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Iniiiii DK9800177 * 11 iniiiii DK9800177 Materials Research Department RIS0 1997 www. Materials Research Department Annual Report 1997 Published by the Materials Research Department Riso National Laboratory April 1998 Ris0-R-1O13(EN) ABSTRACT Selected activities of the Materials Research Department at Risa National Laboratory during 1997 are described. The scientific work is presented in four chapters: Materials Science, Materials Chemistry, Materials Engineering and Materials Technology. A survey is given of the Department's participation in international collaboration and of its activities within education and training. Furthermore, the main figures outlining the funding and expenditure of the Department are given. Lists of staff members, visiting scientists, publications and other activities are included. Ris0-R-1O13(EN) Published by the Materials Research Department, Risa National Laboratory April 1998 Editors: Bent F. Sarensen Niels Hansen Editorial Board: Eivind Adolph J0rgen B. Bilde-S0rensen Morten Eldrup Grethe Winther Andy Horsewell Torben Leffers Helmer Nilsson Eva Sarensen Journalistic consultant: Jargen Hornemann Photos: Boye Koch Helmer Nilsson Layout: Finn Hagen Madsen Repro and printing: Holbask Center-Tryk Cover composed of scanning electron microscope images of microstructures of materials having been subjected to high temperatures. Materials Research Department Risa National Laboratory DK-4000 Roskilde DENMARK phone +45 4677 5700 fax +45 4677 5758 e-mail [email protected] Internet address: ISBN 87-550-2336-3 ISSN 0106-2840 ISSN 1397-8071 CONTENTS INTRODUCTION - Materials Research Department 1997 MATERIALS SCIENCE - theory and characterization 7 Materials models and materials structures 13 Local structures and properties 16 Irradiation damage, defects and fusion materials 19 Techniques 22 MATERIALS CHEMISTRY - combined science and technology 23 Fuel cells 25 High-temperature superconductors 27 Techniques 28 MATERIALS ENGINEERING - modelling and performance 29 Design and mechanical testing 32 Properties of advanced composite materials 34 Techniques 36 MATERIALS TECHNOLOGY - synthesis, processing and product 37 Powder technological materials 39 Manufacturing technologies for advanced composite materials 41 Techniques 42 FINANCES 1997 44 PERSONNEL 1997 46 COMMUNITY ACTIVITIES 46 Postgraduate (PhD) projects 47 Undergraduate projects 47 External lecturers and examiners 47 Staff members on assignments abroad 48 Visiting scientists 49 Road shows 49 Colloquia 49 Distance learning courses 50 Participation in committees 51 Symposia and workshops 52 Teaching of high school students 53 Social activities 54 PUBLISHED WORK 64 ACRONYMS, ABBREVIATIONS, ETC. INTRODUCTION - Materials Research Department 1997 The international evaluation of Ris0 and positive development, however, just man obtained this degree. The staff of of the Department in 1996/97 was very balances increases in salaries and oper- the Department now includes four scien- positive with respect to the quality of ating expenses and thereby precludes tists with this title. our scientific and technological work. any substantial new investments. We As a further recognition of the On this basis, the evaluation panel are, however, glad that joint funding quality of basic research in the Depart- suggested that Ris0 should further from the Danish Technical Research ment, The Engineering Science Centre strengthen its many links to society. It Council and from Ris0's central fund has for Structural Characterization and was emphasized that collaboration with allowed us to enter into a collaborative Modelling, financed jointly by The Dan- universities and industry should be agreement with the European Synchro- ish Technical Research Council and Ris0, increased to make better use of Ris0 tron Radiation Facility (ESRF) in Gre- was extended by a further 5 years until resources. This means that future activi- noble, France. The aim of this collabora- 2002. Also to be mentioned is that ties must demonstrate solid links be- tion is the construction of a high energy electron microscopy has provided impor- tween research and teaching and be- X-ray diffractometer. This instrument, to tant new information on the microstruc- tween basic work and industrial applica- be operative in 1998, will provide break- ture and the chemical composition of tions. Guidelines for these efforts were throughs in materials research by allow- materials ranging from conventional later laid down in the form of specific ing in-depth structural analysis with metals like aluminium, copper and milestones in a 4 year contract between high spatial resolution; a radically new nickel to complex ceramic materials used Ris0 and the Ministry of Research. This technique, dubbed three dimensional X- in high temperature superconductors contract also contained the guarantee ray microscopy. and in solid oxide fuel cells. Measure- that the financial contribution from the ments of internal stresses in polycry- Government to Riso's activities will Achievements stals, thin layered structures and com- remain unchanged until the end of year Many years of research was concluded posites have also progressed well using 2001. Thus, to maintain the current when Dorte Juul Jensen defended her neutron, electron and X-ray diffraction. activity level, external funding (which Dr. technices thesis entitled 'Orientation Other achievements concern the supplements the Government funding) Aspects of Growth During Recrystalli- research and development carried out in must be maintained at least at present zation'. The defence took place at the collaboration with industry. An impor- levels. Fortunately, external funding has Technical University of Denmark and the tant theme has been composite materi- shown a slight increase in 1997, with a event was given more than usual atten- als, especially in the development and further increase expected in 1998. This tion as it was the first time that a wo- optimisation of thermoplastic compos- ites and associated process technologies. There is a strong industrial interest in this type of materials since reduced occupational health hazards can be combined with improved properties of products, for example for windmills and automobiles. This potential has led to the formation of a consortium of 6 Danish industries which, together with the Department and the Danish Techno- logical Institute, has formulated a 4-year research, development and demonstra- tion programme. Also in the composites area, materi- als with good strength and stiffness have been produced using natural fibres from trees and plants. One aim of this programme is to improve recyclability of products in the automotive and packag- ing industries. Finally, metal matrix composites with extremely high wear resistance have been developed in col- Dorte Juul Jensen (centre) defended her Dr. technices thesis in the laboration with Danish and foreign presence of the the Minister of Research (left) and the director of the Technical University of Denmark (right). industries. Good progress has also been achie- ved in the energy programmes carried out mainly under the sponsorship of the Danish Ministry of Environment and Energy. The aim here is to improve efficiency and reduce detrimental envi- ronmental effects of energy production, transport and usage. These programmes are (i) Solid Oxide Fuel Cells, (ii) High Temperature Superconductors, (iii) Windmill Wings, and (iv) Flywheels. In these programmes, large and medium size Danish firms are the industrial partners. Staff from these companies Video conferencing was used for teaching university st d t _ t participate actively in the work in the way video links (distance learning) and for video conferences. Department with the aim of integrating our joint research and development activities. On the European level, the Depart- ment has participated in a number of programmes within EU's 4th Framework Finally, we held the 18th Interna- programmes that we have completed programme, mainly BRITE-EURAM and tional Ris0 Symposium on Materials over the years may also be seen as JOULE-THERMIE. In 1997, the Depart- Science in September. The title was having provided good training. Such ment has co-ordinated three BRITE- 'Polymeric Composites - Expanding the programmes have shown us the benefit EURAM proposals and participated in Limits'. The 19th symposium, to be held of a good and friendly collaboration two. Three of these five proposals have in September 1998, has the title 'Model- within the whole Department. We are now been approved covering such activi- ling of Structure and Mechanics of therefore confident that we both have ties as forming, non-destructive testing Materials from Microscale to Product'. the competence and the spirit to meet and high temperature materials. Danish the changes occurring around us. industry participates in two of these The coming years To deal with developments taking programmes. These new contracts will With the present portfolio of program- place in society, a broader customer base bring the Department's annual income mes, most of the activities in the coming must be aimed at. Here, it is very posi- from EU's research programmes up to year or two will be along lines known tive that the main requirement in the about 9 mill. Danish kroner (DKK). This today. However, as more than 50 % of new contract between Rise and the is about 25 % of the total external the funding of the Department's activi- Ministry of Research is specifically that funding; this was
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