

25th June 2002


South Derbyshire District Council Representatives Councillors Evens, Harrison, Hood, Mrs. Robbins and Mrs. Wheeler.

I. Reid (Deputy Chief Executive), John Hansed (Technical Services Manager) and Chris Payne (Engineering Technician).

Derbyshire County Council Representatives J. Waite (Area Manager), I. Shuttleworth (Chief Emergency Planing Unit) and Wendy Cheshire (Emergency Planning Unit).

Member of Parliament M. Todd MP.

Parish Council Representatives Mrs. C. Barker (Barrow-upon- Trent), J. McCounell, Gaynor Pegg ( and Great Wilne Parish Council), D. Kile (Willington Parish Council), Ken Gibbs (Willington Parish Council), B. Jones, G. Roper (Foston and Scropton Parish Council), P. Waters, F. Mitchell (Elvaston Parish Council) and R. (Hatton Parish Council).

Environment Agency Representatives P. Reilly, L. Javis and N. Smith.

Severn Trent Water Representative M. Young


Apologies for absence from the Meeting were received from Mr. Mark Todd, MP, Councillors Brooks and Bladen ( District Council), B. Russell and Mark Swain (Environment Agency).


The Minutes of the Meeting held on 25th September 2001 were received and approved as a true record.

With regard to the issue ‘Emergency Planning’ Councillor Wheeler queried whether Water had been involved in discussions at officer level between the Environment Agency and the County Council, as suggested in the above Minutes. Ian Shuttleworth confirmed that representatives of Severn Trent Water did attend officer flood meetings.

Further to the above Minutes, a representative of Elvaston Parish Council advised that design criteria relating to the Ambaston flood bank had not been received from the Environment Agency and accordingly, representatives of the Environment Agency agreed to ask Mark Swain to provide such information to Elvaston Parish Council. Page 1 of 7 - 1 - Flooding Liaison Meeting – 25.6.02


(a) Environment Agency

Peter Reilly advised that the River Trent Strategy Scoping Report was now a public document and included all known flood areas on the River Trent and potential areas of risk. Similar reports on the River Dove might be produced in the future. The Strategy Scoping report was a Stage 1 report for public consultation. It was available through Binnie, Black and Veatch, First Floor, 38 City Road, Chester, CH1 3AE and was also available on the Environment Agency website. The major tributaries to the River Trent were mentioned in the report but had not been focused upon in any detail at this time. The Environment Agency had insufficient budgets available to fund a River Dove Strategy Scoping Report for this year but a Catchment Flood Management Plan was to be undertaken in the future. A general consensus of the meeting was that the Scoping report should have been sent to all relevant parish councils and it was suggested that pressure from parish councils, the District Council and the County Council might influence such a report being produced for the River Dove.

Ron Buxton expressed concern that several families were suffering as a result of a report on the River Dove/A50 not being undertaken. Peter Reilly advised that such a report for the River Dove would cost approximately £100,000. A Parish Council representative expressed concern at how such a report could be produced for the River Trent without including the River Derwent. Peter Reilly advised that the tributaries were mentioned in the report but flood defences on such tributaries were not addressed. Flow information through Borrowash Bridge had been requested but was not currently available and it was advised that the report only looked at possible scoping where information was not available. It was agreed that Derbyshire County Council’s representative on the Flood Defence Committee would reflect the comments made as outlined above at the next meeting of the Flood Defence Committee. It was suggested that the Environment Agency could produce a report for the next meeting on how it was going to approach all of the problems raised. Councillor Harrison queried why such areas were chosen as other major settlements had been affected severely (such as settlements on the Rivers Ouse and Trent). He also asked when such reports were to be undertaken for the River Dove and the River Derwent and was advised that it was likely to be approximately two years before such reports were produced. Councillor Harrison asked that priority be given to this Region once the Trent report was completed and it was noted that the Trent report should provide for action to be taken before the production of a Catchment Flood Management Plan. Ron Buxton advised that it was also very important to produce a report on the impact of the A50 road. Fields in the A50 area could no longer be farmed because they were continuously wet and a report produced ignored surface water problems. It was reported that surface water was not the responsibility of the Environment Agency but the responsibility of the local authority. Consequently, Ian Reid (SDDC) advised that when the A50 was designed it was made clear to the District Council that the overall strategy would be organised in a strategic way with the Environment Agency and therefore the District Council was concerned that the Environment Agency and the Highways Agency were now Page 2 of 7 - 2 - Flooding Liaison Meeting – 25.6.02

delegating the matter to the District Council. The Highways Agency was responsible for making sure that the new road did not exacerbate flood problems. The District Council perceived the problems associated with the A50 as the responsibility of the Environment Agency and the Highways Agency. Ron Buxton requested that a meeting regarding issues surrounding the A50 be held. A representative of Foston and Scropton Parish Council reported that the Environment Agency had agreed to act as mediator between the various bodies on this matter and accordingly, Peter Reilly agreed to speak to B. Russell at the Environment Agency with regard to organising such a meeting.

Nicky Smith advised of the new flood warning areas in South Derbyshire. A gauge had been placed at Hilton (Sutton to Hilton) and there were twenty-three individuals on the Warden system. A gauge had been placed at (Egginton to Willington) and there were 122 recipients for this gauge. A gauge had been placed at Foston (Broomhill Ford to Foston) and there were 12 recipients for this gauge (which had not yet been tested). New rain gauges were to be installed early next year and a Local Flood Warning Plan (which would be a public document) was to be distributed before the wet season. In response to a query from Councillor Wheeler it was agreed to ascertain which gauge covered the area. Frank Mitchell asked if flow-rate gauges could be installed and was advised that this was the case as some gauges measured both flow and water level.

Councillor Evens referred to the Environment Agency raising two objections to the Local Plan. The Agency was asking that the District Council carried a Strategic Flood Risk Assessment at the former Willington site and he queried what such an assessment entailed. The Environment Agency had also commented on the identification of flood risk areas not being included in the Local Plan. It was agreed that a representative of the Environment Agency would provide a written response to Councillor Evens on this matter.

Ron Buxton thanked the Environment Agency representatives for the new flood banks provided at Hatton.

(b) Derbyshire County Council Environmental Services

John Waite outlined that his main responsibility was for road gullies etc. Work had recently been carried out at Station Road, Hatton; Ivy Close, Willington and the Willington Village Culvert had been cleaned. A resident expressed concern that the cleansing operation in Willington had taken place in the wrong location and that the area under the crossroads in the village should have been cleared but had not. It was reported that the previous flooding in Willington had been caused by the culvert and not the river and accordingly it was agreed to monitor the situation.

A representative of Shardlow and Great Wilne advised that grass had recently been cut in Shardlow but the gutter not cleared and accordingly John Waite agreed to speak to the Highways Agency on this matter. It was reported that at Newton Lane drains had been yellow marked but not fixed and the coping stones were not appropriate. Councillor Page 3 of 7 - 3 - Flooding Liaison Meeting – 25.6.02

Wheeler queried when this work was to be carried out and accordingly John Waite agreed to action this matter.

A representative of Foston and Scropton Parish Council advised that Watery Lane in Scropton was used by heavy vehicles and the verge between the Lane and the culvert was eroding. It was suggested that the bank be raised in order to alleviate this problem and that reflector posts be installed to deter heavy vehicles using this particular road. John Waite agreed to action this matter accordingly.

Councillor Mrs. Robbins advised that the B601 at Elvaston had recently had some work undertaken to it but more was required.

Frank Mitchell advised that drainage line problems were being experienced at Ambaston Lane due to a Flood Diversion Programme undertaken by Tarmac. He suggested that a site visit would assist in identifying the problems in this area and accordingly John Waite agreed to arrange for someone to contact Mr. Mitchell on this matter. It was also reported that the Ambaston Grange gateway culvert was eroding into the ditch. Councillor Hood reported that the culvert at Bakeacre Lane, Findern was cleared last year but requested that it be cleared again. John Waite advised that known trouble spots such as this particular one at Findern were inspected regularly in this regard.

Officers requested that John Waite be advised of such detailed compaints in advance of future meetings in order that accurate responses could be provided.

P. Waters suggested that the Environment Agency could save money by raising a bank whilst earth moving equipment was in that particular area at the expense of other bodies and accordingly, the representative agreed to speak to the Environment Agency representatives separately on this matter.

(c) Emergency Planning

Ian Shuttleworth advised that he would welcome feedback on the system for distributing sand bags. Contacts and details for Community Response Plans were sought. It was reported that a flood defence fair was taking place on 23rd September 2002 at the Bretby Conference Centre from 10 a.m. to 7 p.m.

Councillor Mrs. Robbins expressed concern regarding inaccurate mapping information which was being used by insurance companies to determine whether individual properties could receive insurance due to flooding risk issues. Peter Reilly asked that should anybody be aware of inaccurate mapping information that the Environment Agency be notified accordingly.

(d) South Derbyshire District Council

John Hansed advised that work had been carried out at Scropton, Hatton and Willington. A critical watercourses list had been distributed to all relevant parties and watercourses at Stanton-by-Newhall and Hatton had been added to this list. An assessment of critical Page 4 of 7 - 4 - Flooding Liaison Meeting – 25.6.02

watercourses was undertaken annually and the Environment Agency monitored them in addition to the District Council. A general discussion took place regarding critical watercourses and criteria for determining such watercourses and it was suggested that this criteria should be reviewed.

A report on the situation at Poplars Farm, Twyford was requested. Chris Payne advised that the owner of this property was convinced that this flooding was due to a highway culvert. Officers were of the opinion that there was little point clearing out the culvert without clearing out the other watercourse involved. Two other riparian owners were involved and the matter had reached a stage where there was a better flow of water. Derbyshire County Council had been approached to clear the rest of the culvert. The District Council had offered to assist in negotiating with the riparian owners to clear the culverts.

Councillor Hood advised that there was a particular house at Doles Lane, Findern that regularly flooded and Mark Todd M.P., had been supplied with correspondence on this matter and had agreed to pursue this.

Councillor Wheeler reported that with regard to Brook which flowed through Repton (at the rear of High Street) the Parish Council was concerned that work was not being carried out where the problems existed. Chris Payne agreed to provide information on this matter to Councillor Wheeler.

In response to a query from Councillor Evens it was agreed to receive the policy on flooding in relation to the Local Plan at a future Meeting.

(e) Severn Trent Water

Martin Young advised that Severn Trent were responsible for flooding caused by the public sewerage system. The Company had carried out extensive works in Hatton and were concentrating on internal flooding to properties. He advised of a reorganisation of the flooding team resulting in a bigger team to assist in the area of flooding. Ron Buxton referred to Ryflatts Lane, Station Lane, Hatton and asked when the works to this lane were programmed for, to which Martin Young agreed to respond separately. Frank Mitchell queried whether Severn Trent had been approached by Biffa regarding works at the Ambaston Pump Station area and it was confirmed that Mr. T. Pollard of Severn Trent had been involved in meetings with regard to the removal of pollution as there was a daily smell from this .

Councillor Evens referred to the Pumping Station off Ford Lane, Willington and asked whether it was performing adequately. He suggested that surface water could not escape and asked whether there was an outlet for such water. It was reported that Severn Trent were looking at flood defence protection for all pumping stations.

(d) Reports from Parish Councils Hatton

It was queried whether the ditch/watercourse at Yew Tree, Hatton was being upgraded. In response it was noted that the District Council had Page 5 of 7 - 5 - Flooding Liaison Meeting – 25.6.02

talked to the Environment Agency about concerns regarding this watercourse. The District Council had also talked to DEFRA (formerly MAFF) and there was a reasonable chance of obtaining government monies for consultant studies to look at the backflow off the River Dove and the improvement of the watercourse itself. Accordingly, a package was being compiled in an attempt to obtain such funding. Chris Payne was also working with riparian landowners and reported that discussions were ongoing. Riparian owners had carried out some improvements since the last meeting and eight flow gauges installed along the 1.5 kilometre watercourse.


It was reported that the problems at Bargate Lane could be alleviated by a non-return valve being fitted and it was requested that Severn Trent Water investigate this matter.


Representatives expressed concern regarding a lack of effective response from the Environment Agency to problems at Elvaston. They were concerned about development work being carried out upstream (Raynesway). An answer from the Highways Agency on this matter was also awaited. It was suggested that the Environment Agency could apply to DEFRA for money to fund the problems at Elvaston. It was agreed to ask that a representative from the Lower Trent Office (Environment Agency) attended the next meeting to answer queries.

Foston and Scropton

A representative thanked the District Council for the 900 mm pipe inserted at the children’s play area within the Scropton Village (part funded by the Parish Council). The representative had reservations with the Environment Agency’s views on outflows from two flap valves and the realignment of outflows from Watery Lane into Foston Brook. They also expressed concern that trees were causing obstructions at Foston Brook.


It was reported that an active Emergencies Committee had been established. The condition of the brook was causing concern largely due to vandalism. The parish council asked to be advised when the flood locks were to be tested. Concern was expressed regarding the height of roads at Shardlow Marina and a lack of action by the District Council. It was agreed that this was a planning enforcement issue and the information would be passed on to that Department accordingly. The Environment Agency and Severn Trent were to action the other issues raised.

It was agreed to arrange a meeting at the Lower Trent offices of the Environment Agency to discuss many of the issues raised at today’s meeting.

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(The Key Issues)

The key issues arising from the Meeting were outlined as follows:-

1. A50 Study – Meeting to be arranged.

2. Environment Agency – Consultations on strategic work.

3. Ongoing relationship between South Derbyshire District Council and parish councils on “problem spotting”.

4. Emergency Response Plans – Sandbags

5. Meeting with Lower Trent (Environment Agency)

6. Planning Issues – Flooding/Local Plan

It was agreed that the various agencies represented at the Meeting should inform the District Council of actions they had committed to take during the Meeting in order that details could be circulated with the Minutes of the Meeting for information.


It was agreed to hold the next Meeting on Tuesday, 1st October 2002 at 9.30 a.m.

The Meeting closed at 12.00 p.m.

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