Torah Musings Digests

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Torah Musings Digests Torah Musings Digests July through October, 2014 as published on Unedited Introduction Started as the Hirhurim blog in 2004, Torah Musings relaunched in August 2013 as an online periodical focusing on multiple areas of interest, including: Textual Studies – halakhah (Jewish law),hashkafah (Jewish thought), history and parshanut (biblical commentary) that is clear, interesting, valuable to experienced students but understandable to those with limited Jewish education; News Stories and Commentary – thoughtful responses based on Jewish texts and traditions to issues of the day; Dialogue – differing views within the Orthodox camp, discussing with post and counter-post or in the responses. In July 2014, the website began sending weekly digests in PDF format. This booklet contains a collection of these weekly digests from July through October 2014, unrevised and in the same format originally sent. Currently, these PDF files flow automatically and sometimes misinterpret formatting commands. Therefore, there are occasional stray sentences that should be ignored. Please note that authorship of each essay is clear on the website but not always in the weekly digest. Unless otherwise indicated, assume that I wrote an essay. Many people contributed to this project. The editorial committee for the first year consisted of R. Micha Berger, R. Basil Herring and R. Moshe Schapiro, the last two continuing into the second year. These three scholars devoted many hours to improving and maintaining the website’s standards. I thank them for their hard work. During the period of this collection, Efraim Vaynman and David Roth served as editorial interns. I thank them both for their hard work. Torah Musings thrives on original contributions by a variety of authors. R. Gidon Rothstein writes a bi-weekly series on the classic Medieval philosophical work, Derashos HaRan. Dr. Arnold Lustiger sends in Torah insights on the weekly reading from R. Joseph B. Soloveitchik, titled here “Vort from the Rav” and included in Dr. Lustiger’s Mesoras HaRav Chumash. R. Aharon Ziegler submits Halakhic Positions of R. Joseph B. Soloveitchik, of which he has already published six volumes. R. Asher Bush writes a monthly halakhah column. R. Daniel Mann of Eretz Hemdah also provides a monthly halakhah column. Joel Rich provides weekly Audio Roundups, which are highly valued but omitted due to the difficulty of including links to audio files in this format. I thank all these and other contributors for their valuable additions to the Torah Musings website. Additionally, Torah Musings maintains a strategic partnership with Yeshivat Har Etzion’s Israel Koschitzky Virtual Beit Midrash that allows the website to republish weekly essays on the Torah reading and occasional other essays. These essays are included in this booklet, with a notice at the end of each essay indicating its source. I thank the Virtual Beit Midrash and its senior members, R. Ezra Bick and R. Reuven Ziegler, for allowing this partnership. Finally, I thank my family and my wife in particular for supporting my work on the website and allowing me the time and intellectual environment to succeed. This booklet is theirs. Gil Student 10 Cheshvan 5775 / November 3, 2014 Table of Contents Halakhah Berachos A Personal Bracha ............................................................................................................................ 6 Torah Reading Mas’ei: Mysticism, Geography and the Ba’al Korei’s Dilemma .................................................. 31 An Overlooked View on Women’s Aliyyot .................................................................................. 36 An Overlooked View on Women’s Aliyyot II .............................................................................. 39 Shuls The Rabbi’s Drasha .......................................................................................................................... 1 Silent and Loud Prayer .................................................................................................................. 10 Shabbos Making Tea and Coffee on Shabbos ............................................................................................. 68 Diapers With Disappearing Ink ................................................................................................... 136 Holidays Havdala With Wine During The Nine Days .................................................................................. 42 Tefillin on Tisha B’Av .................................................................................................................. 47 The Experience of Rosh HaShana ................................................................................................. 88 The Mitzva to Eat on Erev Yom Kippur and the Teshuva of Yom Kippur ................................. 106 May one wear Crocs on Yom Kippur? ........................................................................................ 109 How and Why Should One Rejoice On the Festivals? ................................................................ 114 Women Dancing With Torah Scrolls .......................................................................................... 116 Yom Tov Candles: Women and Shehecheyanu .......................................................................... 118 An Israeli in the Diaspora: How Many Days of Yom Tov? ........................................................ 138 Kashrus Gelatin in Halacha: Recent Developments .................................................................................... 10 Butchering Judaism ....................................................................................................................... 12 Judaism and Industrial Food Production ..................................................................................... 119 Religions Jews Attending Church ................................................................................................................. 67 Danger Avoiding Danger in our Daily Lives ............................................................................................. 15 Leadership The Rabbi’s Drasha .......................................................................................................................... 1 Mourning Yahrtzeit Practices ........................................................................................................................ 26 The 9/11 Memorial and Jewish Law ........................................................................................... 128 Aveilut for Parents ...................................................................................................................... 136 Beis Din Redemptive Justice .......................................................................................................................... 2 Where There Is No Beit Din .......................................................................................................... 80 Sacrificing the Sinner .................................................................................................................... 80 The Limits of Teshuvah ................................................................................................................ 84 Interpersonal The Right Way To Rebuke ............................................................................................................ 68 Answer Your Emails! Return Your Phone Calls! .......................................................................... 72 Say No to Snark ............................................................................................................................. 75 Speaking With Satan ................................................................................................................... 131 The Mitzvah of Bikur Cholim – Visiting the Sick Part 1 ............................................................. 139 Women An Overlooked View on Women’s Aliyyot .................................................................................. 36 An Overlooked View on Women’s Aliyyot II .............................................................................. 39 Women Dancing With Torah Scrolls .......................................................................................... 116 The Super-Mitzvah to Have Children ......................................................................................... 133 Rav Soloveitchik Silent and Loud Prayer .................................................................................................................. 10 Miriam: The Greatest Woman ....................................................................................................... 26 IDF Uniforms ................................................................................................................................ 45 Elevating Evil ................................................................................................................................ 60 The Right Way To Rebuke ............................................................................................................ 68 Aveilut for Parents ...................................................................................................................... 136 Hashkafah Fundamentals Torah From Sinai .......................................................................................................................... 45 Why We Do Mitzvos
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