A True L I S 1 the LORDS Spiritual and Temporal
A True L I S 1 the LORDS Spiritual and Temporal: As alfo a LIST of the Knights and Commiffioners of Shires, Citizens and Burgeffes, choien to ferve in the Parliament of Great'Britain, fummoned to meet at Wejlminfler the Twenty fifth of November, 1710. according to the Returns made into the Office of the Clerk of the Crown in Her Majefty’s High Court of Chancery. ■ ^ Note: Thofe which have this Mark, * before them, were not Members of the laft Parliament. Arthur Herbert, Earl of Tor- Borough of Portpigham, alias Borough Harwich. /Ecdttjampronfiifrk, 9 Borougn tt/Andover. Borough of Chippenham. ^Unr, 2. ARCHBISHOPS Sir James Long Bar. rington. Weftlow. Kendrick Edisbury Efq-, Sir Juftinian Ifham Bar. The Rt. Hm. John Smith Ejq-, Sir Roger Moftyn Bar. and BISHOPS. ♦Jofeph Afh Efq-, f A Lift of the PEER S Richard Lomley, Earl of Scar Rt. Hon. Sir Charles Hedges Kt. Thomas Frankland Efq-, Thomas Cartwright Efq-, Wiii'iam Guidott Ffq-, Town of Flint. Borough of Malmesbury. borough. Dr. Thomas Tennifon, Lord Arthur Maynwaring E/y; City of Peterborough. <g)taffo?t)Q?lre, 10. S/r John Conway Bar. Note;*- Thofe marked George Booth, Earl of War- Archbifhop of Canterbury. Borough of Grampound. ®louceflerflfirc, 8. *Hon. John Fitz-Williams Efq Thomas Farrington EJq-, John Berkley Efqi The Hon. Henry Pagett Efq-, Jofeph Addifon Efqj thm *are under Age. rington. Dr. John Sharp, Lord Archbi- Rt. Hon. Thomas Coke Efq\ ♦ ♦Charles Parker Efq-, ©lamojaan, 2. Matthew Ducie Moreton Efqi ♦William Ward Jun. Ejq-, Borough of Crick lade. Richard Newport, E. of Brad- fhop of York.
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