VICTORIA yogacentre November /December 2004 newsletter

Respects to Guruji on his 86th birthday, December 14, 2004 Birthday wishes from the VYC

In the Light of a special benefit workshop in celebration of the 86th birthday of Yogacharya B. K. S. Iyengar Sunday, December 12, 2004 1:00 – 2:30pm All Levels practice led by Ann Kilbertus

2:30 – 3:30pm Restorative practice led by Leslie Hogya

3:30 – 4:00pm Refreshments Dear Guruji, Teachers The teachers: Ann and Leslie are accomplished teachers in the tradition. They have both travelled December 2004 marks your 86th birthday. We are pleased to to to study at the source of this practice many times: send you our warmest greetings from Victoria in on Ann recently returned from a month’s study this September this auspicious day. and Leslie was also there this past summer for 6 weeks. Both Around our yoga centre there is evidence of your work. are presently teachers in the Victoria Yoga Centre’s Teacher Photos of you in your practice grace our walls and inspire us on Training Program. the path of yoga. Your books, which line the library shelves and Fees: $45 + GST members sit in each studio for quick reference, provide us with clarity $55 + GST non members and guidance. In our lobby we have hung a framed copy of the letter you sent when we opened our centre which contains your To register, drop in or phone Victoria Yoga Centre beautiful words of encouragement. #202 - 919 Fort Street, Victoria, BC Our teachers work together to learn your method. Teachers (250) 386-yoga (9642) attend classes with each other specifically those of our senior teacher, Shirley Daventry French. We come together at our teachers’ meetings once a month to explore the practice of yoga Refunds will only be offered if your space can be filled and study together as we prepare for certification. and are subject to a $10 cancellation fee. The centre will mark your birthday with a special workshop All proceeds from this workshop go to the B.K.S. Iyengar in your name. Proceeds from this workshop contribute to a Scholarship Fund which assists teachers, training teachers and special scholarship fund that allows us to provide assistance to committed students to attend classes at the institute in Pune. anyone from our community who is able to study at the Ramamani Iyengar Memorial Yoga Institute. On occasional Friday evenings we hold Video Night at Dear Yoga Centre members, which the centre shows one of the many videos we hold in our In this season of Light, we celebrate our teacher B.K.S.Iyengar’s library. This is another way in which we spread your work. birthday. If you cannot attend the workshop, please consider making Students can only be inspired when watching you teach and a donation to the scholarship fund in his name. The Yoga Centre practise. helps send our teachers or qualified students to study from the source The sounds of AUM and chanting to Patanjali fill the of the teachings at the Ramamani Iyengar Memorial Yoga Institute in centre at the start of our classes as we honour the tradition of Pune, India. This involves a great deal of expense on the traveller’s yoga as taught by the sutras. Our teachers and students read part. and study your translation of the and Please come to the workshop or, if you cannot come, please donate to Shirley is offering a special sutra workshop this fall. this fund and we will issue a tax receipt. Your dedication and hard work in the promotion of yoga inspires us to learn, to grow and to teach. Namaste, Leslie Hogya Love from the Victoria Yoga Centre teachers and students contents

2 Reflections VICTORIA by Shirley Daventry French yoga centre NEWSLETTER 6 An interview with Faeq Biria: Part III (final) EDITOR Greg Sly NEWSLETTER COMMITTEE in conversation with Shirley Daventry French, Shirley Daventry French, Lauren Cox, Khairoon Quadir, Ann Kilbertus and Louie Ettling Greg Sly, Melissa Worth, Gwynneth Powell, Jane Munro, Taimi Mulder, Susan Robinson, Nancy Searing 10 A Birthday Tribute DESIGN / PRODUCTION Cady Graphics PHOTOGRAPHY Cover Photo: Soni Studio, to Geetaji Pune; Rosemary Barritt, Greg Sly, Gwynneth Powell, Aaron Devor, Paul Scrivener ADS / ANNOUNCEMENTS 14 In and around the Ramanai Nancy Searing Iyengar Memorial Yoga ILLUSTRATIONS Lauren Cox Institute SCANNING Nancy Poole, Wendy O’Connor DISTRIBUTION Keiko Alkire, by Leslie Hogya Rosemary Barritt, Krysia Strawczynski MEMBERSHIP / MAILING LIST Karin Holtkamp 16 In Our Mailbox PRINTING Hillside Printing

DEADLINE FOR NEXT ISSUE November 15, 2004 17 Profiles VICTORIA YOGA CENTRE SOCIETY is a by Jane Munro non-profit society incorporated under the Societies’ Act of the Province of B.C., whose purpose is “to encourage the physical, mental, and spiritual growth of its members and other 18 Before interested persons of the society at large by the study and discipline of Yoga.” The Society owes by Geeta S. Iyengar & Lauren Cox its inspiration to Swami Sivananda Radha and Mr. B.K.S. Iyengar. The Newsletter, published regularly by the 19 Schedule of Classes VICTORIA YOGA CENTRE SOCIETY, provides current information on events concerning yoga in the Victoria area and the Yasodhara Ashram. Send contributions, articles, photographs, drawings, information or suggestions to the Victoria Yoga Centre Newsletter: 202-919 Fort Street, Victoria BC V8V 3K3. Newsletter Advertising Policy (Adopted February 20, 2004) For information on activities and events, In keeping with the mandate of the Victoria Yoga Centre Society Directors, 2004, call 386-YOGA(9642) or visit our website: to update, review and document policies and procedures, the newsletter committee submitted a policy which is a revision of the 1996 policy and has been adopted by the Board of Directors as follows: Permission is hereby granted to reprint any of our material, except that copyrighted by the 1. Advertisements must not conflict with the aims of the newsletter of the VYCS. author or artists. When reprinting, please credit 2. Advertisements must be only for Iyengar Yoga this Newsletter and send us two copies of the 3. Priority given to advertisements regarding: publication containing our material. Copyright material is only available with written permission. - VYC events - VYC sponsored events The editor/newsletter committee hold the right to - CIYTA events publish or edit all articles at their discretion. - Radha House/ Yasodhara Ashram

1 REFLECTIONS — November /December 2004

The end of discipline is the beginning of freedom Only a disciplined person is a free person. So-called 'freedom' is only a licence to act and do as we like. B.K.S. Iyengar

SHIRLEY DAVENTRY FRENCH WAS AWARDED SENIOR CERTIFICATION ast summer, in London, I attended a the staff. From time to time Derek would FROM B.K.S. IYENGAR. SHE HAS BEEN performance of Swan Lake by the phone me to say he had two tickets and was I TEACHING SINCE 1972 AND FOUNDED Bolshoi Ballet in the Royal Opera free; in which case we would find ourselves THE VICTORIA YOGA CENTRE IN 1976. House, Covent Garden. This was one of casually dressed sitting among very smart SHIRLEY LIVES IN VICTORIA AND L the highlights of a leisurely and nostalgic people, some in evening dress (people dressed TEACHES WORLDWIDE. journey through and the UK to up for the theatre in those days!) celebrate Derek’s and my fiftieth wedding Nowadays, one of the first things we do anniversary. For both of us theatre going was a when we arrive in London is to check the part of our youth. As a child living in London theatre listings and decide which shows we I went to West End theatres several times a would like to see. This year, discovering that year with my parents, sitting in good seats: the Bolshoi’s visit coincided with ours, we stalls or lower circle. My school would take us grasped at the opportunity to see one of the to performances of classic plays like world’s premier ballet companies. “You won’t Shakespeare and Shaw, generally in the cheaper be able to get tickets at this late date!” was the seats of the upper circle. Later as a young adult discouraging comment I heard from several I queued up to get a seat in “the Gods” the people, despite which I tried and succeeded. highest balcony from which one peered down The concierge in the apartment building at a distant stage through binoculars if you had where we were staying managed to get us two the money to free them from their restraint in good seats albeit one behind the other, which front of your seat. There were many protocols was not a great inconvenience as we are not in attached to getting seats in the Gods which the habit of holding a conversation in the were in high demand by the impoverished midst of a performance. This ballet was youth of postwar London. One of them was to outstanding. I would have sat anywhere to see rent a folding stool early in the day which had such discipline, elegance and beauty - not to a number on it and which spent the day in mention the grandeur of a great opera house this queue in lieu of you. A certain time before and the music of Tchaikovsky! the performance you had to claim your stool One notable moment for me was when or forfeit your place. the prima ballerina playing Odette/Odile I saw some great plays and musical shows pirouetted on the point of one foot so many in this manner, and through my acquaintance times I was almost out of breath. Such with Derek occasionally got to sit in the best strength and stamina! Such grace and dignity! seats in the house. He spent the clinical years Such authority and artistry! And possibly I of medical school at Charing Cross Hospital was the only person in the audience whose just off Trafalgar Square, and at the last eyes were glued on the kneecap of the sup- minute nearby theatres would often send porting leg which did not waver one iota. Her unsold tickets to the hospital for the use of mind, firmly maintaining its awareness in that

2 knee, did not fluctuate for a second, and next B.K.S. Iyengar. Mr. Iyengar himself does not morning in my yoga practice there was an encourage this although some of the practices increased awareness of my own legs as I went do overlap. Similarly with , this through a series of balancing postures. includes various practices we follow in Iyengar Discipline! This was my foremost impres- Yoga: such as kriya yoga, the yoga of action and sion of the Bolshoi. It formed the basis for all the eight fold path of astanga yoga: yama, the artistic expression and creativity which was niyama, asana, pranayama, pratyahara, dharana, so much in evidence there on that stage. At dhyana and samadhi. the same time you know that from the most For years, Guruji resisted the tendency of accomplished soloist to the junior members of his students to use the term Iyengar Yoga, but the corps de ballet (which was outstanding), as his work grew worldwide he finally surren- they will all be practising at the barre the next dered, allowing us to make this distinction, day. There is no time in a renowned ballet and enabling those who sought this path to company to rest on your laurels; just as there find a trained teacher. is no time for such complacency on the yogic Iyengar Yoga is by no means the only path. Only discipline will sustain a level of disciplined path in Yoga. All Yoga systems excellence. involve discipline on the part of teachers and Recently I taught at an educational retreat students. centre which among its many courses offers yoga taught by a variety of teachers some of The purpose of an Iyengar class is not whom, like myself, follow a particular tradi- tion, and others who draw from a variety of to entertain but to enlighten, and the light methods. They have some licence that those of often illuminates that which we do not us with a guru or master have forfeited. With no-one to answer to, no formal structure to wish to see. adhere to, these teachers can pick and choose from various teachers and teachings as they see Iyengar Yoga is a progressive discipline. fit. Mix and match! An authentic Iyengar Yoga teacher cannot Is there a problem with this? Don’t you get teach anything which comes into their mind. the best of all worlds? Or is there the possibility If you are teaching an introductory class and that this sum of parts adds up to little of value? find that most of the students have good One problem which arises from time to strong flexible bodies you do not suddenly time is that having no disciplined tradition of jump to intermediate or advanced poses. If their own to adhere to some teachers dismiss you are teaching an introductory class and an Iyengar Yoga as rigid and militaristic. I learned experienced student comes because this time of just such an incident recently. It was the fits into their schedule, you do not suddenly disciplined, dare I say ‘militaristic’, precision abandon your introductory students. A truly of the Bolshoi corps de ballet which made it experienced student can learn even from the so effective. most basic work, and an advanced pose Non-specific yoga classes are frequently without advanced awareness is nothing! described as Hatha Yoga, often as traditional There will always be some students, Hatha Yoga. Do they know that Hatha Yoga displaying a singular lack of awareness, who is a complex and very specific discipline dismiss the work as too easy, become bored including practices rarely taught in North and go off to somewhere else which entertains American yoga classes such as dhauti (internal them better. And such students are better off cleansing including swallowing a wet cloth, elsewhere. Others complain it’s too hard or and rectal cleansing)? It also includes are uncomfortable to have attention drawn to which involves putting a fine thread into one their physical, mental and emotional limita- nostril and pulling it out through the mouth. tions and unwilling to take any personal Sometimes Iyengar Yoga students describe responsibility for this. The purpose of an their work as Hatha Yoga in the tradition of Iyengar class is not to entertain but to 3 To anyone who has had the good fortune ignoring his comment went on with her teaching. It saddened me because there to be taught directly by B.K.S. Iyengar had been a waiting list for this course and or his foremost disciples: his daughter Geeta he had taken up a place which someone else would have valued. and son Prashant, it is inconceivable that This man’s lack of attendance in class did not prevent him from returning to you would not be challenged to the utmost Canada and quickly appending to his on all levels. bio. the statement that he had studied with the Iyengars in Pune. Be very wary of the biographical claims which appear enlighten, and the light often illuminates unwilling to surrender. I have seen him on many yoga websites and brochures. In that which we do not wish to see. try to penetrate many a student’s the yoga world there is a lot of cachet to This imposes a discipline on a yoga protective armour, pride or arrogance, the Iyengar name, but a statement such centre such as ours because we cannot nor and I have seen tremendous transforma- as “has studied Iyengar Yoga” could mean do we want to teach solely to please and tions in students who initially had a class or a term and not necessarily with retain students, although certainly we do nothing good to say about him. Guruji a trained Iyengar Yoga teacher. not wish to drive them away. All of us who does not give up easily, but there has to It is for this reason that B.K.S. teach at the Victoria Yoga Centre are be a chink for the light to enter. Iyengar brought in assessment and focused on presenting the teachings of One student who was in a group I certification, and latterly a certification yoga according to the Iyengar tradition as took to Pune some years ago, stopped mark denoting those whose certification systematically, cleanly and clearly as attending the pranayama classes, held is in good standing. There are many possible. This principle cannot be compro- daily at that time, because she said they people around with medical or law mised. At the same time our classes are were not advanced enough for her. Instead degrees who are not licensed to practice; varied because of the different personalities she did her own practice in her hotel similarly there are those who hold of the teachers. A sense of humour is an room. How sad to cut yourself off from so certificates in Iyengar Yoga because at essential ingredient on the spiritual path much wisdom, experience and learning. one time they adhered to its principles and our classes are full of laughter as well In another Canadian intensive, where and precepts, but who have gone off on as effort. Geeta was the teacher, one man missed their own track. They will not hold the Because of their training and the many of the classes - both asana and Iyengar Yoga Certification Mark which is flexibility of this method, skilled Iyengar pranayama preferring to spend his time required of all teachers one year after teachers can teach introductory asanas in having other ayurvedic treatments and they have been certified. To continue a variety of ways to maintain interest and massages. When he was in class he stood with the analogy of law and medicine, challenge the stronger students while alone in a back corner making the the first year is like articling or interning. adapting for those who are less able. statement that he was not really one of From here on to maintain your good Ideally, and B.K.S. Iyengar expects no the group. On the last day, as Geeta was standing you have to do a minimum less of us, demands will be made of all taking students with health problems and number of hours of postgraduate study students to work to the maximum. A showing us how to work with these each year which, for higher levels of foundation is laid down for the chal- problems, she threw out a question. This certification, includes study in Pune. lenging work which inevitably lies ahead. man answered, the first time his voice had Critics of certification say that it is To anyone who has had the good been heard in class. Geeta paused, looked taking the creativity and spontaneity out fortune to be taught directly by B.K.S. at him and said, “Now he speaks!”, then of the teaching, but in our experience at Iyengar or his foremost disciples: his daughter Geeta and son Prashant, it is inconceivable that you would not be Talented teachers abound, but B.K.S. Iyengar challenged to the utmost on all levels. The only way to avoid this is to miss is a genius. There is a saying that “Talent does classes or close off completely. Guruji what it can: Genius does what it must!” does not waste his energy with those who come with attitude and remain Such souls are rare.

4 the Victoria Yoga Centre the exact doing, and (how) to penetrate most of freedom which Patanjali speaks of in his opposite is true. Like the Bolshoi, the things that we here pass by.” And yoga-sutras, which is summed up systematic thorough ongoing training she ended her speech by addressing succinctly by B.K.S. Iyengar in the built on a disciplined regular practice those privileged to study with him following aphorism and the one quoted forms a foundation from which true directly: “All of you here, who have at the beginning of this article: artistry can flower, and even those who much more and much longer contact are destined to remain journeymen with Mr. Iyengar: don’t listen only with Extension means creation teachers will teach a good and even your ears - listen with your intuition. of space. excellent class if they follow the struc- You might never hear this much wisdom ture set down by those who have with so much concern and so much Space leads to freedom. ventured further along the yogic path. compassion again!” Freedom brings precision. Talented teachers abound, but B.K.S. And in Pune in 1997, Precision leads to perfection. Iyengar is a genius. There is a saying that (one of the world’s outstanding contem- Perfection is truth. “Talent does what it can: Genius does what porary spiritual teachers) exhorted a it must!” Such souls are rare. Recognising group of Canadian students to pay Truth is God. this, Swami Radha, herself a spiritual careful attention to all Guruji said and teacher of great stature, had this to say did because “you will not see his like again about Mr. Iyengar after her first meeting for hundreds of years!” with him which, incidentally, took place Despite this there are those who in Victoria. proclaim their affiliation to Guruji even TIME TO “On a personal level I have not met though they have not been near him or anybody of a combination that is so his close disciples for decades. It is easier unique – generosity, kindness, and also to have a spiritual master whom you Renew the very fierce and demanding teacher never actually face in person. This leaves that I have seen when watching him in you free to interpret their teaching in This is a reminder that the class; who knows precisely what he is any way you like. But this is not the VYC membership expires on December 31, 2004.

The membership subscription fee is $32 and renewable each January.

Membership benefits include: Sadhana • 5% discount on all classes • free practice times at the VYC • timed practices • having the option of getting the newsletter mailed to you with Corrine Lowen Fees: $75 + GST members, $85 + GST non members • early registration and discount for

Registration: October 18 for members, workshops December 20 - 24, 2004 October 25 for non members • borrowing privileges in our library 6:30 - 8 am daily To register: Drop in or phone Victoria Yoga • eligibility to become a board Centre, 202 - 919 Fort Street, member Victoria, BC • eligibility for scholarships for (250) 386-YOGA (9642) workshops and intensives.

Refunds: will only be offered if your space To renew your membership, please fill can be filled and are subject to a in the membership subscription form $10 cancellation fee. on the back page of this newsletter.

5 An interview with Faeq Biria: Part III (final)

Faeq Biria, director of the Centre de Yoga Iyengar de Paris, in conversation with Shirley Daventry French, Khairoon Quadir,Ann Kilbertus and Louie Ettling after a delicious Indian dinner at Khairoon’s home in Vancouver, on May 9, 2003. It was Faeq’s first visit to British Columbia where he gave workshops in Victoria and Vancouver.

hat are your ideas about bit balances that lack of being for long evolution - how much they practised, how to train teachers? time with the master. learned, read, taught, even how much A philosophy of teacher The philosophy of teacher training, time and energy they wasted; a regular W training? when I train teachers, is more than svadhyaya (self-study) every month. They Well, the basis of the training in Iyengar formation of a teacher: I think of it as have to calculate their practice and write yoga – at least at the beginning level, is transformation. [The French word this down. And, we watch, but not as that teachers they are not allowed to do ‘formation” translates into not only critics; we watch as trainers to see therapy and special classes. They are ‘formation’ but also ‘education, whether they are really feeling it or not. trained to teach basic asanas and basic training.’—ED] If the student who is in And we question, how much do you feel pranayama. So the first thing that is teacher training gets that transformation, that you are resolving your own prob- required from the teacher trainee is to then he can bring something very special lems? How much are you progressing in learn and to understand and to practise to others; but if he doesn’t and remains asana? How much are you progressing in those things himself. Originally, the in the state of formation, then he will pranayama? How much do you feel that training is a type of – I don’t know the transmit only the techniques. ‘Till the your health is improved? All these word in English, in French I call it moment that you get a flash of light questions we put and it is for them to be artisanal. [At the craft level—ED] yourself, you cannot lighten others. able to see the transformation in them- Something must come to you first before selves. And, I humbly think that since we An apprenticeship! you can give that fragrance to others. So, introduced these things – of course all of Yes. In the works of art, there is not any in the teacher training, we teach them them were with Guruji’s approval – it training really. Though they try to make asanas and like everywhere gives much better results. Now, it goes courses of jeweller training, training of you are doing according to the pattern, more with the idea of the transformation this, training of that, but the real training and we make them practises. We do a lot than formation. is when people begin in the shop of the on self-study. Of course, it is not in the One of the things that is frequently jeweller by sweeping first, by cleaning field of our Guruji’s method to call the debated is the whole concept of later, by bringing the things out, by student everyday and ask, what they did, certification. What is the best way of spending hours and days watching the what they didn’t do. Guruji never did really testing the student? You’ve already master, by scratching slowly, slowly, slowly that with us, and we are not allowed to given some answers like seeing the in this way. Gradually they learn and do that with our students. But I give out progress of the person. But what about eventually they become a teacher. But in papers, and they write about their our day, it is not possible. Originally, students would stay twelve years or more with a guru to learn something. In our ‘Till the moment that you get a flash of light day it is impossible. Guruji’s method is so yourself, you cannot lighten others. Something well systematized and so well condensed. He settled that we go regularly [to study] must come to you first before you can give that with him, we learn, we come home, we practise, and we go back. And this, a little fragrance to others.

6 the actual certification examination? Yogamala, that the principle of the yamas Guruji didn’t use the word “examina- and niyamas settles in the yogi twice. At tion”, and this is very meaningful. He the beginning, we have to respect the uses the word “assessment”. And I am ethical things – like when we are chil- sure that Shirley heard many times from dren, we don’t know what is lying what Guruji, “In the first assessments be is not lying but are told “you must not generous”. So, his idea of assessment is lie”. And if you lie, there is a punish- more than examination or blocking or ment. So, we know that we must resist putting a wall in front of the people. It is the temptation to lie. Later on, what to help them to become aware of their happens – some people they continue to weak points. Our work as assessors is to lie and some people they don’t lie help them get rid of those weak points, anymore. In the practice of yoga at the to show them how to strengthen those beginning what happens, the principles weak points, and help them have a better of the yama and niyama, we have them or vision, better progression. This is not an don’t have them, but we try to respect exam. This is a type of evaluation with them. When the practice progresses, the help of four or five pairs of mature when we are settled in the practice of eyes. This is what I understand to be the pranayama and we reach the experience of true idea of Guruji about assessment. pratyahara - then yama and niyama flow That doesn’t mean that we call the from inside. No longer are they some- people and offer the certificate on a silver thing that we instill from outside. They tray. No, an Iyengar certificate is tremen- flow from within, from the source by dously respected all over the world, and themselves. This is the evolution which advocates and formulates, it is difficult it is up to us to preserve that respect. But happens as the practice advances, and but somehow it is the easiest way. Lots of the way that we work towards a certifi- which must happen for a more mature things in the mental, ethical, moral levels cate is not like an examination in school. level of practice. that we struggle to settle within ourselves It is more to help that person in his And that’s more complex to assess. Not – with the practice of the Guruji’s method evolution. for Guruji, of course. Guruji can assess they just settle by themselves! And how does that change when the that maturity easily. The other day you spoke of the teacher is more senior? At this level it is more complex to assess. teachers at your Institute in Paris who But I believe that when we assess we can Well, lots of things are expected in the have established a special teachers’ see if a person is mature in their practice. higher levels, but I trust tremendously class. Would you say a little more He may not be getting this asana because Guruji’s teaching. Guruji is a very ethical about that? person and he talks often about ethics, he has a stiff body or that asana because Yes, at the centre in Paris, all teachers are but he hasn’t that inquisitive way of he has an especially flexible body, but coming out of the same teacher training coming to see who is doing what – who what he is able to get is coming through and, at the basic levels, follow the same is practising, who is not practising. with maturity. By repetition, by con- program; so when the student is going However, he has the eye to see who is scious repetition, by aware repetition the from one class to other class, he is not practising and how that person is philosophical principles of yoga have lost. For example, in the beginners’ levels practising. And a hundred percent I developed in that person. the new asana which must be introduced believe that the practice of this Iyengar Let me tell you very honestly, I think in one class, is the same in all classes in system is done in a way that the evolu- that whomever doesn’t correspond that week. The same asana is introduced tion and the transformation of the philosophically to that level, there is and explained by different teachers; so if person also goes along with that. At the something wrong in their practice. Either a student goes from one class to other, he beginning for me, this was a type of they are not practising, or they are can just continue his evolution without theory that I was guessing. But Guruji practising in the wrong way, or there are any problem. wrote in his Light on Patanjali’s Yoga the components of the practice which are Once teachers move beyond basic Sutras, and later on in one of the articles lacking. Because my own experience is teacher training and become more he added himself while editing Astadala that when you practice regularly as Guruji advanced, they slowly develop their own 7 methods, which is very good. But we make just for that purpose. Yes, they My feeling was that Guruji planted development of one’s own methods of come to the real class; and Guruji the first tree. The senior teachers, who explanation and analysis means that advises that. He says always that the first went to Pune took branches off that sometimes one also develops wrong senior teachers must go to the class and tree, brought them back and planted notions and nobody is there to correct observe and help the junior teachers. them. In this part of Canada, I feel that this. This is why, now Pune insists that Whenever I am there, I go, for example, tree is so well planted and well-cared for, from junior on the teachers must visit at the bottom of the class and practice and the branches, and the leaves, and the Pune regularly, in order to go back to and listen to the class. After that, if there fruits they are so healthy that it is going the source. When we go to the source, is something, I call the teacher and to become a gigantesque tree. This is my we think, “Ah! This thing, I didn’t discuss it with him. It is not to my impression, with all honesty. And I really understand before! Oh, this was wrong.” understanding to catch the teacher and congratulate all of you for this work. or, “No. They are explaining now this criticise in front of the students - unless We have been very moved by the work point in this way.” And we have to you see that the student teacher is giving you have given us. explain it this way, you follow? That is, something that the students are going to what we call recycling of the teachers or injure themselves. But this will not Well, whether it is coming from you or a mis-à-jour – bringing them up to date. happen with the training of the teachers from me, we know – all of us – that it So, every month [in Paris] there is an if they are teaching in their own level. comes from the source. It is Guruji’s intermediate class, which is taught by Outside the class, in a friendly way, it is work. We are nothing but we are trying one teacher and all other teachers, they better and I think it works better. to be the channels of his teaching. This come and watch that class. Then, after is what you did, and what I am trying to It’s getting late, but maybe before that, they sit comfortably and all of them do, and what all of us in turn, are we close… This has been, not your discuss the class of that teacher. What wanting to do. first trip to Canada, but your first points they found that were good and Once I told Guruji, “It is not trip to western Canada. Have you interesting. What he explained well. difficult to be a teacher in the Iyengar anything you would like to say to us What was very good to learn and what method”. In other fields we have to before you go? And, most of all, points they don’t agree [with] and, think how to be a teacher; but in the what we’d like to say to you is – When according to them could be explained in Iyengar method he gave such a great are you coming back? another way. Or maybe, according to example. If we are humble enough to them, it was wrong. The senior teacher Well, you know, talking about this part of follow his example, then automatically coordinates the discussion. For example, Canada is difficult because one of my everything will go well. just recently there was a very good teacher best friends is training here and it may We are blessed, indeed. Thank you. who taught. They watched, they came out look like I am offering flowers to my and told, “Congratulations. Technically friend. But, the first thing is the men- Thank you – for the love, affection, and the class was excellent. Explanations tality of the people, that innocence and hospitality of the community here. It were wonderful. But you were not seeing inner purity and will to learn touched me was an unforgettable stay for me. It was your students at all.” This teacher was tremendously. Really, it was a very great really a joy to share this time with all of unable to see more than two students at pleasure to come here and to work with you. Please don’t forget to put this in the same time. So, the discussion was you. I felt at the heart of the Iyengar your newsletter. Each and every one, about how we must develop the observa- family. This was my feeling concerning according to their temperament, offered tion skill to control the entire class. And maitri, karuna - friendship, compassion. a flower of love and affection to me in I think this is very helpful. What I really admired was seeing the each moment. It was really very much long work which has been done here. I touching. Do they teach in a regular class, felt from the very beginning that senior a class of students that would be teachers here, they did a very long work END OF PART III there all the time? Or do they teach with compassion, with love, and it is each other? now bringing its fruits. It was very good Many thanks to Byron Smith of Victoria, BC, Yes, that is a regular class which is going to see. The touch is there – the very who transcribed the tape, and Shirley on, and one teacher comes and teaches deep touch is there; and I am feeling Daventry French, who edited the interview. the program of that class. We have that now even the senior-most teacher, if created the same thing in the teacher she retires or if she remains, there is no training, but that is a false class which going back.

8 VICTORIA YOGA CENTRE PRESENTS Shirley Daventry French is a Fees: $185 + GST members longtime student of B. K. S. $205 + GST non members Iyengar and has travelled to India The Heart many times to study with the Registration opens: Iyengars, most recently January Dec. 8, ‘04 - members, 2003. Shirley’s significant of Yoga Dec.13, ‘04 - non members understanding of the teaching comes through in her direct To register, approach. An Intermediate Workshop drop in or phone Victoria Yoga Centre Giving workshops at both the with Shirley Daventry French 202, 919 Fort Street national and international levels, January 28-30, 2005 Victoria, BC her dedication to the art and is apparent. With For Levels 3 and 4 students or Level 2 students (250) 386-YOGA (9642) a unique personal perspective, who have completed at least 2 terms Shirley brings traditional yoga Friday, January 28, 6:30 - 8:30 pm Refunds will only be offered philosophy and psychology to the Saturday, January 29, 11 am - 2 pm, 3:30 - 5:30 pm if your space can be filled and are subject to a $10 forefront of her teaching. Sunday, January 30, noon - 3 pm cancellation fee.

REQUEST AGM FOR VOLUNTEERS Friday Night Promote Iyengar Yoga Gatherings Saturday, in your neighbourhood! Everybody is welcome to join us. February 5, 2005 Bring a friend, your partner The Victoria Yoga Centre or a family member. seeks Karma Yogis to distribute class schedules and flyers Yoga Practice: 4 – 5pm NOVEMBER 19 in Greater Victoria, Asana practice 6:30pm Meeting: 5 – 6 pm on a regular basis. Potluck dinner 7:30pm followed by potluck For more information, By donation All members are welcome! please contact Free to members the front desk Bring food to share (386-9642).

9 A Birthday Tribute to Geetaji

nayamatma balahinena labhyah the Self is not realised by a weakling – Mundakopanisad III, 2.4

eeta S. Iyengar is the distinguished herself for thousands of pupils who have not had the daughter of an illustrious man. Her opportunity to study with Guruji. For those of us who relationship with her father is unique not have been privileged to be his direct students, Geetaji Gonly because she is the firstborn child of has helped us build on the foundation he gave us and B.K.S. Iyengar and his late wife, Ramamani, but which shaped our lives. Always she is clear, and makes because her father is also her Guru. Under his tute- sure that we also are clear, that he is the Master and lage, Geeta has become an outstanding spiritual she is his disciple. Her loyalty and devotion are teacher in her own right. constant. Graced with such an auspicious birth, Geeta has Each year as Guruji’s December 14th birthday grasped her opportunities in the spirit of the above approaches, we plan a special celebration to honour quotation of which she is the embodiment. Despite him and show our appreciation of his life and work. health problems from childhood, Geeta has persevered Geetaji’s birthday falls a few days before Guruji’s on and continues to persevere to overcome the obstacles December 6th and, in accordance with her wishes, is she faces on her personal spiritual path. Living, as she usually marked quietly without ceremony. However, herself puts it, in the light of her father, she is realising this year Geeta has agreed to teach a special course in her own potential as she serves as a mentor to thou- honour of the occasion which will be preceded by her sands of pupils of Iyengar Yoga worldwide. Without birthday and ended with Guruji’s. Hundreds of question, Geetaji is no weakling. international students will be travelling to Pune for the Like her father, Geeta’s compassion and generosity occasion to honour Guruji as he attains eighty six know no bounds. Like him, she is a direct, honest and years of age, along with his foremost disciple as she demanding teacher. Like him, she is strong, focused marks her sixtieth birthday. and has dedicated her life to Yoga. Living this life in We have been blessed in Victoria by the physical the light of Yoga, she has become a beacon of light presence of Guruji in 1984 and Geetaji in 2001. We continue to be blessed and inspired on a daily basis by Guruji and Geetaji, on behalf of all your their spirit, their distinguished and exemplary lives, and the light from Pune which illuminates our path. students in Victoria,please accept Guruji and Geetaji, on behalf of all your students in Victoria,please accept congratulations with deepest congratulations with deepest love, love, gratitude and respect gratitude and respect. Shirley Daventry French

10 Like her father, Geeta’s compassion and generosity know no bounds. Like him, she is a direct, honest and demanding teacher. Like him, she is strong, focused and has dedicated her life to Yoga.

When I think of Geeta, I think of the word devotion; devotion I have been blessed to have studied with Geetaji on two to the art of yoga, to her father, who is Guru to thousands around occasions, most recently at RIMYI. She has helped me work on the world, to her family, to the work of the Institute, and to her specific medical problems with compassion and generosity. She has writing. been a steady and knowing guide, providing clarity and encourage- She daily teaches large demanding classes with 50 or more ment to know myself within and without - this is yoga. Much love people, always with such fine linking and sequencing of the asanas. and gratitude to Geetaji on her 60th birthday! She orchestrates these classes with seeming ease. Three times Melissa Worth weekly medical classes are also under her supervision. Again 50 or so people are following their own unique list of poses and many Whenever one of us has had the opportunity to study at the helpers are scurrying to move props, or help stretch a back with Institute or elsewhere with Geeta Iyengar our roots in yoga scoliosis. On top of the problems presented, she must also super- have grown deeper. For many years Geetaji has been putting her vise the helpers, telling us what to do, and how to do it. Her enrichments of clear instruction, organized practices and specific pranayama classes are truly inspiring. ways with asanas for women into our system of Yoga. In taking the People from around the world consider her their teacher, time to appreciate her in writing, I wish to mention the sage and write to her with medical or personal questions. She understandings that Geetaji has given us around the stiffness and responds to this correspondence often with hand written letters. difficulties of menopause. That these challenges for the practitioner I am awed by her tireless efforts for the cause of yoga. In her can be met with the mobilizations of repetitions and with certain own right, she is a master teacher. specific practices help many now and will be available for genera- Leslie Hogya tions to come. I have much gratitude for you, Geetaji at this time of your “marking 60.”I appreciate the depth and refinement of your teachings. Sheri Berkowitz

It is a great honor and privilege to be expressing gratitude to Dr. Geeta S.Iyengar on the occasion of her 60th birthday. Geetaji has tirelessly dedicated her life so that all who touch the path of yoga with her build in integrity as human beings. Geetaji demonstrates the Yamas and Niyamas clearly to us in her daily life and in this has helped all her students live in their most noble virtues. Congratulations Geetaji, and thank you, Namaste, Ty Chandler

11 “The depth and clarity of Geetaji’s teaching comes from her own journey within. She has the amazing ability to convey this richness, which allows an individual to gain glimpses into their own unrealized potential for spiritual depth.”

Whenever I experience a pranayama class with Geetaji I think to Commitment and dedication are the first words that come to myself, this is why I have travelled all these miles to be here in mind; and then, visually, the picture of Geetaji on my wall taken Pune. As I write this I have been back in Canada less than 48 at the Vancouver Conference. Geetaji, your keen observation hours, and there is so much to assimilate and digest after four followed by putting into practice and place what you see has weeks at the Institute. brought, and continues to bring, clarity and depth to my yoga The depth and clarity of Geetaji’s teaching comes from her practice and into my teaching. When I have had the fortune to own journey within. She has the amazing ability to convey this study under your guidance in both India and Canada, the wisdom richness, which allows an individual to gain glimpses into their in your teaching has always left me inspired and enthused to own unrealized potential for spiritual depth. continue on this yogic path. It is with much gratitude that I thank When doing the invocation to Patanjali I hear Geetaji’s you for the most wonderful touch you have had on me and in my words, “…humble the brain and keep the lift of the chest to life. It is a joy to celebrate your 60th year, Happy Birthday. open the heart.” The invocation has to come from here. She Marlene Linda Miller guides the class this way at the beginning of most of her sessions and firmly takes us towards an inner intelligence that Geeta was to be arriving in a few days; does not have to do with the thinking brain. It is clear that this everyone was talking about her visit is not easy process. Geetaji is obviously well traveled in her own while waiting to go into class. I had depths. Through her own work and under Guruji’s Light, she decided to go to the airport to meet has given me tools to make my own way and to watch the her with a group of people from the subtle changes that occur. Yoga Centre. It had been mentioned Her sequences and linking are masterful and I am most that in India it was the custom to give grateful for the opportunities I have had to experience the gifts people a flower garland on their of her teaching. arrival. This appealed to me so the Many blessings to Geetaji on the occasion of her 60th next morning I looked around my birthday. garden to see if I had any suitable Ann Kilbertus flowers. It was spring and the Azaleas were in full bloom. I got a needle and Geetaji arrives in thread and sat in the warm spring Victoria in May 2001 sunshine and threaded purple azalea flowers into a garland for a woman I had never met but whose teachings had influenced my life in a very positive way. Thank you Geeta, and Happy Birthday Rosemary Barritt

I am grateful to Geeta for making the practice of yoga asana accessible to women in all stages of life. The restorative poses bring wholeness to any practice. Namaste, Karyn

12 Dearest Geeta… I have studied some of the transcripts of your classes and lectures on women’s issues. Up until my 2 month course in Pune this past summer, I was reliant on these recordings for my studies in this field. Your devotion to the health of women touches my life almost every day, both as a practitioner and as a teacher of women. I look forward to reading more of your words and to seeing you again in class. May your birthday be a joyous occasion. Sincerely, Gwynneth Powell

Dear Geeta, My teacher, Shirley Daventry French, is always reminding her students that we have a duty to ourselves to make the maximum effort to understand and carry out the directions of our spiritual teachers. They are given in our best interest - for the sake of our Geeta, your devotion and service to self, our Higher Self. Guruji and the teachings of yoga is Whenever I am met with challenges, whether in my practice, teaching, or life, I always hear your voice: "Is it not your duty? an inspiration. Thank you for helping Then whose duty is it?" us along the spiritual path. Geeta, your devotion and service to Guruji and the teachings of yoga is an inspiration. Because of your passion, many have benefited from yoga, including myself. Thank you for keeping the light of yoga alight! Thank you for helping us along the spiritual path! Happy Birthday Geeta! With gratitude, Lauren Cox I recall vividly the anatomical and philosophical depths that Short Geetaji took a gymnasium full of yoga aspirants to, seeing all WORKSHOPS and working compassionately, constructively, with our indi- vidual and collective shortcomings. It was astounding. How is Coincidences from India With Chris Lea it possible that I saw the extension of my front leg Saturday, November 20, 1:30-4:30pm as a direct embodiment and reflection of my unencumbered Fees: $45 + GST members, $50 + GST non members Chris has recently returned from having spent a year in Pune self? studying at the Institute with the Iyengar family. As my teacher training continues I need only think of Come join him as he shares with us some of the insight from his the crystal clarity of her self-knowledge for inspiration. studies and work during his time abroad. With great respect, admiration, and affection, Happy Birthday Geetaji! Fifty Plus With Leslie Hogya and Wendy Boyer Greg Sly Saturday, November 27, 3 - 5:30pm Fees: $30 + GST members, $35 + GST non members

Fifty Plus With Leslie Hogya and Wendy Boyer Illumination Saturday, February 27, 2005, 1 - 3:30pm - Aphorisms of B.K.S. Iyengar Fees: $30 + GST members, $35 + GST non members (Victoria Yoga Centre, 2003)

This beautiful book was produced To register, drop in or phone by the VYC for Mr. Iyengar’s 85th Victoria Yoga Centre, 202 - 919 Fort Street, Victoria, BC birthday celebration. (250) 386-YOGA (9642) Get yours today. Refunds will only be offered if your space can be filled and are subject to a $10 cancellation fee. Available from the Victoria Yoga Centre

13 In and around the Ramanai Iyengar Memorial Yoga Institute

Pune, 2004


he monsoons were late this past was a natural fit that he began to fulfill summer in Pune and the rest of this dream in Bellur, in Karnataka State Maharashta State, but the day I where he spent his first years. A temple T arrived the rains decided to he commissioned to Patanjali is being come along with me. I watched out the finished on land adjacent to the village, train window from (formerly and he will attend the ceremony to known as Bombay) as we climbed into sanctify the temple in October, 2004. He the western Ghats, the rain pouring is very pleased about this, and spoke at down into the waiting fields. Men and length about the ceremony to take place, women were working under brightly and kinds of food that would be served. coloured tarps, water sluicing off the All in the village will be fed that day! individual little tent shapes hanging Mr. Iyengar is awe inspiriting at 86 from their backs into the rice paddies. as he still maintains a long and busy Various food-stuffs were being schedule each day. He usually arrives at hawked up and down the isles, and the 9 a.m. in the studio for practice and received my greetings from Victoria with first class steward took orders for baked puts himself into many variations of a nod and smile, “Yes, yes, I know.” beans on toast and other tasty morsels viparita (a back bend) and He never calls me by name, so I am which would then be cooked up in the holds each for long minutes, up to 15 to never sure if he remembers me from one little kitchen at the front of the car. 20 minutes from my observation. I often visit to the next, but obviously he does. A propitious meeting with Motus, arrived about the time he did and when A while later he spoke about his project who works at the Institute and was I finished around noon, he would in Bellur, his home village. He knew the sitting a few seats ahead of me in the usually be deep into savasana with up to Victoria Yoga Centre had made a train, was a good omen. We had a nice 100 pounds of weights positioned on his donation to this project (the money chat and he helped me get to my hotel legs, or still in the midst of order would have to be returned with for the first night in Pune. on a stool. After a short break for lunch, me because the trust was still waiting for Early the next afternoon, I went to he holds court down in the library permission to accept foreign currency). the Yoga Institute and Motus was there where he attends to correspondence, So he not only knew who I was, but that so I could sign in for classes for the holds meetings with visitors, or works I had quite a lot to do with the Victoria month of August and part of September. on future manuscripts. I spent many Yoga Centre. I went down to the library to greet Mr. afternoons in the library where anything One of his dreams has been to bring Iyengar and there he was at his desk. He might happen – or nothing happens the benefits of yoga to rural areas, so it except we all sit quietly while he reads and works at his desk. I often arrived about the time he did One day Pandu, the secretary, came down with a portable phone, and soon it and when I finished around noon, was evident that Mr. Iyengar was being he would usually be deep into savasana interviewed. An Outlook Magazine reporter was calling from Delhi. They with up to 100 pounds of weights were putting together a special issue for Independence Day, August 15, about positioned on his legs, or still in the midst how the country might have been if of kapotasana on a stool. certain things had or had not happened

14 in the fifty plus years India since inde- On my last morning in Pune, I came to say pendence from the British. At one point he said into the phone, “If they had goodbye to him. I found him in his practice followed my plan, they wouldn't have needed a Health Ministry.” He also at the trestler, and approached him, telling him expounded on the fact that the health I was leaving. “God Bless you” he said, “And all benefits are just on the gross level and the real benefits of yoga are at the those in Canada.” With those words echoing emotional and intellectual levels; this is in my ears, I prepared to fly out of India where yoga is really important. Stephanie Quirk, a long time student and across the world to my home. of Guruji’s and now resident of Pune, is usually at work at her computer station in the library and I inquired if she needed a hand with anything. Soon, I was pouring over three immense photo albums, which contained all 602 photos from . The photos had been reprinted at Guruji's request in 8 1/2 by 11 inch format so they would be available in the library for study. In Light on Yoga some of these photos are quite small and some details are difficult to see. Stephanie had typed out labels for each photo, and it was necessary to cut the labels out and tape them below the appropriate pictures. Corrine from France was going through the albums with Light on Yoga at her side to make sure the labels were accurately depicting the exact photo. As she was soon returning to Paris, I continued on with this task. This allowed me an incredible opportunity to study the photographs Melissa, Ann and Leslie in Pune, India and descriptions in Light on Yoga of each how to get the best angle, light values and gave Guruji a manuscript to peruse. It is pose in a way I had never done before. clarity of expression. a new book he is writing on yoga for Like all Iyengar teachers, I refer to Light Take some time and open your copy cricket players! When a pro cricket player on Yoga constantly to verify I am doing of Light on Yoga, and take a closer look at showed up at his desk, a long discussion the pose as described in the book. A new the artistry conveyed in the pictures. We ensued on how to use the arm correctly appreciation for the immensity of the also discussed with him the variation in to throw the ball from a yogic point of task filled me. I wondered who would quality in different editions. The original view. I know nothing about cricket, so have the patience to do this today 1965 edition has the clearest photo- am not even sure of the proper word for without modern day technology. graphs with sharpest contrast. The new the ball! One chapter, however, will be of One day, as Emelia from , Judi 2001 Edition is also interesting because interest to all traveling yogis on how to Mirus from Edmonton and I were at work of the way the photos are grouped. Go to cope with jet lag and still be able to on this project and exclaiming over these the library, compare editions, notice the perform on arrival. pictures, we began asking Guruji some consistency, quality and clarity of the On another occasion in the library questions. It took three years to complete photographs for yourself! with Rajvi, Guruji started talking about the entire 602 photographs because he had Another day in the library, Rajvi from the difference between and to first become just as knowledgeable as a Mumbai was at work on her lap top, and upavista konasana (seated wide leg pose). professional photographer, to understand 15 He had Rajvi performing these poses in I see him practicing!). On my last morning in Pune, I came the space beside his desk in her jeans. He As the library time ends and evening to say goodbye to him. I found him in his was saying it is more likely to injure the classes begin, many days Guruji returns practice at the trestler and approached hamstring in upavista konasana than to the studio and practices for a few more him, telling him I was leaving. “God Bless hanumanasana (in which one leg goes hours on the side of the room while the you,” he said, “and all those in Canada.” forward and one goes back, something class is in session. From that vantage With those words echoing in my ears, I like the splits). I decided I must not be point, his eagle eyes scan the class and he prepared to fly out of India and across the challenging myself sufficiently in makes corrections of our poses. world to my home. upavista konasana and sure enough in his Some days these corrections were I arrived home with deep gratitude to practice a few days later, I watched him given to us with the help of his grand- Guruji and his family for the blessing of his work his legs wide and wider, and daughter Abby. He would tell her how we and their teaching. Life is a balance. decided I had much more to learn about must improve our pose, and she would this pose (as is the case in any pose where come to the platform and show us.

April 15-17, 2005 Ingelise Nherlan Ingelise’s teaching and practice progresses from the point Friday, April 15, 6:30 – 8:30 pm of view that all learning is deepening our present knowledge, Saturday, April 16, 11:00 am – 1:30 pm, 3:00 – 5:00 pm and exploring that which still remains to be discovered. Her Sunday, April 17, Noon – 3:00 pm teaching is a blend of careful asana work, thoughtful yoga Fees: $190 +GST for members | $210 +GST for non-members philosophy and a generous dash of humour.

Yoga Bliss – Wedding in our community Three couples were united over the summer.

Melissa and Byron Doug and Anna Robin and Jim


by Jane Munro

“Allowing The Little To Expand”

alk behind Glenda Gain—along Meares Street, Care classes, she was met with “an exceptional sense of loving heading for the Victoria Yoga Centre—and what openness and acceptance” from the teachers and volunteers. “I you’ll see is a slender, upright woman wearing was encouraged to work on my path without it being the path.” W stylish jeans. It won’t occur to you that her She says she can’t leave her “debt of gratitude to the volun- steady gait is a remarkable accomplishment, though you may teers” as an abstract statement. “When you don’t feel your foot notice she holds a cane in one hand. In 1981, a car crash fractured and dislocated Glenda’s cervical 4-5 vertebrae, resulting in spinal cord injury and The challenge is not just moving paralysis from her shoulders down. She spent nine weeks in flat freely across a room. “My work is traction and then it was a ten-month process to get back on her feet. Her right side remains paralyzed and that leg has to be to stay in the present.” Yoga has supported by a bracing system; her left side is compromised; and she suffers from an energy deficit. helped her with that focus. Before the crash, Glenda taught math, movement and special education. Then, she moved with her husband and two or leg, you have to trust it’s there. My fabulous volunteers had young daughters to a spectacular acreage near West Kootenay to hold me and support me for everything. Then, all of a Lake where they ran a horse-boarding ranch. Glenda sees that sudden, I started to realize I’d learned. They helped me through time—of bringing up kids, managing the business, being active the early patterning, weaned me off total support to medium in the community and supportive of people who were riders support, and recognized when I needed to do the struggle on there, as “the world of the big.” my own.” Now, she says she lives “in the world of the little.” She The challenge is not just moving freely across a room. “My made a decision to not mourn the passing of her big world, but work is to stay in the present.” Yoga has helped her with that to use its loss “to expand the small”—to increase her apprecia- focus. Although painful, it leaves her feeling happier and tion of what’s within her present scope. While she misses the stronger. She says, “it’s not just yoga, it’s those teachers—the snowy mountains and her friends in the Kootenays, she delights tradition of yoga that’s come down through the teachers—their in the gardens now outside her window. “Looking at raindrops embodiment of the personal struggle—seeing it practiced in on holly gives me a surge of joy.” front of my eyes.” She’d always been active—undergoing rigorous training in Glenda says, if she didn’t have pain or discomfort, she ballet, racing dinghies, hiking, and cross-country skiing—and so wouldn’t know her feet or legs or arms are there. But, she understood the need for physical discipline and repetitive practice. refuses to see her situation as tragic, or herself as heroic. She She values having a teacher able to steer her endeavors into insists that she’s just done what anyone would do. Linda Benn productive paths. Ballet taught her to focus in on her body. With speaks of Glenda as an intelligent and inspiring student who— these experiences to guide her, Glenda deliberately began a process with patience, observation, and skillful adaptations—works after her accident of working very hard at physical recovery. within her limitations and gradually expands and consolidates When she left her marriage and moved to Victoria four her capabilities. years ago, she started yoga. She sensed it would provide a more Glenda asks, “Did you overcome that barrier because you integrated approach to healing than physiotherapy could, and figured out a different strategy, or because your body let you do it?” enjoyed the permission it gave to turn her focus inward. Can we always say which it is? Maybe both happen together—if Coming to Special Needs classes, and eventually also the Back we’re present and focused and allow the little to expand.


In our May/June issue we printed an interview of Geeta S. Iyengar in which she answered questions about pranayama. Here is a series of quick reference drawings to help practitioners prepare for doing pranayama.

1. 2. 3. Supta

sanas conducive for conditioning and regularising A pranayama include tadasana, uttanasana, supta virasana, supta baddhakonasana, , on the chair, sirsasana (independent or rope), 4. Supta baddhakonasana 5. Matsyasana 6. Viparita dandasana on the chair (independent or on a chair) , ardha , sometimes for head rest and heart rest, and . Teachers can choose among these as time and circumstances permit. These asanas bring the freedom in the respiratory organs, sooth and quieten the nerves and brain, make one passively alert. One 7. Sirsasana (or using ropes) 8. Sarvangasana (or on a chair) 9. Setu bandha sarvangasana keeps the past behind and restrains from the future, remains in the present. One gets sattvic placidity more than tamasic dull silence. The body and mind are freshened and the scope of the breath increased. Drawings by Lauren Cox

10. Ardha halasana 11. Janusirsasana 12. Viparita karani

18 In our mailbox

June 12 2004 In such a short time, Yoga has played an integral role in my life and Dear Victoria Yoga Centre Board, particularly in challenging me to Staff and Teachers, study myself. As I delve deeper into my new role as a social worker, Yoga I first came to the Yoga Centre has also become part of my profes- just under two years ago. At that time, sional practice and a vital tool in I was still reeling from the adjustment maintaining my own holistic wellness of returning home after having spent a in a stressful field of work. year in extremely remote regions of It amazes me how my recent Guyana, . I was feeling social work practice has been very disillusioned with our society's connected to Yoga. I have been drive to consume and felt awash in privileged to observe a transforma- confusion as to where I could fit in. tion in one of my clients who, only a Feeling drained, confused and very few months ago was extremely sad, I found myself in James’ restora- agitated, angry and unwell. Having tive class at the Y. Only a month or recently spent time at Swami Radha’s two later, I discovered the Victoria Yasodhara Ashram, this same Yoga Centre and applied for the individual is embarking on a spiritual position at the front desk. I remember path that has given them the tools to being in search for a sense of commu- quit smoking, quit using all other nity, and I found one. drugs, develop a strong sense of self - I am grateful to have found this worth and commit to a daily asana community and to have met so many practice and reading of Yogic texts. It of its members through my participa- has been inspiring to engage this tion as front desk staff. It is a friendly, individual in conversation about his warm and inviting place to be and my healing journey. Heather growing in vrksasana. interactions with people at the front I want to thank you all for the desk have, for the most part, been support and encouragement I have pleasant, interesting and infused with received in my weekly interactions laughter. It's not often that one is able with you. I want to thank you for the to find a working environment in compassion you all show by passing on Mark your calendar! which the atmosphere is so positive. what you have learned along this Yogic Though I may not have had the path. I look forward to continuing to opportunity to work with you directly, be a member of this community and I Salt Spring or participate in an asana class with wish you all the best. you, each of you has contributed to In gratitude, Retreat building this Yoga Centre community Heather with and to imparting the teachings of Shirley Daventry French Yoga to students like me. For this, I am grateful to all of you. June 3, 4 and 5, 2005

Watch for details in the January February 2005 issue


For up to date information on the class schedule check www.

Term 2 November 1 – December 19 LEARN THE ROPES Some classes will be adjusted due to NEW in term II November 4, 18, 25, December 2 special workshops or holidays. • All levels drop in at 5:00pm Wednesdays Thur 5:30 – 6:30pm Greg Sly with Britta – use your flex pass INTRODUCTION TO YOGA PHILOSOPHY INTRODUCTION TO IYENGAR YOGA – 4 Weeks • Family yoga with Wendy Boyer on Term 2 November 4, 18, 25, Dec. 2 Thursdays at 4:30pm Tues 7:00 – 8:30pm Karin Holtkamp Thur 5:00 – 6pm Leslie Hogya • Yoga for kids ages 7:00 -11:00am on LEVEL 1 Saturdays with Chris Lea WOMEN’S CLASS Mon 12:00 – 1:30pm Lauren Cox • Learn the ropes with Greg Sly Thursdays Tues 11:30 – 1:00pm Robin Cantor Mon 7:30 – 9:00pm Ann Kilbertus 5:30 - 6:30pm Tues 10:00 – 11:30am Leslie Hogya • Special rate for members who take PRE NATAL YOGA both of the early morning classes, Mon 7:30 – 9:00pm Robin Cantor Tues 5:00 – 6:30pm Melissa Worth 6:30 - 8:00pm on Mondays and Tues 7:00 – 8:30pm Wies Pukesh Wednesdays PRE & POST NATAL YOGA Wed 6:00 – 7:30pm Gwynneth Powell Sat 3:00 – 4:00pm Lauren Cox Wed 6:30 – 8:00pm Britta Poisson LEVEL 2/3 Thur 8:30 – 10:00am Linda Benn 55 & BETTER Mon 10:00 – 12:00pm Lauren Cox Thur 5:30 – 7:00pm Wendy Boyer Wed 10:30 – 12:00pm Wed 6:00 – 7:30pm Ty Chandler Continuing Leslie Hogya Thur 6:30 – 8:00pm Jeannette Merryfield Wed 6:30 – 8:00 am Chris Lea Fri 10:30 – 12:00pm Fri 10:30 – 12:00pm Linda Benn Level 1 Wendy Boyer LEVEL 3 Fri 5:00 – 6:30pm Gwynneth Powell Fri 4:30 – 6pm Sat 9:30 – 11:00am Corrine Lowen Thur 10:00 – 12:00pm Linda Benn Level 1 Wies Pukesh Sun 10:30 – 12:00pm Ty Chandler Thur 6:00 – 8:00pm Ann Kilbertus, Leslie Hogya SPECIAL NEEDS LEVEL 1 / 2 Sat 9:00 – 11:00am Marlene Miller Wed 4:30 – 6:00pm Ann Kilbertus, Mon 6:30 – 8:00am Chris Lea Leslie Hogya, Wed 9:00 – 10:30am Ty Chandler LEVEL 4 Lauren Cox Wed 7:30 – 9:00pm Melissa Worth Mon 5:30 – 7:30pm Shirley D. French Thur 1:15 – 2:45pm Linda Benn, & Senior teachers Ann Kilbertus Thur 7:00 – 8:30pm Greg Sly ALL LEVELS BACK CARE LEVEL 2 Sat 11:00am - 1:00pm Chris Lea Mon 4:00 – 5:15pm Linda Benn Mon 4:00 – 5:30pm Jo Anna Hope Wed 5:15 – 6:30pm James Currie Mon 7:30 – 9:00pm Greg Sly DROP IN Johnson Tues 10:00 – 11:30am Robin Cantor Tues 12:00 – 1:00pm Jeannette Merryfield Tues 5:15 – 6:45pm Leslie Hogya Wed 12:00 – 1:00pm Wendy Boyer YOGA KIDS (Ages 10 – 14) Tues 6:30 – 8:00pm Melissa Worth Wed 5:00 – 6:00 pm Britta Poisson Fri 4:00 – 5:00pm Ty Chandler Wed 7:45 – 9:15pm Gwynneth Powell Thur 12:00 – 1:00pm Lauren Cox Sat 1:00 – 2:00pm Chris Lea Thur 4:30 – 6:00pm Ann Kilbertus Fri 12:00 – 1:00pm Ty Chandler HIGH SCHOOL YOGA (Age 14 +) Fri 9:00 – 10:30am Linda Benn TIMED PRACTICE Tues 4:15 – 5:15pm Gwynneth Powell Fri 5:00 – 6:30pm Wendy Boyer Tues 5:30 – 7:00pm Ty Chandler Sat 8:00 – 9:30am Corrine Lowen FAMILY YOGA Sun 9:00 – 10:30am Ty Chandler Thurs 4:30 – 5:30pm Wendy Boyer

VICTORIA YOGA CENTRE • 202-919 Fort Street, Victoria BC V8V 3K3 • Phone (250) 386-YOGA (9642)

20 Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!

Krysia Strawczynski regularly prepares the newsletters Linda Benn prepared the class schedule. for mail-out single handedly. Melissa Worth, Karin Holtkamp, Monica Dimofski, Coral Grant, Karin Holtkamp, Vicki Robichaud, Charles Campbell, Wendy Boyer and Rosalyn Grey Rosemary Barritt and Jeannette put their best yoga poses forward to promote the centre Merryfield assisted at the front desk the first week of in ads for the VYC. Term I. Bruce Cox, who is always constructing beautiful and Mike McLellan picked up blankets at Scrubbies. functional items that improve the work and practice spaces in the centre. Constance Barker washed head bandages. Rosemary washed straps and bolster covers and brought all the mats and blankets to Scrubbies and picked up quite a few.

RadhaYogaRadhaYoga Centre Centre

Free introductory classes Dreaming Mind, at the Radha Centre Reflective Body

Swami Radha's style of yoga is gentle, practical and The body is the bridge between the world and the devotional. Come for a free class to try it for yourself. unconscious mind, reflecting the inner reality outwards. On Saturday January 8 we will be offering free classes Working with a dream, we explore how it is brought in Hatha Yoga, the Hidden Language of Hatha Yoga, to consciousness using the body as a reflective tool. Kundalini and Dreams. Please call 595-0177 Dreams are asking us to listen to our inner wisdom, or email [email protected] for more information. to make a change. This workshop provides the tools to understand your dream, and apply what you have learned in a practical way. ascent magazine is offering an amazing deal for first time subscribers Saturday & Sunday – just $10.80 for a year’s subscription! November 6 & 7, 1-4pm $50 This is offered through a group rate sliding scale available at the Radha Centre. Please call to sign up for this introductory offer.

Radha Yoga Centre • 1500 Shasta Place • 250 595-0177 • [email protected] •

21 victoria yoga centre Calendar 04-05

NOVEMBER 5-7 Yoga for Health – Be Healthy, Stay Healthy 19 Friday Night Gathering 6:30 pm VICTORIA 19-21 Junior Intermediate I Assessment, Vancouver yoga centre 20 Short Workshop: Coincidences SOCIETY from India with Chris Lea Membership and 27 Teachers’ Meeting Newsletter Subscription 27 Short Workshop: Fifty Plus with Leslie Hogya and Wendy Boyer For a one year membership and newsletter subscription, please complete this form DECEMBER and send it with your cheque or money order to: 12 In the Light of Yoga Workshop Victoria Yoga Centre Society, c/o Karin Holtkamp, 202-919 Fort Street, Victoria BC V8V 3K3 20-24 Sadhana with Corrine Lowen Membership/subscription fee is $32 (incl]. GST), JANUARY 2005 renewable each January. 22 Teachers’ Meeting Name: ______28-30 Heart of Yoga with Address: ______Shirley Daventry French City: ______

FEBRUARY Postal Code: ______AGM 4 pm 5 Country: ______26 Teachers’ Meeting Phone: ______27 Short Workshop: Fifty Plus with Leslie Hogya and Wendy Boyer E-mail: ______

MARCH ■ Do not mail me my newsletter during sessions, I’ll pick one up at my class 19 Teachers’ Meeting ■ Receipt required APRIL Membership benefits include 5% discount on 15-17 Weekend Workshop with classes, free practice times at the VYC, timed Ingelise Nherlan practices, early registration and discount on workshops, borrowing privileges in our library, 23 Teachers’ Meeting eligibility to become a board member and eligibility for scholarships for workshops.