Smart strategies for the transition in coal intensive regions Project No: 836819 Report on the environmental impacts and sustainable reclamation solutions in nine coal regions WP3 - Task 3.4: Environmental impacts and sustainable reclamation solutions Deliverable 3.3: Report on the environmental impacts and sustainable reclamation solutions in the TRACER target regions March 2020 TRACER Report on the environmental impacts and sustainable reclamation Authors: Dirk Knoche, FIB, Germany Anne Rademacher, FIB, Germany Rainer Schlepphorst, FIB, Germany Co-Authors: Marcin Pietrzykowski, UAK, Poland, Marek Pająk, UAK, Poland, Marcin Chodak, UAK, Poland, Djordjina Milovanovic, ENTEL, Serbia, Miodrag Mesarovic, ENTEL, Serbia, Jasmina Mandic-Lukic, Energoprojekt ENTEL, Serbia, Lulin Radulov, Anton Ivanov, BSERC, Bulgaria, Emilia Dunca, AISVJ, Romania, Sabina Irimie, AISVJ, Romania, Marian Dobrin, ISPE, Romania, Gloria Popescu, ISPE, Romania, Charalampos Malamatenios, CRES, Greece, Georgia Veziryianni, CRES, Greece, Igor Volchyn, CETI, Ukraine, Nataliya Dunayevska, CETI, Ukraine, Dmytro Bondzyk, CETI, Ukraine, Markéta Hendrychova, CULS, Czech Republic, Jan Frouz, CU, Czech Republic, Trygve Rees, WG, United Kingdom, Neil Hughes, Wardell Armstrong, UK Editors: Dirk Knoche, FIB, Germany Anne Rademacher, FIB, Germany Rainer Schlepphorst, FIB, Germany Reviewers: Rita Mergner, WIP, Germany Rainer Janssen, WIP, Germany Contact: Forschungsinstitut für Bergbaufolgelandschaften e.V. Dr. Dirk Knoche E-mail:
[email protected], Tel.: +49 (0) 3531 – 7907 16 Brauhausweg 2 03238 Finsterwalde, Germany This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 836819. The sole responsibility for the content of this report lies with the authors. It does not necessarily reflect the opinion of the European Union.