Abies cephalonica
Top View
- Ecology and Ecophysiology of Circum-Mediterranean Firs in the Context of Climate Change Gilbert Aussenac
- Tyler Arboretum Tree and Shrub List 2020
- MF3423 Conifer Trees for Kansas: a Guide to Landscape Evergreens
- Árboles Cultivados En España. Gimnospermas
- Uradalmi Kertészetek a 19. Századi Magyarországon
- Conifer Quarterly
- On the Taxonomical Identity of Abies Alba Ssp. Borisii- Regis (Mattf.) Koz
- Spontaneous Hybrids Within the Genus Abies – Growth and Development
- Daskalakou Koutsovoulou Thanos Malta 4 2018
- Allozyme Variation and Possible Phylogenetic Implications in Abies Cephalonica Loudon and Some Related Eastern Mediterranean Firs
- Budapesti Corvinus Egyetem Tájépítészeti És Tájökológiai Doktori Iskola
- Short List of Replacement Tree Species
- Plant Descriptions
- A Guide to the Firs (Abies Spp.) of the Arnold Arboretum
- ABIES — a Bibliography of Literature for Tree Improvement Workers
- Verifying Abies at Bedgebury Pinetum
- Abies P.Mill
- Biodiversity of Greek Fir (Abies Cephalonica Loudon) Experimental Stands in Rogów Arboretum (Poland)