Top View
- South Bay Japanese American Community Needs Assessment
- Timeline of Japanese American History
- Asian and Pacific Islander Americans in Congress 1900–2017 H Introduction H
- The Japanese in Hawaii by Mitsugu Matsuda
- [Review Of] Yukiko Kimura. Issei: Japanese Immigrants in Hawaii
- Japan's Asia-Pacific Migrations and the Making of the Japanese Empire, 1868-1945
- Ethnic Identity, Culture, and Race: Japanese and Nikkei at Home and Abroad 民族、文化、人種−−本土及び海外の日本人と日 系日本人
- Japanese-American Research Project (JARP): a Three-Generation Study, 1890–1966
- Aging Among Southeast Asian Americans in California Assessing Strengths and Challenges, Strategizing for the Future
- Hawaii Fit, and Was Now Public Purchase
- Chinese American Responses to the Japanese American Internment and Incarceration Jeremy Chan
- 1 Japanese Diaspora in the Americas
- Music in Japanese American Concentration Camps
- Race, Ethnicity, and Language Data: Standardization for Health Care Quality Improvement
- The Triple Disaster As an Opportunity to Feel Japanese Again in Hawaii
- Remembering Asian Pacific American Activism in Queer History
- Sansei Research Project Survey
- Japanese Canadian” in Oral History: a Comparison Between the Japanese Canadian Sansei and the Ijusha Nisei