
Proc. Natl. Accad. Sci. USA Vol. 93, pp. 1071-1076, February 1996

Archaeal- eubacterial mergers in the origin of Eukarya: Phylogenetic classification of (centriole-kinetosome DNA/Protoctista/ classification/symbiogenesis/archaeprotist) Department of , University of Massachusetts, Amherst, MA 01003-5810

Conitribluted by Lynnl Marglulis, September 15, 1995

ABSTRACT A -based phylogeny leads to a con- these features evolved in their ancestors by inferable steps (4, sistent, useful classification system for all life. "Kingdoms" 20). rRNA gene sequences (Trichomonas, Coronympha, Giar- and "Domains" are replaced by biological names for the most dia; ref. 11) confirm these as descendants of anaerobic eu- inclusive taxa: Prokarya () and Eukarya (symbiosis- karyotes that evolved prior to the "" (12)-e.g., derived nucleated ). The earliest Eukarya, anaero- , fungi, or . bic mastigotes, hypothetically originated from permanent If began as motility symbioses between Ar- whole- fusion between members of (e.g., Thermo- chaea-e.g., Thermoplasma acidophilum-like and Eubacteria plasma-like organisms) and of Eubacteria (e.g., Spirochaeta- (Spirochaeta-, Spirosymplokos-, or Diplocalyx-like microbes; like organisms). , life-history, and ref. 4) where cell-genetic integration led to the nucleus- record evidence support the reunification of bacteria as cytoskeletal system that defines eukaryotes (21)-then an Prokarya while subdividing Eukarya into uniquely defined optimal explanation for Table I's large quantity of otherwise subtaxa: Protoctista, Animalia, Fungi, and Plantae. baffling sequence data ensues (Table 2). Nucleoid membranes are known in at least one , Gemmata obscuriglobus (24), and membrane hypertrophy is Bacterial Symbioses Cells of Eukarya common in invasive associations implying nuclear-endomem- brane systems originated as defensive response in bacterial Here I detail implications of serial endosymbiotic theory (SET; mergers (4). Centriole-kinetosomes are thought derived from ref. 1) of origins of nucleated organisms for interpretation of attached eubacteria (Fig. 1) such that centriole-kinetosome molecular data and classification of all life. Eukaryotes evolved DNA (c-kDNA; refs. 25 and 26) is their vestige (4, 21). when archaeal (2) (=archaebacterial) and eubacterial cells A great distinction is made between prokaryotic no merged in ahaerobic symbiosis. Nucleocytoplasm (from Ar- matter their recombinant source or number per cell (e.g., chaea) acquired swimming motility (from fermenting Eubac- 's same- multiple nucleoids when fis- teria) becoming mastigotes prior to acquisition of mitochon- sion is retarded) and composite genomes derived from genetic dria or (3, 4). Some mastigotes then incorporated integration of symbionts. Archaea and eubacteria, no matter purple Eubacteria (mitochondria precursors) to become oxy- their vast RNA, , and metabolic differences, are nev- gen-respiring aerobes from which most protoctists, animals, ertheless . They lack the system that underlies and fungi evolved. Aerobes in later permanent association with mendelian (composite heterospecific genomes, intra- -precursor became -i.e., phototro- cellular motility, and cell fusion) and therefore are united into phic protoctists (5). one most inclusive : Prokarya. Nucleated organisms, Individuality reappears as former symbionts integrate and products of symbiont integration of two or more former branches on bifurcating phylogenies anastomose to generate prokaryotes, are placed in the second taxon: Eukarya. new name-requiring taxa. The necessary and sufficient expla- nation of simultaneous archaeal and eubacterial protein and Protoctista nucleic acid sequences (refs. 2, 5-13; Table 1) even in amito- chondriate eukaryotes is their origin as genetically integrated The Eukarya taxon (equivalent to "Superkingdom" or "Do- bacterial symbionts. The consequences of the SET phylogeny main") includes amitochondriate mastigotes [Archeozoa (27), for (evolutionary classification) includes replace- Hypochondria (13), here Archaeprotista], organisms derived ment of ad hoc gene transfer hypotheses (10), social-political from symbioses between as few as two prokaryote types. terms like Kingdom or (2), and other confusion with and fertilization are known in some: parabasalids a consistent for identifying, naming, and classifying (Barbulanympha) and pyrsonymphids (Notila; ref. 28). Meio- all life. tic-sexual cycles did not evolve in all Archaeprotista as Kirby Comparable to extant prokaryotic consortia-e.g., Thioden- showed for large Calonymphidae trichomonads (29). These dron (15), Methanobacillus omelianski (16), and Daptobacter- amitochondriate multikinetosome mastigotes are multinucle- infected chromatia (17)-the earliest symbioses that became ated. They bear numerous akaryomastigonts (four-kinetosome eukaryotic cells lacked and meiosis. Abiding in anoxic structures that lack their connected nucleus) and karyomas- environments today are free-living amitochondriate motile tigonts (four-kinetosome attached to a nucleus) heterotrophs, mastigotes, related to intestinal symbi- peculiar to the . Akaryomastigont kinesis outpaced onts (18, 19). They vary in number of nuclei, organization of karyomastigont kinesis such that the akaryomastigonts out- chromatin, kinetochores, Golgi-parabasal bodies, rhizoplast number the nuclei in the genera Calonympha, Stephanoniym- nucleus-kinetosome connectors, [9(2)+21 -based pha, and Snyderella (29). From DNA staining in Calonympha intracellular motility organelles (undulipodia), centriole- grassii akarymastigonts (*) we infer that certain centriole- kinetosome-mitotic spindles, and meiotic sexuality, suggesting kinetosomes retained their genes. The nuclear internalization of c-kDNA (i.e., in Chlamydomonas; ref. 26) probably oc- The publication costs of this article were defrayed in part by page charge payment. This articlc must therefore be hereby marked "advertisement" in *Dolan, M., Second European Congress of , July 24-28, accordance with 18 U.S.C. §1734 solely to indicate this fact. 1995, Clermont-Ferrand, France, p. 42 (abstr.). 1071 Downloaded by guest on September 26, 2021 1072 Evolution: Margulis Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 93 (1996)

Table 1. Prokarya origins of Eukarya components: Eubacterial Table 2. Hypothetical source of eukaryotic features and archacal protein contributions to the nucleocytoplasm of eukaryotes Spirochaeta sp. Thermoplasnma sp. (or related eubacterium) (or related archae) Eubacteria Archaea Undulipodium: undulating Acid, heat resistance Aminto acid /proteini synthesis swimming motility Aspartate aminotransferase Arginosuccinate synthetase Centriole-kinetosomes Membrane ATPases and lipids, Glutamine synthetase Elongation factor 2 (centrosomes, centroplasts) H +-ATPase Glutamate dehydrogenase Elongation factor Tu Spindle tubules, axonemes Chromatin with nucleosomal Aminoacyl tRNA synthetase organization, histones, (isoleucyl-, leucyl-, valyl-) (8) lamins Ubiquitin; proteosomes* Eubacterial genes, * Archaebacterial polymerases Modified rRNA3, 5' ppp on 5SrRNA* and protein-synthetic Methionine initiation apparatus; other Fermentation/energy metabolism archaebacterial enzymes* Ferredoxin Cytoplasmic a-chain, /3-chain HI 02 hypersensitivity 02 microaerophilia vacuolar-type ATPase Retractiont Pleiomorphism (absence of cell Glyceraldehyde-3- Phosphoglycerol kinase wall) phosphate H2 productiont Sulfur respiration§ dchydrogenase (9) Resistant propagule formationt Cytoskeletal fibers$ Nutcleotide/lnlcleic acid metabolisnm Emergent after fusion and integration: amitochondriate mastigotes Formylglycinylmide Carbamoyl-phosphate synthaset ( Archaeprotista of Table 4), with 8-fold ribonucleotide symmetrical pores, mitosis, Ca2+-sensitive , actin- and synthetaset myosin-based phagocytosis, fluid (reversibly fusing) membranes, mo- Pyrroline-5-carboxylate Indole-3-glycerol phosphate tility-based morphogenesis, programmed cell formation. reductase DNA-directed RNA polymerase *See Table 1 (6, 7). DNA polymerase tSpirosynmplokos deltaeiberi provides an example of a spirochete pre- DNA topoisomeraset of undulipodial withdrawal into the cell and perhaps even Histone-DNA binding proteins resistant propagule formation (22). Histidine pathwayt tFermentation product. Fibrillamina of nucleolus §Thermoplasma grows anaerobically if in contact with elemental sulfur particles as electron acceptors. Most membranes SThese structures reported in mycoplasms (23); their presence in Ester-linked lipids, Amino acid-Na+ cotransport protein Thermoplasma requires investigation. phospholipids Isoprenoid membrane lipids (ethers) Striess proteinl mitochondriate aerobes (nucleocytoplasm/centriole-kineto- hsp7O (DnaK) hsp6() chaperonin, cocytes (TCP-1) some/mitochondria). These include malarial parasites, cili- Vitaninl antd storage metabolism ates, and amoebae, whereas those of at least four genomes Dihydrofolate reductase (nucleocytoplasm/centriole- kinetosome/mitochondria/ Glycogen or cytoplasmic "floridean" plastids) include , , chrysophytes, coccolith- starch ophorids, and brown and (Table 3). Protoctists in Carbolhydrate metabolism which the cells are large (30-500 ,um in greatest dimension- Dolichol pathway of glycosylation e.g., heliozoa, ) harbor many DNA-positive or- N-linked carbohydrates ganelles among which genetic relations are unknown. The This table was constructed in collaboration with D. G. Searcy and number of former symbionts (integrated heterologous ge- R. S. Gupta. Details of proteins and organisms are given in refs. 6 and nomes) is expected to increase as the genetics and molecular 7. Nuclcocytoplasm is exclusive of mitochondria, plastids, and any biology of the protoctists become better understood. other subsequently acquired genomes. *Similarities for cocytes only. Previous analyses that recognize the importance of symbiosis tB. Golding, personal communication. in cell evolution (Schwemmler, ref. 39; co-founder of "Endocy- tRef. 14 or A. Lazcano, personal communication. tobiology," ref. 40; and Taylor, ref. 1, inventor of monad-dyad- polymonad terminology) are used here. Eukarya includes, in curred concomitant with the evolution of mitotic/meiotic addition to protoctists, three molecularly homogeneous lineages: cycles in ancestral protoctists (4). Animalia, Plantae, and Fungi. The minimum number of inte- The protoctists include archaeprotists, stramenopiles (het- grated former symbionts of Animalia is three (nucleocytoplasm/ erokonts), alveolates (, , and dinomastigotes) centriole-kinetosome/) or four including and all other eukaryotes not animal, , or (Table 3). deDuve's (from Gram-positive eubacteria; ref. 41). Since all except archaeprotists have mitochondria (with or with- If Scannerini and Bonfante-Fasolo (42) properly interpret out plastids) they evolved by symbioses from more than two "BLOs" (bacteria-like Qrganelles), then Fungi evolved from four former prokaryotes. The earliest fossil protoctists are hard-walled or five originally independent prokaryotes: nucleocytoplasm/ 2.0 billion-year-old spherical microfossils, acritarchs (35). The mitochondrion//BLO and/or centriole-kinetosome. large Eukarya are younger: animal first occur in sediments More dramatically, if Atsatt's (43) and Pirozynski's (44) hypoth- dated 600-520 million years, whereas the earliest fungi and plants esis of plant origins from and fungal genome is appear 450-400 million years ago (36). confirmed, then the integrated genome numbers in Plantae may The number of integrated former symbionts comprising exceed seven (nucleocytoplasm/centriole-kinetosome/mito- many protoctists is unknown [e.g., fibrillar bodies of planktic chondrion/peroxisome-glyoxysome/fungal nucleocytoplasm/ foraminifera may have originated by bacterial symbioses (37); fungal centriole-kinetosome equivalent/peroxisome-glyoxi- "Nebenkorper" (Paramoeba eilhardi) may be former bacteria some/fungal mitochondrion). (38); of may involve two or three Interaction of former bacterial symbionts of Eukarya may (nucleocytoplasm/plastid/mitochondria) genomes per host underlie cyclical development distinguishing protoctists and (13)]. Most protoctist taxa are trigenomic at least since they are "crown-taxa" life cycles. Identification of originally indepen- Downloaded by guest on September 26, 2021 Evolution: Margulis Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 93 (1996) 1073


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FIG. 1. Kinetosomes vs. bacterial attachments in Archaeprotist mastigotes from termites. (a) Axonemes (ax) and kinetosomes (k) of undulipodia of Staurojoenina assimilis in Incisitermes minor. (b) Undulipodia (arrows), symbiotic bacteria (arrowheads). (c) A host microtubule underlies host membrane at each attached bacterium (arrow). (d) Undulipodia at cell surface, spirochete (arrow). (e) Live Stalurojoenina; bar at position of electron micrographs. (f) Distribution of surface and intracellular symbiotic bacteria, attachment fiber development at arrowhead. (g) Kinetosome-nuclear (N) associations (arrow) at surface of related parabasalid from Reticulitermes hesperus. Anoxic environment, no mitochondria. EM by D. Chase.

dent genomes in nucleated individuals is not required for separable. Life cycle, symbioses, and structural diversity of taxonomy but becomes a major goal of molecular biology. these organisms so transcend botanical-zoological experience that plant-animal terminology distorts their description. To , Gamonts, and compensate, Grell (38) introduced protoctist life-cycle terms indispensable for Eukarya phylogenetic analysis. In protoctists, reproduction (increase in number of offspring) Gametes (cells or nuclei of complementary genders) require and sexuality (the formation of a new individual by fusion of merger for further development, minimally karyogamy (fusion genetic material from more than a single parent) are entirely of nuclei) and usually cytogamy (fusion of ). Ga- Downloaded by guest on September 26, 2021 1074 Evolution: Margulis Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 93 (1996) Table 3. Taxon ("Kingdom") Protoctista Table 4. Taxonomic summary Etymology Prokarya = Prokaryotae Gr. Protos-, very first; Ktista, established beings Monohomogenomic prokaryotic cells, chromonemal genetic History of use of term: see legend organization ultrastructurally visible as nucleoids. Cell-to-cell Definition: see legend transfer of genophores-i.e., of the chromoneme (large Phyla list with examples replicons) and of plasmids (and other small replicons). No Phylum Pr-1 Archaeprotista* (Giardia, Microspora) cytoplasmic fusion. Flagellar (rotary motor) motility. Phylum Pr-2 Rhizopoda (amoebae, cellular slime molds) Bacteria: (, Prokaryotae, Procaryotae)* Bacterial cell Phylum Pr-3 Granuloreticulosa* (inc. foraminifera) organization, monohomogenomic Phylum Pr-4 Xenophyophora (deep enigmas) Archaea (methanogens, thermoacidophiles, halophiles, and Phylum Pr-5 Myxomycota* (plasmodial slime molds, Physarum) probably some Gram-positive bacteria) Phylum Pr-6 Dinomastigota* ( Gonyaulux) Eubacteria (Gram-negative and most other bacteria, Phylum Pr-7 Ciliophora* (Paramecium)* extraordinary range of metabolic modes) Phylum Pr-8 Apicomplexa* () Eukarya = Eukaryotae Phylum Pr-9 Haptomonads (prymnesiophytes coccolithophorids) Polyheterogenomict eukaryotic cells, products of integrated Phylum Pr-10 Cryptomonads (Copromonas) bacterial symbioses. Chromosomal genetic organization in nuclei Phylum Pr-11 Discomitochondrios intracellular motility (actin-myosin), microtubule organizing (euglenids, kinetoplastids, amoebomastigotes) centers (tubulin-dynein-), reversible nuclear and cell Phylum Pr-12 Zoomastigina (Proteromonas) fusion. Meiosis/fertilization cycles underlie mendelian genetic Phylum Pr-13 Chrysomonads (Ochromonas) systems. Phylum Pr-14 Xanthophyta (Vaucheria) Protoctista (30) Phylum Pr-15 Eustigmatophyta (eyespot algae) Mitotic organisms, motile by undulipodia; meiosis/ Phylum Pr-16 Bacillariophyta* (diatoms, Navicula) fertilization cycles absent or variable: Phylum Pr-17 Phaeophyta* (kelp, brown algae, Fucus) Fungi Phylum Pr-18 Labyrinthulids/Thraustochytrids (slime nets) Hyphal fusion, zygotic meiosis to form resistant propagules Phylum Pr-19 Plasmodiophorids (plant parasites) (), lack undulipodia. Phylum Pr-20 Oomycota* (Phytopthora) Plantae Phylum Pr-21 Hyphochytriomycota (zoosporic mycelia) Maternally retained embryo formed from fusion of Phylum Pr-22 Haplosporidia (haplosporosome formers) mitotically produced nuclei, sporogenic meiosis. Phylum Pr-23 Paramyxea (nesting cell-forming parasites) Animalia Phylum Pr-24 Myxozoa (Actinomyxa) Blastula formed after fusion of anisogametes (fertilization of Phylum Pr-25 Rhodophyta* (red seaweeds, Gracilaria) egg by sperm), gametic meiosis. Phylum Pr-26 Gamophyta* (Conjugaphyta, desmids) *Groups equivalent to former "Domains" or "Superkingdoms" itali- Phylum Pr-27 * (Chlamydomonas) cized boldtype, present "subkingdoms" are italicized, equivalent to Phylum Pr-28 Actinopoda* (heliozoa, ) former "Kingdoms" underlined; except for Eukarya (which is still Phylum Pr-29 * (Blastocladiella Neocallimastix) equivalent to a "Superkingdom"). History of use of term. John Hogg's four kingdoms, illustrated in color, tPoly=many, hetero=other, genomic=sum of all genes in an individ- are Animal, Vegetable, Mineral, and Primogenium. He placed Pro- ual. toctista, all organisms neither animal nor plant, in kingdom Primo- tSee Table 3 and ref. 46 for fossil record. genium (30). Copeland (31) added phylum "Inophyta" (the akontous zygo-, asco-, and basidiomycetous fungi) to Protoctista making four duced.) Haploid nuclei or cells, representing the haploid phase Kingdoms of life: Monera (Haeckel's bacteria), Plantae, Animalia, of the haplo-diploid life cycle, are not necessarily gametes: and Hogg's Protoctista. After Whittaker raised fungi to kingdom many grow by mitosis and become adults capable not of but status (32, 33) Schwartz and I reunited eukaryotic of reproduction. A mature , regardless of ploidy, with their multicellular relatives as protoctists modifying Whittaker's capable of reproduction but not gamete production is an five kingdom scheme (34). agamont. The diplophase begins by fully viable intraspecific Definition. Protoctista include eukaryotic microorganisms and their nuclear fusion. Complementary genders (mates, conjugants, or larger descendants exclusive of three large taxa: (Animalia) diploids that develop from blastulas, (Plantae) haplo-diploid embryo-formers their representatives) proceed by cytogamy to dikaryosis. The that undergo sporogenic meiosis, and Fungi (= Mychota) akontous dikaryon, fused cells or multicellular organisms with at least conjugating mycelial -forming haploid or dikaryotic osmotrophs. two nuclei each from a different source, later forms a Protoctista, products of symbiogenesis, evolved by permanent cell by karyogamy establishing the diploid nucleus. The diplophase fusion as associations between differing bacteria. Fused DNA-protein terminates with meiosis (reductive cell ). Many Eu- systems led to chromatin [125-A (diameter) unit fibrils], intracellular karya secondarily lost biparental sex of mendelian genetic motility including mitosis, and cell fusions (syngamy, karyogamy) systems. Grell's analysis applies to meiotically sexual relatives cyclically relieved by meiosis (28). Membranes contain steroids and and predecessors: most protoctists, fungi, and (because they polyunsaturated fatty acids perhaps related to periodic cell fusions. develop from sexually produced embryos) all animals and Many form cellulosic, chitinous, polysaccharide, proteinaceous, min- eralized (carbonate, siliceous) walls outside the membranes. Included plants. are all algae, microscopic phagotrophs and other heterotrophs (mis- takenly called "" which are not animals), water molds, other Criteria for Classification lineages, each with unicellular and derived multicellular members. Aquatic in all habitats below 70°C, they range in size from <1 ,um to Molecular sequence changes, by-products of metabolism and > 100 m. Although the term Protoctista encompasses the entire group, of chance, may persist unhoned by . Although some use Protista (which generally refers to smaller protoctists) as natural selection refers to the differential production of RNA synonym for this higher taxon. molecules, genes, organisms, communities, or any reproducing *All except Pr-1 have mitochondria. Meiotic-fertilization mendelian system with high heritability, in not molecules but whole genetic systems well-established in some . organisms are selected. Natural selection acts throughout the life history of all organisms in specific habitats at given times. monts, who at maturity are capable of becoming or producing Therefore, whole-organism biology (including all genetics and gametes, are either haploid or diploid organisms. (Gamont metabolism that determines life cycle) not just molecular and/or gamete differentiation and fusion are often stress in- sequence must undergird phylogenetic classification. Further- Downloaded by guest on September 26, 2021 Evolution: Margulis Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 93 (1996) 1075

,Flavobacteria BACTERIA PLANTS ANIMALS TS FUNGI ThermotogaJes Cyanobactena IcZ

I- 'asma -- Gram-positive bacteria 0 0 Green nonsulphur bacteria ARCHAEA 6- Pyrodxictium 10 (Eocytes)



, Animials Ciliates i plants I 'Fungi Flagellates Microspondia \~(Prokaryotes) ._ (E;)N)

FIG. 2. The three-domain scheme (2) (Left) compared to the evolution of five most inclusive taxa detailed here against the geological time scale. Details in ref. 4 (Right).

more, internally consistent evolutionary-taxonomic schemes Fungi. Fungi germinate from resistant propagules (fungal are essential for those dealing with life (naturalists, educators, spores), haploid uni- or multinucleate cells. Most fungi are physicians) and time (paleontologists, stratigraphers). Molec- haploid agamonts capable of rapid reproduction by asexual ular biologists and chemists, who extract informative molecules airborne spores (conidiae, chlamydospores, etc.). Either mi- from life, can only provide crucial independent methods to totically (asexually) or meiotically produced spores tend to be confirm or disprove evolutionary scenarios. more resistant to heat, desiccation, starvation, etc., than the Major innovations evolving in prokaryotes (e.g., metabolic growing phase of the same organism. Spores germinate into pathways and nutritional modes: or hetero-, chemolitho- pho- agamonts (single cells of or hyphae of molds, morels, toautotrophy, composition, locomotion, sensory sys- mushrooms) that represent either the agamont or the haploid tems) are useless to can distinguish Eukarya. Neither multi- gamont. The haplophase, especially in basidiomycotes, does cellularity delimit taxa because all lineages the oldest including not necessarily terminate with conjugation (isogamontous known life (Prokarya as 3500 my old fossil bacteria) and the later-appearing Eukarya (2000 my) have multicellular descen- fusion) because cytogamy may greatly precede karygamy to dants. form stable . Many more than two genders (genetically The three remaining Eukarya taxa in of appearance in compatible conjugants) may be present in a single species. The the record are as follows: dikaryotic fungal haplophase terminates with karyogamy; Animals. Animals as mature diploid gamonts (adults) mei- after fusion the diploid nuclei quickly undergo two meiotic otically form unequal (aniso-) gametes (undulipodiated sperm divisions (zygotic meiosis). The products of meiosis are not and egg cells) that fertilize (cytogamy). A short dikaryotic gametes nor are undulipodia present at any stage in the life stage, followed by karyogamy, forms the zygote from which the history. Rather, sexual fusions lead to spores (ascospores, blastula develops. Generally the blastula gastrulates to lay basidiospores, etc.) capable of germination. ("K." Mychota) down the asymmetrical axes (, anus) of the growing This phylogenetic classification summarized (Table 4) is embryo ("Kingdom" Animalia). compared with Woese's (2) three-kingdom scheme (Fig. 2). Plants. Plants are haplo-diploid organisms that produce Whether prokaryotic or eukaryotic, cells contain at least five haploid gamonts mitotically from spores. Haplophase - types of nucleic acid (DNA, mRNA, tRNA, small and large isms ("gametophytes") form unequal (aniso-) gametes by subunit rRNA) and at least 500 different proteins (45), no mitosis within multicellular sexual organs (antheridia with single one ofwhich is usable alone as an adequate phylogenetic undulipodiated sperm, archegonia, gametangia). Cytogamy of marker for history of the lineage. Yet it is precisely because complementary genders is followed by karyogamy (single or they may each represent different aspects of evolutionary multiple gamete nuclei) to form zygote nuclei. The resulting history of the organisms from which they are extracted that embryos (agamonts) of the diplophase are retained by the molecular sequences permit tests of phylogenetic inferences female haploid gamont. The mature diplophase agamont (the and classification schemes. multicellular ) produces haploid spores by meiosis. Reinitiating the haplophase, meiosis in plants is sporogenic. I thank D. Bermudes, E. C. de Macario, M. Dolan, P. Gogarten, B. Haploid spores develop into male (antheridia- or pollen- Golding, R. Guerrero, R. Gupta, J. Lake, M. McMenamin, H. forming) or female (archegonial- or embryo sac-forming) Morowitz, G. L. G. Miklos, C. O'Kelly, L. Olendzenski, J. Sapp, D. haploid gamonts. In most plants, haploid gamonts mitotically Stein, T. H. Teal, 0. L. West, and especially D. Searcy for constructive develop both male and female multicellular sexual organs on criticism. I am grateful to D. Reppard for aid in manuscript prepara- the same individual ("Kingdom" Plantae). tion, to K. Delisle for drawing, and to the University of Massachusetts, Downloaded by guest on September 26, 2021 1076 Evolution: Margulis Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 93 (1996) National Aeronautics and Space Administration, and Lounsbery for 23. Korolev, E. V., Nikonov, A. V., Brudnaya, M. S., Snigirevskaya, support. E. S., Sabinin, G. V., Kamissarchik, Y. Y., Ivanov, P. I. & Borch- senius, S. N. 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