International Museum Day 2019 Museums As Cultural Hubs: the Future of Tradition Saturday, 18 May 2019

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International Museum Day 2019 Museums As Cultural Hubs: the Future of Tradition Saturday, 18 May 2019 International Museum Day 2019 Museums as Cultural Hubs: The future of tradition Saturday, 18 May 2019 ICOM selects each year a theme that is at the heart of the concerns of society. 2019 will focus on “Museums as Cultural Hubs: The future of tradition”. The role of museums in society is changing. Museums keep reinventing themselves in their quest for becoming more interactive, audience-focused, community-oriented, flexible, adaptable and mobile agencies. They have become cultural hubs functioning as platforms where creativity combines with knowledge and where visitors can co-create, share and interact. While preserving their primary missions – collecting, conservation, communication, research, exhibition – museums have transformed their practices to remain closer to the communities they serve. Today they look for innovative ways to tackle contemporary social issues and conflict. By acting locally, museums can also advocate and mitigate global problems, striving to meet the challenges of today’s society proactively. As institutions at the heart of society, museums have the power to establish dialogue between cultures, to build bridges for a peaceful world and to define a sustainable future. The worldwide community of museums will celebrate International Museum Day on 18 May 2019. Participation in International Museum Day is growing among museums all over the world. In 2018, more than 40,000 museums participated in the event in some 158 countries. Slovene museums and galleries are joining the worldwide celebration with free entry and various programmes. ICOM, Mednarodni muzejski svet, Slovenski odbor Museums and galleries On display IMD programme Božidar Jakac Art Museum Desire for Freedom – Dossie: BiH 10.00-14.00: Family workshop Grajska cesta 45, Kostanjevica na Krki Opening hours 18 May 2019: 10.00-18.00 Vera Stanković: Trans-formation or goodbay party IRWIN: Was ist Kunst - BiH (All the Heroes 1941-1945) FB: @galerijaBJ IG, TW: @galerijabj Drago Tršar: Monument Celje Regional Museum 16.00: Exhibition From War to a new Trg celjskih knezov 8, Celje From War to a new State State – guided tour Opening hours 18 May 2019: 10.00-18.00 FB: IG: @pokrajinskimuzejcelje TW: @PMCelje The Eighties were the Years … in Krško / 16.00: Lectures on conservation of Cultural Centre Krško, Krško City Museum movable and immovable tangible Valvasorjevo nabrežje 4, Krško The Townscapes of Krško: Town Insignia / heritage on the International Opening hours 18 May 2019: 12.00-18.00 Museum Day Prof. dr. Mihajlo Rostohar FB: Cultural Centre Krško, Krško Gallery Irena Jurca, Illusion of Life Valvasorjevo nabrežje 4, Krško Opening hours 18 May 2019: 12.00-18.00 FB: 15.00: If Slovenia were Cultural Centre Krško, Rajhenburg Castle If Slovenia were Cesta izgnancev 3, Brestanica Opening hours 18 May 2019: 10.00-18.00 Brestanica Miniatures: Vinko Bavec, a Photographer Awarded by the Yugoslav Royal Court; Rajhenburg, Brežice FB: Festival Velenje - Velenje Gallery Sonja Hrastnik Jančič, exhibition 11.00-13.00: Starting School of Titov trg 5, Velenje Caricature (family workshop) ICOM, Mednarodni muzejski svet, Slovenski odbor Opening hours 18 May 2019: 10.00 - 13.00 Inventura, Art gymnasium Velenje students exhibition. FB: Gallery of Murska Sobota 10.00-11-00: Public Guided Tour Kocljeva 7. 9000 Murska Sobota through the Exhibition Robert Opening hours 18 May 2019: 9.00-17.00 Robert Černelč, The Perception of Movie (drawings, Černelč. The Perception of Movie. paintings, videos) The guided tour will be held by Irma FB: Brodnjak, curator of exhibition. Gallery-Museum Lendava Lendava castle: 18.00: Exhibition opening of photo Banffyjev trg 1, 9220 Lendava Orient & Okzident - Hundertwasser & Hasegawa (until exhibition: Wilhelm Heiliger September 1, 2019) Opening hours 18 May 2019: György Zala memorial room, Štefan Galič memorial room, Lendava castle: 8.00-18.00 The Folk Textile Culture of Hetés, Centuries of Lendava, Synagogue of Lendava in Museum of Citizenry typography and umbrella Lapidary and the Bronze Sculpture Collection manufactory: 10.00-16.00 Permanent exhibition about Jews in region Lendava synagogue: FB: @Galerija-Muzej Lendava IG: @gml_lendava Opening of the photo exhibition: Wilhelm Heiliger (May 18, 2019 - June 30, 2019) Museum of Citizentry, typography and umbrella manufactory: Permanent exhibition Gornjesavski Museum Jesenice Life along occupied borders in Slovenia, 1941-1945, 11.00: Hike on Old mining route: Cesta Franceta Prešerna 45, Jesenice visiting Exhibition Viktor, Heinrich and Tona in the Sava Opening hours 18 May 2019: caves Jesenice Ironworks Technical Museum: 10.00 - 18.00 Incredible Mountains, interinstitutional Exhibition Kos ManorJesenice: 10.00 – 12.00 in 16.00 – 18.00 Liznjek house, Kranjska Gora: 10.00 - 18.00 Slovenian Alpine Museum, Mojstrana: 10.00 – 18.00 Bread among past and future creativity, interinstitutional ethnological Exhibition FB: FB: ICOM, Mednarodni muzejski svet, Slovenski odbor Idrija Municipal Museum Prelovčeva ulica 9, Idrija Opening hours 18 May 2019: Grad Gewerkenegg, Idrija: 09.00-18.00 Cerkljanski muzej, Cerkno: 10.00-13.00 and 14.00-18 Partizanska bolnica Franja Dolenji Novaki pri Cerknem: 09.00-18.00 FB: IG: @mestnimuzejidrija ICOM Slovenia 10.00: family creative workshops Museum plateau Metelkova, Ljubljana Group exhibition of state museums of Slovenia on the (joined workshops with surrounding International Museum Day (opening at 11.30) museums) 11.30: opening of the group FB: exhibition of state museums of TW: @ICOM_Slo Slovenia on the International Museum Day Kozjansko Park, Podsreda Castle Tomaž Hartman, Apsyrtides Podsreda 103 Herman Lisjak guiding through the water Opening hours 18 May 2019: 10:00-17:00 Photographic exhibition Kozjansko 2018 France Slana FB: Ljutomer Public Library / Museum 10.00: Guided Tour: Museum's Nooks Glavni trg 2, Ljutomer The Legacy of Dr. Matija Slavič and Crannies Opening hours 18 May 2019: 8.00-16.00 MGLC - International Centre of Graphic Arts: 16.00: Thematic Guided Tour of the MGLC - International Centre of Graphic Arts & Švicarija Sculptures of Tivoli, led by Miklavž Pod turnom 3 & 4, Ljubljana Photographic Images and Matter: Japanese Prints of the 1970s and Japan, Yugoslavia and the Biennial of Graphic Komelj A stroll around Tivoli and its sculptures Opening hours 18 May 2019: 10.00-18.00 Arts: Documents of Collaboration focuses on discovering the "in situ” cultural heritage. The thematic tour Švicarija: through the park is conducted by art ICOM, Mednarodni muzejski svet, Slovenski odbor Nataša Berk: 1st Unlimited Edition (MGLC – Švicarija) historian and poet Miklavž Komelj, who FB: presents the various public sculptures IG: @mglcljubljana and socio-political contexts, which have led to the present arrangement. TW: @mglc_ljubljana Military Museum of the Slovenian Armed Forces Engelsova 15, War for Slovenia 1991 10.00. 12.00, 14.00: Guided tours Maribor Military education in the Slovenian Armed Forces In the service of peace: The Republic of Slovenia in the peacekeeping operations and misions Opening hours 18 May 2019: 9.00-15.00 Infantry weapons from the end of 18. century until present day General Rudolf Maister Maribor during the Great War (1914-1918), Maribor's cadet institut. Municipality of Velike Lašče – The Home of Primož Trubar 9.00: PARNAS Institute: a walk on the Rašica 69, Velike Lašče Fascination of Plants Day 2019 Art Exhibition Opening hours 18 May 2019: 9.00-12.00 16.00: Andrej Perhaj: Trubar and his Alenka Klemenčič and Erika Železnik: Preservation of Time - Lecture about Primož Trubar in Cultural Heritage in our Way the Trubar's memorial room FB: Miller and Sawyers in Rašica Museum of Architecture and Design 11.00: Guided tour on exhibition We Pot na Fužine 2, Ljubljana are renovating !!! We are renovating !!! 14.00: Guided tour on Fužine Castle, Architectural history of Fužine Castle Opening hours 18 May 2019: 10.00 - 18.00 Tendence, Celje architecture and urban planning 1955 – 16.00: Guided tour on exhibition Celje 1985 architecture and urban planning 1955 - 1985 Kreatorji/The Creators 17.00: Guided tour on exhibition FB: »Kreatorji«/»The Creators« ICOM, Mednarodni muzejski svet, Slovenski odbor Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art Koroška 10.00 & 15.00: Gallery adventure Glavni trg 24, 2380 Slovenj Gradec Boris Lurie& NO!art (adventure and family workshop) Opening hours 18 May 2019: 10.00-17.00 KGLU's collection (Tisnikar, Borčić) FB:
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