A Taste of Torah
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wife. It is not uncommon for a couple couple a for uncommon not is It wife. continued on back on continued the relationship of a husband and and husband a of relationship the self. self. a time of crisis, when most most when crisis, of time a This same concept is true regarding regarding true is concept same This mitzvos thus become an expression of of expression an become thus mitzvos astounded at his answer. During During answer. his at astounded the Torah within himself, and all all and himself, within Torah the everything will inevitably fall away. fall inevitably will everything His family and students were were students and family His Through Torah study, one inculcates inculcates one study, Torah Through strengthening the relationship, relationship, the strengthening simply going through the motions. motions. the through going simply great, but without action constantly constantly action without but great, given to one for safekeeping.” for one to given the mitzvah, which is far greater than than greater far is which mitzvah, the the deepest depths. Inspiration is is Inspiration depths. deepest the specific mitzvah to guard anything anything guard to mitzvah specific an expression of his appreciation of of appreciation his of expression an the Torah, one will eventually fall to to fall eventually will one Torah, the Thank G-d, I found it; there’s a a there’s it; found I G-d, Thank studying it; when he performs it, it is is it it, performs he when it; studying that without following the laws of of laws the following without that to keep his watch in my house. house. my in watch his keep to the mitzvah into himself through through himself into mitzvah the summit. The verse therefore continues continues therefore verse The summit. yeshivah student had asked me me asked had student being done, the person has absorbed absorbed has person the done, being mountain of God and reached the the reached and God of mountain for his mysterious behavior. “A “A behavior. mysterious his for a deeper understanding of what is is what of understanding deeper a one can feel as if he has scaled the the scaled has he if as feel can one him, he clarified the reason reason the clarified he him, on a whole new level. Besides having having Besides level. new whole a on he has reached through inspiration; inspiration; through reached has he When his family questioned questioned family his When the mitzvah, its performance takes takes performance its mitzvah, the righteous due to a lofty spiritual level level spiritual lofty a to due righteous his family in vacating the house. house. the vacating in family his understanding and appreciation of of appreciation and understanding Sometimes, a person can feel very very feel can person a Sometimes, his other possessions and joined joined and possessions other his After studying and grasping an an grasping and studying After is teaching us a fundamental lesson. lesson. fundamental a us teaching is merely performs that same mitzvah. mitzvah. same that performs merely a small watch. He then gathered gathered then He watch. small a Chofetz Chaim suggests that the verse verse the that suggests Chaim Chofetz mitzvah is greater than someone who who someone than greater is mitzvah on a chair to reach it and took down down took and it reach to chair a on and for His laws. However, the the However, laws. His for and mitzvah after studying the topic, the the topic, the studying after mitzvah high shelf was situated. He stood stood He situated. was shelf high praising Hashem for His righteousness righteousness His for Hashem praising us that when someone performs a a performs someone when that us the corner of his house, where a a where house, his of corner the This verse, simply understood, is is understood, simply verse, This explain that the Talmud is teaching teaching is Talmud the that explain from his chair, and walked toward toward walked and chair, his from waters.” to achieving it. The commentators commentators The it. achieving to a sigh of relief. He quickly arose arose quickly He relief. of sigh a mountains, and Your laws are deep deep are laws Your and mountains, is really at the top, while study is a means means a is study while top, the at really is Chofetz Chaim suddenly breathed breathed suddenly Chaim Chofetz “Your righteousness is like mighty mighty like is righteousness “Your because it leads to action, then practice practice then action, to leads it because Fifteen minutes passed, and the the and passed, minutes Fifteen prayers. The verse states (Psalms 36:7), 36:7), (Psalms states verse The prayers. is that if the greatness of study is only only is study of greatness the if that is mincha the of end the at afternoon ignoring the tumult around him. around tumult the ignoring performance. The obvious problem problem obvious The performance. which we recite every Shabbos Shabbos every recite we which an anxious expression on his face, face, his on expression anxious an is that study is greater for it leads to to leads it for greater is study that is this question and points to a verse verse a to points and question this continued to sit and think with with think and sit to continued the practice of Torah. The conclusion conclusion The Torah. of practice the Meir Kagan; 1839-1933) addresses addresses 1839-1933) Kagan; Meir behavior, but the Chofetz Chaim Chaim Chofetz the but behavior, of what is greater, the study of Torah or or Torah of study the greater, is what of The Chofetz Chaim (Rabbi Yisrael Yisrael (Rabbi Chaim Chofetz The His family was puzzled by his his by puzzled was family His Kama 17a), where there is a discussion discussion a is there where 17a), Kama enhance our relationship? our enhance the turmoil, deep in thought. thought. in deep turmoil, the for this is found in the Talmud (Bava (Bava Talmud the in found is this for contemplating G-d, which would would which G-d, contemplating mitzvos more meaningful. The answer answer The meaningful. more mitzvos man, sat in his chair amidst amidst chair his in sat man, be better off, some wonder, simply simply wonder, some off, better be how we can make our performance of of performance our make can we how Chaim, who was already an elderly elderly an already was who Chaim, mitzvos, we are still left to explain explain to left still are we mitzvos, relationship with G-d. Would we not not we Would G-d. with relationship vacate their houses. The Chofetz Chofetz The houses. their vacate important to engage in and perform perform and in engage to important without feeling any connection in our our in connection any feeling without possessions as they prepared to to prepared they as possessions Now that we understand why it is so so is it why understand we that Now that we just go through the motions motions the through go just we that gathering their most valuable valuable most their gathering abundant number of commandments, commandments, of number abundant the residents began frantically frantically began residents the dedication toward the other party. other the toward dedication Shema . It seems, at times, due to the the to due times, at seems, It . the is if there is constant commitment and and commitment constant is there if is of being burned down. All of of All down. burned being of until one lays down at night and recites recites and night at down lays one until only way a relationship grows properly properly grows relationship a way only houses in its path were in danger danger in were path its in houses Modeh Ani Modeh recites and morning the in setting themselves up for failure. The The failure. for up themselves setting was spreading quickly, and all the the all and quickly, spreading was beginning from when one wakes up up wakes one when from beginning shared when they first met, they are are they met, first they when shared 1839-1933) was located. The fire fire The located. was 1839-1933) as a Jew’s life is filled with many laws laws many with filled is life Jew’s a as life based on the strong emotions they they emotions strong the on based life Chaim (Rabbi Yisrael Meir Kagan; Kagan; Meir Yisrael (Rabbi Chaim is a very important point to discuss, discuss, to point important very a is couple banks on living their whole whole their living on banks couple where the home of the Chofetz Chofetz the of home the where regarding our everyday conduct. This This conduct. everyday our regarding closeness early on. However, if the the if However, on. early closeness One day, a fire began on the street street the on began fire a day, One This week’s parsha discusses many laws laws many discusses parsha week’s This to initially forge a bond of great great of bond a forge initially to Based on a story on revach.net on story a on Based by Rabbi Chaim Yeshia Freeman Yeshia Chaim Rabbi by Fiery Commitment Fiery A Call to Action Action to Call A A Taste of Torah of Taste A Stories for the Soul the for Stories February 9, 2018 9, February Parshas Mishpatim Parshas Kollel Happenings Increase Your Jewish IQ By Rabbi Yaakov Zions WINTER GARDENS WOMEN’S Last week we asked: Which songs were repeat it later in the morning prayers: NIGHT THIS MONDAY! recited in the Temple on Shabbos, Some (Nusach Sefard as well as some The Kollel Women’s Division and how do we commemorate these German communities) recite it 6th annual Women’s Wellness songs? immediately following shacharis, as it Workshop, Winter Gardens A: On Shabbos, the morning Tamid was the song of the morning Tamid Women’s Night Out, will be sacrifice was accompanied with Psalm which shacharis parallels.