Poster Session Poster Session Day 1 - Wednesday, July 20

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Poster Session Poster Session Day 1 - Wednesday, July 20 The 39th Annual Meeting of the Japan Neuroscience Society Wednesday, July 20 Poster Session Poster Session Day 1 - Wednesday, July 20 Neurogenesis and Gliogenesis P1-001 Several transient neuronal populations with extracortical origin crucial for neocortical development TA in mammals are absent from the developing avian dorsal pallium Fernando Garcia-Moreno1,Edward Anderton1,Marta Krolak1,2,Isabel Martinez-Garay3,Jo Begbie1, Zoltan Molnar1 1University of Oxford, Oxford, UK 2University of Warsaw, Warsaw, Poland 3Cardiff University, Cardiff, UK P1-002 Roles of serotonergic system in hippocampal neurogenesis Makoto Kondo,Yukiko Nakamura,Yusuke Ishida,Shoichi Shimada Dept Neurosci & Cell Biol, Osaka Univ Grad Sch Med, Osaka P1-003 Forebrain origin of optic nerve oligodendrocyte in the mouse Katsuhiko Ono1,Hiroyuki Tominaga1,Hitoshi Gotoh1,Tadashi Nomura1,Hirohide Takebayashi1,2, Kazuhiro Ikenaka3 1Dept Biol, Kyoto Pref Univ Med, Kyoto, Japan 2Div Neurobiol Anat, Niigata Univ Grad Sch Med Dent Sci, Niigata, Japan 3Div Neurobiol Bioinfo, Nat Inst Physiol Sci, Okazaki, Japan P1-004 Expression pattern of a novel geneinka2 in nervous system and analysis of its function in cell motility. 1 1 2 Yumi Iwasaki ,Hiroki Akiyama ,Shinichi Sakakibara 1Lab. Molecular Neurobiology Faculty of Human Sciences Waseda University, Saitama, Japan 2Instutute of Applied Brain Science, Waseda University, Saitama, Japan P1-005 Neural progenitor cells in the anterior medullary velum of the adult mouse Mana Nagasawa,Sayaka Kato,Shin-Ichi Sakakibara Department of Molecular Neurobiology, Faculty of Human Sciences, Waseda University P1-006 Proper termination of migration for uppermost part of layers 2/3 neurons requires PlexinA2/A4- Semaphorin6A signaling in the mouse cerebral cortex 1 2 1 2 Yumiko Hatanaka ,Takahiko Kawasaki ,Yasuo Kawaguchi ,Tatsumi Hirata 1Div Cerebral Circuit, NIPS, Aichi, Japan 2Div Brain Function, NIG, Shizuoka, Japan P1-007 Intracellular trafficking of the CXCR4 molecules in the neural progenitors during formation of hippocampal granule cell layer. Yuka Yamamoto1,Hiroshi Shinohara1,Taichi Kashiwagi1,Toru Satou1,Kenta Matsue1,Seiji Shioda2, Tatsunori Seki1 1Department of Histology and Neuroanatomy, Tokyo Medical University 2Institute for advanced Bioscience Research, Hoshi University P1-008 Withdrawn P1-009 Ebf3, a downstream effector of Prdm8, regulates neural differentiation of the developing neocortex 1 1 1 1 1,2 Ryota Iwai ,Mayuko Inoue ,Mariko Suzuki ,Waka Teshima ,Ken-Ichi Mizutani 1Grad Sch Brain Sci, Doshisha Univ 2PRESTO, JST, Tokyo, Japan P1-010 Roles of microRNA in the cerebral histogenesis of mouse embryos 1 2 2 Ryuju Hashimoto ,Akihiro Matsumoto ,Hiroki Otani 1Dept Clinical Nursing, Univ of Shimane, Izumo, Japan 2Dept Dev Biol, Univ of Shimane, Izumo, Japan P1-011 Prdm16 is critical for progression of multipolar phase during neural differentiation of the developing neocortex 1 1 2 2 1,3 Chisato Watanabe ,Mayuko Inoue ,Hidenori Tabata ,Koh-Ichi Nagata ,Ken-Ichi Mizutani 1Grad Sch Brain Sci, Doshisha Univ 2Institute for Developmental Research, Aichi Human Service Center, Aichi, Japan 3JST PRESTO P1-012 The property of Gfap-expressing dentate granule cell progenitors is altered soon after birth. Kenta Matsue1,Shiori Minakawa1,Taichi Kashiwagi1,Keiko Toda1,Yuka Yamamoto1,Seiji Shioda2, Tatsunori Seki1 1Department of Histology and Neuroanatomy, Tokyo Medical University 2Institute for advanced Bioscience Research, Hoshi University P1-013 Cyclin D2 mRNA transportation in the cortical development is based on the 3' UTR element: a CRISPR/Cas9 analysis 1 2 2 1 Takako Kikkawa ,Yukiko U. Inoue ,Takayoshi Inoue ,Noriko Osumi 1Dept. of Dev. Neurosci., Sch. of Med., Univ. of Tohoku, Sendai, Japan 2Dept Biochem and Cell Biol, NCNP, Tokyo, Japan 137 P1-014 DNA polymerase β function in neural progenitors is required for postmitotic neuronal survival and differentiation in the developing cortex Kohei Ohnishi1,Noriyuki Sugo1,2,Shunsuke Toyoda1,2,Teruyoshi Hirayama1,2,Takeshi Yagi1,2, Nobuhiko Yamamoto1 1Graduate School of Frontier Biosciences, Osaka University, Osaka, Japan 2Japan Science and Technology Agency, CREST Stem Cells and Reprogramming P1-015 Multifunctional neural stem cells in the sensory circumventricular organs of adult mouse. 1 1 1 2 1 Eriko Furube ,Ayaka Yoshida ,Shiori Muneoka ,Mitsuhiro Morita ,Seiji Miyata 1Dept of Applied Biol, Kyoto Inst of Technol, Kyoto, Japan 2Dept of Biol, Kobe Univ, Hyogo, Japan P1-016 PDGFRβ-expressing brain pericytes following ischemia acquire microglia-generating multipotent stem cell activity Rika Sakuma1,Maiko Kawahara1,2,Akiko Doi1,Ai Takahashi1,2,Yasue Tanaka1,3,Aya Narita1, Sachi Otani5,Tetsu Hayakawa4,Hideshi Yagi5,Tomohiro Matsuyama1,Takayuki Nakagomi1 1Institute for Advanced Medical Sciences, Hyogo College of Medicine, Hyogo, Japan 2Graduate School of Science and Technology, Kwansei Gakuin University, Hyogo, Japan 3Department of Neurosurgery, Hyogo College of Medicine, Hyogo, Japan 4Laboratory of Tumor Immunology and Cell Therapy, Hyogo College of Medicine, Hyogo, Japan 5Department of Anatomy and Neuroscience, Hyogo College of Medicine, Hyogo, Japan P1-017 Enhanced neurogenesis after induction of status epileputicus in adult mice 1 2 1 2 Tetsuji Mori ,Hirofumi Kurata ,Fumiaki Kawashima ,Yoshihiro Maegaki 1Dept Biological Regulation, Sch Med, Tottori Univ 2Division of Child Neurology, Institute of Neurological Sciences, Faculty of Medicine, Tottori Univ P1-018 Stem cell therapy on Alzheimer's disease Animal Model Kuen-Jer Tsai Institute of Clinical Medicine, National Cheng Kung University, Tainan, Taiwan P1-019 Differential roles of c-jun in the embryonic and adult stem/precursor cells Fumiaki Kawasima,Tetsuji Mori Dept Biological Regulation, Sch Med, Tottori Univ Axon/Dendrite Growth and Circuit Formation P1-020 Analysis of mitochondrial movement and its ATP production in elongating neurons Rika Suzuki,Kotaro Oka,Kohji Hotta School of Fundamental Science and Technology, Keio University, Kanagawa, Japan P1-021 LOTUS functions as an antagonist for PirB Yuji Kurihara,Kohtaro Takei Mol. Med. Biosci. Lab., Grad. Sch. of Med. Life Sci., Yokohama City Univ., Yokohama, Japan P1-022 Development of GluN2B NMDA receptor subtype in spinal motoneurons: A study using Grin2b-flox mice Takae Ohno1,Satoshi Fukuda1,Naoyuki Murabe1,Noriko Isoo1,Hiroaki Mizukami2,Keiya Ozawa2,3, Kenji Sakimura4,Masaki Sakurai1 1Dept Physiol, Teikyo Univ Sch Med, Tokyo, Japan 2Div Genetic Therapeutics, Center for Molecular Medicine, Jichi Medical Univ, Tochigi, Japan 3IMSUT Hospital, The Inst Med Sci, Univ Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan 4Dept Cell Neurobiol, Brain Res Inst, Niigata Univ, Niigata, Japan P1-023 Distribution of corticospinal axons from motor-related and somatosensory cortical areas in mice 1 1 2 2 1 Hiroshi Kameda ,Naoyuki Murabe ,Hiroaki Mizukami ,Keiya Ozawa ,Masaki Sakurai 1Dept Physiol, Teikyo Univ Sch Med, Tokyo, Japan 2Div Genet Therapeutics, Ctr for Mol Med, Jichi Med Univ, Tochigi, Japan P1-024 LOTUS, an endogenous Nogo receptor antagonist, contributes to spontaneous recovery of locomotor function after spinal cord injury. 1 1 2 1 Tomoko Hirokawa ,Yuji Kurihara ,Yoshio Goshima ,Kohtaro Takei 1Mol. Med. Biosci. Lab., Grad. sch. of Med. Life Sci., Yokohama City Univ., Yokohama, Japan 2Dept Mol. Pharmacol. & Neurobio., Grad. Sch. of Med., Yokohama City Univ., Yokohama, Japan P1-025 Mechanism of functional recovery with rehabilitation after spinal cord injury Toru Nakanishi,Yuki Fujita,Toshihide Yamashita Dept Mol Neurosci, Osaka Univ, Osaka, Japan 138 The 39th Annual Meeting of the Japan Neuroscience Society Wednesday, July 20 P1-026 The role of singar during neuronal circuit development Poster Session Takuro Kono1,Hitomi Nakazawa1,Colleen F. Manning2,James S. Trimmer2,Kenji Kohno1, Akihiro Urasaki1,Naoyuki Inagaki1 1Grad. Sch. Bio. Sci., NAIST, Nara, Japan 2Dept of Neurobiol. Physiol. and Behav., Univ. of California, Davis, USA P1-027 Is GluN2B involved in the corticomotoneuronal synapse elimination during development in rodents? Naoyuki Murabe1,Satoshi Fukuda1,Takae Ohno1,Noriko Isoo1,Takuma Mori2,3,Hiroaki Mizukami4, Keiya Ozawa4,5,Kenji Sakimura6,Yumiko Yoshimura2,Masaki Sakurai1 1Dept Physiol, Teikyo Univ Sch Med, Tokyo, Japan 2Div Visual Information Processing, National Institute for Physiological Sciences, Okazaki, Japan 3Dept of Mol and Cell Physiol, Inst of Med, Acad Assembly, Shinshu Univ 4Div Genetic Therapeutics, Center for Molecular Medicine, Jichi Medical Univ, Tochigi, Japan 5IMSUT Hospital, The Inst Med Sci, Univ of Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan 6Dept Cell Neurobiol, Brain Res Inst, Niigata Univ, Niigata, Japan P1-028 Visualization and developmental analysis of the inter-areal connections in the mouse cortex using a new method for sparse labeling 1 1 1,2,3 Yuichiro Oka ,Tokuichi Iguchi ,Makoto Sato 1Dept Anat & Neurosci, Grad Sch Med, Osaka Univ, Osaka, Japan 2Dept Child Dev, United Grad Schl of Child Dev, Osaka Univ, Osaka, Japan 3Res Center for Child Mental Dev, Univ of Fukui, Fukui, Japan P1-029 Frequency and length of sugar codes in sulfated glycans regulate axonal regeneration and its failure through RPTP-autophagy axis Kazuma Sakamoto,Tomoya Ozaki,Yuanhao Gong,Kenji Kadomatsu Dept Biochem, Univ of Nagoya, Aichi, Japan P1-030 Neuron morphology in forebrain-specific Ctgf knockout mice 1 1,2,3 Yi-Ling Lu ,Li-Jen Lee 1Grad. Inst. of Anat. And Cell Biol.,Natl. Taiwan Univ., Taipei, Taiwan 2Grad. Inst. of Brain and Mind Sci. 3Neurobio. and Cognitive Sci. Ctr., Natl. Taiwan Univ., Taipei, Taiwan P1-031 Development
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