no. 5 spring 2001 QUALITY NON-FICTION FROM HOLLAND FOUNDATION FOR THE PRODUCTION Special Issue: AND TRANSLATION OF DUTCH th LITERATURE 20 Century Classics Singel 464 nl6-61017 aw2Amsterdam contained brief biographical sketches of more than 150 tel+631 206620662661 fifteenth and sixteenth-century Dutch and Flemish painters. Three quarters of a century later there fol- fax 6 6 6 6 + 31 20 620 71 79 lowed a most original book by Rembrandt’s pupil
[email protected] Samuel van Hoogstraeten, the Inleyding tot de Hooge website Schoole der Schilderkonst (Introduction to the High School of Painting; 1678). Arnold Houbraken’s De groote schouwburgh der Nederlantsche konstschilders en schilderessen (The Great Theatre of Dutch Painters; 1718- 1721) was a sequel to Mander’s book, as entertaining as Which tradition can be said to lie at the root of the it was informative. With his account of nearly a thou- books we have been presenting as the best Netherlands sand Dutch painters of both sexes he set the tone for non-fiction over the past four years? Everyone knows generations of art collectors. A modern classic in the the historian Johan Huizinga who achieved world history of Dutch art, finally, is Bob Haak’s Hollandse renown with his The Waning of the Middle Ages (1919), schilders in de Gouden Eeuw (Dutch Painters in the but even Huizinga had important predecessors. Golden Age; 1984), a lavishly illustrated book by a lead- From the end of the sixteenth century, Dutchmen could ing connoisseur. be found crossing the oceans. Their travel books con- Erasmus and Spinoza, the most important philosophers veyed a vivid picture of the life of seafarers, but above the Netherlands has produced, admittedly wrote in all they had a lasting influence on the European view of Latin, but left an indelible impression on Dutch litera- the outside world.