Florida Native Plants Ogam

OBOD Ovate Gift Dana Wiyninger Starke, Florida USA July 29, 2012

Introduction Moving to a new region with completely different plants and climate, and having to manage a neglected forest meant I had to really learn about and examine the trees and plants on our property. (No relying on my previous knowledge of plants on the west coast.) Even with the subtropical climate, we paradoxically have many temperate east coast trees in north Florida. To make sense of it all in context of the Ogam, I had to seriously study and search to find the plants in my Florida Ogam. I often had to make more intuitive associations when an Ogam plant species wasn‟t found here. I had vivid impressions from the Ogam (and other) plants- I later used these to find my path through the many interpretations authors have offered.

Personally, I use my own Florida correspondences when I see many of these plants every day; the impressions and messages are just part of my perceptions of the plants now. Since using my correspondences I‟m more aware of the varying time streams the plants experience and the spirits associated with them. I feel a conduit with the plants, and the resulting insights are particularly useful to me and relevant to changes going on in my life. Not quite formal divination, I receive guidance none the less. I feel there may be a healing practice in my future that will incorporate the Ogam, but that is yet to come.

So, as enjoyable as it was, learning the basics of the Ogam wasn‟t easy for me. Ogam systems can use both ancient and modern Irish, European plants, and differing interpretations or associations. Add memorization or cultural issues and just trying to learn Ogam by rote would be pretty meaningless. I know if I hadn‟t started with the plants themselves I would probably not have any real understood the Ogam at all. I feel that learning these trees and plants was one of the main reasons I needed to live here in Florida for this time.

I also felt strongly that more regional information on Ogam was needed to help make this magical alphabet more accessible, so I developed a Florida Native Plants Ogam. The following table and individual few pages include European and Florida common and botanical plant names, Ogam symbols, Florida plant photos, and lore. (It is also published online.) This is my Ovate gift. May this version of Ogam plants lead others to learn about, interact with, and commune with their natural world.

Ogam & Native Florida Plants

Druidry and related paths look to plants and nature for wisdom and the study of the Ogam - an ancient Irish alphabet- is a worthwhile way to this wisdom. The Ogam (or ) dates to well before 300 C.E., with the main symbols carved easily on wood or stone. Each letter (few) is linked with an Irish „tree‟ (and/or plants we would now call bushes) and its symbolism. This basic rich plant symbolism of the fews has been expanded upon in recent centuries to include animal, healing, calendar, element, divination, astrological, and other associations.

Studying the Ogam involves finding and knowing these plants. But as many of us don‟t live in northern Europe we have to look to our own region for plants that correspond to the traditional Ogam fews. This can be as simple as finding any local tree of the same species, or a non-related plant that matches some basic features of that few. I was surprised to find many matching species for fews in the Florida region.

The table below shows the basic letters (including alternates), their Irish name, associated European tree, brief divinatory meaning, and a corresponding north central Florida plant. When there are many matching species for an Ogam few I generally chose one that I considered most like the original European plant. Other fews had no direct corresponding plant, and again I looked for a plant with similar features. I also tried for plants that can be reasonably easy to find, which unfortunately left out our endangered Yew and Torreya trees.

Some other basic Ogam information to start: Ogam is usually read from bottom to top in vertical lines. In the --Nuin Ogam system there are 20 basic letters (called fews or feda), and five extra letters (called ). The fews are arranged in five groups (called aicme, or aicmi for more than one group). I‟ve also included 2 additional fews in common usage. Ogam spellings vary, modern associations are complex and in flux, and some debated. (For instance, Ogam calendar associations vary so widely that I choose not to include them in the tree pages.) I‟ve provided generally accepted information that can be a starting point to a personal understanding of the Ogam. The references used for this table and individual tree pages are listed after the table, for a more in-depth study of the Ogam itself.



BIRCH White tree of RIVER BIRCH (Betula alba, purification, (Betula nigra)

BEITH pendula, or protection, & pubescens) beginnings

ROWAN OR Protection, vision, BLACK CHERRY


gives insight (Prunus serotina) (Sorbus aucuparia)

Oracular guidance, ALDER HAZEL ALDER

FEARN protection of self & (Alnus glutinosa) (Alnus serrulata) country

WILLOW Feeling, intuition, WILLOW (Salix fragilis, alba, fluidity (Salix caroliniana Michaux,

SAILLE viminalis, or eriocephala, or floridana)


ASH Tree of rebirth, WHITE ASH (Fraxinus excelsior) passageway (Fraxinus americana

NUIN between inner & Linnaeus)

outer worlds.


HAWTHORN Patience, HAWTHORN (Crataegus restriction, protecti (Crataegus uniflora M.)

HUATHE monogyna & on from inner oxyacantha) realms; door to Otherworld

OAK Solid protection, LAUREL OAK (Quercus rubur or doorway to (Quercus hemisphaerica)

DUIR petraea) mysteries, inner WATER OAK strength, courage (Quercus nigra)

HOLLY Life symbol/ AMERICAN HOLLY (Ilex aquifolium) reincarnation; (Ilex opaca)

TINNE directed balance, TOPAL HOLLY

courage (Ilex x attenuata Ashe)


CULL (Corylus avellana) divination & (Carpinus caroliniana)



QUERT (Pyrus malus or choice (Malus angustifolia sylvestris) Michaeus)



MUIN (grape vine) effort, releasing (Vitus rotundifolia Michx.) (Vitis vinifera) prophecy Prophesy, SAND BLACKBERRY BRAMBLE teaching, surfacing (Rubus cuneifolius) (Blackberry) of intuition (Rubus fruticosa)


GORT (Hedera helix) tenacity, indirect (Parthenocissus

progress quinquefolia)


NGETAL (Cytisus scoparius) healing, restores (Scoparia dulcis)

harmony REED Meaning and SWITCHCANE (Phragmites purpose to (Arundinaria gigantea)

australis) journey, direction Clearing to restore BRACKEN FERN FERN harmony (Pteridium aquilinum) (Pteridium aquilinum)

BLACKTHORN Necessity, karma, HOG or FLATWOODS (Prunus spinosa) fate with hope, PLUM

STRAIF protection (Prunus umbellata E.)

ELDER Regeneration, ELDERBERRY (Sambucus nigra) cycle of rebirth, (Sambucus nigra

RUIS change and Canadensis) transformation.


SCOTS PINE Purification, long LONGLEAF PINE (Pinus sylvestris) sight, foresight (Pinus palustris Mill.)

AILM SLASH PINE (Pinus elliottii Engelm.)

SILVER FIR Clear view to the LOBLOLLY PINE (Abies alba) future, (Pinus taeda Linnaeus) perspective, foresight WINGED ELM ELM Twist of intuition, (Ulmus alata M.) (Ulmus glabra) bridge between lives; 'elven tree'

FRUZE, GORSE SICKLEPOD (Ulex europaneus) Attraction & (Senna obtusifolia) OHN possibility;

(or ) Harvesting sweet or valuable things.

HEATHER Creation; gateway HAIRY WICKY UR (Calluna vulgaris) to spirit world (Kalmia hirsuta Walt.) (or URA)

ASPEN Courage & SWEETGUM (Populus tremula) perseverance; EABHA (Liquidamber styraciflua L.) Protects by (or EADHA)

shielding & resisting, gift from winds

YEW Rebirth, eternal BALD CYPRESS IOHO (Taxus baccata) cycle, (Taxodium distichum)

(or IDHO) transformation


ASPEN Central balance & SWEETGUM EABHADH (and/or a grove infinite possibility (Liquidamber styraciflua L.)

(or EBAD) containing all trees) (Populus tremula)


OIR (Euonymus change, & the STRAWBERRYBUSH

europaeus) unexpected (Euonymus americanus L.)


UILLEAND (Lonicera secrets and path (Lonicera sempervirens L.)

periclymenum) to search for self


IPHEN (Ribes uva-crispa) generations (Vaccinium corymbosum)

BEECH Past wisdom AMERICAN BEECH EAMANCHOLL (Fagus sylvatica) revealed; use past (Fagus grandifolia)

(or PHAGOS) experience


SWAMP ELDER The horizon, PEITH RUSTY BLACKHAW (Viburnum opulus) creation (Viburnum rifidulum)

the MISTLETOE Fertility, healing, MISTLETOE UNSPEAKABLE (Viscum album) sacrifice (Phoradendron leucarpum) (or blank)



The Druidry Handbook by John Michael Greer (2006)

Tree Wisdom, The Definitive Guidebook by Jacqueline Memory Patterson (1996)

Celtic Tree Mysteries, Practical Druid Magic & Divination by Steve Blamires (2003)

The Celtic Tree Oracle by Liz and Colin Murray (1991)

Celtic Wisdom Sticks, an Ogam Oracle by Caitlin Matthews (2001)

Ogam, Weaving Word Wisdom by Erynn Rowan Laurie

Ogam article on Wikipedia


The Shrubs & Woody Vines of Florida, A Reference and Field Guide by Gil Nelson (1996)

The Trees of Florida, A Reference and Field Guide by Gil Nelson (2011)

Atlas of Florida Vascular Plants Floridata Plant Profile List

University of Florida Herbarium (FLAS)

USDA Plants Database

School of Forest Resources & Conservation IFAS, University of Florida Forest Trees and Forest Plants catalogs

North Dakota Tree Information Center

University of Texas, Austin- Wildflower Center

USDA Fire Effects Information- Plants

University of Michigan, Deerborn Ethnobotany Database


Medical Herbalism, the Science and Practice of Herbal Medicine by David Hoffmann (2003)

Botanical.com, A Modern Herbal (tends to only have European species, and limited American species listed)

For reports of uses by American Indians (by plant species) - University of Michigan, Deerborn Ethnobotany Database

HerbMed (search and get results of scientific articles on herbs)

National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine, NIH

Special thanks to the staffs at:

Kanapaha Botanical Gardens, Gainesville, FL

Morningside Nature Center, Gainesville, FL

Ogam Symbols:

Júlio Reis 2006

Tree & Plant Photos:

D. Wiyninger BEITH (pronounced "BEH")

Symbol: Literal meaning: Being Sound value: B

Northwest Europe

Tree: BIRCH Features: Deciduous tree, marks Uses: Medicinal (Betula alba, pendula, or beginning of agricultural year pubescens) (Birch Family)

North Central Florida

Tree: RIVER BIRCH Features: Medium deciduous tree Uses: Wood is strong & easily (Betula nigra) (Birch Family) turned, & used for fuel wood. Bark extracts used in leather tanning. In some species extracts used to make birch + beer. Medicinal uses.

+ School of Forest Res. & Conserv, Univ Florida, Forest Trees

River Birch (Betula nigra), Gainesville, FL

Modern divinatory meaning: White tree of purification, protection, & beginnings Animal symbolism (based on traditional lore): cow Bird symbolism (based on traditional lore): pheasant Associated deities: Frigga, Freya, Arianrhod, Eostre, Blodeuwedd Color: silver white Element: Air LUIS (pronounced "LWEESH")

Symbol: Literal meaning: flame, or growing herb Sound value: L

Northwest Europe

Tree: ROWAN OR MOUNTAIN Features: Deciduous Uses: Tough & flexible wood- used for masts, ASH tree (Rose Family) walking sticks. Berries used in jellies and (Sorbus aucuparia) spirits. Medicinal uses.

North Central Florida

Tree: BLACK CHERRY Features: Medium Uses: Wood- furniture, trim, tool handles, & (Prunus serotina) deciduous tree (Rose veneers. Fruit- edible, bitter fruit is used in Family) wine making, to flavor spirits, and in Note: I found no Sorbus spp. tree, and + jellies. Medicinal uses. used this one as having similar features & uses. + School of Forest Res. & Conserv. Univ Fl, Forest Trees

Black Cherry, Gainesville, FL

Modern divinatory meaning: Protection, vision, gives insight Animal symbolism (based on traditional lore): mouse Bird symbolism (based on traditional lore): duck Associated deities: Brigid, Brigantia Color: gray & red Element: Fire (pronounced "FAIR-n")

Symbol: Literal meaning: alder, shield Sound value: F, V

Northwest Europe

Features: Deciduous Uses: Wood stronger in water tree, resistant to Tree: ALDER fire (Alnus glutinosa) (Birch Family)

North Central Florida

Features: Small Uses: Medicinal uses. / Tree: HAZEL ALDER deciduous tree growing (Alnus serrulata) along waterways / Univ Michigan, Deerborn Ethnobotany (Birch Family) Database

Hazel Alder, Alnus serrulata, Gainesville, FL

Modern divinatory meaning: Oracular guidance, protection of self & country Animal symbolism (based on traditional lore): wolf Bird symbolism (based on traditional lore): seagull Associated deities: Bran, Cronos Color: red Element: Water SAILLE

(pronounced ”SAHL-yuh")

Symbol: Literal meaning: willow Sound value: S

Northwest Europe

Features: Deciduous tree, grows Tree: WILLOW in wet areas Uses: Flexible wood, weaving & (Salix fragilis, alba, viminalis, (Willow Family) wickerwork or caprea)

North Central Florida

Features: Small deciduous trees, Uses: Medicinal uses. / Tree: WILLOW grows in wet areas (Salix caroliniana Michaux, (Willow Family) / Univ Michigan, Deerborn Ethnobotany Database eriocephala, or floridana)

Carolina Willow (Salix caroliniana Michaux) Gainesville FL

Modern divinatory meaning: Feeling, intuition, fluidity Animal symbolism (based on traditional lore): fox Bird symbolism (based on traditional lore): hawk Associated deities: Persephone, Helice, Belili, Cierce, Hecate, Hera, Artemis, Selene, Athena, Ceridwen, Apollo, Bel, Belin Color: primrose yellow Element: Water

NUIN (pronounced "NOO-un")

Symbol: Literal meaning: Letter Sound value: N

Northwest Europe

Features: Deciduous tree, one of Uses: Wood very tough & elastic. the last trees to leaf out and first Medicinal uses. Tree: ASH to drop leaves (Fraxinus excelsior) (Olive Family)

North Central Florida

Tree: WHITE ASH Features: Deciduous tree Uses: Wood: is tough and does not (Fraxinus americana Linnaeus) (Olive Family) break under large amounts of strain, used for baseball bats, etc.+ Medicinal uses. /

+ School of Forest Res. & Conserv. UF, Forest Trees

/ Univ Michigan, Deerborn Ethnobotany Database

White Ash (Fraxinus americana Linnaeus), Gainesville, Florida

Modern divinatory meaning: Tree of rebirth, passageway between inner & outer worlds Animal symbolism (based on traditional lore): adder Bird symbolism (based on traditional lore): snipe Associated deities: Odin, Woden, Poseidon, Nemisis, Mars Color: clear Element: Water


(pronounced "OO-ah")

Symbol: Literal meaning: Terrible Sound value: H

Northwest Europe

Features: Deciduous, fast Uses: Burns well, good hedging. Tree: HAWTHORN growing & thorned Medicinal uses (Crataegus monogyna & (Rose Family) oxyacantha)

North Central Florida

Tree: HAWTHORN Features: Deciduous small Uses: NA (Crataegus uniflora M.) shrub or tree with thorns (Rose Family)

Hawthorn (Crataegus uniflora M.), Gainesville, Florida

Modern divinatory meaning: Patience, restriction, protection from inner realms; door to Otherworld Animal symbolism (based on traditional lore): sheep Bird symbolism (based on traditional lore): raven Associated deities: Flora, Olwen, Blodeuwedd, Hera, Cardea, Hymen Color: deep violet Element: Fire


(pronounced "DOO-er")

Symbol: Literal meaning: Oak Sound value: D

Northwest Europe

Tree: OAK Features: Large deciduous Uses: Strong long-lasting timber, (Quercus rubur or petraea) tree only wood to mature wines/spirits in. (Beech Family) Medicinal uses

North Central Florida

Tree: LAUREL OAK Features: Laurel Oak is a Uses: as wood, & acorns are major (Quercus hemisphaerica) semi-evergreen tree; Water wildlife food resource. Laurel Oak: Oak is a deciduous tree wood used for fuel wood & making WATER OAK (Beech Family) paper, & in large timbers. Water (Quercus nigra) Oak: wood is used for lumber and fuel wood. +

+ School of Forest Resources & Conservation, UF, Forest Trees

Laurel Oak (Quercus hemisphaerica), Starke, Florida

Modern divinatory meaning: Solid protection, doorway to mysteries, inner strength, courage Animal symbolism (based on traditional lore): stag Bird symbolism (based on traditional lore): wren Associated deities: Dione, Diana, Rhea, Cybele, Circe, Athene, Demeter, Brigid, Blodeuwedd, Ceridwen, Zeus, Jupiter, Pan, Esys, Odin, Dagda, Herne Color: black Element: Earth


(pronounced "CHIN-yuh")

Symbol: Literal meaning: Iron Sound value: T

Northwest Europe

Tree: HOLLY Features: Medium evergreen tree, Uses: Dense wood, good for (Ilex aquifolium) won't grow in wet soils, good carving hedge

(Holly Family)

North Central Florida

Tree: AMERICAN Features: Medium evergreen Uses: Wood: made into handles, HOLLY trees fixtures, small tools (wood is ivory- (Ilex opaca) (Holly Family) white, close-grained, & shock- resistant). ^ TOPAL HOLLY (Ilex x attenuata Ashe) ^ Floridata

American Holly (Ilex opaca), Gainesville, Florida

Modern divinatory meaning: Life symbol/ reincarnation; directed balance, courage Animal symbolism (based on traditional lore): boar Bird symbolism (based on traditional lore): starling Associated deities: Tannus, Thor, Taranis Color: dark grey Element: Fire


(pronounced "CULL")

Symbol: Literal meaning: Hazel Sound value: C

Northwest Europe

Tree: HAZEL Features: Deciduous, thrives in Uses: Nuts for food. Coppiced for (Corylus avellana) damp soils but fruits on drained fences & hedges. Medicinal uses. land; usually solitary (Birch Family) North Central Florida

Tree: AMERICAN HORNBEAM Features: Small deciduous Uses: Used as hedge or (Carpinus caroliniana) tree tree. Wood: heavy, very hard and (Birch Family) close grained; used to make bowls Note: no direct local native equivalent and dishes & for tool handles and found- this is not a Corylus spp. tree, but mallets. ^ has similar features to hazel. ^ Floridata

American Hornbeam (Carpinus caroliniana), Gainesville, Florida

Modern divinatory meaning: Creativity, poetry, divination & meditation Animal symbolism (based on traditional lore): cat Bird symbolism (based on traditional lore): crane Associated deities: Mercury, Thor, Aengus Color: brown Element: Air QUERT

(pronounced "KWEIRT")

Symbol: Literal meaning: Apple Sound value: Q

Northwest Europe

Tree: Apple Features: Deciduous, five Uses: Fruit for food. Wood good for (Pyrus malus or sylvestris) petal flowers, prefers moist, carving. Medicinal uses. fertile soils in oak woodlands (Rose Family)

North Central Florida

Tree: SOUTHERN Features: Deciduous shrub or Uses: Fruit used to make jellies, jams CRABAPPLE small tree and food preserves (Malus angustifolia Michaeus) (Rose Family)

Southern Crabapple (Malus angustifolia Michaeus), Gainesville, Florida

Modern divinatory meaning: Healing, love, choice Animal symbolism (based on traditional lore): dog Bird symbolism (based on traditional lore): hen Associated deities: Aphrodite, Hera, Astarte, Ashtoreh, Ishtar, Ceridwen, Athene, Nemisis, Olwen, Arwen, Zeus, Paris, Cupid Color: mouse-brown Element: Water


(pronounced "MUHN")

Symbol: Literal meaning: Back Sound value: M

Northwest Europe

Tree: VINE Features: Deciduous climbing Uses: Grapes for wine or fruit (Vitis vinifera- grape vine) vine, with lobed leaves, and grapes (Grape Family)

North Central Florida

Tree: MUSCADINE Features: Deciduous vine with Uses: Plants grown on trellises or GRAPE grapes arbors for their fruit or for screening (Vitus rotundifolia Michx.) (Grape Family) effect. Fruits: used for juice, wine, jellies and fresh eating. ^

^ Floridata

Muscadine Grape (Vitus rotundifolia Michx.), Gainesville & Starke Florida

Northwest Europe

Tree: BRAMBLE Features: Deciduous thorny bush Uses: Berries for wine or as fruit. (Blackberry) with mounding or rambling growth (Rubus Fruticosa) habit, with berries (Rose Family) North Central Florida

Tree: SAND BLACKBERRY Features: Deciduous thorny bush Uses: Berries eaten. (Rubus cuneifolius) with mounding or rambling growth habit, with berries (Rose Family)

Sand blackberry (Rubus cuneifolius), Starke, Florida

Modern divinatory meaning: Harvest, strong effort, releasing prophecy Animal symbolism (based on traditional lore): sow Bird symbolism (based on traditional lore): titmouse Color: variegated (or plaid)

(pronounced "GORT")

Symbol: Literal meaning: Field Sound value: G

Northwest Europe

Tree: IVY Features: Climbing vine with 3- Uses: decorative (Hedera helix) 5 lobes on leaves, stems have roots for climbing

(Aralia Family)

North Central Florida

Tree: VIRGINA CREEPER Features: Deciduous vine, with Uses: decorative (Parthenocissus quinquefolia) 5 lobed leaves & adhesive pads for climbing Note: no direct local native equivalent (Grape Family) found- this is not a Hedera spp. plant, but has similar features to ivy.

Virginia Creeper (Parthenocissus quinquefolia), Starke, Florida

Modern divinatory meaning: Spiral of self, tenacity, indirect progress Animal symbolism (based on traditional lore): hedgehog Bird symbolism (based on traditional lore): swan Associated deities: Ceres Color: sky blue


(pronounced "NYEH-tal")

Symbol: Literal meaning: Wound Sound value: Ng

Northwest Europe

Tree: Features: Large deciduous BROOM shrub without spines, grows Uses: Branches used for sweeping brooms, (Cytisus scoparius) on sandy soils sheltering windbreaks. Medicinal uses. (Pea Family)

North Central Florida

Tree: Features: Small annual herb Uses: Medicinal uses. # SWEETBROOM (Figwort Family) (Scoparia dulcis) # Univ. Texas Austin, Wildflower Center

Note: no direct local native equivalent found- this is not a Cytisus spp. plant, but has similar features to rroom.

Sweetbroom (Scoparia dulcis)

Northwest Europe

Tree: REED Features: Perennial giant Uses: Thatching, stabilizing soil on (Phragmites australis) grass, grows in clumps at edges river banks, runners are sweet & of water bodies & used as fodder, also used for fiber. wetlands (Grass Family)

North Central Florida

Tree: SWITCHCANE Features: Perennial, evergreen Uses: Plant used by Native (Arundinaria gigantea) grass, grows in wet & moist Americans for baskets, webbing, soils music instruments, arrow shafts, (Grass Family) blowguns and darts. Good livestock forage. Medicinal uses. /

/ Univ. of Michigan Deerborn Ethnobotany Database

Switchcane (Arundinaria gigantea), Gainesville, Florida Northwest Europe

Tree: FERN Features: Perennial Uses: Medicinal uses. (Pteridium aquilinum) plant, deciduous in winter; fern common in woods & grassland, preferring dry, acid

soils (Dennstaedtiaceae Family)

North Central Florida

Tree: BRACKEN FERN Features: Perennial Uses: Medicinal uses. / (Pteridium aquilinum) plant, deciduous in winter; fern common in woods & grassland, / Univ. of Michigan Deerborn Ethnobotany preferring dry, acid Database soils (Dennstaedtiaceae Family)

Bracken Fern (Pteridium aquilinum), Starke, Florida

Modern divinatory meaning: Cleansing, healing, restores harmony Animal symbolism (based on traditional lore): hare Bird symbolism (based on traditional lore): goose Associated deities: Chiron Color: grass green


(pronounced "STRAHF")

Symbol: Literal meaning: Sulfur Sound value: Ss

Northwest Europe

Tree: BLACKTHORN Features: Small tree or Uses: Sloes used to make jam, wine (Prunus spinosa) large shrub, thorny, and to flavor gin. Wood used in making deciduous tree with 'sloe' tools. Thorns used. Medicinal uses. fruits (Rose Family)

North Central Florida

Tree: FLATWOODS PLUM Features: Large shrub or Uses: Used by Native Americans to (Prunus umbellata E.) small deciduous tree with treat skin abrasions. Food - Fruit eaten small plums fresh and processed as preserves and (Rose Family) jellies. *

* North Dakota Tree Information Center

Flatwoods Plum (Prunus umbellata E.), Gainesville, Florida

Modern divinatory meaning: Necessity, karma, fate with hope, protection Animal symbolism (based on traditional lore): badger Bird symbolism (based on traditional lore): thrush Color: bright/silver Element: Fire


(pronounced "RWEESH")

Symbol: Literal meaning: Reddening Sound value: R

Northwest Europe

Tree: ELDER Features: Deciduous bushy Uses: Fresh leaves uses as insecticide. Fruits (Sambucus nigra) shrub with many stems, can and flowers make wines, jam & tea. Dyes from become small tree bark, leaves, and flowers. Medicinal uses.

(Adoxaceae Family)

North Central Florida

Tree: ELDERBERRY Features: Deciduous bushy Uses: Cooked berries edible & made into pies, (Sambucus nigra Canadensis) shrub with many stems, can jellies, & elderberry wine. Flowers are edible, become small tree and used in jams, in a wine, jellies and (Adoxaceae Family) elderflower fritters. Medicinal uses. ^

^ Floridata

Elderberry (Sambucus nigra Canadensis), Gainesville, Florida

Modern divinatory meaning: Regeneration, cycle of rebirth, change and transformation. Animal symbolism (based on traditional lore): seal Bird symbolism (based on traditional lore): rook Color: dark red Element: Earth AILM

(pronounced "AHL-m")

Symbol: Literal meaning: Elm Sound value: A

Northwest Europe

Tree: SCOTS PINE Features: Large evergreen Uses: Wood in building and furniture, (Pinus sylvestris) conifer tree essential oils, vegetable tar. Medicinal (Pine Family) uses. North Central Florida

Tree: LONGLEAF Features: Large evergreen Uses: major resources for naval stores PINE conifer trees pine tar and pitch) in the past. Today (Pinus palustris Mill.) (Pine Family) turpentine, rosin, and fatty acids are derived from these trees. SLASH PINE (Pinus elliottii Engelm.)

Slash Pine (Pinus elliottii Engelm.), Starke, Florida

Northwest Europe

Tree: SILVER FIR Features: Tall evergreen Uses: Resin used to make turpentine. (Abies alba) tree Wood used.

(Pine Family) North Central Florida

Tree: LOBLOLLY PINE Features: Large tall Uses: Wood used in timber & (Pinus taeda Linnaeus) evergreen conifer pulp. Medicinal uses. / tree (Pine Family) / Univ. of Michigan Deerborn Ethnobotany Database Loblolly Pine (Pinus taeda Linnaeus), Starke, Florida

Northwest Europe

Tree: ELM Features: Tall deciduous tree, Uses: Wood used in building. Medicinal (Ulmus glabra) prefers damp soils uses.

(Elm Family) North Central Florida

Tree: WINGED ELM Features: Medium deciduous Uses: Medicinal uses. (Ulmus alata M.) tree (Elm Family)

Winged Elm (Ulmus alata M.), Gainesville, Florida

Modern divinatory meaning: Clear view to the future, perspective, foresight Animal symbolism (based on traditional lore): bear Bird symbolism (based on traditional lore): lapwing Color: Piebald (spotted black & white) Element: Earth OHN (or ONN)

(pronounced "UHN")

Symbol: Literal meaning: Gorse Sound value: O

Northwest Europe

Tree: FRUZE, GORSE Features: Dense, prickly Uses: Wood used for fuel, planted (Ulex europaneus) bush, grows on poorest soils for hedging & windbreaks. (Pea Family)

North Central Florida

Tree: SICKLEPOD Features: Dense annual Uses: Source of Cassia gum. (Senna obtusifolia) bush Medicinal uses. (Pea Family) Note: no direct local native equivalent found- this is not an Ulex spp. plant, but has similar features to gorse.

Sicklepod (Senna obtusifolia), Starke, Florida

Modern divinatory meaning: Attraction & possibility; Harvesting sweet or valuable things. Animal symbolism (based on traditional lore): deer Bird symbolism (based on traditional lore): cormorant Color: dun (light yellowish brown)

UR (or URA)

(pronounced "OOR")

Symbol: Literal meaning: Earth Sound value: U

Northwest Europe

Tree: HEATHER Features: Short perennial Uses: Thatching, brushes/brooms, (Calluna vulgaris) evergreen plant, prefers acid ropes. Medicinal uses. soils on moors & open woods

(Heath Family)

North Central Florida

Tree: HAIRY WICKY Features: Evergreen shrub, Uses: N/A (Kalmia hirsuta Walt.) prefers acid soils (Health Family)

Hairy Wicky (Kalmia hirsuta Walt.), Gainesville, Florida

Modern divinatory meaning: Creation; gateway to spirit world Animal symbolism (based on traditional lore): cricket Bird symbolism (based on traditional lore): lark Color: resin- colored (reddish amber) EABHA (or EADHA)

(pronounced "EH-yuh")

Symbol: Literal meaning: Aspen Sound value: E/EA

Northwest Europe

Tree: ASPEN Features: Deciduous tree that Uses: Wood for misc. items i.e. shields. (Populus tremula) sends up suckers to grow in Medicinal uses. natural groves. Found in sunny

wet areas. (Willow Family) North Central Florida

Tree: SWEETGUM Features: Medium to large Uses: Wood: used as flooring, furniture, (Liquidamber styraciflua L.) deciduous tree veneers, home interiors, & other lumber (Altingiaceae Family) applications, used as paper pulp, & to make + Note: no direct local native equivalent baskets. Resin used. Medicinal uses. found- this is not a Populus spp. tree, but has similar features to aspen. + School of Forest Res. & Conserv., Univ Florida, Forest Trees

Sweetgum (Liquidamber styraciflua L.), Starke, Florida

Modern divinatory meaning: Courage & perseverance; Protects by shielding & resisting, gift from winds Animal symbolism (based on traditional lore): horse Bird symbolism (based on traditional lore): swan Associated deities: Cronos Color: rust red Element: Air IOHO (or IDHO)

(pronounced "EE-yoh")

Symbol: Literal meaning: Yew Sound value: I

Northwest Europe

Tree: YEW Features: Evergreen slow-growing Uses: Wood resists decay, (Taxus baccata) conifer tree, very long- springy heart wood good lived for bows.

(Yew Family)

North Central Florida

Tree: BALD CYPRESS Features: Large deciduous conifer Uses: old-growth (Taxodium distichum) tree; very long-lived heartwood used in timber (Cypress Family) industry for its durability + Note: no direct local native equivalent and resistance to rot found- this is not a Taxus spp. tree, but has similar features to yew. + School of Forest Res. & Conserv, Univ Florida, Forest Trees

Bald Cypress (Taxodium distichum), Gainesville, Florida

Modern divinatory meaning: Rebirth, eternal cycle, transformation Animal symbolism (based on traditional lore): bat Bird symbolism (based on traditional lore): eaglet Associated deities: Hecate Color: very white Element: Earth


(pronounced "AYDA")

Symbol: Literal meaning: Grove Sound value: EA

Northwest Europe

Tree: ASPEN Features: Deciduous tree that Uses: Wood for misc. items i.e. Shields. (Populus tremula) sends up suckers to grow in Medicinal uses. natural groves. Found in sunny wet areas (Willow Family)

North Central Florida

Tree: SWEETGUM Features: Medium to large Uses: Wood used as flooring, furniture, (Liquidamber styraciflua L.) deciduous tree veneers, home interiors, & other lumber (Altingiaceae Family) applications, used as paper pulp, & to Note: no direct local native equivalent make baskets. Resin used. Medicinal found- this is not a Populus spp. tree, uses. + but has similar features to aspen. + School of Forest Res. & Conserv., Univ Florida, Forest Trees

*Sweetgum (Liquidamber styraciflua L.), Starke, Florida

Alternative attribution: ***********************


(pronounced "KO-ud")

Symbol: Literal meaning: Grove Sound value: Ch

*********************** Northwest Europe

Tree: a grove containing all trees

North Central Florida

Tree: a grove containing all trees

Starke, Florida

Modern divinatory meaning: Central balance & infinite possibility Color: many shades of green


(pronounced "OR")

Symbol: Literal meaning: Spindle Sound value: OI or OE

Northwest Europe

Tree: SPINDLE Features: Deciduous shrub or Uses: Wood for pegs, (Euonymus europaeus) small tree bobbins, etc.

(Bittersweet Family) North Central Florida

Tree: AMERICAN Features: Small evergreen tree or Uses: Medicinal uses. / STRAWBERRYBUSH shrub (Euonymus americanus L.) (Bittersweet Family) / Univ. of Michigan Deerborn Ethnobotany Database

American Strawberrybush (Euonymus americanus L.), Gainesville, Florida

Modern divinatory meaning: Fate, sudden change, & the unexpected Color: brilliant white (like lightening)


(pronounced "ULL-enth")

Symbol: Literal meaning: Honeysuckle Sound value: UI or UA

Northwest Europe

Tree: HONEYSUCKLE Features: Deciduous climbing Uses: Decorative climbing flowered (Lonicera periclymenum) shrub plant. Medicinal uses. (Honeysuckle Family)

North Central Florida

Tree: CORAL HONEYSUCKLE Features: Evergreen climbing Uses: decorative (Lonicera sempervirens L.) shrub (Honeysuckle Family)

Coral Honeysuckle (Lonicera sempervirens L.), Gainesville, Florida

Modern divinatory meaning: Way to Inner secrets and path to search for self


(pronounced "IF-in")

Symbol: Literal meaning: gooseberry or thorn Sound value: IA or IO

Northwest Europe

Tree: GOOSEBERRY Features: Small spreading Uses: Berries in desserts and as wine. (Ribes uva-crispa) bush with spiny stems. Found Medicinal uses. in hedges, scrub & woodland (Currant Family)

North Central Florida

Tree: HIGHBUSH BLUEBERRY Features: Deciduous shrub Uses: Berries edible. Medicinal uses. ^ (Vaccinium corymbosum) growing in dense thickets, berries ^ Floridata Note: no direct local native equivalent (Heath Family) found- this is not a Ribes spp. plant, but has similar features to gooseberry.

Highbush Blueberry (Vaccinium corymbosum), Starke, Florida

Modern divinatory meaning: Fruitful generations


(pronounced "EM-un-khull" or "FAY-gus")

Symbol: Literal meaning: ' twin of hazel' Sound value: AE

Northwest Europe

Tree: BEECH Features: Large deciduous tree with Uses: Wood used in (Fagus sylvatica) surface snake-like furniture/tools. Medicinal uses. roots

(Beech Family)

North Central Florida

Tree: AMERICAN BEECH Features: Large deciduous Uses: Nuts used by wildlife. (Fagus grandifolia) tree Wood is used for charcoal & fuel (Beech Family) wood. Tar from the tree (creosote) is used to protect other woods from rotting. Leaves & bark provide extracts for making fabric dyes. +

+ School of Forest Res. & Conserv., Univ Florida, Forest Trees

American Beech (Fagus grandifolia)

Modern divinatory meaning: Past wisdom revealed; use past experience Color: orange-brown Associated deities: Fagus PEITH

(pronounced "PEH")

Symbol: Literal meaning: none* Sound value: P

* this is a fairly modern addition to the forfeda- in this case the consonant 'P'

Northwest Europe

Tree: SWAMP ELDER Features: Deciduous shrub Uses: Berries eaten & used for (Viburnum opulus) or small tree that prefers ink. Medicinal uses. moist soils

(Adoxaceae Family)

North Central Florida

Tree: RUSTY BLACKHAW Features: Deciduous or Uses: Food - Fruits of several (Viburnum rufidulum) evergreen shrub or small tree Viburnum species are processed that prefers moist soils into jams. Medicinal uses.*

(Adoxaceae Family) * North Dakota Tree Information Center

Rusty Blackhaw (Viburnum rufidulum), Gainesville, Florida

Modern divinatory meaning: The horizon, creation


Symbol: Literal meaning: blank or Unspeakable* Sound value: U

* “the un-hewn dolmen arch" attributed to mistletoe by the modern author Robert Graves

Northwest Europe

Tree: MISTLETOE Features: Evergreen, woody Uses: Christmas decoration. (Viscum album) parasite of tree branches Medicinal uses. (Santalaceae Family)

North Central Florida

Tree: MISTLETOE Features: Evergreen, woody Uses: Medicinal uses. ^ (Phoradendron leucarpum) parasite of tree branches

(Santalaceae Family) ^Floridata

Mistletoe (Phoradendron leucarpum) in an Oak tree, Keystone Heights, Florida

Modern divinatory meaning: Fertility, healing, sacrifice