
S5514 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE July 8, 2013 bills that have the support of the ma- who sell their goods over the Internet. ness until 5 p.m., with Senators per- jority of the , the only thing It is unfair. Why the doesn’t mitted to speak therein for up to 10 they are going to let happen—doesn’t take that up I don’t know. each. work, and it is bad for the country. We already know that sticking to the The Senator from South Carolina. Any major legislation passed by the prevented the House from Mr. SCOTT. I ask House of Representatives with only Re- passing a farm bill last month and last that I be allowed to speak as in morn- publican votes has no hope of advanc- year. ing business. ing here or being signed into law by the This month sticking to the Hastert f President. rule prevented the House from passing UNLEASHING OPPORTUNITIES I hope the Speaker has learned his immigration reform that would become lesson from recent high-profile failures law. Mr. SCOTT. It is indeed a humbling of his shortsighted Hastert rule—post Insisting on the Hastert rule also honor to serve the great people of office, farm bill, online sales tax, im- prevented Speaker BOEHNER from South Carolina in the Senate. I am so migration. Eventually he will be forced reaching across the aisle to find a sen- grateful for the support I have received sible solution to our rising student to take up the bill we passed here or from South Carolinians. loan interest rates. Right now, what the country will be left with no immi- The success of the Palmetto State they have done on the other side is gration reform at all, which will be a can be measured in many ways, but worse for students than doing nothing bad outcome. today, let me share the success of our at all. The legislation passed by the The Speaker should dispense with the economic engine. From insourcing jobs House would balance the budget on the posturing and delay and do the right from other countries, jobs such as Otis backs of struggling students—would at- thing, and he should do it now. He Elevators in Florence, SC, or the high- tempt to balance it, at least. The tech boom that is happening through- should take up the Senate farm bill on House legislation is worse for students which Chairman STABENOW worked so out South Carolina, companies such as than doing nothing at all. Under the BMW in the upstate continue to ex- hard. They should pass that bill. They House plan, as interest rates start to pand. Michelin, in Anderson County ex- should take it up over there and pass rise, student loan rates will rise with pands. Continental Tires finds a home it. Farmers are waiting, and all the nu- them. Soon loan rates will be more in Sumter, SC, and there are more than trition groups around the country are than double. I met with the White 5,000 new jobs on the coast of South waiting. He should do that right now. House, one of the President’s assist- He should take up the Senate immi- ants. I said: Tell me what happens in 3 Carolina because of Boeing. And let’s gration bill. I say that for the second years. He had to acknowledge that the not forget Aiken, SC, where or third time today. This measure—a rates would be well over 6.8 percent. Bridgestone has made a new home. farm bill that passed overwhelmingly To find a responsible solution to the South Carolina is and will continue to on bipartisan votes in this Chamber— student loan issue and every other be a leading manufacturing engine for the passing of the farm bill would cre- major issue facing this Congress, the America. ate jobs and reduce the debt by some Speaker should work with us and his I stand before you today on the $23 billion. And it is important to note Democratic colleagues in the House in- shoulders of two very amazing Ameri- that there are reforms both in the farm stead of against them. He should re- cans. One has gone home to be with the and food stamp programs without bal- member that the only way to pass Lord. The other is my hero, my moth- ancing the budget on the backs of hun- meaningful legislation in either Cham- er, Frances Scott. gry Americans. In fact, it goes a long ber is to do so with votes from both Growing up in a single-parent house- way toward reducing our debt. reasonable Democrats and reasonable hold, my mother would have to work Passing the immigration bill would Republicans. sometimes 16-hour days in order to help 11 million people who are already I am told the Speaker is going to keep me and my brother off of welfare. contributing to our economy and our come out with a statement today say- She wanted us to have a good example society to get right with the law. It ing: We passed our student loan legisla- of someone who believed in hard work would boost our economy and make tion. Now why can’t the Senate pass it? for us to follow. our country safer, all the while reduc- I repeat, the Speaker’s student loan My mother used to tell me all the ing the deficit by about $1 trillion over legislation that passed the House is time that if you shoot for the Moon the next two decades. worse than doing nothing. The Hastert and you miss, you will be among the I remind the Speaker that there is no rule has been bad for this country, and stars. But I didn’t always listen to my shame in passing bills that moderates Speaker BOEHNER should get away mother. By the time I was a freshman from both parties can support. Ameri- from it. in high school, I was drifting. Have you cans want their elected officials to f ever noticed that you don’t really drift in the right direction? As a freshman work together to fix the Nation’s prob- lems. This is what we did in the Sen- in high school, I failed out. I failed ate. I promise the formula will work in Mr. REID. I ask unanimous consent world geography. I think I am the only the House of Representatives as well. that we now proceed to a period of U.S. Senator to fail civics. I also failed The Speaker should try that. morning business and that Senators be Spanish and English. Sticking to the Hastert rule has pre- allowed to speak for up to 10 minutes When you fail Spanish and English, vented the House from passing legisla- each prior to the at 5 they don’t call you bilingual. They call tion to reform the ailing Postal Serv- p.m., with the exception of Senator you bi-ignorant because you can’t ice. Postal reform passed over here on SCOTT, who is giving his maiden speech speak in any language. an overwhelmingly bipartisan vote. today. That’s where I found myself. I found The PRESIDING OFFICER (Mr. MUR- The Speaker refused to even consider it myself in a very strong and hard posi- PHY). Without objection, it is so or- last Congress, didn’t even take it up. tion, but good fortune strikes. I had Sticking to the Hastert rule pre- dered. two blessings. One was a mother who vented the House from passing a meas- f believes that sometimes love has to ure that would give brick-and-mortar RESERVATION OF LEADER TIME come at the end of the switch. For stores parity with online competitors. Mr. REID. Would the Chair announce those of you who are not aware of what We passed that on a bipartisan vote. It the business for the day. a switch is, it is a motivational appa- is heartbreaking all over America. I THE PRESIDING OFFICER. Under ratus, and it encouraged me a lot. I see it in Nevada when I go by these the previous order, the leadership time will say that, along with my mentor strip malls and see places that, if they is reserved. John Moniz, who came along at the had the advantage of not having to pay right time—I was a sophomore—I found f sales tax—which is what happens on- my way back on the path. John Moniz line—they would be in business. They ORDER OF BUSINESS was a Chick-fil-A operator who made would go back into business if the sales The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- such a major impact in my life over the tax would have to be paid by the people ate will be in a period of morning busi- last three decades.

VerDate Mar 15 2010 00:15 Jul 09, 2013 Jkt 029060 PO 00000 Frm 00002 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G08JY6.005 S08JYPT1 rfrederick on DSK6SPTVN1PROD with SENATE July 8, 2013 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S5515 John came along as I was a sopho- Further, with over 70,000 pages of new lished Sunday a week ago—‘‘IRS tar- more in high school, and he taught me regulations in the last 5 years, the geting scandal shows need for re- some very, very valuable lessons. A compliance cost for small business is form’’—and so I was happy to hear the couple of those lessons John started staggering. We do not simply need a Senator talking about some of the teaching me very early on were about delay in the employer mandate, we things happening there, because he being a business owner. John believed need a of the employer mandate. talks about responsibility, account- that you could literally think your On education, I can tell you as a poor ability, and the kinds of things we way out of poverty. You didn’t have to kid, by the time I was in the fourth heard in his maiden speech today. He be an entertainer or an athlete, but grade, I had already attended four writes in a concise way, also a coura- you could become an entrepreneur. So schools. It is very difficult for us to geous way, so I want to join the Repub- John started teaching me some of the fund the right school with the some- lican leader in welcoming the new Sen- lessons of being a business owner. He times transient nature of poverty ator and his comments, and I look for- said having a job is a good thing, but where you have to move a lot. I believe ward to working with him for many creating jobs is even better. the system and the people closest to years to come. John would teach me later that in the child are in the best position to I thank the Chair. earning an income, you have done well. provide the highest quality of edu- Mr. SCOTT. I thank my colleague. But if you can learn to create a profit, cation for that child. So there is no The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- you have done fantastically. He taught way a bureaucrat in Washington, DC, ator from Texas. Mr. CORNYN. Mr. President, I join me some other lessons about individual can better educate a child in Lexington my colleagues in congratulating our responsibility. John once told me: If County than that child’s parents and recently arrived colleague from South you don’t like where you are, look in the teachers who are so involved in Carolina on his maiden speech. It the mirror. Blame yourself. John was that education. strikes me we all want the same thing trying to teach me some very valuable We need a national debate on edu- pretty much. We want an opportunity lessons about individual responsibility. cation. Parents need more choices so and we want to make sure our kids get I learned very quickly from John their kids will have a chance. So let’s the best quality education so they can that if you were a part of the problem, debate it. Let’s debate charter schools, compete in a global economy. But to be you were also part of the promise; that let’s debate public school choice, pri- in fact if you saw yourself as a part of honest about it, we do have different vate school choice, tax credits, home your obstacle, you may have found the approaches on how to achieve those schools. Whatever it takes to improve key ingredient to your opportunities. goals, it strikes me, across the aisle. our education system should be on the It took a little time before the lessons There are those who believe the gov- table for discussion. ernment should play a bigger, more ex- of my mentor and the strong discipline Let me close with this. If we create a of my mother started to germinate in pansive role, and they have their own competitive Tax Code and a fair, sen- my soul, but it finally did. ideas and approach; and there are those sible regulatory environment, as well After 4 years of having John as my of us who believe in limited govern- mentor, something very tragic hap- as a world-class education system, we ment, and that that is most consistent pened. At the young age of 38, John will create the best economy known to with individual freedom and the oppor- suddenly passed away. I remember the man, as we have in times past. You see, tunity to strive, to work hard, and to day before his funeral as though it the best and the brightest days are still succeed. It is that notion of earned suc- were yesterday. I sat down and wrote ahead for America. Our strongest mo- cess. So we have a different approach, out my mission statement: to posi- ments, our strongest stands, are still in and I know the Senator from South tively impact the lives of a billion peo- our future. I believe in the greatness of Carolina agrees with that. ple with the message of hope and op- America because I have experienced I also believe the Senator from South portunity—hope being my faith in the goodness of her people. In America, Carolina has been a tremendous addi- Christ Jesus and opportunity being the an ordinary guy like me can be blessed tion because of his background and his lessons of financial literacy and finan- with an extraordinary opportunity like upbringing. Some people might say we cial independence I learned from my this. Thank you, and God bless Amer- don’t need more lawyers in the Senate, mentor John Moniz. ica. and he certainly is not one of those, I decided to follow in the footsteps of The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Re- but he is somebody who has succeeded my mentor John. I started my own publican leader. in the private sector, been marvelously business, and I learned very quickly Mr. MCCONNELL. Mr. President, I successful now both in the House and the challenges of signing the front of congratulate our good friend from here in the Senate. So it is great to the paycheck when you could not sign South Carolina on his maiden speech have him as part of the Senate and the back for yourself. Over the last two and the opportunity, obviously, to contributing his unique perspective decades, as a business owner and as an learn more about his inspirational and being able to articulate as he does elected official—whether it was as a early life and the bilingual nature of so well how small-government, limited- member of the county council or a his beginning and the way he inter- government principles apply to that member of the South Carolina House of preted those lessons both from his concept of earned success that all of us Representatives or being elected to the mother and from his mentor into the want not only for ourselves but for our U.S. Congress—I have used as my foun- extraordinary success he has had both families as well. dation the lessons I learned from my in the private sector and the public The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- mentor and my mother. sector. I wish to say, on behalf of my ator from Tennessee. During my time here in the Senate I colleagues, it is an honor to serve with Mr. ALEXANDER. Mr. President, I will focus on a few key issues, includ- him. join my colleagues in complimenting ing education, economic empowerment, Mr. SCOTT. I thank the Leader. the Senator from South Carolina, No. and controlling our spending addiction. The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- 1, because of his work ethic. I have the As a small business owner over the last ator from Wyoming. privilege of being the ranking Repub- 15 years I can tell you firsthand that Mr. BARRASSO. Mr. President, I lican member of the that our Tax Code is broken. With the high- want to join the Republican leader in has maybe the broadest jurisdiction, est corporate tax rate in all the world, expressing my appreciation of Senator the most diversity of any of our com- and the taxing of small and family- SCOTT today, not just for his maiden mittees—Health, Education, Labor, owned businesses at an alarming rate, speech but because we have new pages and Pensions—and I have observed how we will continue to produce a slow- on the Senate and so it is their hard Senator SCOTT has worked and growth economy. first time, and I see the bright eyes of how well prepared he has been in his The regulatory nightmare facing our these young people looking up to the first several months as a Senator. He small business owners today is only Senator as he gives his maiden speech has spoken out on labor issues, he has worsened by the ‘‘Unaffordable Care as he talks about the next generation. made a major contribution to the de- Act,’’ as my good friend Congressman I was thinking a bit, because I saw an bate we had on whether we need a na- Kucinich said yesterday. editorial the Senator had written pub- tional school board or local control on

VerDate Mar 15 2010 00:15 Jul 09, 2013 Jkt 029060 PO 00000 Frm 00003 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G08JY6.006 S08JYPT1 rfrederick on DSK6SPTVN1PROD with SENATE S5516 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE July 8, 2013 elementary and secondary education. Specialist Pierce graduated from straw broom on his nose. He could en- When other Senators are doing other Mansfield High School and spent his tertain a group of kids for hours by things, he is right there at the com- free time perfecting his steak cooking doing his balancing tricks. mittee hearings. So he has made a abilities at the Bulldog Diner in Green- When the Great Depression hit the quiet, effective, principled, studious wood, AK. A former coworker described Midwest, Joe’s family, like so many contribution to the Senate, in my expe- these as ‘‘the best steaks ever.’’ others, was in dire economic straits. So rience, these first few months, and I Specialist Pierce’s friends say the Joe, at the age of 16, went to work in am delighted to have him here. money he earned at his part-time job the Civilian Conservation Corps, the He has done so well I have invited went to fixing his truck. His love of CCC. The legal age was 18, but because him to come to Tennessee on Friday to auto mechanics led him to do most of of Joe’s size and the poverty at home, speak to one of the largest gatherings the work himself. Specialist Pierce’s Joe said he was 18 and thus joined the we have annually in the State, and he family said he joined the military in CCC. Young men left home, lived in has agreed to come, and we are grateful 2011 to make a difference. CCC camps, worked on building dams for that. He served in South Korea before his and dikes, cleared roads in winter, Finally, I would compliment him on assignment at Fort Campbell. He was a cleaned up after floods, and created one other thing. Sometimes I like to member of A Company, 1st Battalion, State parks and recreation areas. CCC tell stories about the person for whom 506th Infantry Regiment, 101st Air- I came to the Senate to work—Senator camps were run in a semimilitary fash- borne Division, Fort Campbell, KY. ion. Howard Baker. When Senator Baker SPC Robert Pierce was only 20 when he Joe worked at the CCC camps for 3 first came in 1967, I would say to the gave his life for his country last month years and was paid $36 a month. As Joe Senator from South Carolina, the Re- while on patrol in Afghanistan. Spe- remembered, he sent $30 home and kept publican leader was his father-in-law cialist Pierce is a true American hero $6 for himself. He often said the CCC Everett Dirksen. Senator Baker made who made the ultimate sacrifice. was President Roosevelt’s best pro- his maiden speech, probably from a I ask my colleagues to keep his wife gram. back row about like Senator SCOTT is Christian and the rest of his family and making his, and his father-in-law was friends in their thoughts and prayers. The day after the attack on Pearl sitting right where Senator MCCON- On behalf of a grateful Nation, I Harbor, Joe went right down to the re- NELL sits, listening to the whole thing. humbly offer my sincerest gratitude cruiting office and signed up for mili- It went on, and it went on, and it went for his patriotism and selfless sacrifice. tary duty. He joined the Navy and on for nearly an hour. After it was I suggest the absence of a . spent most of the war years as a Boat- over, Senator Dirksen came over to The PRESIDING OFFICER. The swain Mate First Class on destroyer es- Senator Baker, and Senator Baker said clerk will call the roll. corts, escorting troop ships and cargo to his father-in-law: Well, how did I do? The legislative clerk proceeded to ships the United States to Russia, Eng- Senator Dirksen, the Republican lead- call the roll. land, and North Africa. er, said to the new Senator: Maybe, Mr. HARKIN. Mr. President, I ask His ship, the USS Marchand, sank Howard, you should occasionally try to unanimous consent that the order for several German U-boats and rescued enjoy the luxury of an unexpressed the be rescinded. survivors of cargo and troopships sunk thought. The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without by enemy torpedoes. Joe was present at So I congratulate Senator SCOTT for objection, it is so ordered. Normandy on D-day, again protecting his succinct maiden address. He is not the troopships and big cruisers from only effective, studious, and diligent, f enemy submarines. he knows how to speak his words clear- TRIBUTE TO JOSEPH C. MCQUAID After the war in Europe ended, Joe ly and succinctly, and it is wonderful Mr. HARKIN. Mr. President, on Mon- was sent to the Pacific as a Boatswain to see him. day, July 1, 2013, Joseph C. McQuaid Mate on a troopship headed to the Mr. SCOTT. I thank the Senator. was laid to rest, with full military hon- Mr. CORNYN. Mr. President, I sug- Philippines. During his voyage, Joe’s ors, in the Fort Logan National Ceme- gest the absence of a quorum. ship was attacked by Japanese kami- tery in Denver, CO. The PRESIDING OFFICER. The kaze planes. As the acting Chief Boat- A proud World War II veteran, Joseph clerk will call the roll. swain Mate, Joe got all the anti-air- ‘‘Big Joe’’ McQuaid will rest beside his The legislative clerk proceeded to craft guns manned, taking a 50 caliber brother John ‘‘Hootcher’’ McQuaid, call the roll. mount himself. They brought down all also a World War II veteran. Joe was Mr. BOOZMAN. Mr. President, I ask the enemy aircraft, and not one hit the one of the most unique, memorable unanimous consent the order for the ship. Joe remembered how one crashed persons I have known in my lifetime. quorum call be rescinded. in the water so close that ocean spray He was also my brother-in-law. The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without and parts of the aircraft landed on the Joe was born on March 16, 1919 in the objection, it is so ordered. ship’s deck. The Senator from Arkansas is recog- family farmhouse near Stuart, IA. A nized. proud Irishman, Joe always noted that Sometime after that, on their way to the Philippines, Joe ordered—through f his birthday was one day before St. Patrick’s Day. Joe, his two brothers, his boatswain pipe—all hands on deck HONORING OUR ARMED FORCES and sister were born and raised in a for an important announcement from SPECIALIST ROBERT A. PIERCE loving, but very poor, family. His fa- the captain. The captain said that after Mr. BOOZMAN. Mr. President, my ther ‘‘Willie’’ was a self-taught, accom- dropping two atom bombs on Japan colleagues and I are often at odds when plished musician, playing the fiddle that wiped out two cities, President trying to solve some of our Nation’s and piano in local bands around Iowa. Harry S Truman said the Japanese sur- most pressing and difficult problems. From an early age, Joe was known as rendered and the war was over. There However, one thing we can all agree on ‘‘Big Joe’’ because he was a big bear of was unrestrained cheering and back- is that the men and women who wear a man, standing 6 feet 4 inches and tip- slapping among the troops and sailors. our Nation’s uniforms are selfless he- ping the scale around 240 pounds, all Joe asked the captain if he should use roes who embody the American spirit muscle and bone. He used to show off his boatswain pipe to call them to of courage and patriotism. We must his strength by tearing phonebooks and order, and the captain said ‘‘No, no, let continue to honor the sacrifice and decks of cards in half as if they were them go.’’ They refueled at sea, and service of our troops who have fought pieces of paper. This always impressed headed back to Honolulu. to protect and defend our freedoms. a lot of young kids. After nearly 4 straight years at sea, Today, I am here to pay my respects to Joe also liked to balance heavy, un- dodging and sinking U-boats in the Army SPC Robert A. Pierce, an Arkan- wieldy objects, such as lawnmowers, on North Atlantic, surviving kamikaze at- sas soldier who gave his life while in his chin. It wasn’t only heavy objects tacks in the Pacific, ‘‘Big Joe’’ was support of Operation Enduring Free- he could balance. He is the only person back in Iowa with a chest full of med- dom. I have ever seen who could balance a als and his beloved boatswain pipe.

VerDate Mar 15 2010 00:15 Jul 09, 2013 Jkt 029060 PO 00000 Frm 00004 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G08JY6.008 S08JYPT1 rfrederick on DSK6SPTVN1PROD with SENATE