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Cover Page The handle holds various files of this Leiden University dissertation. Author: Griffiths, Alan Title: A family of names : Rune-names and Ogam-names and their relation to alphabet letter-names Issue Date: 2013-06-18 TABLES 1 2 Sources of lists of names 3 4 Table 1 Table 1: List of texts with examples of interpretations of Hebrew letter-names1 A. Interpretations by Origen, Eusebius of Caesaria, Ambrose, Jerome, Hesychius and Cassiodorus (see Tables 6–10) No. Author Title or manuscript reference Migne ref. Other references Vatican City, BAV, gr. 2125 ( = Codex Marchalianus) (cf. Paris, BN, grec 2617 = Klosterman 1903: 135–40 O ? Origen (184–254) Codex Colbertinus) Wutz 1914: 5, 210–31 1 Eusebius of Cæsaria (fl. 312–37) Praeparatio evangelia (lib. 10, c. 5) PG XXI: 787–90 Müller 1911: 1–27; Mras 1954–6 2 Ambrose (334/9–97) Expositio in Psalmum CXVIII PL XV: 1283–598 Müller 1911: 1–27; Thiel 1973: 84 ff 3 Jerome 1 (342/7– 419/20) De alphabeto hebraico Psalmi CXVIII (in: Epistula XXX, 5) PL XXIII: 441-5 Müller 1911: 1–27; Thiel 1973: 84 ff Müller 1911: 1–27; Thiel 1973: 84 ff; 4 Jerome 2 (342/7– 419/20) De psalterio (in: Liber interpretationis hebraicorum nominum) PL XXIII: 871 De Lagarde 1870: 48–9 ?Jerome 32 Interpretatio alphabeti hebraeorum (De situ et nominibus locorum hebraicorum liber) PL XXIII: 1365–6 Thiel 1973: 87; De Lagarde 1870: 160 Published as Athanasii, Archiepiscopi Alaexandrae, Interpretatio Psalmorum sive De H Hesychius (ob. 420) titulis Psalmorum, ed. Nicolaus Antonellus, Rome, 1746: 375-79; PG XXVII: 1311–12 Mercati 1944: 7–22 now attributed to Hesychius of Jerusalem B/C Cassiodorus (485–582) Vatican City, BAV, lat. 82 (s.ix); 83 (s.x)and lat. 84 (s.xi) = Nonatola Psalter Salmon 1959:173–9 B. A selection of later lists largely based on Ambrose and Jerome (see Tables 11 - 14)3 5 Pseudo-Jerome In Lamentationes Jereminae (? s. vii/ix) PL XXV: 787–92 Thiel 1973:, 88–94 6a Vespasian Psalter, London, British Library, Cotton Vespasian A.i (s. viii2/4) Kuhn 1948; Thiel 1973: 90–118 6b Vatican City, BAV, Cod. Regin. lat. 11, 177v–187v (s. viii) Thiel 1973: 90–118 7 Salaberga Psalter, Berlin, Staatsbibliothek, Hamilton 553 (s. viii1) Salmon 1959: 71 8 Paschasius Radbertus (785–860) In Threnos sive Lamentatione Jeremiae libri quinque (liber 3) (s. ix) PL CXX: 1142 Thiel 1973:, 89–98 9 Exeter, Cathedral Library, 3507, 65r (s. x2) Derolez 1954: 221 10 Cambridge, Corpus Christi College 356 pt iii, 42a (s. x2) Bruno of Würzburg (c. 1005– 11 Ps. CXVIII (in: Expositio Psalmorum) (s. ximed) PL CXLII: 428 Thiel 1973: 91–6, 100 1045) 12 Bruno Cartus (c. 1030–1101) Ps. CXVIII (in: Expositio in Psalmos) (s. xi) PL CXLII: 1258 Thiel 1973: 91–6, 100 13 London, British Library, Cotton Vitellius A xii, 45r (s. xiex) Derolez 1954: 225 14 Durham, Cathedral Library, B.II.11, 61r (s. xiex) 15 Cambridge, Corpus Christi College 2, 278rv (s. xii) Thiel !973: 90–6, 114 16 Anselm of Laon (c. !050–1117) Ps. CXVIII (in: Commentarius in Psalmos) (s. xii2) PL CXVI: 602-29 Thiel 1973: 91–6, 101 17 Pseudo-Bede Interpretationes nominum hebraicorum (s. xiii) Thiel 1973: 91–6, 158 Bonnard 1882: 255–9; Thiel 1973: 18 Paris 1 (18a) & Paris 2 (18b) Paris, BN, français 1, 258vb–259ra (s. xiv) 102–13 Dublin, Trinity College H.2.16/1318, 234b (s. xiv-xv) (= London, British Library, 19 Calder 1917: 229–31 Egerton 88, 71rb (1564) ) 1 The numbers refer to the columns in Tables 9, 12 and 13, in which the glosses themselves are listed. The abbreviations BAV and BN represent Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana and Bibliothèque Nationale, respectively. 2 Not listed separately in Table 9, since the list is identical with no. 4 except that the transcription of the letter-names and their order are as in No. 3, and the gloss on coph is simius rather than the uocatio uel auis of no. 4. 3 This list is by no means exhaustive. Among Anglo-Saxon manuscripts not mentioned here are: Berlin, Deutsche Staatsbibliothek, Hamilton 553 (s. viii 1) (Salaberga Psalter); London, Lambeth Palace Library, 427 (s. xi1) (Lambeth Psalter); London, British Library, Stowe 2 (s. ximed) (Stowe Psalter); London, British Library, Cotton Vitellius E.xviii (s. ximed) (Vitellius Psalter); Paris, BN, lat. 8824 (s. ximed) (Paris Psalter); Oxford, Bodleian Library, Ashmole 328 (s. ximed) (Byrhtferth’s Enchiridion); London, British Library, Arundel 235 (s. xiex); London, British Library, Arundel 60 (s. xi2) (Arundel Psalter); Cambridge, Trinity College, R.17.1 (s. xii2) (Eadwine Psalter). 5 6 Table 2 Table 2: List of texts with examples of interpretations of Greek and Latin letter-names, and some alphabet poems A. Greek and Latin alphabet lists (The numbers in the lefthand column refer to the columns in Table 16,which lists the glosses) No. Author Title or manuscript reference References Berschin 1988: 88, 90, Plate 2. 1 Arn of Salzburg Vienna, Österreichische Nationalbibliothek, 795,19r (s. viiiin/x) Bischoff (1966–81:II, 115–20) dates manuscript to s. viiiin Dublin, Trinity College H.2.16/1318, 234a (s. xiv/xv) 2 Calder 1917: 229-231 (= London, BL, Egerton 88, 71rb (1564) ) 3 Erfurt, Ampl. 2° 10, 125 (s. ixex/xin) Bischoff 1966–81: II, 253 44 Exeter, Cathedral Library, 3507, 65r (s. x) Derolez 1954: 221 5 Oxford, Bodley Library, Digby 184, 93 (s. xi2/xii2) Bischoff 1966–81: II, 253 64 London, British Library, Cotton Vitellius A xii, 45v (s. xi2/xii2) Bischoff 1966–81: II, 253, n.34 7 Paris, BN, lat. 4841, 32r (s. ixmed) Bischoff 1966–81: III, 142, n.13 B. Poems on the alphabets (The text of no. 1 is given in Table 14 (a), the texts of nos. 2 - 4 in Tables 17 (a) – (c)) No. Author Title or manuscript reference References Poem on the Hebrew alphabet, Murbach, Gothanus mbr. 1,17, 3v–4r (s. ix); Thiel 1973:, 90–9 15 Unknown Irishman Vatican City, BAV, Cod. Regin. 339, 49rv (s. x). Traube 1896: III, 698–9 26 Ausonius (310–395) De litteris monosyllabis graecis ac latinis Di Giovine 1996: 81-2, 196-223 Glorie 1968: 728; 37 Anonymous Irishman (ca. 630) Versus de nominibus litterarum (Versus cuiusdam Scoti de alphabeto) Wright and Halliwell 1841–3: I, 164–5 Poem on the Greek alphabet, Murbach, Gothanus mbr. 1,17, 3v–4r (s. ix); 4 As no. 1 above Traube 1896: III: 699–700 Vatican City, BAV, Cod. Regin. 339, 49rv (s. x). .C. Virgilius Maro Grammaticus’s Latin alphabet names (The names and glosses are given in Table 18) No. Author Title or manuscript reference References Virgilius Maro Grammaticus 1 Virgilius’s “Latin” Metrofia, in his Epitomae Tardi, Stangl (? s. viimed) Dublin, Trinity College H.2.16/1318, 234b (s. xiv/xv) = London, British Library, Egerton 88, 71va 2 Calder 1917: 231 (1564) 4 These manuscripts are the same as those numbered (9) and (13) in Tables 1 and 12 (b). 5 The manuscripts containing this poem are: Murbach, Gothanus mbr. 1, 17, 3v–4r (s. ix); Vatican City, BAV, Cod. Regin. 339, 49rv (s. x). 6 The oldest manuscript containing this poem is Leiden, Universiteitsbibliotheek, Vossianus Lat. F 111 (c. 800), 19v–21v. 7 The manuscripts containing this poem include: Leiden, Universiteitsbibliotheek, Vossianus Q. 33 (s. x), 176; Carnot 55 (s. x), 1; Paris, BN 2773 (s. x), 108b, and 5001 (s. x), 23; London, British Library, Royal 12.C.XXIII (s. x); Cambridge Gg.V.35 (s. xii), 381a; Brussels, Koninklijke Bibliotheek, 10615-10729 (s. xii), 194b, and 9799-9809 (s. xii), 137b. Table 3 Table 3: List of texts giving ogam-names with kennings and glosses A. Manuscripts containing kennings and glosses on ogam-names The texts of the kennings and glosses on ogam-names cited in this thesis are based on an edition of the kennings presented by McManus (1988). His sources were manuscripts containing either complete texts or fragments of the tracts known as In lebor ogaim [The Book of Ogams] and the Auraicept na nÉces [Students’ Primer]. An extended list and discussion of the relationship between these manuscripts is provided by Ahlqvist (1982: 22–7). McManus concentrated on the following four manuscripts: Library Number Common title Abbreviation Date Royal Irish Academy 23P12/536 Book of Ballymote BB 1391 Trinity College, Dublin H 2.16/1318 Yellow Book of Lecan YBL s. xiv/xv Trinity College, Dublin H.3.18 H 3.18 s. xvi National Library of Ireland G53 G53 s. xvii B. Passages containing ogam-names and their kennings and glossesas listed in Tables 20, 21 23 and 24 Three series of kennings relating to ogam-names were devised by three authors, who, according to the Auraicept na nÉces, were: Morann mac Moín (series A), Mac ind Óc (series B), Cú Chulainn (series C). Series A and B kennings, with glosses, are either incorporated in the relevant tract or listed at the end of the text. Series C versions are only found as lists at the end of a text. In Table 20, each list is given in two columns, with letter equivalents or values to the left, kennings to the right and glosses below. The form and locations are indicated in the table below. The sigla used here to identify the kennings and glosses are as used by McManus (1988), except that his notation of A 1, A2, etc., appears as A1, A2, etc.. Also referred to in the present thesis, in Tables 21, 23, and 24, are lists of ogam- names given in the BB manuscript of In lebor ogaim, which were cited by Meroney (1949) but not by McManus (1988).