
Theme Pack 5 Religious Education –

What is Buddhism?

Follow the link below and watch the video clip and play the quiz. https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/topics/zh4mrj6/articles/zdbvjhv

Buddhism started in India over 2,500 years ago. Buddhists follow the teachings of a man called Siddhattha Gotama . He became known as the Buddha , which means 'enlightened'.

What do Buddhists believe?

• Siddhattha Gotama was a prince who lived a life of luxury. When he was 29, Siddhattha went outside his palace and saw people suffering for the first time. • He decided to leave his palace and live among holy men in search of truth. His search took him six years, but he became enlightened while meditating under a fig tree. • Following this, Siddhattha became known as the Buddha, which means the 'awakened' or 'enlightened' one. From then on, he dedicated his life to spreading his teachings.

• The Buddha discovered that the answer lay in what have become known as the . Buddhists try to achieve enlightenment by understanding these important principles. • Buddhists try to live a good life by following the Buddha's teachings, helping them to avoid suffering and bad feelings. They believe nothing in life is perfect and the way to avoid suffering is to follow a set of important guidelines known as the .

Buddhism in pictures

What is the Buddhist holy book?

The Buddhist scriptures are known as the Tipitaka which means 'three baskets'. This is because the original writings were made on palm leaves and stored in baskets.

The Tipitaka contains the teachings of the Buddha and his companions, comments on those teachings, as well as rules for monks. Buddhists call the teachings of the Buddha which means ‘truth’.

Where do Buddhists worship?

In Buddhist countries there are many temples. People bring flowers and incense for the shrine and food for the monks.

When entering a temple, Buddhists will take off their shoes, put their hands together and bow to the image of the Buddha. They may also use prayer beads called malas .

Some Buddhists may also have a shrine within their home too.

Task 1

Make your own comparison sheet or table to identify all the similarities and differences between Buddhism and your own beliefs. What is the same? What is different?

What is Day?

Follow the link below and watch the video clip and play the quiz. https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/topics/zh4mrj6/articles/zvtxgwx

Nirvana Day is an annual Buddhist festival that remembers the of the Buddha when he reached Nirvana at the age of 80.

Nirvana is believed to be the end of the cycle of death and . Buddhism teaches that Nirvana is reached when all want and suffering is gone. When is Nirvana Day?

Most Buddhists celebrate Nirvana Day on the 15 February . Others celebrate it on 8 February . It is also known as Day.

Four Noble Truths

The Buddha attained Nirvana when he came to understand the Four Noble Truths . These are:

- Life involves suffering - Suffering is due to having desires - Suffering can be ended by overcoming desires - The way to end suffering is by following the Eightfold Path

The Eightfold Path

The Eightfold Path is often represented as a wheel, known as the Wheel of Dharma . 'Dharma' is an ancient word used to refer to the Buddha's teachings.

What is meditation?

Buddhists believe meditation is very important for well-being. It is a way to clear the mind and encourage positive thinking. To meditate you need to find a quiet area where you can concentrate. There are lots of different ways of meditating. Some people sit on a cushion with their legs crossed and focus on breathing deeply. Others attend classes and learn different techniques.

How is Nirvana Day celebrated?

Buddhists may celebrate Nirvana Day by meditating or by going to Buddhist temples or monasteries.

In monasteries, Nirvana Day is treated as a social occasion. Food is prepared and some people bring presents such as money, household goods or clothes.

On Nirvana Day, Buddhists think about their lives and how they can gain the perfect peace of Nirvana. They remember friends or relations who have recently died. They reflect on the fact that death is a part of life for everyone.

The idea that nothing stays the same is important to Buddhism. Buddhists believe that loss and change are things to be accepted rather than causes of sadness.

Task 2

Design and create your own poster to celebrate Nirvana Day. Include information about when and why it is celebrated.

Challenge: See if you can take part in your own meditation time this week – maybe try some yoga!

What is Wesak?

Follow the link below and watch the video clip and play the quiz. https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/topics/zh4mrj6/articles/zbsp92p

Wesak celebrates the Buddha's birthday and, for some Buddhists, also marks his enlightenment and death. It is also called Buddha Day .

When is Wesak?

Wesak is the most important of the Buddhist festivals and is celebrated on the full moon in May.

In 2020 Wesak takes place on Thursday 7th May .

How is Wesak celebrated?

Wesak is a very colourful and happy celebration. Homes may be cleaned and decorated.

In many countries, Buddhists will visit their local temple for services and teaching. They will give offerings to the monks of food, candles and flowers. Chanting and praying are an important part of Wesak.

The 'Bathing the Buddha' ceremony is also often included. Water is poured over the shoulders of the Buddha as a reminder to purify their own minds from greed, hatred and ignorance.

Gifts are taken to an altar to be offered to the Buddha statues. This shows respect and gratitude to the Buddha for his life and teachings.

Giving to others is an important Buddhist tradition. Buddhists make a special effort to give to people in need at Wesak.

Celebrations vary from one country to another. In Thailand and Indonesia, for example, special Wesak lanterns are made of paper and wood. In China, dancing dragons are incorporated into the celebrations.

Task 3

Make your own Wesak lantern by following the instructions on the next page!