Balinese language
Top View
- The Development and Challenges of Indonesian Language As an Academic Language
- Sebuah Kajian Pustaka
- Balinese Script – Past, Present, and Future
- Effect of Culture on Balinese Language Used by Employee Hotels for Foreign Travelers in the Sociolinguistic Perspective
- Herman Neubronner Van Der Tuuk and Nineteenth-Century Language Study in Southeast Asia·
- “Maybe English First and Then Balinese and Bahasa Indonesia”: a Case of Language Shift, Attrition, and Preference
- The Ethnolinguistic Vitality of Konjo in Bulukumba Regency of South Sulawesi, Indonesia
- Avoidance and Overuse of Indonesian Language Among Balinese Children
- International Seminar on Language Maintenance and Shift (LAMAS) 7 July 19-20, 2017
- *‡Table 6. Languages
- Temporal Deixis in Balinese Language Advances in Language
- Local Language Vs. National Language: the Lampung Language Maintenance in the Indonesian Context
- By Erni Hastuti P0300315007
- The Preservation of Balinese Spoken Language at the Ngaben and Potong Gigi Event
- Temporal Expressions in Balinese: Focused on the Semantic Functions of Temporal Adverbials
- The Variation of West Sulawesi Dialects Used in STAIN Majene
- The Ka- Passive Form in Balinese
- Indonesia and Oceania 17