Alexander Karlberg Merton College, Merton Street, Oxford, OX1 4JD, United Kingdom +44 07784 623555
[email protected] EDUCATION DPhil in Theoretical Physics. University of Oxford, Rudolf Peierls Centre for Theo- retical Physics 2012-Present MSc in Physics. University of Copenhagen, Niels Bohr Institute 2010-2012 GPA: 11.9/12 (Top of class) Thesis: Space-Cone gauge and Scattering Amplitudes BSc in Physics. University of Copenhagen, Niels Bohr Institute 2007-2010 GPA: 11.9/12 (Top of class) EMPLOYMENT Non-stipendiary Lecturer. Merton College, University of Oxford 2013-Present Graduate Mentor. Merton College, University of Oxford 2012-Present High School Teacher (Arsvikar)˚ . Sankt Annæ Gymnasium 2010-2011 Teaching Assistant. Niels Bohr Institute, University of Copenhagen 2009-2012 TEACHING Reciation Classes and Tutorials EXPERIENCE Niels Bohr Institute Mechanics Electrodynamics Quantum Mechanics Thermodynamics Mathematical Methods Brush Up for new students Merton College Mathematical Methods Lectures Niels Bohr Institute Thermodynamics (4h) High School Level Sankt Annæ Gymnasium Responsibility for teaching a class of 30 students in preliminary maths (Mat C) with subsequent examination. Supervision Niels Bohr Institute Supervised two first-year projects in 2010 and 2011 respectively. CONFERENCES IPPP Senior Experimental Fellowships Kick-off Meeting (2014) AND SCHOOLS Spaatind 2014 - Nordic Conference on Particle Physics (2014) ATTENDED BUSSTEPP 2013 (summer school) - University of Sussex, Brighton (2013) Higgs Symposium, University of Edinburgh (2013) Spaatind 2013 - Nordic Winter School on Particle Physics (2013) Spaatind 2012 - Nordic Conference on Particle Physics (2012) Niels Bohr Summer Institute - Strings, Gauge Theory and the LHC (2011) CERN summer student (2010) TALKS GIVEN BUSSTEPP student talk (2013). Electroweak ZZjj production at NLO in QCD matched with parton shower in the POWHEG-BOX Kandidatdag (2012).