

Chairperson Lynn Oates, Vice Ethel Stepnitz, Secretary Ann Peterson Members: Mary Antenucci, Eric Bothwell, Linda Glisman, David Lowell, Mark Panter and Sue Neal

400 Sixth Street October 9, 2013 7:00 pm

1) Call to Order. Chairperson Lynn Oates called the regular meeting of the City beautiful Commission to order at 7:05 PM

2) Roll Call - Members present: Oates, Stepnitz, Peterson, Bothwell, Glisman, Lowell, Panter, Antenucci. Members absent: Neal. Others present: Bill Bohlen, Derrick Kozicki

3) Approval of Minutes: Motion by Bothwell seconded by Stepnitz to approve the September 11, 2013 meeting minutes with no changes. Yes: All approved, motion carried

4) CBC Officer elections: Chairperson: Lynn Oates, Vice Chairperson Ethel Stepnitz, Secretary: Mark Panter

5) New members; subcommittee selections. Howlett Park subcommittee: Panter is added; Stepnitz and Lowell are removed. Antenucci is TBD.

6) Elizabeth Park Improvements – (Bill Bohlen, Eric Bothwell, David Lowell, Linda Glisman and Ethel Stepnitz) a) Updates on Landscape Plan - Noreen Kozlowski reviewed the plan, the following issues were discussed: Bill Bohlen: The proposed plan will require additional utility services: water, electric, plus gas if gas lights are selected. Also that the grade will be set on the main area and with the remaining areas to provide ADA access. Other pathways will be set to provide a gradual down and out. The grass areas will also require new sod plus irrigation (irrigation cost estimate: $6,000). We will contact the firm utilized by the DDA to maintain plantings for an estimate of incremental annual cost.

b) Ken Thompson at Flatlanders Sculpture: waiting for email response c) Rena Stewart: suggestion of fused glass in water wall to be presented in November

d) Status of placement of two planter boxes; pending sign placement end of month e) Status of addition of garbage can(s) and general clean up: October 19 workday with volunteers plus herbicide application f) Possible grants or partnerships (1) Tiffany & Co. Foundation - Urban Parks Grant: probably not a viable option. 7) Howlett Park Improvements (Bill Bohlen, Mark Panter and volunteer Nina Ignaczak) i) Request a sign to go to CBC Website to watch project ii) Post on Facebook b) 2012-2013 Budget (Paid) i) DPW 130018 (1) Install 1036 plugs in Unit #9 - September (2) Seed Unit 9 - October '13 ii) DPW 130019 (1) Install woody plants - September (a) Seed/plant for Howlett should be installed early fall (September planned). Per Ester, done last week of September, email follow up to Ester to verify that all outstanding items are complete. c) 2013 – 2014 Budget i) Follow up on walkthrough and visioning meeting with Nina ii) Potential work day for volunteers, DPW and RFD for clean up iii) Mark items for removal iv) Herbicide application to follow v) Re-plug prior planting areas with remaining budget d) 2014 - 2015 i)Need to plan ii)Reorient benches iii)Submit request for goals 7 Objectives for the FYE15 budget if needed d) Possible Eagle Scout projects (1) Consideration of a foot bridge over the "ditch" area northwest of the current platform (2) Replacement/renovation of existing pond platform (a) Update from Eagle Scout after review (b) RFD has wood to donate e) Addition of fencing near drain area f) Possible grant requests

8) Community Garden Update – (Bill Bohlen & Sue Neal) c) 2013-2014 Budget i) Possible addition of 3 ADA beds (6 plots) ADA driveway, drop off and parking for next year’s growing season (1) Status of driveway installation: Bohlen: $45,000 - $55,000 cost estimate (we have budgeted $30,000 in 2013 and $20,000 in 2014). RFD will build beds at no cost. Bohlen will investigate

funding sources to pave the pathways with a “slag” material (similar to a baseball infield). Paths within the garden will be ADA accessible. No additional expansion will be possible prior to the 2014-15 budget year. b) Send additional feedback on the Garden Survey to Neal. c) Possible Grants i) Status of Darden Restaurants grant for $1,000 (1) Possible hoop house for growing produce for local food banks (2) Total cost, additional fundraising needed (3) Possible Fall 2013 build if approved

9) Rochester Green City (Chair Sue Neal, Members Cathy Daldin, Lonna Harlow, Nina Ignaczak, Troy Lindner, Scott Reeder and Marilyn Trent): Neal to provide an update for the November meeting.

10) Clinton River Access Point Improvements– Nina Ignaczak / Clinton River Watershed a) Planting (1) Status of planting and seeding with Michigan Wildflower; (a) Blanket, seeding and plant the hill at the boat launch in the fall: Completed last week of September, RFD to confirm to Ester that all outstanding items are complete (b) Herbicide treatment on the hill for site preparation prior (i) Area has been treated, ready for planting: this item has been completed. b) Canoe Lock Up area i) Status of Eagle Scout Project : Ribbon Cutting Ceremony to be held on October 17 at 4:00PM under the bridge RFD to add structural enhancements to Canoe Lock Up Structure. c) Water Hub Project: Ignaczak to provide an update for the November meeting i) Crowd Funding for stairway from under bridge to Main Street ii) Status of Easement Approval from neighboring

11) Arbor Day a) Status of installation of signs for 2011, 2012 and 2013 Application for Tree City USA i) Submit in December b) 2014 – St. John, approved by current principal, need verification from incoming principal c) 2015 - McGregor, replaced Holy Family, will need to send letter

12) 3rd Quarter Good Neighbor Award a) Reviewed Application received from Dinosaur Hill for Tracy Mitton and Andrea Daldin: Application approved. b) E-blast to be sent

c) Repost to Facebook d) City Newsletter e) Reevaluate program after 3rd quarter

13) Adopt – A - Sign a) Status of Welcome sign replacement project: Review at November meeting b) Finalize Adopt-a-Sign program and paperwork c) Determine sub committee

14) Municipal Park: Bohlen to develop list of potential projects with a cost estimate for each. To be discussed and prioritized at November meeting. a) Sun Dial project at the south east entrance; Steve Sage i) Approval of proposed plan, Bill to meet with Neil ii) Review of potential cost iii) Possible sponsorship opportunities iv) Determine quantity of city bricks needed b) Possible Paver Project; i) Status of possible include as part of Bi-centennial project c) Memorial Grove; possible projects i) 5 senses garden

15) Keep Michigan Beautiful a) Plans for 2014 “Mulch-a-Palooza”

16) Publicity /Website / Social Media a) Fall CBC Newsletter – Mark Panter i) Suggested updates (1) Community Garden – requested from Sue (2) Green City Committee – requested from Sue (3) Howlett Park Project – requested from Nina (4) Clinton River Launch Point – Requested from Nina (5) New CBC members; received from Mark and Mary (6) Any upcoming events through December ii) Post on Website when complete iii) Possible email distribution iv) Derrick to link to it on the front page of the website when completed b) Press Release on Tree City USA recognition; next year

17) City Council Updates / Requests a) Will need to do annual report in next month

18) Fundraising and Grants a) Sale of Garden Art items donated courtesy of Pat and Ed Kane (1) Letter to Dino Hill after event

19) New Business / Miscellaneous a) Next meeting – November 13, 2013 at 7:00 p.m.
