Appendix 1: Glossary for Chinese and Japanese Names and Terms

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Appendix 1: Glossary for Chinese and Japanese Names and Terms A p p e n d i x 1 : G l o s s a r y f o r C h i n e s e and Japanese Names and Terms C H I N E S E A J i a 棎䟁 gewuju 㷛咭⓶ A i S i q i 唍㊬⯖ G u o J i a n y i n g 捼ㆉ喀 banxiang 㓽䦇 guodu xi 扖䂰㒞 C a o J u r e n 㦈勩⅐ G u o j u X u e h u i ⦌⓶ⷵ↩ Chen Dabei 棗⮶㍁ G u o j u Y u n d o n g ⦌⓶扟┷ Chen Duxiu 棗䕻䱏 guzhuang xinxi ♳孔㠿㒞 C h e n J i a n g 棗䠕 H a n S h i h e n g 橸∜㫐 C h e n Y a n h e n g 棗ㇵ嫰 H o u F e n g ∾㨺 Cheng Changgeng 䲚栎ㄩ H u J i n x u 印⅙壩 C h e n g Y a n q i u 䲚䪩䱚 H u S h i 印抑 chengshihua 䲚㆞▥ huadan 啀㡵 chuan shen ↯䯭 H u a n g F a n c h u o 煓㡨兿 dan 㡵 H u a n g S h a n g 煓宂 daomadan ⒏泻㡵 H u a n g Z h i g a n g 煓唬⼦ D a t o n g Y u e h u i ⮶⚛⃟↩ (or Huang Su 煓侯) D i y i W u t a i 䶻₏咭♿ H u a n g Z o n g j i a n g 煓⸦㻮 D u H e n g 㧫嫰 H u a n g Z u o l i n 煓⇟⃃ fayunei, xingyuwai ♠ℝ␔, ㇱℝ⮥ huashan 啀嫺 F a n g Z h i z h o n g 㡈⃚₼ Ji Yun 儹㢏 F e n g G e n g g u a n g ␾勎⏘ jiadingxing ⋖⸩㊶ F e n g X i a o y i n ␾⺞椟 J i a n g M i a o x i a n g ⱫⰨ氨 F u S i n i a n ⌔㠾㄃ jianlixiaoguo 梃䱊㟗㨫 F u Y u n z i ⌔啇⷟ J i a o X i c h e n 䎵導房 G a i J i a o t i a n 䥥♺⮸ J i a o X u n 䎵㈹ gailiangxinxi 㟈哾㠿㒞 jiaxianghuiyi ⋖廰↩㎞ Gao Langting 浧㦦ℼ jingju ℻⓶ G e G o n g z h e n 㒗⏻㖾 jingxi ℻㒞 224 Mei Lanfang and the International Stage kunqu 㢕㦁 S h i s a n d a n ◐ₘ㡵 kunju 㢕⓶ (or Hou Junshan ∾≙⼀) laosheng 劐䞮 shizhuang xinxi 㢅孔㠿㒞 L i F e i s h u 㧝㠟♣ S u n H u i z h u ⷨ㍯㪀 L i J i n s h e n 㧝㾴愺 T a n X i n p e i 庼曺⪈ L i K a i x i a n 㧝㆏⏗ T a n g X i a n z u 㻳㣍䯥 Li Shizeng 㧝䪂㦍 tangma 怮泻 L i T a o h e n 㧝䀪䡤 T i a n H a n 䞿㻘 L i a n g Q i c h a o 㬐⚾怔 Wang Guangqi 䘚⏘䯗 liangxiang ℽ䦇 W a n g J i d e 䘚洴㉆ Lin Baishui 㨦䤌㻃 W a n g J i n g w e i 㻹位◺ Lin Chuanding 㨦↯熝 Wang Xiaoyin 䘚⺞楀 L i n M o 㨦照 Wang Yaoqing 䘚䜅☎ L i n Y u t a n g 㨦幼⪑ W a n g Y o u y o u 㻹↧䃇 L i u B a n n o n g ⒧◙␫ (or Wang Zhongxian 㻹ↁ徳) (or Liu Fu ⒧⮜) W a n g Z h o n g s h e n g 䘚朮⭿ Liu Chunhua ⒧㢴◝ Wang Zijia 䘚侺䳋 Liu Haisu ⒧䀆伮 W e i C h a n g s h e n g 淞栎䞮 L i u T i a n h u a ⒧⮸◝ Wu Nanru ⛃◦Ⱁ L i u Y i z h o u ⒧唉咮 W u Y i n g ⛃扝 L i u Y u n q i u ⒧檄䱚 wusheng 㷵䞮 L u X u n 漐扔 Xia Zhengnong ⮞㈐␫ M a E r 氻ℛ xian shen shuo fa 䘿愺広㽤 (or Feng Shuluan ␾♣烍) xianggu ⍞Ⱡ M e i D a n g 㬔⏩ xiangzhengzhuyi 廰㈐⃊⃘ M e i L a n f a n g 㬔⏿啂 xiaosheng ⺞䞮 M e i Q i a o l i n g 㬔ぶ䙁 xieyi ␨㎞ “ M e i x u e ” 㬔ⷵ xieyizhuyi ␨㎞⃊⃘ M e i Y u t i a n 㬔楷䞿 xingge hua M e i Z h u f e n 㬔䶈唻 biaoyan ㊶㫋▥嫷䆣 moshenghuaxiaoguo 棛䞮▥㟗㨫 xingsi ㇱ⇋ nandan 䟆㡵 xinju 㠿⓶ Nie Gannu 勑兏ㆸ (or Erye 勂勅; Xiong Foxi 䐙⇪導 Zang Qiren 呶␅ⅉ) “ x i o n g f u r e n ” 楓Ⱆⅉ O u y a n g Y u q i a n 㶶棂℗⊸ xiqu 㒞㦁 qi 㺣 Xu Beihong ㈟㍁烎 Q i R u s h a n 營Ⱁ⼀ Xu Chengbei ㈟⩝▦ Q i n S u 䱵侯 X u D a c h u n ㈟⮶㯎 qingyi 槡嫲 Xu Muyun ㈟㏤℠ S h a n g X i a o l i n g ⟕⺞䙁 Xu Zhuodai ㈟◢⛕ Shanghai Xin Wutai ₙ䀆㠿咭♿ (or Xu Banmei ㈟◙㬔) she shen chu di 幍愺⮓⦿ X u n H u i s h e n g 嗏㏶䞮 shensi 䯭⇋ Y a n H u i q i n g S h i Z h e c u n 㡌奿ⷧ (or W. W. Yen) 欫㍯ㄕ Appendix 1 225 Y a n R o n g 欫⹈ Z h a n g M i n g q i ㆯ炲䚵 Yang Longshou 㧷椕⺎ Zhang Pengchun Y a o H s i n - n u n g Ⱪ嘧␫ (or P. C. Chang) ㆯㇼ㢴 Y a o Y u f u Ⱪ䘘唨 Z h a o T a i m u 怄⮹䓮 Y e G o n g c h u o ⚅㋼兿 Z h a o Z u n y u e 怨⺙が yijing ㎞⬒ Zhengyue Yuhua Yu Cai ℝ摖 H u i 㷲⃟十▥↩ Y u S h a n g y u a n ⇨ₙ㼔 Z h e n g B o q i 捠↾⯖ Y u Z h e n f e i ≭㖾歭 Zheng Yiqiu 捠ℵ䱚 yuan ⦕ Zheng Zhenduo 捠㖾杝 Yuan Muzhi 嬐䓶⃚ (or Xi Yuan 導䄟) Y u a n zaju ⏒㧑⓶ Zhonghua Xiqu Yinyue yuanchang ⦕⧉ Y u a n ₼◝㒞㦁檂⃟棱 yunshou ℠㓚 Z h o u Y a n ⛷ㇵ Z a n g M a o x u n 呶㑚㈹ Z h o u Z u o r e n ⛷⇫ⅉ Zhai Guanliang 剮␂ℽ Zhuang Jingke ㄓ㣾䙑 Z h a n g H o u z a i ㆯ☩戌 Z o u T a o f e n 捈橻⯚ (or Liaozi 廑⷟) zouyuanchang 忿⦕⧉ J A P A N E S E A k i t a T s u y u k o 䱚䞿槁⷟ iroko 唁⷟ Akita Ujaku 䱚䞿楷楏 I t ō Nobuhiko ↙塳偌ㇵ A k u t a g a w a R y ū n o s u k e 唴ぬ爜 jigei ⦿塬 ⃚⅚ “joyū mondai” Ⰲ⎹⟞櫛 A o k i M a s a r u 槡㦷㷲⏡ J ū g a t s u S h ō ◐㦗䞮 B a n dō Tamasaburō V ⧑㨀䘘 kabuki 㷛咭↝ ₘ捝 K a n d a K i i c h i r ō 䯭䞿⠫₏捝 F u k u c h i N o b u y o 䰞⦿≰₥ (or Kanda Chōan 䯭䞿涾䥵) G o t ō Asatarō ㈛塳㦬⮹捝 Kan ō Naoki 䕸摝䦃⠫ H a j i S e i j i ⦮ズ䂔ℛ K a w a i T a k e o 㽂⚗㷵楓 H a m a d a K ōsaku 䊀䞿劤⇫ K a w a k a m i O t o j i r ō ぬₙ檂ℛ捝 (or Seiryō Sei 槠椄䞮) K a w a t a k e S h i g e t o s h i 㽂䶈僐≙ hanagata 啀ㇱ Kinoshita Junji 㦷ₚ檕ℛ H a n a k o 啀⷟ K i n o s h i t a M o k u t a r ō 㦷ₚ㧱⮹捝 H a n a y a g i S h ōtarō啀㪂䵯⮹捝 K ō y ō a n 㾹则䥵 Hatsuse Namiko ⒬䊻㿹⷟ K u b o T e n z u i ⃔≬⮸椷 I b a r a k i N o r i k o 喷㦷ቑቭ⷟ Kume Masao ⃔伂㷲楓 I c h i k a w a S a d a n j i I I ゑぬふ⦧㶰 K y ū r y ū b a n 䘥䚘䥳 I c h i m u r a U z a e m o n X V ゑ㧠剌 M a s a m u n e H a k u c h ō 㷲⸦䤌潴 ふ嫪栏 M a s u d a T a r ōkaja 䥙䞿⮹捝␯劔 I h a r a S e i s e i e n ↙☮槡ᇰ⦡ Matsumoto K ōshirō VII 㨍㦻ㄇ I k e d a D a i g o 㻯䞿⮶↜ ⥪捝 226 Mei Lanfang and the International Stage michiyuki 拢嫛 O s a n a i K a o r u ⺞⼀⏶堿 mie 尚㈦ R a k u y ō a n 囌囘ㅄ M i y a k e S h ūtarō ₘ⸔⛷⮹捝 S a d a Y a c c o ( o r S a d a y a k k o ) 弭Ⰳ M i y a m o t o Y u r i k o ⸽㦻䤍⚗⷟ S a w a m u r a S ō j ūrō VII 䈳㧠⸦ Mizuki Tatsunosuke I 㻃㦷房⃚┸ ◐捝 Mori Ritsuko 㭽㈚⷟ S e n d a K o r e y a ◒䞿㢾⃮ M o r i t a K a n ’ y a X I I I ⸗䞿╧㇛ “ S h i n a s h u m i ” 㞾挲怲✂ M o r i t a K a n ’ y a X I V ⸗䞿╧㇛ shingeki 㠿┖ M u r a t a K a k u k o 㧠䞿⢘⃔⷟ shinpa 㠿㿍 M u r a t a U k ō 㧠䞿䍞㻮 S h i r ō Uno ⸖摝⥪捝 (or Ukō Sanjin 䍞㻮㟲ⅉ) S u z u k i T o r a o 擃㦷壝楓 Naba Toshisada 挲㽱Ⓒ弭 (or Hyōken Chinjin 弈慡椂ⅉ) Nagai Kaf ū 㻇ℤ嘆欷 Takarazuka Shōjo Kagekidan ⸬ “ n a i m e n k a ” ␔槱▥ ⫩⺠Ⰲ㷛┖⥲ N a i t ō Konan ␔塳䃥◦ Takarazuka (or NaitōTorajirō␔塳壝㶰捝; Daigekij ō ⸬⫩⮶┖⫃ Fuchi Fukei Sei ₜ䣰ₜ㏶䞮) T a n a k a K e i t a r ō 䞿₼㐅⮹捝 N a i t ō Meisetsu ␔塳澃楹 (or Tenjaku ⮸烙) Nakagi Teiichi ↁ㦷弭₏ T a n i z a k i J u n ’ i c h i r o 廆⾝䇳₏捝 (or Nakagi Seiↁ㦷䞮) T e i k o k u g e k i j o ガ⦌┖⫃ N a k a m u r a F u k u s u k e I V ₼㧠䰞┸ (or Teigeki ガ┖) Nakamura Fukusuke V ₼㧠䰞┸ T e i k o k u J o y ū Yōseijo ガ⦌ N a k a m u r a Ⰲ⎹殙㒟㓏 K a n ’ e m o n I I I ₼㧠剺⚂嫪栏 T o k u d a S h ū s e i ㉆䞿䱚匁 N a k a m u r a T s u b o u c h i S h ō y ō ⧹␔抜拨 Utaemon V ₼㧠㷛⚂嫪栏 T s u j i C h ō k a 扊匃啀 N a k a u c h i C h ō j i ₼␔娅ℛ (or Chōka Sanjin 匃啀㟲ⅉ; N a n b u S h ū t a r ō ◦捷≽⮹捝 Tsuji Takeo 扊㷵楓) nanori ⚜⃦ T s u t s u i T o k u j i r ō ䷡ℤ㉂ℛ捝 Nishihara Daisuke 導☮⮶憣 Uemura Kichiya I ₙ㧠⚘㇛ “ N i s s h i s h i n z e n ” 㡴㞾尹⠓ wakaonnagata 啴Ⰲㇱ N o g a m i Y a e k o 摝ₙ㇛䞮⷟ wakashu kabuki 啴嫕㷛咭↝ noh 厌 Y a m a m o t o K y ūzaburō ⼀㦻⃔ₘ捝 O b a t a Y ū k i c h i ⺞ヰ揘⚘ Y o s a n o A k i k o ₝嶬摝㤅⷟ O k a k u r a K a k u z ō ⼰⊘屉ₘ Yoshida Toshiko ⚘䞿䤊㉦⷟ (or Okakura Tenshin ⼰⊘⮸㉒) Y o s h i k a w a K ō j i r ō ⚘ぬㄇ㶰捝 Ōkura Kihachir ō ⮶⊘⠫⏺捝 Yoshikawa Misao ⚘ぬ㝜 onnagata Ⰲㇱ Y o s h i n o S a k u z ō ⚘摝⇫抯 O n o e B a i k ō V I ⻍ₙ㬔ㄇ Yoshizawa Ayame I 啂䈳ሥቧቤ O s a k a C h ū ō Kōkaidō (⮶梹₼⮽ (or ⚘㼱噥坁) ⏻↩⪑) Z e a m i ₥棎ㆴ A p p e n d i x 2 : Chinese and Japanese Historical Newspapers and Magazines C H I N E S E Banyue pinglun ◙㦗幓幉 Shehui xinwen 䯍↩㠿梊 Beijing huabao ▦℻䟊㔴 Shen bao 䟂㔴 Beiyang huabao ▦㾚䟊㔴 Shenghuo 䞮㿊 Beiping chen bao ▦㄂㣷㔴 Shi bao 㢅㔴 Chen bao 㣷㔴 Shidai gonglun 㢅ⅲ⏻幉 Chen bao fukan 㣷㔴⓾⒙ Shijie ribao ₥䟛㡴㔴 Chun liu 㢴㪂 Shishi xinbao 㢅ℚ㠿㔴 Da wanbao ⮶㣩㔴 Shuntian shibao 欉⮸㢅㔴 Dagong bao ⮶⏻㔴 Sin Chew Jit Poh 㢮㿁㡴㔴 Dongfang zazhi ₫㡈㧑㉦ Tai bai ⮹䤌 Gu geng 洷漯 Weinasi 冃兂€ Guowen zhoubao ⦌梊⛷㔴 Wenxue shidai 㠖ⷵ㢅ⅲ Jinbu ribao 扪㷴㡴㔴 Wenxue zhoubao 㠖ⷵ⛷㔴 Jing bao ( T h e P e k i n g Wenyi huabao 㠖唉䟊㔴 Press) ℻㔴 Wuhan ribao 㷵㻘㡴㔴 Jing bao ( T h e C r y s t a l ) 㤅㔴 Xi shijie 㒞₥䟛 Juxue yuekan ⓶ⷵ㦗⒙ Xian dai 䘿ⅲ Liang you 哾♚ Xianshi 䘿⸭ Liyuan gongbao 㬷⥼⏻㔴 Xiao jing bao ⺞℻㔴 Lun yu 幉幼 Xiju congkan 㒞⓶₪⒙ Lüxing zazhi 㡔嫛㧑㉦ Xiju yuekan 㒞⓶㦗⒙ Mang zhong 唡䱜 Xin qingnian 㠿槡㄃ Minjian zhoubao 㺠梃⛷㔴 Xin sheng 㠿䞮 Minguo ribao 㺠⦌㡴㔴 Xinmin bao 㠿㺠㔴 Minzhong jiaoyu banzhoukan 㺠↦ Xinwen bao 㠿梊㔴 㟨十◙⛷⒙ Yong bao ㅇ㔴 Qinghua fukan 䂔◝⓾⒙ Yu si 幼€ Rensheng xunkan ⅉ䞮㡻⒙ Zhonghua ribao ₼◝㡴㔴 Shehui ribao 䯍↩㡴㔴 Zhongyang ribao ₼⮽㡴㔴 Shehui yuebao 䯍↩㦗㔴 Zhongwai pinglun ₼⮥幓幉 228 Mei Lanfang and the International Stage J A P A N E S E Chuo koron ₼⮽⏻嵥 Osaka asahi shinbun ⮶梹㦬㡴㠿勭 Engei gahō 䆣塬䟺⫀ Shin engei 㠿䆣塬 Engeki shinchō 䆣┖㠿䇽 Shin kōron 㠿⏻嵥 Hototogisu ኸእእኋኖ Shūkan asahi 拀⒙㦬㡴 Jiji shinpo 㣑ℚ㠿⫀ Tokyo asahi shinbun 㨀℻㦬㡴㠿勭 Josei Ⰲ㊶ Tokyo nichinichi shinbun 㨀℻㡴 Kageki 㷛┖ 㡴㠿勭 Kokumin shinbun ⦌㺠㠿勭 Yomiuri shinbun 帏彲㠿勭 Miyako shinbun 掌㠿勭 Yorozu chōhō 嚻㦬⫀ N o t e s INTRODUCTION 1.
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