Parsha Perspectives OZER ALPORT

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Parsha Perspectives OZER ALPORT PARSHAS TAZRIA 29 ADAR 5768 5 APRIL 2008 Parsha Perspectives OZER ALPORT call my niece to convince her to break the ”.engagement וראה הכהן את הנגע בעור הבשר ושער בנגע הפך לבן ומראה הנגע עמק מעור בשרו נגע צרעת הוא וראהו הכהן וטמא אתו (13:3) Aghast at the unexpected turn of events, “The Kohen shall look at the affliction on the skin of his flesh. If hair in the affliction has the friends begged her not to do so. changed to white, and the affliction’s appearance is deeper than the skin of the flesh, it is They explained, “We were just innocently a tzara’as affliction; the Kohen shall look at it and declare him contaminated.” chatting about recent events. We didn’t mean many of the things we said, and t is interesting to note that all “impurities” in the Torah take effect most of them were exaggerated. Please don’t break-up this match because of our immediately upon contact with the impure item (e.g. a dead body, an impure poor judgment.” person). On the other hand, the determination of the status of tzara’as I As the bus reached her stop, the wise (a spiritual blemish with physical symptoms appearing on the skin, often woman paused before exiting and taught mistranslated as “leprosy”) isn’t dependent on the onset of the skin affliction or them an invaluable lesson. “You have even upon the evaluation of the Kohen (Priest), but upon the Kohen who verbally nothing to worry about. I’m not really her aunt … but I could have been!” proclaims, “Tamei,” – impure – which causes the commencement of the impurity. Why is this type of impurity determined in this unique manner? Rabbi Yisrael Meir Kagan, known as the Chofetz Chaim, answers our original The following story can shed light on this who had shared the news agreed and question by explaining that one of the question. One day in Jerusalem, two old proceeded to list problems not only primary causes of tzara’as is the speaking friends encountered one another on the with the boy, but also with his family’s of lashon hara – disparaging speech. bus. Excited at the opportunity to catch reputation. The conversation went back- Measure-for-measure, the status of its up with one another, they sat down and-forth, with each of them heaping impurity is dependent upon the speech of together and began talking. In the middle more and more question-marks on the the Kohen who rules upon it. Many times of their conversation, one of them casually match. a gossiper justifies his actions by claiming mentioned the name of an old friend. The that mere words can’t harm another other replied, “You didn’t hear? She just After five minutes, a woman who was person. Therefore, just as the two friends got engaged last week to so-and-so!” sitting behind them noticed her stop learned on the bus, we hint to him how approaching and started to get up. Turning much damage a person’s words can cause Hearing this news left her friend both to the two young gossipers, she remarked, by showing him that his status hinges upon elated and shocked. “That’s so wonderful “I know you didn’t realize this, but I’m the the verbal proclamation of the Kohen. that she finally got engaged, but to him!? aunt of the girl you’ve been discussing. Who would have ever thought that she We obviously didn’t know about these would settle for a person with so many serious allegations against the boy and his problems?” Taking the bait, the one family. As soon as I get home, I’m going to Please pray for a Refuah Shleimah for: Lieba bas Nechama Miriam, Bracha Sheindel Rachel bas Chaya Sara, Mordechai Hirsch ben Miriam and Yaakov ben Pearl Talking Points tazria RABBI ELAZAR MEISELS 1. A MATTER OF SURVIVAL Milah for theirs. This explains, in part, why Brit crime of Lashon Hara (evil speech) which Milah overrides the sanctity of Shabbat, similar to caused his victims to be shunned by others. “On the eighth day, the flesh of his foreskin all instances in which we must violate the Shabbat In this manner, he is made aware of the shall be circumcised.” 12:3 when it concerns a matter of life and death. So vital dreadful consequences of his actions which is Brit Milah for the spiritual survival of the Jewish he casually dismissed as “just a few words” The Eighth Day – “Why must we wait people, that it must be performed on Shabbat and refused to consider their devastation until the eighth day to circumcise the child? although it entails a violation of Shabbat. effects. – Rashi ‘[This demonstrates] how great Shabbat is that an infant may not be circumcised until he “There are four types of people who has lived through a Shabbat.’” – Mechiltah, 2. CANNIBALIsm IN THE are considered as dead…a metzorah…” – Shmot TORAH Talmud, Nedarim 64b Lived Through Shabbat - Before infusing the child with the sanctity of the “When a person will have in the skin of his It is commonly believed that the comparison Brit Milah, the child must first undergo a flesh a spot of intense whiteness …he shall be of a metzorah to a dead person is in Shabbat encounter, only after which point is brought before Aharon the Kohen, or to one of recognition of the difficulty entailed in he spiritually equipped to be circumcised. his sons the Kohanim.” 13:2 removing the contamination and the terrible Lived Through Shabbat – Before shame it causes the afflicted. The reality, however, is that the difficulty notwithstanding, undergoing circumcision, a child must be In The Skin…A Spot – “Rabbi Yosi ben healthy and vigorous. This vigor is acquired Zimrah said, ‘Negaim [skin afflictions] afflict it still does not compare to death: a far worse only on Shabbat, similar to the universe which one who speaks Lashon Harrah [slander]’” – fate. Indeed, Rav Chaim Shmuelevitz zt”l, did not achieve stability and permanence Talmud, Eiruchin 15b explained that the comparison hinges upon until Shabbat was created. – Or HaChaim the metzorah’s obligation to dwell in isolation: (Rabbi Chaim Ibn Atar) It is interesting to note that this Parshah almost a fate as miserable as death itself. One who Circumcision is similar to a Korbon immediately follows the parshah that discusses lives alone, without friends, and without the [temple-offering] in that both of them beget kosher and non-kosher animals. Rabbi Yisroel ability to reach out to others to offer and atonement for the Jewish people. Just as a Salanter zt”l explained this arrangement as receive solace, is as one who is dead, so korbon does not atone unless the animal is a rebuke against those who are exceedingly lacking is he in the essentials of life itself! at least eight days old [VaYikra 22:27], so particular about which animals they consume, too, circumcision cannot atone unless the but give nary a thought to the people they infant is at least eight days old. Just as those “consume” with their slanderous chatter. An who merit atonement through the korbon animal, prior to it’s consumption must be partake of a meal, so too, the Brit Milah is slaughtered in meticulous fashion, whereas accompanied by a festive meal. – Rabbeinu people can be “eaten alive” through libelous This page is dedicated to and written Bachya and defamatory speech. By juxtaposing the for the 6,000 Partners in Torah mentors. The Eighth Day - This verse essentially two Torah portions, the Torah is telling us that We welcome you to join their ranks by repeats that which is already stated, “At just as we must be careful not to eat an animal calling 800-STUDY-4-2. Please send your the age of eight days every male among unless it meets specific criteria, we must comments, questions, and suggestions you must be circumcised, throughout your exercise similar caution before consuming to generations…” [Bereishis 17:12]? This someone with our speech. teaches us that the circumcision must be performed on the eighth day even if it 3. GRAVE DWELLERS CONTACT INFO FOR PARTNERS IN occurs on Shabbat. – Chizkuni – See Talmud, TORAH MENTOR ADVISORS*: Shabbat [132a] that derives this from the “And the person with Tzaraat (leprosy caused extra word, “U’Bayom” [On the day]. by speaking lashon hara) in whom there is the Rabbi Elazar Meisels ~ This verse contains a total of five words, affliction…All the days that the affliction is 732–917–6370 similar to the verse [Bereishis 2:1] that upon him he shall remain contaminated…he (Sunday & Tuesday 8:00 - 11:00 pm introduces the very concept of Shabbat. This shall dwell in isolation – his dwelling shall be Thursday 10am-12 noon) is an allusion to the fact that circumcision outside the camp.” 13:45,46 overrides the Shabbat. – Baal HaTurim (RabbiYa’akov ben Asher, 1270-ca 1340) Rabbi Pinchos Jung ~ His Dwelling Shall Be In Isolation 845-425-6533 – Why is a metzorah (person afflicted with (leave message) tzaraat) singled out to live in isolation for the Just as the universe depends upon Shabbat for duration of his affliction? This is the Torah’s its survival, the Jewish people depend upon Brit way of underscoring the enormity of his “matchmaker, matchmaker, make me a match!” rabbi elazar meisels ering the match, they tended to focus on the important aspects, not just the trivial ear Rabbi, ones that youngsters are prone to concen- I am fascinated by the whole idea of a matchmaker in Jewish trating on.
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