\ ' ol. \'III. chool, Castleton \'t.. " 'ednesday, October 9, 1940 o. 1

State Educators To I\Ieet Thursday Castleton Normal Welcomes Ermo H. Scott At Queen City To Ermo Ho u~to n Scott, our new principal, the Castleton Xormal chool Dean l\1orrill to Preside extends its most smcere welcome. Z\lr. cott was vice-pri ncipal of Eastern "Education for Our Time,;" is tbe theme tale Xormal chool, Castine, l\Ie. He is adopted by the program committee for a graduate of Belfast, l\Ie., High School the nmcty-fir,,t annual con\enUon of the class of 1922, and a graduate of Eastern \'ermont Education A::..-.oc1ation, winch Sta te ?-formal in 1926. Active in general opens in the Burlington l\Iemonal Au­ school artivities, he was pre.l! 1dent of his ditorium, Thur"

supervision up after the affair and Albert Dauphin J m the town of Underhill. In 1925 be 1\lainuunance of morale was cited as head:; the da..-;;; officer:; who are general became Supermtendent of sc·hools in 1940 PART TIME on<' of the main goab of the .,cbool. Dr. chairmen and Grand High 1\longol;,. • l\ lornsville, m 1931 in Barre, where he Thorpe abo explained ho" the srbool The theme of the danrc and the detail~ STUDENTS ATC. N. S. "o: k· d one th·e re, . the ~chool will return to greet their friends tion for tbe :;late. from vanous to\\ ns domg part time work t hn t of the normal child repeution becomes · I d 'r h· on this occasion. It is interesting to kno,1 that ~lightly for credit.'! leadmg to t le egrce. IS more tmporumt Hum it b \I ith pupil... of Thb dance as usual will be formal for d t.s I d C th nurmul :ibiht,.·. ,Srv><·inl empha..:.1' 1,,. pluced before the re.,ignation of Dr. Bailey, Mr. year part-time btu en me u e: a - r' women and optional for men. l f w k" on cmH work and on mu.-.1c. :\oble had accepted the sup!'rmtendency erine Gaynor, Princ1pa o a t ms

Dunn" the in""''(:tlon tour throufl:h f " · fi Id I 1. b t t the gent Avenue School,· Geraldine Lyston, Meldon ...... - SENATE HOLDS FIRST o .-.prmg e Sl" •OOL<;, u a ur -.c11ne of the dorm1t-0nt"-, cla.-,,.rooms, and fi S I 1 Il M 1·e Kerrigan Center MEETING OF YEAR re<1u~t of the l:itate Board, Sprmg eld <' 100; osc-1 ar , to tl1l' laumlry, Dr. Tlwrpe pointed out Hutland; Chn~tme MacKensie, Lmcoln \"liflr)U' !) pt•, of C3."t:', ,U('b n-. ep1lt:pt1c-., rclea-.ed him for } 1s new pO'l monculoltatc Pn-on, tho of the Senior (I~, \\118 ..t••ct<'ut Gr.. ded,· and Ev" Barrow , Park St. felt thruugl10ut the :-talc' thut he \\Ill have .. .. 8 ludtetrllll ~ h<>ol \\ill be mclud ....I rn the Pre-ident of ti "· phurnoie Clli", "ec- ~at -.u,.,.,~, 1·r1 '"·,, 11"\\ ,~--it10n. Sd1ool, Hutland. , en1c .. le,.,,' \\or::.. retary. gr ~ """ ~ ~" TH E B I R D S E:..__'._Y _=.E_.------.---­ ~==------i I SOCIAL HIGHLIGHTS OR.- \1 State Normal School, Castleton, Vermont __ J OPEN L ETIER TO AT c. N. s. -- PRINCIPAL COTT -- Pub llqh ed m o nthly by t he qtudents of the ta w ormal Sch ool. "Gome( to the pir111c ?" Subscription p rlct> $ 1.00 a year. "Did you hnve u good time at the c x... I part~?" T llE ST\ FF Ort 9, 1940 Oh yes, the soc·ial events ut C. i'\ . •. are D<>ar ~Ir. cott, already off to u grand -.t:u t Editor-11 Cbirf ..• · · . Gl~nn Houston The student" of Castleton Xormal I The. annual grt-to-getlwr of the ~C'hool 111thuul 1 :Senior \ •ocial~ Editor .• Tbom " Rice through the mC'dium of tl.e1r ,.d1ool paper "as held the fir,.,t night "1th the UPJffernru-. \'iola Perr> wi: Iand a SHH'ere ,11:,h that your yC'Urs amon~ ne~' a~quuintances were made during \I f Sports f:diton. l nrnct>s Ste" art, Harold Gibb• us will he plrasant and profitable one." tlus soc ml hour. pniilt'l Du•ine.'' l\lannitrr .. R.ubnr" Phillip I for the srhool, for you and for our-che.-.. T11 o more partie-. were tendered the \\"oodr \dvertL ang :'.\lonagPr B.lnnchc Scdcrg~en I \\' e "1,.h to officially inform you that we Fre-.hmen durmg th C' fin.t of the 11 rek mrmo1 l ranc" l\.lorianl> are behind your adn~1~tmlton one Ione given by the ophomorc' and the Circullltioo :'.\fon1t1ter · · · .Hdl'n Hall bwidred per cent; prom1smg our fullest othrr by lhc .Juruors. Fucully Advisor . .. .•• • ···:'.\Ji,, Katt Kell~ cooperation, be:>t efforts and lughest As a mC'an" of g<>tting the !'tudcnt- ideals to1,ard bwlding with you a ll('her I bettrr a<'qua1ntcd ''1th each other the future for our Almn :\lat<'r. res1dl'nb of Gl(·nbrook were ho-b and :\mer Jn return 11 e exprct a full opportunity hostesses to the bonrdtnl( students ut a Ham THREAT FROM \VlTIIIr\ to rnrich our In·~. to build a sohd foun· picni1· held at the Glen AJI gathered Heu 1 dat1on for our future life in the profo,.sion around thr fire after tlw p1c·n1c for a "::-111g." of tb• Today AmC'fica. is in dangc>r an ideology totally difforenl from hcr:s of our choice und to find mthin the walls I At tl11s time 1t 11as di... l'o\"ered "ht1t a Dem has swept the old \\Orld. Dc>ath is the p<'nalty for disbclieYer. The of C. N S. the bas1r ideals of n vi11;orous cap:iblc k•uder we have m our new prin· O:ch1 · · d I free America so that upon bemg graduuted cipal spilled blood of nations 1s trampl<'d <'<'P a:-; m<'n and more men mare 1 . . the l'I · . , . • ...... we may in turn guide another generation I An "open house" was held rn the lobby through Asia, Europe a~id Africa fanatically folio\\ mg mad leadei:s "ho of Americans forward. _ of Lf'ver ~ ith real affection, teachers, the ~Ji,..,es Heath, ~lac:\fartin, 1 Dr.u \\ithin America a great('!' danger than she mu...,t face from beyond be; our' ludcnts and Lambt. "th'ith thhe facu~t.}• and :;tudents ~ ...... wo11rn1g1 oge er t "' socm event wni; s horizons. W1thm our land 1s a shmy era\' hng thmg men call rntoler- FROM WHENCE COME :;uccc...,s. 1 a.nee. W here its touch has been the fortresse of America are weakened. OUR FRE HMEN If you saw ,.tudents runmng around the It it' this intol('fanre that points lo a labor racketeer and says that a ll campus looking for paper due" recently, labor lead<'rs are racketeC'rS. It is this intolerance that flings charges of " Where are you from?" we might cleu1 up the mystery by ex- 1 im.... briber · 1)Olitical machinery, job prc>ssurc· - at on<' or another of all That's nght, t'.s the .fin;t week at C. X. , plammg that it \\llii JtIBt a treasure 11unt, Pea1 . l · · ff ti l d" . and usually 1t s a Fre.--lu:nan speakmg, which was folio\\ ed hv a picn • held at )l~ 1 1 1 11 Bcr our po it1ca parties- 11 an <' orl to ma{(' C peop e vote uccor tng I buL not alwa):.. f.v1dently, everyone 1-; I De\\ey T°i<>ld Roth thP p11•nw and the tu thdr hate~ and not their honc,,t cv11\·ictious. It i intolerance that bred of heann(( that qur,,hon and asked hunt were spon~red b.} the Student Ii Ii, cond<'mns all immip;ranls as Fifth Columnists becau c of t he act of for n bit of information. So- ICooperati\e As,.olmlion. ll11r D111 some one man. AboYe all it is intol<'rance that :;rt~ religion against Doesn't it seem amazing to you that Informal dunC'ing on and will 111 religion, imputing to each plans for tl1<' domination of the country and onl) five counties nre repie::.entcd the IThur--days bas been rP ... urned and 1t k Cha Freshmen Clu-.s-Addison, Bennmgton, cxpe<"ted that the student..-; will find much intensifying dilTercnce of belief in an effort to create that religious Rutland Windham nnd \\'ind ·or all ·n t rt · t · th t f . . . , " s , 1 Ien c ammen 111 h ::-por or t 1lC commg mtolerance which has destroyed more nations than ha war. the southern hall of the state? And 11 inter months. If we as AmcriC"ans a re to successfully fac<' the coming years and Ieven more irlt<'re:;tmg, ''e find that ex- 1 their challenge to our way of life we must fully belieYe that the hip;hest actly one-half of the FrC'shman Clas,, is RECENT EVENTS ideal · of patrioli m can flow in the heart of a man r.egar-ur­ and united people who haxc deep and unending hatred for a ll forms of fifty-five ure Vermonters. Thesl' Vermont- I roundmg:; i\lr. and ~In:.. [rmo IIou::-ton oppress·i on and tyranny; ti pcopl e w101 m ·11 meet l I1c future with courage ers reprc.-cnt thut)-one different towns, • cott and their daughter, Bonnie, are the largc.~t of whi<"h is Rutland 11 ith a Inwn1t111g the arrival of new furniture and a trust in God. population of ,.,eventeen thousand. The before they are c·ompletely ... ettled in their next largest towns are Bennmgton and ne11 I.} de<"orated dmmg room. There are Bruttleboro. The small~t town j,,ffanrock both men and women student-. in the The> grenlc>«t 11umb!'r of ~t11rlPnts ArP rrom house this year. The women, h.atherme LET' NOT Q UIBBLE towns of four or five thou..snnd p<·ople. Howard, Beverly lloadh•y, I;hz.ibeth I l\hss Florenre Dow bas the d1st11wtion I Heffernan, nnd Xorma Bailey hve in the It is. time ou~· politicians realized tha~ the Ai~crica n people o~ bemg the only F~c.~hm.en from a lurge second flooL The men, Wendell Bnr- 1 a re growrng tc> rnbly tired of Sp<'cchcs filled w1 t b nothing but name city Albany, New l ork. 1 tholome". Albert Dauphin, and Francis calling and in whether on<' can- But nlmt difference doe;, the ... ize of tbe l\lo~·1urty oc·cupy the downstairs ell. didate's grandfather Yoted the opposite ticket th<'rcfore maki n all to11 n maJ..e? We are all here for the ;..ume I _1 h~ Gltnbrook re,..ide~ts spon:.orcd ~ . g purpo~e. p1c111(, to make the a<"quamtance of dorm1- h1s ancestors 011 tca~ts from the party; or whet her another candidate I ---__ _ to!") studnrts 011 Wcdne,,day, eptember lo eats corn CNeal for breakfast therc>fore making him a potc>ntial enemy of RECENT ACCESSIONS I 1 . Faculty memlwrs attending the 1 the wheat bell. The discussion of such tremendous issues as these I TO THE LIBRARY picnir included l\lr. und ~ l rs. c·ott; ~I r. a rou C's nothing bul disgust within the int<'lligent voter. -- and l\Irs. _He111tt; l\liss i\Iary Willson; I n these days of constant crisis our country must ha\'C at its council I c~eral new books have been added to and ~ J i,,o.; Lhzabeth Hale. . the library tins year for the benefit of th ------tabl e::s men w. h o sec and thmk clearly, men who know and under~land I t.. h f e . . . en ne sc oo.1 ome o t 1ie::.e book. nre· SOPHOMORES GIVE our pro~lemt' and have pract1~al idea-.. for solnng tlwm and not men of Public Opmion ...... \lbi~ SCHOOL PARTY 1~ small mrnds and petty Jealou:s1es. The Brandeis'\ ay ...... ~Ioson ~ W hat the people of this c·ountry cxpetl and demand of candidate~ 1 Dietary of Health and Di.,euse . Thomru; n \ S t 0 f 1· A party for the student.s •tnd focuJt\" of th for public Offi.('(• is that they discuss the issues of lh<' day as rrlatcd to ' e '· Conrad the :--1'!1001 ,, ,, ~iven Saturer 5 hy tl1< "ophomorc du:>:> in the lb 'h" . l I I e o erte oems of Rupert Brooke I I . 1 ts is t w on Y rPnl dPmocrat1c way- the only Amc•rican way. Shadow on the La I P sc· 100 au~htoriurn .\ pro~ram of gnmc:. m · · · · nrrun und danc·m~ wu,. enJoyed. B I RDSEYE 3 ilrT --­ATC , DR. WOODRUFF HOME MR. FRANK STILES C. N. S. WELCOMES I MISS ELIZABETH HALE . ~. TO ALL STUDENTS NEW SUPERINTENDENT OUR DEM ONSTRATION JOINS C. N. S. FACULTY OF LOCAL SCHOOLS SCHOOL TEACHERS Have you noticed the trim colonial lOd time ,1 cottag:e with the blue blinds and red istcps l\Ir. Frank Stiles, the newly nppomted The three demonstrations sc·hools, and fnendly knocker on Castleton's l\Iain to at(' \. ~ supcrmtcndcnl of the Fair Hnvrn nnd MeadO\\ brook, Castleton Corners and ttl. treet? Thi~ atlracti\·e home belongt" to Castleton distrwt schools, "ill soon brromr ?\orth Br<'ton, share the mutual enjoymrnt D1. Caroline 8. \Y oodl'UIT, and 1t gors 1er of the , one of the many £am1liar personalities who of earh havmg a new teadwr this yrar. without saying that there ,,·111 always be a \\ill undoubtedly make frequl'nt apprar­ ll1th the Uf'ij Miss Margaret J\1a1·Marlin, who 1s warm "<'lromc there for i,tudcnts from Fte>hnwn )~ arH'l's hrre. 1\1r Stiles suC'recds l\I r. scrvmg at \01 th Breton, rec·C'1ved her Cu"tl •ton XormaJ. e made du; Winn L. Taplin who tcndrred his re­ trninmii; at Castleton and thr l . nivers1ly \\ <' ns student,, fully appreciate thc> signation to become superinll'ndcnt of the of Vermont. While at tlie u111vers1ty, prh·ilegr of being kno11 n as friends of Dr. re te11der00 1 Bennmgton sC"bools. J\li8s MaC"Martm spc<'1alizcd m musir, \\" oodruff, and will alwuy" chcri~h thr A graduate of .Johnson High Sehool in ~t ol the ~ cr:ift::<, and }!rnmallcs. In <'onnection memory of visits to her home 1919, of the Un1vers1ty of Ve1mont, amore, and m with lhc.~c mt<'lests 1.he had complelrtration "" of four main i;ertions: Secondary i:.chool; uperintendentl:i' Conventionl:i here at i\Icadowbrook 1s the as.~1gnmcnt of 1\Ji.o.;s vard l:niversity. h, MacM:ut. Dramatics and Health; Rural and Elemen­ C. X. S. for the past ti>n years. He has Evelyn Heath of Orleans. i\Iiss Heath is Mc,s Hale was graduated from the ty and>tudt< tary Grades; Guidance and Vocations. had the pleaslli·e of working \\ ith some of a graduate of the l:n1vers1ty of Vermont, High school m her home town of Athol, al e1ent wa: Superintendent Garfield Jamieson, of our graduates for whom he offers a a member of the P1 Gamma sorority and l\fass, and received her A. B. from Randolph, will i:ipeak on "Providing Secur­ complimenL'lry word. His aquaintance the Xational Honorary Sc1enceAssociat1on. Wheaton. She hal> also attended the 1ing aJVund u ity fort he Teach mg Profession in Vermont" has been made with several of our faculty Aside from academic intereists, i\fo;s State Teachers college at Bridgewater, clu!'> fl'l'l'llt . Speaker;; on the various section pro­ members previous to his roming here and Heath enjoys athletics and dancing. Iler Maiss., which granted her a B., . in educa­ 1yotel}· by ei grams include P1ofe:ssors Arthur 'iYallace has known Dr. Woodruff from bis school teachmg experience includes one year at lion, and has nearly completed the re­ trea.-ure hUL Peach, Korn t<'h l'niversity, Ralph A. associations at Johnson. Barton and a year at Johnson. quirement.. for the doctorate there. At picnic held 1 Burns, Dartmouth College, Eva Wunder­ Although we shall find Mr. Stiles to be The three young teachers have already Bo.;,ton Umven.1ty i:.he repreisentated the •icnir and l lich, Bennington College, Ralph Bcullcy, extremely, bis humility will ~urd) b 0 en impr<""-"ed by the fri<'ndly o.tmor;phcrc hi... tory rlC'pHrf meot on t h<> C:r fp the Stud Harvard l :niversity, and Carl Glick, aid our app1ouching him when we shall that prevails here at Colonial Castleton. School CouMLI and is secretal)-treasurer Director and Playwright. Other groups ask his counsel and constructive criticism. In return we 1\ 1sh them ever)' ::.uccess in on the Harry E. Richardi:i Cooperative Tuc.-day ar will be addressed by Prof~ors W. Linwood We extend to M r. Stiles and his family a their work. Housing association there. ned and 1l Chase, Boston University, Cora Winchell, warm welcome to our community and Miss Hale ha;, been active in extra- wtll find mu wish them the of health and happiness. curricular activitie~ and Y. W. C. A. work for the eomio MEMBERS OF SENATE and will be the advisor of the International BUSY YEAR PLANNED Relations club at Castleton .Xormal FOR STUDENTS BY Me mbers of the 1940-4 l Senate at school. he b a member of the .Xational Castle ton 1o rmal are: Education association, the Maine Teachers ENGLISH DEPARTMENT association and the Xew England Teachers ,ENBROOE P resident of chool enate-Albert Dau- a&>ociation. In the Enghsh department, Miss Kelly phin. rapidly makllll has initiated the classes into the year's President of tudent Cooperative As­ their new SUI program. The Seniors are hastily ex­ ANSWERS TO sociation- Phyllis Amidon. Ermo Hou;lil ploring types of world literature prepara­ SPORT QUESTIONS r, Bonnie, &11 tory to selecting a problem for their theses. P re.c;ident of Athletic Association­ new lurn1tllll Extending acquamtance with more Barbara Clark. If you got 10 right-excellent; 9 or ~t tied ID th!] contemporary histories of early England P re.,;ident of Senior Class- Albert Dau­ 8-good; 7 or 6- fair; anything lower om. There ar is filling in for the Juniors the background phin. than that our best advice to you tudent; 10 t1i for English Literature. IYOuld be to peek next time. President of Junior Class- Viola Perry. men, J\athent~ Child Literature c l as~es are widening 1. Don M cNeil UeY EliditU their outlook b}' learning about authors and President of , ophomore Class-Eliza­ 2. Dick Chapman illustrators of children's books, and by ill~~ live ID tiA beth Sargent. 3. Yes studying children's magazines and papers. 4. The Xational League \)endell Bil· Pre:.ident of Freshmen C lass-Not The two elective English courses are m, and Fravrl chosen yet. 5. Alice l\larble we ll underway with the Juniors becoming istrun< ell 6. No-Australia President Morrill acquainted 1\·ith W illiam Dean Howell P resident of Commuter::. Association­ 7. Four '"' ~pon.'-t'rtll • ••nee ol dont and Henry James, and the Seniors are Anna Hinckley. 8. Will llnrridge o... ' \; Columbia, F. G. Xichob, Harvard Grad­ reading freely from short story w·riters of day, p!tOI President of C. N. S. Players- Marjorie 9. Clrveland uate School, Dr. Harry Kitson, Columbia, Russia, France, Italy, England, and Perrin. 10. Lawson Little atten,d~. ~. and Dr. i\luriel Brown, Umted States America. Mrs ... "1,· . Department of Education. P resident of Rural C lub- Jot chosen Mary \It .. ' yet. Evening Entertainmen t Carter will play for the assemblage on SPORT MANAGERS The entertainment on Thursday evening Friday evening. As guest soloist, Cameron President of International C lub-Kot ELECTED BY A. A. - features the S1ber1an Smgers, who are i\IcGraw, graduate pianist of Middlebury chosen yet. /E always popular with \'ermont audiences. College, will be heard in the Gershwin Editor in Chief of Castle-tone--Olive The following sport managers were )OL PART\ This is a male choir praised by critics for "Rhapsody in Blue." Rumney (temporary) elected at a recent meeting of the Athletic their finbh, beautiful blend, sensitive Besides these general entertainments Association: rult' Editor in Chief of Birdseye-- Glenn lo an d fa r' mu~icianslup, and genurne interpretative there wilJ be the us ual banquets of the Hockey...... Anna Wilkins .-1 . e1'tlll • Houston. ,tun•.51 .• tJ, ability. Headmat-ter::. Club, School Men of Ver­ Basketball...... Bertha H inckley oore els.."' u Yermonts 011-n State Symphony under mont, chool Secretary, and numerous President of Men's Union-Not chosen Tennis ...... Ed Hart -ogrnm ol gsOJ the direction and conduction of Allan others. yet. Badminton ...... Ruth ~Ioore d. -- 4 T H E B I R D S E Y E:___-----r------ALCMNI BREVITIES SPORTS 1935 Frances Stewart 1s convalescrng at her ON THE CAMPUS SPORT TEST Da,•1d Offensend is study ing for a home in Whitehall folio'' ing an operation Master's D egree at the U01vers1ty ot at Rutland Hospital. . Tr\. - _ f , te colJeue football = T he sun the rarn and the wmd have all " uo IB your a\ on c \'ermont. ' ' . D D tmouth Yol. Edith Burt attended the funeral of a been favorable lo the various women's learn? Is it l'otre ame, ar ' 1936 relative m Middlebury week sports. Cornell, T exas A. & .M. or is it the blue of . . old Eh Yale? Ye.~ tlus i:. definitely the France." ~lu ll in of Proctor ''as marrtd Virginia Blake's parents visited her l\l1SS Ewald, in her Physical Education time for football enthusiasm. Cornell at Proctor to Hugh Arthur of Oniell Edi recently. cla~c:e.c:, has already begun to ncquarnl t h_e 1 ,, ith a veteran eleven again will rank with early m September freshmen girls" the many sports C. ~ · 1 ·b t , b l Texru; A & ~I Ed Curran attended the Bondville ff d 'fb h · • e coun ry s es · · · · Loui-,e P owel"'- ts a enior at the L"nrver­ S. has to o er it.ti stu ents. .ey ave t - . th n0 ,,.J las' ''eur sity of \'ermont. Elizabeth 1\1ary Clurk h h l cd 'th t h 1\1 h t v1c onous m e ugar • J • Fair w ere e pay w1 e anc e:. er been playmg tenni:,, deck tennis, table has much the same team and hu;; sttll w~,., recentlJ wed to H arold X ewton. band. t.enms, archery, soft-bull, and badmmton. I"Jarring" John Kimbrough who may be The Blark and ;\lorrill were m The Fre.-hman this year have shown the standout player of the l-easan If you 1937 \p Burlington on Wednesday to attend a out.standrng interest m learning to play are-one of the legion of Xotrc Dame fans Polly Anna .Jones was married to Harry meelmg of ll State Conference committee tenms. They have been using aU available they are sure to have a strong combmation Lasell of , pringfi(']d late thk summer uncl of the Con vPntion. time, out...,1de Physical Education classes, although the) arc not apt to "in the Laurence Ward, P rc.-.1den t of th~ for l . . p k f . . t d 1 in trying to master the rud11n ents of the national laurels be\·a u~e of the heavy Ca,,tleton Alumni Assorll\tmn, ha'l re­ "'r\'t Marione ar rom 13enson vis1 c , - . game. "cha\'e great tennis materm1 m schedule which they always play turned to Ins tea<·hing position in l\Iont­ 1-mb Arlene Frenr h last wee k . Ch Barbara Bouvier, Therc:;a eney, Agnes The scene ;;hifts and ,, e no" ::,urvC) peli<'r. ~st1 l\Iildred tmp<:On of larksboro vil,1tcd Cros"man, Anita Do\\ I Helen Jam1Cl-on, the ca... tleton grid for;.unes. On being :\lurgaret Cor) attended summer sd1ool \ Marj on e Tyler over the ''eek-end. Helen l(mg, Jean mi th, Ruth quire:., 111tcrv1ewed Coach Fox gloomil.Y stated at the l'mvert>1ty of \ ermont and ho.: 1he and Anita Wilder. that he could not forcast any claim to h tl\'o Marjorie Perrin fell and broke her tO<' returned to teach 111 Wincl!;or. What htls happened to the Sophomore.-; nntionul honor.;, but that the Grel'll and Hal Friday morning. this year? The Freshmen can't be mon- 1 White might be heard from ''hen the 1938 Fu\ Fleanor l\lcGmn has returned from the opohzing the sport.ti. Or 1s it because ,,e've basketball sea<:on rolls around. The engagement of Ilelene Barrows of 1 4-H Conference at Springfield Mnss. where all i;een the Sophomores studmg??? Having you been readmg the sport \ "ergennes to Irnng Palmer of Burhngtoc s I she was a state delegate. Some years ago it was customary for pages this summer? If you have it should wns recently announced. Cb Barbara Phillips is the C N S cor- the girls to accompany the men's basket- be a compar1t1vely task to answer t.he Gerald Gibb:. has a teaehmg po-1t100 ball team on their trips to the other following sports quiz on the summer's in Bridgewater. pet respondent for the Rutland Herald. :>formal •boo!-;. Someone hru:. sue:gcsted act ivities. If you fail on any the ansne1-,., Roger Blood ts now employed by tbt sul Frances Clifford of Rutland spent the that the girls do 1t this year. What do can be found elsewhere m this edit ion Y. :\I. c . .\ . \Ii week-end at Glenbrook as the guest of you say, girls? Let's all use our influence o'c \Yho is the Xntiooal Amateur tennts George IIarrington of Castleton i; Katherrne Howard. on ports Manager, Bertha Hinckley. br champion? teaching in Plamfield. With the ne" gymnasium already open, ~fe rl e Bemis Brunnell of Brattleboro 2. Who is the Xational Amateur golf Martha 1\1. Lan11;don, former editor ol ~I we should have a grand year m Women's was a visitor here recently. champion? the Btrdseve, murmured " I do" to Jeromt " ( Sports this year. To\\ ers of Castleton last ,June. Carlita Phelps gave a bi1 thday party m 3. ls Dizzy Dean still a member of a ~l iriam K1lh">11•nl' 1 "'"'"~ ,,r R•:th l\11)<)r" M PH l1 r~ H o11~e, - - rr11•01 I • gnr f-9.,f'h:tll duh" •9 Burke of Fair Haven. 10 Tuesday, Sept. 17. 1EDUCATION CLASSES I 4 . Who won the All-star big league baseball game? 1940 Rachel JI mckley is a demonstration MAKE PLANS FOR DI teacher al Plymouth, N. H . Kormal COMING YEAR 5. Who is the national women's tennt~ Pauline Hinckley is marned to Jo,..epi champion? Dumas. Schovl. I\ First btudent teaclung honors n ill be 6. Was the Davi;, Cup played for this The engagement of Charle,, X1cbob ci Invitations are out for the " edding of year'/ Wbo has possession of it Rutland and Helen Anderson of Proctor Helen Workman to IJnrold BrO\\ n of shnred by the Junior.; who will go out IZ non? has been announrcd. Castleton. for three w<'cks beginning Monday, 7. Ilow many games docs a team need October 14. to ''in t he \\'orld , eries? b Educations rlasses have made an im­ MARGARET'S 8. Who 1s president of the American COi\IPLI~IE~TS OF II BEAUTY SHOPPE pre...,,,ive start. l\l iss l\lorr1ll's fre;

rottor II'&!~ .\rtl1ur uf ~ Education Week Alumni Attend C. N. S. Represented

nior Rt tlit l'u To Be Observed Ho1necoming Day At Conference sb1·tl1 ~Ill)' a rold Xe11 At Castleton I Superin tenden t Bole Speaker Held In Boston

\ prnpo- to <·urren t l'\ 1•n h t lw t lll'me On 8uturda\, \n\<•111hl"r 2, the :\ormul C'hulle11KJn.11; Hatemf'nt... dealmg wnh married ID 11J that I'- p:oinp: to be -..tre.-e1l Ii~ t Ill' l11C"11ll\ School, with t lw 11111101 nncl tllP pre"'nt <"n'i' in tlw 11at1m1 ·~ hfe 'l'-ere ate llJ.s ~<'nwr ""''~''' u111l "tudl'nt,. at cu... tleton '\ormnl -diool u,. artin• ho-h, RT<'<'t(•cl runny of tlw i ...-ued for con,.trucllv(' dM·u.,,1011 at the 'rt-dent fn1 I ,..ton C'onferenrP, on '\c,vPmber 9th. oraati •n, lw '-<'rn•d throu~hout the nation from '\ov­ I £omE' C"onun){ l>ll\ . " \\ hut contribution-. may -.tudenl.8 of r~i-1t1 nm\ <'lllhf•r toth to 16th 1s " l .durnt11111 for \s th<' J.:lll"'ts ar n H'd, llll'.> \\ere sen rd :>.t·\\ Lnp:Jand Tearh<'r T r;rnmi: Institu­ '\at 10nul Defen.,e." coffee and dou){hnuts 111 the loblw of t1on>i make m our natrummer \ ('\1Yllr('S 111 three ffr(di; or (•ll(kll\'01'1 lull i;arcKUard \ mencan dcmocra<"y through 1'e111wr1t ad tlw C'Ommumty, the rncl10 nil!! 1111' sC'hool The oflw1ul pro){J 11111 of entei tarnm<"nt I or11:an1zation and part1r1pa t1on Ill Orga n- 1d>-0r. hu\c• he1·11 planned hy \11,.s I hwhc>th "tarl<>d ''1th u dutpel pe11od feat1.1m1)?; 11.ecl \ thlet1c and llcalth Programs." lluh•, :\Ir. Jumes Keerh nnd \Jr R11·hard 11\U~IC' . 'J lll'I<' \\l 11' SC'(ecttOOS by tfw (;lenn Hol!l>ton, o. '<'lllor student, of I ox, the rnmmitt{'(.' ehoir, p:l<'<' duh, orclll'slru, and sE'vernl Glenn Hou ton ( a..-Ueton '\ormal directed the dc.cUSS1on ldene llarroti The C'onunwuty will he r('11d1ed t lu oup:h number.-. Ii~ t lw "h-up' on -.en-.e of re-pon-ibihty for community petuatrn~ Individual L1b<"1 ty" u-. the 111 tbe auditorium, \\ lwn• srx•aken. \\ere tlw vnriou" member>- of the Brrc('<('ye health and welfare 111 each individua l. :\[i-.::. .Jenn it• \ ll1111(ht1rn, State H elpmg i;taff \\ <' tuke Glenn Houston the pre-ent hr ;,UhJect of an add re"~ gl\ Pn hy Dean I 'octn.l and Departmental Clubs, F ra.­ rmployoo Teachrr for 8outlll'rn \ crmont, and Edilor-111-C'hrcf Alice :\Tor rill Sunday afternoon ul four ter111lre:. and oc1ct1es titled the second o'dork over station W. S. \ . B. nl Hul­ Supciintcnclmt, . l,y 1111111 Bole of Sprin)?;- 1 'l'I us 1s ti 1<' tiur· d t.1 me ( ,' I cnn I\11..'1 1.ut•cn a conference. TJow tbc!oe organizations of (&title lund. field. . . l lwy dN•us-t•cl the problem::. or s t ut Il'll• • 11 t ( ' ," , • . Jrc went out tea<· Iuni{ nup:ht contribute to 1>11fcguarding American :\londuy at four o'do<"k 111 thP afternoon begmmn)?; trncllt'r>-. Punc1pal Ermo IT n ft ('r 1"" -econc I year taugI 1t a y1:ur Dcmo<"racy wa;s d1sru.s.-ed under the leader­ fomitr ..¢· \ Ir>-. Clifford HC\Y1tt \\Ill »fWllk on 11 c~tt "t'' chuirmnu of t/ " meell tihnl?: Ireturned for 111, third ,'.eur, then buck t~ .. 111p of Helen :\laxwell of Fnuruogbam, "f do" toJe: 1 011 1 "f),,,·elop111g Xatural Jle,oun<''·" • ,~IC ; \\tis " '~\C; [ t~ ~ t e gu e:.t~ tNH'hmi.: for t wo yea~ and tin,, veur lw St.ate Teachers College, F rammgham, lune. :\lh., Floren<"e Bla<'k, on Tut-day at thC' mb e veil\\ ort 1 tt ming room, htb returned tl"tl;n for h.1> • m~r \ nar \la..-..-. Through the~ various group t en dunng tlw c>nrh nftrrnnon :\Ir. "" ·' 1n· ~Ir • .._ '-time tune follows th1· l>~· ~peuktn~ on thC' \ t·rnnli1111, to our eJ1tor tJtt, j, the l><'l.t l'ooperatio~ 1t Wll.;:j pointed out bow , colt, :\Ii,,,,, \llmi.:hnm, \Ir Bole, anol foculty met thl' teachers you don't knm\ und then you rnn 1·0111e can be ;,o managed that they ,nu acid to ngtlwmng Civil Loyalt1e,,." in pen;onal confcn•11l'1·s hark und f.(rt 1t the coru.tructive life or the community .:mied to J :\ Ir. Fox·~ addrcs::. on Thur,.,day deals GIC'nn';, chrer iotere:.tb arc along the and ::.tate, and ho'' t bc.,e organizations "ith, "Building Economic S<•cu r 1ly." TEACHERS' PAY can demon::.trate democracy m action. ha rl~ ;\ 1rbil P iineipul Enno H ou..,lon .'cot L i;ummer- INCREASE ASKED htNUr) lane. I Ir ha:. three time~ won the H1rd-.e) c i;hort »tory contc.-;t. won a ('. N By making uclrve rontn butions to lmoa ~r Pro.I 1zes the previoui:, addre,,,<•s und prc•;.ent,,, • '. Pluyrfh piny conte.~t and hn" hopes of Publications and -.erv1ce ..\cllvitrCli to the "Financing P ublic Edurution" on Fnday. ,\ n mcrea-.e from 13 to 15 in the "omeclu) rnmpletrng the novel he hu" liet•n degree that they become more fully The clmpel program on 8!1 turduy ''11l mm1mum pay of rurnl ,.{')1001 teachers and acquainted with ne\\ -paper.. &lld news U(' devoted to the .. tudenh and faculty "ril i111e for three year.- a gradual increa... <' 111 "tale ;,upport of and the facton:. that mfiuence them; who went to the Bo.. ton ( 'ouforence \T Of ,..cbools from ..s to ~ 20 per equated pupil student make t heir school publications \\ere recomrnc>r111('(1 Ill r(',olut1ons adopted OFFICER OF VERMO T more effective. This wa..., t he topic of the Ft:R CO. BIRDSEYE TO SPO SOR at the fifth nnnunl mcdrn~ of the \ ·ermonl third conrerence which was under the SHORT STORY CONTEST tale chool Dirrdon. us.-o<·iat1011, held ED CATION AS OCIATION Rutl:11 1 \ d1rection of LoULS Roderi <"k, tate Teach­ in :\Iontpeher, Ot·tober 16 I er.. College of Conn llow would you Like to lake• home no The n.~"oc1ntior1 fo vored the jump in for 1940- 1941 \'iola Perry, repre:.euting tbe Juruor state school aid from 3 lo 20 per equated i-.;,uc of the Birdseye at Christ mm. vacalron Pnsidcnl class of t he t.ate ormal chool at and rru.ually show t hP nc•igh bon; your pupils on a "gradual" ba~i<; and urged an ---- \\ illrs H . llo»me1, Barre C111>Ueton was a i:,peaker in the fourth 1>lory under the heading, " \\ 111ner:. of the "immediate' mcrense of 2 Other rn ~1 0~1 conference which studied t he po ibilities re,;olutions were adopted i;upportrn/.!: a l'1cc- /'n ~1do1t !CE CO RP. Birdseye hort . tory Contest?" It of ;,tudent growth through u nderstanding 10,000 increa>-e 111 the "fate appropriation \ Jun Hutton, Benrungton wouldn't be bad at all '' ould 1t? Well of the problems mvol\'ed m our na tional for vocauonnl l'ducul11m, worn actin· Sc crrtary here 1-. how you can do 1t: emergency and ::.ome po....,,ible means of T'' o ,.hort story conte-h \\ill he spon­ participatio:i by the u""'oc111llon in pre­ Curolin<' S \\ 00: their >-tory. All "tone" "hould he around C:eorgc H Sta<"kpolc, \Yinoo;,k1 type of ter:.che1 nreded m the American fi, c hw1dred words 111 lenp:th uml ure due Henry F Ru-trot, Richford IN T RIBUTE December J ,.t school "Y"tcm nu' tlm... e ''ho influence }'wrs \ I embers of the hort • 'tory <·h1 ...... will i;tudenh to hl•come tea1•her::., those who Por Tu·o To fill the unexpired term of '\at Bur­ Castleton :\ormal chool JOins the ---- be pubJi,..hed in the ()prrmht•r i,,ue of tea<"h und train t lu:rn, tho.-c n ho «elect and ,'Tl~ G co. educational \YOrld in mourning the the B1rd,..eye. A volum<• of ... hort ,.,torie>­ employ them and tho.. e who m duct them bank pa....~ing ---- Eugene 1 oungert, Burlington of Guy \\'. Bailey. To t he Uruversity Rut ''ill be awarded to ea<"i1 "inner into their work \ p:ood tea cher has of \'ermont we expre""l sympat hy for the Two years ago thr Bir d-eyt' "ponsored philosophy of cdu<·ation "hich i:; derived A 11cl1li11g Com1111/lce deat h of its leader. llis pa~ing is a loss rs of tl bOLUC\\ hat sinular conte,,t " rth 1!1lda from ll philosophy or lr fe und lli grounded Dascomb P. R owe, Waterbury not alone to the Univor::.ity, bu t also to D r;YE" Green \\rnning for 011' "tudcnh und Ule1rn io some ider\ or rcleul of dedic•ating his or her Loui"c H. Glcllbon, ~Iontpelicr the sta te. ,______, Ilou;,ton for the Alum111 life education " Dona ld C. Ucede, Barre 2 T H E BIRDSEYE l\l'fE '.\1 0 \ ' IE RE\'JEW TCDY G ROL'P tate Normal School, Castleton, Vermont VITAL MEA OF I Brigham Young -Frontiersm a n ,\DCLT E DCC ATIO;\ Publ~hed m onthly by the st uclenn of the 'Hate ' ormnl Sch ool. Subscri ptio n price $1.00 a )ear . \ <' .. 111 ru!I' our-.<'IH·" on the Int• \\ c 111 nt · " 11 I I Prohl<•ms, t ho:;e pl'r-.htt11l obslructmn•, n101I, fort thut our <·ow1try ha' hl'en 11 ie wmr arr duih C'Onfrontinv; thr \1orld, the 11allr111 T llE STAl' F f f J0111 I 0 th 1><1htu 11 am! n·h1?:1t1ll'- · • 11 1urh o rrci ' • ti , tat<• thr t•ommurut\ and our,t•hl'' F · · I 1ll' .. ill11-.mnnwnt CV<'r\' one I(. " • ' . l'he ) Ed11ur·m-Chitf . Gl~1111 Homto11 or .L l lH c • Being prosr><'dtv(' leaclwrs, \Ir -..houl1I Ishoulrl '<'e I lw mot mn pH'tUJ <' epw bo -t:1te · Senior AMocrnle Editor • Tliurnas Rice · .. . .. f \H•konw the faC't that 11e ar<' a ut to 1 1 1 JfoWll . Eliznbcth IJefTrrnnn. \ 'iota Prrry "Bngha m \ oung ' ronfilll!'lt 'm'. ~ ' rom I trnk 111th onr. of thr greatl•st or).(nnizntmn .. J unior Editor• thr ..,.,n of Low" Hmm t• 1 . 1 1 1rrr vou . I h me Sophomor11 l:::l Editors • Frnnrra Ste"nrt. H arold G1hh• . . . f . I h I k man\' of whl<'h nrl' pronc to nse Ill the . Ilrµ:iou-. pPr-.e<·ut 10n o a s1mp e nn wor · 111)! • f , . . p , Bu•1ne :llnn11ger Barbu" Pb1lhp· · . homr I sp<•uk o the .,a(lonu1 am1t' To "''ople \I ho nght or 11 nmµ:, 1* 1J('l'I" 1 · • I rtttti Adv~rti!oing lllanal(!•r . Blnnchr ::-eder(r<'n ,,. • I r I and TcnC"hers' \ ;;o.ormt1on \\ht<' I ha,.. I ('('[l . \I hole h(•111 tedh· 111 l 1r1r art l. • hl'11l Sul rnpuon ;\ ( ana~!'r :llarioru~ ::.tone I f I . oip:un1zNI m the 01w-roo111 schools of the In ·1 1·ountJ\ \\Ith 1eh•1mi... r<'<'t om •"- n'"i' Circulation lllana11~r . . · llrten llall ' f f ~ t 1 1 !1amlet-. and 111 t hr aud1tonu111s of the • :\I 1 tlw ro111rn,to11e o th ou111 1a wn, . O•<'P 1 f M~ll E1thange Manager I rnnca• • oranra ' I 111Nro1lohtan srhools. \ pa1 t o thm · • - 1 , rmlh the 'lormon l<'ader, \Ills hrnup:ht to h\ ( Fn cul~y Advisor . "'"' I\ ate Krt Y • I i>rrwram is devot<•tl to a -..tudy ;.:toup 1 t rml on the C'OUnt of trrnson av;:unst t t<' I '"' . 11fter =-====-======-=='---''---·======-=--- 1l ·111te< 1 ..." tu t cE"" • \. l 1111;0 t etI Jury roll\'IC' t<<' . I I co 11 c I th1•se oltl'n a ppear m orw of t Ill' as... 01·m- upon t I1e t th t I1e Irrvet 1c 11 1 rnte . lk ti I I ti l I I l I tHm',_; j)('rlOdlC'!lls. Tt )'-> wrll that \\e :-h•iuld tu "1 1 c·• O< an< 1a u... 1111 ti... no 1-.. . T ~ J an th<' :;cicntis t is 11 <' \'C'r C'OntC' nt with pas t a<'hie \'c•me nts. H C' follower" with theu plan of communual 1 ')(' mmdful of ;..onw of tll<' ,..1t ua~1on" that · nn'<' ·1t ,..onw of the"<' mel.'tm{!;" 1111cl thei i con tinually d eh ing d rcp c r and d ee p~ r t~ying 11n<'.ca..,ingly to i~npro n• h \'Ill!!; "ere rnu1·h more p1 ogn·-...rve t 1ltl n • • . lif<' her<' on this ('a rth. T o the tru<' sc1e nt1:-1l th<'re ts no pNf<'<'lton 1·1111-..ic!n the rontnhution t hat we •haU e1tb and t I1r1r 11r1p: I1 b ors. J today it app<'ar::. that a not lwr scil'ntifi<· drC'am ha:-- comr true. . Then lb if to make :111 e1·en w<·atE"r undoubtedly I)(' e'\pccted to make. thei Thr W C'stinghouse Com p any h as a new t yp~· po.wc r ge1wrato ~ wh1C' h mockery of justice a frenzied moh broke ' uc<'<'"-"ful i-t udy p:roups ha\·c p:.ll:>... e I on tre: will send electric p o w e r on a b eam through tlw a ir \nthout t h e as..,1sta11c:<' rnr 111to thr inadequately ~uurded JaiJ unon a ~roup , thr ml'rnhers of 11 luch were sam e way? thr prosperous city of .'\auvoo. One du r k fo1eign horn mothers hvmg 111 a ~fan· The poss ibilities a re s tagge ~ing . H ere is one c?'ample: Th<' le ngth night Ill dead "inter a mob '-Ct out to burn hattan cl1stnd 'Tany were unable to of time an air plane m ay r c> marn off the ground is d e pende nt almost the city and drive out the :\lormons. , 1>peak hngli::.h, but su!·h un 11nped1ment did e ntire ly on the amount of gas oline carried in its tank:-. Ob\'iously if They found out howe\·er that they had not fail to promote 111terrst and re,,ponsc­ Rt power can bC' t ran::;mi tt<'d wit hou l \\'ires a irplanC's \Yill soon be prope lled fled. l'nder the leader.:;hip of Brigham I which 11ere often made by ge,..1Jrul1 tion Cl by clectrici ty and it ''ill br umwressary for them to come to c>a rt h lo Young all but a few unfortunate stragl(l er:s With the aid of a leadc• r who promoted F1 secure a fres l~ s upply. Thus on<' might fly a r o und the \\orld "ithout navigated the icebound :\ft,.... i ,..1ppi ,-afrly. thr discu,,,ion and a ::.ecretary to rec·ord 0. making a landing. . . UI They 1:> uffered in the ~\1·amps in the.1 the many rommcnts, their conclu~ ioru I s it within human comprc h e us 1on to realiz<' "·!mt thi , will m ean wmter h ut in '-prmg thP -.pirit and f:uth \1ere puhli::,lwd fu:i a brief reference. fl in commercia l and militar y operations '? of Brigham 1 oung lifted them up and It is agreed that the d1ild's behavior ll carried them in :,earC'11 o: rrhgious freedom. mdicatc-< the mfiucnce of his home gwd· 1L CR USADE NEEDED T he picture is chi efly co ncerned w 1th Ian<'e. \\'1th the desire in mind to ma hr the ~ their arduous trek acro>S the plums The child satisfactorily and " ll t'<'e~-..fully adapt- C\'era l million A m criC'an school childrt> n lrnYe dC'fec t i\·e ey esight struggle;, of Brigham \ oung both "1th Ird to hf(' outside oft he home, ron,.idemtion ) "hich need s corrC'ction with glasses. :\lore than a million and a half his soul and with the more plcbinn and \\a~ pla<'ed upon the basi(· prin<·iple:; that I: sch ool childrC'n have impaired h C'a ring , at lrast some of \\ hirh i:-- due to exciting troubl~ of a piorwer leader make aae in;..trumental for the betterment of '( unhygic> nic home conditions. A t least two-third:-i of ou~ s chool childr<'n mteresting and worthwhile screen enter- I ;;o<· iety. 0 ,.. arc ~n ~eed of d ,\ bout 2 per CC'nt of all c hildren uncle! 15, ta111ment. \\-hat 1 a v;oo the right kind of fam~liC's w1 .t~ lo w .111 c?m C'. I n m a ll towns, 46 prr cent of ti~<' s ick child- . 1-ilmple food, ;,unsh111 c, frc:;h air and excr· rc n rn fanuhC's mth m com C'.., of less than 1,000 a y ear rec'C' l\"ed no care SOPHOMORES PLAN <·i~c. It i;, a pince where purenh and from a doctor. r, ~ . . FOR BOOK WEEK rluldren work tog{'ther, where there b The.e fac!s arc .tak~n from l he :\at1onal H ealth U~\·<' )'. compiled -- - love; where parents are their childien\ after a r ec~ nl mves t1gat1on. F acts ~ uch ~s. these do not J~st 1 fy a com- In observatron of Book \\ eek, the tt•achei-,,, a. place m wluch the people placen t a t~1 lude on the par~ of Amc n ean cit 1zens and ~s p~cia l~ y t each<' rs ,,et·ond division of the C hildren'~ Literature are worthy of each other'~ respr<'t. A good toward thi.s p~oblem of carrng for t be health of Ame n ca s c hildren. . clu;..s has. orgnm~ed ~1x committE'C" 11 ho-e home 1,., where people can be happv, and H C' re 111 \ ~rmont much ha..s been clone to b e t lc r t.he hC'alt~ of child- purpo::-r 1s to ,,ttmultite interest iu books I\\ hrre there e'\.ists an effort to ~akc ren. I n practtca ll~' ~Ycry Sf'C tlon of the tale there !s a P ublic H ealth ansa ry. Y e rmont has also a state i,.. \'irginia Xrbon, plans to make po,..h'f'- 1:he \iell e r A ssociations '.ind W omen's C lubs .. B esidrs. these a ids many."~ rm ont l Review Comrrnlter, 1:>Sys that they plan Iti~<' .re:-.prrt !lll(! cou rte~y of hi;, t•lder.; \\ho tO\\ ns ha,·e actn ·C' H ealth C lubs whic h proY1de morw y for clrn1cs and to re\;e11 some of the neiic•r boob. rrnhzr that he 1~ a per::.onuhty.• \. n under· th<' follow-up correcti\'C w o rk. The .'urvey Committer, mth Xorma ::.tundmv; e'\i-.b l>Ctween him and hi: Thi:s is a. good h<'ginning but a OC'ginning is all that it i::;. Cntil Howard ru, diairmun, intrnds to ::.unev parents so that whatever their problem~. e\'(' ry child with defe ctive !waring a nd sight ha:s b e<•n given e \·Ny aid Ithe fa1orite books of the <'a:.tleton Xormul tll<'y 3 " a umt ure uhle to ,.,oh-e or remedy pos~ible; until eYcry sick child bas the a.dYantag<' of m edical a~..,btanc•c•, , chool :.tudents. them th~ough good management and r egardlc s of h is family's financial condition, the n and n ot until then .\s dia1rmun of the Committee for co-operation "c ha\'C' a c hallenge constantly before us. I· \ S1:>emb ly P rograms, \folfumrnv Rohe its llo11 do parents feel about c hildren '~ It i the duty of e n~ ry t each e r to know and undC' r ::-tand the... e, and hope" to give an 111tere ... tmg program in qut',..t1u11s? \\ e know hv their interr and neglect we ha ,.e ra1 c• d a to bnng m thl' \ -ernvmt \\ nte~ uud lwp._.,, <·oumg<

'lt11t vlHn: Tnl('lllulmnul evc•nh mu) lie m a l\11 - \ d1.ic·u-;.~1on c·1J111'<·rr11ng reading rf'lid1- 'llntlb,ervnt ron, hu VI' •h 1111· 'If 1 vtt'l' pn•stdcmt , Rhmlt1 Pratt, ~rc· 1P1 1u) , lic·1·ornP arquaintNf 111th U1P dem1111,.tmt11m w to rise t and nlt•nn [ [ou-.tnn, I n•asurPr. l1•a1·lwr..,, therr >11'1100 1 ~, und tlw problc• 1n.~ ~ 1t1onal p To "t1mulate intC'1t·,t 111 the pr<>,rdc•nt 1:11 tlwv lmvP to fti1·c· 'J lw tPa1·lrc·r... guve n \\hirh h; clertion, on Fmh\_1 OC'!oh ·1 2.), tlw <'luh -.111111• lwlpful 111formut11m '"' r1·ad1111( •Ill S<-boo!, h<>lcl a pqJitiral ramp:11~n with R rnN'\t•lt r1wli1w...... artiv1t11·- arid '"' ho11 I<> JUdl(e ditonum, reprt',t'llll'cl I»· .\lar ll1rharcl'<, \\ 11lk11• Ii~ 11111·11 t lw f•hild " rc·ad\ to read. ThP .\ p:irt or Stun it•) OITrn have ;.1~n11il'd • 1111-etu,:· their mtrn•... t m mtl'rnnttonlll affairs, lmt I H<"atl'd around the· fire plac·c· at the I tf1 •1 t !rt e1tlt1•1 tltC'rr enthu,ia-.m i-. on thr 11,1111<• or ("a.,.tlPlOll t the ;,tory haw p:i:,., trert:>urr1 rs still 11 uitin1t for hu~irw"'' tu Mar tha Langdon Towers Elizabe th T owne Rotteck kllt·r t'll''trcl 1~1rt <'OITI<' his way. On J.riday and .'aturday the e1ghtt'<'nth 11111phrrlll1 i1nd 11111teenth of Ortober, Loube Allen, C.N. . VOTE ON NATIONAL PROBLEMS Huth Dunklee, Beverly Hoadley, Kathe-­ l1'l1J, 111tb EPITAPHS AND TEACHERS of 11hit'L nne Howard, Barbara Dary, and Xorma m:iual CHAPEL t;BJ ECT :-\ r11 I >1•ul "We<'P" ( 'u,..t ll'ton '\orma I :o;opli •• J1 2 Burl) l'nded thrt'i' week;, of the study or l'runklrn R•~hPvrlt <'lt•dt•tl Prc-1dcnt of 1 l(•,(11nen . I\ c:c•rnmn folk "torie,, hy actual expen enee 11'rt' uuab!, 7 1 the L n1trd ~tatc•s by fal'ttlt) am! i,tudents 111 tc•ll1111t .,tone... m1x'<>mtcd out thut repte... rnt n typl<'l1l cro;.s--.t'1·t1on of .\ meri­ Fa1·ulty ,j :; I Tm1elrng .\ftb1riun... fcr\'llte. epitaphs might reOct·t the rhangrs uml lhoughh from pa.~L ~l'nrratious until lu­ i:an you! h and that thc11 opinion" forc1•asl 8C'niors. 12 I l•Jlf'h WPPk mrmlwrs of t.hP sophomore hilnd of .\ nwrirun poli<'y II<'H' .lumor:, 2.i (J da"" plan to tell t herr ston e.. at the ht. holllt' ~ patt<>rn" of human h1,,[ory and plu(o,ophy. ure the rc·,ulh ~1ph 2~ 21 2 lihmry nnd in ,.choob in•I to lll!lke I re,J11nt'tt. 22 On Tue... day, Ortobrr 29, the Rcven•ml I \\"HO \\ OrLD 1 OTE FOR 33 1 •t,.. ,,full y a CH \ .\Ir. .I ohm-on of Fa11 I lal'en and Hnll'\ 11lt' IFOR PRESIDEXT C. N. S. REPRESENTED ie, run,idmt Total !)2 ti9 6 Bap!t;..t ('hurche;., t11l krd ubout "Some Roo~cvclt \\ dlkir Thoma" AT CONFERENCE • prinriplr· l Tearhl'ls I H ave I\mmn." Ile po1ntrd Facull\ 2 8 I · htttcrml'nt \ DO 1 Ol' BELIE\ "E \\ C 81IOCLD HELD IN BOSTON out !hut one of the mo"t important joh,, Senior:. l l 2 I l• l RXI II L'\C:L \XD "ITII f,\ .ERY (Contmurd from page 1) in the rount ry, trnini111~ children to he .Jw110,.,.. 15 11 3 .\ID H ORT 0 1• \If'\'? Home 1-a goor,,tundmg and ,..t>ff-('untrol. from Ca;,tleton. II. "lllC'll P .\RT \ l>O:hl 10l H , oph 12 II l 11 l1>1t' !ht."? "ineteen ;,choob participated io t he f.UIIL'\ t. L\LLY I'\\ OR l•rc,hmen. 37 19 0 U1e1r cbildlc conference. . \mon~ the tate T eachen> Rep. l>l'm hirh tll' ~ HALLOWE'EN PARTY College::. 11 ere, .\ [ a.,,-.arh u~etts and Coun­ 6 a Total 123 ·12 2 , rc·•Jll~·t .\' COMMUNITY PROJ ECT Faculty rcltcut, the Xorml\I chools; \ 'ermoot­ 4 8 2 n h<' h:ipp)',' \ ' l. DO 1 Ol' TillXh'. \.\I 1'~ RIC .\ Cnstlcton, Lyndon Center and John.son, 1 10 -1 ·ffort 10 i::st1 On llullowe'en t'vemng Castleton 1111" SIIOL"LD SI''\}) rooo TO THE COX­ .\hune- ..\roo:.took, .\Inchia;,, Ca;.ttne and 37 13 l the "<'<'n<' of a "pet·anl 1·clebrat1011, The QL'ER ED '\ \TJOX OF l·.L'ROP E (;orham. Rhode bland-Providcnre 27 26 3 ..\ mem·an Legion, and Pnrent-Tcudwr Till \\'lYl'H{? \ t the condu-.1on of the faculty-student orga111z:it1ons t.ponsort•d a party for the e" no ? banquet at Hotel Bmdford t he Council Tutu I 92 60 15 ) childreu. Faculty 1 9 1 or Boston Univcri;;ty entcrtmned the ,\ co... lume street parnde endin~ nl the III. .\HE YOlT I X F \\'OR OF CO'\- ISemons 2 12 0 drlegute;; at a dancing party. Town Hall 1mtiated thr fe,..tivit1e-.. fuiy- CRlPTlO:'\ OF .\rJ ~x·1 J UntOrt. 10 21 \ broadcast by omcers of the \ ,..,.,oria­ mond ( R:tn,.om as ma,,ter of ceremo111r,, yes 110 ? Suph 16 37 1 tiou and four ' cretaries of the ron­ mnnngPd the program <'OrlSl~ting <>f movies, Faculty 10 1 0 Freshmen 31 2.3 0 fercnre was heard ovt'r \Y. B. Z. at 11 :30 commuruty singing d 1reeted by \ I 1,.,,., Senior,, 11 2 'aturdny mornmg, Xov. 9. \ Iarkham, and ;;peuki11~ by some of the .Juniors 24 7 Total ()0 JO l 3 :,chool rhildren. PnL<'" wt're awarded for J UNIORS VISIT the bt',.t ro,,tume,, by .Judges Caroline,', ST DY C ROUP S VITAL MEA1 S I~ohed to ~he their childm1 u healthy, MARBLE EXHI BIT \\"oodrutT, .\[no. Efhrnrd Qumn, E. \ . I .111', OF ADULT ED CATION ,.ati,.fying childhood at home ... o that \f"". \\ I:.. Clift, \Ir,. .\Iux11 ell Clough, (C mtmued from puge 2) they would ~ro11 up thinking, indrpendent In connection ''1th the sc1enrl' di~"" the Rev. J J O'Bnrn, lfolh" ..John,,on, men and womrn I fome 11ould ht• made a Jumor:, made a trip to the marble e'\lubit .\ll'h. F1rd Burke, und \fJ-., ..John .Jonl'" ing h1111~('lf and the wotld. H o11 ever, ph1re when• the children <·ould learn. rn P roctor the lhirlirth of eptember. Cornnuttees m ch111~r were: Hufety udulb ... 1wuld not fe<'I or muke the eluld L1vrng sUC<'t%fttlh· and hupp1h makes The students toured the mill obM:>rving patrol, B, G. \Yrij(hl . hand, R:I\ mond feel that tlwy are not intrrc•,,tcd in tlw l><.'ller parents, 1·hildreu, homr-., commum- the rultm~ and poh,..Jung of the different Fi ~h, bonfire, \\'illi 1m Burke; arrn11ge­ disru"'ion, nor rmh:uras-.ment. In tie::. and nation... \Yhen thrrt' nre more or grade" or marble ments, Re\• J, J. O'Brien, lunrh, Lrg10n a good home the matter "hould be treah•d Ithe,..c good homes, the greah'r situations I Before lea1·rn1t the C'\hibit each btudent ..\u'\lltnry, and u11u rd1ng of priz<',.., \\', Jo,. sensibly n11d mtclligently. of life 11;11 be mrt 111th HHl<'h more under- pro1·urcd sample,, of this outslnnding Clift The mothrr:. of this study group re- standing nn<'u the ne\\ gymna.-.1uro under the watchful attributed to the artistic efTorts of ;.ome does it do? Do 1 belong? \\hut ar<' 1h 111 c•vent;. Freshman picmc today. All<>u· <'\rs of Couch Fox. Eight \eternns from of our yow1g gentlemen, plu-. a few out- aims? These ure only a fc" of thr mnn) fifty of us gathe1 eend out a senrd11ng party. ..,t·hedule. Couch Fox expecti. lo play ii is having hi:; meab ut Leavenworth Hall. tion, and eaeh hal> a vote 111 clert111g its :\ rvrr rnJ<>.\'<'d a pH·n1c more. To top larger and longer ;.chedule llus year He is a ,, ekome guest at. student tables. officer., and in administratmg th pollC'le• ofT ou1 "''ell rounded'' meal, we :;an' It tries to arrange a sport." program '' hi<'h Plvmouth Xormul l1a.-. already been .\bout 150 volume.-;, comprii,ing novels, ourseh•<>s houl"'<'. .\ nd now-am I tired' ";ll create enth1ll>1ru:.m m all sport-. c·o;1tactcd and games ''1th Lyndon, sets, and m1scellancou works, have been Us officers are elected the previous Gorham and Danhury are expe<"tC'- from time ~·urn• out an ambitiou::. ~chedule bet·ause of pe1frd \\Ith the \\a1tre,.,,,es 1n their ma:ik­ cott contributed the hquid chs refre~hment to time and d1:>cus.-. policie:; and art1vily gy~ trouble, but nothing of that l-Otl and hats, the gho"ts floating around, and for the latter occasion. tio1 programs for the follo\1 ing months facei- them this year. the l'\l b:\ t •, \\ell, here it i~, and it's spooky Cs· ;\liss Elizabctte Hale visited the home On Wednesday, October 16, one of the-.e To put some life into the early praC't1<·es enough for anyone: of her aunt, l'\ Iiss Florence Hale, in Darian, meetings was held at the home of :'lliss and to bring the ;,quad to a competitive IIullowe'en Connecticut, during the week-end of al Ewald, who is one of the advison, of the peak thr Commuting "basketeers" have Menu Witchery October 20. Association. The following 1s a brief challenged the Boarding "bombadeers" Tempter's Cup an• Seven male members of the school summary of what took plaee: to a game t.o settle the campus supremacy. Good Lm·k 81i<:c:s Hobgoblin Casserole obeyed the voice of duty, wended their Pr L Appropriations were made for new The Commuters have a strong aggregation Wheels of Fortune way to the various registration centers, cit badminton nets. This will make it built around Grace, Gibbs, Lh.tzwun, l ~vil Eye Salad gave the required information, received 11 E possible for one to be at thr old Hart, and teele. The Boarders have n Ghosts' l'\J t,,<:ellanea their lit.tic white certification cards-all chapel and one in the gymnasium. dark horse outfit with Fan l\lonunty a" Tmglin~ Tarts \Yeird Snacks on Registration Day, October 16. 2. Badminton birds, table tenni · balls, theu· man of destiny. Other lummaries oothsayer'::. Cup Ill the Boarder line up are Wmdy Bar­ The Alumni members in attendance at and new table tennis puddles \I ere Blnc•k ~lugl!' the Senior Dance were: ~largaret Paige, bought. tholomew, George Sparks, Ed Curran, and Rhoda Lyons, ylvia Fenn, Charles 3. A new volley ball and ba;.kelhall Glen Maynard. Thi:, should be an intei e-t- After udjourning to the a.udit-0rium. Xichob, 13ernard Odell, Alfred Royce, were purcha;,ed. mg game to watch and will serve to give u ,,;kit.-. and stunt..\\ ere performed. K atherine Temple, and William J ones. 4. To bowlen;: a i,uggestion \ms made pre\'tcw of prospects for the romu1g To end it all, there ''ere games and Mi:,s Black and l'\lorrill had as recent and a committee organized to look seru,on. Although the Boarder:. b1we du111·111g I:very one left being thankful n• gue;,t at. their home :\Ir. and ;\lrs. Robert up po&-iblitiei. for bo1\ Jmg here at some good men the Commuter.:. should 1l allo'' e'en onl~ comes once a year, be- rr Rus..~LI, of :'llunilla, Ph111ipine Islands. school. If thi comrmttec finds have little trouble in p1hng up a v1rtory cuu,..c no one rould survive two partic. like one. n :'llr. R ussell is connected with the Xational conditioni.. favorable, we might have margin. lhh some form of bo,,Jing at C. X. u City Bank. f1 5. Appropriations \1 ere made for llC\\ Sixteen members of the Sophomore n dancing records. MARGARET'S Corsages Class, under the guidance of ;\lrs. He";tt BEAUTY SHOPPE and Dr. Fox, ob5ervcd in the demonstra­ 6. A lively di~cu;.s1on took pla<'e between the men and the women. RUSSELL tion schools, October 31. 32 l\Iain t. Fair HaYen, \ "l. " bould the men have the privLlege Quietness and a recalcitrant attitude Phone 25-J Florist of using the girl;;' basket.bull for toward mischievousness are the keynotes thier gnmei>," was the question Margaret O'Brien Brandon Vermont in one section of the girls dormitory- after discussed. The men won. discipinnry measures had been taken. Are the girls having a basketball team this ye.o'lr? This seems to have been left NOVAK PRINTING CO. Fine Fm Gormtnl1 Cold Storaoe hanging in the air. The boys are already Visit our store during the ll1oh Clou Repair1 mapping their campaign. lt is po!i..~1ble, Bard well Block Rutland early sales of Housewares. W. E. GRACE CO. so come on girls! Printers of Worthwhile Barg,ains "Furriers" Bang! clru,h! clang! collision' Have you 128 Merchants Row Rutland, Vt. heard the noise yet? The Fre-~hmen arc "THE BIRD EYE" \V. C. LANDON & CO., Inc. P hone 96-"Service Bldg." learnjng to play field hockey. T here i;, to be a game between the b..-o d1v1s1ons of Freshmen m the near future. CENTRAL VERI\-10 T RUTLAND B S CO., Inc. PUBLIC SERVICE CORP. Vermont Motor Co. SKIING SOON LIGHT THE HEAT 'rarchousc to rage Telephone 20 Cleo D. Morse • BIRDSEYE PO\\'ER WILSON'S are bowing the mart new styles DINER COl\IPLI)IIEXT OF HC'ady to \\'ear mart tyles in ,ski-togs. MIM'S DRESS SHOP Castleton, Vt. MUNSAT'S JEWELRY CO. Wom en's Appa rel Thrifties Next to Post Office l\Jiriam \'.Edwards GEO. LOOKER, Prop. 101 East Park Place Rutland, Yt. Fair H aven, \'t. u THE BIRDSEYE

If Pbct to \ ol. \'III tate Normal• '<'hool, C'ustl<'1011 \ 't , Friday, DC>C'Pmbn 20, HJ lO Xo. 3 n Jij ni t•J III frutt ~~'t!--~~~~~~~~ ~.~?~~~~~~~~~;/~~;li!~~~~ In1f then tr. r r11h111" II '.f,fh· C'u11: h1r\ 'Ink ~ ~ ~erry Q.lqristmas an~ A laappy Nettt lrar ~ T 1t, l1w, 11 11.' th~t ll L~r~~a~~~~~af:~~r.l 'ilfl~~~~~ffl'AJS~rr~ t1l~. ~~~r~~ tf .\f3r10Q I or 11 ttr 1 1 ~ qw RUTlANO 1 HORT TORY co T E T WINNER l ANNUAl CHRISTMAS I Jllttil COUNT~ 11dtJ' ~ \ml rm -u RtPRtStNTATIVtS MttT FOR CNTO YOL Tl IIS DA Y T l IE PAINTING A.~ D T II E PIPE ~t S T I V A lS HtlO by by AT NORMAl SCHOOl l\lartha La ngdon Towers Thoma Rice AT CASTlfTON

".\nl<',.,C'lllUlIH' or \Ye,..t I-..on und lnid him in l\ lll!\n~t·r; ht·ra\M' 11ho11l i:1rt- ltc•fu11• or ahPr <'hri,tmns. f 11 tl1e rnid-t or dPCOrali'>lb, Jid1ted Rutlun no room for ttwm in till' inn." Fuith, a111l you'll hf! ,_,;,·inµ; gift, lo your lt•'I'', t\\i11kli111{ c llldlP-, n111l tlrP smell of Tl ou-..e or RrprC',..('nlnh\'(''" WO!> ele1·ted fril·ncl ... thi, ~ea"m that are 11r 1111 ll•<· at t•\'l'r)Cr PC'n, C'hri-t mns will I~ ll-hned in dtu1rmt1n or the Rutland C'ounty delega- It \\'(IS C'hrrstmus I Vt' in London. Tl1r 1111, al 1111. 1'll lw artf'r tc•lhnµ; you a taff' this co111i11l! \\ l'l'k nt <'a•ll•·t•m. \1 II\ itir \\ 111 st 1rt \\ rth 11 mu.•ir pro­ lwn at thr orgunirnlion nwet111~ held ut ,..k_\' wns filkd with ,..1 111...., und tllf• t:11I or ju't to pr<·,·rnt that. C'u::.tleton '\ormnl 8rhool on Derember 3rd. the C'omet hr.d hl'<'n mort• i,1 illu111 t tlurn at l 11 t lw <111 ,.,, nr µ;oocl .\'il'hob,.. or lbri, i.:rarn hy I lu• Kl'"' duh at d1·1p I on Dt.:ecm­ 1 :\early thr rnt11e ct for th1 Chrht- at thr :school dtnnrr. :'\Ir. E11no H ouston !l pity that rnor<' p«opll' \\<'I<' not \\lltc·h girt-.. by that wondrolb man. 'Ti' my-.c·lr ~r.i j, Sl'oll "'pl:wwd t he prog1am or thr srhool ing thi~ heavenly c\1,,pln) b11t tlw11• lit't•nu•cl \\ho n•memht·r~ the talc of how Ill' ~u vt• 11111-. lr·rnq11d ThP I Io-.pitality da.-., up nnd its rweds. ;\lorlimrr H Prortor or to be few opC'mni.c" 111 th<' 1111 nud sllC'ltni; thr<•r ,,tarvinµ; ~irl' pu,.,_,.,, or golcl. \ml 111ak111~ th· pl:1n, for th1' Thf' tradit10n:_t! Hoh)?ubJfo Cl! \ uli• Lni.t "''"' w1· in t h1• lihrnry will follow Prortor and .John R F1shl'r of .\rlington, from '' hirh onl' might Vil'\\ till' sky \ 1111 I "oulcl bl' nwnt ioning the tinw lw n•-.torNI rtu11e al &.00 I' \I Thi· •11u·wnt E111dbh Clb­ chnirnutn of the stale' hoard of Pducation, rno:;t of the ct ty chH•lll•t,.., you -..<'<'. w <'r l' th<' livps of the t·hil1\ \'Ul•· lo,.: from h,t yrt1r', hrun department. 111 u shelter, too 111 fo('(, the•\ 'cl t•nu:ugc·d µ;innµ; painting,.. to hi,. fri!'mb for C'lm,,t­ C'. ~ Tut: I.mull! is "illinl( lo make nccc:-,ory ... pace in one of the l><'t t<'r hott·I ,..1u·lt1·1,.. nm,, :-llrnu11 "a' au mti... t, u miµ;hty mrnalil' .\rt rlu" to the u ;;ucnfice,.., hl' st111l, hut hl'liews that the where there were maternity fo1·1litll' ... in ont' to Ill' -.urt•, hut i:tlor) be, "ho w unt' n \\ill tu kt• phcl' in Uw n11d1torium t ' I :5. Thr puhlw i- im·it<'d to till' yule lol! 'en·11·e tt'rformed. drpartm!'nt -..hould conl111ue its normal ea:.e they were ured<'11. But "lwn tlw p.1111t111~ C'\'l'I,\' Chnstrna-? nnd to th1• 110.ti\'lty urrant!<'mrnt. "t' \ltl'f C'OU""C e,·enmg'., fi~t air-ruid \\arnini.: had lt{·1•11 ~haw1 wn' \\Orkrn11: hurt! on one partiru­ ~ Pinn for tlw Chri-tnHi... c;un-truction lclt belu One of C'n,..tleton':. l(TC'Ole>.t needs is for given, :'\Iary wth unuhh• to 1110\'t•. Th<' h1 pu·-rnt ror 111,, ohl ncc1u:1int:111ce, :11111 u I rnnl!f'llll'I I' n Ill rlnrl{(' or: Glenn n!'\\ hrat111g u111t-. \ l'lrnni.ce :.hould be hotel hod been urro'" lo\\ 11 nml hy till' Cnlorll'l 0 ' 1.t•ury. The Colonl'l \\:1" a ran', ~In\ nnrd, F1•rol IH ·h, und .lo-t'phme modr in the bookkC'l'ptng ::.y,..tem ~o that time .Joe had c'.1rnl'd hi ... "irr do1' 11 thn·t• l!nllf, old 11;e11tlemu11 1'111 th, 01111 I'm receipt" from thr :-dwol need not be turned Hight,, or ,..tfilr-.., nol u rn!. or hu-. "u-. to hr ..11rpri'l'tl '' hy he kl-pt Shuun a' u h'it-nd H ind.:f,.v. Till' \lt•n'- lrni11n \\ill furni-.h the tree into the grnrrul :-late funds One or the bud <> thr feur-torn man hud cll'•Jll'mldy n-. ,\'OU 'II ht- '<'l'in1t. for L<•.t\'l'll\\orth h.111, \\hile the Com­ ruture n!'Cds or the ~d.100), i-:ud :'\lr C'Ott, sought any 11l'arby und hutl, uguin I wa... urter ,.1ym~ hewn• ..,):1vi11~ 1\\111\· mutt•rs will 1lt·1·1Hute th<' muin huilJini.c. may hr n rnmpu::. luborntory ;;chool where and a~um, heunl thr worcl,, "'\o room!" 011 till' "Iluntini.c S1·ene" for the Culorwl ~e student" t rumiug for the tcnclung pro­ De::.pemtelv, :'\Ir :-.orth ,uught till' rware,.,t "h1·11 u d1urklin11: ,..ounnding O\'er-erowdcd, th<' puhrc'll\llll !111cl un inrll'r in~ his m•1·k, Shaun ~lnnrl.'d hphi111l lht• Plll'lp... 1111d I ll•h·n ll 111 it Custleton and saal that tlus grow th will in vi,,ion of .\nothrr :'\ l ar y nhout tu j!IVl' t•a,..PI, nncl bcnune awarr of a mite of a th<' ruturc mcun tlw nece,..,..ity or a men's \ nrwu... 11:ro11p" in th<' dorrniton· and \ ern. birth, nnrl ndmrtlecl th<'lll to tlw pbtform humu11, for human hl' wns, plyin)! one or dormitory and gyn111n::.iurn One of the below.. \ nd here it wns thnt the Infant Shmm'::. brn-.hes on the bac:k or the < ol­ t'!...t•wht'n' "ill lmve partit•,., durin1t the "e(•k Till' Commutrrs, under the direl'­ - things 111 "hich t he !irhool is lacking is a Xorth drew his fii::.t '"iilinu: lin•uth. orwl',, lovrly prr,..ent. The imp wns m11- lihrnry of ~umcient i;iz<·. lut111~ .'lmun's stroke;;, detml for d<'tml, tion of ('11thrr11H' \lormrily, Chairman, - Dr. Curolinl' oodrufT, former prin­ "And. lo, tltl' :,,lur, "hrrh th<') s:rn i11 tltl' h·1vl' pl111111C'cl 11 hanqu!'t and trl'e in the H. \\ during tbl \\1th 1\ misduevous [\\·in kle m lus <')'<'~. <•1pal, ::.ui('rt•:un• fhc l<'prerht1un, for glory bl', he wi1" on!' ~ CO., Joe. MEN' CNION HOLD ing bomb whiC'h spl'd to e:u th n111l !''\pluclc•cl or th<' Corn\ Peoplr, •qnntl<'d on the floor with a deafenrnµ; rour Th<' t hr<'C lw1mll•d PAL1 ... P ELTON P EAK ANNl.IAL DANCE and tool,. to \\or kin~ hi,, tiny :-hnl'. \L(:lln - ,,cienu,,tio who had ,.,pent th<' cln) oh,..l'r' 111g ~h:iun heuid the l'huckle. AT RECE1 T C IL.\PEL the comet, follm,e in hb t•:ue- Inc. meteor. Thut 1:. tlwy follo" et! 11, fir....,t It•,,.." n\ \Ir P;1ul Pdton, ~t 1te D1rel'lor or the co., uslwnn~ in the Chn.,tmn" -.pmt at C' X. . \\ith their <'Yl'S !llld then with thClr r!'rl, m the form of the \lpn'i; l' Dunl'e '"\ ou wouldn't be knm~·in~ nl>:'-111t till' \\orb ProL(H''' \dn1111i,11:ttion \[u,ie Jr Co. 3,, far !I!' the near<.'"t sulrn11\' sh<'lt<'r \\1th nlunln), Decemlwr I l ('olnnl•I He" :1s ortC'r tC'llml( a fnC'ncl th• h.-o<'lat111n Ill Rutland <. ounty, wa" toragc lremblml! hand-; clu,prd lhl'\' i1111111•drntely ot hrr m~ht how h<' had no ta,.,te for paint- 1 "P<'ak1•1 in ( 'hupd l>t•('rmher 20. \Ir. The the mt' """ dc\'erly brou~ht out knelt and tbunkecl <:ocl for tlll'ir "'1•fot)• in!(. He was for havrn~ all art u'ed in a Pelton "Jl<>kt• 1111 till' t''\lent of \[u,1l' , o. More t hrough thr lbe or v;ayh hl(hlcd Chrr~lrna::. for it wui; "ilh p<'nl the) hud stuy<'d to way thnt would honor n peat To ti(' J:1hH.1tiun 111 \ 1 rrnonl ut lhe pre,..<'nt tune tree,, '' hil'h 1llu111111uted the auditorium bo~. get that ln:.t t1•IC',..l'Ol)IC \'IC\\' fo1'lll'('. \'!'ry dTcclnely. \llNl' was furni-.hed by ,.,11rl', he hu1l 110 nwntion of you, hut 'ti-. nnd of thr irwrt':l'e of thi-. lype of educu­ C'r10ugh l'\'e said " tiun \ltl'r nll'utioninL( thl' mune,.. of the Innm',., Orrhc:.trn. " F or unto vou 1s born this dny in thl' The "i,,c-lookmg fairy could sc:trt'l' board of the ll"'Uld he borrow<'d by "ho "''"' ably ns,..1:.trd by Ed Curran, ---SHOP the Lord." 11 rully " \\'unu, wun·u, the Colonel had unyonr r, om t ht• llut land \ lu... 1l'al Librnry. par el Stnnley Ollen::.en thf' uullenu or t h <> Slate 1\ormat School. Sub.crlpc Ion prlcP SI 00 a '~-ar. :'\i•1\ \ 01 k h•t!'( lwr "\l1•t ," HutlanJ :\1 r ( )1,, I rnd Cn111t, 11 rornp:11111·d 1>1· :\Ir.- (,mnt on :>\oH'I i. pn sl'11h•d irrl'<'l • \!11'' urtl"I", nml "" lit' l 1111 S l " ll pnnlPged 11 Ito 111111 ont o ... 11pprt•r1:1t1\ nt ti r ( 1"1 le ton X orn " ol n11 11lu-. Po1w1•rl µ;orr-, l:.0J1c.,1-111·< I ti tlllt\'d 11 rtlll•' 011 "\1!11·11t11n• in ( 'olur Tiu~ )"l':lr I hP ll11l limd ( '1vrr C1>11r•'rt • 111ur \ •oc1att1 I litor \\ 1tl1 \nu 11r 111 Hud-." ('om111ill1·1• 1\11'- 11111 ... t fort111111!1 111 ... ,1·unn I 1ftc>t 11 'l'lll'!'i of ... 1urh, 'e irrh nrul pholo- [m our ph·a-1Ut', t\\o \1l11) tilt' UlllOlll! th J 1tmph1, 1110111 h" of pln1111111~ nrnl oh... r.n u· hi Ofl8 (,d1IOU le 1 11111: nrli... t-. of t hi' 11 orltl n·no11 n t1011 to film 11111• liatrhtnr.t or 1·1111rt..,l11p, II,., .. ..,.., :\11111n,• r ~lc-t ropolitun ( '0111pa111 Br 111111 C11 .... ti1i.t1 J, t111'11t1· h11111:-. 111 11 t1111P 111 a blind lo lak1• \ lvert1•m1t \la11a1: r tlw lt·i11li111! 1·0111 ralto of till' \ ... ..,ori•tllno n ,..mcJc "'' 1111• to p101h1< l' tJ1p,,P 1:1npl11< ., 11 mpt1on l\l~n,.11:•r :11"1 .I 11h11- H1•1111•'. t lw pop11l:11 \\ 1i;11erian II ~1 ..n JI 1>11 nnd 111tr111n11• 1~•rtr.1) 111· of hc:lll1' 111. I I 11rula11on :\lkll'\ftN hnritorw :ire to 111 ..1kl' :lPI" 1r:111n Ir n 1 :\lunnnt) , r I• r- of 1111 d hft', l.(l\'1• n p1rtun' of p.11 I J x rhut1Jr:t• !\lah •j(• r nrarll\ H11tl111111. 'l'n bl• ahlP to 1•1 )(n.: \Ii hlltc 1'~11> o[ \It c:111nt' ... 11',l'ardr I 1cuh 1 \ h1•01 tlw ltnlr:tn -.ingPr nt thi" ti11w h q111t1 rill lrft• nf ll 1 \ t 111 ont p:irtridi.:•'. a- isl\ init, a ... tlu- :1ppro:1d1i111... \ ulr•\i•I 'I h0\111 h\' \Ir. ( .r:11 t, pro11~I 111- c;tutP- \\Ill fintl lit>r p unniu~ 111 op1·1.1 cfo nr leb mr11t that h1rd ... 01trn •1·1•11111111u· i11trll11.t• nt tht• .., .n..,on. ;-... >lllt' of 1h1• 1111t-t:111l<'hP" hi ... h:ii·i• bi•l'n tht• tit11• rolt· in ''('nr111r·11" f1•uthc•r ... 11111• bP:iutifnl rippl1·- of nrh \mrll'n... in "\ulu," and \z111·P11da in "II 1 gh almt1\ )0111 0\\11 int1•ll1,c lttal ...a1i-.fa1·t1011 111<1 pc>r ... 011al f!l'o\\ th to 111111 hro1111- 11111 i.:old- 1... 11111· one l'\:1111pll' of Tttll atoH•.'' ( 'om1111·11ti11~ upon \Ir pre•\ 1 nl lll'mg !'asl into that 1·ro\\ dPd l':ltl'~ory of \\ Paldi11g-.. 1\ ho an• 1111 ... i11 .... p11111J.t po1tr:1ynl. Cu ... t:tJ.(n:t'.., rrnrl1tio11 .... , tlw Bo•lon l/nrl( too laZ\' to mukr tl11•ir own d1•1·1 ... io11-..'? :<. Io-..t of •..., though \\I' hP... itall' Thl' prnir ii' rhirkt>11 aurl the ,..hurp t:11lt'd ha... "aid, "TIN J.(1'11<'(' and fill'. lwr mohilr to adm~t it fi nd ottP.-Pln· ... r1•-ort111g lo th1 1a-.11•-.1 \\:t)' out and d1pr11clinir i,:1ou•r 111111• a 1kfi11itc rhyll11n11 1b111·r fu1·1• a111l l''\'l1Ji ... it1• voic·I' m:11l1• tht C'\'('11111~ upon th< 111 '\t f<'llo11 fo r I Tlw :-t•ror11I of the co111·r·r I to be hrld -.c•\<'l'Ul c·:111 .. 1•s F ir-.t, WP al'<' ..;o unfamiliar 11ith tlw q1H•-.tio11 at hand blur". 1·h1rknrl1•r" unrl wnorlpt>1·ker,.. 11111ke 111 ll11tl11nd \'ill p1«',..t•11t .Julius lf1•1111£', our tlll'ir nc·-t, 111 hollcm l1-'t'' or fe111·1• P""'l' l1•:11h11J.( \mr1ir:111 h:1nto1w II hr"e inll'f· that only a fl'\\ -.ugg1 ... 11011 ... c·onw to ou1 mi11d,.. ~11 onclly, n ... t hi11k1·1'-' 0 tlw c·ednr \\II'\ \lilll! " :ulmirrd ror thc> Iprl'tntlor or -111111' of \\'nl{llf'T S d11111<'1en ('3 ,, ,.arr t;>t> lazy intPll<'<'tttally to JHll"lll' a thought to morl' than a -.1q)l'r­ IH":rntiful :-.:1t111i-h qu:lht~, 11 hile th1• .... mall ha-. 11011 him It'' :1t f 1mr. II1• 1 an·himrd fk tal cl <·pth lntPll('(·tual dishonP ... ty i... a thml 1•:111-.I' whic·h. likl' th1• footed 1111.(hl hn1\k i-. tht• mo-t rommon tlwworl'.... 1· 111rer1 and fen1d that you han• a d<·<'p c·o11\IC'tio11 of ih importa1H·1 and it t lw '>t I.a\\ 11·1wc and arountl the> fu Pc•1111bula 11ith >lr C:runt and hi ... pll'­ nppc•ara111·r,, 111th some of tlw rountn h<·c·onw .. c·ogl'n t an cl i Ill pr<';..;..1 \C'. • \ long \\1th t hi ... fc•n or of f<'Phng the le:ul1111t :..ymphorn orchc,.,trus has addrd to 111 hur-.. tlw 11111hcnrc \\as l'l'\\'Urdt•cl \11th tl ,,jll rs c>nJr,tPcl and tlw d<'tc•rm111t1t1011 to makl' till' 1·att .. P pr1•\ ail hr-. out -t:mdrnl.( n•rord \\ hll'h has st:unp1 ,( lmrl\\ letli.:I' 1 l'btini.: to t lw >-p<'rt111·11hr \\'hal<'\'<'r tlw q11c·--1ion hi', do yot1 not O\H' it to yot1r.. l'lf a-. an incli­ 1·11u11try l:111d ... rape a,., 111·Jl a,.. an upp1t•1·ia• him II" Olli' of lh<· l.(rPaf,p .. t sinJ.('f' f O\\ um of \1111 ru a's yo11nw•1 l{«·nroration ut 1·ornh-t \ idunl to mak<' t1p your 11 m11Hl? t bird lrfl'. \\ P1•1hnp ... WC r.. ,., fl kN'lll'f intPl!':-l in tlir H<'1°oii;11i1.c•d as an 0111;,tandmii; 1mlhorrly u C'o111111u111ty 1·0111·••r t .... thi,, y«'at a:; we lrav1 111 the fi•·ld, \Ir. Grant ,... I>trcrtor nf I ,_ ti A DEBT a pprnp11a tetl ... 01111• of our ow 11 I'll tPrl :1i11· h·n,iou. Bahr Hunt \I 1M·urn pa-t prc-i­ n nwnt 1·uur-c to I hi,.. local H"oPiation ~ d1·11t of till' \udibon ~m·u•t,I' in Ohm pn-t I: " :'\t•\ <•r h<'fO rC' 111 I hr history of I h<' \1orlcl ha\ c• 'o many j)<'Opl<' that Ill' mny hnv1• a rnorl' 1111-..pwrou,.. mP"Jll~ (lll''ttlcnt of ('hi('lll.(O 0111itholop:1ral Soc·· m1 C'd :-o m11<·h to ..,o f<,,,._" lkfon' a (•lu·Ning llo1t ... <' of ( 'omn101i.... kty; for1111•1 ly ll('li111.( ( 'urator, "1'110111 of of hl'aring the'> .. (' arti"'l". \\ 1• arc, lo tt \\ 111 ... ton C'hurC'hill. Pnnw :\1111...,l<'r of 1 :11~land tht1 ... n fprrNI to Britain'-. J:'\tl'n... ion, l"tl'ld >hM·um of :\ut ur:il rrrt:iin dPgree, 'llhsl'riht'h of thc-..P. con· C'f'rt-.., ~o. with hit.di hc:ut .... 11r wekun Hoyal .\ tr For<'<'. Fn·<· nwn all m 1•r th<' \\orld rc·-1·1·ho :\Ir Cl111rC'hi11'.., f11 ... 11ry. Hi... \\ ork ha... ht·en udapted for Par.unuu11t film material and the '- atronal tl1t',1• 1·ttltural :11ll'1111t:11~e'. Furthrr infor· :--tnt<'m<'llt tor th('y kno\1 that in tho ... c• dark day;.. of tlw Iu ... t "umnwr m1ttto11 about llw thml 1·un1·P1 t will h1 · I ] f I I I I I ( ;<'ogrnphrl' So1·11•t \' po''('ssr:-. fir,..t l'lui m t I l < <'llloer:H'Y 111 '' IH'n it 't'<'tn<'d that w ibt c·1tac <' o t w o < '' orlc wa-: to nll of 111 ... ptl'lurc.... pnut1•d at a lntt'r dalt>. to h<' la11I lm1, tlw n1rnwn of En~lancl nnd her 1•mpirc· roar<'d mto tlll' -..i..y to hurl haC'k all al l<'mpt-. to 11n·ade t 111• ''hit<' di ffPd i:--1< CP ERINTENOENT \\'ALLACE If out of th<' C'lo11d:-. abO\ <' .\ mrri<'a :-.onw night t lw bomlwr.... of an IlEYERL Y WOOD I RECENT CHAPEL GCEST ill\ adin~ fo<' sho11ld de... <'rncl, 1·otild w<• at th<> pre·--< 111 tinw '11<'<'<' ...... fully FRE HMAN PRE IDE T d< f1•nd our nation') Tl cl\\ m:lll) nwn, how many pla1H·~ c•ot1ld ..\meril'a • ·tudent- of Ca... tleton Xcmnal 1'rl .. ~ toni~ht ... l'nd up'? :\ot <'llOtt~h \"oting for Frt> .... hman d I"" offiC'er" t<><>k weff J.(t\ en ·m 11pportur11ty to sc>e Ur .\ nwr1rn today is huildrng; not only plan<'" h111 nwn lo fly t l11·m a11d plal'C i11 tlll' lobby of tlic .\dmi111,lauti1Ju \\ oorlr ulT',; 1·olotl'd film-. of lu,..t yl'llr'1 a yc•u r from t odny WP c·an fa<'<' with c·on fid1•111·<· any eom l >1 nation of Buildinl.( on Tu<'•1•c·c111her 3 Thrrc Comme11<·emc•11t :u·tiviti<·s mul 1·ampu lift 1\:1' n tir 1oh· for prc-irl1 nt, and ('la11 ·e fol' in thl air For that ~fr of tinw in \\hi<'h to build"<' arc• :uno11g tho-1• m Cha1wl, ~lorulny :'\o\·crnher 2;;. \Ian) H1•njnmiu aruJ E<'o plc• who O\\t• "'0 much to -..o fl'\\ " "'e1·retary and tren..... urc·r, n· .... pectivl'ly. ...C'e thc•rn,\'c,, 111 1111' "mo vu· ... " Tlw . \ nwri<'U 11 c>nglr i;..n 'I Ill II<' h of a In rd to look at 1111 t ii he is 011 \ "'e1·011d \<1tinf.( 11:1" l'on0I- iu P1rnlt11e1·, 'fl" 1 to the -tu· \\tmld li!..1· to-.l'<' .\ nwrin1 eru-..111 d hy dll'tator-... )pt th1•m n·m1•rnh1•r tl111t. \\ 00tl ''n" c IP1·ted Jnhid1·11t, anrl Lilt·cn hut ... of ('. \ :-. •1t their r1·11;ular Cli:ipd !':it Ill 1111s rho,cn v11·t• pr1·-ulent. proJ.(rurn, Tur da \"ol'emhf'f 21.l. "GLORIA I ' EXCEL I DEO" J 11 the ('OUl'"'I' of !Ji.., talk .acl1P~ Chri ... 1nrn-. -.t•:i...on bring-.. arww tlw glory of t lw wondro ... Child. Xe•" ll'nr·lin... "lionlrl ha1 <' 1111tiativt>, tliey \\ <'Oil<'< :1guin rl'lll'\\ our ... pirit \1ith tho11,£d1t-. of that humblt :\ati\'it\·. G1·orr.:1 :"'park, \\flS opnatcd 011 for ,..hould hPeon11• a1·quaintr·d with thr r :\ Jay tlw mt ... ,<• of pc a<·<' and hrotl11•rltood that fir-t fom11l apprruli<'it ,... al till' Hutland ll1hpitul, :-C'hoo), lirforr• tlw "l'IJ<>ol , 1·at op<>m•, nrw lod!!t mt 111 111 th< lw.1rt- oi .J 1d1 a· ...... 1mplc -..llt'pln•rd- fill our !wart ... at :\londay, l>PCembcr !I Let', nil ~ 1 • 111 1 tt·achn- -hon.Id kno\\ tlw1r p•tpil,, h~m a card. It w11l h\ en diiul{" UJI a II I k ., t h1 ... :-><'~1-.011, and ma. Y our Int'' \ 1 t l 1<' 11 ... cd to a -..1·rilw the hitdH -t !!Ion· ..ou -.. arP 11ot the rmly thmg-. that . . lm, uml .!I\ e d di... m~\\'ec.l l1•r "\f,. noi!:<' of t hi' rr1m d <~me thP 1•ry of a new­ \vhen the "'trm parted. 1h if his bcst .al'­ ·t-, and tt born bahe. quaintnnrc h:1d (l:l"'"l'd II \\II\" f \\tl'°' 1 out t- "\\"tmt \\ n.... tlun ?'" :1'>ked thP rhilttrn~ red, he wns gone. Bf'UIJ3 nr. r •· .\1111 '' h<'n they were come into the It's n gr·rnd t:1lr 1·,.e he!'n trlling, hut, 1 •if tL• l• hou~. they ,,a,1 the youn!( child with he!torrn, if you hadn't hrrn nt'Nlinc: thc e po11ular Ir Yiola P erry Elizabeth Heffernan '.\Iary hi,.. mother, . . and when they telhnJ! I '' oulh, 'tis [ I\ ho knows th!' hnn.lsome 1 lie st.let unto him ~ift-<." pri<'r Shaun "old hi" painting for Sure, tin- tune the Colonel wu-, glad to henr of the -.all'. >pni~cLin~ \ The three bcardec.l men abo heard the for hE' w:b ,.,u;;pH'IOlh, 1\'ll" t hr old i:;rnt lr­ ing In OJ~'I hnl>y'~ wuil and lookin~ llhout Sll.\\ '.\ltiry man. \ nyhow the ~ood man loved hi~ if the nu•.· .:\orth with her C"hild at her brra.-.t and grand, n<.'\\ pipe. I ndeed, isn't it fine that lirilliant .lo•Pph hy her side. The "imiJurity to that he got \dm t hr Ii kt>d? other Chri,.t ma- scenP of long, long ago, For you who must k now thr why and "truck them a ... ,..ymbolic .• ymbohc, per­ Ithe 1\ out.Irr of t hing,., I'll be aft Pr telling nting up;,0 h:lf'"'• of pence lo t'nme when :,('ience and you that 'tis nw,.,elf that behe\•e,, the the Bf)-ton -.oc·iety could !tO forward with the ;,peed leprechaun wn,. the good 't. Xi<'holn,;. nd fire, hn with whid1 God intended. Digging deep Och! T he lurk of t he Irish. 0 into their pocket,. they produced not gold, lllilde !hr e T h omas Rice fnmkin1·ense or myrrh, but a treasured HIGH SCHOOL SENIORS in<·erb to Le gold watch and :;everal hills which they laid in the hand of the young father. E TERTAINED BY FROSH Juliii- Heu1 ~ one wlio,e Thomas R ice Ithe International Relation:> Club, and is a "Glory to God in the highest, and on eniors or mnny surrounding high ~r hoo ls 11:uer', elem "Tommie," our a""oriate editor, is t he Junior associate edit or of thr Birdseye. l?arlh peut·e, good ,,;11 toward men." \Yere 1\ ekomecl by the F rr:;hm C' n of t he Ile j, ard.1 chap who delights in fi:-:hing, making " \ 'j,'s" hobhie.s include the Birdseye, Castle ton Xounal chool D eC'rmbC'r 6 and n "Die 11 ulkur speeche.s, and collecting books; who likes cooking, readmg, and collecting books. were e;;eorted lo morm ng du;;.,ses. It 1\lts C'hristma" morn Ill London and rntl opera, wl1 spaghetti, Glenn Houston; who enjoys She likes leltuC'e and English L:wender ).fiss Bla1·k, t he freshman advi' ntld whisperin~. en1nneer, but del'1dcd to enter t he tearhrng visited Leavenworth H all and P hilli p's their faith in a Chn;,t who rame lo Parth H e ha:, two arubition:s: to be a super- profession instead. hid1 ha- >Wl u.-. u little duh.I .\ nd :-ome who were lloll.:5e. intendcnt and to work for his ma,.,te!'>' LurH'heon was ~erved lo the guests in tlwrc ,..ay that a" the "\ll Clear" :;ignul degree at l.,". \ '. '.\ I. He has several idea" Elizabet h lle ffcrnan the dining room of Leavenworth I-foll with \\lb g1ve11, the light,, bE'curne Yery bright t he Frc,hmr11 ad i11g as ho;;tcs:ses. ·ner intere-t imlt·ed, but thr mother and father of the he would like t o enrry out. For example: Elizabeth Heffernan, also nssoriate .\Jtrrnoon <·lasses were VJsited by the j, p•·J• Uo 111'1 ti11y babe beliE'\'ed it to be a din11e 1llumi- his oral reading of E \'AXGELIXE on Cape Junior rditor of the Bird"eye, is inl erestE'd Blonudon in :\ova cotia. enion; nnd from there they visited Clcn­ 1ur own eot • 11ation that made the halo around the io arousing student enthusiasm at our brook whu·h was foll<)\l'<'()('CJ' littl<• h<•ad at '.\lury';, breA"t Rembrandt is lus favorite pninter, and bal. ber:, of tb8 adv1re:, . f ,, To wm friend,.,, art natural. Be "L.1z " enJO\'S l101-,.c b ark n·d· mg, read' mg, The F reshmen anti guests were ~erved B ,\i~QVET A UCCESS tea in Leavenworth llnll with Eileen En ton 1e:irG \Te ) oursel · skating, Italian Spagh<.>tti (she and T om­ and Clance Benjamin pou ring. !l'' furthtt . \bout one hundr<' tahlr... formed an appropriate membrr of the Senate, and of thP. t ut.lent Rurnl Club Jnternntion11I Rrlution;; Club, acted on the genrrul comrmttee for tht• ::\T \\'ALL· li:u·ki.:ruu11cl for the chcri,.hed t urkey 11.nd Council, belong:; lo Alpha Lambda and nnd the (' X. S Players. day. PEL Gl~ 'tII fimg, Thi• orclu:... tra under thP able dirertion HEINRICH SPEAKS ON of thr Expeditionary forre from D unker- or '.\Ii" '.\!arkhnm pro\'icled lll\L... ic for the TU DENT EMPLOYED ton FALL OF FRANCE que, and Cermany's failure to invude pro<'l'':-ional nnd lh<' song,,, rtumt~ t England. IN VARIED JOBS '.\lr Thoni:b Ricr, P rincipal Lrmo H ou-.- ilm- of ~- to I " "''' nnd n r. Caroline • \\ oodrutT '' ki I I . • 'fl I ff r I The,e move-. re... ultPcl in C:Prmitn (•onlrol ln ull the ,,tates und thr l>1slr1rl of 1tu'> and ll! 1a nt: a> us "'u >Je<·t ' 1e :. ect o f E I .1 In !!'fl\' Clll the "UbJed of Thank.-- f . h l' \\ " 0 t 1lC CO!l,,t 1lllC oppo,..1te .ng anu, t he owmbcr ~· '''°' • . . the Fall o I ranee on t e -.uropean ur, f B I I d C'olumhm there IS u. work progrum for ~l\'lllg. I 111101\ Ill" thP 'f>('J1ker... a pagennt al H . . h k enlargement o the rills 1 >lo1·ku.clc, an 1 both gruduu tt• um! uudergradual <· work h~'I an . ~ . . lP rofe...... or " <1 o . I cmnC' s spo e at . f F fl d1rer11•d Ii\' '.\h-.., .lud,... 011 '' 11.., gt\'<'11, \\Inch bl " 'f Jct . the dM1hhn1< o the • rend1 e<>t by the The work i... ui1der u11 admi11i,.,trator 111 ··mo\1£... . a.-...-.<>m y . , 0\ em1 ier 11 . .l r. l<.'lllrll'1 I,.. n .. I p f FI . . I . I <·ITcctl\d\" -hO\H·•i l1m\ pt'Opl« through the . I l f ti I t t f l nti-- I. ro • eumc 1... mtPrpretec re<·enl pr1111·1pal. fl!!• ... !!"\" 1 I• rnk- l•' tlll'ir \ uriuu-. god- b lt'pe1Tu,...,.,iun-. abo han· bc·en folt in the \\hi<·h if il l,.,ll't lJ,..('(! j, f('Vl'J',,(•d, u..... ti RECE:'\T CHAPEL GCE T Far I:ast whrrr tlw Dutl'b East Indies Thi• ,..1ucle11h nrnkP out u11 upplit"atio11 l 01 ( I II I ' Ill fl ll(l 2 ,\mong the rnu-.e,.. 1·ited for th(• Uo\\ nfoll 1111d the ).Inlay an· th!' l'hief objective,.., ,,f m•Pd und tak<• 1111 ,1atJ1 of alJPgiurw<·. of France t1re the laek of 111ode>ru dde11,..r,.., Thi,.. ha,.. been reflc<·ted in the United 'l'llC' nrnouirt 11f th« allotrn<·ut i, (111,..1.,J < 111 I huNI 1 \ uf t.-moon, I k'Cnnllt'r .'), Ul'l'Ompa!lll"!l by a fl'°l'li11g or -:.rfc-ty i.x·hind ~t ,(l-, hy receut attempts t <> tu•lp Clunu up1111 rc•l(htrut1J takc·n." Ile propo-NI a 11CJp«ralive polire for u pi1·11ir gr111111d. \ projt·d •rn !1J1·al to phot• .:mph '' 1ld n111111nl life in .\fric:i Trndru.( the OOU!"'(' of c\"PllG, lw rn1•11- force for ull the• d1·ru11cr'.1ei1•, ,,f tire worl1l to l,.1· .,c·t up afl!·r the \\:H is ovn. "\\''-' hi,lorY, 1111<1 bl'l1<111l hi t•1ry Ill to }J(• titart<·d l here '' r•· mum 1111111-1111: n.- ''ell :c e\\ world," .... rkn rdated. Illll.nrll'-cui· lw :,aid, ''1f \IC cari• alJOul •l«1wJCru1·y." i vit r•'S. 4 T H E B I RDS EYE

11 l 1__ P .. HTlE _S HRE"VJTJES SPOR TS roR WUMtN SPOR TS roR MtN II • ~w1nv; your p:irt ner. pronwnnde 1tll,' Frunl'1 '-.trwart Im.-. lrft -.1'111101 hera1M' \II n thl <'lit ... lw:11d from tlw 1111d1lonun of ill1w-- 1:; \Taplt• ~trP<'I. \\ lutehnll, I• ])1•f1•mlwr \\t•11tl11·1 cn1111 wit I tla1· tPm· ( oarh l'o'I.' hril(hth l11H'cl 1>:1 ... kc•tec·r,. of(' :\ :-; ., :4atunl:1,· 1•n•11inl(, \O\rmbrr \' ol. rr1111c-1•-. •, :uldre" 11111 we HI '-\If(' i;h1• . I I I I rwmt1111• .tmpp1111( 1 own to t 11• >e 0\\ zrro hav1• v••t to lllllll! up n vu tnr~ 111 outside 2:!. rl1l l'\'( nt "a... n pionN·r p:irt' ~1Y1•11 \\oulrl lw 1elud to 111 ~11r from UllY of the -.t:1J!l' nnd -.tart1••l peoplr th111k1111! of tlll' C'omprt 1t ion. \It houl!h t l1r Cat1!ll.\' ch:ir­ Ii\' tlll' eo111111ut<'r" for the ... rJwol. En·ry­ ~tud<'llls. wintt•r "Ports. ' l'lw pr1-.1111111(1•;, o f ·'I' nr- V:''' h:1,·p lwl'n pl:iyinl( 1111 1 \CrllPnt hrund o;w entl'fl'•' into till' run of the rn1111d und Tlw \II~'"" J'1·lh anton hoy ... renlh· do po"""'" a ,..c·or­ 1eiv111J( H1•1·1•-.,.., fln..,hc•s \\ho will lw srrn ,;uilin~ <'r d:1'-'mP11 ... ome tlw 11<' ... t to f'n•1 r l'pre ... r1 t (' :\ S. :It t I :1C'tlYl'h' dr ('"C'd i I\ old fash1onc•d j!;O\\ II" JOUfD 'l'hc• Ph mouth l!:tmr \\II' the opt·ner for t 1 11.>1111 n;1 olcl time at mo... plwn• to t Ill' J:ttu: det~ 1 t... 111 quire of the mrmhrr-. of thnt -.tiff 1·omp1 lition 111 the dm\ 11 hill :rnd ... J:1- purtirul11r hou:.chol11. lorn ski1nl(. hot h ..... h~oJ... md ultholl)!h thr cu ... tl<'ton 01·r:1sio11. 1i:.-t !C'lllll l(tlYC thr :--ew ll11111p,,hiriti•,.. a "tiff thT•I\ B irthtlu~ purt1e,.. \\Crc helcl rc•t·ently for Girl-., the ... rhonl --alull"• you in your ( 'hairn1•1n 11£ thC' t•ommittrr in rhnrgr hattl1• nil till' \\U\' 1111•\ W<'re 111mlilc• to f If \ Lonnn On 1-. nnd Bl'rmre TrirE'll b~· t hr J(reut pro~re...... in ha-.ket hall. It i" l hr wa ... Belt v :-;l·tmns trrrs und sprtl(S rrturned to tht'1r home l'OU rt to entertain Barhurn Bouvi<'r th forwards and the rest the year, ~ovember 2 . of everl(1 een m the "'tudents' room,., the (:orham ~Iuine fiw Th1'\ \nls a of thr teum m111lc• 11p of tlw ulmmhn<'l' of The h,.t of c•ou11<'1llor" arr a-: folJow-. tem1 Bud Fi ... h, who IHI" been ~ 11 1Tenng from return engagc•mrnt for thl' two t<::1n1", the material would hu,·c .Jo JI 111C'kley, lktt' Ohvc R11m1wy, \'llll.1 Perry, Barham hfr l\ eonc·u;..,..1011 of thr brain, hns returnrd Castleton tcnm h:wing tru"eled to \ laine argcnt, uml the1r leam thinkme; in ordrr Phillips, \ lanorie .'tonr, Xormn I3ctts, by t to cJa,,se.... two years ago ,\ t thi'l lime thr Corham to Will r~~ team had udmmistered a bad beatmg to ~la11lyn C'h1.>ncy, Barhara Bouv1rr for the Lost Book-. from the re-.en·e :,helf \rr.1 It i... witfi thc drepe,,t fl'l(ret th:1t our thr ( ·a,,tleton t•ohorh and the approach dornuton-, nnd .-\nn'l Ifelelm for P hillip\ in the hhrar)·. L1hrurians, ) ou have our \Yomen·,, ports 1-.chtor hns h~ rrni:unpeed nncl nar­ -tor Beethoven, Brahm... , Litz the... e ...omethinj!'. to ,.hoot nt thi ... ye:u a,; for II" rowed the murl(in to \\ 1th111 three pomh, Floris t nume,.. and namrs of othrr 1·ompo,.c•rs sport.. ure concerned. Let's ha\'C a !!11011 but Fran ;\ for111rity wa" 11 ... hE'retl out of the should he as familiar to you ll'- your nr'l.t Brandon YNmont repre ...cntntion ut nil plal'rs \\here tlwrc is rontc•st via the personal £oul routr nnd c door nr11-(hbor. 1f they uren 't we really any prnJeCt of spm h beinl( held. although Li ... tz\\ 1111 put on n v;reat .\Jc•, 111ll believe you haw mi...sed .. omethinl( in Castleto:l :\ormul i,, for the fir ... t time ...eormg ... pr<'<' the Gorhum aggrel(ation your musie coun.e. \Ir. to tin" departrn!'nt's knmdedp;e J!llllll! to re11111111erP re<·ent gue,.,t... of che<'r lender "'Jll!H( 1.., made up of D1z11heth show111~ and mi1.d1t have come throue;h early ales of Hou ewares. C..r •\nn X or ton and Elizabrth Ileffernun Heffrrnun, ~larJ(c•ry Perrin, \l(ne:- Cro._,._ with a w;n hut for a la<'k of ,.ub,.titutr,. T respectively. man, \nn Xorton. und .\ nn Sune,,un The I \Vorthwhile Bargains Thi• ,,turtinv; team pla) r nenrl) the cntir<' den Betty , edergren hru, been rlerted P rr-.i­ girls demon,,trntcd thei1 ah1lity at the gnmr while the Gorhnm IC'am 1\as alter­ W. C. LANDON & CO., Inc. und leaders our ,,upport and ~in• the team the nrie,, were prart1cally dead on their feet lJ..ii cn<'ourngemcnt 1t need:, anti Maq~,aret O'Brien the leum docs gel on the victo1 y tnul they fm wilJ be hard to knock o!T. lau NOVAK PRINTING CO. 'eE MAPLE\VOOD DAIRY h Bardwr ll Block Rutland Shop WIL ON'S 11f I Printers of THE Fair Haven Vermont l.'l "THE BIRD KYE" for I BIRDSEYE 113.l h ,. 1 CENTRAL VERMONT You'll COJOY "id<' ... p)pctiou and DIN EH PUBLIC SERVICE CORP. CXC'C'llPnt \'Uhl<"· CO~IPLll\ J l ~ XT' OF f:dt Castleton, Vt. LIGHT W. E. GRACE FVR CO. ( HEAT Thrifties at \Vil on' ~, P O\YER GEO. LOOKER, Prop. R utla nd, \'t oft 1-'lr Bel ---s------11llenade IL, THE BIRDSEYE 1e aucliton g, Xovemt \" ol. YIII. = r party "1I StatP Normal, chool, Castleton \'t., Friday, January 17, 1941 So 4 tool. Erer 1e round nd nuniel!. VltNNfSf WRITf R LETTER FROM COMMIS IONER OF EDUCATION LASTlfTON LDNftRtNLt dnnri11g bi TOGIVf ltLTURf p!a)ing ti.! TO ~t HflO fAIOAr ., Floren~ D<.'<·emhcr 17, 19~0 IN f Vf NrnG LDURSf \Ir Cle11n Ilousto11, l ~clito1 THE BIHI>ST·,) L ff~RUARr 7TH by per-or., State Xormal 8c·hool :\Iiss .\lire Sthalek, prommC'nt \·ienne~l' ioned gowk Cast!C'ton, \ ermout Thr twrntic·tl1 :mnual C11sfl<>ton C()n­ journalist will speak here on \\ rdne~dl!y, iere to tL forPn<'r l"<'hPdUlf'd for rriday, F<>hruary 7, January 22. \Iiss ~dialC'k hns for thr 191 I has adopted for its th<>mP, :\fo\ ing nast forty yC'ars, :>pent hN time travelhn11: T1111·ard Profe,>.io1111l Htahility. ? in charge thrnu11:h the rontineuh as <·n1Tesponclrnt In Odoli<'l' vcm vPry k111dly irn·itt>d m<' to write an open lettc>1· for puhlwalion Bc>j.(inni11g ;it 9 \. :\I. with 11 J.(N1eral a>:,i.led \J\ ior \ i<.'nnu aud Herhn nc\\.-.paper-<. She in THE IHR DSL) I., a ropy of the OctobN i'"ll<.' of \\'hirh you thnul.(htfully sc•s,.1011 in thr auditorium tire folloll'ini:t 1, aml Leo11 s abo a photographer, illustrnting her in<·lns<'d ) ou suggrstrd th<>n that T nuµ:ht lik<' to c'<>lllm<>nt 011 the IJPeds of our program ll'hif'h hus been trntativc•ly noveb and tmvrl books with h<.'r own Rt•1k for goml tea<'hers. urr·111gc>d will be conduct<>d h3 thP Prc>­ photographs, and she works in rollabo­ Like ('\'NY stat(', I prc,..umr, \'c>rmonl lll'C'ds n strady supply of good t<>ad1Prs ,,1dent, Don 1lcl I->. \Iirwr of Om ell. RPvc•r• ration with the :\ational C:<.'ogruphi<­ entrring the profession annually. \]though we 11r\•er want to rea<·h u tune 11hen pnd \Iaxw<•ll ( lough, ('a,,tleton will SoC'iety. She will some of her photo­ u~c no out-of-state beginn<.'r" will be employed, 11·(· Ur" tryrng to bring about a :-ituation present the Tnv1wutio11; C'ommunit.1· , lFFlCERl graphs and lantrrn-slides to illustrate h<>r whcr<' t hr sun ply of good lwginning tead1ers from \'ermont will t'orne nearer to 111g led by :\ f '"" :\Iury :\farkham, C'astlc>ton, ledure here. During the finst \\arid \Y:u b:ilan<>ing thl' demand for stu·h tearher". " "e are c·lost•ly \\'atching the turno\•er fJreetinµ:s, Commissioner Ualph E. :\oble, Lesnn11or she was the only \ustraiu ll'omen 11ur­ of all tru1·l11ng po.,itions throughout thr St:itc> to disl'over causes of va<'3nC'ies :\lontpelier, und an .\ddre,,,,; by Dr. elerte.l correspondent for o\·er two year:. and 11 on re and to provi<1e udequat<.'ly rdurated, per,;onall)' qualifird te•1chrrs. It is the duty Hennett C. Douglas of Burlini..rton. several medab. \liss S<>halck is h1·ing I of those of us who arr prn<·li<·ing the prnfC',sion, and ubo of tho,,e (like yourselves) l"ollowing the bu,in<>s~ ;,es.,ion, a pnnel re :I.' loll temporarily in :\e\\ \ ork. She lo~t all who are mnkrng thornugh pt·<.'parntion to cnt<·r ih prndrre, to encourage poten­ pre.,ent•1tion will d<.'vclop the suhj<.'rt: 'IT)", Ban her property in \'ienntl, was impri:soned tially goocl tc,whr1s now attrnclrng high sc·hools to prepare for teaC'hing. \Ye must Our Personal Professional Inadequacies. :\orlll3 Bt~ by the :\azi~ for about a ll'eek, but finally want to ha\'P hett<'f tradwrs than omsclvcs takC' up our duties where we lay In out 1ndfridual nePS !or Plu!. ~\mcrica. of Prrsonnl Physital He:ilth 1nll he La~t y<.'ar every normal srhool graduate in Yermont srcurcd a tea<'hing disru.,sed hy Supervisor X ellic .Jon<>s of position. Therr wu...; no over-supply. Bec:ause of this you ::;hould guard against. :\Iontpelier, Personal :\fental Hygiene, STUDENTS TO HOP thinking that the relative rrrtainty of securing <.'mploynl('nt c·onstitutc" u reason PnnC'ipal Ermo lfou:-;ton S!'ott, C'asll<>ton, WITH SOPHOMORES or an excuse for not making the \'cry best preparation that eurh of you ran make LtluC"al Prnctic•p,.., :\Tr \IathP\\ Doderk, no\1 The st:mclurds of practice in trarhing 111·e already ,,ufti<"1ently high to make Proctor, \dequate C'ommunity Service, Coming tonight a." the calm before the it \'NY dilfic.ult for a poorly prepared teacher to hold her or his place long, Your :\fiss \furgaret Hoyt, Rutland, and storm of midyears examinations, is the pre,,ent opportumty i" that of adequat<.' prrp:iration for teaclung. De\•ote your Profe,..-.10nul ~e<'urity by :\fiss Loui~c Sophomore Hop which is bring h<>ld in the undivid<.'d altc>ntion to it now. Rrmrmhrr how it worked out in .\bruham Branrhnud of Rutland. auditorium from :30 to 12. Lincoln':< life. Ile :;uul, "I 11·111 study and grt ready und mnybr :sometunc my chanC'c \' ermo. Round tablr c·onferen<'es will be held Greeting the dancers at their 11rrival will come." Hi,, <'hanl'e dill com<.'. 80 will yours if you tll'<' read), patient, und m the afternoon to eonrlucle euch c·or­ wiU be .\Ir. and :\ h·s. Ermo St·ott, :\Ir. and p<>r,;isten t. respondmg panel presentation. The in­ :\Irs. Clifford Ilc\\·itt, :\fiss Florence Best peNonal regards and wishes to you and all the oth<.'r undergraduates dividual confercnl'C's 111ll be direC'ted by the Black, :\Iiss :\Inrcella .Jackson, Elizabeth and foculty membrrs at Castleton. original panel leader with the exception durin~ t~ Surgent, class president, and Lodemia of Prnblems in Pen;onnl .\Ientul Hygiene ousewarei. Cary, dance rhairrnan. 1 \ ery "in<"Prrly your,, of which Dr. Richard Fox of Castleton The orchestra, programs, refreshments, R.\LPH 8. XOBLE, will act as chairman. argains decorations and invitations have heeu REX::\l Co111mi.~s1oner of Educnfion. The closing of the t11entieth annual under the direction of Rhoda Pratt, Ruth { CO., Int Castleton Conference "ill conclude the :\Ioore, :\IyfanwJ Robert!', and Leonard reports of the comm1tte., and the pre- Dordirk, re.spectively. VARIOUS THEMES IRE GISTRATION DA y :;entation of t?e 11e11ly ele;ted oHlrers of the \ ermont hlemcntary Council. --CO., Inc. SUPERINTENDENTS MEET FOR SENIOR THESES CALLS ALL STUDENTS The present officer.. nre: President, AT CASTLETON NORMAL Superintendent Donald S. :\liner, Orwell; tor Co. . . I The yearly Senior Theses are alreacl.) R<>J..'1strution f01. thef D~econd 'I semester· • \'1ce-pres1d<>nt, Superintendent Fredrick 1 11 11 torar The regular monthly meeting: of the Ullder v•truAt1on. ' Tl11Jma~v R1· 'ne, Ren-,, undrr t ie d1rect10n o ean . 1 orn w1 "" \Y allace, Poultnc>y. SecrPtnry, \Iis.o,; \(Off Tri County Superintendent'~ .b:scl!ty, .T11nunry 28, from nine thirty ~Ini·y \. "·i~11:in~, Rutlnun "."orn1a l S"l1ool 011 ('entur)·,· Clcnn Houston, Life and \\ orks until tweh·c for the Seniors and .Juniors, uperrntend<.'nt l rquhart, Pittsford. The -- Friday,,, v ' .Januur.1·~' 10. ·' Superintendent' of Emile Zola; \lary Faryniarz, ( :oethe';-; and from one thirty until four for the Exeeutive C'omnuttee consists of :\I1"-S Fairchild of Rutland pre:;ided over the Contributwn to "'orld I ,itemture, I\.at• 1ic- Fre~hmen and Sophomores. .\Ii.-;:; Black :\!ar)' :\larkham, Custleton, \frs. Helen . rine :\!oriarit\·, Fre1wh Drama Ill the :\µ:e ·11 ' . h f . t t. f ti (Continued on page 2) meeting. -. . ~ . , . w1 Ile m c ar~e o rcg1!; ra 1011 or 1c --· Jn the morning Deputy Comnus~ioner of Louis XI\ , :\farguente Eagan, Celtic • . ) \ of !:duration, Carl Batchelder, and Pnn- Litenir) ReYival ; \lire Carpentier, Enrl\' I hrshmen, \fiss Jlnlc for the Sophomores, ripal Crmo St'ott disC"u""ed ":\ormal Greek Drama, llmold Gibbs, The Short .\Ir Fox for the Juniors, and :\Iiss Kell) FOOD SALE UCCES Yeror' "thool C urncula." The meeting then Storv in \\'oriel Lit<.'rature, .\lh<>rt Dauphin for the 8eniors. Grilfod chee.-e :-anclwiches and coffre adiourned for lunchron in L<.'aYenworth B0<·~a<·cio Il<.'ro of the Rrnnbsanee; Thi,; year th<.'re is to be a change in the Hall. Stanlc·1· Off<.'11::,e1Hl, Duute and the Divine of tlic featurrd the Birdseye food ::;ale held m · organizntion grading system In the afternoon Ralph E. :\oble, Comed), :\fargaret O'Brien, Charnder- "Iis.'< Kelly's cla:d the ne<"essury Education." \Iilton On \\'orld Literature: Christin<' with only the subjects they arc taking. pubheity. Cake, t'oc>kic:-. unments In :\foclcm The Birdsey<.' staff wishe,, to take this studrnt wants to rome back in a fe1\ years ' of the suprrintendent" in the southeastern Poetry; Lillian Blanchard, The C'on- opportunity to tluu1k all those "ho Rutlan part of the :-tate, 11hich \\ill be held 111 tribution of EJmund Spencer to \\oriel to ta kt• another com.,.e, he wiJl know what patroniz<.'d tht• sile and helped make it a Bellow::. Fulk 1 Literature. course he has studied. succeSli. I 2 T H E B I R DSEYE Tl IE BELL TOLLS FOR T l II LETTER \VAS tate Normal chool, Castleton, Vermont A COL PLE OF )IJCE RECEIV ED BY A CA TLETON STUDENT Publl,hed m o nth!> by the students or che S tate '\o rmal School. "Thnt'~ not ffi\' joh,'' "I'm not :,upfl'•' 1 Dr. < ubscrlptlon price $1.00 a }ear. to tnkr rare of that," "Thnt'' nothi111t to principsl me·" j, not an infrC'quent attituclr takPn Copc·nha~en, Xov. 10, 1~ [Ject!llbE Cfll.JJe T HE STAFF hv 'people who e,·a:,i\'ely "cPk t lw c•a.,ic,I Thunk \'OU for your nic·e letter I r;md to tra,·el. .\lthou!!;h thr '<•,,.. in the I 11as ,..o i.tlad to rel'ei'e it, hecaU::,e Id:. E:d1lor·in-Chirf ...... •• • .Glt·'.rn Hou•ton to Ut'('epl r~pon!'ibihty . i,. onr nf tlw 1e:1der\f>l'<'l to hrur from you again. Se0tor A"-~Oc13lt Editor . . . 1 hornll' lt1cb importnnt ppr.-onality tra1b C'\':tluutrd al rhild in ' did not ~Pt your letter till the 28tJ Juninr l•".tl1tnr~ .... Eli111ln·th flpffcrnan, \·1ola P«rr)· C'n:-1tl<'ton '\orma1 <'hool, nn<' nflPn h<'lll' umtf te OdobC'J hut 1t 1s O\nn~ to the war Sophomore Editors .. \ em ~l11ck, LoJcm1n Ctir) thr romplmnt that ::,orneonr hos sh11 krd ttibutlll~ Sport• Ed1t oll< ...... Jo-.. p1n1• llinrkh·). Un roldergrl'n qurstion. clnys Inter to acbil 8uh•cnp11011 ll lnn11gt•r . . . . ~Jurjorit- Stun<' I · f ti · \Jany I hinl{,.. have happened ~inre I Gett in~ hnrk to t ic pomt o us story, country Circul11tion lllnnnitPr . . Ifrh·u llnlt wr find two mice ns the in.... pirntion fo1 \\lotC' to you last time \:,you kn~1 White I I rnnri ;\I orinrily f thf' C!·rm1111s hu VC' 0C'rup1cd Denmark thi,.. narrntion Recorded on th<' pa~"' o , ;\t i-. Kntl' K ..11~ • · hut t 111• 0111~· \\'fi_\' in whirh we feel ti On • c·ur n•nt hi .... ton·, we find n :\lt-n \. l 111011 Supeni __ !'nod ~ule in the Horne b ononuf's Room. , \Hll i' th:it hrC'~1CI, ,..ugar, coffee, t"' \\ ho c·ouJd hlamr two littl(• ,.i,itor, :111d fud lune· hcC'n put on ration,. B1. Jun.or <' di.-' ur. (mi-..tukn1ly O\'erlooked 111 tl1( Clwpl'I of ('our ... we all wi,h that the war wouJ ECCRITY ~ .ie br i11'"it11tio11) for c·ominJ? to the party ~1fh•1 rn I I wi ... h I wn, rn \mer1ra no1t. the more ari,tocratic i.,rr1C',!S hnd dep 1rt1·d :--11 1·e .I uly h I lw "e been ir t mp1 ~ :i' I n the mid-.t of the> turmoil of a \\·oriel in flamr-.. tlw Congrc ...... of \ "<'<'k btt-r, 3 group of 6\'e dome.... tir..... H •) I I>ani'h Xn,·y offirer pu)ll. :t.- mi the C nitC'cl ,'tatc•s m C'rts 011<'<' again t o mold tlH' future of thi-. la,..t grPal ,uprrvi... ed by the e-..:i><'rt hand of \Ir... h H' JU'l l1t.·<•11 011 a thrC'e month.- il:' there~ stronghold of a fr<' C' peoplP at pra re. It ts i tH'\'i ta hi<' that th i-. y<·ar H<·11 it t, luho1in~ eagerly O\'<'r Chri,trm­ ,, hool. The day nfter tomorrow I ar b> to ,i:11i11~ 11 tt h :i IH'\\ mine ship on a "1il of I 9 11 shall S<'C' a ~rral page of . \.nw riran history \\ rit tC'n und<'r t lw randir' needed a large bowl. Tlw bott.0111 'rho11l until Chri,.tmu,... 1113Je I Dom<' of \Ya-.hinp:ton. One hundrPd and thirty million .\ nwri<·an-. \\nit shelf of the cupboard was im·c.... tiJ?ated \la"' \\1th no friends to mourn tllt'ir l have read some modern literati!:' and~ and hop<'. death (not even the one' in the broom "mre thr. h\ ... t tune, namely Loi: thi; a ThC' PrC'sin t of l hP U nitc>d • tates will recommC'nd to C'ongrp,.., ("( ,et) there they lay, ,.,uccl'"'ful nt 1 ,,1 in HrornfiPld', " \ \Iotlern Hero" a11 0 11 Erru "ThP R.11ns \ame" und sornethiog that s\\ ('<'pin!!, C'hanges be made in our orial C'Curity Laws and in th<>ir C'ontnbution to humuruty' Hcsult : tenor, I>ttnhh author-.. I hope that I l'l.. partindar that fedC'ral as,.;istanre to the aged hr in<'rC'asrcl. H r\\ ill urgr \\ho 1s responsible for perfornung thr Inst chapel>t ;o,ome ti me to read .John teinbec. a thirty dollar minimum monthly federal ronlribution plus \\ hat C' \'<' r rite" of the nobly dereascd- the youni.t "\\at< If this letter reache,; you befor thr incli\•iclual statC' may br able to add. On<'C' again thC' Anwriran mun ' 1 ho has char,ge of sweeping- the "Det1 ( 'hri... tmn" I wish you a. merry one an buildin,g, the X. Y. .\. girl who dor,.. t hc >lude1 ritizrn is asking him:-0l janitor, or perlrn(h the pri11- Your friend, in .\ nwriC'a It rankpd along with the ::rhool and thp rhur<'h as n "mu,.,('' ripal, of the srhool? Don't :111 spe.'lk at \ <>rnrr Bri,,son Jorgen.. 't . . • . . • . . . . , • 11u. 1,..n up o me. 011 mg of this hlot from our -.oC'tal hfe. As our ... orial llllPlhgen('<' h:i... 111- exiwt'l nw to take ('!\re of that!'' "\\' hv \\'0:\1AN' 1 CLCB HEAR Th rrr:.l-.Pci C'\'C'll -.omc of our most rugged indindualish lut\ <' arrl\"C'cl at thC' shouM J do that?" 1,n' t it a ,..}inrne fm \'A~ EO\\'ARD ~IARKI numl ronrlu-.ion that there j,.. n othing morally fi n<' about a poor hott"C' nor thr,r two mnrtn,.. to ha,·e snrrifil'etl thei1 tM any clC'gracI .111g o f 11at1ona· I mora l hya II O\\lllg· .\ nwrir:ui-. to lw lp otlwr Jiw, in min \ 111 Edward :\forker, thentricuJ proJ \\'ill the ,..tut!ent ... of (' "\ ::->. 1011tin11e Qll&f .\ mC'rica1i-. \\ho through no fault of their 0\\'11 h a\ l' reaclwd an olcl-ag<' r-c·itizC'n-. of our nation \\·ant 11011(' or tlw fanaliral -.e·hC'tn('s let',.. pl'!1t1on thnt the qu:1litic ... l:\'ITI \- ·m I ~ 01 ii ~ ·,. fir · \ "f 1 ~ .~ . , . , , • ' ~ ~ 1 t"'- 111 a nc:e 1n men numl fur suc·ial adj11:-.tnwnt "hic-h p eriodic-all) "" c•ep I he· c·o111n ry nor do 1 lwy ·' J. und Hl.8P0'.';sIHILI l'i lw t-l· 1 Lilt• it thl'ir by-monthly meetmg b \\:lilt th<' humiliations of tlw past :-..ystrm. B et\\'C'Pll tlw-.p two lie's the 111un:1tl'tl from our per.-ounlitv 1at111µ ... ' at th' Community Hou,..e, January Birt! B < lark " " t I .. Di.~ road \\'hirh a fr <'<' and unitC'd pC'ople mu..,t tra\·pl ir pnin and misNy and " t•p irn 1· o-.t1•r nccuruteh · and rt ~ly I famin(• an• to el'as(' stalking our o ld pc•oplC' . God grnnt our le•adNI' · ht1talh po1trnvcd the p~litical DAUNTLESS J UNIORS Fall I this \'i~ion. t;NAFRAID OF FIRE sul'inl I ll'll(b of th<' time" contended ~ Fall, \lnrkPr "lw f('eb that ..'tcp heu FOl>li lndu \!ember,, of the Junior musir i•lns-. \lt1'1l' is I h(' only music accepted 1 lnve1 ON have lwcome so l'Ulturul thnt tlwy \\oulcl >_<>th the. \ o!th nnd t~w 'outh during: \me rnthr1 hum up thnn attend foe clllll 1h or many of Stephen Fo--t~ 1 \\Crt' spar-.. for hC'r fighting YC'ss('ls. Off the northc>a-.t C'Oa -. t of Franc·<' a gn•at whrn \h,..s .\Ittrkham looked out 111 the ' 111~.... sh1mn. storm arose• a ncl it sC'C'llWd that both ships '' c•rc• cloonwcl Tlw (':tptain winclo'\ and .....'lid, " I th111k tllC'\''H· Jin, llH,: lln\'iui.: "l>C'nt tlm'<' wnrs m \ <''' Orlt". of onP thrc'\\ O\'C'rhoard hi-. cargo and thus \\ ith a hghtl'tH•d slup rod(• In fiu· clr~ll. I "ee .\Ir h<'C'rh out the1t• nt 1·onrc•11h:ill'rt> "·erE> tho'" "ho l'tticl that tlw nrnr~in CASTLETON CONFERE~CE \\ .,r 111till'101111 of famih ful•d .... of \' irtory eould be• nwasurcd by the additional ship... 011tfittc•d \\ith TO BE HELD FEB. 17th 1->1111·1' tl11· H!!;l' of ,.. , , \ on \fur"erl 1 1 spnr... rN·c>ntly arri\ C'cl from \\C'dC'n. (Contmued from page I) ht'l'll u·ti,dy 1·01tncl'tt•d with the Tbest Tl Toclny England i" again at "ar and again has s(•n t out for c•q 11 i p- , \ 1111 C:uildrr Poultney ~ \I ('I . I~·~pi·t•inlh t Ill' \ 01 th \H•,..t C' h 1 I tl r c. ~ l Ill1 . .,,,, . . . • .. , 111st111l' l llt':ill·1 \ s .1 1h., 1 ·t 0 l · k wn ~l'ltl mrnt; 011 Iy t I11s t11nC' 11 must romc from U<'ross thC' .\ tluntic" .\notllC'r \la1·krnzie o[ Rutland. .. l'I \\ · · \t •. 1e..., no .. · I · 1 · · · \ r w odd Pn•m1C'1 " •md "The L 011 ~iu storm 1s gal wring; t 11s l1mC' \'C ry rlosr to Amen ra. i-urt•ess ul t•onfcren<'t' clepe•ntls uiion ~t ttC' 1, .. • . Ill thr t 1111 1 · · " 1C'1111t• 1 prot1 uerd Ill m• lfha Tlw world j.., \\ atC'hing to sl'e what the ,\.nw ri<·an en.plains \\ill clo ..b l>ll'I .t1 coo1wrnt1011 of ('\'1'1, \t Plt'sPnt \It \I k ogetl , . lite1 1nclual so give \\h·l t , . · n1 er •~ eng \' fi'l thr storm cl raws c losc-r. 1 o an Amer1ran thC' nns\\C•r is ob\'ious · )ou cnn 11111 1 tnkP 1h11•1·t 111g l'lw h nwhh of Prthit\S ho11 · • 11 11 you t•an get I .... · . You lw prod11c1•d i11 Hutlnnd. an c ...... T H E "-·-~~~~~~~~--~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 3 .\S 5EVERAL RECENT STAFF MEMBERS NEW MARKING SYSTEM CHAPEL SPEAKERS ADOPTED AT c. N. s. ][ I Dr. Caroline Woodruff, former The new markmg ,..\',tc>m no\\ b!'ing )rincipal of C. X . •. , at a chapel held put into Pffc><'t nt (' \ 8. 1, kn11tl'd for ..:'rUl>llde w hicb wru; <'arried on last year eHry !;turlcnt at <·arh gnulinl( pl'riml. n the Cnited lutes. llndcr the able It 1s found Ii\' mult 1ply111.I( th<· gr:ttll' eadership of :\I~. Dorothy Fisher, each '' e1p;hts hy the 11umli1'1 of <.<'mhtl'r c·rl'dit •hild in the l' nited had an oppor t- hours in C'llrh c·ourM•. The·'(' flgurc•s urc> 1 Jnity to aid refu!(ee children by con­ then lotalNI lllHl d1v1dC'd h_v tllf' sum of ~ ributing as many pennies as he was old. the l>C'mcst<>r r·1 edit hours Tlw I\ <>1ght of ~ Dr. \\' oodru ff, as a gue~t of ~ I rs. Roosevelt the grad('s ,., ll'> follows: ,\ equals 1, B Blanche Sedeq~ren Barbara Phillips Jes<'ribcd the presentation of the checks equals 3, C rquuls 2, J) l'quols 1, and C JI' to a child representative of each European equals 0. 1, ·ountry by an AmeriC'n n child in the The 1w hool o. v('r Ill-(<' dl't!'rmi ned lw the \Yhite House. last mid-....,emr,,tPr lll(ll ks wns 2. 13 Part­ On Jnnuary 9, l\ I iss Rachel Dean, time i-.tud<>nts, 2 ..56 ,, 'e111ors, 2 13, .Juruor., "upervi or of :'ll u.\oi<' at Green :.\fountain 2.13, ophomor<'', 2. 11, Frrsl1nwn, 2 43 ; Junior Collep;e, deli verod an in teresting women studC'nts, 2 16, llll'n ;.tudc·nt,.,, dil>coun-e on " H ow ,\ Compo~er \\'orks." 2.04 Plullip, Ho11s1', 2. 2. Lravcnworth " ..,he brought out nn nmu;.ing side of llall, 2.43, C'omrrmtC'rs, 2 3."i , nnd the " composer,,' lives. A !'ompo.-er'i, life is not boarding men, 2 10 n ewitinJ?; ns many people believe bu t Begmnmg nc•'t scmc,,tcr, a dc>an's there i;, mud1 hard work that a composer Ji,,t will he po,,ted inrluding all ,.tudPnh has to do. .:\Jany time,, the composer who re<'c1vc> n '<'holu-..tir index rnling of seem,, to hve a queer life and is even 3.00 or lughPr made fun of. Her in triguing personality Acrordmg to the marks of the lu,.,t and excellent 10ethod of delivery made mid-seme,,ter, 12% of the ... tudenb would this a very interestmg assembly. made th<> dNtn's list, and 14% would I Harold Gibbs have been belo\\ 2.00, '' hu·h constitute,, Ernest Johnson, well known ~egro probation. Dr< tenor, sang a number of i.elections at l.. ,\ new eh!(1lnlity standard has b<-en '• chapel January twelth. Among them Blanch e Sedergren tone, The Rural Club, and is a member of adopted To hold a ma,or ofT1cP, a i;tudent ~ "\Yater Boy," " hortenin' Bread" a nd t hP St udent Council. Her ambitions D ependable, efficient Bla nche Scder­ must arhieve a rating of 2.5 or better. iu "Deep R iver" were greatly enjoyed by the gren is Advertising Ma nager of t he Birds­ include teaching in the intermediate A two year gmduatc> mu!-.t have <'Om­ Y students. I\ l r. Johnson ha ving s ung here eye. Betty's bobbies include skating, grades, and ns Barbara says, "I want to pleted 61 scmest<>r c·rNht hours, o. three ti.. a nu mber of times is well known a nd well cooking, crocbetting, hiking, and d a ncing. see Americ1t fl rst, particularly Iowa." year gruduo.te must have C'Ompleted 96 bj liked at C. N. S. Her ambition is to get the Commuter's Her interests include meeting people, semester rrrclit houn;; and o. four year Room rejuvenated. S he is a lso President writing letters, reading, kidding people, gro.duate rompl<>tc 12 i.l'mP~tcr of the Rurnl Club, is n. member of thP and ;;ymphonic music. ~ FRESHMEN POLLED crech t houn;. Commuter's Association a nd the Glee ON WORLD EVENTS Club. Betty d etests deceitfulness and Harold Gibbs GLENS FALLS CONCERT nicknames; likes to participa te in studen t In the 1>ersonality of H arold Gibbs, '.S The Birth of Christ received t he largest activity. PRESENTS TENOR \It number of vote.., in a poll conducted among sports editor, we find a student who is very intere::.ted in athleti~ and has the member.; of the Fre.~hma n Class, Erne:.t :0.[('( 'he-ney, drstingui-hP C'oopera h \'e Conrert H ere are the answers received a nd the a bility here a t C. X . S. Barbara is also T eam I1 1s ambition 1s to take up journa­ .h-ociation. lism at Bo~ton l"niversity. number voting for eaC'h: a member of the C. X . S. Players Ca.<>tle- The hand-omr tenor interpreted hi::. sele!'t1ons 111 nn unpre_,,..j,·p and pleru,mg r Birth of Christ manner grac1ou,ly rnt<>rtnining his aud­ Discovery of Ameri<'n ...... ~ SENIOR CLASS OBSERVE THIS AND THAT ience. - :\fy Birth ...... a SILK MANUFACTURING .:\ lr.:\IC'Ch!'sn<>y has UppC'ared a." soloi;.t r. Fall of Rome ...... • ...... 2 "Blue Evening" Xight of Christmas with the P hiladelphia Orche..,trn and had Fall of X a pol eon ...... Banquet engagements of importance "1th the Industrial Revolution ...... T he Senior Class, under the guidance " Bark In The Saddle Agnin"- After H andel and Haydn OC'icty of Boston, I nvention of the telephone ...... of Mr. James K eech, visited the Cham­ Christmas vaco.tion the \\'orC'P!.tCr Choir of Pittsburgh; and - Ameri('an Revolution...... plain Spinners Company, \\rbitehall, New "You \\'nlk By"- The Waitresses in the the i\ linnenpohs and I ndi1urnpolis ym­ First \\'orld Wnr ...... York, on December 19, to observe t he dining-room phony Orrhrstrru.. T he P resent. Wnr ...... process by which silk thread is developed " I ITear ~ [ usic"-From third Boor Among l\ lr. i\ lrChc:-ncy's ::-CIC'ctions Signing of the Declaration of Inde- from the cocoon. " In .:\ ly olitude" Arlene Carpenter were: Arin-Thou , hnlt B1eak Them, pendence . The cocoons uaed by this company are "Our Love AfTair"- H elen and Glen from "The .:\Ie..;;.1ah" by llo.ndel, .\na-Le The Invention of P rinting obtained fro m China a nd Japan. The "The :O. lorning After" The Men's Union Reve, from \[anon by .:\[aN>cnet, \ria-E \ssassino.tion of Lincoln cocoons undergo two general proresses, Dance Luccvan IP "t<'lle, from "La Tmwa" by Roo,,evclt's Tlurd Term that of cleaning; then they a re drawn-out " P ractire :\lakes Perfect"-.\ dvice to Purcin1, R1vpr Roa..., by Paul argc>nt, and in parallel fashion by means of machinery Fr<>~hman peecb class The Garden \\ hPIP Thc> Prnt1e" Gro\1 by Total ...... 26 so that in t he final stages t he tbread.s are "There l Go"-Down to the diner amurl Liddle of sufficient. length to be readily wor kable. "That's For :\le" :\Iail .\t the piano .:\Ir :\[<·Chesney was " It's .\ Blue \\'orld"- W'ben Report J UNIORS ST DY T hroughout t he buildings wluch how.e accompnmcd h)' Poul 'argc>nt \\ho also t he equipment for the fi nishing treatment card~ rome out rondc1ccl ,p,•pral piano selPct 101t'-. AMERICAN NOVEL of t he thread the t.emperature is kept "Out of :Xowhcre"- Exams .:\!ember, of th<' "\ormal 'd1ool attend­ consta ntly between 70 and 80 degree'. " \\'ay Bark Tn 1939 .\. D."- The Fresh­ ing the com·l•rt w<>rc \Ii,., Ewald, .:\[i,,., The "mighty m1dgPt" of clas.,,cs a t T he ends of t he s111gle t hreads are then men "eren't here H ale, :\Ii;,.-. Kell), :-.11,., :\lurkham, and C. X. . thi;. year 1;. the Junior Elective, run together to form the t\\O, three, or " D on't 1 ou Think We Better D ance"­ Phyllis Amidon :\lodern Amencan Xovel, there are only four thread silk. E,cort to hi:, 1-,.;r1 at the Sophomore six member,, but they make u p in ambition T his trip was one of a series planned by Dance what they lack 111 numbe~. " Before the Dawn"- The sweepers "You :\lw.t Ilitve Deen A Beautiful Mr. K eech to bring before the class the \'isitor. are welcome at any time, only . . . . work Bab.,~" \'pnus J)p \lilo you mw.t be well read, and you must have actual work bemg carried on 111 the var1ou'> "I ni,piration"- \\'hat one needs in Art "The L1UIP :\11111 \\ho \\ asn't Tlwrc•" - an opinion. I industries. cla-">S Yehudi - 4 ~~~~~~~~-,--~~~~~T ~H~E:__~B~IR~D~S ~E ~Y~E:___....-==::::==::c=:======- 1 PA ~~'Jl' [ il~§ I

B REVITIE S -11 SP 0 RT S fO R WU M f NI ,\ SP 0 RT S fO R Mf N 1 I - -- Christmas has rome, and Chri,tma, ' = The three year old "horn we have 1..::::::======:..====~=1 has "went," but still the memory, e;. I The Golden boys of('. ~- S. are having pecially of those special parties, lives 011. 11 rot. greatly enJoyed is no longer a member of .\fter the Ch1-istmas holidays, the n a vaeation from basketball. It is rumored Clenbrook rlaim:s one of the most out. ;::::::::::::= the Fox household. Doris is no" with sport fans of C'. X. S. have taken ful l ::.tancling (what party wouldn't be ou•. relatives in '\C\\ .Jen;ey. advantage of the winter sports offered that the .\lumni, captained by ''andy Beretta, would like a game on , aturday ,,tancling '' ith Liz Heffernan in charge!) Phyllis Amidon "pent Ja;.t week-end m hy the combined effort~ of the Xormal afternoon, Jamrnry 18. Some of thC' ex­ to whirh a few lurk.r guests were invitei RochrstN a;. a p;uest of \lrs. Emily Schon! ond the\\ eather :.\Ian. Ca,.,tleton stars who 1nJI be hack un .\ buffet lunch with plenty of everythin~ Kinsman and fnffilly. The "katin~ rink, delayed for various ~een the rourt will be Chari!'::> :\irhols, Captam goocl to eat was ::-.erved in the dining room. I f :.Iiss Willson is kept hlL"Y these days reason>-, 1s in operation. \\'e should of the '3 anriods rea..,on . the from the battlefront is a victory to the Franees Benton, Ruth :.Ioore for plain rafter,, ring "ith the joy of Chri;.tma- first semester cloio,es shortly n nd then ":\Iain H ou--e Boys." ,,kating, the upper das,,men should be \lta Eddy played Santa Claw,, ex officw, 11:15 .\. . marks. The :.\[ens' Hoom has been the scene well able to defend their honor as skaters. and distributed the gifts. For refresh· 12:00 We hear that a certain Freshman of many a good tall tale sinrc mration. \Y e have yet to see the Fre:;hmen exhibit ments, puneh, wafer>', pop corn ball>. The tall story a\\·ard goes to Phil h:elly, visited he1 Alma i\Iater during the their skill, but if Ruth Squires, Barbara fudge, and C'hri:;tmas eandy \Vere :;ened. L30 P. vacation and \YUS ru,ked to give n.. short who i::; the C. X. S. " \ .oice of Experience." Bouvier, Clarice Benjamin, and Helen In the dormitory, Room 35, the home 3:00 P talk about Castleton Xormal. For Bridge, the year around sport, i:- still King !>kate ru; well as they play basketbalJ of Barbara Phillips and Johanna Karlson, .'i:OO P further details we ::.uggest you inquire of going strong "·ith one table being kept in the Freshman have nothing to \\·orry was headquarters for the most exciting Xorma Betts. ru;e mo;..t of the hours during elas--es. nhout. party. ttntlt C'l:rns in P ERSOX (alia> 6:00 P everal faculty members handed out The skate.> have all been sharpened :;O kating :.Ianager, .\I Dauphin, i" ready .\rlene Freneh) was gue,.;t of honor. Other :30 P Xew Year's presents to their \'arious rome on gang, let'ii go SK.\TIXG' at any time to gi,•e instruction or help gue>'h were Eleanor Galvin, Barbars ome were received with more For those \\·ho do not skate there is to anyone wanting it. Clark, :.\larjorie Tyler, and :.\like Coyne. , Arou enthui;iasm than other.:;. The presents . 1 skiing. The conditions are not quite Bernard Howley and " \Yindy Bar­ I' pat1on . test<> taken before Christma::-. right as yet but the weather man should tholomew" are becoming known as a BAl~ QUET FEATURES Cami• The Town skating rink is being have given u;, some more snow by the :;uicidc squad since they have to use a CHRISTMAS ACTIVITIES over n ready for use. Yery soon C. X. . en­ time you read t his a1iicle. "\Yindy" ear for speed to go skiing. Happy landing::., mwnd thusiasts will have a place to demonstrate Bartholome\r says he is all set to give boys! The last week of school before Christma> arran!(l their skating ability. lesson" in skiing to anyone desiring to .\l Listzwan, the fi..;herman of the :-chool, vaeation was a bu"y one for all the student- he Due to recent illness among the male know the technique of the art. The is now trying hi:; luck through the ic·e and te11clwrs at Castleton Xormal chool o'clock elements of the freshmen class \\'alter experts tell us to watch \ 'era lack, .\Ima on Lake Bomoseen. The banquet on December 19, 1940 ball ~ Raynes for a few days was the only hoy :\leader, aIHI \ ·ir~nia Blake thi:,, year. played an important part of the fir:st of hool in Group II surrounded by twenty-eight Jnten·iewing the basketball manager, port champions for the year 1910 arc: the activities. The dining room with plann£ lovely girls. Wonder if he appreciated it. Bertha Hinckley, the other day, we found Bullthrowing-you deride,, leeper Harold the Light tinb of blue and ::.ilver, and soft a irami that she ha:, some ver.r fine plans for the Gibb,., Tenni" Player Eel Hart, Ar­ Friends of :.\Jr. and :.Ir.,. Everett :.ran­ mu,..ic helped to grt w; into the Chri::.tma; dao basketball court. The girls have been chery-.. tan Offensend, and .\II around 15 well will be intere,,ted to know that they spirit, along mth the delicious dinner I! wil are residing at 5331 Rickard Street m taking advantage of all available time to .\thletc-Don Grare. Comp1 Dallas, Texas. :.\Ir. :.ranwell, a former practice and Be1tha hopes to be able to ns aw instructor here at C. X. . 1s now teaching arrange a game betwee11 the C. X. MARGARET'S I! doltllb in the H ockaday .Junior College. girls and an outside team. Also there Corsages BEAUTY SHOPPE nire, is to be games between the The .\ svn, Jeffrey wa,., born to :.\Ir. and :\Ir.,., one bet\\·een the Sophomores and Fresh- RUSSELL 32 :\Iain "'t. Fair H ::wen, Yt. ~rt~~ Erik Barnouw, Xovember 1, 1940. :.ri.,.. men :;houlter date had been set for February bt a ntipli ·------' BIRDSEYE In t TREADEASY STYLEEZ hrmo1 the Ju CENTRAL VERMONT AND FOOT-LIFE DINER l rnt l'w Ga• merit, Cold Storo;• G«>J,,,. lliol• Cius~ Repair• ' PUBLIC SERVICE CORP. t-m th WILSON'S Castleton, Vt. \V. E. GRACE CO. 8l1Jlenr LIGHT ''Furriers'' know 8 HEAT ~It.

GEO. LOOKEH, Prop. 12 \lert'hnnts How H.utlantl, \'t. 1 lendln ---~~~~~~~-P_o_"_TE-j R__, \ .__~~~R_u_T_L_AN~-D~~~_J Phone DG-"Servil·e Bid~." ______] ------1lllld ot I "l'llle.t1 -----­H'l'll·:s ------t'l.11 ' THE BIRDSEYE llU 1l1e ~rm! / \'ol. 1 Vlll. Stnt<' 'ormal HC" hool, CnHl ll'lon Vt., Tl111r1«dny, l'<•l1ruury l:J, l !J11 llr of I :\'" !) rt\ \\ U lli•IT, rnilll STCDENTS ENTERTAI ED VARI ETY SJI OW I {o:tt• ts' SCHOOl AWAITS UY WELSH C lfOHU COM I NC p SOON SUPfRIN Tf NOf NT MIN fR I /~r!Jt} I I 111 1111' ti Tlw fur11lty uncl 1:1 t11cl•·nt liwlr at C'u~tl1·­ lARbfST CARNIVAl /-101111'1 hi111( fl(<\\ I 811111111t11taruli11J( 1 11 ~101 fl Sched u le \\ c•bh 11 nd Enl(h. h f'Ollll:R, hot Ii fl't'lllt11 p1·rfor11111111«•. Harb B•mvi1r 1u11y <'\"II ('11•l fd1J11 :\ormal 111·l1·1Jr111·f 1·0111'1>1', thi iM 0111\• 11111 of llu• 111m11•r<· u t·ilr•11t \linr•r. .\l 111. \'nw1 \. Pio1•t11r of Lurf),,11, JOI Of ( ltn otlll'I' n •la~ rnr1•s pl11v•·d liy \11' ll«rhl·rt .lorws \\It~ l'X M·o11t 1·011«<•1tl11111: l11111~1·1f i11 11 d:u k 1·or11••r 3 ( lau-. ~l ( 11:15 \ \(. Tohoitl(111111in1?: 111111 (Jr. f•:.h1111 \\', f>.tVl.S, ,\fontpf'!in, '"'ll1•nt, :\Ir \\ ilhulllS, \1ho rondurt1•cl, I hi' 11i11:li I of 1111• ho11. 1 ft, lor rol 12:00 Bulll't Lu111'11 l.t•:t\'l'll· n;t ·11d<·rl th,. 11:r1·1•lir111:• of the Stat<• lfoard 'l't'rtll'd lo h1Jlcl 11111µ;ir in his'I tip3 Thi• lli1dit of Ft•!.runry 11 i~ th1· rink of 1 ;1t11£~1ti1111 u111l the State I Jepnrlm1·nt l"'l' rorn It \\ 01 th IIall \\ ith \I hirh Ill' tl1't•11 lh1• lo\'l'I) hu1 n1rrni1·~ of 1lw nrwo111i11i.: pn•111it:r. '1'111' n·111,1111 of I :CJur:ition res pr.ct i vel)'. J'£,l11m·inl( IOi I) II t'rt' X'll! 1:30 P. \l Skat 11t1!: from t Ill' siniro r:-. d1rert1m<, Lliza!.1·tlt IIdT1•r11u11, B1trlmni llwsc, .\ Ir. ;\1 i111·r d•·hvnr•d l1iq Ol""''!lgf' •m 3.i, t l1e ~. 3:00 p ;\[ Trcasutl' TI un t Till' soloi-.1 ... , loo, 111'1'<' \'t•ry m1wh Pli1ll1p<, Bud Fish, 1111d .,,mrd I >or hi I, lob31m1 l\sr 5:00 P. \[ ('row11111g of hmµ: 1111cl r,, . ll.B prc•,idPnt whi«l1 wa.' foll11\1·,.,J by the 1•11joyl•d \Ii s C 'a 1lll'rinP .10111' r, soprano, 11 rt• 1111 """ vi1w1·d t hut tire \'uritt \ 1'-h11\, nddrP of t It" ii;11r-t -pcakPr, Dr. Hl'rmelt 1r mo-1 l'\r1L Qut'Cll sanl( •l /fo11 1 011 tlu II II 11lt .John \I 111 II<' all 01 l'rW!i1·!111i1111: 611<'1"< ..... 1f ti r Pl H;-;o;., (, G:OO f'. \l. Hnpp1·1 C. Doug)n, of Burli11gt1>11 ~t·c·ri,t, I 1aritom'. I l't1:1111·1• llul1brm/ in u llmukl· flavon«I sl) ll• 1111d hy p:1rti1·ipati111( llS \\ f'll 11s lltlf'11 Ian., one ~11•1j1•f!: "Our Pcn;onnl Proff';;sionnl In­ ~hin, n~r/1,11 t 1ld n•ry rcnlisl i1·11lly of 'flt, Uri'" / ,'i11d J111111ln·d 1wr rent I \hke Coyne 'uousmj.( j(1t•atl•r iuterest t111d parllr1- aclPqt1:1<'i~, •• \1 hich \1a- intPt:rttted witlr /Jm(/'\.lt•nd '1'011 ur•I Profes~ioru I :-.LLI ility." ·nw baritone, !'~llll!: .h·ronu l\t·m-.' (){ l/<111 WOLLC01~r \JOVIES probl1·nL- of Prrson I Pl -ical Health, .\ CTl\'lTl[ over t1 two dny prriocl \ ern Hla1·k, with Um . TO BE 11 0\-\' . indi v1dual l'nm nut tt'es, has mndl' nil \kntal Hyl{il'111, Lt I ir:il Pr:lcti<:"·, \dr­ Tl1t• C1· llm Huril C'h1h 'J'hur-clnv of the 1·1111fPr<'O<'I'''. 1\ hi cir met in the ;\o "")::; o'clock m the sl'hool It' mnusium a basket­ 11 'J'lw i.:roup j, compo.. cn Castleton '\ ormal , t'\.£•fllnl( at / ;.., 0. I 11f •rm. I rn"vit>- belonl(- from \ <'rtnont nnd .:\e\1 \ ork. I he Cxl11hitio11 .., whirh inrl111leil demon,lru­ m of thl!)f durinK hi" trn1·1•), and Stm,o 1!111 al mnc o'!'loek on Frlmrnry to t111· proulcm- \d1ir.h \H'n' h•h atrno,..plu•n• Y<·r\" n1·:1r to L!•i1!;l1, Lam1rt·11n• OliviN, .\1.,,.._, llnrt HAYE l\'EW downhill rares will b<' featured The'l' ET-UP RET' honw. \\ l'l'h :ninl(. hel•n \\orkin~ with Principal Scott a.nd F1mtai11e und u n•ry u111hu11l n•rl : conference;; 11·ith the Freshmen nnd ts to t'ontain books of literature, no\'els, Three C X S girl~. IIel<'n Brigham, From the :-cuatE'-membeN \\ill be the Junior clasi;cs. 1•hildrens books and the rurreul magazines. ('(w,.en n small l'ommittee of two or three Frances Benton and \ht•c Carpentier )QO O.\IRl Jn chapel Supenntendent Bigelow had \ children',, corner 1s to be provided with to mt'Cl \11th u ::.mall committee of faculty reque:.tcd that prayers be said for him »mull tables and <'hairs. are helpllll!; the loc·11l girl srouts 1111d the and to form what 11 ill he known as a \ erJll! but as t hi.s was not done he i:;poke on The new acld1twn was former Prm<•ipal .Jumor Catholic Dnughters, \nth their ,,tudent-farnlty t•ommitlee. discipline. Dr. Cui ohnc S. \\ oodrulT';; hvml-( quurt<'1-s p1ojrds. The senatr \\"ill be directly re:spon:;ible to tins committee and \\'Ill pince before In the Freshman classes he i-poke on .\ portion of lhi::. additwn will be devoted Iklrn is hl'lping the girl~ mnkr the , . crmont Geography and his topic in lo au oflil'e for the lilmman. it any problem brought to them which 1:; the .Junior 1•las.-;Ps i·onr<'rnrd \'ermont P1incipul Ermo Houston Scott btated badges whi1•h t1re g1wn to µ:iris who rurn of a \'er\ :;erious nature lt is hoped Geology. ::'llr. B1gelo\1 's ::.pecml interest that the old hghlrng fhtur<'s are to be them aud .\ hcc nnd Frant•cs nrc hrlping that this ::.tudent-foculty 1·om1uittee \\ill is in this field and his topic included what replaC'ed by 11 new mdirel't lighting :;y:.lem ,;even girls with dramatics. They arc do mut'11 to further ::.tudcnt, faculty 'i R• Superintendents expect their teachers to and that the hook shelve:- \\ill be only working on n play <·t1llcd, ".\ sk ~anry" rrlutious. ~RACE co. know about the;;e subjects. temporary. Principal Scott said thut the wh ich I\ ill be produ<"ed in February. The i·h1ef purpo:,.e of thb propo:;ed ,, ;\Ir. Bigelow ii; the second of the Superiu- rxpen:-c of this projc•ct \I as appro'\.JOll\tt:'ly , • . plan is to denr up pru,t m.i,-uuder.,t.andingl! 1rriers l here are about fourteen girls rn the a::. to what this or that groups re:.ponsibi- Rvt tendents to come to Ca;;tleton to i;pcuk Ifour hundred dollars, but it will allow our to11 i and othen; are scheduled for later in t he library to accomodatc about 1,000 more club and they are trying to get two plays j litic:s were and to whom they were :;ubor- ."&rv1°1 Bl • .:----" semester. volumes. ready for St. Patricks Day. dinate. T H E B I RDSEYE 2 MY P UPPY

State Normal School, Castleton, Vermont :.Iy puppy! With the P .\ little ragged t1* concern o Pub lish ed m onthly by the s tude nts of the S tace ormal Sch ool. R omping mop, sJllW1llent, fa· And pounce, pup-fashion •.....•....•...... • ...... Glenn Houston ,ubjed on b Editor-in-Chiel...... • ...... Tbomns Rice On my chc:;t. The::.e re Senior Associate Editor • ...... Then with a little yelp of happiness . Eli11beth Heffernan. Viola Perry •tudenl" 11i Junior Editors . . . . Vera Slacb., Lodemin CMY I feel uarJer this o Sophomore Editors A soft wet tongue-- . .. ····· ...... Josephine Hinckley. Baroid Gibbs ll'tre!lt to Rports Editors ...... Barbara Phillips MINE EYES HAVE SEEN A kiss tr.1b nod a Bu"nc;s Manager ...... l,"pon my mouth...... Blanche Sedergren tinue to 01a Advertising Manager ...... F lorence Bolger "-' right . . . • ...... • ...... • ...... Marjorie Stone The sun was rapidly sinking behind •hould be, Suhscription lllnnager ...... , • . . . • ...... Helen flail the low distsnt hills in southern Illinois ~)nrem ti Circulation lllnnager ...... Francis Moriarity that early fall afternoon in 1858. Out pe!"'m:tlity . Exchange lllannger . .. MRS. JACK CROWLEY . llhs.• I February 12, 1809 the spark of a fl am e th at was to spread through and nothing moved on that hillside while exccptance of I~e1meth Roberts' lastest novel, Oliver l\"istccll. It \\·ould be hard arquUro I a nation was lighted. The cold winter winds blew through the a small boy idly driving a cow before him the indi\i• moved on down toward the town at the to publish this book in some of the foreign cabin but the spark glowed brightly for it was destined to ligh t countries, much less be read by the people. up your end of the valley. ,tu.lent a Ernest Hemmingwny develop<; in his ;\lose Johnson was a sla1·e, a runaway or four ye the pa th of a people to freedom . own deli~btful ,:tylP, the fascinutinl( slave, who for a mouth now had been you will E book For ffhom the Bell Tolls. Th e Blaze Grows- Abraham Lincoln grew to manhood a mid working his " ·ay up from :'lri"'i~sippi of your;,( toward Canada. Traveling only at night, The character in the light novel Stars this lonely fron t ier life. He split logs, he s teered river boats, he always possessed "·ith the fear of capture of the Sea, to :\Irs. Crowley po:;:;es:;ed a ran a store and phys ically h e becam e a giant. Within him he was now leaving the woods where duul pen;onality. FACCL1 he had slept through the daylight houn. thou gh the spark lived on and grew to a strong steady flame. :'l[rs. Crowley commented on Etha11 ready to put a few miles behind him before ,-lllen by Holbrook. .U> "·ell as Evelyn A fl ame th at fed on an h onesty th at was a legend on the fron tier. the sun rose again. First, however, he Eaton's book which is set in .\ rcadia, On :\!or must go into that nearby town and search A flame that fed on su ch an unquenchable desire to learn that Quietly Jly Capla111 Traits. 1 lei 11'!1.' until he found a house with a cro:ss cut .\merica in the eyes of :'IIrs. Crowley ~orth Hs it would send a boy miles across the lonely prairie in search of a in the hitching post. These were the has advanced a great deal with the \\Ti tin{( dieticisn. houses at ·which an escaping slave could book. A flame that fed from the soul of a young m an standing of historical novels. sn. H· Th e Flatne Leaps Th e years roIJed by and over the h orizon shouting and singing. :\ow was no time the gli;,,tening :;tars as he concluded­ poured. swept t h e dark clouds of internal h atred to settle on the nation. for a negro in rags to be seen, for even in " la.Yery i~ eYil, I hate it with all my heart." The cool winds of th e prairie blew a nd th e fla m e leaped to meet Illinois there were southern sympathizers CHO and the FugitiYe lave Law would be The lTO\\ d :;wept forward, rai::-ed the Li its destiny. T hrou gh t h e dark years of the war a weary nation enforced. :'IIose quickly hid beneath a t11·0 men on their shoulders and <·arried warmed itself at this fire. To this fire came m en to sn eer and large wooden platform but no sooner had them off throu11:h tlw street:;. :'llose crept from beneath the platform were turned away inspired. To this fire came th e great only to he done so than the crowd g:itherecl before this platform, men climbed upon it and and with tear filled eyes followed the tall >00\r ll be kept waiting while a mother's tears were dried. To this fire someone began to speak. figure, with the high black hat, being borne away by the crowd. Turning to u Tobo;!l'J came a race enslaved and th ey were freed. To this fire cam e a Peering up through a crack :'llose saw a a buffet :;hort, powerfully built roan who spoke small boy who was hurrying by, :'lfose broken America and it was made whole. asked. Carpeot• with a voice that sounded like the :'ICiss­ full. issippi at flood time. H e told the cheering "Who am de t'U mun who j':;t speaked?" Ruth T h e Embers are Scattered- On e shot a nd the fl am e that h ad cro\\ d that here in .\m erica. men :;houl atrao:e.: leaped so high began to die down. A hush fell over th e n ation have the right to choose by their own he is going to be President someday> conscience whether there should he D<>on at as lower a nd lower sank th e fire a nd when at las t it h ad died .\ :;hort time later the figure of an negro l~m.... tr slavery or not and that no man :;hould could be seen slm1 ly leaYing the small completely and only the embers glowed the winds blew down deny them that right. \\'hen he finished !nu fun town and h('nding not north but south. T~lll'> from the mountains and whirled the sparks from the glowing the crowd roared and beneath his feet a slave who knew the conscience of some ".\h'm goin bat•k," :'llo"e muttered the ilir to himself, "\h'll be n shn·e 'gnin but its embers and buried th em deep in the hearts of th e people. men shivered. The c de only way \h enn tells ma peoplc-tt>lls 0iow a hush had come over thut va:;t the uut tlem dut der :;la\'l'l"Y is nearly obcr - tells throng for standing awkwardly before Quet>n. The Flames Burn On- Each year thousands of An1erican s d<'m dut \h'Ye s('en \ be Lincoln uml ah them wa.s a t.ull gau11t man \\ ith :sunken rup an visit the Lincoln Memorial in the city of Was hin~ ton and stand­ kno\''" d:tt de Lord hns nnswPr'd cle cheeks and deep set ('yes. With a voil'e as !oUQ11, pmy'rs ob de Xegro." ing before that m assive s tructure th ey know t hat the principles gentle a,; the wind in a ~Iugnolia tr('e, !\mg -~ The burnin{!: tar barrcb m th(' to"n he lived and died for a re still a par t of the Am erican Creed and with a voice that spoke from a gren.t '1linl\Yt threw up ii wrml light \\ hich cast fnnta,,.tir heart he ans11 ereer\~nt true as lon~ as America is th e land of the free; " In this temple, mouth. It was to be the purpose of tho:;e that high above th(' town he could sl'C .i[ iJt:i two hands to feed that one mouth. .\ ny­ the tnll slouC'lwd form of Lin<:oln w1lh >)lclrt.,, as in t he h earts of the people for whom he saved t h e Union, the his sud (')'Cs looking south. thing that violates this is a violali~n .\lte1 memory of Abraham Lincoln is enshrined forever." against God. Slavery violates it. In the a. n. 'l;ith ll THE BIRDSEYE 3 STAFF MEMBERS SWISS S KIER SEEN MARKS ON STASO HJLL

\\"ith the pn,sinj.( or the first srnwstrr Karl \l'k<•r, /i('(· ffa1~Rski in-trul'lor, tlw c::01H't'1n of the i;ludt'nt body l'CnlPrs h1Jld1·r of 11 I .8 L. \.8. \ 1·!'rf1fi1·rlf P and :mrnnd sl'holasti<• ratings us delNn11nt'<,I th<· pH•,c·nt d1r<·do1 1,f t hr Pu"' 8k1 f)toh110J by the semi-annual report 1·nnl. llt'I!' in.,truc·t<'d firtN•n duri11g< '11• tl<·tuprrior, t•r,.,, 11wl11d1111( \fj,., Ewald, II" l<1 tlw h1111·~ <''\l'eilrnt, fair, poor or fmlmJ.( 111 <'t1(•h ancl \\ hyH in the fund11rrw11tal• t<·dmiqu<•!! :,uhjel't cm his prop;rum. of .•kiing, 011 \I1rnday nft,.111<1on, Ff'!Jruury These marks mean that ::.ume 2, on Ht"·"" II 111 ;;ludents will he spurred on to work ff Y<"<0 ond sc•nwster, otlw1:. \1111 lull llltio11 retreat lo <"n::.ier sailing, :i. fo\\ \1 ill Francis Moria rily l11 vour probl<·m. Pu'h t ht> rear of th<' crab and anothC'r mere fr11 "ill con­ Helen Hall "k1s \I idt• 11purt, k<-1•ping th<· tip; ahr<·a-1, tinue lo mnintam a hil{h lrvcl. \ lnrks Exl'han!.(e bl1tor of the Bml•l'Y<', uhtu,.,t tnu1·l11ng, holding the :rnklb should br, lo he sme, k>'s worthy of \\"hr11 approa<·h<'d for an intc•rvi<'w, I• m11c·1s ;\[1mar1ty Is al"" a nwrnb1·1 of thl' ab,.11lutf>ly Of l'OIJl">f' vou havr to Ilrlrn llall, our cirrulut10n manaJ.(c>r, strui~ht. )\\ LE\ C()ll('('rll than th<' devdopment or ' ' ~· Pl \I ' . 11atl'h wh1·rc• Yn ~ t mon a nil I ~rnton nnrl ( •urrun hut k1·1·p' t attempt will prow· that it i, not ti! 8 ; I hrre n l Cast lrton ac·eomplish 11 ill l'SJWriall) ,J os<>ph C'onrnd 111111 1" al prr'<'nt ff'aC'h1111( ~rude,, 1-2- Howevc·r, if 1•our wright i,, Pquully d1..- eJ, in I reflrd in a propmtionatC' amount in llc•l<"n t<':l<'h<'s Suncla\' 8t'hool. Il<'r 3 1-ancl Ci ut \\ <•,.( C'ust]don, 1h•hkc·s tnhutPd 011 both ski,.,, and the binding,; •hnwy I urnhitinn is to ltr 11 lPn<·lu:r quit<' a down­ futur<" t<"aching Faulty \\ ork lmhits, llitlerisrn and thr c·hanw· of prol{rarn ltrr<• fit >r, putt1111!; morr weight me of tit the imlh·idual mind. \\hat you make I SCHEDULE HELD LAST MONTH on the bark or the binding,, and pu.:;lung .1°111) lht up your mind to ac<·ompfo.. h us a the rear E.'ncls farther apart ~\fter you dert'l'lJl' 1 student nt Castleton for two, lhrre The advnntugrs and cli,.,ndv'111lagrs nnd run :-C'hu:-.- (,,lra1ght down) the hill and or four yenr:< "·ill be a measure of 11 hat lhr hr(pfuJ work of t hr ('. (' ('. \\'Pre c·ontrol the ,,nowplow, you may thi11k it tLe ! Cnstlrton roll.!. you will e'prct from pupils ns ('itizrns Ibroul{ht emphutieally to th<' ntt<•ntio11 j,.. time to learn :;ome turns. Grad<' 1 & 2 B. Ilim·kl(•y of your i-chool. or thr stuclrnts !ll ('a~tleto1~ in a tulk hy lt~Lt no <1rudr 3 & 4 C. :\laynard Thr "nowplow turn i,., the mo~t 1m­ I \ Ir Peck, a leaclrr Ill tlu" work. rre ;i-!1 \' J••~ (; rnde 5 & Ci F. Kerd1 porta.nt way for a beginner to rhange the outlined the life of the camp, dis<·1plme FAC LTY GIYEN C:rade 7 & 8 D. Plulhps running dirertion of his "kis. , tart from u-NI and the ellet'l upon the members of the "nm1 plow position, keeping the ski ented oo \\'.Castleton DOUBLE TEA the t•ump. It would s<>em that the C. (' lips ulmo,,t in ('ontad throUJ.(hout the 11~!1 ,, [ Rural F. :\ f oriarty C. is no place for "is.~irs and, if you are tum To tum lefl, shift your weight, ...,.1 m .\rQJ J-T ycleville On :\ fonclay afternoon, February 27th, I1 one 1\ h<"n vou entrr, you som1 ('ease to he from the waist up, o\·er to your right B. C lark a tea was given in the lobby of Leaven­ Cratic l & 2 :;ide or \'ire ver-;a for a right turn, with P . Ileymnn one or, "go over the hill' a" .\Ir Perk f "~ Cro worth H all by :\liss :\fottic Campbell, Grncle 3 & 1 hoth knees hrnt well forward throughout \. :\orton expre,.._,ecJ it 1111h them dietician. :\hss :\Iary Wilson poured Gracie 5 & Ci the turn. \\'hen you have fimshed equalize E. £Trfkrnnn On .January 22 \[is.-; \Jil'e 8C'halek and !?:U<"::.ts were members or the fnc::ulty. Grade 7 & 8 your "l'ight and you are ,,till in the snow­ .\ nother sorinl event was held on Thur,.,­ Fiar Haven prcsrntrd an afternoon progrnm. She plow po,ition but faring another dir<"rtion. P. Kelly l!ln·l> the day, F<"hruary 6th, when :\[1&; :\Iary :\fain Street 8 told of brr lrnveJ, down the Dnnuhe That',, all there is tu it, you'll be surpn,ed D. Grnc·e 1f hi• [,11)1 \Yilson, health director, rntertained the :\Inm Street 7 vis1t111g Bulgana, Turk<"y and G recce. how nic<"ly you ... wing around. Watch :\fain Street G .J. St<"ei<" 1y nun faculty and ~taff at an afternoon tea. She had lantern ,..Jide,., to illustrate th<"se Binny Blake and Ed Hart. :\fain Street 3 .\ . Heleba h~111l- I :\lrs. H e\\ itt and :\ln;. Leavenworth The differcnre between the snowplow :\I. Pre,,ton rountncs and cited Hmous points of r rondo poured. :\Iain Street 1 tum and the -tcm turn is that in the South School 5 & Ci \ '.Perry intcrr"l m her travels. :\fr,,, 8chalek who t mth :ill formrr both skis are pu>-hed into a stem E. Galvrn SCHOOL AWAITS South Sehonl 3 & -1 wns n phuto-Jourtlllhst \\1th a leading po:-ition, while m tile latter onlv the out­ , t·otch Hill ;\ L Richards side ski is u;,ed for :-lemming. while the rJ, r.ii"'1 LARGEST CARN IV AL European paper for tlnrty-fivc years, Clarendon .,. ~11tl 1'3.'1l wns for(•ed to ('Ome to \merica to Ii ve in,.,ide JU"t follow' around Bat on the ~now. IN ITS HISTORY Clarendon Flats P ..\ midon The movement:< of the body are the !;Dme after the ri-e of the Xaz1 re;.:11ne. .\ tea (Continued from page 1) \\'. Rutland in both turns. - the plat' was r;iven in her honor 111 the rCl'<"ption Grade 3 & .J ;\ [rs. Krrriga n Don't be discouraged if your fi.Nt lowed the t snow relay race:; have been planned. room of Leavenworth Hnll after the nttempt is a failure. Patience is as nece,,­ k liat, lo'll Tobogganninii; will last w1til twelve when Center Rutland E. Burt program. s:ny as strength to a good ,;kier. XO\\ Turnin~ I n bu ffet luncheon, planned by Arlene Grade 7 & 8 B. Heffernan :\fr. Robert Franzom, a repre~entati\•e get together a bit of that ..elf-confidence n)( by, ~I Carpenter, \\'ilJ be served at Lravenworth Grade 1, 2, 3 nm! determination, climb that hill as H all. P oultney of Wilson's Clothing Store in Rutland, Little Red Schoolhou~e hi~h as your tired leg>- will c~1rry you, and ·~1 ,pe:iked Ruth :\l oore nnd Ed Hnrt have pres<"ntcd entertaining and thrill-J.(iving A. French tic the~e ~imple tec::hnique,., together. r father ,J arranged a skating program for the after­ movi<>s on skiing. The various arts of C. N. . can rightfully boa:-.t of be1·eral Ira i i-ODJt'(by noon at the down town rink. ;\ skating skiing \\We :;killfully, gracefully nnd potential :;kiers, once they have become Tlopefield 0. Rumney 'of an ntt' demostration by outsiders, student ra(·e::. brenth-takingly enacted by Fritz Lang, this accomph,hed, they'll be ready for ~ 1Jae ,rrJ and fun relay rn<'<"S arc inrlucled. The Rutland biAArr "tuff; nncl have the privelege of I L Rall skiing demon. The films invoked great but •out Treasure H unt of the afternoon is under Dana 6 :,lepping into the advnnC'ecl class. Don't R. Flanders enthusiasm for the \\'inter Carnival. e DJUttel\'I the direction of r.:Jizabeth IIelTernnn. Dana2 b<" guilty of mi:-sing this opportumty. Longfellow 6 B. Fish On Thursday, January Dr. Fox ~, iu but it The cl imax of the Carnival comes with 30, Come out of that mid-winter lull and lets 1 B. H owley ('()p/e-telf t he outdoor c::row·ning of the Kmg and :\l eldon 7 & 8 mdrd by four students presented the good see s\\ arms ::;l\·ooping clown u1so. B. Phillips ober-tcll: Queen. Presentation of the rnrnival Park 1 & 2 and bad type:; or teachers. The program \'em lack .\ . Hinckley oln and al cup and award for sport achievements \\ atkins 3 & 4 ~I. Dwyer was wo1 ked up in the form uf u r<"u ruon ,wer'u 6 fullu" "· The cup with the names of the Watkins fi & G 1 skit with ti de('ided moral. This wus the TO HELEN J

JBlll.E'V['Jr)[ ]}<~§ 1 r ~- -- - 0 SPORTS fOR Mf N Pnrtil'.. of t hi~ wmkr'i; ~"rm! "Pason ~ H•J>P> Biothdoy to \ lo"ill: RT R arP in full ~"in!-(. Of 1·011rse 1111rnrrou~ \ I i~« ~ p s rn ! ~~ f~ \'IJI eein~ thnt the \\ mtl'J Cnrmvnl 1s "c·olTr<' und pop ro1 n" llll!hts in the Dorm \\ 1lbo11, .larbon, E" uld and :\Ir. Fox \\ mter ~ports are well under wus at --= ('OVl'n·d els('\\ here m this is.... ut' and t hrr<• and "Din1·1 sn:1<·k:>'' ufter l>kiin~ u111l ~=- who rl3im the month or Fehruury as C '\. • . The )!iris have tuken full ud­ 1s i\ temporary ?>lump in h,1skC'I I 111 -.katini.: are in onkr, but tlac·n· arC' a few 1 their birth month. Yantuge of the ska tin!! rink. \\ e find nctiYity l nm this opportun1t} to 11ote wortliy C'\"Pnh. ~ro gram R irhar- I h:1 ve "ec·n. It has of c·11t<'rt11in111l-(. Clenbrook 111c•11 attr•nilcrl The skatinp; part y J,1st \\ C'dnc.>,duy th<' tcndcnh-' \[eeting in Bellows Falb .Jan­ hE>!'n m) very good fortune• to hav<' : the time allotted \\:\" not rnme of the µrPatest figurr,.. of ~port« in doµ; nnd baked bean -uppC'r d ven on C. X. • . Game" and rl'I:.\) ral'C!'< \H'r<' ~uffiricnt to disru,.., all b,..ue,.., it wus uf'lion. In foothall 1t has l>t·c·n my privil<'l(P .Ju1111ary 10. \ft<"r linl!cring 10111! at th<' phiyed und :-aid they had a. dC'rided that another meeting would bl' eYer~·onl' to ~ee th(' grc•at Torn Ilurrnon. I "1.1\\ tablc· (both <'ntiui.: nnrl tnlki11l-(), all ad­ held in Spri1w;fielcl on :\lurch 7. "s\\ ell" time. Tom srorc thr('(' touPhcln\n1-. and pa"' journed to th<' library to The party France" ... tewart ha;.. f('tUI ned to rlu... se>­ Rk1 ent htNastws have kPpt Rhso hill for a fourth against Ilun·ard, nml 111• i" hrokP up carlv du" to th<' lir, :ill ~ki1•1-. ond nm\-skiC'r.- un• H:.11 rnon \HI' a frllow by the naruP of The ::i••nioi.. • 1 i I the -11•··~--fuha<··­ Junior Cb"''· :\h.,... Phillip,.. 1'- re,..i-ho\\ np u ... '' C'll a~ Harmon, l.111 "k1111~. Among tltP ~irb \\ho wPre nut on J"lii-.y \H·rc· hon 1 I t n luneheon pa1 ty, Connie P helps i,.. ill ut hC'r hom<' in it is the fellow.... hkl• th<' J.m,;lwski ... that Rta-..1 \dwn l'\'nl \C'k1•r \\us hen• \\en•. .l.munn l.i nt < .Jrubrook. Tht• foocl mu I • pnngfirld \\ ith ~land trouhl<•. \ 1r~inin Blake'. \ Cl"'I :-llark, \lnrn :'\Iracl1•r, hnVE' th<' ll:irmn1L" mak<' thE' bcndl11ws. ha\'•' lx'<'n Hp<'r paint 1hle. or the c-011- The .Juniors >-l'<'lll to be haYin!-( difiwult) For l!<·neral "Pii it 1111<1 all ro111 d nhility \l:.lrylin <'h<'n<'y, I rnm·c... Hr11to11, T l:iirw ;;enntion f'xtm nl orhmg to diznifi<'d in kccpinl-( trnrk of cm(' :motlwr iu tmYding tht> h1· ... t t~am I ('\"c•r s.1w wn« tl11s :\lirl11 • 11 .I at·c•h', Kay Ilowarcl, Fcrol h.Pt'<'h, !111!1 :-- nior-, or t>l-C' th<' Gleubrook clock­ to and from their 11>pl·1·tin• ... c11noh. l<'um lhut \\ll" 011lv hC'atPll <•nre 7-h hv .Jo..,<'phi11P Hinc-k!Py. \\ere lightly off, ior it S<'C'IO' .omc cln5-C• One membu wa>- lo ... t ln>-t '' C'l'k in Rutland midi tr :\I imw•ota.' Other l!'rt at foot bail lrnd to IX' hdd up uni ii th l!UCA returned but aftl'r ,..e,·eral hom">' of fmntir ...(':m·hing, Th1' l!irl" ,..:1y th<'y are "till pmdirin~ plnyl·rs I h l \ e "1'<'11 in act ion l1a' 1• b('( n to hool. ::.he Wll'- di,ro,·ert') haw hnd Harr) fitdln, nil- \nwril'an tnekl<> f1om the bu-. Ill ( a,..tleton. Ino com pct it ivl' g:um~"- C1111' t -.onwonc• Arm~ Joh1111y Huteh nl•o <•f .\rm), Cln 'fit urdny C\ <>nint:, J'cbni:iry 1, Loui-.e .\lien and Rernic<' Tril'ell -.p1·nt -.rhedul<• 1 f.!:1 nw lll't \\!'t'n t hP nrrcn u111l .foe Garclrlln. CharliP Spr<'yer, J"mn Lcr, the home C'COnomir' ~ room '' ru; the ccnc the wrek-end at thC'ir 1-c-.1wdl\"l' lwmt•-.. \\'11ite '" ~ophnmon·-. nnd Frt>-hnwn? of Hni\'llrd, Boh :'\IcLcod, \\'urn n hing, of n dmncr p 1rt) ~t\ en in honor of BC'rtha Studl·nt tearhmg may han· it,. trinb The J1111111r-. a11art mouth, nn•J ~0111t• !lull nnd ,John C'nrpcntwr. I ollo\\ mg the dmncr nll Tc•arlier to group of cl1ildrcn: "l>n \H' nr ophornon·- nrnl aw IP:truin~ to fl•lk :'\lrl..:1ury of B 11 1 Brud Ifollnn I, \\Cnt down to the knting nnk for an ll\·e a " <' or a ... otitary life?" ti 1111 111 tlwir Ph_y-i1-nl J:tl1ll' 1lio11 cl .... ses. Ceoll!P Pc'l'k, \ 111 I ichlc'r, \lorl Inn M1uri.:. ('\ C'lllllg of out-P th de:in-up comm1ttec. c"lll'<' all \\ hn ha\'1' 111·1•11 pl11yi11~ Im n• bnscball I P upil· "Thl' St11cl .. 11t Trarlil'r.'' Other !!tl<' t<> \\ C'rC' II nrol I ( 11bbs, Don -hem 11 n•nl ... kill. H.1clrn11tl<111 h11- _yl'I to of thc crcut•• t i;t:1r... of th<' ln«L tC'u \ears Urnc1, nnd Ld H rt £.t trl hut 1:111 !fort, Ruth \ looll', Anna To nwntion n ft•\\ I oonld Ii t Balm .H11t11'. \\ 1lk111- und ,\I l>nuphm ·houlcl lw nblP Lou G<'hri~. l,dty C:omez, I mnk I ri rh, Cor ages Pqapcr ~l11rti11, ,Joe \IP1hdck, I lll!Z\" 11111 to ~j\ I ll I! t'llt illll.CI II•. l"t11l ll•·.111, C:nbl•y llnrtnett, Bill I~ BLO~Oir \\I'\ RC ELL 1.n-t ..., ltml:iy tlw J,t nf i"Plmmry ti• :-.1 n 11n<'k. Bilh lltr1111111, \\ ulh Beo:t'r, f Rf ~ll\ f \~ POLL -.1<>1 11 r of l'"ll""ll \\llS Flori t fir t de tl1t• i1111u~11- 11ul \!nun~· r Bill :\lr1'<'chni•'. In nn rnt<•d lty n i.:roup !10111 L•!D\l'll\\nrth 111111. \ < rmon l ''"'l11hit i1111 J.'llllH' I Sll\\ the i:n.•:it Hnhc <'hool on \it l quC"tion­ Brandon '1111• -lcid1 l•·ft nt 7 :'.30 from I Ill' llnll anti Huth knock throP ltonwr- out of the p irk Tln \\ct k our poll \\a.• r111IP out l•y t hc> \ lt•:Hltl\d 1ro11k i;ehool .\ltho111d1 I 1111\C Ill'\• r 8C<'ll lum m.) ng th<' m mhcr.; of l n:-h- ti• 1111• cro- ro!ttl~ nut! tlu1 11 l1a<'k n~11i11. fn\'ontC' nncl tlw •>He I th111k th<' v;rentc-t m."111 I on tht \ n uuportant quc-llon· \ft•r tlwy 1!'l11111l"d 1111 lmd hot 1·rn·o,1. ('O~ I PLL\ l L '\'I or fin,t h'1 1•mn11 of nil ti111<' i .Jimrm I •1x \\ lueh co1111c• trip do 'ou hk<' U1<' hc-t T \Ii-. l.\\nld, \Ii • llnl1~ \\I II' the [nrult) \ln\11e I p1ek !'ox v\1 r <:ehrig l><'rnuSt I \ n lie 1tr I ront{"'t and, \\e thmk, n 111t•111l11•r" 111111 \It~ l .. 1111b 1111CI ~11-:i Il<'i1tlt R:\DIO : 1\1lIN AT' JEWELRY CO. hn \" n t>• t JIC!l\ e 01mi11 t I 11hr11? for 11 •t little '""htul tlunkmg "Blomhc" \\On out. l!'UI !ll • 1111togmpl1111~ n ,, on• rnnl lor me onre ext to Post Office lien; an.: the rt'SUlts: upon 11 t imP, I n I " &'\\\ th• I lrnn bo\ in Blomhc !) Hutlaucl, \ t. tlll'ir pnlll•'. I )jzz,• ~11n• hnd till' 1~1ok~ hnt.LC'llJfllllmcr h.1 1... 3 Ill I Ito I' 1IOY'• 1ilhl, l ht 1'01ler ... Barch\< II Blo<'k Hut l:11ul Bnng l p I nth r ",, CENTRAL vERl\10NT \\ ee \\ 1llw \\ 111k1~ Printer of \1.\PLl ~ \\.000 D \ l R\ PUBLIC SER I C~ CO RP. I >ick I ror\ "TJJI : BlHD.'J•, ) L" I I ~h nonlon LIGHT Fair Ihn en ' crm o nt °l'lll'X!lU II LAT llonr.) PO \\ l•.H \ti lt o ur 1>lore dur in ~ t h e \l \RG.\Rl' r·s early -,a le of 1l ou scware°'. BF \l l'"\ SllOPPr KIIS \Vorthwhilc Baq~ain s ;{:! ;\(n111 M l .1n 11.l\l'll, \ t. TI-IE l'ho•w ~ 1 I W. C. LA 1)0 & CO., Inc. and BIRDSEYE \l.\rC,nrct O' Bril'n ACCE . ORIE DI El~ at CO\IPl.l\11.'\'1'8 <>Ji' Rl rt .\"i\ D Bl S CO., lnc. Cnstlcton , \ t. \ ermont \lotor C<>. WILSO N ' W. I ~ . GRACE Ji' R CO. \\ 1n·hotbl ~h\t \ll.l' R TLA D ~c·n ii'<' Bldg. Hut l1111 d, \ t. C l•' O LOO I\ 1" H, Prnp 'l'dl'pho1H' 20 Cko n. \lorsl'


\'ol. \'Ill. Sta!C' 'onnal 8chool, Castleton \tt, Haturday, .\l nr<'l1 15, J011 .::\ () fi

Prograrn Planned Colonel Healy For Tri-County Arouses C. N. S.

l'iYe hundred tea!' hers \1111 nwPt nt t hl' Co)11ul'I .Jr.uuP;S llenly <'nntin1wd the South11('s(('lll \ "c>1111011l Tn C'ounty ('011- J1r<""<·11tatitJ1111f tJ,,. scl11><1I'" eveniug "''"n;e vcntion on \pnl \, , I !.l 11. Tlw morning 111th a l"dur1• 01 "Th" Worl1I To fay",ton 11111 lw dc1·otcd lo t>ight J!:roup h1·fort· a 1·ap:H·1t.J. 11urlil'1H·P, on the cven11111: 1 ,• 111 <'onf<'re1H'C'- Tht• !.(l'OUJl lopH·s an111m111·1·d ,,f .\! un·h Ii. 1ndude: l ·~flw1enn uud H.1•,,ulh, •t rP"lllJ!: ·'" . II l'Ufy i;trc sed the irnporl'llll'I' or the ellerh of the tc:u·h<'t 's 1wrso1rnl 1•thri· loVC' iu 011r 11 t ti tud" t•J\\ ar d our forc111:n enry on the :sl'hool ruling und t lw marmPr 11Pil(hlHlfS. Clr1it<' drurnuticnlly lw sp·ikP of llH'leusmg this c•flil·tcnry '\ormnl of l11s ud Vo<'alinK \I ar if the need he, Srhool CoursPs, \I 1111'11 in vi\•\\ of t Pat· hi ng <'laiming it to he not us f1•arfol as otlwr P\f)t'flen1•e, 11 ere mo"l \'Ulu:iblc> I .111-tlish, (•Vii.-. 111 t·IPmenlun nnd hip:h ;,1•lwol, \rlthnwtic-. Rt•!(. 1 rdi111( immil(ruuts enterin~ t hi8 emphtt... 111111.( 1!'suits o l rl',,<'..rl'h, drn nJ!:illl!: 1·ou11!1} Il1·«ly prim 1rily claimed tlrnt th• trends 111 i11strud1011, pupil maturity, :111d oppH'"'''d 11·1'1'<' not 11~ a wholt> vr1y i11telli­ rhanges in le\I books \ rt, :-landtmls for gt·11L, hut then W<'nt on to say thut we hnth rural and drmentan "1'11001"· :\ntuml ~hould 11<'1·r-pt th<>1r r1ilture. 'L his liclwf , l' lent·e, tlw sdiool room :111 upporl uuity, m rulturnl plurabrn wu.s hi~ idealL-;tic Re!lding, dealing with result' of 1e.. <'urd1, manner of udrno1'1('J0n.: imrnil(rnnt':! 111lh phoim·s, uncl 11 ith the problem uf 11on­ Iwthn thun att{'(nptin11: to eure the reade1-.. 111lh normal mentality, t111cl thP ro11firrm·d Jll'"'imi~t. ur the devoted opt1- Tearh11111: of c;eoJ.(mph~· undt•1 modern mi,t, tlw <'olonel w.1s of thr opinion thnt world 1•onthl10n-. an intelligent "tand ,,h,>tild be takPn by every tl1111kin11: man ('onC'erninl( i11ter- . \ monl{ th!' l'Onferem·e leader" ure two 11ationul rt'lutions. He favored tlie ln1d­ from C'a:-tleton P ri1H'ipal Ern10 llou,,tcm leu.-.P hill, '' ithout comment as to 11!1y. n, ~. colt 11111 lead the c·onferenc·e 011 '\ormal In a11s11 er to the que,,tion» thut folloll'ed 11Wd 'chool Courses, uml \ Ir h.eec·h will !Pad CoLo:'\t.1 • .I "u:s Ih u \ the lel'lu1 e .\Ir. lleuly b<'lirvr·d thnt Cer­ D Brr. the ronferen\'e on "- uturul 't•1r11c·t>. many wa- taken ndvant:1"e of in the \ er­ -up :\fovrng p1C'ture...,, c:reenland, ToJa) and d G1 CARTOO 1 CO TEST r. R. C. PRE E T saille' ummµ;ement; that the ndmi,.,,ion Tomorro\1 a(•rompamed hy a lt•durt> \\Jll TO BE SPON OREO RABBI MAX WEI of immigrants into \merit-a would not be pre,ented at the afternoon ses...,ion by elfort the standard of living; and that hb Commander Donald ;\ lne \f 1llan, noted The International llt•latiun' ( 'luh un- Huhhi .\lu:-. \\'Pin 11 :1.-. the fir,,t guest pronUn('bt1011 or won!- 11n.- ba.,et'hool. suhjcrt wu., "The.le\\:> \s \n lntt>rnatioual and "l'C'retury to the man '\hO coined the i!.11 que;; I Lid,tone, \\'alJingforcl and Chairman of 2 \II 1·nrtoo11,., submittl'd h '<'OIU<' tlw Prohll'm." ,,Joµ;an "Ile kept u.-. out of war," ha,., bt'<'n a k our p::. the I:::-.ecutive Committee, Superintendent property or Uw TntN11ut10n11l Rel,ttion-.. l'hl' .lt·ws urc u problem, ,.,aid Rubh1 ne1hpaper mun fur twenty-three ye.'ll', 1Je15 I F Donald . ~\ hner, Of\\ ell Club. \\ l'l!I, be<':1us1• 0 [ tlw fal't that for two roverine: underworld a"iw1ment-. mainly. ant Que' 3. The thn•e \)('st tlrawi1111:s will ht> t lwus:111d vears they have been 11 nation, .\s 11 popular radio oommcnt.'ltor for the cite the rhosen from tho'e ;,uhmittcd tryinµ; to retain its O\\ n t·ulture, but fon·Nl past ei~ht year- he hn... ronsistently ex- ue tbirJ. RADIO HOW UCCE ! \II idea" mu"t be ongmal, about to make the 11ttempt 111 land that j,.. not pre,..,,ed his beliei in the "reli~iun" l'l!re lie"~ ~ome <'urrent problem. it" 0\\ n. for the ills of our .. 01·iul ! of the\ er,,ailles FOOD 3 eommittee included Leonard Dordirk, 20 points --<>riginulity of idl•a Treaty, whid1 futled ub,..oluteh, nnd lhe 20 pomts- -deverne"' of idea attPmpt to establish a homelund in PuJe..,- Hunger hn" been ,.,ubsided by the mean:; Edward Fish, Elizabeth IIeflernun, Glen 6. !\[ore than one per,..on m:iy t•oopt•r- of a surces.,ful food sale :;;pon,ored by the tine. This lust attempt which represented \laynard, l ~1a1H·1s :\luriarit;, \le" L1tz­ ate in drn\1'ing the l'nrtoon, pruvidf'd l'redit Commuters' .\"-.ocia.tion in the Home wan, Barbara P l11llip,.., and Betty SPde1·- b given to ull who work on it. a plan nuule by the .Jc''" thcm,clve,.. with Economics Room, :\Ian:h 12. gr en. 7 One pen;on, or j!;l"OUJ> of per,,ons mav the help of the Bnl1sh was more surressful. Re.--ponsible for the surre.s.sful event subm1l a:; many rartoons as desired. :\luny .Jew" nre Ill PaJe,,tinc toda; They \\Rs the Mmmittee in charge, composed Bud Fi ~h 11·as the mu,,ter of 1·eremonies 8. The cartoons mu.-;t be in black and have a progressive mot1 em umvers1ty, of Bett.' Seder1rren,'"' Leonard .Jolu1-,on, und and ,\Jex L1t1rnan, Clen :\Iayn111d, l'mm·is white, either penl'il or ink, four itll'hes Frnnre" Doul!;lns with the t•ooperntion of anti they h11ve brought newer and better - :\for 1ar1ty, and George parks were lus wide, by five 1nt'l1e" high. ull member,, of the oq.~anization. .\ gold 'E ass1~tanh. '\ot only dul the l(l'Ollp sho1\ g '\ame of cartoon de,,iguer i:,, to he standanls of livinii; lo the lund \lr \\em medal goes to Ec.l Hart for the nrom'.\tic clipprd to the r11rtoun when h:mdcd in, so thmks that Palc,.tine is thl' mo"t

). Saturday, :\larch for lu:s discovery of 12 Several of the b~st ca.rtoon,, with \I \ degree at Columbiti l'nive~it)'. Rb Dy means_ uf u Yolunteer rolle 1'lio~, r risp · j the names of the cartoomst.-. will be po,,te I . . . T ne1\ l'urta1ns already adorn t 1 ie Will(1 ows irage the g1 eate;.t. numbe1 of the 1,000 Birdseye in the hbrary tnunmg wu" receivt>d at tie1 .Jewish heo- and now the Commute1-,, unxiously look Radio Va1i ety slips \I l11ch had been con- 13. ,\_l) entne;, must be given to :\orma 1lop:i<'nl Senu~nry in Xe\\ 1 ork Cit):· Ile f?rwtircl t~ n t·umpletely rejuvenated ~Ior e I -- l·ealed in the Admuustrutwn Building. Howard on or before '.lurch 29 1~ 1101\ Rabbi at the Rutland Jew1:.h (enter Commuters Room B I RDSE~Y~E:__~~~~---:-~~---===-:-=--.::-:-~-- 2 T H E \}'EL PR CO CLUSJON IL ETTER TELLS OF C---!L FE/\ tate Normal chool, Castleton, Vermont ORGAN I ZATIO~ Once I ~\1 not long a~o chool I P ubllsb ed month l) b) the students of t he S tate '\ormal \ girl us old us I Thi,; exc·erpt comes from tht> letter of Sub~crlptl on p rice $1.00 o yenr. Her fo<'<' strnngely tw1,,tcd, Ion<' four-)'<'111 graduate or our ~c?ool L TheN' ,111 , -.adll<''' 111 her l'\ e unother It '" not \\ ntten for pubhrnt O(I, T H & ';T A FF und ,he may be very "urpn'>Cd to <.ee 11, but the rer1p1cnt frlt that ull or us could Edito1 in-Clue! Glenn llou.,ton She tm·d to "Pl':tk to ii;rE>et me Senior \.soc1ate Editor .•• TbomM Rice But [ couldn't unden.tund d1•nve help from h1tr "ugge,,tions, -.o htrt 1.:luabetb Heffernan, \'iota Perry Junior £d1to~ Her leJ!:" were wor-c thun u-.ele''• th<'\ are The'' nter ha.-. had ~veral yi:a" Sophomore Editono \·era Slack, LoJt·maa Cary JoM•Jthtne Hinckley. Jlnrolcl Gibb• Her urms held t•nppled hands. or very :;U<'<'C"-~fol IPuching to her crc-d1t Sports EJito~ BMbam Phillips nurl is a fn<'nd of many of thP uppercla_.. 8U'llOe .. !ll ~lanagrr \J,·e lUllDI! Manai:« Blanche i::oMiergrcu There ure tho'e '' ho',-e fou~ht in I\ ar', ffi('ll now at ca..... tlpton 8ul ~• 1J>lion ~lah<'T ;\Is iori< Stoot flpJ~n Hnll Tho~e \\horn d1s<':l"e has nmrred, Circul1Hion ~Isnl:\"t.. r . Those 1\ ho're hurt through t•urele._.,upss, Exdrnn11e Man!l1tt•r ~·rnn<'1" ~I oriarity January 1 , 1941 . ;\h'" lut~ K~lb Through •itnorunre are srnrred . "'I ou -.u)(Ke,.,te-ame' or COUN I "For tlw strc•ngt h of th<' Pa<'k Js tlw \\'olf, '\'ot drar, nor dumh, nor hlind huvr bec·onw more rffw1ent 111 many 11sy, .\nd th<' -..trength of thr \\'olf is thr Pa<"k " (one couldn't help 1l), but I find it t' 1i.. n1 rn LU\\ I 11ncl Thu::- \\rot<> Rudyard Kipling hi-. pO<'lll, "ThP of tlw That 1.111 u,e 111~ haml-.. fet·t to annlyzc the chan)(e. Perhup" thr only \Jrs. J ll np,IP " I .\s Cod hus nwant l :,hould rhun)(e is that 1 ha \"t' berome le....,, ben,itin This philof;ophy dew:- not apply to wolf pul'k" a Ion<' hut to thr Emplo.1 my m111d to help m.ankind to meaKer iu·hie\'enwnt u111l more williri~ .u:tt.trtwt' nwc- of lll<'ll in g<•tJC•ral a ... WE'il, and in partic•11la1 to any dPmonatH' In e1en tlnn~ that's itood to believe thut m)· 1>01,er.- ure bm1tetl ~IL: r<"-<'ll t ti nw mem h<•rs of t lw :-.chool sen at<', t hr rerol Eh1.aheth l\i-t•c·h. foil mg to ac·1·omph'h all that wa;, plann~ &.v.en> < fa<'11lt v and th<> prinnpal arl' plannmg a nP\\ "et-up for ,.( 11de>nt ~o\·ern- l have huriJt·ned nn-"-('Jf, too, again,,t w1-h· • ~ ('i..:-; mC'nl ~n whit'h grC'atC'r r<'spon,.ib1lity will rc•-.t \' ith_ tlw "tud<>nh ~ht:- I in)( de-perut<'ly that l might do wmethin( 1.&1ure ti too, \\ill bC' . or at lw~t mC'dtoc·nly, 11nlc•,.;,. tlwr<• is a A PRAYER ubout everv weak lmk I m the -chool Rmtn'mc radil'al rhange in -.tudC'nt thinking ,y,tem P1•rhap' I ,Jwulr<' are at t lw prC''('ll t tinw -.t udc•n t ... who <·on-.idC'l 1t an 011 t rugC', Some ho1ht of hi1d1 honm ', trnd ... c·holnr- ...ay that 1 hn\'e learned to ~ cJi,.,n•gard of ,c·hool rulC',., To th1:; f<>llc)\\ -.hip of cli.:;to1 (C'cl thinkrr,. it Home tulk of d1,,ti111•tion, mo ... t don't hut of mor<• important un,..een dutie,, F r \Ir. wo11lcl mnkC' no d11Teren<'1 \\ lwthc•r th<>.,r ru)p,. ''<'r<' arrt\'C'd at undN "omt• do, exnmple, if I ha\'e a hunrh that the ::.uper· "tud<>nt go\ C'rnnwnt or not \ncl "01111• tell or \'..,and B',. tlw\ h11ve intendent "rominK 1 give more attention Do,,-n t hrouglt the C'C'lll 11ri<>-. lll<'ll ha\<' leanwcl. oftC'n t lw hard \\ ay, macl<'. tu ha,;11i.t till' regi-tcr up to date, hu\'lnl that \\ h<>n any group, b<' thc•y I\\ o or a nulhon, In<' tog<'tlwr tlwy O\\ C' But I'll tnkr a(', it'.., a it<'ntlemun', Kr:ule. thr plan book m running ordl'r, and hu\'ln( thC't1 "un·n ul to Iii\\·,. of l'onduc·t :\l <>n ha\<' abo IC'arnrd, aga111 oft<>n the :-chool room in decent shape than to tlw hard \\H)', that \\h<'n a me>mlwr brPak ... thc•:-.c• rul<>:-. hP jeopurclizp,. "\" 11111J..,., from morning till bedtinu• j,., c·orrretmit vr,tenla~·.., papi'r.-. J haw not only hi' own '' l'lfarC' hut th: \\ <'lf~rC' of all ...... d111', _ _ found thut ll " n disappomtment to hr . , Le>t u" thC'n not IC't hl111d fnc•ncl-.lup ancl loyalty C'J~<·ou~a~C' \\C'lsh- B ''ork,..ull nucl111ght toh•11m,0111rthm!{ c·inight unprt•parcd for the pre,ent, after 1 mg ' ".lwn rul<•:-. ar_c• hrok<'ll hut l<'t us rntlwr ac'('C'pt tl11s '' 1 ~dom of tl~e .. ,, ne' • _ _ . , 1wndmit ull 111ght gettinit t•au~ht up ,,1th c·Pnllll'l<'" a11d rC'aliz<' that our -..c·hool go\c•rnmPllt ran only hl' as fa11 1 D work... 'nth th<' girl fnend alom• m tlil'Pa't Therearelot.-.ofhttlcthin~too and as JU st a-.. \\ c• arc• our.... c•h "': "fo1 l h<> .. t r<'11gt h of t lw p:wk 1-. th<' \\ olf... ~~~.~hude, , , · j 'ome of them perhaJh nothmg to be proud _ But ( doe,11 t 11ork, 1t s a ~entlPmt1n s ol, hut most of them helpful For instunre, DOE T HI MEAN YO ? gracli· lul\ mg 1wr..o1ml affa1f' ordl·rh .,, a big help LtffiR • · k I I · I I I I k ,, . tu :1 girl, ))('rhap::. more --o than to u man, L1 «' t w pro\ Pr )ltl c uun t 1al h 011 Y a ... -.t rung a" 1t" \\ c•a ·<>,t .. \ '' nt1•, hh l'\11111s at n ruriou-.. p•1re l ff b d t il 1 0 11 link, Pa<'h organization 111 this ::-;c·hool 1" oniy ns \llnl ns its incln1dual "B",.,c·ribhl<•slu-. ... tufT ,·ithn rrow or;hi~ l ll'<'aw,c;..ic· c·an got h tol a • ~tur h' 1 1 11 mC'mh<'r:-.. fuc·t> upon ~cltmg up ut t e u"t mmute .., e · f I I I I I I '> ] f ' fim!... that 'he ha., a run in her onlY -.tock- T 0 h O\\ many orgal\lzation-. o l w '<' 100 < o you ><' ong you "D" \\111rie' und freh, or hi' murk he',. · ehc•<'k you \\ill find yoursc•lf a nwmbr1 of al tc-a~t tlir1•r, you1 duss ufrnul, 111K"• or thut her huir is u hopele"" me"' • • J (' I I (' · · · Sul'h thmg.., sound trillini;:, but I have orga1l1zat1011, t l<' ommut<'rs or l H' t11c c•11t oop<•ratn <' .\ ,..so1·1at1on, "('" \Hiit" at t>nse, it'' 11 e::entlt•m:rn', f d . 1 11 1 1 and probably onr or mon• of tlw dub,.. I itindt- nun t iat ien t •t• da.'"' tnfi~ are "'° Ian\ ta H o\\' a<·t1Y<> a part do you takr 111 tJiP,t' orga111zatio11 ... " .\ r<' you an · Ih:llmomou ... ti... to ht• out of one', ron ... ciou-- 0 1 a.bvot c offic·c>r, a nwmber of a C'oi°11111itt<'<'. thr fn<·11lty acln:-or, or lll<'l'<:ly one• "\" t•mh. up 11 pior and at sophomore ~<·~~· ~ .c ha,.,~hc c•neri;o· nec·t•,,.....ary for the of tho'e idle• "PC'C'tators ''ho "a} nothing: at thr 11t<'<'ting hut who rant tlrool,, ' a)-~ iv; t.:1" ·,, It '1oulcl he more fun fl~l't to di aflC'r\\ ard about \\hat \\a" dmw, not "I>" get~ lnm 11 Joh 011 thP t•nd of ..,pade, 1 t houa;h 'llll"e talkm~ '' ith vou 111,.,t fall, t 11' H an· you n•ad 1t? So I'll tukr "C," it'-. a K<·ntli•nurn', )(rnde l have l'xpernnenkc•man, or fa<·ulty I , do more of the rout ml' work, like d1ct·kmg ad\'i,.or kncl\\ yo111 r<'sponsil>ility or your pOW<' t"' .\ rp you. ac·ting i11 .11,/ua/,Cforkso11 /11/1gmtn1, C'l111k,011 TN·h 1 up on who has Jltl"-'l'll m \\h•\t, et(., and your n~ht or ha-. any nwmhrr \\ho '' at<·lu· .... tlw ng:ht to t·ritH·J~<' you>0 have found that 1t ,...,1,·e,.. nw lot.... ol lime. H an· you a \H>rking plan that j.., H·ry <·fiwH'nl hut not pt O\ idPd for m IThnnb r111 the idea. yo111 eon:-.t1t11tion" If so, dianj?,<' your c·o11stit11t 1on lo make• it lt>gal. Eternal ecluc·utiu1111I 1-. the p11<·1• or l\\i,..htlmt I m1ghtsi.\yth,1l Ihuvl'rl'nlly .\nd you organization l\IPJllll('rs, \\hat don't you lik<• about tho~<' l>Pmg l' Pnhaps that n rv thmp; 1.... not kp;:tl BPtl<'r <0 llC'<'k upl .John H F111ll') -<1metlun~ more than ho\1 to rat1om\hze on it and do "onwthing about 1t tulk ll\\llY m\ dht1·e"" ut fotluu• Perhaps 1l is 11 11 1 1 Every organization O\\<'" it to 1t..,elf to tak<'<'k and dC'an hou:-.c•, ~ ' ~<'<' l'lln lo llllt' ''ho c•un n b;ul ~•i.:n that I 11m l'ontcut \1ith an 'OQ'rt lu 1 111 1 111 10 mentally and phy... H·ally I hro\\ 0111 wh·1t I' old and u,c•l<•,,. und apprC'- t. .' t HllNllHI-. ' tlunJ.. cmi• who I c·1ght gn11l1• '•tuation, anti thut lam getting . l t 1· I I II c• 111 ~~I' c1a l' an d ,., a I ) '" 1 <'~a y II<' nc•\\ . . "<'<'. to 1·on>-1dcr 1t "tup1tl to get d 1sl'ourngrd over .t I I ba l to the . A. crrt.a111 group 111. I 111~ ,.d1ool 1" <•<•1R1 d01 11g, you ma:'' h~· "C'l'loll,.1)' c•111 lmrrus.:-.<•cl 111, t lw \'f'ry J doinK 111'11 11 hutc•\•t•i you do, ,111 hout ti p:ipcn<, Uwn te,.(s alternalmK from \l ('('k lledfh,m nPar u urc· E'a< 1 your c·on ... t1t 11t ions an< 1 1><' prqrnr<'l1

Or . Pa u I Oo u ~ h 1 ss of 11 d111n111l1z11t 1011 pn· 1·1il<'d h) 1111' IA t lint of 1lw hcn1rd1111( m1·11 . I :nr ly 111 With ll11• Hurni 1·luh f1 H!t11 t, :\11 H1•l1•u f1•lfarm1, A 1 tunt ,..,tut,,i• Surx·1-v1 ,,r 11( M'\:l'nlh 1i:rnd1• ol lhc· I >n•1 H<'hrrol, H11tl11nd 1'1·hru11r;. It 1·011•f1!11l1n11 1111 11 p1np111•1 j 1111d Ill')' II nr. Puul Dn111i:l11s-; ol Poul! 111('11\ I fo1r11• E1·11111111w l1·ad1111g, rir1 "lltcd a f111 lht• So11h11111111p 1•111~ '1'111 dl'rtt1111 lru 111•1·<•11tl'd h.~ thr• 1111'11 . lwny 1111111• h1J11nl· hl'I of !Ill' l.1'1-t l"ln\11 11•, \\H' tlil' ).till'•[ tidk 1111 "1 f1J1t11• L1·111111mw m V1•rrn1mt ," I I i\I ~pc11k<•1 111 c·htqwl, l\ lnrrh 1 11 1' spok!' l11111 1111d1•r t ill' d111·1·t1011 ol :'111 • ll1•lfv 1111( t11dr11l 1(11v1• 11111.(j.(•' t1<11H! fm tl11· Fc·hru:uy 1111nnl, p:t1t1<·1tltllh 1111· l 111- a111·1·, 11dopl1m1, h1• dtl1 und 1111tr1t11m , of 1"1·l11u:1rv. ,\ l11t florn tlll' liv1·~ of 1·n1111111 tt 1·1· rm· P11t1·d tl11• foll11111trl( ~l11t1• ' er-it) of \ 1•1111011[ and '\nm H·h { 11ivl'1- J youtl1, nut! family firumr-1• a1ty I >1rk1•11 H, l,111111• 1, I 111cll11·1f.{l1, l•: d1~011, l.111- r1f 11llir1·1 C:1·11rl(I' Spark , C'J.111rrn:w; '1'111· last p1ohl1·111 she 1·1111 1cJcr1· l of Ja I l'(.(l"lalmn \1 a-. drfim·d hv I >r I ln111i:la-.~ l'oln, Lo11J{f1·llo\\ mul \V,1 lw11(to11 111•n• Fm1w1 ~l

l\ l rs. R uth Hewitt \1 oto11 1111s th1• s11h­ 111 11•mh11R. i:;pl'lllltf.{ 1111cl \\ nt1111i: 'l'<•rlr- jl'l'l d1,,rus.,('{l In l\!J-,, Huth lh•\\1tt fell 111'1 dntlrml(, h1111 mi.:, furnishmi.:, 1•q111prnent, \'hapel !!d\.. FPhruun 27 :-\lw tonk lwr lllfllll' of te111'h111i.: th< -1· auliwds hun· mr"Jll' 11 1 in-. rf'rrt·atwn, rwraonnl r11rc, nud1<'111·c on 1111 1111111i:1111'r)' 111tlk tl1111111i:h 111'<'11 Ntuolml Ii,\ tl11 Sophnmon· 111 (')uld SE IORS E.\' I ! 1"J111·ataon, 111111 r1•1.di11i.:. l111• str<'Ch of llll' nlltlli:l' Siu• 11111-t 1:1t 1·rl a11rl C11rrlf'11l11111, \\ l11rh mneh· oh'f•t\"lltj..( 011(,'-tl11rcl of tlw umormt pnnt for fomg C'u.... lll'lnn', lll'a11t1ful l'Olo111:il or Vf't)' good eJr,. The r1•ason for th1 ~11 "-'l C'o:iti;s, ~Ir s l'arroll, 11dd111g 11 11t11e- 11r1"111tct·tur1• thruu1-th Ow q I'' of ;\IN .1r1• lack of rnon,.y, poor l.(ar lcn.-,, 1gnor rnrc, TI E LY l TER\ ED <'t1t11 th) tl111 le tl11· l<··I 1\'lt11 s, nnd lw•tly, I-J e,\ltt wu,., 1nd1•t·d 11 thoro111.(hly 1•11jo\'ahl1 un 1ind 11 don't can utt1tu.Je. Thn teachnr, 1111 1·at1111o( too, \11 Jlnl1•, 0111 d1amp1on experien<'<' .\ltss Le •lbrnn s1wl, can r"T1 co11ra~ e h')ol It Im- ah\U\' ' b1·1·11 1111' pnlw~ of the· food t.u•ti•r "he II "lwlt'-lwart•~lh· a1.:rr.· [" J • t 1 111 1·111 · irard1 11~, ran teach hO\\ to rnnkc ~arc! C' rc-, ,11·1"l'.\1· to 1111\·n·it•\\ all\ nu ' : • 1.: 1tll uf the dad ,1111! nll of tli<' 1•11ke"l 11 ••rco "' l\ l r . Clay ton En1 in uuthorit\· 111 urn· fil'lcl '' lu·111•\ l'I tlwv 1 1111<1 e m ha\•' a l1fJt hmrh prol.(rnm · • ( ' ti , . ·, d1•lu• 11111 ~. G111111•s ""'" plnvel'll t Cl ('11111\' 1ll :I' I' 1Oii , 'llrfllll , Supermtende11t of Ludlcm "l'hool,.., ;\Jr. 011thnu11.( the n••xt hn!cst £''.l:fl nd1ture, C'olnrll'I J[Paly \Ill' 110 1•x1·1·pl1011, 1111d l'ancl~ )ltlll'Ol 111·n• riro\' 1111•.J for tire \\lnlllll~ En' iJl has mul'h l•• g1\ <' to pnb11t·<·lin• 111• 111,.nt10111·d the 't>-1 eii:pcn-c for cloth­ cl1·-pitl' tlw fud thut h1• hnd 11lr<'11th' l1~11111111rl 1111li\1du:d \\'11td1 for tl11• ll<'\\- lend1er-. at drnpcl i\lim·h a, on tllC' loptr lt -nrpri-mi.: to note that m n .rder, 1111s11 f'r1'«l 1 r111klc' 111 11 <'ll·pliu1111~I l1111e•l1t 011- 1 rupe 111111 at till' t•u111·lu-io11 of hi, h•e •ltll<', th1• pPllt mon• tlllln "omen, due i.o lhc co-t ~et't'ial qtw,. tions of Loot- 1111d out-1 bru-h their doth111~ nncl hnn~ 1t taUJ!hl memher-. of th1• ... tun \I t·n• to ha1·1· tlll' lll'llt·r than 11 "11111\ 111' Jlll<'lmr.'' rhool Keepmg " 1ttle i.h.a. honor of 1nlt•rvil'\\ ini.: the• ( 'olnm·l, anrl 11, mi to bt usual tlw .J11111or mPrnlrL·r- 11ut-t1dkPd tlw ab~ LETTER TELL 0 F 11 ho,1 to 11u1ko home- more attructlvt.' by tlw "· · I I 11• I 1." f Ilb I ORGANIZATfO Jll'l ('(1nt11111t• lo t<~ic· 1 t trut n ban to \Y1th kar aud tn•111lih111(, till' .lu111or tlw u-t• of rolor, room 11rmn:.:emc11t, and i b:id .uzt . I I II I. r rt I I 1·-t1111at1011 1111i-t lt~1.1·lu·~ do tt11,., but he (Cont.anucd from pup;I' 2 ) ('tI 1tor" 11µproai· I 11·c I ( 11 •• 1111 ra \ o 1 1 lnml-c:1p111J..: .\lorl' "ork n<>e A"kt> I one l'nn't take 1·are of the pit-.!'!' I 'vt• Sl~1tc,.. ,..houle ruon> this hemisphere ,.tumid be u' m11• 11t1tio11 . editors pcrnu,,.,11111 to quot!' l11m. at eurh partil'ulur llmt• find thnt 11.... little ..., ...,'.? per fomil) IH'f'uding. 11}? tfie lj.! too, and 1 de1 ive much ple11surc from being By Hoanling ;\lt•11 :-:;tudenls 2.10 2H 14 ENIOR T EAC HL G .e rheckl!il with them, c,·en on lhe du), 1\ hen m) • etr .. 3ll Fall ;.Hd-Scmcst<>r .\verngc 2. 13; Pnrt- l'ommut 1111i: J\len only uch1evemenl ,'ms to have hl'C'll CHED LE t.• of IUD! Time 2 i>6; S£'111or' 2.3 l ; .Juniors 2..13; 8tudt'nb '.LIO keep11114 them in 1 ea..,mmble order Tire) Sophomo1 es 2 11; Frc,,hman 2. 13 Boarding \\"omen Ru tla nd ireteall) like me uncrnl S.:1l'lll't' \ lbcrt Dauphin iap> 1t 1> Pl11hJb IIott"l' ~Y ou're lucky to have a fireplace al your Lmcoln, Grndrs 3 anti -1 Cuth ;\fommty with an 'tutlc11h 2.h2 2.b9 25 Lincoln, Grade 6 ,\ ht•e Carpenti<'r boardmg place (even 1f 1t docs take you By G roups n getting Leu vrn'' ort h !louse Dnntl, Gmdc 5 :'>hry FnryniM.G baC'k to lhe 'tr1£'trirval1l<' gone') A poor· Ht udrnts 2-13 2.53 u av,ed over l\Iid- Park Street, Grade,, 5 unt! 6 ;\J En!;nn hea t111g :.ybtem 1:> one of the things I ICommutmg Student" 2.35 2.50 6A 1g need· Semc:;- Semm>- % of East Pou ltney Yl11uge ;trugghnt mildly di;,like about lh1s plul'e- r don't ter tct Iner ' P ('ITCnlu~c on Deun's l'ppcr Grades Hnrold Gibbs ion, tbfL like dre.-.smg at 32 degree..,! 1 was brought School Average 2.43 2.55 l 9 L1.:>t 12 15 roni "'eei Fa ir Haven up on cold bedrooms, but ut least we <"ould ~ ! e n Students 2.01 2. 10 17.6 Pen·entuge on Probntion 14 6 [ concec· 3. 7 Prrl'mlugc lncomplctr 7 Helper lo Supt Sllll'S Thomu,; R1re dash to a 1\arm spot for dre.~-mg!" Women StudC'nls 2.46 2 57 4 T H E BIRDSE ~Y~E~--~~----=-=------~-- - ,___ 1_>_a_ ·_r_1_E,_s__ J-.1 BllE\'lTtES SPORTS fOR WOMtN srORTS fOR Ml~ __ I It ,..e!'m,.. tlw "ptll ty-producrrs" tale '-ormu Bu1l<·~ uml \\ nm tu llull 11tl<'nd- I L- ====--...;:;:=:....------· - e\'cn· udn111lu.1:tr po-.,.ihl<' for having surptu., ed mloI a regu ar party ~in t I. R. ' 1 nfl<'1 3 IH't•b' "t udl'nt l<':whm,g The Athleti< A&,01·iullo11 i... tr~ mi;t tu Boy ... wus ti hard earned over-time lnump ,.11011 ,m<'.'trtt Ph1lhp.., "'Jl<'llt lust WP<'k-C'11d ti r On Sout gaul<'d· Ol'C'r l I1e G reC'n an d Gold of L,·ndonJ itli 1•>-.. ·thu I lmrkl<•_y tl" <· ha1rman c·ope "1th the problem hy hu Vlll)( . '<' l'U - 11 1 m Buil111irton II" it i;tut•st of l\lrs. .June I10\L" "port:,, munuj.(crs muk<' u sUIV<'Y of In t.hi,.. 1·011test the cu~tleton qurntet To start tit<' fun, II fn•e-for-all volley \\'illmd needed ,.pm·ts c•qu1pnw11t for lll<' "sp11ng pltiy<'d some of th<' brond of hn.skrtball bull game "a" playc•d Thr Sophomore:, " f~.ctlflon SI '[' 11<• GIP11hrnok hm.·s huv<' adopted u I II I t l deluge." Budmmton, has<' >!l , UIH <'Ill 1-. that has been thrilling the erm\ds all brut. lhc• F1c.o;hmcn, hut 111 thrserond game :J follt'J?e Int• ... l'Ut "ho kl'<'P' 11ntrh of th<' G!<'n :ire probably 11<'11 tnkPn r111c• of. hut thr1c• trn~ ,,rnson and ulso a brund that "ould g1vc thr .Junw1" do\\IWd U1r Sophomores. ! ID {.rown "l11le lhr hoy" a1 r 11ltend1111( rlll"-'<'s 1 he has hrrn :-.ome d1sc•uss1on of h111ldmj.( up 11111 t•ouc·h nii:thtmarcs and fal li ng lia1r Bud I· 1-.h, as most<'r of ceremonie:i, rnt hn" br1•n I l)(htrull~ t•h1 isl<'ned the arehery equ1pment Homr :-:I\ th('r!' Ju the O(l<'llillj.( ::,tan?ll, the Golden Hord<> prc,.1drd Oli('r the dunl'ing und Mr. Srott r " ll om<'1 ." b no rail for thul »port, 11h1h• oth<'l's looked u,. 1f th<'\' hud an easy triumph und rullrd off tlw "Bo-ton Funq" l'lorn Do11 tt•r<•nlly 'P<'nt th<'" rPk-<'nd mnmtum thcr<' "ill b(' n p:rcat <·ull for it had the· gum<' 1111 111 the lmg. The game :\t 1,, (,,, ulcl, 11 ho ''1th lwr u.-,ual Vim "ith \ ll)(lllltl Hl•nC'han ut h<'1 homP an The members of thl' ,\ A Co111u·il ''ould sN•mrd to hr "ell under ronlrol nt the and \. ilnhly put tllC' party O\'C'r, de:-crve:; \\'lt1tt· H1v!'1 .Junrt1on like student opinion" 11 011 ma111 of \'OU 1tu1r 11 ith th<' ('astlrlon five 11ell out 111 mud1 1·omnwmlut 1n11 Tl10 :\IJ,_,,,., hPll) , l ~ 11t1ld, \\'il!,on, I I I 1 to front 2C'J- l Th<' Lyndon bu,..kct<'<'rs Hdn..... hnwnh of hot 1·ocou ond Ritz Anll(l'nn nrnl .Jum<·' lknton ulkutled the 1>la\ ar('hcr:v? How mmn wou 1 1.. e k11011 ho''" T hey ha'e IC'fl 1t up to ~011 c·nm<' bud, 11 1th a hane: m the lhircl quarter c·r:H'k<·rs \\ ('r<' thc• l11ghlight of lh<' eveninit h \'Nmont H,·mphony Conr<'I t 111 Hutland, T he A \ "ilhni;t to hu), if you :tr<' und idutt lt·d U\\ ll)' the C'a.-tleton lead and The Jlonw Ec·onomu·, room 1s being l'C'h1uan 23 ,,Jlhnl! to play IH'nl mto a ,IJm lead of their 011 n In the kf'pl oiwn und hu-.y \11 th rntertnmmi: and \\ 1• "<'lrnmc• had.; llc•l<·n 1'1111( and tlr<' fiual tl'll nunutc·, the Ca.,tJcto11 qumt<'t from nil n·port" thnt <'ntC'rt.nllltn!( b !!l:n t< '!'<' lla• rnp1d pro~r<"-'' I11 Im' ma< Ie At n reeeut A A C'ou1w1I rn('('h11)( 'U)(- J.(nt hai·k 111 to 1·ontrol onre :u~am and thl· hc·c·n \ !'n ,u< <'<' ....,fut ,.,1111.<' lll'r uc·rul<·nt. ge,,.twm• "ere made for huyinp: a 11<'''I 11 " (>r111g Burham .lmll'• '3!1 hl•t·anH• thr hrtd<' of p11t1!; pong table and du('k pin,.. for ho11 Ill)( fiuul ,, f ,!' found the row1t l..notted at "°'' :\lurrh .._ l1<'r<-. can't be too Luun·m·<• Canfidrl m Hpt mi:tfil•ld, l"rhnio?) to ha\'e at the Gnn. ,\,., \Pt 110 at'limi 10-10. Thi' nr1·c-. ... itated a three-mmule for lwhmd unmcnt. and funl'ltoned on oll five and st'ored <'lght Don't tell me you'vt• fori;totten the very The n·mummi;t nffw1•1,., of t he Hurni Club The boys' ba.-;ketball teum i,hould be pmnb to garner the game -11'>-10 Frnn enlertainml( purly given bJ the rom­ have he<'n C'lertrd 111111 nil' \ IC'<' PrC> ...1d<'nt, congralul~ted on the fine )l!ltn<' thry l\ loruu 1ly 's h1,L(h point of the rei;tulat1on mull'I.,_? Although llw gtune between the Ehzuhrlh I IPITNnu11; Hc•1·rrtun, Huth pluyed again::;t Plymouth Truc·h<'rl'' C'oll<'ge gamr 111th sixteen pomb ('Ul!;Cd nil four ho.rd fighting hoy,.. from Lyndon and the 1 lnndrrs; und Trehed ' . .\.'llfl'lC' tlllll(.'(I the· "('li•UI' 1111 part-tum -.tutlent" .'.\lerildn Gmgru-., ond \gne ... cro ..... man. to•l·r.. . Thi' "harp-,.hootmK <'JC" of Tuple, hv ~1..,.. \\ nKht of ('u.. tll'ton '\ormol and at 11 d<'"''1t part\ !'1111rd:1y, :\lnn·h I The\' have been try111)( lmrd 1uth Mime und .ludkm, 1·ould not be 01·errom<' h.\· the :\Ir \<'rt 011 Het.. I of l'u1r lla,·<'n \\ 1: lt<·ar :'-lr llou .. to1 1·011,.umNl lhegrt'llt<'r enrouragement to huve a luri;tt' and lmul 1·oml11nC'd l'ffort' of the "hole Cu,tJC'ton (. rt(ht for the -.ue<'t'" of the j1Jbilant pa1 l ol thl 1111:1:1'<1 11ut" " eheering ,ed1on al ba... 1..ethall )(UllH',.. . U)(Kn•gutton n111l ufte1 )(C'ltmg !l\\ a\ to a part,. go<'" to Ilt·len Burk<>. Huth Goddard, Thr Juium du"' lt·1-. 111·1·1·plt'e • tomgl' TENNIS GOLF Ca cleton , \ t. IIE.\T PO\YEH Telephone 20 Cleo 0 . Mor e BADMINTON 11 GEO. LOO h.LR, Prop. .. at --- NO\'AK PRINTI G CO. MARGARET' hot r ... Garmcnl• Cold St. •aqt BEAUTY SHOPPE II I, Cl" • Ht1>

- --- -~. .,.. THE BIRDSEYE =====,,--=-~ \ ol \·Jn . tatc Korrnal SC'ltool, Ca~tleton 't, Tliur:-d1ty, \ pril 17, l!Hl ). 0 I Joint I. R. C. Meeting f Superintendent Tells On South America I Of Ways To Get Fired

Tiu• C'asllplon 1111C! Gn•pn l\ lo11ntt1111 Mon: t<·ad1ers lose t i1P1r Jobs tl1mugh .J1111io1 ( 'ollC'gt• l n!C'rnatwnul HPlut 1011 s 11111b1lit) to get ul<:nnt1·1ulc·11t C1·111 g1• aud 1(... 1d:itton to tlil' l 111lt•d :-.tatt·­ Pattl'r,..('('l·h 1111d ~ a11i.:h·- C1t·t·n :\Iountai11 p1t•,,t·11tetl 1lu · hr t•rnphus1zed h1.>o point 1111 h 'torn·- of afllltt rult11rnl ancl politiral a"'(Wl'h 111111 (':i,, tl1•- 1!"11'!wrs "ho hud taught for l11m tun, th!• ,.nr1:il :ind ei·onomi<· s1t11:1ti1111 s, OnP of the be."l \1 :I\'" for tlH' l>l'gt11111ng t1•arht•r to lose her positwn 1,, to a-...unw f-inuth \ mC'll<'an <'Ultllrt', 110111 0111 th1• ultituclr that sC'hool affairs un• no pmnt of ,.it•11, h not a" l11~hh dt•vPl op!'d 1·01H0 l'rn of the parent... \ 11othtr 1·qually n• our m1 n. Out edurnt1011al udv:int•1KI'• good WU) I'< to ignore thC' 11dv11·t• of the ur i::u~1t!'I, although lt'<·t•11th IJtllll •!'hnol bou1 cl or the ,.UJll'l'llltl'ndC'rll The \mrru·:111 1•ot111triC',. b'l\'<' ' 1t 1"1.. I ·1111:P SPRING 1941 \'(·r~ · lw,t 11 :iy of bt"ill(( fiH"rl'h nl :1... >111 1111111' t hi' :-un :-wm;.:-. 1101 t 1 p:iri-nn of t h1 n rt-. m •"<•Ut 1 \1111·111 ·1 111 . • . · 'I'! I I I . ll)' To quotr , upC'rint<'ll(·dnt Puttn-.on, :ten tlw lmt<·d• ~t·1tp,,,.• h o\\NI t I1 at tu·I y Jl"'-1 a11cl :-pnng dnfh tt\'f'I' l.111opt'. \•m arnl :\orth \nl('llraI . · 1ro11gf 1 I t 1e•C'I 1:111 ":\o Oii(' (•\·C'r got mto trouble hy not ) I fN hghtN, g:1n·r thmg,.. t I111n 111" 1I o. I'prirw . ~ Ur) 11 m doo i: ht• l'llC'OUl :igt•ci through ma"OZllll',.., I'll( 10, . . . f . l I . . l thc da.\ m conference.-. 11 Ith thC' vanou" . ,... d!•(•p . 8pnng, trnd1t1011nl ".nnhnl of uwttkC'llllll!; Ii<', 1• l.(l'<'l'tl'1 t 11" m1) •lletoo nnd lllO\'I('• • f l I ~ea1 1•l:t... ,..C',.. on the practical ;.1c11• of lt•urhing I) · cl l 'd I (' ll\· dt>:ith and prrpamt1mh or 1 P:1t 1. ~ lb~ Alht•1 t aupI nn an ~ '' :u1 11rrn11 r. l r-. Pnttcr-.on, who at•companiNl her hu... hand to ca,..tleton, ga\'e till 11lu.-.trated ch-1·u-.•(-r ('OUnllt',.. 111 111d11 f.!: Soul h l :::upl•rtr1tennt Patter-.on Im,.. h:1d n \nll.'Tll'tl l'Ollllllt'T!'laih· \\a'·~·l'd rour ~tudC'n t clPl!!l!;/l t ''' nnd t \IO faculty Commu111lr1 Donald B. .:\l:w ~I 11!:111, n ·1 111tere-tmg hfe ~or •01111· yea"' lw It 1... hard to -.:l\' ~' hcthc·r GC'r 111am·· or Ill( mber:< altC'ncll'-t!'m for the tenC'l1ing of numbrr rom­ . , . ' k (' t f \ JHil ll11!;h Ht•lmol, I ncluy I April l " r b11111Uuns m the lo11er grudes. ej~! nd\'t11J tal!;e or the hlan Bi•11 nrc upper du,,man, for I he time I l'f1 1 ophon c11e a11<1 .l'OI 111 .1 n 1 l"on Tl•1 l- the· Eu1opt•anI rou11t1e;, Ill the :>QClll 'mnn :'111!'.•e,.' :'l lomll :111d :'llarkham otlwr foi 111 , darmg exploration-. aml ha,, 1·ome when the 11l'('-gn·t•11 frc·-hm11n,. ot lt)( 111 -.riC'nt1fir 1t•,cml'l1. are to ... 11011 their ,..uper--.upt·rwnty. arrompanie, the Convention s<·hool':s ol-hman. Pilotin~ tl11s t· 1•omn11lt(•e t•on•i,..ting of BC't ty Sc•d<'l(r t>n, - attl.'ndcd the vunoth pam•J, wlueh dis- ufTmr ,.. l:ileen Eaton, the general ch111r- 1 Hertha JI1ll(·kln, Fram•is .:\lo1111111\, and d .t I l 'OOJJt·i· 1t 1, 1• • t·olll'"<' t•ur- arc t ho,..1· of 111 t ('l<',..t to elementar) tt•:u·lwr,.. ('\l•'-C ,.. ut en t • "• " mnn The dark deep-purplC' "<'<'rC't of t hC' Plullip Kt>ll\' und !'hu1rman .J 1nw- :-itt·t·lt· m·uln; per.-onal :idvM•nwnt ; rnmp!»-1t1on l .Joint I:n~hrpr<'tt'r of PattC'l':-nn of \ (•rgr11ncs "Art," in rhn1gr uml rnmrruls is to be pla111w!lJH'I' !ins n duty of r.11,.,. Lm·i Donn<• of Hutlnnd and l\ liss F1~h It has been rumorC'cl thnt out >-icier:; Thi• Bit dsC\'t' 11 i"hc•s lo ofli<·inll)· gi\'lng to studc>nt...-. an Ul'l:urut<• t1Pcou11t of Jani.' Luhutt• of Bridport; '\atural 'eiem·c un• ,..trugghng to get to tlus d11nC'r but 1t l" 111•lrome D1 . . rtorerJC·(' HulC' and to hni>pening:> in ... t·liool hfl', a ... ti part of the un ull ex<·lu"ut -.II!' will lt'uYe 11 ich the fri1•111l-hip ordc•r to be effert1ve. "Oeoi.:rnpliy,' Mb.-. :\1:11'1-(aret L. 0'Ari£·n Ibuy your invitat1om. early uml urni<'llklllJ.( Fri- Hutlnnd llif.!:h 11ncl Mcldon G11·ls' Gl<'c l(tlrdinf.( detail,. see the rntun hull!'l111 ,rt t<•urhing profc,.ston. regular tcarher l>tarled h 1ptare 1l Senior Associate Editor ...... • ...... Thomas Rice It was u lovely April morn mg 111th di-.­ (9\1P1 ,, b ...... • ...... • . . .EUinbeth Heffernan, \'iota Perry speaking and immediately jerked me out of b aff more Junior Editors tinrt s igns of 8pring beginning to :,;ho" on • hIt ti Sophomore Editors ...... • ...... \'era Slack. Lodemia Cary my duze. W ith the de,-k holding me up '<'\'< cd the reception room 11 here Supermtrn- . . . . d" particular das.-,. A ,..w·pnsmg thing ~:II La· done on<' dent S<'holtz was I10 lei 1ni:i; au 1en<'c. i, 1nd th:il i> the I. THE PEN AND THE SWORD "Good morning, Sir," \Ill'- the original OC'C'urred ho11 c,·e1, the pupil.., actually I ~,,";trill Titlec.I ,. I a l knc\\· their l<'"'-011. After ''hat seemed a pe<>ple are" For centuries men han' gli bly quoted, " The- pen is mightier lhan salutation o f emor P ,;yrI 10. ,, r,·er h < . · · · d l -~. · drrudfullv 101111: time the mornrng pa,,_ed lo tlie vn his voH"e 1wen :-.o msp1re ant ne' ._ 1 111 • ...1rred and J·u,I •1s T was about to "dive" into the sword." If this is true why th0n do men periodically lay asid0 th<' I l ,iholl grateful l his four \'cars of glee dub "ork h a( 11-. I '· 1 • pen and pirk up thr sword? Can it be that somewhere along the line • 1m lun<"h l felt ;.omethmi:i; ookmg at S!l'i th:il m:in~ voice, 111 a ;.inglr phra;.e, touched "o man) m~ sneaking a glance T found it w:is e:lll' that 11e " the pen not only faib but t'YC' n <' rrs to such an cxtenl that the sword ortave,.. He wa,.. off to a corking l)('gi.n- agam those same forty little eyes. Soml'- 1 utlind. but '~ becomes a nece:::sity. ning. ho\\ I \ms no longe1 hungry. ,.,.'eh!l:: 01Jy ml Directly arro"" the room an immense In the afternoon the teaC'he1 a::-ked me It 1- the -up to te:tch the eight grades a ,,ong. Sitting History is crowded with exnmples of tlw folly of the pen because figure ~ prang from a chair and lumbered l!:hnd net'udenl !Um D11le11,, " song lo be learned wa:; in the key or 0 and ' I t; PatnJl UI \. Srholtz was proselyting. • hipping p,yc-ho \Yr ha\·e to look bark no farth0r than 1919 to see that the s\\·ord would I would be able to play 1t with both hands. 3. )f, -1 n[ the l soundly on the bnC'k, Supenntendent I thought I play ,,uperbly only to later again rise to dominate the \\·oriel. ' hl1t> Scholtz boomed, "Good morning young find that u ten year old girl could pl:iy • fi.-..•,inP-hO\\eJ t The pen, man, ~o i:i;lad to scr you- why youi the lik.c a :-.eronpt"" Today the sword flashes in eYery nation of the world. I wa,, eomplctely di,,rouragceord " .ell, gues" what . . those smart bci rdi:ind :me here, just like yours. Why, he told me little farmer C'hildren learned it. Such ran ? ll\>'1 ular than ~ opportunity. \Ybat is to pre\·ent it from failing again. only this morning that he could get more my day :-.o I \Wilt home half contented and 11 • that he b • ti · k f half di,rontented. It wa~ not until late I h 11 t uld 0 The answer, obYiously, is nothing unless within th<' hearts of the money e;.eI wlere wo n t un · ~it t1e beitiruun;? tearhing for anyone but me. I know, that evening that I decided \\ hether for ~aj by prople nation's leaders is an undying determination that justice shall preYail better 01 for wo1.,,e I woul you ran be in the hearts of the people. happy and contented." COLLEGE ORCHESTRA Rapidly ronsulting his black note-book, PERFORMS CREDITABLY R. P.\Ll DOC America will haYe n.n important part to play in the writing of the Superintendent Scholtz continued \\ ithout TO HE.ill a hitch. ":\ow let me »Ce, I have just the 1 W ith the tap of the baton all was next peace treaty. Is it too much to expert that the teacher of today school for you, it's a ht tie back m the lulls l :-1lent. Then came the ,.trams of Gluck'> D- Paul F. Dou prepare the \\·orld for tomorrow? If we fail at this our children will sec, but a fin e view and fi11c pcoplc-uhn1y:- O\'ERTl"HE to IPHIGEXIE en ArL­ said the l wo went together-<"alled the IDA. - "' IL• -tu.lea as we ha,·e, the world again ::it the point of the ,:;word. _, lhyh1- Wide:icre school- ncare:,,t boarhury College orrhestru under h J pft'.1d~r a.bout four miles but t hat!> nothinJ?; to a the d1rert10n of Alan C:nlN, OIH'e again l'-1\y, "11~-limt:> husky you11g fellow like you-use ti Berlin. Although the physiral plant doesn't determine the product of a :> Paul DougJa.,, thirty children next year-Qh ~·e,., <>f Con<'c>to Eol. in C :\ltijor l"on,..htuted the school, the 20,000 appropriation made fo r a new hrating system at coun;e you'll take rare of tht• j1111itnr mnin program of the evening. The IC.d a mfmbt>r ,,1 ~'Alli Junior Co Castleton X ormal chool will be gI'eatly appreciated. work-foe-building ek.-rather 11d1vc P performan1•e and interpretation of eurh T . A. in the ;,ehool \I hich you 1nll n-.~ume numbe1 \\as ex<·rptionnlly ,, ell done under R• '~ a m•nibt>t 5:!i'.lt11 e- at ' For a f0w years back it has been difficult to heat the school building leadership of -the community cxped" the ex<·cllent (•onduding of ?llr. Carter the teacher to take a lrading role 111 the As mus1(" appeals to e\•cn· one dilierent­ "'id L• a JU>\lte ,: adequatC'ly. I n order to make the building comfortable at all, it has ,,ocutl life-former teuchrrs have staycd ly the program wns "ell arranged a» , st pre-. taken much physical labor and effort. Th0 1ww heating system will week-ends and taught Sunday school follow,;: - I· 'ICj\(• f pre..umeyouwillbew1llmgtodo the,,:.uue. O\'ERTl'HE to IPIIIGK\IE en Dr n. 1 ~ :1.." "iL­ be mor <' economical. Again upcrintencl ~·oung l\1r. Alvah Collins, who 1s 111 1·hargP of C. '\. 8. may proudly boast of 11 Grad­ e; ,;;ilor, 11 ho i-. 11 :ut ing lo takC' a ... 111p hu<"k .\nwtt<"an a<'tres'<, ll"ill pn•,C'nt a HhnkP­ , I to f.n~lund, told of his <'Xpl'r1e1l<'Ps :;iiwe tlw Civilta11 Cm.-.c•n·a ( 1011 C'orps ramp" uate• 11 ho has lal('ly }w('n mak111g 11<•11·,.. spl'alPan Program in the auditonum on the 11 :ir bej!;an in 1\):3!), and of t hr 1•cmcl1- 111 Poult 11<'' \' <·rmon t, spoke i11 <·liarwl m thC' Burlmgton papC'r" JI 1s populanly thC' en•nmg of \pr1I 23 Mis" llutd11n~on t1ons m Lontlon, I\ lm·h are r<•ally not a" in ttw Fu1r Haven vic·mity 1s long; lh<• has nppPuiC'd 111 many Brnad11ay pm· TuPscl1l\ tlw <'ighth, 011 llw problem of had a" the p1l'tun'" would il'ad us to lw­ ~~url ions uwludmg; "Lacly Be Good" and c·onsc•1Tat ion t hro111.d1ou t the l 111 lrd Ht a ks rPno11n of h is c·ulmnrv c·rC'at1on" (popc·orn, he1·e. I n the fii'>-t pla<'<' 1t 1s llw slum>- 11[ Thr ) Pilnw .J a<' kC'l · " "<'Ii<' I lUS p l U) ('(I II<' sprl'ific·:dls mC'ntio1wcl flood c·o11lrnl hotclogs and hamhurgPr-.) ha» nugnwntNI London 11 lm·h arr mon• hacllY clamagC'cl, '-llJlportmg role., "ilh Walter Hampton and the "reond pl:H'l' 111thi11 t l11C'e hour" in ,.C'nnon l and the fart that C'ust IC't 011 the· popul:mty. Frnnk Carven, Chal'lt•s ('ohurn, Grrgm~ I'- the normal s<'hool 11 hil'h is lor·atrd To sC'rVC' his pre,..c•nt ambition, thC' rrerylmj!; i:- <'l<•mwd up. Paloff and 1\lnrj!;tllC't A nizlin · fir,,( rxpe1 iE'IH'C' 11 hH·h he had 11 as on a<·qui,..ition of a ~ l a,..(N'i< dc·gr<'-lanc·e lo 11 md and c·lrnracter:s as lfo.,altnd, .)uliPt, Laci, 11eather) the trailer ,..[ands a couriosity, England, :tnd that I:< lhr hrpak1ng down of l\ ladklh, Cleopatra, and Po1 lm. Y<'HI, a11d 111 o hundrl'd m1llwn n<"res .are thr (']a,.., :-,yi-t C'm T1tlc·d 1wr,.,on:11:i:<·" and n1111C'd 1>,· e1 rNon Due to ero,..1011 1 lw near the rollegc• <"ampu-;. fts limited thr <·ommon peopl<• ar<• 11nrk1ng to gl'lhr1. lop "011 has b<'en rC'duc·ecl from nine 111rhc" "pare is rC'plC'te 11ilh lhP e"sentials of ba<'lwlor dornestH·Jly: a bunk, a i,tove, He 1efeurd to tl1C' Lc•nd-L<•a,..<' Bill and EA TERN-ST ATE S to fin• 111c·he-. al t lw p1 C'.,rnt time hoohasPs and UC'sk 111th typp11 nter and l,, -pokl' of how grateful Lngland is fur its INSPIRE H NDREDS l\Ir. Collins as,;istNI by onC' of t ht· <·hair,;. pa ... ,.n~e. and that mnn) Arnrri<"nns think (Continue(! from page 1) nwmhl'r,.. or t hC' ramp sh~\1 ('(} a mo,·1e 8m·h !>par·e as '" lhw' unoc·c·upicd tint! it means that 11 e \\ 111 ha,·l' to ;.encl enlltled Tlw Ili\•p1. This moviC' feulurecl flaunts knll'k-knac·k:- C'Xprcs,.,i\'c of their men lo Englund, hut ,,\w doc" not nl'ed the l\Ji,,..s1pp1 H1vrr, tlw 11 atc>1 shed Gro11lh",tated: "Aµ;oocl i;oC'ialprog1am 011 ner's per,..onality: a \'iolm, pu·turE's of them as she ha>- onl) ndkd about half of around it and thC' damage thul ha" bec·n .\"1J l!;I\'<'·' tonP to the sehool. lntc•lligC'ntly Santayana, 1Iisc·ha E lman, Thomas \Yolfe; ~· her men. lt 1.- llw : C'ontnbute !\ Ir. Harry Dil'ken>-, 11 ho 1,.. lwad of the 1wt ium• out of th(' ahstrnl't " C'onsC'n·atio111st, 1\ lr Collins and the a v1lr1t'gul<•tl 111te1pretntwn of 1l. !'itale :-;afety Patrol in \' rrmont, spokC' on On f'ltl 1mlay, summarie:. of thE' stuclrnt moYiC' stressed the loss of man\ lives clue LikP his personalil.\', tl11" young man',, Apnl 3. ;\Jo,.,t of t hl' t inw wu,; takE'n up p:uwl ~ and srrtional meeting,. for th<' I lo l'areh•,..,nes" an-. farully mC'mher,; c·ompleled the eon­ in ,..mall \. rrmont sC'hool,,, he ha" kno1\ n Jd to Poultney Con'-<'rvat10n Proje<"h for e • The fir,_t one :-howe-. fador in the Conference set-up. One fart that he brought out in his The Ba n quet and Ball The Birdseye h:1s sPt up the followmg talk at the begmning 11 a,.. thut tl<'<'idl'nts SOPHOMORE I An C'Xrellent menu was prc•pared [01 regulatwns for pa.-sinl!: the years work. are caused by people 11 ho <' !'•sues to go the following outh 5 and 6 W. Bartholomew :Jiu Dr. P aul F Douglas>- 11 ho recently ,,~·lvunia. member,.; hnve already met thE' require- 1\Inin St. 2 G. Kelly .U astounded the ;.tudent body of Castleton Dr. Stanley H igh, author and lecturer, ments. 'rotch Hill H . B urke Xormal School by his amazing statements izave the nddre::;s of the E'\'Cning entitled Hou,..,ton fl73 Imes Cen ter R utla nd was elected prc,,1dent of the Amenean "\Yhere and "'hat Is Ameri<'U '?" Dr. L. Dordick Rire­ 268 lines Grades 7 and rnwer:,ity, \'~'11,..hington, D. C He was High remmdecl: "The Statue of Liberty J. Solari Tl all- 182 hne-. Grades 1, 2, 3 horn in Corinth, '\e11 \ ork and ;.tudied :;till stands ns a monument of stone and 81aek­ 3-16 Imes Rutland Town at the 1.: niversity of Cinrimiali und t;' n- metal dedicated to the Amerkan belief Cheny Hill A. Colvm Hobcrt" 219 linC's 1rurt ivcr,,ity of Berlin. in demonacy Let us keep that 1clenl . prague 1 loriunty- 127 Jines 1\1ill \' illge of 1 Dr. P nul Douglas." u mmi>-ter m Poult- before us and not wander in our aµproarh F. \Yillett Heffernan 247 Imes Dyer (upper) ·('o]I ney and a member of th<' fnl.'ulty of Gret>n to the demorrutH' 1deaology. X. Ho11ard 1\Ieader- 193 Imes Haiti r l\Iountam .Junior College. Arthur i\lurrny SC'hool of the Dnnee Harold Gibbs and .Josephmr Hinckley Wes t Haven r e: Re was a member of the Ilen on Orwe ll ~urt1 nrted a.., a ju,,tice of peace from 1938 to ballroom dancing. Sorin! dnnrmg con- Hough chool F. Ryan >-porh. ft-11'''· 1940 and is at present a member of the eluded the eveninj!;'s entertamment. J. Hmckley It i;; expeC'ted that all the membel'h of m1th chool ·eJ B. Hoadley \'ermont Semtte. - - - the B1rcJ,..eye ll'ill <'omplele the require­ S h oreham Cente r Dr. Douglass wus admitted to the house ml'nts durin~ the following l"sues. in 1937. He is the holder of a Ph D. develop expenc-nee in leadc•1'>-hip. ThE' Center L. Carey degree obtamc'pring festival, spon- Alta Eddy ------Breukfast Club Thursday, 6 A.1\J. sored by the C X. S. Player:s, will be Hubbardton Rhoda P ratt SPRING ACTIVITY Tenni:. . Thursday, 4:15 P 1\1.; prpsented nt Glenbrook, Saturday, l\foy Turnpike GROUPS FORM Friday, 1 :30 P.l\I. 24. S udbury ' ,\rrhery.. Tue,;- for thC' l'r1da~·, 12.+0 P.l\1.; Friday, 1:30 P.;\l is Elizabeth Tieffernnn, a.-s1:,ted by :O. Inri- Webster. chool sprmg have been arranl.!;ed b) l\I1s" Ewald. Badnlintun Wrdne.-,day, 4:20 P,1\I lyn Cheney, Phil Kelley, Alic·~ C'ur- Bridport L. Allen The pUI pose of till' j!;roups j,.. to plal'e e\'ery Softball tournumcnt" pen tier, .fames Strele and l\Inrjorie Pemn Lake, d10ol B. Tricell member of the sC'hool active partit·ipa- Tennis tournaments ThC' 1 lny Queen 1s expedcd to reign Herbert Sehool ,R.\\ 111 l ion m some sport, to make el'onomic use Posture <·lub dunng the day, but her name 11111 be kept P it csford A L1,.tzwan of :,port facilities and instruetwn uncl to I Leacler,,hip club a ~ecret until the day of the festival. Holden ~<·hoo l 4 T H E B I RDSEYE .\.I...lfl\I ... ' I BHE"\'J T IES I I I SPORTS fOR WOMtN SPORTS fOR MtN 1896 Fronris Mon:1nty wus \1 eek-encl icurst --- I \Y hitn<·.r (l\Ir:s. ErnPs I - IIelrnn Orr ~ of Gc"Orge Hp~irh at his home in Alban), . f I \\'h1tnr\) i" in l\Iont pelie.1 with her 1 I hu'~ \('\\ \ orJ.. .,.. nr<· p•-,·111" 111·11 '-In, "t.rl-.. are Tl11' weC'k <>J><'ll' t 1ie <'lllllJ>llllW" o l \HI. Bo\· · w_ " ' "' • " · I hand \\ho 1- reprr-<•ntntl\·e from South I .h1uheth I IC'ffe1 nun rnt1•1 tamed Agnt·;., "k1pp111.i: 101><'. Tlw· mt· 1n-. Sprin.i: i-. here t<'Hlll' in thr Jtrl':tt Amrnrun Jl:l'<' of Burlin.i:ton. Quillan, for nwr ('o,.,tlrton i-tudent, ovt•1 \\hat do<•, 8p11111( nwun ut ( '. \ .•. ? B1.i: Lea.i:ur hu... C'hall. Th<' tmm' will c·:u·h 192 1 Jchesl tlw • prmic \!1!'11t1011 Jn thr fipld of "port-. 1t meun" n!'\\ ndinty 1 pin) I.ii p::imr" :md the two tPams ' hll'h I l\lf". BPulah Ha\ c•-. i' trnl'l11np: ut !'luh,- fm outdoor ... pol t' Amonp: Ill!' new fim-..h '' ith thr h1:d1e't J>t'l<'<'lltn.i:e nf gamc' :-;to1·khruht<'. \ hirthda~ pal ty WU... 1(1\'C'll for &>\\I.II cl c. 1 111 Hheldon i\ lnn·h 2 in the Home Erononur' urtivity rluh" nrr tPnm•, nr!'hen, derk 1\011 nnd )o,..t 1n uwh lenicue, tlll' Ameri< 1936 rnom, by Femi K<>e<'h, \'ioln Perry and tennis, noquet, hor,.,<• "hoe.,; nnd Inking. nnd :--nt1onnl, ''ill mePt 1n tlw\\'oilcl 8rm·- Florenc·r Cohen teac·Jw,., in the 'l'tond 1111!ienr Rtnnley Off<'11"rnd The girl., <'ooked dm- The:-<' c·luh" nr<' rPplnl'mg the \\inter to 1li•tc•rmme tlw ba,.,ehall c·hampion,.,hip .i:rade at thr \Yr,,t Hutlnncl l\foin Street 1n 1hrec 11r1 und Mr- h rerh provi•kd the birthcl11~ 111! 1 adi\"it\ duh" ~Ut'h II' d111wing, t.:1-..krthall, of thr \\orld Tlwre ar<' hii.c lc>t1.i:ue ti :am' '"hool C'11ke ltt ,·olle\·hall und table t1•n111' in "\('\\ York, C'lumgo, Bo-ton, Ph1hcld- 1937 Among tho;.c• attending the picnir at · . . kl I i\lnrgnrc·t .Jumie,..on, t<•ac·her in the. outh c• d . I 'II The '' 111trr H•nson rncled in n round of pl11a, P1tbhurp;h, Broo · yn, St. .0111,, I '1•>%311 GI('ll I>roo k .... ntur ay n11t 11t ''e1e: •, rn I . LonclonclC"11 ~· "t'hool, hn;.. announ<'<'d her i'.\lc Gmn, Wendell Burtholomrw, Glcm tournamrnt" ~ T un De1Ym took the Wu-.hini:i;ton, Dc•trnit, C'111c·11111uti, and <·nJ?;aJ?;enwnt to \\'wclon Ilou-e, prirwipal trod i'.\luynard, Hl·len King, Beverly " ·ood, elimin11t 1011 tnurnnnw11t 111 tahlf' tf'n111s for ('lc·n-luncl. .' 1111t• oi tll('•C' c·1ti<'"' Ill" of the Ch« .. 1<·1 Ilip:h sC'lmol. h ()rl.el \'1rg1ma Blake, Un:abeth Ilrffornun, Alma ,,omrn In the haclmmton Amc>rn·an u•prt"·entellrybnll tournanwnt Cinc·mnnti \\ mninl.(. Thb yr,:ir tlir ex1wrh 193 Huth •quirt'" ;.pent tlw "eek-end of the :-tnr,. \1ere Ehz11h1•th Hefie1nnn, Huth :.11~n111 pick (inc11 nati \\Ith Bronk!Yn :111cl Hobertn O'Brien I' to transfer from n April 16, nt thP home of Emmy Lou 81wl- 8t Lou1~ putt in!( up a "tiff fi1tht In t lu \Yaterhur) r urn I sl'hool to the fifth und m Hutloncl nml Leonard Dord1rk. Amrrirnn letiuu<' ver.v fe\\ of the writc•r" don ~quires ,.. :-rxth i.:rndc>" in the Waterbury Center Kerp hopmg tnhlr tennis fan,.., a ne" J)l('k the DC'trmt Ti.i:er... to rvt>t'at Opi11· ,c·hool follcl\\ mg the ,..prmg rece."'· .Jane Buet'h<', \'1rp:inia Bluke and B<'\'C'rl~ table top ''ill be rend~ ... oon '' ith thr l'Om- IOJh are d1,·idt' ,..pend mg a IC\\ day., ''1th ,·irinity, the ,\thletar ,\-.,or1nhon ha;.. l!l\'<'ll \\ mrwr. Thr druft muy up-et nit tht··t> Dori.' 1.:rnthier i' attending Hutgers re I:.ltl\·~ m "' t ontpe1. 1er d ur mg. vacation.. the hikm.i: c·lub n nC'\\ pe 111e hut a fr11 of the highlights of brrng about n "mpri~e wmn1•1 111 e1the1 01 H1"er .Ju1wtion. v1 ... 1ted the .'porhman IH>\1 in Burlington the :.pmt \ioild at (' '\. . • port fan~ Iboth lengues One or two lug lc•ague -..tar-. d are already 111 \ rmy l':llll(I>- and many "'edd111e: hell,- are to 1me: !;OOll for Stella tmng vaC'ation hud hettc-r be p:ethng mto thr pmk of. II Tl t . Frunk1ewlC'z who'' 11\ mnrn· Jernldo Porter moie 1ln\"e 1O\\ c1 num1 w1' . in I' om• · i'.\larjonr T) ler spent Eu .. te1 week-1•ml cond1t1on, for plun .. nre underway for a of the rea;,ons win mnnv ol the dop<>•lt't' of Danh) mth Blanche SC'dergren m Proctor uncl play dtly of ~pring u<"ttvities. ure over looking. the Chumpion Tigt•r-,.. 1 i\lar)· \\ llCJ:Clll" 1,. lo teuC'h in thr 1•1ty of nttended thr Contata and Drama put on Thrie ;..tar ..,Jup;11:c•r and homl' run l'loutc•i Hutlund nc•xt year. in We.-t Hutlund j, fu!'in.i: incluftmn and proh:ihh ''ill not 1940 Ohve Rumney ''n" thr gue... t of Anna Co rsa~es ' 6111 ... h the ~e:.1,,011 \\Ith hi, team. Katlwrme Templt• \Mtecl Y<•ronira Hinckley Eu~ter unday. Every year bnng,. u new nop of rookw- Brough at h1•r home 111 town recently RUSSELL to the big ..,ho\\ \\ho will st u·k 111 the hr" i\11-,.. Fnuwes :\kl\enna teachr.. 11t the Ida :\lay Benton ~pent the ''eek-end of " .St tmw and m a fr,, .v<'ur,- takP the• 1'"">th1rht Grren Rtn•c•t "1·hool 111 Brattleboro. Apnl 6 h<'r<' ut ... c·hool Flori r ... of "tar

NOVAK PRINTING CO. ;\IAPLE\VOOD DAIRY Bardwell Block Rutland TENNIS GOLF Printers of THE Fair l laven Yermont "THE BIRD EYE" BADMINTON BIRDSEYE at --GF CENTRAL VERMONT DINER PUBLIC SERVICE CORP. CO:\ IPLI~ll:XT "' OF ( WILSON'S Cas tleton, Vt. \ LIGHT W. E. GRACE FUR CO. HEAT RUTLAND ll! GEO. LOOKEH, Prop. • ('!'\ i('(' Bldg. Hutland, \"t· \ POW E H - THE BIRDSEYE \'ol. YIII. tate Xormal cbool, Castleton Yt.. Friday. :\fay 9, 1941 -:\o

Orchestra Pleases Past Presidents' C. N. S. Students Banquet Success

The nud1e1we \\aitt'd 111 "il('U('(• for the The 1\1 rlfth annual oh-ern1nc·l' of Pa-t orrlie,tra dare!'tol' to apprar. Th(' player,.. P1e,id<'nt< Day \1a-.. hdd in l.c·aH·m11•1th \1 ne -rated a11d 1eady. \ iola Keeler, Hall Oil :\1:11' 3, at Oil<' 0'1·lork. Th<' tht·mP 1·unr!'rt mi,..t r<'"'• lilt Pd hPt how. ht'11t hel' of t!IC' mc•t•I inK wu,.. : ".\ :-.trongt•i \lumni hrnanre h) ·n; :rnd t\lurthn L11n~don To\1(•1,, '3". Si·vern, and Little Brint Ro-'< by ~rhuhert. The m<'t•t Ill~ 11 u>: lt>ml by .Jo,..ephinr II i1u•k• O:lklc·1· Frost pin.\ ed a marrh by Srhle­ SENIOR ATTACK.ING THESIS ...... IC'y, '13. Ol11·e Harwood De111, '30, sC'n NI murller. ,Jo,..eph .8C'haaf played the ;.olo as tou,..tmi,..tre'"• and Glady;. llall Hussc•ll part m Sy111plu111y E::;µaguoli by Lalo. They us sOlll?: lendN. pilly<'d exreptionally well and 111th the SOIL CONSERVATION J UNIORS SELECT Th<' r<'lll<'t p1N'C' on the lunc·lwon lttble ,eriou,..n(';.s of true• mu;.1c·ian:;. PROJ ECTS VISITED " PRJDE AND PREJ UDICE" was a mod<' I of the Ad mini-I rn lion Bmlll and husilll'"" lllt'!'l ing \\:is lll'ld rxplainetnct May Ion June 3. College Orcht•stra played here. This I. l\Iiss Jerome's ver:-ion of .Jane A u~tm';., around thr sllbJed of n strongc•t .\lunuii A':..O('IUtlllll numbC'r was c·omposed and given to the Basic prevC'nt il·e work on the upland" fiery noveI \1 a;. weII rccc1v<' d on B roa d 11 ay (haldrl'n's Orch<',.tra. \1 a.., represented by inspection of a fore,,t recently and the story was the basi:< of a The m<'mhcrs of the orche.... trn 1\er(' rover \1·1th well regulated methods of ,,urcessful movie of th<' pnst yen1. MARY IIUTCIIINSON dinner gue."t' at Lea1·cn11orth Hull where harve!'ltmg the tree::. and hy inspec·tion of " Pride and PreJudit'c" 1:; a li1•ely piny PROVE VERSA T l LE thry enioyed them-elve>- as well !l" the strip plowmg. This type of plo11 ing was concernmg a family of the :\ mC'tcenth 'tudenh enjoyed entertaining them. done a<'ros" the lull with putche..., of gra;,;,. Century ronsi,.,ting of the father and l\lar) 1Iut<-hi11son, artn·,..,, pl:lyc•d for a Thi-.. orche,,tra 1s one of the most left between the variOtb portion,; plo\1 ed. mother and four daughters. The plo\ :'.'\ormal S!'hool uudienc·e on \\ edncsd:t), outstanding youth progr:im" in \'ermont. Among the other preventive method:-; c·or1rC'rns itself 11 ith the mon.'" of that Apa 11 23, l>P\'erul ShakC'spC'ar<•an role:; :->Jw (Continued on page 3) de,crih<'d by ;\Ir Collans 11 ere the improve- c·cntun· which declared a womnn a suc·c·e.-.s mterpreted Ho~alind, .Julart, ( 'lc•opatrn, ment of d.ramage on slope" by u"'e of tf l:the ·landed a husband. Three of the Portia, Lad.1· :\h!'bC'!h, anton'.., He('ommendat1on,.. 1 it11a~ explained, are man t-he love" on Jl;Cneral prinrapl<'s. The one moment wa,..e Portin, lh<• 1wxt th<' 'ol'inl vear \Yhat? TIJC' .Junior Prom, made to the roopemting land owner;., on play is filled 11 ith typi<·al English humor ruthl<'"" Lad\· ;\larheth, she chd tlwm all of rou1-:-e When? On .June 6. \\ here? the ba,.b of ,.oil da"sification. The~e and wit and prel!cnh an ac·rur11t e p1du1e \I at h a11 ea..,l' ~nd informalaty that dt·lightrcl H•mams to he sren That classifirations are made as to the alkalme of hfe an England a century ago. her audiC'n<·c• She wns t•spcrially good 111 .\re you c·u11ou;., about it? Will 1t be or acid c·ontent of the soil, it;, dra111agc, The group of .Jun10r;; who i< nn "i>l'l'lul favontc· among them out. DiUSM out tlll' hupe that \1 ith unother fic~, ... uftiraent di~tnd. L. :-\ ohlc of Barn• \\Ill he the 1•0111- 10111{ -hot of till' month. Wt• art• h:wk- , Jt oulcl be depo:-1u:d behmd the dtkr Thi,.. ,..tute is unique in it- ~dup of 111t·111·1·11 1 nt 'f>Pllkl'r at rlw Ca.-tlt•lon 1 11 111).( our Bitd•t'V" rnc•mhl'1, .\Ima r!'-torc tlit• land to farm u,..e. '.\Ir t•onservution < 1k1•r hu· 1101, '') ..t, ht•t·n 1 J "h11nl'l1" 111 ' ntrrrn('ly fortunate 111 li:t\'llJJ;( wn.,tc slut<· while in i\c11 Yon, i;tute t 11•y ar<' ,.., 'It'll. - O\·ai!Jihlt• fur m:ikmg nprap to prc\cnt l'OUnty bouuduric-. '------' TH~E=--~B ~l ~R~O~S ~E~Y~E=--~~~~~~~~~~~~~~- 2 SPRI G FESTI\' AL I STUDENTS SECURE KEENLY AWAITED TEACHING POSITIONS 1 r State Normal School, Castleton, Vermont out .Junior.>· 11< II -- Xow, Johnny, if you hnve one ma rble ·t•p livch to put c P ublished m onthly by the s tudents of the S ea te Kor m al School. Attention' Onr nnd all for thr flU\'or and I gi\·e you four more marbles, hm\ to·' · I .i ti" 'u1ier.,1•nsil S ubscription prl<'e $1.00 a year. many marble:> will you have in all? ut-uO h . ------~-~------of our sl'hool lifc 1:- nbout to breeze fo1th. \\'ill Huth Flunder" ::-tart her day by thr mighty fre,b In fad, the 1-'pring Festi,·al 1" (l:Ol11g lo he I ril l)C fi[t thb familiar upproaC'h wi th her fi~ t and f ,\p ~U· TllE ST AFF t h<' \'Unilla of our ,.or1al ,..ea~on. \ rl10 I" second graders m C1n·endii-h? Ruth abo 1.... ' Blue hghl'' Tl Glenn Houston commii;? All the rlemrntary i;C'l1ools of plans to tenth musir m nil eight grade,. Editor-in-Clue[ ••. . . Thomas Rice -'t.irtu1\ Ord1e-trn Elirnbeth R~ffc•nan. \'ioln Perr~· Hulland City uncl Town nn- who arr to portruy H oadley \\ill be the C'h ief-of-a<'tivitie;:, and j h~th anti roynad" ol A nl('riean icfralism has no opport1111ity to proY<' ib n1h 1e when '-<'\·cr:il t'harndrr-.. of litrraturr. \\"r prr- 111 Sunderland. Oli ve Rumney. unii of the ,tmre rend«: f:ow<'cl by a ~tatc·m<'nl mad<' hy Win,,ton Churehi11 in hi" mu rt'\·ie \\ dirt that Hobin Hood will hold u prominent PhylJ,,.,, ,\ midon expect-. lo rurry on 111 a mgbt m the open. hronckast. Ik cl<'darecl that lw know:- the "adiou of thr t;'n itNl RtatC's rural :,c·hool in Bennington. po,.,ition at tlti" affmr. ~ovel d11m·e e11rd-, r \\" ill h<' didatC'Cl not hy nwthoclic·al C"akulation-.. of profit and lo:-s. h ut ire pro,·ided and the by moral ,,C'ntinwnh, and hy that gk~nn i ng f1:1 .... h nn d rC':-o ln• w h ieh At the head of the team wi th rrin" in I SOPHOMORE DIARY mt- were ..erYe.' k c11 t ion of humnn life' it .... <'lf.'' ll'lule thr danee" are giving Femi K rr<"ll ton to Shoreham Center were ptetty rlhl-, the be-t dance G rC'at B ritain is no\\" openly looking to ,\ meriC'an lw lp as their numerou;; attacks of in~omniu. Slate l bumpy, but today they ure fairly well . _ . _ . ''om down and ::;moothed out after having T1' RBI" "1:' hop<'. counting on us to hrlp :-upply h<'r ll<'C'Cls. It i:< yet t o b<' ::-<'en '', 1. de .pubht , 1ty 1s_ hrmj!; spread_ :nound bv· b ern truve1 e d over steac1 1.1 y ' tw .i ce a d ay i\'J:\D v -'L wh<'t hC'r or not we nH'<'l England',_ eall a::- tlH' Engli-;h nwt G rr<'ee when l 1dehs l•ox. .\ hrr Carpt>nhe1 and ~ J ary by n \'ery plucky little Xew York late NEAR sh<' tunwd t o " B r itain for ,.,ureor." ,\ promis<' to thC' GreC'ks was not Guudettr are de.hatm11: o\•rr the uttcnd:'tnls IFord. The rondition of the ear i;< as well - b roken. for th<' Prim<' :\I inister ck<' larrs that t lH'T<' are " rul<'" against nnd make-up respeet1\·ely. as can be expected. The huge \\illd tur that kind of thing" an,·e>lt hn:-. now e> xtenclNl " t h<' Atlanti<' patrob to protcet ''ill ru~h through the main p;ates ready up an impromptu ~extel in celebration of 1 the projet'l \ eni:(ir the \\"('stern H t>mispher<'." Tlwse patrol:-. :-.o rnahl<' some Brifr.-h clPs­ lo enter mto the fro he at Glen brook. the rlose of their fin;t week out, Ca«tleton Don't forgrt ,, r mu-4 be p<'rfed hosts and reader:> will recogmze them as ::-ix of the The lofty ,fafain G lroyf'r" lo p<'rform more d'frcti, ·e cmwoying in the> g rPater danger a r <.'a:-.. ;.tuclrnt-teache11'. .!A\"\.kilowalt- u[ pm I T ht> basie t h rl'ats ar<' not met by th<'"<' patrols and a r <' in no \\"ay a lwsles,rs lwrau'r the pubhe for m1 r" \. cry fortunutr Ill respect to the weather, i1e 100-Mtt bm~ c!Pfinite a,,,suratH'<' of saf<'t y a" thr gr<'alest lo,,s<'" are o n t he w ater.; elo..;<' around h:l' h<'rn invitrd. the onlyrever~r <'ame on \\'edne~day when ,.. _ The 22-ton bis the inevitable happened-a blow out. Sir to B ritain " ·lH•r<' tlw:-.<> patrol .... do not extend. I e top t•f a 110.foot Galahad in the form of a neighbor came B ritain kc•pl h<'r pledge to th<' Grt>C'ks liy not dodging cldeat in the Iriding by in a '3 P lymouth and offr re rien's duty is lo u phold tlw p ri1wipl<'s of demoeraC'y by 1\IALN TRITION CAUSES hb ,..en'lrr,,. By the ~N·ond \1eek all t-ix felt quite a t attempting to guaralll<'<' to c·on,·oy nrntNial nid lo G r<.'at B ritain. The turhwe 1, not DRAFT REJECTIONS home and familiar with the countrY but ~Ung mean;.. of de­ 011 Tuesday night thry were s u r pn ~e d to • l' ~\pt.'l·ted to IL ------Seven out of ten rejrrtrcl is the re,;ound- src a team of drh·rrll's,; hor"e" ambling up Il>tmg mean-. hy b: mg rl'port of the drnrt examiners. HrjC'!'t­ the country 1ond. Being 1mpos.-.iblr to pa,..,, them 1t ::-remrd pral't1l·al for one of t'd1rtable 11 md po PROFESSIONAL ATTITUDE ed brt'uusc of phy,-1cal unfitnrs." due to aid to be the only malnutntio11. Should ull of 0111 attention the pn;,.,..enger"' (in ,..pile of the fact that 01 she had no expN1encc 111 that linr) to get" known shout :\k ho,.,pi t a l, and then b rraks up into s m a ller ron fere11ee country who do not h:w<' enough to cat'? they raced right ulong they were lute for dinner. C. N groups. T h<'s<' medings C'X t <'nd som<'timt>s, into In t <' <'Y<' ni n~. and begin Can this ~1t uation br remedied? Among the ::.1de trips takrn the group IC'ontmucd again th<' n<'xt morning with a" much fC'l'\"Or a:- t h <' clay bdor<'. Doetors 1lalnutnhon 1s due to lark of cmi<-s ne\\ ,..l'hool building. nz, 11 o ha, Al though not a moody lot bv nature .itnnmitton, hl':ltmg ' B a r m<'<'tings ar<' N1Hally \\ <'ll at tc> 11 c\C'c l. K r<' p in g socia l o rdC' r in 1s not tnu1d1t in rnough high sl'hool" "here the group's rrnd ions wouid prove. interest- .d no f~ll\'I' •l~ H. · li fe> pr<':-.<'n·Nl hy th<' medical p rofC's:-:ion i:-; on<' of most important it 1·oultl ,,en·c as a protection to the next tlw the ing to n psyd1olog1;,.L ~Ionda\· morning ' • tl1~m thut th1, ''· of soC'ial fa< tors. .\ t th<'s<' rnnfrr<'llC'<'" m<'ll of w icl<' intt>lligC'ncr and genrrulton \\ ho b al fault? ls the all wc•rl' ruthl'r quiet. ~londay -night they 111 rxprri<'n<'<' gat lwr to dc>t C'rmi n<' ways to prot <'d and g uide the g<' n C' ra l elenwnlnry ,.,c·hool te1Whe1 doing her Joi>'! "nng. Tue:;day therr 1\as much convcl'$U- ,, thl· \\ork hl h on and the mood \I us h"'ht. Tuesday Jdrtn. Thi, pr P ubhe hrulth nu1-:;es makr v1-<1h to " w ut wc>lfarc. night their \'Oll'rs l'arricd on edge. \Y rd- urk, P1'lJC'\ l C'nn \\'C' apply tlw ahoYP -.,t atrnwnts to th<' attc>nda1H'<' at teach er s' hom<'s uncl tcul'h mothrrs of the mttn­ ne,..clny morning rut her quiet and so on J~r the 'U~tYN rom·rntions'? It may lw notc>c l t h at t<'ad1C'rs and would-h<' tc>ach C'l's tioual value of foods and instru<'t them 'til Friday night ''hen every• nut nnd boll '' te ·'' JU'ic '"Ilt'r 1111 c-o m <' lat<', a n>id front sc>ab, n.ncl !Pa \"e t>a.rly. Is not rducating rhilcl r <' ll ho'' to provi as the usual amount of d1sturba n1·e from not 111 int<'llig<'nl ly to lak <' thC'il' pln.ep..; in a c·omplirat e cl world as impor tant them for thcll' family. By .J ul~ first the roads. etr tX!'d\~nt 111u, as tn.king C'Urc o l t h <'m w h en t lwy nc>gleel I l1 r laws of safety and !"Ocia l approximately onr-thinl of thr l'om­ Frida) night of the tlm d ,, rek found ...ny a h1i:h ,..i o rdcr? T eaehf'l';; C'an not tC'aeh if th<'y a r<' unwilling t o lw tau g ht. Le t munitie" of the slat <' will hl' un! You'll rr1 ta111Jy ~ pron·rh,"tlH't'nrl) hi1d rntrlll'... tlH•1111rm ." \' to ... tt•p lin·ly to put on a Prom t hnt • If, hy 1'!11inq" you :11 e :111 e:uh 11--cr, you '' 111 ouHlo t Ill' '-llpC'r--1>n ... at10nal d.11 1·1· put 11111y ha 11· 11ntin'<'ttl'r 1·ook1·tl in the "P"ll. .\ ... to tl1<' Bum... .\Ja1t 111 ',.. Ordu·... tra ::md <11 .. ·ornt ions 'II'" c·~... of tJii ... duh, 1·011-1d1·r till' la1g1• 'IPPl"(ll tnll·h fitt1 .. 1 to the or«h1·,..tra's group lhnt mak!'-. th app1•a1an1·1· 1•11•1y tlH'lll<' " \lonnhµ:ht and Ho ...<"•," ar1• only 11 N•I-, co11-1d1·1 t hi' nu ious 1'1111 ll'llll'll a [1·1\ of tl11• l11J.(hltJ.(hls of t hi,.. cltllll'l'. Tlw (F111111·1"• ~tl'\\ail, \ rola P1·1r~ 11110 11ork rnd1tori11111 t 111111111·d in u ne11 anJ ddT1•n•nt to ma~1· rt 1101llrnh1IC'; and 1·011•1d1·r ti.I'

111a1111l'I, n•1 l11111I~ 11!>\'('f look1·d n10rt• llll'll\h fo1 l'\ampll', rn•nd1 ton•t u11d

Jttmdl\'1', \\Ith him.• ,..tream<•r,.. o\1·1l11•:ul, '-:tU,:\~(·"'i t 11 l11tl' 1•a1d hoard p11·lwt frnc·1· 1lrapt'tl \\1th \ 11 nuttloo1 pu·111 le:1tu1NI thc> monthly

ro-r- 1111 t Ill' 11 all- and l'f'al pirk1·1 fr11n•, 111 J!l't-t.ui:l'llll'r of thC' "l'I. H rlii-- h!'ltl \pnl front of t lu· d1:11r-.. \\ h1d1 11 rrr arra11g1·cl a-. :lO ut Dn1 ul'!' Ch 1·11 Hut doµ:-, mnr,.h- hooth.... Till' \\hilt• lawn furnitur1', tlw T HESIS COMPLETED 11111\lm1 ... , 1·11ff1·r, fruit, :mcl pwkll's rom­ lri1 d hath and 1111 11ad,.. of ... tar,. 111 tlw had. (..\POLO(;IE:' TO T l!I: ..\fiT!ST) p• i-pd tlu mrnu ~en•r al farulty 11:11rs ts ground oft Ill' ... ta).(l' rrnO"C '" to dt:'\'('lop Ill th1• Sp1111g FC':-ti1·al" \\ h. t do1•, u IOOO-k1l1m att... of po1H•r !"Uffil'1eni to h~ht ~l'oh'h Hrll .\I 1... , Bt•nton play n1·t ivlt 11• ... 111 tlw -..rhool and to sho\\ ,1·lw11l profit from the-e artiviti1·-? t\la111 t ;\I r.,.. \\ right fin• l00-1111tt lamp,, apie1·e for 2000 fam- high ;;choo( ,.,tud1•11h 11 ho mu} be intere,..led \ fp-.t1ntl for plt11 dc\'Plop-. gnm th 111 ili1·.... Till' 2;?- ton hludl·s will he hou,l•d at in coming to C :\. R that there is ::.omc­ llutland Town: l\! '"" t\I. Cheney lllllll) 11 uy.... Coopcn1t1011 hl'l11 Pl'll drITt>r- thing besid('s dns"c" till' lop of a l 10 fool "tecl towl'I' \\ 1th a l\ I 1... s DNvin :\I N, Wil kms Sophomore I 11dl >-pon;;or a play dlly t:'n l :whoo), i" b1•j..(un 11he11 ,..t11d!'11ls from span totalhnf..( Ii l feet, the blades re,.l'mhl<• for the Demon,., tr ullon >ol'hools on till' on<' sd1ool ml'Pt ,,(uclenh from n11otlll'r. the ''mg of a b1 g1 Army bomb1·r \\ <•-l Hutland: afternoon of i\luy 12 Tlw frl!'nd-hip ... "('make on t hh d11\ mu) Thl' t 111 hull' 1-. not Pxpert<.-r The al'li1 itil•s un• ::.tone-., £olk dancinl? li·ad tn till' lw-.t friembhip- 111• 11111 1•\'l'r <·xi-tmg uwan-. of 1·ll·dril'al :-upply; rntlll'r \ illage 3 :"IJ i ...... :"II IIilll·kley relay,. for younger 1·l11ldren and softball. hav1 it 1-.. "'l"'"tt•d to 111r1 ea... e l 11<• 1·:1luc of \Y h 1! value· tine•-.. a school J<'rl'in· lrom L • uilbury SOIL EROSION MOYIE C'\J-.tll11( 1111':111' hy IJal'tdllj! thC'lll up \\1th ;\It-' ;\lnllnry the-1· pltt) t111w- '? It put-.. tl11• -..rhool 011 a \Y C'b,.ter hool llOWN AT CHAPEL JHC1hd11hl<• 11 md pm1cr. The p1uj1·d h Tlill 'dtool :"Iii,...... Bu1·k lrll'ndl) ha-..1, with other ... l'hool . The ;..urd to lw t lw only om of ih sl7.C' :u11I kmcl ,.tudents bnnl? bn1·k to tlwir mi 11 i11,...t1t11tio11 Ilubhurdton : \ n interc:-.t111g movll' on " oil Erosion" thol Is k110\111 about 111 the world. Turnpike i\ I 1ss V C's per was shown 1n c·h1qwl on :\f:ly fi, by .\Jvuh n111n) 11 mtl111 hrll' ideas. Colli n::;, cfo..t rid 1·011scrvntionist. Thi:' ;\J ''"' C'tll pe111Jer Th!' ~pnng Fe,..tival should bl' :..po11,0Jl•d movie dealt wrth not only the cause,, of ORC llE TRA PLEA ES c•vt•J'\' yc•nr. l"C'C'p on \\ ith 1t ! l>nPlop C. . ST CDENT \\ <· ... t Ila ven: ero:..ron hut nlso took up the re,,uJb and coo1lC'rutio11 .11111 rulti1·ate fr 1rnt1 ... h1p. method:. of 1·omhut1ng cro,,IOn Sml tl 1111ti11111 d from pagl' I Turnpike Ero:..1011 i... 1·l11C'fly c·11ti...1•recl h~ gru.,-.1!1Jl(b ur<• nil plo11 rel there are no Hom ding lll<'n ,..tudents 2 ;, I tht \\ 01 b P111jpd Admi11ist1.1!1011 u11d 1-. no rooh to ub... orh t hC' moisture and during C"o111m11ti11g nwn :4ud1·11b 2 s:~ Prtt,forcl: heav) rum>- gullies tHt' 1·ut through the 1111dt1 th< 111)(•11i-..io11 oi Paul(', Pl'lton, llmJ-..on Boa11l111g 11 omen ,.tucl!'nh 2 Ii t fields. \\"1th no J.(fll'" root-- to hold tlo1111 "t ill \111- I' -..11p1•r\'l•or. .\Inn) of till' ( um11111t 1111.: 11 omC'n ... tudc·11h '.? ;)() the C'arth h<•av) 11 i111b hlo11 the loo-1 ·I tlrt 1 1• not 111 lm:h -.rhool, 111111 ) t t lfri-.tnl: Jt•ru,.alrm dirt for mile,, cau.. inJ.( the du.-t ... torm.... Hoa11l1ng -t 11d1•11t' 2 t>:J th1·11 l'\1·1•llf'11t m11 ... 1rin11-l11p 11 oultl m11k1· which did .. m•h <1:1111:11.:e in the mid-1\ e..-,l l orn11111t1111{ -..tudcnb '.? hi 111:111) n l11~h -.1·hool orclll'-1 rn l1'.1d1•r J.p1rc•-ter: \11...... l>urnon Irecently. iii Corne~ Philip:. 11011•1· ... tudt•nh '.? t·111·io1b. Tiu• t:h11d11·11 :111• .. a111l The e nill·d St 1t1·-. no\'l•rnment no11 c·rinu~ L1· 11'l•1111orth Hull ,.tudPnts 1 liO mnd<' def1111tt:' pl 111~ for the combat i11g u1111IT1•c1t•tl 11hout th1·1r art und tlwrr Ira: ha,.. of ero::.100. I'------" ('xp11-ssw11 11 ns \'l'f) art1-.t11·al1) g11·1·11. I J!opefirld 4 T H E B I RDSEYE 1 .A.Llfl\I Nl .,,, '.,'..'.~ '.: ::.:::~~:':.,. h, ••,. SrO RTs rn Rw o M f N I ~ sPo ~-Ts rn R Mf_ N 1935 birthday11 :-

Vol. VIII. State Normal chool, Castleton Vt., Wedne~day, June 4, 1941 No. 9

~~MMISSIONfR NO~lt C01\1MENCEMENT SCHEDULE GOVtRNOR TO SPtA~ TO CONffR Ot~RftS AT ~ACCAlAURfATt Wednesday, .June 4 .\t the 74th nnnual Commencement Last Chapel Auditorium 10·30 A. l\l. The Baccalaureate Addre:;s at the e'erci::.e,,,, June 0, fourteen eniors will State X orll11\l chool at Castleton ~;11 Garden Party Glf'nbrooh. 4 :00-5 :00 p. ;\ l. rPceive B. E. degrPes, twenty-four Juniors be given by Governor William H. Wills .Junior Play will receive diploma.~ and twenty-nine Auditorium 8:30 P. :\I. at three o'clock on Sunday afternoon ophomo1 e!:l will graduate . .June 8. The subject of his address has Rtntc Commi:s-~ionPr of Education, Ral­ Thursday, June 5 not yet been made public, but the out­ ph K Xoble, guest speaker has chosen School P i<·nic-; Lake St. Catherine All Day standing personality of our governor us the theme of hiR addre;..-., this quotation speaks for a vital message which be is from Chaucer, "And gladly would he certain lo deliver to the student body. Friday, June 6 learn and gladly teach." Governor Wills, who is a native of P re,.enlalion of gifts are to be made, .Junior Prom Le:wenworth Hall 9:00-1 :00 Bennington, i~ one of the. \'ermontPrs followed by the n<·ceptance of the gifts by of whom we are mo,..t proud. He bas Principal Ermo Houston Srott. The Saturday, June 7 held the po~ition of village president and Proctor Cup, the Hartiel Ifaskell :.Iedal Alumni Dt\y is at the head of the \Yills I nsurance the Omicron igma Keyg and the Plumley Agenry in Bennington. As Lieutenant Cup will be awarded. Banquet Leavenworth Hall 6:00 P. i\L Oovernor, under :.rr. Aiken, his public Commissioner :\oble wrn confer degrees life made u place for him in the hearts of to the four year studenb. Diplomas and unday, .June 8 all Vermonter~. As governor of Vermont certificates are to be given out lo the he ha:, given a ~rcat deal to the state. Baccalaureate sen·ice Campus 3:00 P. :\1. seroud and third yenr students. The students are looking forward to Governor William H. \\'ills, speaker :.fas Ruth Flanders is to sing Bach­ having Governor Wills at Castleton and Campus 7:30 P. ~L Gounod's "Ave l\foria" accompanied Porch Sing to the counsel which he will give to the by :\Iii>$ Eleanor :\lrLaughlin on the Candle Lighting Campus 8:30 P. :.I. graduates. violin and :\Ii:,s Fero! l(eech at the piano. "Finlandia" will be rendered by the :\tonday, June 9 PRIDE AND PREJUDICE \\'omen's Choir under the direction of Graduation exercises Campus 10:00 A. ;\[. :.riss :\forkham. The Womens' Glee PREDICTED SUCCESS Club accompanied by i\liss Ruth Dunklee Commi:on has following students to Alpb:i Lambda nard Dordick (as Hill, the butler), Francis stamp collection st arted by her father. engaged in Practical Xursing at the Society: ,\Ima :.reader, Elizabeth Sar­ i\loriarity, and Bessie ' Yeeks have the Lots of time for expert experimentation headquarters in Burlington, helped bnng gent, \'iola :\Iallory, Joseph olari, Bev­ more important s u pporting roles. Harold with cook books, for pleasant game;,i of up a family for nine years in Brooklyn, erly Wood, Helen .Jameison, Eileen Eaton, Gibbs and Bertha H inckley play the Chinese Checkers, or for spading in her X ew \ ork, and has acted dietician-matron and Elaine Jacob:;. comic roles, :\fr. Collins, and the Lady al the Brattleboro chool for the Deaf colorful garden. Catherine de Bourgh. Dorothy Stowell, After ten years in charge of the library, through six years. Her hobby is knittinJ!:, DR. \VOODRUFF HONORED Helen Jamieson, :\[yfanway R oberts, ~liss Catherine Denison is rf'tiring next she enjoys a good rard game occaRSionally, and .\nna Lenoci for the girls, Leonard September. i\liss Deni~on. whose father and is an e'pert cook. O n May 9 the State Bo a rd of Joh nson, and .Joe Solari for the boys carry was American Consul in Canada for Educatio n u n animous ly voted to Concerning our srhool student bod)', the "bit" parts. thirty years, will remain nt her home, ~Iiss Willson sees something perhaps too pass the follo win g a c tion ; " It was Alice Carpentier and Bud Fish have "The Old Homestead" here in Castleton, many of us arc prone to ignore. When we vote d to dedicate the Adm inis­ been helping i\liss .Jackson with I he and cordially invites the Normal School take from other,,, we must give of our­ t ration Building at t he Cas tleton direrting, Viola Perry with the prompting. students to visit her. selves in return. Each of us should take 1orm al Sc h ool to Dr. C aroline S. :\I arjorie Tyler is responsible for the active part in the 8chool's responsibilites Woodruff in recognitio n of her scenery, I<.:lcanor Wilson for the properties, MORE SCHOLARSHIPS as well as in the school's activitie.,,. Each lon~ pe riod of service to the sc h ool, .Jo K arlson the costumes, Barb P hillips of us should feel we are a \ribrant part of a n d to appo int Mrs. Proc tor to AVAILABLE NOW the music, and !Wzabeth H effernan is the the school, necessary for its increasinri; m ake the presentation in be half manager of the business. development and promising future. The of the State Board of Education ." Next year four one hundred dollar truth of the matter is that most of us The J unior class is putting on the piny, This dedication to Dr. Woodruff scholarships will be added to the eleven do feel this way, although it takes some of that is, they are supplying the capital, will take place s o m etim e during which :ire already available to worthy u:s three or four years to awaken. and the moral support, but they are most Comm e n cem e nt Wee k and a fac u­ students at Ca....,tleton Normal school or to Thanks, :\Iiss Willson, for sharing with grateful to i\ liss Jackson for her di rection, lty committee con sis ting of Dean incoming freshmen. These scholarships us your rollicking sen~e of humor, your to i\liss Black for her advice on the Alice Morrill, Dr. R ic hard Fox and are awur-wer. they mean? Not much time left for In the first issue of the Birdseye we ~,ubt s ~ and see ju= THE STAFF reflection, thank goodne...«S, I couldn't published an open letter to you in which tbe P1 'will be when 1 ...... Glenn Houston bear it. Surely l'm not leaving it all; we, the student body, made certain J;appMel Editor·in·Chlef . . .. ·· ······ ...... Thomas Rice Senior Associate Editor Castleton in foll, the bright maples and promises and certain requests. \\'e ~&around. y . Elizabeth Heffernan, Viola Perry Junior Editors. . . brown oak leaves; Castleton in winter, pled~ed to you our fullest cooperation, .u~illnothave towe~r Sophomore Editors ...... •. . ... _...... • ...... Yera Slack, Lodernia Cary elm branches in a snow storm, a white best efforts and highest ideals toward 'fdeveo on those fri:ezmg Josephine Hinckley, Harold Gibbs 11111 Sports Editors...... -...... a luul Businesa Manager ...... • . . . • ...... Barbara Phillips coloni11l village; Castleton in spring, building with you richer future for our fire-keeper.: ~<> Advertising Manager...... • ...... • . . . . . • . .. . . Blanche Sedergren glittering willow leaves and violets; Alma :\later. ~ 0 ;; nor will J:llari orie Ston~ . C . cl . tl 11·L·rk and ban Subscription Manager ...... • ...... • ...... Castleton with studymg, astleton on :\'ow that the year 1s rawmg to a ·1$0 I' "" Circulation Manager . . . . . • ...... • ...... • ...... Helen Hull Exchange Manager ...... • ...... • . . . . . • ...... Francis i\[orinrity picnics, Ca;.tleton by firelight. Am I close it is only reasonable that we inspect ~ni chapel. The ;,ta • J:llis.• Kate Kelly ~·a cul~y Advisor. - ...... • ...... • .. . leaving? x ot the friendship, not the the records to see whether or not we have l to spropriale ~.~ smiling, not the loveline"s, n p::irt of me stood by our pledges. n 'e honestly feel ~plant. The cumnu'10 will stay. that we hav<> done our best to k!'ep these Uli' proi~t. Comllll""' promises but we also realize that our le, thairman. Pnncip A CHALLENGE Vi ola Perry tas.k has only begun. If the school of, ·t, -erretnry: and \lert tomorrow is to be what we have dreamed epurrh!\>ml! agent, h:I., Centuries ago thrre was an Eastern l\Ionnr<"h "·ho charged his I wish to take this opportunity to ex- it shall be, there can be no stopping now. , rearhed th e n~ wisemen to bring him a srntence which would hold true at all tim<'s press my ap1)r<>riatioD for the :sucre:,sful \Ye do not intend to have graduation end · ·fol'\·ifiratiort> are m th year we have had livin~ together in the Th I and in all situations. After much thought, the wi:-;rmC'n brought this our responsibilities to Castleton X ormal. ,.. 0.e bidder:,. e P: sentence.· "This too shall pa;;:-; away.'' dormitory. lf you fPel that we have sincerely met our 'l'(ttd to be compI et ed 1 I hope each of you, having lived closely obligations, we should feel honored to be . ,,Jp for two -tee t In a few days many of us will lca,·e Castleton :\ormal for the last a part of a group, has found the spi rit allowed to re-dedicate ourselves ior future tf -moke >lark, retun time as students. If 'i\'e follow the C'Xamplf' of many who han' gone of friendliness, of cooperation, and of service. .:mp unit, ,tokers an d. happiness "hirh is so much a part of before us it will be the la:At time we a re seen on the campus. \Yith Castleton. Jn our first open letter to you we also .Alltioa st ~veral pou regard to the Alumni of Castleton ~ormal tlw ancient :-aying, "this \\'hen it comes your turn to leave, reques t ed a f u II opport um. t y t o enr1c. b our rth full :uid the .\dmir. too shall pass away," certainly holds true. It seems to ha,·c bE>come a may you take with you as many happy lives; a chance to build a solid foundn tion custom to bid a fond farewell to the school and let it go at that. memories of glad occasions, of hard work, for our future life in the profession, and In J,eiwnwortb Hall and of friends as I take with me. to find at C. X. S. the basic ideals of a t11 of :-uch roon a better school? It is a prineiplc of life that thing" which do not grow As I think of leaving I realize that prepared to be satisfied with less. Today, ~t to be delu~ llit Custleton has made me conscious of we are proud to say that you have gone •ou know thBt ~urh ple:i.. must die. This holds equally true for schools. An acti,·e alumni what an undertaking teaching really is beyond our greatest expectations and in lill ~ conduriw to the t association by the ,·ery faC't of their knowledge of thr strengths and Jt takes the best which each one of us has so doing have set for us an inspiring The dinin~·room v;! wcaknes,;es of their Alma Mater ha::; a ,·rry sprcial opportunity to hclp. to offer, and it has kindled in my heart example of professional, cultural and re11ther-.tripped to pre the desire lo be not an ordinary teacher, The Alumni Association of Castleton is ,·cry weak in intellectual leadership. Jrirning from the dmf but the be:st that my capabilities will comparison with similar associations of other collrgcs. Wr, who are \Yith real affection, Ills neck year's b.'lnquei: allow me to become. When my thoughts Your Students mg may be done in t' about to become members of thr Alumni, ha\'e a Yery direct and real turn back to Castleton, as I know they When you're 'how challenge before us. Let us think this O\'er carefully and go out from will, I shall think of friendships which U"Ound the library anl Castleton Xormal with the firm purpose of continuing to acti,·cly have helped me grow, and of faculty SCOOP (I HOPE) members who have influenced my life imit another departme1 support all that is bcst for our Alma Mater. during my three years here. These mem­ ~ vital and wbirb v In case you are planning to attend orie:s an Hou..-< t' will be ended if the faculty is generous following prediction. As the young patnted white with dat relax and rest up from prrvious toil. To the wis0, howC'ver, \'a.cation and the tale Board of Edu('ation is Indies enter the ballroom they \'>ill be means a change from one aeti\'ity to anothrr and not a pC'riod of kindly dispo,,ed. n favor consisting of a "pearl" bracelet •he n?rth ~ide of the poi The mtenor will be r stagnation. It seems more like three months than thus explnining the cxlra qunrter three ycaN ;;ince T pre.,,<>nted myself as a admi:ssion fee. or four l'OOillli refini-hei \'acation should bC' regardrcl as an opportunity, a chancc lo acid randidat<' for preparation for tC'a<'hing. To the best of our knowledge you _The return of ~Ir . richly to one's cultural background. It is not neees-,ary tot ran'! widcly I knew little of what learning to be a will be dancing to the music of Dick will require ont.> ad. to find the unusual. Right around us unnoticed arP things which we arc leaeher involved, but, I was certain I Kenney's orchestra, straight from Rut­ Tb.e P~nt offil't' land, and you will be transferred into completely ignorant of. :\ow is the time to C'arelully ohser\'c our own wanted lo leach. I've knO\\·n this ~ince Bbrk\ ' i!ll ~ ·1en~ n beautiful graden surrounded by "backyards." \'isi ts to local ind ust riC's, lihrari<•s, playgrounds, na turn! I wa" three years old when I began tca<'h­ oflk-e will be lo..-ated ing my dog, my C'at, my dolls, tind the flowers and possibly a mirror or two. library work ">om. ' phC'nomena and historical scenes open up to the C'urious mind new worlds. babies ne't door. I've never w:werecl in l t is cven pot ------' Anew roof on the I knowledge. Xo position is so insignificant that a salnry is ib:; only ofa,h) a111 are changing? \\'hat do .I do if .Johnnie 'P u t, 1mper and I reward. refuses to :stay after :school? \\'ill I us<' talking about tea<'hing, observing tei1ching, the lenks chronic in th the <'orrcrt symbol in my register when For those who have to remain at home' \'acalion offc>rs thc timr to and you've had th~ periods of student clunite- w1U include :\lury hos the measlcs'? Tlow um I gorng teaching. Keep your head and apply the 00,~ t . develop an old hobby or lo st art a new one. H obbi(•s are not nC'cc•ssarily • Ol1 et~, IUli to start four first grntk- youngstf'rs in \\hat you have learned." P~nt lllt'ker · ex:prnsi\'e. ThC' fa('t that you ha\'C one is all that is important. It has room. room f reading? \\'hat \\ill I "ay if someone :\Iy heart, slows dO\\ n, my head cools, been truly said that lhr pcoplr who arr rrally happy and who arl' lrading asks \Yhy don't you leal'i1 them their .\ and my enthusiasm returns as I look \t la.-t' Th . usrful liveR arc thosr who de,·otr a share of thcir li\·C's to a hobby. B C's'l" forward to nc't September when 1 will of the Ii e ~1lin1 I cnlm dm\ u and say to my::.clf, ";:\ 01\, be the tetl<'her of 'chool la!, o '. rballt'J will H ow('\'CI' and \\ hrre,·rr we s(H'nd our \'acation this yrar let us all Betsy, don't gel pnnlt'kyl For three se c;ihng, th1rtl'\!n agree that it will pro\' for u:- an eduC'ati,·c holiday. years you've bc!'n rending about tcachin:,:, Iletty Sedergren ~llShc material lot sul-~· . · L , UUl\'1:,1on of flo..' T H E B I RDSEYE 3 EXTENSIVE RENNOVATIONS PLAY PRODUCI G DUE THIS SUMMER UNDER DIFFICULTIES Does Ca.. tlelon n<'ed n new hcntmg P ut trng on the play " Pride and P re­ plant, a rcdc<•ornted dorm, n modernized iudic·e" on llUC'h short noti1·e and with the kitchen, p:tp<'r and wax? There's paint, foC'i lili<'s \d1i1·h Cw:itlelon ha!:! lo olTer hU8 no doubt about the ans\\('r. Let.'s perr rrwant dc.':!p<'mfc ly hard \H>rk it few rrheur.;als w hn1 c>v«ryonr• read ber rolls :\round. tlw11 l11 1e:1, and rm one kne\\ where to \ ou will not lmve to wear your bnthrobe 1:1tancl, and :,tood ther E' awkwardly m the to bC'd evrn on tho..,<' freezing, zero nights: wrong place (or moved arrd made sc1s.-1ors) the loyal firC'-keC'pC'r>; "ill no longer s uffer wc·rc rather terrifying, but as the work from t'oti...tanl nhu~e; nor will tlw rndiator., pmgrrs.~ed the improvements werE' ::iturt­ ~o n,tuntly wluwk und bang during nn Jing. You who o«e only tl1e finished product mpor tnnt d1up<'l. Tlw :-late le).(islatu1(' tonight rannot fully app1 eriate this "otl'd to apropr ia le , 20,000 for u llC'\\ changr, 1caling plant. Th<' <'ommittcc in d1u1 g<' De,,pite the work there has been an if tlus projed, Commissioner Ralph K amazing lot of laughter and fun at the '\oblc, ('ha1rm:m, Principal Erino H. \\ ••J1mo'm A1PmLu rehearsals. Espe1·ially the onr where

3c·ott, sccrct:1ry, :ind \[crlon F. Barber, \ftcr n year'.., l<:'tlV<' of alN'tH·r, drvotccl to :-tudir" nt Hurvurd, .\fr \rnold \\ill \lis.-; .J:u·kson bounded onto the stage to ;tMe purchasinp: agent, hus held two mect­ ~~tu1n to C. '\. S falJ to l'ontinur his work 111 lhr Ro"ial S"1Cnl'e department enter at Darcys' cue (not expecting to ngs, 1eul'hed the ne<'e,..,..ary decisions L he rntue ..,rhool will \1rlromr thr popular ".Jt>rry und l11s ,\ustm." i:;ee Lbtzwan) only to find Darty there 111d ;.peC'ifit'aliom. ure in the mail lo <'OIU­ and rc·ucly to talk. In her amazement she »tagg<·red haC'kwards-half fainting >ellh ve lmlders. ThE' plum; \\ hit-h are FOURTEEN TO 1941-1942 OFFICERS •-...prrt<'d lo be <'ompleted by A ugm;t 15, a"r<>",; the slag!'. )rovide for two skel tubular boilers, RECEIVE DEGREE ([ nciclentull,;, Bingle,;-: a<'trng and lei\ smoke sttH'k, return <'Ondcn."1ltion \!any clus.~ and organizations have speaking i--erm to reach a !ugh peak after rnmp unit, stokers and rchulancing of To Rereivc Degrer:s: \li!'c Carpcnl1er, ele<'l<'d th<'1r offker,, for the em;umg yrar the s<"c•ne where he partake:> of the shrub. ·ud111ti on tit :-eYernl point" in Leuven­ .\[nry Corrornn, \lhert Duuph111, \lnr­ Th<' new ofht·e1-,; are \Yttt C"h for tht" in the play.) \Yuleh also for the hows of \Ir Collin~. YOI th llull and the \ dminblrution Build- guerile Engan, :\Iary F aryni:nz, Cn t hrnne Stud e nt Coope rative Association Gaynor, H arold Gib b ~, Glenn Houston, they're masterpicC'es. P 1C's11lr11t Barbara P hillips Grralditte Lyston, C'hrbl i ne '.\luc•kenz1e, " e :-houldn't tattle but the <·u.-,t would In Leavenworth llall at !rust five \ ire Pr<'s Frances , le\\ art C'atherinr :\Toriarly, .\fargaret O'Bn<•n, ulmo;.t that Lady Catherine de Bourgh ;ludcnt rooms\\ ill be <'ompletrly refinished ~{'(· .Jane Beuc·hc will g1g~le before she geh off the .. tage, vmied pastel color" and equipped with tnnky Ofieru;end, Thomas Ric·e . .n Tre:i;. llelen .Jamie:;on and a.., for Lydia, don't be taken in, she's iew maple furniture. The fortunate Junio~ to Graduate: Phyllis \midon, Athle tic Associat ion a ht tie devil in the gui:-e of Bennetts' >ccupanls of such 1 ooms may rightly Edith Burt, Barburn Clark, ;\!nry Dwyer, Pre:-iclent .Josephine Hinckley youngest daughter. ·-...peel to be deluged with company, for Ruth Flancler:s, Arle11e Frenc•h, Eleanor \' ice Pre~ l'.dward Curran :ou know that such plensant !>urroundings Gnlvin, Elizabeth H eITe1 nan, Elizabeth Src Lois Bassett J OBS ''ill be conducive lo the be;.t study habits. ;\[. Heffernan, Anna H eleba, Patric:ia Tlel<'l1 K ing Heyman, ,\nna Hinckley, Bernard Howley, The dining-room \\ indows will be .\t thE> time the Bird:seye went to press Dorothy :'If. Kerrigan (.\Ir:;.), Pead Com m uters' Assoc iatio n ~'eather-stripped lo prevent :\Tr. cott's the follo,,·ing Castleton students had J\ lc:\fahon, .\ nnn Xorton, .\[ury Purker, ;hh,ering from the draft on the back of President Eileen Eaton already ;.igned C'ontrncts for positions for ~Iarjorie Perrin, \ ·iola Pct ry, \lnrion 1is neck year':s banquets. Other refinish­ \ ' ic<' PrE's P hillip Jr. Juniors \\11en you're showing your guests 'l"reas :\lur~arct C'as.-icly .:\Iary Purker 'underland 1round the library and Clenbrook don't Sophomores to Graduate: Louise .\lien, Sophom ore Class ;\Iary Dwyer .\It. H olly mtlt another department which is equally Leona Buck, AJice C'olvm, Barbf\ru Prc~ident Paulina H o\Yurcl Betty H effernan Xorth H ampton, :'.\l as:, 1s vitaJ und which you wilJ be equally Dary, Alta Eddy, Doris C:albruith, \ 'iee P res Lois BaS>-elt P hyllis Amidon , Bennington 1.S proud of. The present kitchen will be Beverly Hoadley, \ ' 10Ja :\follary, Ruth ec ...... Leonard .Johrnson Ann Xorton Pawlet •ntirely refinbhed, including a pantry '.\Coore, \'irginia .Nelson, Lovinn 01 vis, Treas . . . Helen Bertolino Elt'anor Calv'in Leieester ,, ith additional cupboard and work space. Florence Ryan, \'era SlaC'k, Bernice Tri­ Arlene French Peru cell. Rural C lub But I doubt if the banana bread and Olive Rumney underland Depot P re;.ident Jeanette Que~nel ·hocolate cake with mint sauce can be Ruth Flanders Ludlow \'ice Pre" Dorothy Stowell 1luch improved. Anna Heleba .. \Yestmi~ter J eun Lanthier .\t P hillips H ouse the exterior will be make a more practical unit for the mU'iic 'ec:. Edith Burt . , Benson Treas ;\lurjorie Hinckley painted white with dark green blinds and department. Betty edcrgrel\...... Pownal Center the north side of the porch will be removed. The Crow's nei:.t shall be improved by C. . S. Players :rnna Hinckley. ·...... Pownal ;\ larjorie Perrin . Pawlet I'he interior will be repaired with three replacement of floor limbers and probable President Eleanor \\'ilson Elizabeth H effernan pringfield ::ir four rooms refinii:.hed. rearrangement of bathroom facilities. \'ire Pres .. Carleta Phelps \·iola Perry. , . outh Xorthfield The return of .:\Ir. Arnold in the fall Boys, you may be getting maple furniture See .. Clarice Benjamin ~Iarjorie Tyler Benson l\'ill iequire one additional classroom. in the future, jubt prove that you're worth Trca" .\lier Leamy The present office will become i\Iiss it. Sophomores Junior Class Officers Blnck's Social Science room and the new Bernice Triccll Bridport Relocating of th(' pre.;ent sewerage President ..\I ma ;\ [ender office will be loC'ated in what is now the Florence W right. . :\Iiddletown prings facilities and construction of an adequate \'ice Pres . , '.\lary Dervin lihrarv work room. This room is to be (High chool) septic tank will warrant greater satis­ Leonard Dordick mo:st · ul.lractively refinished with warm Ser. Barbara Dary .. Thornsonburg faction. The exterior of the gymnasium Treasurer .Jean Lanthier ~ray wulb, C'ream venetian blinds, moha­ will be repainted and other ne<'c.s;;ary Alta Eddy outh R oyalton ~ony finished furniture, and a blue rug. repairs made. Steering Committee for Cas t le to ne Alice Colvin R ochester A new roof on the administration building Alta Eddy. . outh R oyalton Yohanna Karlson of asphalt, pape r and !-(ravel will eliminate In Glenbrook house somr of the rooms AJice Colvin. . , R ochester will be refinished. A sander and power .\Ima .!\leader the leaks ehronic in the past years. Other K ay B owurd Shirley Sprague...... Brookfield chanrres will include rearrangement of waxer which will be purchased as school Helen Brigham .Jacksonville the boys toilets, and blocking up the property will make po::;sible the refinishing Intern ational R elation s C lub :\fary Gaudette...... Danby of the Boors through the entire plant such present. locker room for the ~Y. \ typing President Leonurd Dord1ck Fi delis Fox .. , ...... tark:;boro as has been recently completed in the room. \ 'ice Pre:i .. . , ..... Edward C urran Lovina Orvis ... , . . . . . Starksboro library annex. Ruth .\Coore. . Lower Granville At Ju::.t' The ceiling in the a uditorium Sec...... Christine Prutt With s uch improvemeuts in progress it . Jeanne Smith \'iola l'\l alJory ...... \\'arren of the old chapel will be replaced with a Treas ..... is readily accepted lhnt Cnstleton is Leona Buck ...... Cavendish false ceiling, tlurteen feet high, of some constantly growing in that something Senior Class Leona Vesper . l'\orth R oyalton acoustic material. Later plans provide which is bigger and better. Chairman .. . . . Yohanna K arlson 1\Iyfawny Roberts ... Bridport for subdiviision of floor space in order to 4 T H E B I RDS EYE r.:--======-~~~~~-=-===:--1 ' ,...-~~~~~~~~~~~~ I BREVITIES l sroRTS FOR WOME~ I SPO RT S fO R ME ff '.,:11 1. BC'rn1rt' Trieell :-pent la!\t week-end m " 1:~ :::.~ :: :~~.~:. life thi!'> i;ummer C'il hrr in the army or in Troy, '\ Y .. a.' a p;ue"t of her ;.i-.ter. L · I ~pnngfi<'l d, \'t. \ .cronu.•n F 1~h. J:vn und Je:inette , pm l" for women 1 r:whrd u new hil(h For about thr (u,..t fom years 11 u1,.. an I, rancis .\loriant.' '' 111 he at the Pio- Qu<•,nel hn,·e employmrnt for the "ummer "hen everyone 1rrm·r1<'mer 111 llydevillr ultnd,... of pnng I C'\'l'r and the weathrr to p1epure 1\111\rticlC' for~ om l'onsumpt1on "'JlE•<'l Ilou.,e, Luke Bomo,een. Ln1 ... Ha-. ...ett is to he employed ut thr gll'\\ warm and comfortuble Tiu-. hus not uhrnv,.. hren a~ easy u" it .\!arJorie P er1111 "' planning a tnp to dmrr 1r1 ('a,tleton. The tenni-. com i,.. Wt'! l' 1ollcd F>moolh, :orrmed, hut I hn.vr rE>ully enjoyed it. points we::.l ''1th 1-tops in C hira11:0 and 'l'lw boarding .Junior" nre sittinp; to­ murkE>d with pu1t• w hitr ltme; and the Thcr<' have bC'C'ri mnny change,, in \ 'C'llow ,'tone .i\ntional Park, \Yyominl(. j!;l'llwr in the dininp: room at ml:':\l time gi1h, from the C'ommutN'-. room, th<' tlHN' four year:.. \\ e have changed our After returning >.hr'' ill ramp at Bomo:oeen for thr remainder of the veur. It 1-. J>m mrtory, the Philip',, Jlou ... e, and thr ha-.kethull .heaclqunrll'"" from the tiny \11t h the company of " Li z" Heffernan, rumorrd that the C'on\PN\hon i,_n't gym da...,.es e .. tahli,hrd 11 monopol) o,·rr Town Hull to our nrw gym. Thi,. hu... Dorn, Galbraith, \ 1r11;111m Xelson, and up to p:1r for a mernll<'r of t hat clu-.~ . tenni... for the ,,p rinl( Huth qui1e-., I lwen n great ,.tep ior\\nrd hut we ;.houlcl "Ont" Burke. Thr girls \\ell·ome vi-.iton-, \\ alter t rong, Ken11rlh Clark, and C'lum·P Bcn1umm, Llarrw .Jacob,., and not ... top nO\\. \Yr ,..hould develop some but if you <'nil at m<•al time, bring your C'lnrrrl<'e Peno, >-tudenh at Clnrhon \mtu \\ 1lder nre out on the court:,; when- good basketball tram" that would put I own food. Trl'h in Potsdam, ::\. \ . were rerent ever thry have timr, to try to impro,•e C'nstlrlon on the lm,.,ket ball map. I It ii- well rumorrd nrnund school thf\t j!;ll e"ts of \ 'era lnC'k, Hrtty , nrgent and thrir nlrendy e:--l'ellrnt ;.kill rrnlC'mber the fir"ht bnsketball gume ,\Jic·e P ratt will ,.pt•nd he r summer and \\'anrtn Hull. The other nil(hl , C'ailitn Phelps. Ger- ever held at Castlrton The ireat pro- many summer"h to romr keeping hou~r for The <~lenbrook -.tudents "ere ho,..i... trudr \\'heeler, and \ltu l •,dtl~ (old stand- blrm 111 tho~e day,, wa.., tn p:et five men to 11 i·ertnin Xavy man w horn ... he intend.., to nnd ho,te:<>oe:. to the bonnhn~ faculty II\·,. from P hihp's flotM') were 'een trvin):! fill fiv.- "uits and to tn· to kN'p the "<'?rr tnkP the fntn.I strp "1th early in .July. nnd ,,tudrnts nt a p1rmc 11t Glenbrook, to lut u ball 1wer tlw tt>nni,. net. .Ju-.t und<'r one hundrrd Lu1'11 -.m·ceechni.c He"t ,1 i..he,.,, \ hre. \lny 29 E lizabeth Heffernan wo-. m Ill l wo houn- the Ktrl" ... howed what C'. '\ year there ha" bern murh pro~re,.,-. olonj( I "Sm~np:" tanIr\' O ften;.end has s<>nous rhn rl(r of the affair. •· l'Ollld do for them Thr\ \\ere hrtlllll( I thi.. , line. Thr ...('('Olltl ·\Par of .ba;.kethall . l I IOU!( I1t>. o f gomg . lo n boys' ramp Thr majority of 8ophomorr,. nrny hr thrm h ke •Hofe,...... 1011:11'. KrrD 1t up, at ( . :'\. S. thrv rvrn :-Ul01·eeded 111"111111 ng ' · · c·oun~e 1or. ~rrn hu::.ily mountinl( H ower~ f0r Diologv. g11 1,,1 \\ho kno\1:-, \II' nught produl'e n a 1(1\me. I n thr Inst four .rrnrs we hove The ne\l thinj? i ~ to cli~rover the name of llch>n .Jurob:.-. truvelrd to Plymouth, L;·ndon\'ille, amI " \\'end.v" Bai tholomew is to be the flower, both rommon and :orientifir !'ome -.ourre-. -.nv that '.\Tun· Dwver IGorham and ha\ r u-.ually m:rnaged tn Bnmo... ('('n at John ... ou '~ Hotel a..-; n handy Dl:'rt ha Hmckley and Betty Heffernan r.., holdinp; her O\\ 11 111 the table te~m" hrC':ik l:'ven m j!;Ul111:'" won and lo-t for lhr mun. \'MtPd the former',, -.1-.ter in Ludlo\\ field ... N1 ...on Xm' that "r hnve our new i:o·m Ruth .\Ioorc will be al the \\'orden rrrrntlr. T he orrhery target h:i" hecn put up ond better h:1,.krth:11l furili tieo:: therr Hotel on Lake Ceorl(C, X. Y. arcompunird The· .Juniors seem to he bui:-y people and many have beC'n -.rrn out there. \II l>hnulcl he no e'\l'lr"<' for poor huskethall hy F rnnre,.. Benton und Connie P help:-. these day!' with the Piny 11ml the Prom that w r ran report on r101\ is Dorothy lt'um". I don't kno11 how the other George p!!rk:- e\pe1·t8 to go to the Ju.,t try lo get any i:.roop;. from them. 'to11('1l u11d P atri"in lfryman. Can't wr fellow" feel about it but I think that Ceneral Elertrir for the summer. .\I"' l ~ velvn H eath, tenrhcr at .\leado\1- :-<'<' more of you? athlet iro:: and bu,.ketbnll in pnrt_irulur " T ony" Dow nnd \'irginia Renehon brook, 1s t~ spend the :,ummer in Cah­ \Ii"" Ewald ;.;nn• that Eleanor !'air- has added murh to our "rhool hfe at wrll be working a t o,,terville, .\fo..,..,. on fornm, leavinp; ns -.oon a<, "chool i.., over hank-. and Lyolu J .j(llll :If(' the "rhamp,," ca ... tleton. ICupe Cod. The .\! Black and .\!ornll arr m dP<'k tenm,., Barbara B ou,'irr will be at the .\llen- bu1ldini.t n camp a t Fryeburg, .\!nine Thc follow 111~ J)('Oplr have maintained NE\V TYPE\VR ITER \ 1i...... Laura Wade of, wiu. n wood Inn in Burlington. a pNfert record in thr mornmp; Breukfo,.t THRILLS BIRDSEYE lunc•hron l(UCst of :\Ir~~ Kelly Wednesday, ('luh, c:lenn .\!aynnnl, Bill Sheldon, Liz \Ima .\leader e\prd;, to spend part of .\lay 2 . Heller nan, ,\farjonr T) ler, and Helen the ~ ummer at ho me 1u1d on the ~nd;. ":\ow how come-. tins brand new shiny \Ii"" Ruth pooner, wu" a recent guest K ing The::'e people "hould he c·onp:1atu­ ut Old Orrhnrd B<'arh as her ;,i,,t<'r's L. (' , mitl1 typl:'w riter and de,,k in room at C'n-.tleton :\ormal, und oh-.erved in the lntC'd herau--e 1t i-.n't C'\·rr~ hocly that l'an 1•ompanion. :i'!" 1t i,.. n lm1j!; 1111cl thnllin!J: stor~ of D!'mon ... tration rhool,. grt up :it 5:30 111 thr mm ninj!;. Edward Hnn i" w u1ting an .\rmy l'lill hundred,, thou.-.:11111", 1111d perhap, mil­ Cenerou:o bo;.p1tahty, clehrmus refre:.h· \\<"re ull looking forward to lnp;i.crr early in .July nnd will l>e in some army lion-. of ;,.amh'1C'h<',.., not to mention t ho-e ment." of punch, ire ncum with sauce, and bette1 thing.. n!''\t yl'a1 . ('!Imp drenminl( o f the p:oocl time,, he h~ th•h1·1ou-. pie,, und cup" of frai.trant cotTrr and cupcakes, and un mformul utmo;,phcre had at C. X. . grC'etP-l1<1ulde1·-.. Corsages The.. e nre but a frw of the "ay" the RUSSELL CO~ lPLDI EXT OF MAPLEWOOD DAIRY B111beye memhe1,. hn n• 1·oml11ned bu~ine,.,,, and plen,.ure to uttmn the go:tl they , F lorist W. E. GRACE FUR CO. Fair Haven Vermon t t•1ght yeen; O)(<>. :'\ever tirin~. nl:'\ rr , cn •i('C Bldg. H.utland, \'t. 1·rnsrn~ effort hu" lircn their watchword Brandon Yermont ll" they have pu... hrcl townrd the