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Springfield Leader iii Piifl • .* 11 **• Ft*k,• ^ K 4 ill • I? •;M:-'I*«,.'. :; r ; : '••''•• "'••••• •• ^~~ --V •••-'• •-•-••••'•••;• • • "^v '••.•. .:•. •• v •••..• :..••,•.••.. '.. •.:'._••••:'.,••:• . •.• - . •'••'•;.;":... :-f,:-^\ \ :;.;__** " •_; , ,'l The New Newspaper To Serve Springfield-Better ».V' • 3EPTBMBER-5, 19fi3 (4.00 V»rl]> ed Every Thllr«d>v => "." ._ VOL. 1 — No: ],2 Morrl«''Av«., Uninn, N. J. let Commission Board Near ' '•I'nwnaliip-Piiiniulliw' nn«iiilmrs lllllllllllllllllllliiiiiiuiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii'iiii'i'u IW will meet with all InlrrcHled fit » sollllinn lo I.11P Morn:, -HWV Hearing pnrlfli'iK n'rafijem riFit irtPCtlnR 'Stacks, WHiies'l T RphmlulerJ for'B p.in..'-W_pdnn«diiy_ o - fn-thn-MtmiijiiiHbJiUiMmS^fr^. .<!iDkUiw^tn_UWa'.vor. Arthur"1 M. reasoir Falkin. .""• ' - • ."• Peoi -^-'I'he mayor. r,nlfl thai iiivitiilinnr, I'lie ..Union C-nrrnty .Park Om-, \vc.ri< "IIPIIIR 'issued to-thp' CMinin- p mission and the. Hepional- Board 1ml' of- Commerce, Moivi:. tivn. PuWiC h(arinK_nn Lhn $850,000 of Educiiliiaijqiiicar on IhP vergi — • "merolmnlK .who* nay' Ihry h'avp. referendlim lor the ndditlon to I March On CapiialAof sinning a' J'ontrai'l. whlrh Is the Gandincef-SdibolllbaB-beat rl |o_al!nw. Ilip.Rogioiial .: . Iteen hard lill. by lack of proper 1 • . ~" parkfnC', nwrrt'ii.' nf *tbi*--l>iHlrl- ichodulcd for .8 pjii. _Sopt. 24, "Jl was thc.borfl'WninB pf the pie !• had nevi>r scna-' before Boarrl_ lo rplmlld- \\-\ri\ Ave. inHKThal front., on (he iinrih side ccprdlnR to Jdlin' Clicks, i'i- future." . In Ihjs way lriinK wore callinj 'How much do field iuul.li'ac.k. Ihe _i. nl Morris ,nnil all Jhosi* inlnr- irdlnalor of this'jbuUdlnf! project; Sainuols of 2S'-' Mcckea si..,—yoU-Jiecd'?" : physical prlui:ntionTIplri for .Ion-' n mcclinR ' will ..take pliicn Springfield, /expressed .his g],c dnsC|.,bcd the .'xperi- fMhan. Dayton 'TiwrmSr'.High ecufeterla r>f-4h&-Gaadlttner fc*hng» abottj the March on ,. ence as bping i-lose to » mov-• Sehnoi. ^•iaul I-'MMMIIJIII, pxeeutivi' sec- WashlnKtpHT' foi- Jobs a h d__.| r,tcllKloua servlee. "If „ , '.It l> nnttelpMli»»Vl}iiil Ihr bonrrf , Gnctw .attid, niid parting n ^— rrlaty of~th]rrCli.'iinb.pr. .ifiid I lint- Freedom.', — ~ • . «. • . ... if..' JS'ill. olw.^gr.ee In m»\nlaiii the 77 the. Chaining hud mnuv Ihriti n vv'll', bo in .possepsloil'.'<)! J '.it- I,,, j field. "iycMlip vp;ir;".nnd Ihdt " "" nai«inn-Interest in 'Aw rmrklnn llbl ht) cl •-1.hji.lU:.b.(itlipt will budKPl moniitj problem and f(j]l' llTiit' an nlti:i> with jfn|' Inipl'i^'empnt of. ihr. .firld n n I o !:|{'i I u f(on TirTfiirttjtnrrr-H i-- ri' In In XVu NCRFO, hoo niTlrd, me for Ihe 13 Tnrrtr ntnviil. pVopiwil iiutlrirlh'by them mHlteTl. irllhnf' noxl.. Monday, or J'hin wiic"pxpliiinfrl Ijy Mayor a yi.'iir at{o;*7S"a pnTKinn .lot in fftlt It wnt Hninolhtiw •'• Ihnl paH In" the f should hnvr been dtin?.'ii liinK ; Arllnir M. I'Vilkiu 'following.! . • --. -'--the...rear. of. Ihec.iil.in.rt'. ,nn His . Thci'p. woi'e_ no . "blacks""; "or •••-p'dmt Thui'Mlny iii Hii!'.Sjiriivg-• ' iiiw for lh« nddlllon linvr tliiin nun." ' •'TdtitTjiiV.r:3utir .'people. • . _ ' . —iiatLh tl'lp of MoVl'lii nvp,' i tri-'rownphlp'.I'nmniH.ter., the • _'".! il Will, lo Ilin Blilln'"Hn«i<dBlillnH«id :.in. 1i . imd .lliirlrirfrtr: I'nrklitK flit' eiMniiiprn fin tin tir!rHtin"C!iirott Mildld , andd"m r J jl_o)'r3, Kri'tMiinn stiUI. .In nlrnuly il H fo tith Ti, upucivil .iiipi't'lnlpnilrut lmni|wri'd hv ri'olHH.iij-l parklnit •rplnry i>fHIP finlnn Cuim- IPI|UM<',V. Viillnwlfm s • ln'Uvrpn •liilll «Tiil fl:.'.llt |vin. rn ly I'III'K.I.'IIIUIDIIHIIIII. vrltim noliwllilnd fin—IW\, III, wiiN m, ol delwnill*. nn nn.l. • „,, ,/ ,„ ; ,,|rt , •••'— •..'.the Unrth'-nitir'' n( I)lr —rt-nTITTllull fhlrtl. _uJiiiin will Iwv- ullli- NIIUU'P Inlei-p.'.l. ii?-u^» iii.ii»/.i .HlltOUHli, IhP niail .»l.r».l ,„ VfSiTwl li. biiViw Ihnl Ihi'l, llll'llllll'll HIP"" Illtt- Imp thin' i iiirprtrTih" lll 'il fi'i liluli' ni)|ihivnl, ' - 'inhl, !'|in|iiilnn iiui llml ' Mi'Hhi inltfllliilttllt minnl l hIIPp i-NlirllvPNHi'Uv.. IM».\PIIII.V,. — |.mni»-.wt»rr:-Uu,.,,., „..,!..'. ...;,,„„rniinf «.n nlli—flimnil niilvltlm. whli-h hnvc Imoi Tin' iiildlllun In l<\w «i:hiuq ii'Ml" • in., •llmi'iti.liin I'miuullU'i' nf II- II "II wl(L hiivp In-UP wulkeil nn . „,.„.' '|'|,pvwpir .Iwnnl In hclil' nL Ihi lu'-HI I'lV uniniuni'ei'pfit hiAv 1'IJWHHJIILII. ill) 1 •« I nf.ll.H I'MII lU'P II * .ri/'P -Mil' HII'I|| I SuiulnMIIIIIIByV IIPHIllUlIl Illlliiuill llll'V Ih'uIllllll .|ll|...lll«!|-i'll.llHie llnMnillull1ill_JJUlJ. u|jiU.tu(Pil1LLllll'|.|lL i.t, ii l Ull—liuUClll— |ll ilin |(Ul|,ll, II l,-llM.lr<ri'Ur,H I'tnilll HHfl HII I ijimli.'. iml A'lll M'l'i''' I" Illllll.Vi' WIK limllliiiiMilid IIIIIIIII" Tiii;n\r AIM. hv Him v Ilin '• \--.-r^T7wr.\ ..;i),f -'Ihi.. (''II'III'III'II "" "; • , Mnn'h,." • hl)l li'rli -illll'tl'll In iMihiriti»iuc'iil nf -Il Hi* ll+l -tTiTrni*lnb- SStTrfii!!.1.1.!—;_Hh). •expriilnmr Ihal iilHinuuli iiltlllli r . nl TTTr |'H;II|IIMI\' 1TT1T Wi '•"• »'h-i«imit MjiM.'l Ihnl—t=r*•'••'" Ullrliiin 'in. iillmv'llii 1 'iillil IIPII ! iiililiTrnilii'il. ii> — HIP lli'ijlofiul l-jri. nrtrt—rrivimii. ritn|ii'iii|i' wllh .ill ii ill tIn* ni'l'VH\M .iiiiu'ntf • v ,- ., •''.'<''• [V"'!i: ;iu.'i,r i, .Hpi'inuiiPid: I'^Hh'ivi iHHini ' ' .• i MlTifllUU'r'' I'M hliiillrhllj ruTl npnk'K of HIP '"derly tiOn.ni .. ||l(ll nUt, wi!Utavaili_fl.n..mjl-0l'. >HliH'itii|ili.'iTI 11J" llu< Mll' l''n linn .'.pi''! nl i'i I mil llmUml.y a— - >iliTfi'llnii nl Ihi' li'l ''•.•' in wlili'lt'I If pi'iici'lul Knllifi- . UMn ui'tnitip p lii.l'llnn "f (hi1 held will nVusPd • - At Ihi—rVrrrr--1:1 IHI i Inn: \> l»i: ' ."iirl"fl ""' . »'"' "I In Ihc ji.f fur hiijh—^-trnt^-Hjnnlp fiuvllmll ~Un> ii'iliniHirii',' M«I,HM' Vililili «-.•"•; dlrin'l wiiii). in' nn with iil.liwt'.uiibJolli'iw.: $Hllll,llO(l lie was Ihe uuxl luiin'u lir -KHUII.-I. IIIKI Unit'hii lu'mif BnniM ' liilil livn' mi ii'liunl'i1 K'|iH-ii!iiiu.i < •"• .pie-who -kltpw. mp—|rrrri—hr^-| '<m»l.i imlhmv MV.IIlllI- lor nl- 'nr. ••-''• .''•'' wt'iUlfl hp.seliivluli'iil for Hie field llvKo ihnl lhi'-')invii>ltl|i liilil '••'••• 1 . • Value ultiu'hed lo Otiit itrniTp, onii; WilHVfor InillddiK urn I tills '.Vt'fll', '. ... 't ... '• M'l'l.iuM .hi iwliililli'li.. I'III ,'-t ' I wnnted to. erl In'l(n(|w''oHi- - ,$'lfl,lino rw/ nwhlifliHiirn-l - A. MAitOHlilt wlio j-lid ": ers .with' the sBnie^lflenls..". • • ..•rjit_.nray;n' ^(iid he'...fu1t.Iuiat-j_ ' V'UKI'1.11 ihr iwif iff Hii^ tilnii-;T mid $t!!<,l<nn'ror*.(v|iilpm(iiU.' r r : 1 T •*» wnni ~tTr-h(i ideiUified, ; "\y>' nveii|—h> - -|T'airi; -- and 'riti|i's.il.i,v'a'lalks were only the -.-- _ IIV. finid' Ihnl • soiw'wtv^'n Mil Tl)«"baur(l_kiii_miuatiiliiert Ihnl how slid wanted to',.make an -first ,<|pp In "nngorintloivi with — —_iil iiliiii*.~"l|jil[ \n»j:ii M*nl In*- Hi I'rasKiHiraiiGniEt: 43juuHnppr. Srhnnl 1-i.iilrf.ndy .nip- -mp .il mill nil It 11 Jiiiihwny i ,„„, 10(1. pupils over capacity. founloimdn siurnm; ciidn'uiui..jt. lia'v..«'•e- •-•- hnE.- TdTrecdom—SonRSS . TThey enminissinn. He said, however^ ' I hi'iMi tii(i; jilsii iTxplulne •Board President AiiKail Caprlo •jsrrerl change. "When I ask-- M ,h hr|||.d Koftly ~m HIP fhal.' he-alKO—expected [tituvo I ihai. ciiiii of ."i'l paiklui fnlrT in the hant thai- failure pTfT- Tr """''""" eniilri 'pliBltte •» ,r_i". ' ni-.>|- h": Ihr MIUPI" : pe, -- L liM. r-inlii-^-i. M .iiiP''n'i- Irnsl:' 1(1 ".""•;•!'•••.,"""', •;•'on . ^:Page'3' •''iVT nf 'tESF W.mnv |"he I'ouM-jnMtc no -—— help TtrrrhBlevfi' 'wj'^"it enrrirtr- -: >p|re"' ;i4.nnn-kiuai'caloot - addir iv *-i»nit'i't?.iit:t |I,I, -" " * I fni.'"' '•••"' ilwl. nnTumem •es aX W ^ ani|—anvitin'ry'-. hnni'dy-wUiL-1he He ^vunkK'inil-plalioiMte on the '" -r l>IHiU_Sl.nictui'c wag' Ittiilt to • ..(ii-gc'mciiT.-jJi,vmit fintcyie new*. R&aei :• yntiflfltcann ^IIWIPIUK In rlass- vi'iTTilfl" iDUiP" iifttu-n inViilhiK iif • ,' JllHU-l Illlll' I-"-' v . ',' '""_", -* I.IIP Pa ill CoiKniliTi"!! -nn ftVp.1. '• raoK'u III'L iiipoting U-ltii"Tmw,H- ni'f- 'all-pur- IV. ..'"'- '.•••• ..,._'"• T —Hi-' H'iivvi"r'M ' IT.-iv)y,'i.HIirl'fl'i•'. 1 *" Frcpinan ..'.iiid Ihi.R wi'i'k thai . Sprln'Rfleld'V. Hftereatinii DP- cllilie.'i ijifl*n'""picnU .*'tii"ea.'. H« The two-slory Hdditlon wan ictii.lenl nf.'the' rii'iliiniiil.'Dlsti'lel fiprinuflplfl's' new plnmeiilary IIIM. fiittd Ihc fnh fiiii'.v1 would tin.' oijly sillvirtInn fir 'be vturos school •loiifluM's were taken nn a phrtninjil'will ask Ihe hnni'd of did not :;.iy whi'i) the proposal ciinrtructed In 10S7, brlnEiiiB'12 lUuppiwsi .thai there will he quer.llon.of, whnt hiippf.-ii!. il Ihi' onih«',,n6"rth tide of'llju loud- nnw elnsBKioms,' An the school 11 1 hp finnicnmiiic IIFIIT thn I'nrk historical loiir of Ihc, township EducAllon for an would be presontKd. nn need fin' eniisli'iicllnn of iin- I'p'cin P ' l' nipmiiuiin.jiittmlirii'uhip . ».,i.,,,.slnniM, „,,..,drop. way was' ihv erea'tion of (lie standsliinds Hownow,, ' IIt was.,, .explaineexplaindd; nn ne, bUv Hnt IlKure forIhc inml ni l'!<iinMti.'i>;|i>n inpplini!.
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