MCEC IIEP Quarterly Report #14 Apr Jun 2015

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MCEC IIEP Quarterly Report #14 Apr Jun 2015 Interethnic Integration in Education Project QUARTERLY PROGRAM PERFORMANCE REPORT No. 14 April 1, 2015 – June 30, 2015 Public Debate in Gostivar Submitted by: Macedonian Civic Education Center (MCEC) under Cooperative Agreement No. AID-165-A-12-00002 USAID Interethnic Integration in Education Project QUARTERLY REPORT #14, April 2015 – June 2015 TABLE OF CONTENTS Page 1. Background 3 2. Progress Towards Objectives 4 3. Crosscutting Activities 7 4. Project Activities 10 4.1. Community Outreach 10 4.2. Capacity Building of School Management and Teachers 14 4.3. Demonstration Schools 25 4.4. Providing Incentives to Schools and Communities 32 5. Lessons learned 41 6. Activities to Increase Participation of People with Disabilities (PWDs) 43 7. Activities in the next reporting period 44 8. List of appendices 46 2 USAID Interethnic Integration in Education Project QUARTERLY REPORT #14, April 2015 – June 2015 MACEDONIAN CIVIC EDUCATION CENTER (MCEC) USAID INTERETHNIC INTEGRATION IN EDUCATION PROJECT (IIEP) QUARTERLY PROGRAM PERFORMANCE REPORT No. 14 Cooperative Agreement No: AID-165-A-12-00002 Progress Report No: 14 Reporting Period: April 1, 2015 – June 30, 2015 1. BACKGROUND On December 2nd, 2011, the Macedonian Civic Education Center (MCEC) signed the Cooperative Agreement with USAID agreeing to provide support to USAID’s Interethnic Integration in Education Project (IIEP). IIEP is a four-year, USD 5.2 million initiative targeting all primary and secondary schools in Macedonia. The main objective of IIEP is to build awareness and provide diversity training, technical assistance, and incentives to school boards, directors, teachers, and administration officials in support of interethnic integration in education. It will build broad public understanding on the benefits for all citizens as a result from integrating Macedonia’s education system. IIEP will also create the political, social and economic environment need for Macedonia to achieve sustained interethnic integration in schools, in other educational institutions and eventually all of society. Complementing this, the project team will strengthen the capacity of school staff, students and parents to address issues of diversity and equity in their schools and communities. Project’s approach is comprised of four mutually-supporting and inter-related components. 1. Community Outreach; 2. Capacity Building of School Management and Teachers; 3. Demonstration Schools; and 4. Providing Incentives to Schools and Communities. Students, parents, teachers, administrators and school board members in all primary and secondary schools across Macedonia will be the primary focus of project activities. Additionally, BDE advisors and education inspectors at national and regional level will also be central to achieving sustained change and will actively participate in capacity strengthening activities. Achieving success also demands that IIEP actively engages stakeholders in schools, communities and local governments in the integrated mix of project activities. MCEC is implementing IIEP on behalf of USAID in partnership with educational institutions in Macedonia (Bureau for Development of Education, National Examination Center, State Education Inspectorate, Vocational Education and Training Center) and local NGOs (Center for Human Rights and Conflict Resolution, Loja, Sumnal, Multimedia, Macedonian Institute for Media and Youth Education Forum). 3 USAID Interethnic Integration in Education Project QUARTERLY REPORT #14, April 2015 – June 2015 2. PROGRESS TOWARDS OBJECTIVES During the reporting period the following was accomplished: Crosscutting Activities: . Coordination of the partners performed (Summary Partners Quarterly Reports – Appendix 1). Monitoring and Evaluation: . Monitoring of the trainings / workshops / meetings / presentations / joint student activities; . Application for the electronic survey updated; . Data-base for all schools in Macedonia prepared; . Evaluation of Demonstration schools’ activities conducted; . Evaluation of the Phase 3 Component 2 schools’ activities (from the selected sample) conducted. Component One, Public Outreach: . Regular coordination meetings for activities with partner organizations Macedonian Institute for Media, PAC Multimedia and Youth Educational Forum (YEF) organized; . IIEP Web site and other web-based communication resources updated; . IIEP Public appearances in the media conducted; . Information materials for IIE developed and disseminated; . Regular informing of institutions, municipalities and schools about the IIEP activities performed; . Public promotional event of the video story “Creative Communities” held; . Evaluation and selection of the best multimedia products received within the secondary school competition "Multi-via-Media: How do we coexist in schools” completed; . Award ceremony for the secondary school competition for multi-media products “Multi-via-media: How do we coexist in schools” organized and held; . Preparations of the integrated youth program “Multi-via-Radio” at Radio MOF completed and the program started off; . Two modules of the trainings for forum theatre methodology with selected teachers who led the process of the creative workshops implemented; . Regular coverage of other components’ activities conducted; . Visits and participation in joint student activities performed; . Regional public debate “Youth initiatives: a model for cooperation, integration and trust” organized; . Ribbon-cutting ceremonies prepared and held; . Preparations for “Be creative, Be interactive, Be interethnic“ Festival ongoing; Component Two, Capacity Building of School Management and Teachers: . Advanced training for School Integration Teams (SIT) from multilingual schools delivered; . Supervision meetings with mentors (master trainers and members from partner organization Loja and Sumnal) conducted; . School support visits and observation of the joint student activities in the multilingual schools from Phase 3 delivered; . Mentoring meetings for support of the SITs from all three phases conducted; 4 USAID Interethnic Integration in Education Project QUARTERLY REPORT #14, April 2015 – June 2015 . The document for IIE certification procedure finalized; . Drafts of practical examples for integrating IIE in regular curriculum developed; . Working meeting between IIEP and NEC teams held; . Meetings with school directors and SITs from primary and secondary schools in the ten (10) municipalities to foster the IIE activities on school and local community level held; . Two-day training for teachers/trainers for sport and fun joint student activities of ten (10) ethnically mixed primary schools held and dissemination events with students in the schools conducted; . Editing process of the Manual content for interethnic integration in education for the teacher training faculties finalized; . The adjustment of the Manual for School Integral Evaluation, based on the feedback from the piloted integral evaluations, started; . Orientation meeting for the Fund Raising Forums’ facilitators conducted; . 14 new schools’ grants for joint student activities approved; . Support to schools for planning and implementation of joint student activities, supported by the small grants, provided. Component Three, Demonstration Schools: . Six (6) demonstration schools conducted online school self-evaluation with teachers, students and parents; . Joint long term student activities in 13 groups finished; . Program of multicultural workshops in 30 groups finished; . Program for language acquisition workshops in three (3) groups finished; . Three (3) field trips (excursions) for four (4) demonstration schools, organized; . Three (3) school manifestations, in two (2) demonstration schools, organized; . 21 joint sport classes in three demonstration schools held by eight (8) pairs of teachers; . Nine (9) students’ initiatives undertaken; . Three (3) initiatives by parents organized; . One (1) Olympiad of knowledge organized; . Three (3) project activities within the Civic Education subject, in three (3) demonstration schools, conducted; . 59 groups of teachers (working in pairs or groups of three or four) have established various cooperation through the professional teachers bodies; . Two (2) ribbon cutting events with presentation of IIE activities organized; . Five (5) meetings with SITs and teachers implementers of activities for planning of the Fair of Demonstration schools held; . Ten (10) support meetings with monitoring and mentoring activities (one per each demonstration school in April and May) held. Component Four, Providing Incentives to Schools and Communities: . One day (1) School Maintenance training for SRTs from 13 Phase 4 schools organized and delivered; . 13 mentoring sessions for detailed maintenance plans, procedures and budgets in 13 Phase 4 schools delivered; . Follow up in-school meetings in 13 Phase 3 schools organized; . 10 engineering field reports prepared; . Environmental Mitigation and Monitoring Plan (EMMP) prepared; . 10 MoUs with the schools and municipalities signed; 5 USAID Interethnic Integration in Education Project QUARTERLY REPORT #14, April 2015 – June 2015 . Eight (8) tenders for selection of construction companies announced; . Procedures for selecting consulting companies for supervision of 8 renovation projects completed; . Collection, preparation and signing of cost – share documents for school renovation projects from the third year conducted; . School Maintenance Manual content written and layout developed; . Uploading documents
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