Blue Oak Plant Communities of Southern
~ United States ~ Department Blue Oak Plant Communities of Southern of Agriculture Forest Service San Luis Obispo and Northern Santa Bar Pacific Southwest Research Station bara Counties, California General Technical Report PSW-GTR-139 Mark I. Borchert Nancy D.Cunha Patricia C. Kresse Marcee L. Lawrence Borchert. M:1rk I.: Cunha. N,mcy 0.: Km~,e. Patr1c1a C.: Lawrence. Marcec L. 1993. Blue oak plan! communilies or:.outhern San Luis Ob L<ipo and northern Santa Barbara Counties, California. Gen. Tech. Rep. PSW-GTR-139. Albany. CA: P:u:ilic Southwest Rcsc:arch Stution. Forest Service. U.S. Dcpurtment of Agriculture: 49 p. An ccologic:11clu,-sili.::uion '),,cm h:b Ileen developed for the Pacifil' Southwest Region of the Forest Service. As part of that c1a....,11ica1ion effort. blue oak rQ11('rrn., tlo11i;lusi1 / woodlands and forests ol ~out hem San Lub Ohi,po and northern Santa Barham Countie, in LO!> Padre!> Nationul Forest were cl:",ilicd imo i.\ plant communitic, using vegetation colkctcd from 208 plot:.. 0. 1 acre e:ach . Tim.'<.' di,tinct region, of vegetation were 1dentilicd 111 the ,tudy :1rea: Avcn:1lc,. Mirnndn Pinc Moun11,ln :ind Branch Mountnin. Communitie.., were dassilied ,eparntel) for plot, in each region. Each region ha, n woodland community thut occupies 11:u orgently slopmg bcnt·he..,.1oc,lopc~. and valley bo110111s. Thc,:c rnmmunitics possess a reltuivcly high proportion oflarge trcc, ( 2: I!( an. d.b.h.l 311d appcarro be heavily gnu cd. In s•ach region an extensive woodland or fore,t communit) covers modcr:uc , lope, with low ,olar in,ol:11io11 .
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