Parshas Naso May 21, 2021

A Taste of Stories for the Soul The Loyal Friend by Chaim Gross Night Classes Figuring out where to focus one’s perfectly honest. A newly-married student attention and effort in life can be Then came the dreaded letter in the mail. studying in the in challenging, especially when some things It seemed that the government suspected , NY was in the bais medrash seem more attractive. This lesson comes Moshe of a serious violation – one that nightly studying with his chavrusa through this week’s parsha. The verse could result in many a year behind bars, (study partner) until midnight. Rabbi (Bamidbar 5:10) states, “A man’s holies if not a lifetime sentence. He was being Shmuel Brudny (1915-1981), the Rosh shall be his, [and] that which a man gives summoned to court. Moshe desperately Yeshiva (Dean) of the Mir, approached to a kohen shall be his.” needed help, and he knew just whom the fellow and said, “I heard you are One phrase, repeated twice in this verse, to call. He reached for his phone and learning at night with so-and-so. Can catches the reader’s attention, as it is selected speed-dial #2 (#1 was his wife). I ask where you are studying?” strikingly ambiguous. We are told that The phone rang, and then he heard “In the yeshiva,” replied the newlywed. the items listed here, both a man’s holies his dear friend Dovid at the other end. “That’s wonderful,” said Rabbi as well as that which he gives to the kohen But the words were not what he had Brudny, “but it might be a better idea “shall be his.” To whom, exactly, do they expected. “Moshe, I’ve already heard the for you to study at home.” belong to the kohen or to the giver? And news – and this ends our relationship. The young man protested that he what does it mean that his holies shall be Goodbye.” The phone went dead. much preferred the atmosphere of his – inasmuch as the items are sanctified Moshe’s heart dropped. How could his the yeshiva bais medrash, but Rabbi and holy, it would seem they are not friend leave him, just like that? But, no Brudny concluded, “Think it over.” really his. (See Rashi for a basic approach matter – he could still rely on Berel to Several days later, Rabbi Brudny again to the verse.) clear things up. He punched #3 into broached the subject, and the young The saintly (Rabbi the phone, and Berel answered. After man again replied that he preferred Yisrael Meir Kagan; 1838-1933) picks up exchanging a few words of sympathy, studying in the yeshiva. on these words and masterfully explains Dovid asked his friend for the big favor; “Anyway,” said the newlywed, “my them with a powerful parable (updated would he agree to appear in court on wife goes to sleep early and wouldn’t for today’s world), one that speaks so testify on his behalf? There was an know the difference.” much to today’s generation sheds a new uncomfortable silence. Finally, Berel “Everyone wants to know they got a light upon the world around us: answered candidly: “I will come along good deal,” said Rabbi Brudny. “Your There once lived a fellow – let’s call him with you to the court building – but I wife’s father told her she married a Moshe. Moshe was a proud member of his can’t come in to testify. I’m sorry; you Torah scholar who studies all the time. community, but he was even more proud will have to look elsewhere.” If, as she is retiring for the night, she of the friendships he had cultivated over Now Moshe really felt like crying. He hears you learning Torah in the next the years. Especially important to him racked his brains as to whom he could room, she will fall asleep thinking, ‘I was his close relationship with Dovid, turn – and that’s when he remembered got a good deal.’” who was the most prestigious and wealthy Yehuda. But did he even have his The fellow followed his rebbi’s advice man in town. Second on his list was Berel, number? Scrolling through his contacts, and spent his nights studying at home. who, while not quite in the same class as he realized that he did indeed have it, This week’s parsha discusses the Dovid, was still a very influential figure and, after a moment’s hesitation, decided process of a sotah, a woman suspected in their neighborhood. And then, yes, he to give it a try. As the phone rang, images of adultery. Our Sages teach us that did have a third friend, if you could call appeared in Moshe’s mind – snippets of the ultimate purpose of this process is him that; a man named Yehuda. Yehuda all the times Yehuda had attempted to to absolve the woman of wrongdoing was a kind-hearted fellow, always trying to befriend him and Moshe had responded (if she is indeed innocent) and to go out of his way to do a favor for Moshe halfheartedly and without enthusiasm… restore shalom bayis, marital harmony, and give a smile when they passed each Then Yehuda picked up. Before Moshe in the home. Great effort must be other. But, being that Yehuda wasn’t could say a word, Yehuda’s kind voice invested in creating and sustaining from the rich or the famous, Moshe could be heard: “Moshe, don’t worry shalom bayis. never paid much attention to him - to be about a thing. I will come with you to continued on back Kollel Happenings Halacha Riddles Last week’s question: How is it possible require ha’adama. WHAT IS APPROPRIATE for the bracha of an item to vary between Pumpkin seeds are a good example. If one TO INCLUDE IN A NEWS ha’adama and shehakol based on why it was grew pumpkins for the actual pumpkin, PUBLICATION AT JUNE 3 T4T planted? the seed would be shehakol. If, however, ON ZOOM Answer: A fruit that grows wild and is not one grew them for the seeds (which is the The world of media has usuAn item that is a secondary product of case for commercially-produced pumpkin changed greatly in recent a plant, and is not the intended product seeds), the bracha would be ha’adama (see of the plant, requires only a shehakol, not Orach Chaim 202:3 with years, and the ethical ha’adama. Thus, if one planted a seed with Mishna Berura 23 and Shu”t Or Letzion challenges that confront one of the plant’s products in mind, the 2:4:10). a journalist have evolved other secondary product would require This week’s question: How can the need with them. Join Rabbi Hillel a shehakol. If the plant was planted for to make a bracha change based on whether Goldberg, PhD, Editor and the second product, that product would one is a guest? Publisher of Intermountain Jewish News, and Rabbi Mordechai Fleisher, Senior Lives of Our Torah Leaders Educator for the Denver Rabbi Saadia Gaon - Part XXX Community Kollel, as they Rav Saadia’s brilliant arguments and culture and society around them. It is fitting press forward in mediating unyielding battles against heretical to conclude with the Rambam’s assessment this subject at the June 3 movements within , particularly of the lasting impact of Rav Saadia Gaon: T4T. Visit for the Karaites, checked their influence on the Were it not for Rav Saadia Gaon, the Torah further details. Jewish world, though the Karaites would would have almost disappeared from Jewish remain a force for centuries to come. Rav people. For it was he who shed light on that SPRING-SUMMER AVOS Saadia created a framework that enabled which was obscure strengthened that which had UBANIM ON SHABBOS living in Moslem society to flourish as been weakened, and spread the Torah far and AFTERNOON loyal Jews even as they interacted with the wide, by word of mouth and in writing. The Kollel’s spring-summer Avos Ubanim program A Taste of Torah continues this Shabbos continued from front afternoon at the Kollel Torah court and testify on your behalf. I will clear but his mind was always elsewhere; at any Centers in West Denver and your name and reputation.” rate, they certainly didn’t rank high on his Southeast Denver. Learning And so it was. list of priorities. Now, with no choice, he begins one hour before Says the Chofetz Chaim: Every person, shamefacedly approaches them to request mincha, followed by nosh without exception, will eventually receive a their assistance in his time of need. And and prizes. For sponsorships “summons” to appear before the Heavenly they alone will accompany him as he stands before the Almighty. and more info, email info@ Court in judgement. He will reach his This, explains the Chofetz Chaim, is the final day of reckoning. And he, like Moshe in the story, will turn to the “friend” in deeper meaning of the verse quoted above. MILE HIGH TORAH PODCAST whom he invested most of his life: Money For only that which one consecrates to FROM THE KOLLEL and material possessions. The friend will be given for exalted purposes, that which answer him short and to the point: You’re he gives away for his Creator - be it time, A wide variety of Kollel classes on your own – I cannot go with you. money, or effort - will truly be his. They will and short, inspiring Torah He will then turn to his next-best friend, stay with him at his side during his time of thoughts are now available his close family and relatives. They will need, while all that he invested in his own on many podcast platforms reply, “We will accompany you to the selfish desires will part from him forever. such as Spotify, Google burial, but that’s as far as we can go. We In a society and environment that places Podcasts, Apple Podcasts and cannot enter the court with you.” such an emphasis on physicality, material Amazon Music. You can also Finally, out of desperation, he will turn wealth and rubbing shoulders with the elite access the latest podcasts at to the friend who he had never invested of society, it is that much more important much effort in building a relationship with to hold on to the Torah’s message – to the Kollel’s website, www. invest one’s time not in the transient and – Torah learning and good deeds. Yes, he engaged on a basic level over the years, mortal, but in that which is spiritual and eternal. 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