
Parshat Tazria-Metzora 1 Iyar, 5780/April 25, 2020 Vol. 11 Num. 29 (#450) This issue of Toronto Torah is sponsored by Esther and Craig Guttmann and Family

מנחם מנדל בן שמואל ז“ל in honour of the yahrtzeit of Max Guttmann

and by Ricky and Dianna Zauderer and Family

לע“נ אליעזר בן יונה ז“ל in memory of our dear father and grandfather, Alfred Zauderer z”l A King in Isolation in His Own Castle? Baruch Weintraub Both of the Torah portions we read Obviously, these two explanations are from his administrative roles, he is not this Shabbat deal extensively with the very different in the image they depict of a king anymore; if it is the latter, then a phenomenon of tzaraat (not to be Uziah’s last days. One conveys a picture king can exist in separation from his confused with leprosy or “Hansen’s of almost light-hearted retirement, civil service, even as the only man on a Disease”). However, while in the Torah probably cushioned with all the luxuries planet. we read about the struggle of an a king can expect. The second, average citizen with tzaraat, later in meanwhile, gives an eerie feeling of a One could further suggest that not all Tanach we find another angle on this living death, that he had lost everything kings are equal in regard to this problem, which may shed some new that counted as life, apart from its most question – maybe there is a difference light on the subject. physical aspect. between a king who as a scion of David, entitled to the throne by Divine promise, The story of King Uziah (a.k.a. The seems to be investigating and other kings, who were only Azariah), who was struck with tzaraat, this very same question when it asks if appointed according to contemporary appears in very short form in a king who is struck by tzaraat brings needs? [See Rambam, Hilchot Melachim Melachim II (15:5) and is elaborated the of a king or a layperson. 2:8.] A more daring move would be to upon in Divrei HaYamim II (26: 16-21). (Horiyot 9a) The doubt could be analyze each individual king – did he We are told that his illness came as a understood as depending upon the lead the people out of his own faith and punishment for excessive pride, question of whether the king at his own discretion, or was he only a manifested in his attempt to sacrifice experiencing tzaraat is completely tail swung by the people in his attempt as a kohen would. But our focus here rejected, or only suspended from the to acquire fame or power? Uziah could is not on the cause, but the outcome. executive role. [See Shaarei Yosef on present an excellent case study for such Uziah was replaced by his son Yotam, Horayot ad loc.] an analysis, but that is beyond our and Uziah himself sat, to the day of his scope. death, in “Beit Hachofshit” literally The Talmud concludes that the king can translated as “the free house” or “the still enjoy his treasury, and The king, of course, is only an extreme home of the free”. What is this house, consequently is still a king for the laws example of a question that we could ask and in what sense was it free? of korbanot. However, Rashi there notes regarding any person who is separated that this conclusion stands in dispute and sent out of the city because of In the commentaries we find two main with a later passage, stating that a king tzaraat [or quarantined for any other approaches, rooted in the words of who is struck by tzaraat is rejected from reason]: does he lose his own self, or is Chazal: monarchy and brings a layperson’s he able to free himself from his social • Rabbi David Altschuler (Metzudat korban. (ibid. 10a) framework? David) explains that Uziah stopped serving as a king, thus becoming The question underlying this discussion [For more on this, see Rabbi Elchanan free from the heavy responsibilities may be understood as relating to the Wasserman, Kovetz He’arot 37:10.] that come with the title. nature of monarchy – is it only a social • Rashi cites the Talmud phenomenon which describes one’s [email protected] Yerushalmi that Uziah built a relations to others, or is it a quality of house inside a cemetery, which is the king even when he stands by called “the house of the free” himself? If it is the former, then when because the dead are exempt from the king is cut off from his subjects and mitzvot.

OUR BEIT MIDRASH ROSH BEIT MIDRASH RABBI MORDECHAI TORCZYNER SGAN ROSH BEIT MIDRASH RABBI SAMMY BERGMAN AVREICHIM EZER DIENA, RABBI ALEX HECHT, NETANEL KLEIN SEDER BOKER DIRECTOR RABBI MOSHE YERES ISRAELI CORRESPONDENTS RABBI ADAM FRIEDMANN, RABBI BARUCH An affiliate of Torah MiTzion and YU WEINTRAUB, RABBI JONATHAN ZIRING ∞ CHAVEROT ORLY AZIZA, MINDY CHAPMAN, SOFIA FREUDENSTEIN, ATARA GASNER, Find our upcoming classes on-line at TEHILA HELFENBAUM, AILEEN MORRIS, HADAS MOYAL, TIFERET NICKERSON www.torontotorah.com CHAVERIM NADAV GASNER, ARI KARON, YEHUDA LEVI, COBY LYONS, MORDECHAI ROTH, We are grateful to ILAN SHIELDS, NATAN SNOWBELL, DANIEL SUTTNER, URIEL WEISZ, ELI WELTMAN Continental Press 905-660-0311 Journey Through Tanach: Shemuel I, Chapter 20 Ezer Diena Summary with a hidden signal to transmit and Yehonatan and David reunite Chapter 20 opens with a discussion Yehonatan’s findings to David: On the briefly. They bow, kiss, and cry on one between best friends David and third day, David will wait (in hiding) another. Yehonatan wishes David well, Yehonatan (Shaul’s son). David is near Even Ha’azel, and Yehonatan will and reaffirms his commitment to him (rightfully) concerned that he will be shoot three arrows towards it. He will for future generations. (20:35-42) killed by Shaul, but Yehonatan argues then send a boy to fetch the arrows. If that since Shaul tells him everything, he instructs the boy that the arrows Insight and he has not told him that he wishes are towards where Yehonatan was The Talmud (Megillah 31a) instructs us David dead, he must not actually want standing, David will know all is well, to read a significant portion of this that. David responds by suggesting that and that he may come out of hiding. chapter (20:18-42) as the haftarah for since Shaul is aware of Yehonatan’s However, if he instructs the boy that Shabbat when Rosh Chodesh falls on love for David, Shaul may have hidden the arrows are beyond where he is the following day. Why? this fact from him. (20:1-3) looking, David should flee and not return. (20:19-23) On a simple level, Erev Rosh Chodesh David devises a plan to test Shaul’s is referenced in the opening verse of the intentions towards him: David will hide The plan works perfectly. On the Haftarah. However, Rabbi Mosheh in a field for two days (“until the third second day of Rosh Chodesh, Shaul Lichtenstein ( h t t p s : / / evening”), which will include two days of asks where David is. When Yehonatan www.etzion.org.il/en/machar-chodesh) Rosh Chodesh, when David would responds, Shaul loses his temper and suggests that this reading emphasizes normally join Shaul for meals. If Shaul berates Yehonatan for being so close to the importance of confronting the were to ask about David’s absence, David, and tells him that David must future, embodied by the new month. Yehonatan should tell him that he had be killed. When Yehonatan questions Shaul, despite realizing that his gone to Beit Lechem to bring a sacrifice. this decision, Shaul throws a spear at kingdom is coming to an end, tries to If Shaul would respond with anger, him, and Yehonatan realizes that deny that reality and fight on. then Yehonatan would be able to tell David is in danger, which upsets him Conversely, Yehonatan, his son, David that Shaul wishes to kill him, but greatly. (20:24-34) realizes that the best way to prepare for if he would respond calmly, with good the future is allying himself with the wishes, then Yehonatan would know Yehonatan then goes out to the field, future king. May we take this lesson to that all is good. (20:5-7) fires the arrows as discussed, and tells heart as we enter new stages of life! the boy that the arrows are beyond After they renew their covenant with him. After the boy gathers the arrows, [email protected] each other (20:12-17), they come up Yehonatan sends him off to the city, Holy Land Halachah: Non-Jewish Cemeteries Rabbi Mordechai Torczyner

Rabbi Yitzchak HaLevi Herzog farmed. HaTorah v’haMedinah Volumes 9-10 Rabbi Herzog determined that this was not a concern either. May one bury a non-Jew in Israel? First, the prohibition involved is itself rabbinic, and all of our produce tithes are currently rabbinic as well, so that Rabbi Yitzchak HaLevi Herzog, the first Chief Rabbi of the this would be a rabbinic prohibition against uprooting tithes State of Israel, received this question from a community which are only rabbinic in the first place. Further, he where a Seventh Day Adventist family had requested burial contended that the prohibition may only apply where one plots outside the Jewish cemetery. The Christian community causes land to be farmed without tithing, and not to graves, would not bury them, and so they turned to the Jews. Rabbi which will not be farmed at all. Herzog identified three potential problems, but dismissed all of them. Problem 3: Converting Fields to Other Uses According to the Talmud, we are prohibited from converting Problem 1: Lo Techoneim fields to non-field use. (Mishnah Arachin 9:8) This would Devarim 7:2 prohibits giving members of the seven Canaanite seem to prohibit burial in a field! However, Rabbi Herzog tribes encampments in the land of Israel, and various noted that some contend that this prohibition applies only commentators understand this to apply to other non-Jews as to the cities dedicated for residence of the Levites. Also, well. [See Tosafot Avodah Zarah 20a d’amar. We have also enforcing this rabbinic prohibition could lead to enmity, as discussed this potential prohibition and its nuances in other bodies remained unburied. issues of Toronto Torah; see, for example, 10:7 regarding selling Israeli land during the shemitah year, and 10:32 Beyond Rabbi Herzog’s responses to the three problems regarding selling or renting Israeli homes to non-Jews.] outlined above, he also brought evidence that the Torah permits such a burial. Among his proofs, Rabbi Herzog cited Rabbi Herzog dismissed this concern on multiple grounds, a braita [text taught in Israel, contemporary to the Mishnah such as the benefits to Israeli society in burial. These but excluded from its canon] which teaches that we are benefits include avoiding contamination of the atmosphere supposed to bury needy non-Jews even as we bury needy and avoiding spreading of tumah. Also, burying someone is Jews. He argued that this text cannot refer to burying needy not the same as “giving them an encampment”. non-Jews in their own land; it must refer to burial in our land. Problem 2: Eliminating Tithes from a Portion of the Land of Israel For all of these reasons, and more, Rabbi Herzog permitted There is a rabbinic prohibition against eliminating the providing the family with burial plots. produce tithes from arable land in Israel. [See Gittin 47a-b.] Indeed, the land outside of this cemetery was normally [email protected]

2 Visit us at www.torontotorah.com & www.facebook.com/torontotorah Biography Torah and Translation Rabbi Yisrael Meir Kagan An Instantaneous Return to Israel Rabbi Alex Hecht Rabbi Yisrael Meir Kagan, Tzipita l’Yeshuah 2 Rabbi Yisrael Meir HaKohen (nee Translated by Rabbi Alex Hecht Poupko) was born in 1838 in the town of Similarly, with our subject [of the Final כן הוא ענינינו אשר נפזרנו בקצה הארץ (present-day ) to Rabbi Aryeh Zev and Dobrusha. When he was Redemption], in which we are dispersed והקיבוץ גלויות יהיה מכל ישראל כאמור -to the ends of the earth; and the ingath ” ואתם תלוקטו לאחד אחד בני ישראל “ .ten years old, his father passed away -ering of the exiles will be from all of Isra ויחשוב האדם שהקיבוץ גופא ימשך כמה Dobrusha married Rabbi Shimon Epstein, and Rabbi Yisrael Meir studied el, as is stated, “and you shall be gath- שנים עד שיקובצו. in Vilna under Rabbi Yaakov Barit. At ered one by one, children of Isra- the age of seventeen, he married Rabbi el.” (Yeshayah 27:12, chabad.org tr. for Epstein’s daughter Fraida, and settled in all Tanach citations). One would think Radin (present-day Belarus). At some that the ingathering itself will continue point, Rabbi Yisrael Meir took the last for many years, until everyone has been name “Kagan”. gathered [in the Land of Israel].

,In truth, this is not so: The Holy One אבל באמת לא כן הוא, הקב “ ה עושה כל Despite being an outstanding Torah Blessed is He, performs all preparations ההכנות מקודם עד שכשיבוא עת הקיבוץ scholar, Rabbi Yisrael Meir initially beforehand, so that when the time of the לא ימשך הרבה וזה שכתוב ” אם יתמהמה avoided the rabbinate; he reportedly did ,ingathering arrives, it will not take long חכה לו “ ושמא תאמר הלא ימשך הרבה not even obtain semichah (rabbinic as it is written, “though it tarry, wait for הקיבוץ גופא ולזה אמר ” כי בא יבא “ ר “ ל ordination) until late in life, when it was ,it...” (Chavakuk 2:3) Perhaps you will say כאשר יבא הזמן שיוכל לבא לא יתאחר כלל needed for legal purposes. Rabbi Yisrael Won’t the ingathering itself continue for“ והוא כמו שאמר הכתוב ” מי אלה כעב Meir and Fraida opened a small grocery store, which she primarily operated while a long time?” Therefore, the verse says, תעופינה “ ר “ ל כמו הענן שהוא רץ במהרה he learned Torah. Rabbi Yisrael Meir’s ,(.for it shall surely come...” (ibid...“ מאוד כן יהיה הקיבוץ גלויות. scholarship and piety drew many meaning to say that when the appropri- students to learn with him in his home, ate time comes, it will not delay whatso- which became the of Radin. ever. And this is written, “Who are these who fly like a cloud…?” (Yeshayah 60:8), In 1873, he published his first book, meaning to say that just like a cloud, Sefer Chafetz Chaim, anonymously. This which races very quickly, so will the in- groundbreaking work presented the laws gathering of the exiles occur… of gossip and negative speech - which But G-d forbid that we should despair אבל חלילה וחלילה לנו להתייאש ע “ י - are dispersed throughout the Talmud from the delay! Specifically, the prophet האיחור, ובפרט שהנביא הגיד לנו מראש על .in an organized and systematic format Chavakuk] told us from the beginning] האיחור כי אף ”אם יתמהמה חכה לו כי בא Its introduction notes that laxity ,regarding the delay, that “though it tarry יבא וגו ‘” וחלילה לא יפול מדברי ד ‘ דבר regarding these severe and damaging wait for it, for it shall surely וכמו שאנו אומרין בברכות שקבעו לנו אחר prohibitions had become rampant, by both the learned and unlearned: The come…” (2:3). G-d forbid, none of the ההפטרה, ” ודבר אחד מדבריך אחור לא unlearned were simply unfamiliar with words of Hashem will be [unfulfilled]! As ישוב ריקם “... והוא עיקר ויסוד אמונת these laws, while the learned used flawed we say in the blessings following the reading of the Haftarah, “Not one of Your ישראל... .reasoning to justify their transgressions words is turned back to its origin unful- Rabbi Yisrael Meir later published filled.” (Artscroll tr.)... And this is the , a commentary on the foundation of Jewish belief… Orach Chaim section of the Code of Fortunate is he who does not despair of ואשרי למי שאינו מתיאש מלחכות Jewish Law, which discusses the laws of -waiting for the redemption, and pays at להגאולה ונותן לב על עצמו ובניו להרבות ,daily living, including prayer, Shabbat tention to himself and his children to תורה ומצות שלא תשיגנו בושה לעת ההיא and holidays. In addition, he wrote -increase Torah and mitzvot, lest they en כי רק בעוה “ ז שדומה ללילה, הכל מכוסה dozens of shorter books and pamphlets counter humiliation at the time [of the ולא ניכר צדיק לפני רשע, אבל אז יתגלה on an array of topics in Jewish law and Final Redemption]. It is only in This הכל וכדאיתא בתרגום קהלת על הפסוק philosophy. One such work, Tzipita World, which resembles darkness, that ” סוף דבר הכל נשמע “... וכל אחד יתכבד L’Yeshuah, discusses the fundamental belief in the Final Redemption, which he everything is covered and the righteous לפי התורה והמצות שיש בידו וכמשה “ כ על .believed was imminent .are not recognizable before the wicked עת ההיא ” ושבתם וראיתם בין עובד But [at the time of the Final Redemption], everything will be revealed, as it says in אלקים לאשר לא עבדו“... Rabbi Yisrael Meir’s renown spread throughout the world, and he became the Aramaic translation of Kohelet, on the one of the most important Jewish leaders verse “The end of the matter, everything of his time. He was involved in the having been heard,” (Kohelet 12:13)... founding of Agudath Israel. The “Chafetz [and] each person will be respected based Chaim,” as he is known colloquially, on the Torah and mitzvot they possess, passed away in 1933. He remains a as it is written about that time, “And you symbol of piety and kindness, and his shall return and discern between the works are studied around the world. righteous and the wicked, between him who serves G-d and him who has not [email protected] served Him.” (Malachi 3:18)

Call our office at: 416-630-6772 ext 243 3 This Week on Zoom!



10:00 AM to 11:20 AM EDT Sunday April 26 Midreshet Yom Rishon for Women Rabbi Alex Hecht, : Can the Secular Be Holy? Ezer Diena, The Relationship Between Yom ha’Atzmaut and Pesach

8:00 to 9:00 PM EDT Sunday April 26 Halachah in Contemporary Israel Rabbi Alex Hecht, Yom ha’Atzmaut: May We Establish New Holidays?


Adult Seder Boker, with Rabbi Moshe Yeres Gemara, Halachah, Tanach and Jewish Thought Mondays-Thursdays at 10:00 AM EDT (men)


Sunday April 26 9:15 AM EDT Contemporary Halachah, with Netanel Klein

7:30 PM EDT Gemara Avodah Zarah, with Rabbi Mordechai Torczyner (men) (pwd: 18)

Monday April 27 7:30 PM EDT Exploring the Book of Ruth, with Ezer Diena

8:30 PM Gemara Shabbat, Chap. 13, with Rabbi Moshe Yeres

Tuesday April 28 1:30 PM EDT Yeshayah, with Rabbi Mordechai Torczyner (pwd: 18)

7:30 PM Shoftim, with Rabbi Mordechai Torczyner (men) (pwd: 18) - cancelled this week

Wednesday April 29 7:30 PM EDT Mishlei for university students, with Ezer Diena

7:30 PM EDT Ancient Texts, Modern Meanings, with Rabbi Sammy Bergman

8:00 PM EDT Stories from the Talmud, with Rabbi Alex Hecht

Thursday April 30 1:30 PM EDT Shemuel, with Rabbi Mordechai Torczyner (women) (pwd: 18)

8:30 PM EDT Gemara Beitzah, with Ezer Diena (men)

Friday May 1 8:30 AM EDT Parshah for university students, with Rabbi Mordechai Torczyner (pwd: 18)

10:30 AM Bava Metzia Perek 6, with Rabbi Sammy Bergman and Rabbi Mordechai Torczyner (pwd: 18)