Cleveland Shale
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- REVISION of the UPPER DEVONIAN in the CENTRAL-SOUTHERN APPALACHIAN BASIN: Biostratigraphy and Lithostratigraphy
- Index to the Geologic Names of North America
- Distribution of the Cleveland Black Shale in Ohio
- Middle – Upper Devonian Strata Along the Lake Erie Shore, Western New York
- Devonian Shales Qf Ohio and Their Eastern Equivalents
- High-Resolution Stratigraphy and Subsurface Mapping of the Lower
- Geologic Cross Section I–I' Through the Appalachian Basin from The
- New Finds of Fishes in the Lower Uppermost Famennian (Upper Devonian) of Сentral Russia and Habitats of the Khovanshchinian Vertebrate Assemblages
- A New Fossil-Lagerstätte from the Late Devonian of Morocco : Faunal Composition, Taphonomy and Paleoecology
- Water Resources and Natural Gas Production from the Marcellus Shale
- Ohio Fossils
- Reanalysis of Heintzichthys Gouldii 355
- Abstract Sequence Stratigraphic Framework for the Upper Devonian Lower Huron Shale Member of the Ohio Shale, North-Central Appa
- "Ology and Mineeal Eesoueces of T] Cleveland Disteict, Ohio
- Dunkleosteus Terrelli Poster
- Kentucky Stratigraphy with Stage Correlations Stephen F
- Silurian, Devonian, and Mississippian Hydrocarbon-Rich