OF REMARKS June 15, 1970 \ 1 403
i \ 19784 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS June 15, 1970 \ 1 403. By the SPEAKER: A memorial of the State of Dlinois, relative certain benefits for kyu Islands, relative to removal of poison-gas State of Illinois, relative to amending the the mentally 111 under the Social Security weapons from the Ryukyu Islands; to t he !\ Social Security Act regarding rehabilitation Act; to the Committee on Ways and Means. Committee on Armed Services. sites for the mentally 111; to the Committee 509. Also, petition of the Gushikawa Cit y on Ways and Means. Assembly, Okinawa, Ryukyu Islands, relat ive 404. Also, a memorial of the Senate of the PETITIONS, ETC. to U.S. military personnel stationed on Oki nawa; to the Committee on Armed Services. St ate of Illinois, relative to amending the Under clause 1 of rule XXII, petitions 510. Also, petition of the board of com Social Security Act to provide certain treat and papers were laid on the Clerk's desk missioners, Newport, Ky., relative to exempt ment for the mentally ill; to the Committee and referred as follows: ing the Delta Queen from the provisions of on Ways and Means. 508. By the SPEAKER: Petition of the the safety-at-sea law; to the Committee on 405. Also, a memorial of the Senate of the Gushikawa City Assembly, Okinawa, Ryu- Merchant Marine an d F isheries. EXTENSIO ~NS OF REMARKS BREAKTHROUGH IN CANCER Federal Government funding; his own cially inbred mice by the end of June. RESEARCH life savings, now exhausted; and public And now, the miracle. contributions of more than $25,000 raised Five minutes after I mentioned this when his financial plight was publicized last night, a Coronado woman called to HON.
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