Ear (rune)
Top View
- The Rune Poem Ed
- Runes in the Hobbit Tolkien Introduces His Readers to the Use of RUNES
- The Runes: a Human Journey
- OLD ENGLISH (450–1150 CE) to MIDDLE ENGLISH (Mid 12Th – Mid 15Th Century CE), with GLIMPSES BEYOND
- Runes, Runology and Runologists
- Book Reviews
- I. Runes Notes on the History of Runes, Focusing on Historical Changes in Orthography and Pronunciation
- Runic Range: 16A0–16FF
- The Late Viking Age Runestones of Västergötland on Ornamentation and Chronology
- LATEX As a Tool for the Typographic Reproduction of Ancient Texts
- The Old English Rune Poem, an Edition