
11 The Wide World of

With so many different plants in the world, it’s tough to keep them all straight. But there are certain features we can see in plants that allow us to put them into helpful categories.

Recommended Reading Plants: Flower Plants, , , and Other Plants, by Shar Levine and Leslie John- stone (Note: The intro to chapters 4 and 5 refer to the earth being over 100 million years old.)

The Tree Book: For Kids and their Grown Ups,by Gina Ingoglia, p. 26-89 (Note: Fantastic resource for identifying trees during this week’s activity.) Walk — Exploring ACTIVITY Plants

Now that you know a little bit more about the different divisions of plants, take some time to get outdoors and explore plants this week!


• Copies of Exploring 1. Walk around outside and try to find examples of plants that are in the Plants: Observation four different divisions of plants we discussed in plants: Journal page Bryophyta, the mosses • Pencil Phylum Pterophyta, the ferns Phylum Coniferophyta, the cone-bearing plants Phylum Anthophyta, the flowering plants

2. Try to find at least one to two different examples of each category of you can sketch on the Exploring Plants: Observation Journal page. 3. See if you can identify the of the plant — use a book or online resource to help you out!

Reminder! Be sure to continue caring for and monitoring your bean plant. How is it doing? Take the time to sketch what it looks like and record its height. EXPLORING PLANTS OBESERVATION JOURNAL

What phylum is this plant in? What species of plant is this? Record any noteworthy features of this plant: Pterophyta ______Bryophyta Coniferophyta ______Anthophyta ______



How many days since your bean was planted? ______How tall is your bean plant? ______

QUESTION: What phylum of plants reproduce with spores and do not have vascular tissue?

ANSWER: Phylum Bryophyta, the mosses.


QUESTION: What phylum of plants reproduce with spores and do have vascular tissue?

ANSWER: Phylum Pterophyta, the ferns.

LESSON 11 QUESTION: What phyla of plants reproduce with seeds and have vascular tissues?

ANSWER: Phylum Coniferophyta, the cone-bearing plants, and Phylum Anthophyta, the flowering plants.

LESSON 11 The Wide World of Plants

Lesson 11 Quiz

1. The 4 major groups of plants are the mosses, the ferns, the , and the flowering plants. Tr u e False

2. Vascular plants use special tissue inside the plant to: A) anchor to soil B) carry water and minerals C) reproduce

3. What two structures can plants use for reproduction? A) Seeds or spores B) Rhizoids or seeds C) Spores or minerals

4. Mosses known as are: A) nonvascular and reproduce with spores B) vascular and reproduce with seeds found in cones C) vascular and reproduce with spores D) vascular and reproduce with seeds found in fruit

5. Ferns known as are: A) vascular and reproduce with seeds found in cones B) nonvascular and reproduce with spores C) vascular and reproduce with seeds found in fruit D) vascular and reproduce with spores

6. including the major phylum conifers, are: A) vascular and reproduce with spores B) vascular and reproduce with seeds found in cones C) vascular and reproduce with seeds found in fruit D) nonvascular, and reproduce with spores

7. Angiosperms including the major phylum anthophyta, or flowering plants are: A) vascular and reproduce with seeds found in cones B) nonvascular and reproduce with spores C) vascular and reproduce with spores D) vascular and reproduce with seeds found in fruit

8. Which of the following is not true? A) Spores are smaller than seeds. B) Spores have a thick wall around them to provide support and structure. C) Seeds contain a food supply within them for the embryonic plant. D) Seeds have a protective coating around them for protection.