Edgar Whitehead
Top View
- Central Africa Editor PHILIP MURPHY Part I CLOSER
- The Origins and Development of the Defense Forces of Northern and Southern Rhodesia from 1890 to 1945
- Whites in Zimbabwe and Rhodesia: Hapana Mutsauko Here
- General Assembly Resolution Acre
- Rhodesia and the United Nations: the Lawfulness of International Concern
- Cornrnon\Yealth for a Colour-Blind World Africa's Freedom
- Kith and Kin? Rhodesia's White Settlers and Britain, 1939
- P. 0. Box 20128, P. 0. Box 20128, Dar Es Salw4x
- RHODESIA : QUO VADIS ? by the Rt. Hon. Sir Roy Welensky K,CM.G
- The British Methodist Church and African Nationalism in Southern Rhodesia 1950 – 1965
- Volume 6 1975
- The Remorseless Process Poem
- The History of Race Relations in Rhodesia
- RHODESIA NEWS SUMMARY Committee I Ons6uteirafrica