Personal name
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- Internationalisation People Names
- I. INTRODUCTION the College of New Jersey Is Committed to Creating an Inclusive Campus Environment. the Use of a Preferred Name
- Iron Age Deities in Word, Image, and Name: Correlating Epigraphic, Iconographic, and Onomastic Evidence for the Ammonite God*
- Names and Identities Oslo Studies in Language, 4(2), 2012
- MLA2018-Names.Pdf (1.640Mb)
- Aproximate Personal Name-Matching Through Finite-State Graphs
- Individual Names and Personality: a Consideration of Some Beliefs Mandinda Elias Mabuza
- Free-Floating Subdivisions: Names of Persons H 1110
- Traditional Personal Names: an Investigation Into Songhay Anthroponomastics
- Personal Name Systems in Finnic and Beyond
- Name and Title Authorities
- Middle Eastern Naming Conventions
- English Anthroponyms As Phraseological Units in the System of Nominative Units
- Global Feminisms Project Pronunciation Guide Brazil
- Are Legal Restrictions on Disparaging Personal Names Unconstitutional? in Re the Ls Ants Laura A
- Headings for Persons
- The British Library Guide to Rda Name Authority Records
- A Morpho-Semantic Study of Anthroponymy: Turkana Personal Names