THE KITSUNE Written by Martin O'Toole
[email protected] WGA Registration Number: 2077358 Doc: v6.0 “Hate is not conquered by hate; Hate is conquered by love. This is a law eternal.” — Buddha. INT. OSAKA, JAPAN - PENTHOUSE - MORNING A luxury speaker set BLASTS the room with the cheerful tune of TERRY BUSH’S ‘MAYBE TOMORROW’ as an impeccably dressed JAPANESE WOMAN in her sixties sits at a walnut writing desk. CLOSE on the fountain pen in her left hand, almost ROBOTICALLY crafting beautiful Japanese calligraphy. As the writing hand acts apparently autonomously, the woman’s face appears in conflict. Her right hand suddenly slams down on the page — sweeping the document off the desk. Her left hand calmly places the pen down, then SMACKS her hard across the face. She grimaces as she reaches down to pick up the paper, placing it back on the desktop. Teardrops hit the fresh ink, creating large splodges on the uncoated textured paper, as the hand once again writes, seemingly all on its own. She places the pen down and seals the MONOGRAMMED ENVELOPE, propping it against an object on her desk. Calmly and directly, she walks across the stylish open-plan space, and outside onto the balcony. We watch her from behind, framed on either side by two stunning red Acer trees. Still in HEELS, she climbs onto the balcony wall; and as we hear the lyrics ‘UNTIL TOMORROW, YOU KNOW I’M FREE TO ROAM’, she does a short jig, stopping before the song comes to an end. A breeze blows as the distant city sounds can be heard down below.