭՈ⿰ᮓ᮷䘹Ⲯ㣡᮷㢪ࠪ⡸⽮, 1984 (Editorial Board of World Literature Magazine, ed. Outstanding Essays of Foreign Countries ) f. Miscellaneous 㘫䈁⨶䇪о㘫䈁ᢰᐗ䇪᮷䳶ѝഭሩཆ㘫䈁ࠪ⡸࢜ਨ, 1983 ( Writings on Translation Theory and Technique ) Select Bibliography 177 《 㘫䈁䙊䇟》 㕆䗁䜘㕆: 㘫䈁⹄ウ䇪᮷䳶 (1894–1948) ཆ䈝ᮉᆖо⹄ウࠪ⡸⽮, 1984 (Editorial Board of Translation Newsletter , ed. Essays on Translation ) 㖇ᯠ⪻㕆: 㘫䈁䇪䳶୶࣑ঠҖ侶, 1984 (Luo Xinzhang, ed. Collected Writings on Translation Theory ) 䠁ݻᵘ䈁: ਔԓঠᓖ᮷㢪⨶䇪᮷䘹Ӫ≁᮷ᆖࠪ䫓⽮, 1980 ( Selected Ancient Indian Writings on Literary Theory , tr. Jin Kemu) ཆഭ᮷ᆖ⹄ウ䍴ᯉы࠺ѝഭ⽮Պ、ᆖ䲒ཆഭ᮷ᆖ⹄ウᡰ㕆 (Foreign Literature Research Institute, Academy of Social Sciences, ed. Reference Material for Foreign Literature Research , an on-going series which includes the following) ᶘઘ㘠㕆䘹: 㦾༛∄ӊ䇴䇪≷㕆, кǃлѝഭ⽮Պ、ᆖࠪ⡸⽮, 1985 (Yang Zhouhan, ed. Shakespeare Criticism , 2 vols.) ᮷㖾ᜐ㕆䘹: ਨ⢩⹄ウཆ䈝ᮉᆖо⹄ウࠪ⡸⽮, 1982 (Wen
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