
Jens Hjorth Dark Centre (2005–2015) Institute, U Copenhagen Jens Hjorth Dark Cosmology Centre (2005–2015) , U Copenhagen Primary goals  Carry out research that would otherwise not be possible (prior to DARK we were 2 permanent faculty)  Create a centre whose research and impact would live on beyond the 5 + 5 year funding model – legacy

Call for applications in 2003  We could relate to the key criteria: synergy, paradigm shift, cross-disciplinary, young  Turn existing visions into reality  Science  Setup  Grab new opportunities  Enable research in real fundamental and difficult stuff, address the biggest questions  3 Nobel Prizes in the field over the past decade  Make a difference  Spirit of change  Born international  Endeavour  Fun  Family feeling  Legacy  Openness  Creativity  Competitiveness  Diversity

 Pie chart

The more important fundamental laws and The beauty and clearness of the facts of physical science have all been dynamical theory, which asserts discovered, and these are now so firmly heat and light to be modes of established that the possibility of their ever motion, is at present obscured by being supplanted in consequence of new two clouds. I. The first came into discoveries is exceedingly remote… Our existence with the undulatory future discoveries must be looked for in the theory of light, and was dealt with sixth place of decimals. by Fresnel and Dr. Thomas Young; it involved the question, how could Albert A. Michelson 1894 the earth move through an elastic solid, such as essentially is the luminiferous ether? II. The second is These two clouds soon led to a revolution in the Maxwell–Boltzmann doctrine the laws of physics and our understanding of regarding the partition of energy. the world: Einstein’s theory of relativity and the theory of ! Lord Kelvin 1900 Tycho Brahe 1572

Stella Nova 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 Enrico Ramirez-Ruiz Josh Bloom Priya Natarajan Eiichiro Komatsu Steve Allen UC Santa Cruz UC Berkeley Yale Max Planck Munich Stanford 2 years at DARK

>1 year at collaborating institution

Frequent visits, joint activities

Aim is to recruit the very best scientists

~200 applications each winter for DARK and Brahe Fellowships  Recognized PhD programme  5+3, 4+4, 3+5  17+13 = 30 students, 17 female, 19 international  6-month evaluation  Presentation to the Centre – what I have been doing and what I do propose to do; questions from audience  Essay – my strengths, weaknesses (science + soft skills)  Supervisor/student meets with committee  Committees  3 DARK scientists (including one post doc) + Coordinator  1 international member  Supervise the supervisor  Give input on plans, projects  Make demands, requirements  Present ideas, solutions, support  Internationalization  Gender balance  Teaching  Professional management and support  IT  External funding  Visitors  Recruitment  Societal engagement  410 papers in refereed international journals  14 papers in Science +  External funding roughly matches DNRF funding, including: 1 ERC starting grant, 1 Lundbeck young group leader, 6 Marie Curie Fellows  7 former postdocs in permanent (academic) positions  NBI faculty: were 2 (males), are 5+1 (50-50 % gender balance), will be 8 by 2015  1 spin-off center  2011  1 DARK Associate Scientist  1 Collaborator  Euclid satellite selected for launch 2019  Many intermediate results  Stay tuned: Have two postdocs who might have the key  Hired because they were great, not because they were working on dark energy  Comes out of interaction and work on other problems  One we were able to attract because our admin staff could help one spouse settle in Denmark, has her own clinic now  Free research!!!  Scientific results!  Created a widely known centre with a long-term viability  DARK international family  A model for inspiration on how to do things (or how not to do things)  A fair gender balance in a hard-core field of research  Training of a new generation  World-wide network  A safe haven for busy researchers and a place for free spirits addressing deep questions