Rhodesiana Volume 40
PUBLICATION No. 40 1979 ~ - ...._,,,, _..,,, ..... _ ------ Pre-publication notice SUBSCRIBERS' LIMITED EDITION of PRINTS FROM WATERCOLOURS by ALICE BALFOUR The National Archives announces the publication of a special edition limited to 500 copies of ten colour prints from original watercolours by Alice Balfour. An accomplished amateur artist, she sketched these scenes in South Africa and during a wagon journey through Matabeleland and Mashonaland in 1894. The prints, together with an introductory text, will be contained in a portfolio in which subscribers' names will appear. Price $60, special pre-publication offer $45. If you are interested in subscribing please write for further particulars co: THE DIRECTOR NATIONAL ARCHIVES PRIVATE BAG 7729 CAUSEWAY THOMAS MEIKLE, 1862-1939 The founder of the Meikle Organisation sailed from Scotland with his parents in 1869 The family settled in Natal where Thomas and his brothers John and Stewart gained their first farming ex perience. In 1892 the three brothers set off for Rhodesia with eight ox- wagons. Three months later they had completed the 700 mile trek to Fort Victoria. Here they opened a store made of whisky cases and roofed over with the tarpaulins that had covered their wagons. Progress was at first slow, nevertheless, branches were opened in Salisbury in 1893, Bulawayo and Gwelo in 1894, and in Umtali in 1897. From these small beginnings a vast network of stores, hotels, farms, mines and auxilliary undertakings was built up. These ventuies culminated in the formation of the Thomas Meikle Trust and Investment Company in 1933. The success of these many enterprises was mainly due to Thomas Meikle's foresight and his business acumen, coupled with his ability to judge character and gather around him a loyal and efficient staff.
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