





Reason for this Report

1. To agree the provision of a new vehicular and pedestrian bridge for Bute Park at an estimated cost of £1.40m as part of the revised 2007/08 capital programme for the Council.


2. As part of the Council’s ongoing engagement with citizens and communities, the omnibus survey for 2006 found that Cardiff parks are one of the most highly valued local facilities in terms of user satisfaction. This was underlined by the recent EU Urban Audit Perceptions Survey of 75 EU Cities, which found that 88% of Cardiff citizens were satisfied with the city’s parks and green spaces – the eighth highest ranking of any city in the European Union.

3. The Council has previously agreed that Bute Park is the priority for investment within the agreed Parks Partnership Programme for the Council.

4. The Parks Partnership Programme features 6 major Parks in Cardiff and was established following the introduction by the Heritage Lottery Fund’s (HLF’s) Public Parks Programme in 2002. In March 2005 the Council submitted a Stage 1 application for the restoration of Bute Park which included a new vehicular access bridge over the Docks Feeder to provide access from North Road at a point opposite Corbett Road. As part of the application in 2005 this commitment to funding the new bridge by the Council was to be within the overall 5 year Parks Programme and was, therefore, not included in the current 3 year medium term financial plan.

5. In June 2006 the HLF approved a Stage 1 grant of £3.1m towards the overall cost of the project which amounts to £5.6m. The Stage 1 grant specified that the Council needed to demonstrate a commitment to construct the new vehicular access into Bute Park and the offer excluded a contribution from HLF to the Bridge.

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6. On the 20 August 2007 the National Heritage Lottery wrote to the Council confirming that:-

“the Heritage Lottery Fund view the position of a new bridge over the docks feeder to provide access into the park from North Road as an essential element of the Bute Park Restoration Project.

“Accordingly Cardiff County Council will be required to demonstrate a firm commitment to the bridge and provide a construction start date as part of its Phase 2 application to The Heritage Lottery Fund. Without this HLF will not be in a position to commit its funding to the Bute Park Restoration works”.

7. Following the Stage 1 approval, a Stage 2 bid will be submitted in October 2007 and subject to satisfactorily meeting the commitments and requirements of the HLF then confirmation of approval of the Stage 2 bid is expected in spring 2008. Without this commitment and construction start date from the Council by October 2007 there can be no Stage 2 bid to HLF.


8. With the exception of the new bridge (estimated cost £1.40m) all the Council’s contribution towards the Bute Park Regeneration project is in place and has previously been agreed. Any revenue consequences associated with the new access bridge will be met as part of the overall Bute Park Regeneration scheme.

9. The current main vehicle access into Bute Park is off North Road at the North Gate entrance adjacent to the Castle. This access is totally inadequate and limits the capacity of the park to accommodate major outdoor events and prevents public access to the nursery. Furthermore the existing access is a major health and safety concern as it is not possible to effectively separate pedestrians and vehicles, particularly during these major events.

10. The current vehicular access arrangements and safety concerns are a major constraint holding back further development of the Park and the consideration by HLF of the Stage 2 Bid.

11. The new vehicular access bridge will overcome the current difficulties and allow maximum benefit to be achieved from the significant investment planned for Bute Park and that currently in place at the Castle. It will also supplement and support the work currently underway in to improve visitor facilities.

12. The new bridge will also significantly improve access into Blackweir Playing Fields and thereby enable this attractive parkland to be brought into greater use for a range of activities and major events. If built by July 2008 this would greatly assist in the planning and support for the 2008 National when 700 caravans will need to be accommodated for the event. Without the provision of the new bridge the only existing access into and out of Blackweir will be via the cycleway from the rear of Tesco in

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Western Avenue. Building of the new bridge would assist traffic flows and alleviate the impact on adjacent local communities.

13. In March 2008 the new Castle Interpretation Centre and Café will open. Linked to this and in line with the Council’s decision to open the North gate of the castle into Bute Park and allow free public use of the Castle Green significantly increased numbers will use Bute Park. Without the new access bridge they will do so via the existing bridge over the Docks Feeder at the North Gate. This additional pedestrian traffic will only exacerbate the problems of Health & Safety previously referred to above.

14. Bute Park currently receives one million visits each year. The integration of the Castle with Bute Park is essential and this along with the development of the nursery as an educational, training and community facility are key strategic elements in the Councils tourist development and visitor attraction planning. This is recognised and supported by the HLF. The provision of the new bridge is a key element in this.

15. The Royal Horticultural Society is a key partner in the Bute Park proposals and they fully support the provision of improved vehicular and pedestrian access. This will in turn assist in developing the RHS Spring Flower Show in Bute Park as a long term attraction and major event. Bute Park is a grade 1 listed Park.

Local Member Consultation

16. Local Members are fully supportive of the Parks Partnership Programme and the HLF application.

Reasons for Recommendations

17. To enable the requirements of the Stage 2 Bute Park HLF bid to be fulfilled so that the Bute Park Regeneration proposals can be implemented and the appraisal of the Stage 2 Bid and with it granting of the £3.1 million from HLF not lost.

18. To provide essential access for caravans to support the 2008 Eisteddfod at Blackwier Playing Fields.

19. To facilitate good and safe access for future major events in Bute Park.

Legal Implications

20. The Council is legally obliged to obtain value for money and the procurement of the works will need to be in accordance with the Council's Contract Procedure Rules

Financial Implications

21. Approval of this scheme costing £1.40million in advance of the 2008/09 budget would secure the grant support offered by the Heritage Lottery Fund. This figure is subject to further detailed costing projections being undertaken

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and a likely tender exercise. As set out in the Month 3 Monitoring Report elsewhere on the agenda for this meeting, the Council’s current capital programme (2007/10) is experiencing considerable slippage, coupled with a reduced level of capital receipts. The inclusion of this scheme in the revised programme will utilise part of the available budgeted finance in 2007/08 but could increase the Council’s need to incur additional borrowing of £1.40million should savings on currently approved schemes not be available at the relevant time.


22. The provision of a new vehicular and pedestrian access bridge will satisfy the requirements of the HLF and enable the full grant to be considered as part of the Stage 2 Bid and if successful awarded in the spring of 2008. The new bridge, if built if completed this financial year, would greatly support future major events in the Park, the first of these being the RHS Show 2008 and the National Eisteddfod 2008.


The Executive is requested to recommend to Council that the provision of a new vehicular and pedestrian access bridge off North Road at a cost of £1.40 million be included in the revised 2007/08 capital programme of the Council.

TOM MORGAN Corporate Director 3 September 2007

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