Quercus douglasii
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- Native Oaks Trees Or Other Wildlife in the East Bay, Call Or Email a Park District Naturalist at One of the Visitor Centers Listed Below
- The Effect of Quercus Douglasii Understory Yield and Composition
- The Red List of US Oaks
- A Field Guide to Insects and Diseases of California Oaks
- Daniel Russell - Regional Listing Coordinator Pacific Southwest Regional Office, Region 8 U.S
- Revision of the Inyo, Sequoia and Sierra National Forests Land Management Plans
- Limited Hybridization Between Quercus Lobata and Quercus Douglasii (Fagaceae) in a Mixed Stand in Central Coastal California1
- Quercus Douglasii)
- BLUE OAK Strength
- Facilitation and Interference of Quercus Douglasii on Understory Productivity in Central California Author(S): Ragan M
- Appendix C - Attachment 2 Oak Trees and Climate Change Memorandum Memorandum
- A Bibliography for Quercus Garryana and Other Geographically Associated and Botanically Related Oaks
- The Dendroclimatological Potential of Willamette Valley Quercus Garryana
- Chapter 4.4 Vegetation and Wildlife
- Contra Loma Reservoir and Recreation Area Draft RMP/EIS
- Appendix M—Wildlife Biological Evaluation
- Regenerating Rangeland Oaks in California
- Long-Term Growth and Persistence of Blue Oak (Quercus Douglasii) Seedlings in a California Oak Savanna