
June 15, 2021 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S4531 far behind Russia in our icebreaker that means no matter where we come KAMALA HARRIS is nowhere to be found. fleet, and the Arctic is quickly becom- from or what we started with, any one In 5 months in office, ing a critical national security domain. of us can live freely and achieve great couldn’t be bothered to go down to the A fleet of new Polar Security Cutters things. border and see the humanitarian dis- will allow us to maintain a heavy pres- The story of America and the story aster his policies have created. KAMALA ence in polar regions and keep our ad- of is a story of freedom, HARRIS, who was designated ‘‘in charge versaries at bay. and while we have had many troubled of the border,’’ seems determined to go America needs a capable and growing chapters along the way, I, for one, anywhere she can but the border. Coast Guard, and the Coast Guard agree with Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., In the 84 days since she has been needs the support of this legislation. I that the arc of history is long and that tasked with handling the border crisis, look forward to working with my col- it bends towards justice, and we have do you know how many press con- leagues to provide the Coast Guard made significant progress on that arc. ferences she has given? Not even one— with the resources it needs to continue On Saturday, as we commemorate not a single press conference in 84 days. its exemplary service to our Nation. the long-overdue announcement of She can’t be honest about what is I suggest the absence of a quorum. emancipation made in 156 years causing the crisis so she hides from The PRESIDING OFFICER. The ago, let us together remember the God- questions. The one time she sought clerk will call the roll. given freedoms we all cherish as Amer- questions was with NBC’s Lester Holt, The legislative clerk proceeded to icans. where he asked her about going to the call the roll. f border. She responded with that now Mr. CRUZ. Madam President, I ask characteristic and, quite honestly, BORDER SECURITY unanimous consent that the order for creepy laugh, where she said: ‘‘We’ve the quorum call be rescinded. Mr. CRUZ. Madam President, on Sun- been to the border.’’ I am not sure who The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without day, June 20, Joe Biden will have been the royal ‘‘we’’ was, but that ‘‘we’’ objection, it is so ordered. President for exactly 5 months. In doesn’t include Joe Biden, who hasn’t f these 5 months, we have seen crisis been to the border as President. That after crisis after crisis. We have experi- ‘‘we’’ doesn’t include KAMALA HARRIS, JUNETEENTH enced a gas crisis, where we had gas who hasn’t been to the border as Vice Mr. CRUZ. Madam President, I rise lines and skyrocketing energy prices. President. today to recognize the 156th anniver- We are on the verge of an inflation cri- And Lester Holt—to NBC’s credit, sary of Juneteenth. On Saturday, we sis, where everywhere we look, prices Lester Holt actually asked a followup mark 156 years since June 19, 1865, are rising on food, on housing, and on question, and it was a very simple when MG Gordon Granger announced lumber. We have already had a war in question: ‘‘You haven’t been to the bor- in Galveston, TX, that the Civil War the Middle East, and we have a border der?’’ To which she responded, oddly: was over and that enslaved people were crisis that has been raging so intensely ‘‘Well, I haven’t been to Europe ei- now free. that we are on pace to see 2 million il- ther.’’ In his announcement, General legal immigrants come through our un- (Mr. VAN HOLLEN assumed the Granger said: secured border this year. Chair.) The people of Texas are informed that, in Just last month, 180,034 illegal immi- Mr. President, we are not facing a accordance with a proclamation from the grants crossed the border. To put that humanitarian crisis, a border crisis, a Executive of the , all slaves are in perspective, that number is a 674- public crisis, a national security crisis free. This involves an absolute equality of percent increase over the number of il- in Europe. We are facing it at our personal rights and rights of property. legal immigrants that crossed the bor- southern border. We are facing it in my In commemoration of this momen- der last May—a 674-percent increase— home State of Texas. And the Vice tous day, June 19 became known as and that number is a 21-year high. The President, it seems, cannot be bothered Juneteenth. In the years following the reason for this is simple: The crisis to go and see firsthand the failures Civil War and in the early 20th cen- that has unfolded is the direct result of that President Biden’s policies are tury, Juneteenth has been celebrated political decisions made by Joe Biden causing. as a holiday of independence. and KAMALA HARRIS. I also want to touch on one issue that While Juneteenth has been cele- No. 1, the first week in office, Presi- greatly affects border communities, brated in States across the country, it dent Biden immediately halted con- and that is our land ports of entry. carries a special significance in Texas, struction of the border wall. While Joe Biden has repeatedly en- where Juneteenth celebrations began. No. 2, that same week, President couraged this crisis of illegal immigra- In 1872, four men in Houston, my home- Biden reinstated the failed catch and tion, he is at the same time preventing town, purchased the land for Emanci- release policy. lawful border crossing. pation Park, the oldest park in Texas, No. 3, most inexplicably, the Biden Border communities are suffering im- as the site for Juneteenth celebrations. administration ended the ‘‘Remain in mensely right now because important In 1980, the State of Texas became the ’’ international agreement, a land ports of entry in El Paso, in Del first State to make Juneteenth a State historic agreement negotiated by Rio, in Eagle Pass, in Laredo, in Rio holiday. Today, 47 States recognize President Trump with the Government Grande City, in McAllen, in Pharr, in Juneteenth. of Mexico whereby the Government of Brownsville remain closed to everyone I am proud to cosponsor the Senate Mexico agreed that those who crossed except those deemed ‘‘essential’’ traf- resolution designating June 19, 2021, as illegally into Mexico would remain in fic. Juneteenth Independence Day to honor Mexico while their asylum proceedings Basically, Mexicans who have a visa the historical significance this day has were pending in the United States. to enter the United States legally can- in the United States. That agreement was a tremendous not do so through these land ports of Juneteenth is an important day. It is success. It produced last year the low- entry unless they are going to school, a somber reminder of the original sin est rate of in 45 working, or somehow considered essen- of slavery that our Nation inherited years. Let me repeat that. Just 6 tial. Nonessential travel from the from colonial powers. Still, it is also a months ago, our country had achieved United States—into the United States celebration of the fact that our coun- the lowest rate of illegal immigration from Mexico for shopping, for visiting try strives each and every day to make in 45 years. Joe Biden and KAMALA family and friends, for casual visits are good on its promise to protect the in- HARRIS come into office, they rip to not allowed by the Biden administra- alienable right to life, liberty, and the pieces the international agreement tion. pursuit of happiness for all men and all that produced that success, and today Instead, the Biden administration women, who are created equal. Our we have the highest rate of illegal im- has decided to keep our land ports of country was founded on that revolu- migration in 20 years. entries closed for nonessential travel tionary idea, that revolutionary belief Meanwhile, as the crisis rages, Joe until at least June 21, ostensibly be- that all men are created equal, and Biden is nowhere to be found, and cause of the COVID–19 pandemic. This

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