ISSUE 1 2012

. Think Safe Work Safe 全心全意保平安

30 Sustainability Month expands our commitment to the local community 「可持續發展月」實踐金門的企業社會責任 34 Science Park project focuses on green construction technology 香港科學園項目突顯環保建築技術 Chief Executive’s Message 總裁的話

subcontractors who form a vital part of the Gammon team. On a sustainability note, the Zero Carbon Building in Bay was opened on 26 June. This is a first-of-its-kind project in Hong Kong which will have significant impact on green construction both locally and internationally because it is carbon neutral, climate positive, and generates on-site renewable energy. It’s also open to visitors and will become a showcase for environmentally friendly sustainable design and building in Hong Kong. Everyone at Gammon is invited to visit the building to learn at first-hand about this exciting project. So my message to you all is Stay Safe, Go Green!

6月20日,金門全體員工放下手上的工作,參與「安全反思會」,我衷心感謝各位以 及分判商,在會上提供了多項與工作安全相關的寶貴和有建設性的建議。 我們仔細分析過去發生的傷亡和嚴重意外,了解我們的不足之處,很多時意 On 20 June we all stopped, stepped back, and considered the vital 外的成因涉及違反既定的規則或條例,以及監督不足,另一方面,意外發生可歸 issue of Safety, and I would like to thank staff and subcontractors for 咎於我們抱有一些固有的成見,而忽視安全措施。 participating in the Company-wide Stand Down which resulted in 所以,我們必須重新檢視推行「安全」的方法,而管理層亦會作出主動和關懷 many very interesting and valuable ideas. 員工的領導,與此同時,每一位員工亦應負起自己的安全責任,並與分判商加強 Our analysis of fatalities and serious accidents identified a 聯繫,因為分判商亦是金門團隊的重要一環。 number of problems. In many cases there had been obvious 在可持續發展方面,位於九龍灣的零碳天地已於6月26日開幕,這是香港首 violations of our standard rules and regulations which had been 項同類型建築,能達致零碳排放、優化氣候,生產可再生能源,對香港和世界各 made worse by inadequate supervision. We believe that this has 地的綠色建築有積極推動作用。零碳天地開放予公眾人士參觀,將成為展示香港 happened due to a build-up of preconceived mindsets. 先進環保建築設計和技術的平台。 So we must re-think our approach to safety and demonstrate 我鼓勵大家親身到零碳天地參觀,認識這項目先進和環保的一面。 visible and caring leadership. Everyone must accept their 最後,我謹希望各位堅守安全原則,並支持綠色環保建築! share of accountability and we must engage more closely with Thomas Ho 何安誠

Editor’s Column 編輯的話 Community Investment (CI) Scorecard. This allows us to be sure that the maximum impact and advantage is being made through our support and your hard work, and the results can then be used not only to judge that particular project but also to identify areas where we can be of most assistance and explore ways in which our participation can bring the best results. Sustainability and public service are very much a part of the Gammon Way, and we are proud that so many of you share this vision and give so much of your time.

金門與全體員工一直同心協力實踐抱負,全心全意建造優質的項目、基建設施, 及改善社區環境,獲得的讚譽實至名歸;我們在5月更重點推動「可持續發展」,履 Moving forward, creating new buildings and , taking 行對社會責任的承諾。 things to a higher level are laudable ambitions which we all do our 把5月定為「可持續發展月」的目的,是要突顯金門在「可持續發展」方面的領 best to achieve. There is also another equally important facet of life 導地位,我們在月內舉辦了一連串的活動,為參加的同事帶來充實的體驗,我在 which was our focus in May. Sustainability. 此感謝各位的鼎力支持! Sustainability Month saw events and activities that raised our 「可持續發展月」的活動中,最矚目的要算為大埔環保會修復鳳園蝴蝶保育區 profile as a sustainability leader, and many of you joined hands to 的行人徑,我們在多個地盤收集了約 10噸廢棄建材,製成233塊路磚,由58位金 support an event calendar that was so full it must have left many of 門義工分六節,每節用半日時間,鋪設218米長的行人徑,這修復項目正好體現了 you breathless! 金門義工同心協力為公益的神精。 Of particular interest was the completion of a footpath 另一方面,我們率先採用「社區投資績效指標」評估在「可持續發展」方面的表 restoration for the Tai Po Environmental Association’s Fung Yuen 現,這評估制度可以確保我們支持的社區活動,達到最大的效益。我們會利用所 Butterfly Reserve. 233 specially designed pavers were produced 得的數據,衡量個別項目的績效,並界定金門能作出最大貢獻的地方,從而發揮 to form the reserve’s pathways and steps by reusing 10 tonnes of 所長為社區帶來最佳效益。 waste materials. 58 Gammon colleagues took part in six half-day 「可持續發展」和社區服務都是「金門之道」的重要一環,能推動我們繼續前 paver-laying sessions to complete a 218 metre footpath. It was a 進,我們非常高興,很多同事亦認同這理念,獻出寶貴的時間,加入金門服務社 team performance which clearly demonstrated how we can work 群的行列。 together for the common good. Taking things to the next stage, in an attempt to assess Edmond Lai 黎永覺 our performance in sustainability, we have also introduced the Director, Human Resources 人力資源董事

2 The Record • Issue 1/2012 The Record • Issue 1/2012 16 Contents 目錄

4 News 快訊 Obituaries • Sustainability report 2011 • Assistant QS takes honours • Chairman’s Prize • Keeping in touch through the Gammon app • New partnership with COFICO • Accreditation by the Geological Society of London • Innovation Competition 2011 • Best of the Year Award • Innovator of the Month • Frontline safety staff • Employees of the Month 懷緬前賢 • 可持續發展報告2011 • 培育工料測量專才 • 保富集團「主席畢業生創新 大獎」 • 全新推出金門應用程式 • 與越南COFICO簽訂合作協議 • 獲倫敦地質學會認證 • 創意大賽2011 • 全年傑出成就獎 • 每月創意之星 • 前線安全員工 • 每月最佳員工 16 Focus story 焦點特寫 Think Safe . Work Safe 全心全意保平安 22 Awards 獎項 OPUS HONG KONG – an iconic structure • Gold Awards in Considerate Contractor Site Award Scheme • Construction Excellence Award in • Three RoSPA Awards • Certificates of Merit awarded in HKAEE • Green Projects strike Gold • HK Pavilion – a finalist in Quality Building Award 結構獨特的OPUS HONG KONG • 「公德地盤嘉許計劃」金獎 • 新加坡獲建築卓越 成就獎 • 英國皇家預防意外協會頒贈三項殊榮 • 「香港環保卓越計劃」優異獎 • 環保金獎 • 香港館名列優質建築大獎 25 Health, safety and environment 健康、安全及環保 6th Annual Gammon Safety Conference • Winning the Lifting Operation Competition • Lambeth wins Safety Leadership Award 29 第六屆金門週年安全會議 • 吊運安全比賽中脫穎而出 • 確認琳寶的安全領導能力 27 Profile焦點人物 Gammon’s BIM pioneer – Welie Ng 建築資訊模型技術的先行者 – 吳允全 29 Corporate Social Responsibility 企業社會責任 Walk Up • Support for the Tung Wah Group • Dragon Boat racing prize • Singapore cricket tournament • Caring Company Logo Award • Massive support for Sustainability Month 齊步上怡廈 • 支持東華三院活動 • 賽龍奪錦 • 新加坡板球錦標賽 • 「商界展關懷」 標誌 • 「可持續發展月」舉行多項活動 32 Projects 工程項目 Hong Kong’s first Zero Carbon Building • Hong Kong Science Park new phases • Hong Kong International Airport’s Midfield Concourse Contract • Seymour Road residential complex 全港首幢零碳建築開幕 • 香港科學園第三期工程 • 機場中場客運廊建築合約 • 西摩道住宅項目 32 36 Major Current Contracts 工程合約一覽表

Executive Editor Edmond Lai Editor, English Ian Brown / Chris Taylor Editor, Chinese Chloe Tam Design Manager Johnny Chan 執行總編 黎永覺 英文主編 Ian Brown / Chris Taylor 中文主編 譚婉儀 設計總監 陳錦源 Your contributions are welcome. Please contact Candy Chan, Corporate Communications Manager 歡迎各位提供寶貴意見,請隨時聯絡企業傳訊經理陳敏碧 Tel +852 2516 8733 Fax +852 2516 6260 E-mail [email protected] This publication is proudly managed and produced by 製作及統籌機構 Bamboo Business Communications Tel +852 2838 4553 Fax +852 2873 3329

The Record • Issue 1/2012 3 NEWS快訊

Obituaries 懷緬前賢

It is with great sadness we have learned until 1991 when he retired. He later 兩位曾在金門服務多年的前輩 - 張金龍先生及麥潤 of the passing away of two former senior served as a Consultant to Gammon. 彬先生於早前離世。金門仝人向張先生及麥先生的家 employees, Mr Kim Chong and Mr Y B Kim Chong was President of the 人致以深切慰問,並深深感謝兩位過去為金門的發展 Mak, who served Gammon over many Hong Kong Construction Association from 作出的 貢 獻。 years. Gammon would like to pass on 1989-1993 and also served as Permanent 張金龍先生在1954年加入金門(馬來亞)有限公 its heartfelt condolences to the families Supervisor of the organisation. 司,在1956年參與金門在香港的第一項工程 – 啟 of Mr Chong and Mr Mak and express He passed away on 30 March 2012. 德機場跑道項目,他在1977年出任地基部董事,並在 its deep appreciation for their valuable Y B Mak joined Gammon in the early 1980年獲擢升為常務副董事及1984年成為集團常務 contribution to the development and 1960s and was involved in a number of 副董事,至1991年退休,隨後數年以顧問身份繼續為 growth of the company. road, bridge and infrastructure projects. 金門服 務。 Kim Chong joined Gammon The Tate's Cairn Tunnel was one of 張金龍先生在1989至1993年出任香港建造商會 (Malaya) Limited in 1954, and in the most important contracts which 會 長,其 後 擔 任 商 會 永 遠 監 督。 1956 worked on the Kai Tak Runway he oversaw during the late 1980s to 張先生在2012年3月30日辭世。 project, Gammon’s first project in Hong early 1990s. Y B was the Construction 麥潤彬先生於1960年代初加入金門參與了多項 Kong. He then became Director of the Operations Director in 1987 and was later 道路、橋樑及基建的工程。當中由麥先生管理的重要 Foundation Division in 1977 and was promoted to Executive Director in 1991. 項目包括80年代後期至90年代初的大老山隧道工程。 promoted to Deputy Managing Director He retired in 1994. 麥先生在1987年擔任工程營運董事,及後在1991年升 in 1980, and Deputy Group Managing Y B Mak passed away on 1 June 2012. 任為執行董事,至1994年退休。 Director in 1984, the position he held 麥先生在2012年6月1日辭世。1

Sustainability Report 2011 可持續發展報告2011

Our 2011 Sustainability Report has just been published which gives details of our activities and the ways in which we are striving to serve our staff, the community and our stakeholders in a mature and appropriate manner. Gammon is a leader in construction and engineering services, and we are proud of the contribution we make to the community. Please read the report which is at, or if you would like a hard copy simply email us at: [email protected]. We like to share the company’s success with you all! 2011 Report Sustainability Our strength is our people We look at what you’re measuring and how you are evaluating your performance; this, in turn, influences how we judge our own environmental performance. 《2011可持續發展報告》經已出版,報告內詳盡介紹金門在可持續發 我們關注你們所量度的範疇及如何對有關表現進 展方面所作的努力,以成熟和正確的態度,致力為員工、社區及持分 行評估,這亦會影響我們如何審視我們本身的環 者提供最佳服務。 作為首屈一指的建築及工程服務公司,能為社會作出貢獻,我 保表現。” 們與有榮焉。請登入網站: www.gammonconstruction.com詳閱報告 John Latter, Executive Manager, Property Project Management, 的內容,如閣下希望索取印刷本,請以電郵與我們聯絡,電郵地址: Hong Kong Jockey Club [email protected]。 香港賽馬會物業項目管理執行經理 John Latter 我們誠意與各位分享金門豐碩的成果!1

4 The Record • Issue 1/2012 快訊NEWS

Cathy Cheng (middle) receives the award from Serena Lau, President of HKIS and Thomas Ho, Chairman, QSD of HKIS. Assistant QS takes honours 鄭靜雯(中)獲香港測量師學會會長劉詩韻及香港測量師學會工料測量組 人才輩出 主席何國鈞頒發獎項。

Cathy Cheng, Assistant QS at In recognition of our investment in Gammon, was distinguished on grooming future talent in the industry, 25 May 2012 with the Hong Kong Gammon was once again recognised Institute of Surveyors (HKIS) Quantity as a Manpower Developer 1st by the Surveying Division (QSD) Best APC Employees Retraining Board (ERB) in Candidate Award 2011. April this year. She was one of 300 candidates who took part in the annual 恭賀助理工料測量師鄭靜雯在2012年5月25日 HKIS Assessment of Professional 獲香港測量師學會工料測量組頒贈「2011專業 Competence (APC) which consisted of 評核試最佳學員」獎項。 a written test in September 2011 and 香港測量師學會每年舉辦專業評核試, an interview in January this year. The 2011年應考學員超過300人,鄭靜雯是其中之 HKIS APC Scheme tests candidates on 一,並通過2011年9月的筆試和今年1月的面 a number of structured criteria such as 試。香港測量師學會的專業評核試對考生有嚴 the practical application of theoretical 格要求,包括測試學員能否將理論和原則加以 principles, contractual expertise, cost 實際應用、合約專業知識、成本估算、職業操 estimate, professional ethics and 守以及有效溝通的能力。 effective communication. 其他在今年取得特許專業工料測量師資 Other Gammon QSs who also 格的學員還有:陳穎君,郭曉燕,周子傑及 gained Chartership this year included 莫璟瑭。 Jessica Chan, Aileen Kwok, Tony Chau 「畢業生培訓計劃」為期30個月,參與的 and Chris Mook. 大學畢業生透過職務輪調安排在金門不同部門 The Graduate Training Programme 工作,從中學習專業技術和汲取經驗,繼而發 involves a 30-month rotational career 展個人事業。 development programme through 此外,金門在今年4月再獲僱員再培訓局 which university graduates can gain 頒贈「人才企業1st」殊榮,以嘉許金門在培訓業 professional experience and expertise 界生力軍所作的貢獻。1 in all areas of construction. The graduates attend the Graduation Ceremony upon completion of the Graduate Training Programme for Quantity Surveyors. 完成「畢業生培訓計劃」的工料測量學員出席金門特別為他們籌辦的畢業典禮。

powerful video presentation that improved safety, quality and communication. To follow up this initiative, over a three- month period Andrea trained more than 100 Moving Up with engineers in this technology which is now being widely adopted throughout Gammon. Google’s SketchUp This demonstrates our commitment to fresh ideas that young talent brings to the 善用免費繪圖軟件提升工作效益 company.

Congratulations to Andrea Weight (Assistant 工程設計助理工程師Andrea Weight成為保富集團「主 Engineering, Engineering Design), one of 席畢業生創新大獎2012」的首三名優勝者之一,她的 two runners-up in Balfour Beatty’s ‘The 得獎意念是利用免費的Google SketchUp繪圖軟件, Chairman’s Graduate Prize for Innovation 製作精細的立體動畫介紹工程細節,讓員工清楚了解 2012’. Her award-winning idea was to 工作的逐步流程。 create elaborate and compelling project Andrea的意念來自國泰航空貨運站項目技術支 animations using inexpensive, off-the-shelf 援團隊,在一般情況下地盤人員會按照平面繪圖建 software – Google SketchUp. 造項目,但平面圖容易引起誤解,Andrea主動利用 Andrea’s concept was initially used by Google SketchUp軟件改善情況,她用了兩天時間製 the technical support team on the Cathay 作一段影片,幫助提升項目整體的安全、質素和工友 Pacific Air Cargo Terminal project for which 之間的溝通。 2D drawings would normally have been Andrea繼而在三個月內向超過100位工程師介紹 used, but these can easily be misunderstood 有關技術,現在金門已廣泛應用這軟件。Andrea的得 on site. In just two days she produced a 獎突顯了金門非常支持年輕工程師的創新意念。1

The Record • Issue 1/2012 5 NEWS快訊

to actually apply for jobs, making it a one- Free app opens doors for all stop shop for employment. 歡迎下載金門免費應用程式 The app comes in both English and Chinese language versions, and includes a QR code for download. The exciting new “Gammon App” is available for download to the 香港的城市建設發展迅速,其中多項由金門承建的大型 iPhone for both Gammon staff and 項目正進行得如火如荼,嶄新的「金門應用程式」特別 anyone else in the Hong Kong and 為蘋果手機而設,讓員工和有興趣認識金門項目的香港 Singapore communities who are 及新加坡大眾認識更多有關資訊及金門的最新消息。 interested in Gammon projects that 這程式包括金門承建的項目,能按地區顯示在 are changing the face of the city 香港地圖上,並具有金門項目搜尋功能;項目又按 and in other Gammon news. 性質分類,方便用者瀏覽圖片和深入了解有關的詳 Once the app is downloaded, users 盡資料。 can view a map of Hong Kong in which all 此外,這程式能讓用 Gammon’s major projects are highlighted. It 者緊貼金門職位招聘的最新 also features a search function. Projects are 消息,更可利用程式申請職 highlighted by category, and app users can 位,是個一站式的求職平台。 enjoy a more in-depth view of any project, 這程式備有中文、英文 including photos and detailed information. 版本,及二維條碼,供用者 The app allows users to keep abreast of 下載。1 career opportunities at Gammon, and also

New app promotes safety supervision 全新應用程式提升安全監管

On some Gammon projects, there can be more than 100 on-site inspections in a single day – and in the past that has meant a lot of time-consuming paper documents. Today, that is all changing with the Gammon iPhone Work Permit App, which not only cuts down on paperwork but also allows engineers to monitor specific tasks on multiple construction sites. Gammon has been developing its own business apps for iPhone since July 2011, and the Work Permit App is breakthrough in terms of cutting costs, increasing efficiency, and – most importantly – enhancing safety. First, staff conducting inspection take photographs on- site before work starts, allowing engineers to view the shots on computers in their offices. When they notice a problem, they will immediately inform the staff on-site to rectify it before work starts. The app facilitates communications and allows the engineers to check work locations that need immediate attention, particularly in terms of safety.

部分金門項目需要在一日之內進行超過100項實地檢查,根據以往程序,員工 每次進行檢查都需要耗用大量時間處理文件,但金門推出「iPhone工作許可應 用程式」後,不單減少文書數量,更可讓工程師同時監控多個建築地盤的特定 工序。 金門自去年7月開始自行研發專為蘋果iPhone流動電話而設的商業應用程 式,這「工作許可應用程式」能幫助節省開支,增加工作效率,更重要的是,協 助提升地盤的安全水平,可說是金門另一項新突破。 負責進行檢查的地盤員工只需在進行特定工序前,先拍攝有關情況,透過 應用程式發送,讓工程師在辦公室的電腦上進行監察,如發現問題,工程師可 以立即指示地盤員工作出糾正。這應用程式能促進溝通,讓工程師即時檢視需 注意的地方和工序,對推廣地盤安全文化大有幫助。1

6 The Record • Issue 1/2012 快訊NEWS

On 14 February 2012, the signing ceremony Matheson Vietnam, Le Dang Xu, Chairman New Vietnam for an agreement on the development of & CEO of COFICO, Thomas Ho, Chief a strategic partnership took place between Executive of Gammon and Sam Houston, Partnership Gammon Construction Limited and COFICO. Executive Director of Gammon. 擴大越南業務 The ceremony was held in the presence of COFICO is a leading Vietnamese Simon Keswick, Director of contractor with an extensive track Holdings, Alain Cany, Chairman of Jardine record of delivering high quality projects across the country. Despite being presently a minority shareholder in COFICO, Gammon expects that joint co-operation with COFICO in coming projects will strengthen the relationship between the two companies and result in an increase in Gammon’s shareholding.

2012年2月14日,怡和控股有限公司董事 西門.凱瑟克、怡和集團(越南)主席Alain Cany、COFICO主席及行政總裁Le Dang Xu、總裁何安誠及執行董事趙仕進,一同出 席金門與COFICO的合作協議簽署儀式,祝 願兩機構日後加強合作,進行互惠互利的策 略業務安排。 COFICO是越南首屈一指的承建商, 曾在當地建造多項優質建築項目,金門現 時在COFICO佔有少量股權,期望日後與 COFICO加強合作,鞏固彼此的聯繫,擴大 金門在越南的業務發展。1

Accreditation from the Geological Society of London 獲倫敦地質學會認證

Given the continuing demand for large-scale construction 會認證,成為香港首家取得這資格的機構,為從事地質工作的見習生提 projects, the need for geologists is likely to remain steady 供專業培訓。 in the years ahead and so we are pleased to have been 見習生須在專業地質學家及導師的指導下完成36個月的在職培訓, accredited by The Geological Society of London. Gammon 並須參與金門學院及其他院校提供的一系列課堂,以達到持續專業發展 is the first company in Hong Kong to provide training 課程的要求。1 and guidance to earth science graduates so that they can obtain the necessary experience and knowledge to attain Chartered status. Candidates will undertake three years’ on-the-job training under the guidance and support of Chartered Geologists and mentors and will also participate in the Continuing Professional Development (CPD) courses provided by the Gammon Academy and external institutions.

隨著大型工程項目陸續展開,業界對地質學專才的需求亦穩步增加,金 門明白業內求才若渴,致力發展地質學人才培訓,最近獲得倫敦地質學

The Record • Issue 1/2012 7 NEWS快訊 Rewards celebrate innovative spirit 勇於創新 嘉許成就

Innovation is at the heart of the Gammon and Steve Hui for “Modular Strutting for culture, and we received a host of creative ELS”; Zhang Lizhong, N Samy and Lo ideas for the 10th Innovation Competition Yuan Sheng for their “Cast Resin Insulated which was initiated in 1999. While there can Busduct”; and Leung Kwok Ming, Lee Chi only be one winner, every contribution – Keung and Ricky Leung for their “Recycling 42 in total in 2011 – in one way or another Use of 555mm Button Bits”. reflected the Gammon innovative spirit. Also acknowledged, as in other years In 2011, the winning innovation was of the competition, were Category Winners “Green Treatment of Marine Mud” by for innovative small ideas. the foundations team at Kai Tak Site 1A – Winner: "Green Treatment of Marine Mud" by Matthew Yu, Matthew Yu, Leung Ming Tat, Tony Tang, 金門銳意建立創意文化,自1999年起舉辦「創意大 Leung Ming Tat, Tong Tang, Terry Chow and Leo Chow. Terry Chow and Leo Chow. 賽」,2011年的比賽已踏入第十屆,共有42個項目參 冠軍由「環保處理海泥作原地回填」項目奪得,團隊成員 包括余威洪、梁銘達、鄧永生、周泰烈和周文顯。 Marine mud cannot be used as fill and 與,它們都充分展現了金門努力創新,力求進步的精 can only be treated as waste. The answer: 神,要在眾多傑出項目中選出優勝者實非容易。 recycle it by mixing it with premixed 2011年「創意大賽」的冠軍由啟德第一期甲區地基 cement and on-site granular materials 團隊的「環保處理海泥作原地回填」項目奪得,團隊成 for backfilling purposes. A Hong Kong 員包括余威洪、梁銘達、鄧永生、周泰烈和周文顯。 innovative first, it sets a benchmark for 在建築工程中,海泥一般只可當作廢料處理, similar projects in future. 項目團隊為解決這問題,把英泥和原地的沙土混 Congratulations also go to the first 和,然後加進海泥當中,製造適合回填的工程物 runner-up, “Mechanised Construction” 料。這種回填技術開創香港的先河,並可在其他海 by Ted Lawton and Alex Fung. The team 上工程廣泛應用。 came up with a simplified, alternative 亞軍項目是Ted Lawton和馮國輝的「高架式機 design using mechanised construction 動模板」,這團隊為國泰航空貨運站建構了一套能在 for the Air Cargo Terminal. 工地充分運用的高架式機動模板,這機動模板的設 The method eliminates the need for 計簡單,只需較少的混凝土和鋼筋便可搭建貨物處 scaffolding, which helps us build faster, 理系統,能幫助團隊加快工程進度、降底高空工作 more safely and with higher quality. 的風險,並提升工程的安全水平。 Second runner-up, David Sein, was 陳道輝在淨化海港計劃(第二期甲)港島污水隧 commended for his “Green Technology 道工程中使用的「環保挖掘沉井技術」奪得季軍,這 是一項利用大口徑鑽孔樁進行工程的環保挖掘沉井 for Excavation of Drop Shafts” idea First runner-up: "Mechanised Construction" by Ted applied in the HATS project, deploying 方法,大大減少了對環境的損害及該工程的碳足印。 Lawton and Alex Fung. a large-diametre bored pile technique 其他入圍創意包括:霍威廉和許志偉的「挖掘 亞軍項目是Ted Lawton和馮國輝的「高架式機動模板」。 for excavating drop shafts which greatly 與側向承托的模組支柱」;張麗忠、N Samy和羅元 reduced the environmental impact and 昇的「全模鑄式匯流排」;梁國明、李志強及梁偉軍 carbon footprint of the project. 的「循環再用555毫米球齒鑽頭」;以及其他組別的優 Other finalists were William Hopkin 勝項目。1

Thanks go to the judges of the Innovation Competition 2011: T C Chew, Projects Director, MTR Corporation; Raymond Ho, Member, Legislative Council; Aldan Kwok, General Secretary, Hong Chi Association; Anthony Leung, Director of Architectural Services, Architectural Services Department; Professor Lionel M Ni, Dean of HKUST Fok Ying Tung Graduate School, Chair Professor of the Second runner-up: "Green Technology for Excavation Department of Computer Science and Engineering at the Hong Kong University of Science and of Drop Shafts" by David Sein. Technology; and Kevin Poole, Deputy Director, Projects, Airport Authority Hong Kong. 陳道輝的「環保挖掘沉井技術」奪得季軍。 謹此感謝「2011創意大賽」的多位評判,為金門選出各獎項得主,他們包括:香港鐵路有限公司工程總監周大滄先生、 立法會議員何鍾泰博士、匡智會總幹事郭富佳先生、建築署署長梁冠基先生、香港科技大學計算機科學及工程系講座 教授兼霍英東研究院院長倪明選教授,以及香港機場管理局工程部副總監潘嘉宏先生。

8 The Record • Issue 1/2012 快訊NEWS

Once again, staff, subcontractors and business partners 金門藉年初舉行的春節聯歡晚 Best of the year were singled out for their outstanding contributions and 宴,向表現突出的員工、分判商 efforts on Gammon projects over the preceding year at 和合作夥伴頒贈「全年傑出成就 acknowledged at the Gammon Annual Dinner. 獎」,以表揚他們的卓越成就。 “The Best of the Year” is an annual presentation in 金門衷心恭賀各獎項的得 annual dinner recognition of staff, subcontractors and business partners 主,並感謝他們在過去一年盡心 全年傑出成就獎 whose dedication and commitment to their work are 盡力作出貢獻,鞏固金門在建造 essential to making Gammon the industry leader that it is. 業界的領導地位!

Special recognition this year was given to: 得獎者包括:

Best worker: Best frontline staff: Law Shui Keung, Foreman Poon Chi Lun, Senior General Foreman 最佳工友:管工羅水強 最佳前線員工:高級總管工潘志倫

Best site agent: Best project manager: Employee of the year: Lam Ka Keung, Senior Site Agent Lee Wing Fat, Senior Project Manager Terence Chan Ka Tat, Technician Apprentice 最佳地盤總管:高級工地總管林家強 最佳項目經理:高級項目經理李榮發 年度最佳員工:學徒陳家達

Best subcontractor for safety: Best business partner: Super Rich Engineering Co. Ltd Tung Shun Transportation & Engineering Ltd 最佳安全分判商:長勝工程有限公司 最佳合作夥伴:同順運輸工程有限公司

The Record • Issue 1/2012 9 月 2 年 在機械的後方及兩側裝設灑水系統 (鋼構部助理機械工程師II) Prevents people from entering potentially fatal zones in mobile plants. More effective than any audiovisual warning system in a noisy construction environment Easy to instal at low cost. 在嘈雜的工場或地盤環境,這灑水警報 系統比一般視聽警報系統更為有效 安裝簡便,成本合理 防止有人誤闖機械移動時週邊的危險地帶

特點: 及感應器,當感應器偵察到有人進入危險地 帶時,灑水警報系統便會啟動,向進入該地 帶的人灑水。 Benefits: • 效益: • • February 2012 2012 Adam Fong (Assistant Mechanical Engineer II, Steel Fabrication) 方錦成 Idea: Water-spraying-warning system 創新意念:灑水警報系統 Description: This idea involves installations at the rear and the sides of mobile plants with sensors that spray water on anyone who enters a danger zone. • • •

月 cement 12 月 年 1 年 . . 金門鼓勵員工運用創意改善日常運作,以下表揚2011年12月至2012年5月的「創意之星」。 We proudly acknowledge and applaud the innovative concepts and concepts and the innovative and applaud proudly acknowledge We for the staff nominated by our inspired thinking as applied inspired 2012. 2011 to May from December of the Month award Innovator 這個備有 LED燈的警告裝置,可提醒工人 / 監督人員小心誤闖起重機運作時的「致 這鋼筋籠托架的基架由兵梁和支柱製成,裝有多組固定於兵梁的滾柱,滾柱可讓 快訊 (屯門公路(東)高級項目經理) (吐露港公路項目工程師) plant operation. Easy to instal at low cost. Reduces potential communication error during Improves safety Improves safety 降低於製造期間鋼筋籠托架可能坍塌而發生事 故的風險 提升工作安全 Reduces risks associated with the possible collapse of reinfor cages during fabrication. 減少操作員與工人之間的人為錯誤 或傳達錯誤訊息 提升工作安全 安裝簡便,成本合理

• • 效益: • • • Benefits: • Idea: Crane and backhoe rear-end working protector Idea: Crane and backhoe rear-end working 創新意念:機尾安全保護裝置 construction Description: The idea provides an LED alert system on the from entering a potentially plant to warn workers and lookout personnel are operating. “fatal zone” in which backhoes or crawler cranes 特點: 命地帶」。 December 2011 2011 Li (Senior Project Manager, Vincent Mun Road East) Tuen 李東祥 效益: • • 特點: 鋼筋籠平穩地旋轉,工人可在地面紮鐵,避免高空工作。 Benefits: • • Idea: Cage cradle 創新意念:鋼筋籠托架 Description: This idea features rollers mounted on soldier beams and cage to rotate installed on the base frame, allowing the reinforcement at making it possible for workers to fix the reinforcement smoothly, ground level. January 2012 2012 Highways) Tolo (Project Engineer, Jack Wong 王耀南

10 The Record • Issue 1/2012


創 月 Innovator of the Month 每 快訊NEWS I nnovator

February 2012 2012年2月

Lau Kwok Cheong (Construction Manager, Cathay Pacific Cargo Terminal) 劉國昌(國泰貨運站工程經理)

Idea: E&M testing & commissioning with the aid of BIM 創新意念:為機電工程進行測試和驗收

Description: This idea used BIM, testing and March 2012 2012年3月 commissioning works for 1,200 fans in an eight-storey cargo, designing and developing a paperless system Leung Kwok Man (Production and centralising it in electronic format. Manager, Steel Fabrication) 特點:利用建築資訊模型技術,為樓高8層的貨運站內1,200個風扇 梁國文(鋼鐵裝配部營運經理) 進行測試和驗收工作,驗收表格可以利用電子方式中央處理,無需 Idea: Custom-made lifting brackets 以紙張進行紀錄。

創新意念:訂製吊運托架 of Benefits: Description: This idea was used for lifting trusses in the • Engineers can now test fan performance with a Swimming Pool project. laptop. 特點:在觀塘游泳池場館重建工程,使用訂製吊運托架來運送桁架。 • Simplifies the work and reduces paper use 效益: Benefits: t • 工程師只需手持一部手提電腦,便可輕鬆進行風扇表現紀錄工作 • Reduces fire hazards from flame cutting.

• 簡化工作程序,並減低紙張用量 • Makes working at heights safer. h e • Easy to instal at low cost. 效益: • 降低在桁架上進行火燄切割

時的火警危險 M • 使高空工作更加安全 • 安裝簡便,成本合理

April 2012 2012年4月 ont

Cheng Tak Sum (Senior Superintendent, Tolo Highway) 鄭德森(吐露港公路工程高級監督)

Idea: Tailor-made device for erecting fencing

創新意念:圍欄豎立工具 May 2012 2012年5月 h

Description: This device is easily inserted into the Yip Kai Tai (Senior Project starter bars of the deck when fencing is carried out. Engineer, Steel Fabrication) 特點:這設計可輕易裝置入橋面的預留搭接鋼筋,快速地豎立 葉啟泰(鋼鐵裝配高級項目工程師) 圍欄。 Idea: Custom-made lifting cage 每 Benefits: 創新意念:特製吊籠 • Significantly reduces the risks of falling from height. Description: The cage is used to lift steel beams, with • Easy to instal at low cost. 月 workers inside the cage, to access the top of a structure 效益: and fit the beams on to roof trusses. • 有效降低工作人員失足從高空下墜 特點:先把工人和鐵籠吊到建築物頂部,把它置入天台的桁架,工人 的風險 創 便可在天台桁架之間安裝鋼樑。 • 安裝簡便,成本合理 Benefits: 意 • Avoids the need to erect huge metal scaffolds in order to instal a working platform with guardrails • Provides a stable work area which improves safety. 之 效益: • 毋須在桁架下豎立大型金屬棚架,亦毋須在桁架建造工作平台 和防護欄 星 • 可坐在桁架上安裝鋼樑,令工作環境更加穩固和安全。

The Record • Issue 1/2012 11 NEWS快訊

Frontline safety staff 前線安全員工

December March 2011 2012 年12月 年3月 2011 2012

Ng Chi Ming (Welding Foreman, Steel Fabrication) contributed significantly to the accident-free and successful completion of the Elevated Walkway crossing Harcourt Road and PSS through strictly implementing Gammon’s “No supervision, no works” policy, Lee Heung Wing (Foreman, Concrete Technology Department) sacrificing holidays, leaving no worker unattended and supervising led safe operations of concrete mixer trucks at Tsing Yi Concrete subcontractors to ensure public safety on Harcourt Road. Batching Plant, coordinating truck drivers and fitters to prevent accidents on site and organising routine truck safety check-ups. 吳志明(鋼鐵製造部燒焊工管工)負責夏愨道高架行人天橋工程,及立法會大 樓和添馬艦發展項目主樓的PSS工程,他嚴格執行金門「沒有監管便不可工 李向榮(混凝土技術部管工)的卓越領導,令青衣攪拌廠的運作更加安全,他 作」的政策,從不讓工人獨自工作,更於休假期間返回添馬艦督導鋼鐵工程, 主動與混凝土攪拌車司機及修理工緊密合作,識別出攪拌車的高危區域/盲 並監督分判商,防止意外發生。 點,及早預防工地意外,並為攪拌車制訂例行檢查程序,確保車輛安全。

April April 2012 2012 年4月 年4月 2012 2012

Kwok Sheung Tai (Senior Foreman, CX Cargo Terminal E&M) demonstrated safety awareness during lifting operations of chillers, pipe modules and heavy E&M materials, effectively completing all heavy lifting on the infrastructure and MVAC Terence Chan (Technician Apprentice, West Island Line Project upgrade project (phases 3 & 4) in Hong Kong Jockey Club. 704) proactively pointed out blind spots and fatal zones to banksmen and riggers during lifting processes, enhancing safety 郭雙帶(國泰貨運站機電工程高級管工)在吊運冷凍機、水管組件及重型機電 awareness on a daily basis. 材料時,展示出優秀的能力及良好的安全意識,在香港賽馬會基建及MVAC 陳家達(港鐵西港島704地下火藥庫技術員學徒)在吊運過程中,主動提點訊 升級工程(第3及4階段)中,更主動向新入職的樁機工人傳授吊運重物的安全 號員及樁機工人留意盲點及高危區域,在日常合作中增進他們的安全意識。 要訣,使所有重物吊運工作順利完成。

12 The Record • Issue 1/2012 快訊NEWS

Chung Chin Pang 鍾展鵬 Alex Chiu Outstanding staff key 趙崇漢 to continued company success Gammon proudly showcases its Employees of the Month from December 2011 to May 2012 in whom it is justifiably proud. Their considerable achievements acknowledge Gammon’s leading position in the construction industry thanks to its dedicated staff, their safety records and their professional expertise. 成功關鍵在人才

以下列舉2011年12月至2012年5月的「最佳員工」,金門以員工的 成就為榮,並衷心感謝他們在安全和專業領域上不斷努力,鞏固 金門在建造業界的領導地位。

Ng Kin Lim, Casey Yip, Li Hon and Ng Shiu Kay 吳健廉、葉德麟、李漢及吳紹基

Sauro Talag

December 2011 / 2011年12月 Casey Yip (Labour Officer), Li Hon (Senior Fitter Foreman), Ng Kin Lim (Charge Hand Electrician) and Ng Shiu Kay (Charge Hand Fitter) Alex Chiu (Site Administration Officer, West Island Line 705) of the Tolo Highway project volunteered their time in assistance consistently went beyond the line of duty on-site and in terms of to the elderly in Tai Po and the North Districts over a six-month team support on safety and environmental management and key period, providing consultations on health recovery products, health public relations work. education and home maintenance. 趙崇漢(港鐵西港島705項目工地行政統籌主任)於工地提供高水平服務,並主動 吐露港公路項目中的葉德麟(勞工主任)、李漢(高級修理工管工)、吳健廉(電工主 肩負額外工作,為團隊提供全面支援,包括環境管理、安全管理,及處理公共關係 管)及吳紹基(修理工主管),參與了一個為期六個月的義工計劃,為大埔及北區的 事宜。 長者提供服務,包括評估長者跌倒的風險、復康產品諮詢、健康教育與家居維修。

Chung Chin Pang (Sub Agent, Wan Chai Bypass) innovatively Sauro Talag (Building Service Manager, Woodsville Interchange) overcame the risks of wastewater leaking into the sea from a successfully oversaw teamwork that saw delayed E&M tunnel temporary sea platform through sealing leakage points with surplus operations to completion, enhancing client LTA’s trust and confidence concrete and diverting water to sump pit for de-silting. in Gammon in the process. 鍾展鵬(灣仔繞道工程副工地總管)在臨時鋼台上開發了一套廢水收集系統,剔除廢 Sauro Talag(兀士維交匯處屋宇裝備經理)成功促使機電工程趕及竣工,並完成所有相關的 水與砂礫流入大海的風險,從而減低被檢控及違反合約守則的風險。 綜合測試,他的優秀客戶服務技巧更提升了新加坡陸路交通管理局對金門的信任和信心。

The Record • Issue 1/2012 13 NEWS快訊

Mark Ho, Kam Cheng, Chris William, Stanley Cheng, Jonathan Yuen, David Wong, Dilipsing Gurung, Dillion Wong, Andrew Ip, John Tam, Michael Leney and Colin Duff 何景遠、葉錦棠、Chris William、鄭永業、阮兆基、王子聰、Dilipsing Gurung、黃建銧、葉松、 譚兆棠、Michael Leney和Colin Duff

Chan Yuk Ming 陳煜明

Steve Hui 許志偉

January 2012 / 2012年1月 tight schedule while strictly adhering to Gammon’s zero tolerance safety standards. Express Rail Link 811B’s Dan Lam, David Wong, Jonathan Yuen, 陳煜明(國泰貨運站高級屋宇裝備工程師)在監督分判商方面表現出色,令工程在緊 Mark Ho of the Bridge Team, Colin Duff, Dillion Wong, Kam Cheng, 迫的工期內完成,同時又保持極佳的內務管理,敦促分判商嚴格遵守金門的工作方 Stanley Cheng and Dilipsing Gurung of the Engineering Team, and 法,不容絲毫差錯。 Andrew Ip, Steven Man and John Tam of the Design Team (Lambeth) safely and innovatively demolished a footbridge on Jordan Road, with March 2012 / 2012年3月 no inconvenience or danger to the public. 廣深港高速鐵路 811B 項目的多位同事,以安全和創新的方法拆除佐敦道一座橋 Steve Hui (Senior Project Engineer, Tuen Mun Road East) proactively 樑,對公眾未有構成任何不便或危險,他們包括:橋樑團隊的林志榮、王子聰、 provided engineering solutions that encompass constructability, cost 阮兆基和何景遠;工程團隊的Colin Duff、黃建銧、葉錦棠、鄭永業及Dilipsing and most importantly safety, while also coming up with innovative Gurung;設計團隊(琳寶)的葉松、萬燕明和譚兆棠。 ideas, including a simple strutting system and a “backhoe/crane rear- end worker protector”. Chan Yuk Ming (Senior Building Services Engineer, CX Cargo 許志偉(屯門公路(東)高級項目工程師)主動提出多個工程方案,關注建築可行性、 Terminal) supervised subcontractors and met deadlines under a 成本、施工安全等各項因素,又協助落實多個創新意念,包括簡化的支撐系統以及 「反鏟挖土機/吊機後端之工人保護器」。

14 The Record • Issue 1/2012 快訊NEWS

Anthony Leung, Ho Chun Fai, Wong Ming Hung, Zachary Kiu, Haywin Leung, Ho Cho Kuen, Fabian Ko, Ernest Wong and Michael Cheuk 梁文康、何俊輝、王明雄、 喬中耀、梁醞郗、何祖權、 高灝枬、黃偉鴻及卓志遠

The Singapore BIM Team Cathy Cheng 新加坡建築資訊模型(BIM)小組 鄭靜雯

April 2012 / 2012年4月 新加坡建築資訊模型(BIM)小組已參與多項投標工作,為多項工程提供BIM技術支 援,該小組一直為有意學習BIM技術的員工提供培訓,積極傳授知識,值得表揚。 Michael Cheuk, Anthony Leung, Ernest Wong, Wong Ming Hung, Zachary Kiu, Fabian Ko, Ho Chun Fai, Ho Cho Kuen and Haywin Cathy Cheng (Assistant Quantity Surveyor I) also deserves Leung of the Foundations Team in the Residential Project at Austin recognition for her excellent performance in the Zero Carbon Station initiated and implemented ideas to enhance performance Building project. Cathy was responsible for preparing claims notices and safety of operations onsite. and substantiations which protect Gammon’s interests in this fast- 柯士甸站住宅項目的地基工程團隊構思及落實了多項意念,成功改善工地的營運表 track management contract. She has also outperformed in many 現及安全水平,他們包括:卓志遠、梁文康、黃偉鴻、王明雄、喬中耀、高灝枬、 academic assessments. 何俊輝、何祖權及梁醞郗。 鄭靜雯(助理工料測量師I)在零碳建築項目中表現出色,她除了履行助理工料測量師 的職責外,還負責擬備索償通知書及詳細證明文件,在這個緊迫的管理項目中保障 May 2012 / 2012年5月 公司利益。此外,她在學術及專業評核中亦有優秀表現。

The Singapore BIM Team has done a fantastic job in getting involved in new tender submissions. Their persistent efforts in training staff who are interested in BIM is highly commended.

The Record • Issue 1/2012 15 [ FOCUS STORY 焦點特寫 ]

. Think Safe Work Safe 全心全意保平安

600 people including sub-contractors, customers and government officials. One of the speakers pointed out that there is an immaturity in the construction industry today when it comes to safety. There is not a lack of knowledge and understanding, and, in fact, most workers are well trained. However, some people are making choices not to follow rules, not to implement standards and to take shortcuts. “Today, people seem to be more prepared to take chances even if they know the risks. That is why we as leaders need to be very consistent, set very high standards and make sure they are implemented and enforced,” said Tony Small, Director responsible for safety, By using three illustrated characters in a sustainability and security. series of comic stories, Gammon wants A whole series of initiatives Although Gammon’s overall Accident to increase safety awareness among the Incident Rate is much lower than the workforce. The campaign, called Our industry average, the company had an unsatisfactory safety performance Choices, is part of a series of initiatives taken last year which is an important reason behind the new campaign and other to prevent accidents and safety incidents in safety initiatives. For example, a very the workplace. experienced Gammon-employed foreman was tragically crushed by 金門推出漫畫集,以三個工友的故事為骨幹,期望藉此提升工 a machine at the St Paul’s Hospital redevelopment site in Causeway Bay. 隊的安全意識,預防工地發生意外事故,這漫畫集名為《安危 “We have a whole series of actions 的抉擇》,是金門全新安全推廣計劃的重要一環。 in place to try to prevent these things from happening. Our Choices is one of them,” said Tony. hree illustrated fictional messages and the lessons learnt when “We wanted to draw our workers’ construction workers are at the the three main characters – supervisor attention to something more unusual Tcentre of a safety campaign that Hei Gor, experienced worker Dee Gor and decided to go for comic-style is now being launched by Gammon. and newcomer Ah Hong – come across communications. Local media use a lot They are the main characters in a series different safety hazards when working of cartoons and visualisations; just look of 10 comic stories that will be widely together on a construction site. at what people are reading when they distributed and discussed on the The comic campaign, Our Choices, are commuting,” he added. company’s construction sites in Hong was inspired by a discussion at Gammon has used this type of Kong and Singapore. Gammon’s Annual Safety Conference communication before, for example in The cartoons focus on key safety in January this year attended by some employee handbooks.

16 The Record • Issue 1/2012 [ 焦點特寫 FOCUS STORY ]

“We were also aware that the “People fall into two groups when tolerant, complacent and willing to construction industry in the Middle we are talking about increased risk – take shortcuts.” East has used cartoons very successfully. we have the very inexperienced and The comics will be published on a Some of the advantages include that the much more experienced. New monthly basis, printed in runs of 6,000 they are easy to print in different workers are more exposed to risk than copies. They are handed out to be languages,” said Tony. others, simply because many situations discussed at morning assemblies and are new to them. But we also know lunch meetings at the sites and then Frequent safety communications that very competent workers can be taken back again. At the end of the day, The first issue was rolled out in April a risk since they tend to be more risk- the workers can take a copy home, for on all Gammon sites and is available in a number of languages including English, , Mandarin, Thai, “We as Nepalese (Nepal’s official language, which is also spoken in parts of , leaders need to be Bhutan and Myanmar), Bengali (which is used in Bangladesh, India and other very consistent, set very countries) and Tamil (which is spoken high standards and make in parts of India, Sri Lanka, Malaysia and Singapore). sure they are implemented “We want all three characters to become known to our workers so they and enforced.” Tony Small, Director of Health, get some sort of association with them Safety & Sustainability and can follow them through a series of stories,” said Tony. Gammon decided to let the characters have different backgrounds and experience, so it would be easier for a worker to identify with one of them.

New helmet identification system improves safety

The Our Choices campaign is a part of for a couple of years. Then, there are A similar system was then rolled out the overall Zero Harm programme, but also people joining the industry for the to identify workers who are new to a other safety initiatives are also being first time. certain project site. They get a helmet implemented. One such initiative is a A new system was therefore adopted sticker with the letter N, for newcomer. scheme launched in December 2011. in Hong Kong in which newcomers are Even experienced workers will get an N New workers face increased on- identified by their helmets. This system sticker since every site differs greatly from site safety risks. A number of Gammon’s allows foremen and the management the others. The sticker will be placed on divisions have for some time had a team to identify new workers on the the workers’ helmets for 14 days and can system in which people who are new site so they can pay particular attention then be removed. to the industry receive some form of to them when undertaking high-risk identification. In Singapore, for example, operations. new workers get different coloured vests An experienced foreman or manager that are easily recognisable. There, many will be assigned as mentor for each new of the newcomers come directly from worker. The mentor’s role is to coach these farms and have simply no experience at workers and make sure they understand all of construction work. what to do and what not to do. Hong Kong is slightly different for The new workers are provided two reasons. There are a lot of people with a helmet sticker with the letter P, who have been out of the industry for which stands for provisional, which they some time and who are returning now will keep for three months. Then an that the industry has started to pick up assessment will be made. The sticker can again. They have certain skills even if be removed when they have passed the they haven’t been active in the industry assessment.

The Record • Issue 1/2012 17 [ FOCUS STORY 焦點特寫 ]

example to discuss with the family. Launch ceremony of "Our Choices" Safety Comic. In between each publication, (From left) Chan Kam- Gammon also issues a poster to hong, Chief Executive of the generate interest in the upcoming Association for the Rights of Industrial Accident Victims; issue, which means there is a safety Leung Chun Ho, Chief communication action taken at least Occupational Safety Officer every second week. (Support Services) of the Labour Department; Thomas Ho, Chief Each month a competition is also Executive of Gammon; Chow held in which workers can participate Luen Kiu, Chairman of Hong by sending a text message via mobile Kong Construction Industry Employees’ General Union. phone. Mobile phone numbers can also 《安危的抉擇》安全漫畫集發佈會 be used by Gammon for occasionally (左起)工業傷亡權益會總幹事陳錦 sending special safety messages to the 康、勞工處總職業安全主任梁振豪、 金門建築總裁何安誠、香港建造業 workforce. This works particularly well 總工會理事長周聯僑。 in Hong Kong where most workers have a mobile phone. a Gammon project site. Another such as fatal zones, exclusion zones, Gammon will also use the three way is to publish so-called safe work roles and responsibilities when lifting, characters for other forms of safety sequences which consist of step-by- dangers of entrapment, equipment, communications. One way is to step instructions about certain safety test lifts, cranes and excavators, tag issue safety alerts to bring people’s situations. lines, stopping a lift and a recapping of attention to an incident that has taken The 10 issues to be published will lifting rules. place at a site that is not necessarily have different stories, covering topics

New temporary works procedures

At project sites there are normally a objective was to set out procedures for number of temporary structures that the control of risks associated with all have to be built before the permanent types of temporary works, so that the construction takes place. potential for a serious or fatal injury is first Some of Gammon’s past accidents identified and then eliminated. Procedures and incidents can be attributable, at for management, planning, design, least partly, to inadequate adherence to control and supervision of the erection, or knowledge of the temporary works safe use, maintenance and dismantling of procedures. temporary works are all included. A new version of a quality “Failure of temporary works can be management procedure called QMS06 catastrophic. They have to be engineered was implemented in December 2011. The to high standards to make sure that the safety routines will be much more QMS06 Temporary Works prominent,” said Tony Small, Gammon’s Roles and Responsibilities Director for safety.

The Project Manager is The overhaul of the procedures was responsible for ensuring that The Temporary Work Designer is responsible every aspect of the project is for designing the temporary works taking planned and constructed safely. into account the safety risks involved in the erection, use and subsequent dismantling  has overall management operations. led by Gammon’s in-house engineering responsibility for the design process, safe construction, use and removal of  appointed by the PM, with due consideration of temporary works by supervising the the nature and complexity of temporary works. All activities of the TWC. external TWD appointments shall be agreed by the Head of Engineering. consultancy Lambeth and has led to temporary works go through a special  shall nominate TWC(s)/TWD(s) and appoint SRP(s) who should be  suitably competent and experienced. shall prepare the temporary works design in accordance with statutory requirements, contract requirements, Gammon Standards  must allocate sufficient time and and any other requirements specified by the much greater clarity in terms of roles interactive training session to learn more resources for completion and operating teams. checking of all identified TW at the planning, construction, use and  when changes are necessary, he shall modify the removal stages. design or detailing to suit revised site conditions, site requirements and/or suggestions to improve and responsibilities. For example, the about the procedures. In 2011, Gammon buildability.

TWDs are expected to be competent, aware of buildability limitations and are flexible to suit the needs of the site operations team. They should temporary works coordinator and launched an e-learning module in both consider the safety of the temporary works when evaluating and choosing amongst alternative methods of construction. Project Manager (PM) the responsible engineer should both English and Chinese to ensure that the Temporary Works Designer (TWD) separately check the temporary works. content of training is delivered across the The Engineering Manager is responsible to provide effective co-ordination between design and site operations - proactively exploring proposals and work in progress to identify real and potential risks such that When requested by TWC, the Independent Checking “It is very tempting when you board to all staff involved in temporary threats and potential disruption to safe Engineer is responsible to check and review designs, and efficient working are eliminated. endorse when satisfied. When required under the contract (not a Gammon requirement), inspect the

 A site-based EM will take up the works and confirm construction in accordance with responsibility to co-ordinate the design the design. between the TWD and the SRPs. approach a deadline to just say OK, but works.

 For projects where it is not a contract requirement to

 A non-site based EM will be assisted in appoint an ICE for the purpose of this responsibility by the TWC. cross-checking the temporary works design, then the ICE shall be LAL for all external

 The EM shall assist the operating designed temporary works. we cannot just assume that it is OK; we This interactive learning programme team to assess different TW

options either using his/her own  Gammon’s procedure does not rely on the expertise or through the ICE to check as-built construction of engagement of suitably temporary works. Requirements for ICE qualified engineers to fulfill checking of as-built construction are driven have to prove that it is safe. If there is any comprises not only Gammon’s staff this requirement. by contract specifications only. Even if the TWC requests the ICE to check and endorse an ICE construction certificate this in no way diminishes the responsibility of the TWC to doubt, they now need to go back to the but also staff of joint venture partners, carry out his own checking to verify as-built compliance of the temporary works. original designer,” said Tony. subcontractors, suppliers, designers, Engineering Manager (EM) Independent Checking Engineer (ICE) All relevant staff involved in consultants and also customers.

18 The Record • Issue 1/2012 [ 焦點特寫 FOCUS STORY ]

Company-wide Stand Down on safety

On 20 June, all Gammon employees that incidents or accidents are part of and subcontractors in Hong Kong, doing business,” said Thomas Ho. Singapore and mainland Some 14,000 Gammon staff and participated in a massive “Stand Down” subcontractor workers engaged in to further consider and discuss safety the Stand Down. The participants issues. The Stand Down included video included representatives of Gammon’s messages from Balfour Beatty's Chief shareholders, Jardine Matheson and Executive Ian Tyler and Gammon’s Chief Balfour Beatty. Continuation of Zero Harm Executive Thomas Ho. The input from the staff and Gammon’s commitment to keep the At all sites and offices, staff spent subcontractor workers was very people it employs safe from serious an hour considering every aspect of valuable in improving and addressing harm is embodied in the Zero Harm operations to ensure safety continues issues concerning the company’s safety programme to remove the risks that to be integral to the company’s performance. lead to fatalities and serious injuries. operating model. “Safety is not bankable: it has to be The goal of this programme is to “We can, and must, do more. I re-accomplished again and again,” said deliver zero fatalities, zero permanently don’t accept, and will never accept, Thomas. disabling injuries and zero injuries to the workforce and members of the public. Ian Tyler, Chief Executive of Balfour Beatty, speaking on Stand Down Day Gammon manages 17,000 people at the Kwun Tong Swimming Pool project. 保富總裁Ian Tyler出席觀塘泳池項目的 working on different project sites 「安全反思會」。 mainly in Hong Kong and Singapore. A majority of them are employed by subcontractors and have previously worked on different Gammon projects. The programme was launched in 2009. Many competitors have implemented similar programmes, but what makes Zero Harm different from the others is that a deadline (2012) was set to create a sense of urgency. It has now been decided that Zero Harm will continue past 2012.

全漫畫集是金門推出的一個大型安全 角遇上的事故,帶出事件的教訓和安全訊息, 事項訂定非常嚴格的標準和水平,確保每一位 推廣計劃,這漫畫集一連十輯,以三 以及從中得到的經驗、體會和啟發。 工友遵從既定的安全措施。」 安個卡通人物為核心,在金門的香港及 漫畫集名為《安危的抉擇》,創作靈感源 新加坡建築地盤宣傳安全訊息。 自今年1月舉行的金門週年安全會議,出席當 連串推廣措施 這三個卡通人物分別是任職主管的「喜 日會議的人士達600人之多,包括多位政府官 雖然金門整體的意外事故比率遠低於業界的平均 哥」、經驗豐富的「Dee哥」,以及新入職的「阿 員、分判商及客戶代表等。 水平,但去年的安全表現卻強差人意,金門旗下 康」,他們會以故事形式點出在地盤遇到的種 會議上一位講者指出,現時建造業從業 一位經驗豐富的訊號員,在銅鑼灣聖保祿醫院重 種安全危害,金門會透過三位主 員對安全的認知已見成熟,不是工 建項目地盤就被運作中的吊機撞倒不幸身亡,發 人缺乏安全知識和了解,相 生這類嚴重事故,正是金門推出全新安全推廣計 安危的抉擇


ISSUE #2 ISSUE 反,大部分都是曾經正式受 劃及連串安全措施背後的重要原因。 ISSUE #2 ISSUE 致命地帶 事件一 Exclusion Zones 事件一 CANTONESE · HONG KONG 喺金門地盤嘅一個朝頭早...... ENGLISH · HONG KONG 訓的熟練工人,但部分工人 薛東尼說:「我們已制定措施,希望防止類 呢個係致命地帶嚟㗎, Why do we have to put up 你而家入去嘅話,萬一整傷會好嚴重㗎。 At the construction site, the workers are creating an exclusion zone. these barricades before the 亞康, 等陣! lifting operation?

Well, exclusion zones are 點解嘅?我會睇住㗎喇。 工作時仍存有僥倖心態,以 似事件再次發生,《安危的抉擇》漫畫集正是其 there to protect us. 為可以繞過既定程序和標準規 中之一。」 做咩事?

NO ENTRY 定,「搏一搏」走捷徑更快捷妥 「我們希望透過漫畫的手法令工友關注安 噚日我聽到一 單事故...... “...... 有個訊號員啱啱彎低身去拎一樽放咗喺 混凝土管入面嘅水...... ” “...... 點知架反鏟挖土機突然轉過嚟, “The load slipped and fell…” 將佢撞埋去條管度。” “At another site, they had not put up exclusion zones while a crane was lifting a load.” 當。 全,加強與工友的溝通,本地的媒體亦經常使 負責健康、安全及可持續 用卡通和圖像這種表達方式。」 發展的金門董事薛東尼說:「現 金門亦曾經利用這種方式加強與員工的溝

咁恐怖? 致命地帶即係指任何一個有可能令到工人被下墮 但呢度又唔似咁 危險喎。 被重物或擺動中的建築機械撞 到嘅範圍。 時的情況是,即使工人明知工 通,員工手冊正是其中之一。

“And narrowly missed a worker walking underneath it.”

The worker was in a fatal zone and could have been seriously injured. We must 作存在風險,似乎仍然心存僥 「我們知道,中東地區的建造業界採用卡 errect the correct barricade so that no workers are trapped or injured by loads or machinery. It’s not optional. 倖,情願『搏一搏』,我們作為 通方式溝通非常成功,其中一個好處是編印不 領導層,必須堅守原則,為安全 同語言版本非常方便。」

The Record • Issue 1/2012 19 [ FOCUS STORY 焦點特寫 ]

「P」牌「 N」牌制 保障員工安全

《安危的抉擇》是「零傷害」計劃的一部分, 又有一批初次投身建造業的生力軍。 上會貼上「N」字貼紙,即使是經驗豐富的工 金門還推行其他安全措施,2011年12月推 所以金門在香港推行一項以頭盔識別工 人亦可能會獲發「N」字貼紙,因為每一個地 出的「P牌制」就是其中之一。 友的新制度,讓管工及管理層容易在地盤分 盤各有獨特之處,工人須保留頭盔上的「N」 新入職工友須面對地盤的安全風險,金 辨新入職的工人,當他們進行高危工作時會 字貼紙14天,熟習該地盤的環境後才可把貼 門有部門早已採用適當措施識別新加入建造 多加留意。 紙除去。 業的同事,例如在新加坡,當地不少工人從 此外,金門會委派一位有經驗的管工或經 農村直接到地盤工作,他們從來沒有建造業 理作為導師,負責輔導新入職工友,確保他們 工作經驗,金門要求新入職的工友穿上不同 明白工作時「適當」,以及「不適當」的行為。 顏色的反光背心,方便其他同事識別。 新入職的工人會獲發一張印有「P」字的 香港的情況則稍有差別,香港的工人多 貼紙貼在頭盔上,「P」字代表臨時,為期三 屬有經驗的技術人員,他們可能曾經從事建 個月,三個月後會進行評估,順利通過評估 造業以外的工作,現時市場復甦,便回歸建 的工友可除去頭盔上的「P」字標記。 造業崗位,即使他們過去數年在業內不甚活 金門又推出另一項類似的制度,識別那 躍,但仍擁有一定的技術水平;此外,香港 些第一次參與特定項目的工友,他們的頭盔

每兩星期就會刊登 這十輯漫畫包含不同的故事主題,例如致 一項有關安全的訊 命地帶、禁區、吊運工序中的角色和責任、陷 息。 阱、工具、吊運演練、吊機和開挖機、尾繩、 此外,我們又 停止吊運和重溫吊運的規定等。 會根據漫畫內容 擬定相關的問答遊 繼續推行零傷害政策 戲,鼓勵工友利用 金門希望所有員工在安全的環境工作,剔除引 手提電話以短訊形 致傷亡和嚴重事故的風險,達致零傷亡、零永 式參賽;金門又可 久傷殘、工友和公眾零受傷這目標,這是金門 以在適當時候利用 的承諾,亦是「零傷害」計劃的精神。 手機向工友發放特 現時為金門香港和新加坡各個地盤服務的 保持溝通 別安全訊息,這方法在香港非常有效,因為大 工友約17,000人,大部分受雇於分判商,並曾 《安危的抉擇》創刊號在4月出版,在金門所有 部分香港工友都備有手提電話。 在金門不同項目中工作。 建築地盤派發,並以多種語文編印,包括英 這三個漫畫人物又會以其他形式協助傳達 金門在2009年推出「零傷害」計劃,業內其 文、廣東話、普通話、泰文、尼泊爾文(尼泊爾 安全訊息,例如金門可以向工友發放一些在金 他競爭對手亦陸續推出類似計劃,但不同的是 的官方語言,印度一些地區、不丹和緬甸亦普 門地盤以外發生的意外警示,或發放「安全工 「零傷害」計劃訂定了2012年達標這個限期, 遍使用)、孟加拉語(在孟加拉、印度和多個國 作程序」,指示工人在特定情況下,要根據安全 以增加計劃的迫切性,我們決定在2012年以後 家通行),以及泰米爾語(在部分印度、斯里蘭 指引按部就班進行工序。 繼續推行「零傷害」計劃。1 卡、馬來西亞、新加坡等地通用)。 薛東尼說:「我們希望所有工友都認識這三 個漫畫人物,透過一連串的故事,對他們產生 親切感,繼而認同故事帶出的安全訊息。」 “我們作為 金門在設定三個人物時,刻意設計他們各 有不同的背景和經驗,讓工友更容易認同故事 領導層,必須堅守 和他們的處境。 薛東尼說:「當我們討論工程風險時,會將 原則,為安全事項訂定 工友分成「毫無經驗」和「經驗豐富」兩組。新 入職的工友面對的風險會比其他工友高,因為 非常嚴格的標準和水平, 地盤內很多工序和情況對他們而言較為陌生; 但我們同時明白,經驗豐富的工友亦會面對風 確保每一位工友遵從既定 險,因為他們傾向容忍風險存在,更容易『冒 險走捷徑』。」 的安全措施。” 這漫畫於每月出版,每輯編印6,000份,在 健康、安全及可持續發展董事薜東尼 地盤的早會和午餐聚會派發,讓工友討論,開 工時會將漫畫回收,至放工時再次分發,讓工 友帶回家與家人分享。 金門又會在編印下一輯漫畫前張貼海報, 吸引工友注意即將出版的漫畫內容,即是說,

20 The Record • Issue 1/2012 [ 焦點特寫 FOCUS STORY ]

同心同德 檢討安全

所有金門香港、新加坡和中國內地的員工和分判 商,在6月20日暫時放下手上的工作,一同參與「安 全反思會」,進一步討論要注意的安全事項,保富 集團總裁Ian Tyler和金門總裁何安誠更透過錄像影 片,與大家分享安全訊息。 所有地盤和辦公室的員工利用這一小時的會 議,一同仔細考量運作上的每一個細節,確保金門 的運作模式已充分結合「安全」這重要元素。 何安誠說:「為了確保安全,我們應加倍努力, 更應力臻完善。我不接受,亦絕不認同,『我們的業 務必然會發生意外』這種觀念和態度。」 出席「安全反思會」的金門和分判商員工多達 14,000人,還有金門股東,怡和及保富的代表。 員工和分判商的意見,對提升金門的安全表現 臨時工程的新程序 非常重要。 何安誠說:「『安全』並不能靠累積而來,而是需 要不斷重覆去達成的。」 一般情況下,地盤在興建永久建築物前,需要建造臨時結構。 過去一些在金門發生的意外和事故,部分可歸咎於未有完全遵從臨 時工程的程序,或是對施工程序認識不足所致。 金門在2011年12月重新修訂並推出QMS06質量管理程序,目的是 為所有臨時工程訂定工作程序,控制風險,務求先確認可能引致嚴重 或致命傷害的情況,然後剔除一切潛在風險。一切與臨時工程有關的 管理、計劃、設計、控制和監管安裝工程、安全使用、維修及拆除臨 時工程等,均納入新修訂的工作程序之內。 負責安全的金門董事薛東尼說:「如果臨時工程坍塌,可能會導致 災難性的後果,我們應以高水平的工程技術處理臨時工程,確保『安 全』是每一個步驟的例行常規。」 金門轄下的工程顧問琳寶負責重新檢視臨時工程的程序,以更清楚 Brian Osborne, Balfour Beatty Group Director of International 界定不同的角色和責任,例如臨時工程的協調員和負責項目的工程師 Business, West, on Stand Down Day with Gammon workers on 均須檢查工程,而且分別進行有關的檢查工作。 the Hong Kong University Centennial Campus project. 薛東尼說:「很多時,當工序限期臨近,為求快捷容易掉以輕心, 保富負責國際業務(西)的集團董事Brian Osborne在香港大學百周年 校園項目與金門工友一起反思安全事項。 一聲『OK』便將程序放行,但我們絕不應輕率地假定工序就這樣簡單 而妥當,我們必須『證明工程安全』。在新修訂的制度下,如有任何懷 疑,應向設計臨時工程的設計人員請示。」 所有金門項目臨時工程的同事,都要參與一項特別設計的互動培訓 課程,以認識這新修訂的程序,這電子學習課程在2011年推出,備有中 文及英文版本,讓所有臨時工程的員工能簡易地熟習課程的內容。 這互動培訓課程不只為金門員工而設,還包括其他聯營夥伴、分判 商、供應商、設計人員、顧問,以至客戶。

QMS06 臨時工程 角色和職責

臨時工程協調員 (TWC) 認為TWC純粹負責行政工作是一個常見的誤解 行職責,TWC可以是一位對工程項目中臨時工程的安全規劃、設。如果恰當地執 計及興建發揮最大影響力的人員。 負責統籌臨時工程的設計及確保臨時工程按 照核准設計圖則和程序興建、使用、維修和拆 除。 一位合資格的TWC: 是一位擁有適當資歷的高級職 需要了解 擁有與該臨時工程相關的經驗。如臨時工程 員,理解工程的整體情況 設計的限制,但不一定 ,將 其 安 的風險類別屬A或B,負責該項目的TWC必須 全性的考慮凌駕於所有其他因素, 是臨時工程設計的專業人員。 有最少10年的相關經驗。 並得到同事的尊重 ,使工作可以順 是一位 利完成。 出色的調解人,並鼓勵討 擁有適當資歷,並必須為11級或以上的員工 論及在參與臨時工程設計、審查及 施工的各單位中尋求共識 ,直接向PM匯報,以 及 直接聯絡琳寶獲取技術 主動查問及質疑不妥當的事情。 。 支援。  理性思考和清楚了解設計和施 是一位策劃者及思想領導者 夠,允 批簽臨時工程時必須顧及其安全性 工的實際情況和可行性 許參與臨時工程的各單位有足 著眼完工。 ,而 非 只 。 時間履行其職責。 需要時,他會提 不會 醒決策人作出決定,確保臨時工程 視而不見,並 會 採取修正行 若臨時工程的施工情況未能符合標準, 動。 可以按時及在管制下順利完工。 TWC 有權停止工程。TWC 應向PM報告任何臨時工 程違規或不達標準的情況 。

負責監督臨時工程 ( 包括興建、使用及拆除 ) ,確保工程按照設計圖則和核准方法安全施工。

確保臨時工程所用的物料符合設計要求 。 在地盤工程師/TWC/TCP的協助下,透過現場施工控制表,向監工、分判商的工頭及有關工 人簡報相關的施工方法和風險。

確保動態風險評估正確進行,以鑑定和應對在每個輪班時段開始時的環境變化 。 向TWC提出任何設計上的修改 。 確保所有機械、車輛、起重機械或設備都是由合資格人士進行組裝和操作。

當收到正式批簽的T4拆除許可證後,才可進行臨時工程的載荷或拆卸 。

地盤負責人 (SRP) 臨時工程(小型工程)協調員 (TWCM)


通常為一名工程師,負責監督地盤工作及向TWC匯報,亦可直接聯絡PM及琳寶以取得技 術支援。

TWCM並非負責統籌工程的設計過程 C及D的臨時工程項目。 。相 反 ,TWC會負責統籌設計工作,包括風險類別為

批簽臨時工程時必須顧及其安全性 ,而非只著眼完工。 若臨時工程的施工情況未能令人滿意, TWCM 時工程違規或不達標準的情況 有權停止工程 TWCM PM 。 。 應向 報告任何臨 The Record • Issue 1/2012 21 [ AWARDS 獎項 ]

Jardines Pride in Performance Award goes to OPUS HONG KONG OPUS HONG KONG榮獲怡和集團 PIP創新及創意獎項 Gammon has been recognised in the Jardines Pride in Performance (PIP) Awards in the category of Innovation & Creativity for Swire Properties’ OPUS HONG KONG residential tower. As the main contractor for the prestigious and already iconic tower, the PIP award praised Gammon for its “professional approach and engineering expertise”, ensuring the project “was completed on-time and on-budget”. Designed by Pritzker prize-winning architect Frank Gehry, OPUS HONG KONG involved innovative geometric elements on a topographically uneven site, presenting unique challenges that Gammon overcame with its in-house Building Information Modelling (BIM) programme. 金門承建的太古地產住宅發展項目OPUS HONG KONG,獲怡和集團頒贈「Pride in Performance創新及創意」殊榮。 OPUS HONG KONG外形獨特,是香港一項矚目的地標,Pride in Performance大獎讚揚金門「以專業的工程方案和技術」,確保項目「準時並在預算 之內完成」。 OPUS HONG KONG由普立茲克建築獎得主法蘭克.蓋瑞(Frank Gehry)建築 師設計,高踞地形陡峭的山坡,其設計蘊含創新的幾何元素,金門利用建築資訊 模型技術,協助解決工程上的種種挑戰。

Awards recognise considerate practices 公德地盤獲嘉許 Gammon has been recognised with Gold Awards in the annual Considerate Contractors Site Award (CCSA) Scheme 2011 jointly organised by the Development Bureau and the Construction Industry Council. The MTR West Island Contract 705 won a Gold Outstanding Environmental Management and Performance Award (OEMPA) in the Non-Public Works Sites category, and the Maintenance of High Speed Roads project won a Gold Considerate Contractors Site Award for Repair, Maintenance, Alteration and Addition in the Public Works category. The CLP Power Outline Agreement by Gammon E&M was recognised with a Merit in the CCSA. The Considerate Contractors Site Award Scheme has been underway since 1995 to promote a considerate at- titude on construction sites and good safety, health and environmental practices in the construction sector by com- mending outstanding role models.

金門在「公德地盤嘉許計劃2011」榮獲兩項金獎:港鐵西港島合約705 獲「非工務工程 – 傑出環境管理」金獎,路政署的高速公路維修項目獲 「工務工程 – 維修、保養、改建及加建工程」金獎。金門機電工程的中華 電力輸電架空電纜加固、翻新、升格及安裝項目則取得優異成績。 「公德地盤嘉許計劃」自1995年起舉辦,現由發展局及建造業議會 合辦,目的是嘉許表現傑出的建造業界,推廣注重地盤公德的態度, 以及安全、健康及環保的良好作業措施。

22 The Record • Issue 1/2012 [ 獎項 AWARDS ]

BCA award for unique mega-campus 工藝教育西區學院獲建築卓越成就殊榮

In Singapore, on 24 May, the its kind in the world – over the Events Building Construction Authority Plaza, Gammon is also responsible for (BCA) recognised Gammon with the the running and maintenance of the “Construction Excellence Award” in college for the next 27 years. the Institutional Buildings Category 新加坡建築與工程局每年嘉許表現傑出的項 for the ITE College West at the BCA’s Sundar Selvam (left), Construction Manager, receives the 目,在5月24日舉行的頒獎典禮中,金門承建 annual awards ceremony. Construction Excellence Award from Lee Yi Shyan, Minister of 的工藝教育西區學院獲該局頒贈公營建設組 State (Ministry of National Development) for the ITE College ITA College West is a mega- 別的「建築卓越成就獎」。 West project. campus merging students from 工藝教育西區學院獲「建築卓越成就獎」,工程經理Sundar 工藝教育西區學院結合全新加坡五家院 five colleges and the first academic Selvam(左)從新加坡政務部長(國家發展部)李奕賢手中接過獎項。 校,成為一所規模龐大的校園,是東南亞首 institution to be built in 家以「公私合營」模式建造的校舍,金門在 under a public-private-partnership 2007年獲批建造工程,在緊密的工期下,如 (PPP). Gammon was appointed in 期在2010年3月竣工。 2007 to oversee construction. The 這學院具備多項創新設計,包括一幅在活 project was completed in March 2010 動廣場之上,以鐵氟龍物料製成的帳篷結構, within a tight schedule. 它是全球規模最大的同類型結構之一。在未 With many innovative 來27年,金門會繼續為工藝教育西區學 features, such as the large 院提供管理及保養服務。 Teflon membrane roof – one of the largest of

Singapore goes for gold 新加坡奪金 Gammon Singapore was honoured accident prevention. with three Gold awards in the globally This is the third consecutive year that recognised Royal Society for the Gammon Singapore has been recognised Prevention of Accidents (RoSPA) Awards, in the prestigious RoSPA awards. UK, recently. 金門新加坡最近獲國際知名的英國皇家預防意 The Gammon MOLE project at 外協會(RoSPA)頒贈三項金獎。 Marina South and the Lanxess project 濱海灣南的堤堰項目、裕廊島的朗盛項目, at Jurong Island took the Gold awards, 以及金門整體表現均獲金獎殊榮,這些獎項再 as did Gammon Singapore overall. 次確認金門在職業健康和安全管理系統上具備 Together the awards testify to our high 極高水平,並在積極管理風險和預防意外方面 standards in occupational health and 有傑出表現。 safety management systems, and also 這是金門新加坡連續第三年獲英國皇家預防 to our outstanding performance in 意外協會頒贈獎項。 terms of active risk management and

The Record • Issue 1/2012 23 [ AWARDS 獎項 ]

Green commitment scores merit awards 履行環保承諾 取得優異成績 Gammon has been awarded two Certificates of Merit in the Hong Kong Awards for Environmental Excellence (HKAEE) for the Harbour Area Treatment Scheme, Stage 2A project and for its widening of the Tolo Highway/ Fanling Highway project. Initiated in 2008, the HKAEE is one of the most M K Woo, Executive Director of Gammon (3rd left) accepts the award from Carrie Lam Cheng Yuet-ngor, then Secretary for Development of the HKSAR. prestigious and reputable environmental awards 金門執行董事胡文京(左三)從當時的發展局局長林鄭月娥手中接過獎項。 schemes in Hong Kong. It aims to encourage businesses and organisations to adopt green management and recognise their commitment towards Green projects strike gold environmental protection. 榮獲環保金獎 金門的兩個建築項目,淨化海港計劃二期甲及 吐露港公路/粉嶺公路擴闊工程,分別獲頒贈 Gammon has been honoured with three Gold awards 「香港環保卓越計劃」優異獎。 in the Green Contractor Award 2011, a scheme that is 「香港環保卓越計劃」於2008年推出,是 overseen by the Architectural Services Department and 香港享負盛名的獎勵計劃之一,旨在鼓勵各行各業持續推動環境管 has been underway since 2011. 理及實踐環保創意概念,並表揚對環保作出貢獻的機構。 Gammon was recognised in the award scheme for its outstanding environmental performance in three projects: the Victoria Park Swimming Pool Complex; the Kwun Tong Swimming Pool Complex; and the Annex building at the Ko Shan Theatre. The scheme aims to encourage contractors to pay more attention to environmental aspects of construction projects, and only contractors meeting the highest environmental standards are eligible for awards.

金門獲建築署頒贈三項「環保承建商獎勵計劃2011」金獎,以表揚金 門的三個建造項目出色的環保表現。 這三個項目分別為:維多利亞公園游泳池場館重建工程、觀塘 游泳池場館重建工程,及高山劇場附屬大樓工程。 建築署由2011年起舉辦「環保承建商獎勵計劃」,旨在鼓勵業界關 注環保問題,不斷提升地盤的環保水平,而所有得獎的承建商均須達 到最高的環保表現。

Hong Kong Pavilion – Quality Building Award 2012 香港館名列優質建築大獎2012

Gammon has been recognised with a Certificate of Finalist in the Quality Building Award 2012 in the category of Projects Outside Hong Kong from the leading professional construction organisations in Hong Kong as part of their Building Excellence for the Future programme. Awarded for the Hong Kong Pavilion designed and built for the World Exposition 2010 in Shanghai, the contract was one of our most significant projects since we entered China in 1980.

由金門設計及建造,參與2010年上海世界博覽會的香港館,獲選為 「優質建築大獎2012」境外建築項目(非住宅)組別的入圍作品。今年 的優質建築大獎以「卓越建築 成就未來」為主題,由香港九大建築界 相關學會及機構聯合舉辦。金門自1980年已致力開拓在中國內地的 業務,上海世界博覽會香港館是金門在內地最重要的項目之一。

24 The Record • Issue 1/2012 [ 健康、安全及環保 HEALTH, SAFETY AND ENVIRONMENT ]

Safety is all about mindfulness and learning 用心致志 反省學習 首重安全

The 6th Gammon Annual Safety One of the highlights of the conference Conference was held at the Hong Kong was the presence of past accident victims, Convention and Exhibition Centre on 5 who shared their thoughts on safety, January 2012, attracting more than 550 delivering the message that it is important participants. for everyone to “look after each other and This year’s theme was “Mindful of be responsible for safety”. Thomas Ho, what might go wrong, learning lessons Chan Kam Hong, chief executive Chief Executive of Gammon from the past”. The theme was of of the Association for the Rights of 金門總裁何安誠 particular significance because, as David Industrial Accident Victims, stressed that Leung, JP, deputy commissioner for Labour more thought had to be put into safety (Occupational Safety & Health), HKSAR preventative measures rather than a Government, pointed out, while the overall “give-it-a-go” approach to construction number of occupational accidents has been challenges. on the decline, in the construction sector Meanwhile, Hong Kong Construction they have risen by nearly 10 per cent. Industry Employees General Union In his opening speech, Gammon Chief chairman Chow Luen Kiu said he was of Executive Thomas Ho spoke of Gammon’s the opinion that past accidents would commitment to “mindfulness” and not prevent young people from joining Fung Fuk-hei, an accident victim, shares his views “learning” in the context of Gammon’s the industry, while also stressing the need on construction safety. “zero harm” policy, stressing that support for simple and clear safety guidelines and 曾經歷意外事故的馮福喜分享對建造業安全的看法。 needed to be “practicable and hands-on instructions for frontline staff. rather than … theoretical”. 第六屆金門週年安全會議在2012年1月5日假香港會 議展覽中心舉行,超過550位金門的業務夥伴和員工 踴躍參與。 今年的會議以「前車之鑑,反思慎行」為主題, 香港特區政府勞工處副處長(職業安全及健康)梁振榮 在會上指出,去年上半年整體工業意外的數字持續下 降,唯獨建造業的意外數目上升接近10%,2012 年 是建造業關鍵的一年,業界應未雨綢繆,做好準備。 總裁何安誠致開幕辭時,強調金門「用心致 志、反省學習」的精神,以達到「零傷害」的目標, 他更指出支援工程應該切合實際需要,不可流於課 堂的理論訓練。 大會邀得數位曾經歷意外的工友出席,與他們 探討事故的成因,分享安全心得,以及帶出「互相關 照」、「負起安全責任」等重要訊息。 工業傷亡權益會總幹事陳錦康指出,工友很多 時會做評估,但他們只是評估應否「搏一搏」,而不 是考慮應該做些甚麼安全措施,這心態必須正視和 矯正! 此外,香港建造業總工會理事長周聯僑不認為 年青人會因傳媒報導意外事故而對加入建造行業望 而卻步,他又倡議要為前線員工提供簡易的安全指 引和說明,以提升他們的安全意識。1

(Bottom left) The safety drama inspires participants to give thought to taking care of each other and thinking about their families. (左下)大會以生動的話劇提醒工友要互相關照,注意安全,以免一旦發生意外,為他們及家人帶來深遠的傷害。

The Record • Issue 1/2012 25 [ HEALTH, SAFETY AND ENVIRONMENT 健康、安全及環保 ]

Lifting competition lifts everyone’s spirits 吊運安全比賽中脫穎而出

Gammon was proud to be Gammon teams were winner respectively. announced the winner of the Lifting (Express Rail Link 811B Foundations) The Ko Shan team achieved Operation Competition organised and second Runner-up (Wan Chai merit in the Tower Crane category, by the Occupational Safety & Health Bypass) in the Crawler Crane while the Victoria Park Swimming Council on 31 March, in which Category. Lam Hung Kee and Lee Pool team received an Attainment teams competed to demonstrate Chun Kwong (811B) were named Certificate. The Gammon Plant outstanding safe lifting practices. Best Banksman and Best Operator department achieved Merit in the Mobile Truck Crane category. 職業安全健康局於3月31日舉行 「吊運安全操作比賽」,金門隊 在比賽中表現出色,奪得多個 獎項。 在履帶式吊機組別中,金 門的高鐵811B地基隊勇奪冠軍 寶座,灣仔繞道工程隊則奪得 季軍;高鐵811B地基項目的林 鴻基和李振光更分別獲選為「最 佳訊號員」和「最佳操作員」。 在塔式吊機組別中,高山 劇場隊奪得優異獎;維園游泳 池場館重建工程小組獲頒贈「達 標獎狀」;建設資源中心的工程 小組則在流動起重組別中取得 優異成績。

Lambeth Wins Safety Leadership Award 確認琳寶的安全領導能力

Lambeth Associates, Gammon’s in- award programme. The programme is 獎」頒獎禮中獲贈「安全領導才能獎」,確認琳 house engineering consultancy, won jointly supported by the Construction 寶在構思和設計施工過程中,致力降低風險, the Safety Leadership Award on 9 Industry Council. 推動工業安全的努力。 March in the Lighthouse Club Golden 金門轄下的琳寶工程顧問有限公司3月9日在 香港明建會每年與建造業議會合辦這頒獎 Helmet and Safety Leadership Awards 明建會舉辦的「2012金頭盔及安全領導才能 禮,嘉許香港的建造業界推動工業安全。 2012. The award recognises Lambeth for putting safety in design at the core of operations, which results in significant reductions in risk during construction and design life. Every year, the Lighthouse Club Hong Kong Branch recognises excellence in safety within the Hong Kong Construction Industry with the

Ian Askew (right), General Manager of Lambeth Associates, receives the Safety Leadership Award from Christopher To, Executive Director of the Construction Industry Council. 琳寶總經理Ian Askew(右)從建造業議會執 行總監陶榮手中接過「安全領導才能獎」。

26 The Record • Issue 1/2012 [ 焦點人物 PROFILE ]

The Exploring Spirit of Welie Ng Gammon’s BIM pioneer 從探索中學習 建築資訊模型技術先行者吳允全

ith his innovative spirit, consultants and engineers – to share Welie explores life with and exchange views on this innovative Wcourage stage by stage. As communication platform. This provides a consultant before joining Gammon, an ideal environment to nurture he took the initiative to familiarise Gammon’s unique BIM programmes. himself with industry-related computer software programmes, gradually BIM has been deployed in a number leading him to become a pioneer in of award-winning projects. Are there it is deployed. At the OPUS HONG Building Information Modelling (BIM) any special moments you can share KONG project, for example, the technology. At home, Welie joins hands with us? BIM Team proactively suggested a with his wife to build a loving family The Autodesk Building Information pre-fabrication study to solve the and says that he is still in the learning Modelling (BIM) Award 2010 was a construction challenges of the project stage when it comes to “how to be recognition from fellow members of when Gammon conducted consultancy a good husband” and “how to be a the industry for the exceptional use of studies in its pre-construction stage. good father”. The Record is pleased to BIM at the project, while Meanwhile, at the bidding for the have Welie share his exploring spirit the Pride In Performance – Innovation Express Rail Station contract, the BIM both in terms of his personal life and & Creativity Award recently awarded Team did a lot of research, estimation career development. by Gammon’s shareholder, the Jardine and simulation well before its tendering Matheson Group, is an endorsement stage. We raised questions on design Was BIM a relatively new technology of the efforts of the BIM Team on the and operation details, and more for the industry when you joined OPUS HONG KONG project. importantly, we presented possible Gammon in 2006? How did you Accolades are compliments only. solutions to foreseeable difficulties. This come to know about it? The key lies in the attitude with which pro-active approach, with the aid of Yes, BIM was a relatively new concept in the construction field in the last decade but similar technologies already existed, such as Computer Aided Design (CAD), which the manufacturing industry had been deploying for a number of years. I took the initiative to become familiar with related software programmes when I was engaged in consultancy firms after graduation. The in was the first Gammon project deploying BIM from its pre-construction stage. I was its BIM consultant at that time and was lucky to have the opportunity to enrich myself with actual construction work on top of my BIM skills. Here at Gammon, we have professionals from various disciplines – architects, surveyors, safety

The Record • Issue 1/2012 27 [ PROFILE 焦點人物 ]

our BIM program, was the key to our 命是一個演化過程,需要勇氣一步一 集、測試和模擬研究,點出了多項與設計和運 success in winning both construction 步前行,與很多人一樣,吳允全懷著 作細節有關的問題,更重要的是,我們能為預 contracts. 生創新和探索精神,迎接生命中每一個 見的困難提出可行的解決方案。這種主動的態 階段的挑戰,他加入金門前任職工程顧問,當 度,加上BIM程式的協助,可說是成功奪得這 How do you see challenges ahead? 時已主動爭取學習與工業有關的電腦軟件,這 兩項建造合約的關鍵。 It is true that BIM can be applied 主動性漸漸引領他成為建築資訊模型(BIM)技 broadly in the industry, but broad 術的先行者;個人生活方面,吳允全擁有美滿 你認為BIM的未來發展有何挑戰? application is not the only spirit of 家庭,他表示仍處於學習階段,要學做個「好 BIM的確可以廣泛應用在建造業界,但「廣泛應 the technology. Its application should 丈夫」、「好爸爸」,《金門印記》非常高興能與吳 用」絕不是這項技術的精神,使用BIM技術應因 depend upon the nature and objectives 允全分享他在個人生活和事業發展方面的探索 地制宜,視乎任務的性質和目的而定,使用者 of a particular task and we need to 精神。 應獨立審視每個情況和所需資料的細密 decide wisely about how much detail is 程度,然後作出 required from case to case. 你在2006年加入金門時,BIM技術在建造業界 From a business perspective, BIM’s 是否相對新穎?你如何認識這門創新技術? future development in the construction BIM在過去十年的確是相對較新的概念,但其 industry relies on the mindset of our 他工業早已應用類似的電腦技術,例如製造業 industry leaders, who might effectively 已經普遍使用「電腦輔助設計」 decide if BIM’s benefits are outweighed 程式,我大 by its investment costs, which is a critical factor in their business decision- making process.

How about its future development in Gammon? Currently, more than 80 per cent of Gammon’s building projects and some civil projects are deploying BIM, and we are working to elevate its 3D application to 4D and 5D levels. In a four-dimensional programmes, the TIME factor is added to facilitate better communication, planning and decision-making, while in a five- 最明智的決定。 dimensional environment, the COST 從商業角度而言,BIM技術 element enables engineers to estimate 在建造業的發展前景取決於業內領導的態度和 and track the quantity of construction 思維,每一個商業決定都要考量不同的因素, materials and their related costs 學畢業後在顧問公司工作,已主動學習有關的 要有效平衡投資成本和BIM的效益,然後作出 required at different project stages. 電腦軟件。 取捨在所難免。 魚涌的港島東中心是金門首個在建築前 Will you share your motto with us? 期已採用BIM技術的項目,當時我擔任項目的 BIM在金門的發展前景如何? Life is always an exploration. My wife BIM顧問,後來有幸加入金門參與實際的建築 現時金門超過八成的樓宇建築項目和部分土木 and I shared the same exploring spirit 工程,並進一步開發BIM在建築過程的實際應 工程項目都有應用BIM技術,我們正研究提升它 when we decided to get married and 用。金門雲集業界各路精英,建築師、測量 的三維功能至四維和五維層面。在四維程式下, build a family. We learned how to take 師、安全顧問、工程師等,他們可以在BIM這 我們會加入「時間」這元素,提升溝通、計劃等功 care of the babies when they came 個創新溝通平台互相交換和分享意見,對研發 能,方便使用者作出最佳決定;在五維環境下, into our lives. I am still in my learning BIM程式提供了一個獨特而理想的環境。 「成本」這元素可以幫助工程師在項目的不同階 process of how to be a good husband, 段,估計和跟進所需建築物料的數量和成本。 how to be a good father for my four- BIM 曾應用在多個得獎項目之中,可否與我們 year-old son and newborn baby, and 分享你的難忘時刻? 可否與我們分享你的座右銘? how to share housework and the 希慎廣場項目獲「2010年度Autodesk 香港建築 生命是一個探索旅程,由結婚組織家庭,到新 workload at home. 資訊模型設計大獎」正是業界對這創新技術的 生命來臨學習照顧小朋友,我和妻子都同樣抱 Both in personal life and in career, 認同;怡和頒贈的「Pride In Performance – 著「試過先知」的態度,不斷探求、不斷學習。 courage and an exploring spirit are 創新及創意大獎」更是金門股東對BIM團隊在 現在我雖然身為兩個男孩的父親,一個四歲, needed when you want to make a OPUS HONG KONG項目的嘉許。 另一個才初生數月,我仍是處於學習階段,要 leap, but it is important to remember 但得獎只是一份額外的獎勵,成功關鍵在 學做一個好丈夫、學做一個好爸爸,學習分擔 the saying, LOOK BEFORE YOU LEAP. 於應用這技術的態度。例如在OPUS HONG 家務和家庭重擔。 Think thoroughly and act according to KONG項目中,金門受聘為項目進行顧問研 無論是個人生活或是事業發展,都需要一股 calculated risks and safety precautions, 究, BIM團隊與此同時主動為項目建議另一項 勇氣和一份破舊立新的精神,推動你更進一步, and you will then clearly see your own 預鑄構造研究,提出在建造過程中預見的挑戰 但要緊記諺語「三思而後行」,在行動之前先考慮 position, and the possible challenges 和解決方法;此外,競投廣深港高速鐵路合約 周全,計算風險和安全措施,你的定位、挑戰, and achievements ahead. 時,BIM團隊在投標前額外進行了大量資料搜 和可能得到的回報,自然會漸漸清晰。1

28 The Record • Issue 1/2012 CORPORATE SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY 企業社會責任

In 2011, Gammon’s commitment to Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) resulted in 5,226 staff volunteers participating in 106 community events. Many events have already been supported in 2012. 在2011年,金門舉行了106項社區活動,參與的金門義工共5,226人,展示了金門履行 企業社會責任的承諾,其中多項活動在2012年繼續舉行。

Walk Up Jardine House Volunteer Day 齊步上怡廈 supports Tung The Gammon team once again entered Wah Group the Walk Up Jardine House event to raise money for Mindset, running up 49 floors 支持東華三院活動 to reach the Penthouse of Jardine House in Continuing our support for the 3 minutes and 43:56 seconds – claiming a Tung Wah Group of Hospitals, creditable 4th place out of 32 teams. The we took part in their Corporate event successfully raised a record-breaking Volunteer Day in March where HK$3.4 million to fund the promotion of Gammon was recognised as a long- mental health in the community. term partner of the group. After 金門再派勁旅參與「齊步上怡廈」活動,為思健籌募 the ceremony a team of volunteers 善款,今年共有32支隊伍參加,金門隊以3分43:56 visited the organisation’s Sheung 秒成功跑畢49層樓,直達怡和大廈頂層,榮列第四 Wan Complex for the Elderly. 名。是次活動共籌得善款340萬港元,打破歷年紀 金門一直熱心支持東華三院的服務,該院 錄,善款將用作宣傳精神健康訊息,減少社會對精神病人的歧視。 在今年3月舉行「企業夥伴合作嘉許典禮」, 金門在典禮上榮獲表揚。典禮後,金門義工 隊探訪東華三院的上環長者綜合服務中心。 Dragon Boat racing prize 賽龍奪錦

Our spirited men’s team showed commitment and skill on 23 June to win the 2nd runner-up prize in Men’s Division B in the Stanley International Dragon Boat Championships 2012. 6月23日端午節當日,赤柱舉行國際龍舟錦 標賽,金門隊在男子B組賽事中勇奪季軍, Caring Company 展示了金門的團隊精神和賽龍技術。 Award 商界展關懷 Singapore cricket tournament In May, Gammon was awarded the 5-year Plus Caring Company deemed a great success Recognition logo by the Hong 新加坡板球隊期望再創佳績 Kong Council of Social Service in recognition of the company’s In February, Gammon Singapore fielded an commitment to caring for the enthusiastic team in the Lighthouse Club community, caring for employees Corporate Cricket Tournament. This was a and caring for the environment. fund-raising event that included Gammon, 金門在5月獲香港社會服務聯會頒發「商界 Voltas, Leighton and Rutherford. After 展關懷5年Plus」標誌,以表揚金門履行關 reaching the final but narrowly failing to 心社區、關懷員工、關愛環境的承諾。 win, the team is determined to go one step further in next year’s event! 2月,金門新加坡的員工組成板球勁旅,出戰當地的「明建會企業板球錦標賽」,參加 這慈善籌款賽事的機構包括金門、Voltas、禮頓及Rutherford,金門隊鬥志激昂,躋 身決賽並摘下亞軍,賽後各人揚言,明年要再接再厲,矢志奪取冠軍獎盃。

The Record • Issue 1/2012 29 CORPORATE SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY 企業社會責任

Sustainability – a Gammon cornerstone 以「可持續發展」為金門基石

May was Sustainability Month at Gammon, and there were many activities at all levels which contributed to raising our profile as a leader in the field.

Why did we hold Sustainability Month?

We wanted to demonstrate (From left) Yau Wing Kwong, Chief Executive internally and externally the of Tai Po Environmental Association, Thomas great work that Gammon Ho, Chief Executive of Gammon Construction and Man Chen Fai, Vice Chairman of Tai and its employees carry Po District Council celebrated the successful out; how we build long- completion of the footpath. term relationships with key (左起)大埔環保會行政總裁邱榮光、金門建築總裁 何安誠及大埔區議會副主席文春輝一同慶祝行人徑 stakeholders, ways in which 修復工程順利完成。 sustainability can build Gammon’s business, and ▲ how our commitment Highlight of the month (alongside suppliers was on 26 May when and subcontractors) The Fung Yuen Butterfly can make our work Reserve was the scene of a greener and help us win volunteer celebration event. The the area’s accessibility and provides an more business. Reserve, home to 80% of Hong environment which encourages natural Kong’s butterfly population, is operated groundwater seepage and recharge. 金門把5月定為「可持續發展 by the Tai Po Environmental Association, The whole project was managed 月」,在月內舉行了多項不同活 and the event was attended by volunteers internally by young Gammon engineers to 動,宣揚可持續的作業方式及環 who had over the previous nine months practise project management skills and was 保訊息,提升金門在建造業界的 undertaken projects to make the reserve a supported by engineers from Lambeth, our 領導地位。 better place. in-house engineering consultancy. The objective of the Reserve is to 鳳園蝴蝶保育區的行人徑修復計劃是「可持續發展 為何舉辦「可持續發展月」? educate the public on the need to 月」的重點活動之一,金門在5月26日舉行慶祝活 我們希望向各界展示金門及其員 maintain biodiversity, and staff are 動,祝賀工程順利完成,參與活動的義工在過去九 工在可持續發展方面所作的努 continuously monitoring and improving 個月身體力行,成功為保育區建造更佳環境。鳳園 力,與主要持分者建立穩健的合 the habitat and maintaining the upkeep 蝴蝶保育區由大埔環保會管理,區內的蝴蝶數量佔 作關係,透過「可持續發展」為業 of visitor facilities. 香港蝴蝶總數的八成。 務建立穩健基礎,並與供應商和 Safe access to and around the site is 保育區主要教育市民大眾維護生物多樣性的重 分判商合作,在建造工程中履行 vital, and so the main focus of the day was 要,鳳園的員工會持續監察及改善保育區內的生物 環保承諾,繼而為金門爭取更多 the completion of a 218 metre footpath, 棲息地,並為遊客設施作定期保養。 業務發展機會。 using 233 pavers made from 10 tonnes of 為公眾提供安全通道非常重要,當日慶祝活 construction waste sourced from various 動的重點,是完成218米長的行人徑。為修復這行 Gammon projects. This footpath increases 人徑,金門義工在多個地盤收集了約 10噸廢棄混 凝土和鋼筋,然後把它們循環再造,製成233塊混 凝土路磚鋪在路上。這行人徑不但改善保育區的通 道,更創造更佳的自然環境,讓地下水的滲流和補 給更加暢順。 整個項目由金門的年輕工程師負責管理,讓他 們藉此實踐項目管理技巧,並由金門轄下的工程顧 問,琳寶的資深工程師提供專業意見和支援。

30 The Record • Issue 1/2012 以評估金門項 The Record • Issue 1/2012 31 The Record • Issue 1/2012 。 「社區投資績效指標」 The Community Investment The Community Guest speakers Chow Luen Kiu, 分享安全心得

▲ so that was launched (CI) Scorecard our performancewe can assess in are These CI Scorecards Sustainability. regularly before, during completed the success and after activities so that and of a project can be measured activities. lessons learned for future 我們推出 目在可持續發展方面的表現。透過在活動舉行 前、中期及活動舉行後,把成效記錄在計分卡 上,衡量項目是否成功,並汲取經驗,作為日 後舉行活動的參考。

▲ Chairman of Hong Kong Construction Industry Employees’ General Union, and Chan Kam Hong, Chief Executive of the Association for the Rights of gave Industrial Accident Victims, safety talks to frontline workers during the month. 金門在月內邀得香港建造業總工會理事長周聯 僑及工業傷亡權益會總幹事陳錦康,與前線員 工 ,認識如 亞洲協會香港中心 We are determined to make Gammon a leader in sustainability. are determined to make Gammon a leader in sustainability. We activities proved that staff are The depth and breadth of May’s Thomas Ho, Gammon Chief Executive, summarised the month’s activities when he said, Thomas Ho, Gammon Chief Executive, summarised the month’s 『可持續發展』已成為建造業的新趨勢,我們決心要令金門成為首屈一指的環保承建商。在5月 份舉行的多項活動證明金門員工一致認同這個理念,我期望把『可持續發展』這原則奠定為金門 未來業務發展的基石,並衷心希望各位積極支持這業務發展方向。」 firmly behind this initiative, and I hope that Sustainability will remain one of firmly behind this initiative, and I hope that Sustainability will remain one the cornerstones of our business in the years to come. 金門總裁何安誠總結「可持續發展月」的活動時說: On 19 May we paid a visit to the Asia Society Hong 則讓員 何活化歷史建築物,令它持續發展。這中心原為香港賽馬會軍火庫, 現已成為一項古蹟保育項目,為社區提供多元化的文化藝術活動。 ▲ Kong Center in Admiralty which is on the former site of The Hong Kong Jockey Club Explosives Magazine. There we learned about their work in the revitalisation become of historical buildings, the Center itself having a complex which combines heritage conservation and a wide range of education programmes. 5月19日,我們安排員工參觀位於金鐘的 「齊來舒展鬆一 ,參加的同事均利用 頒獎典 「體能測試日」 活動包括三個部分,鼓勵員工多 ,與他們分享金門的可持 「香港綠色企業大獎」 「步行比賽@金門科技園」 鼓勵員工在辦公室內進行舒展運動; A Green Procurement Move More Every Move More Day was a Sustainability Day was celebrated in in Green Management Award 做運動,首先是 計步器記錄每天步數,達最佳成績的可獲獎勵; 鬆」 工認識其健康水平,鼓勵大家關注健康。另一方面,健康護理 導師為前線員工進行健康檢查,並帶領早操,致力提升金門工 隊的健康意識。 在5月18日舉行的 禮中,金門深圳辦事處獲頒贈「優越環保管理 獎」,表揚深圳的同事一同為環保出力。 our Shenzhen office by staff and suppliers on May 18 when the office received a 2011 the Hong Kong Green Awards rewarding their impressive joint efforts. 我們在5月31日為金門的供應商和分判商舉行 綠色環保採購工作坊 續發展採購政策和互相交流意見。 was held on 31 May for Workshop Gammon suppliers and subcontractors to share sustainable practices and exchange views on Gammon’s sustainable procurement policy. ▲ which encouraged three-part activity walking through staff to exercise pedometers and could (they were provided with goals) and stretching earn rewards for achieving Day to explore at their desks, and a Fitness Test health. Healthcare Leaders ways to improve general checks for the frontline also conducted health before work exercise workers and led morning a healthy lifestyle began in order to promote among the Gammon workforce. Move More Every Day ▲ ▲ PROJECTS 工程項目

our projects.” Walter adds. A model of sustainability stewardship Since the ZCB Project was com- menced in November 2011, green Hong Kong’s first Zero materials such as FSC timber and recycled-content steel were used, while a special concrete mix with recycled Carbon Building aggregates and PFA (Pulverised Fly Ash) were sourced during its construction 零碳天地 可持續發展建築的典範 period. BIM technology was used extensively to minimise waste by determining he Zero Carbon Building (ZCB) the stringent requirements from low the precise amount of cut-and-fill of Construction Industry Council, carbon construction and the promotion required during excavation. Meanwhile, THong Kong’s first Zero Carbon of using ecologically-friendly material Gammon has succeeded in reducing Building, held its opening ceremony started from its procurement procedure. rebar waste on site by employing off- on 26 June 2012 attended by Mr John site cut-and-bend techniques. Tsang, the Financial Secretary, Mrs Sustainability stewardship To account for embodied carbon, Carrie Lam, the then Secretary for “This is part of our approach to Gammon examined the transport of Development, together with some 200 environmental stewardship, which materials, energy consumption by tower guests from government departments, means going beyond compliance to cranes, site offices and onsite plants, industry stakeholders, professional ensure a healthier environment and concrete mixes, etc, and identified institutions, community bodies and conservation of resources,” says Walter possible mitigation opportunities. other organisations. Gammon is Lee, Project Manager of Gammon. proud to be appointed Management “Whether it is carbon, waste or Eco-building design Contractor of the Building, the first-of- water, we continue to look for ways One of the key design features of the its-kind project in Hong Kong which has to manage our business better and building is “Energy Plus” which means significant impact on green construction reduce the environmental impact of that the building will generate more both locally and internationally. “The ZCB is a neat fit with Gammon’s increasing commitment to green policies in the industry.” says Thomas Ho, Chief Executive of Gammon. “It demonstrates our expertise in green construction technologies and practices, especially our capabilities in procuring green materials and managing embodied carbon during construction.” The project has achieved BEAM Plus Platinum rating (provisional assessment) – the highest rating for excellent building environmental performance, and Gammon commits to comply with

32 The Record • Issue 2/20111/2012 工程項目 PROJECTS

on-site energy than its operation needs 和以生物柴油推動的三聯供系統,現場生產可 from its photovoltaic panels and a 再生能源,而且比營運時所需的能源更多;又 biodiesel tri-generation system. It can 可把剩餘的能源回饋公共電網,以抵銷建造過 also export surplus energy to offset 程及主要建築材料本身在製造和運輸過程中所 embodied energy of its construction 使用的能源。 process and major structural materials. 建築物的內部設計亦首重節能和環保,包 The interior of the building is also 括對流通風佈局、環保架空地台系統,高流量 designed to be energy efficient and 低轉速吊扇等。 environmentally-friendly, such as cross- 其他設施包括室內及戶外展覽場地、會 The Construction Industry Council announced the 堂、綠色辦公室、綠色家居、公眾休憩綠化區 ventilated layout, green raised floor grand opening of the Zero Carbon Building. system, high-volume-low-speed ceiling 建造業議會宣佈「零碳天地」正式開幕。 及香港首個都市原生林。 (HVLS) fan etc. 這個都市原生林面積約 2,000 平方米,佔 Other key components include part of the ZCB,” said Thomas Ho, Chief 零碳天地用地總面積逾13%,栽種了約 220棵 indoor and outdoor exhibition spaces, Executive of Gammon. 逾40個品種的原生樹,這些不同種類的原生灌 a multi-purpose hall, an eco-office, 木,能為野生物種提供食物和庇護,同時在都 an eco-home, as well as outdoor 港首幢零碳建築-建造業議會的「零碳 市內為野生物種和人們營造高質素的生態系統。 landscape areas with Hong Kong’s first 天地」於2012年6月12日開幕,財政司 零碳天地一方面是業界分享環保建築知識 urban native woodland. 香司長曾俊華、當時的發展局局長林鄭 的平台,能促進業界提高環保設計和技術水 The planted urban native woodland 月娥,以及多位來自政府部門、業界持分者、 準,另一方面,能提升巿民對低碳和可持續生 area is about 2,000 square metres 專業組織、社會團體,以及多家機構約二百位 活模式的認知。 occupying over 13% of the total ZCB 嘉賓一同出席慶典。零碳天地是香港首項以零 建造業議會主席李承仕表示:「建造業議會 site area. It consists of 220 native 碳排放為建造目標的項目,對香港和世界各地 一直致力推動環境保護、可持續建設以及良好 trees of over 40 different species and 的環保建築有重大影響,金門非常榮幸,獲委 的建造行業實踐。『零碳天地』是個創新和令人 a diversity of native shrubs, providing 任為這項目的管理承辦商。 鼓舞的項目,我相信繼『零碳天地』誕生後,本 food and shelter to attract native 金門總裁何安誠說:「零碳天地正好印證金 港將會有更多零碳及低碳建築。」 wildlife, and creates a high quality 門的環保建造政策,它展示了金門專業的綠色 ecosystem to benefit both the wildlife 建築技術和作業措施,特別是我們在採購環保 共建綠色香港 and the people in the city. 建材,以及在建造期間管理碳排放的能力。」 金門總裁何安誠說:「金門履行可持續發展建築 The ZCB, on one hand, serves as a 這項目已取得 BEAM Plus 綠色建築環保評 的成績有目共睹,我們致力提供最優良的建造 platform for the construction industry 核系統最高級「鉑金認證」(初審),金門亦承諾 服務,與客戶一起建造可持續發展的未來,現 to share knowledge and expertise 履行低碳建築最嚴格的要求,並在採購的每一 時環保項目佔金門業務收益的41%,金門的競 in low carbon building design and 個階段都盡量採用環保的建築材料。 爭力有賴可持續發展政策,以及更精明地善用 technologies, and on the other, helps 資源,我們非常高興,能為建設綠色香港以及 to raise community awareness of 履行可持續發展原則 零碳天地出一分力。」1 sustainable living. 金門項目經理李志華說:「金門致力履行環保責 “We are committed to promoting 任,我們不但要符合既定的標準,更要做到比標 green and sustainable construction and 準更好,為保育地球資源,確保環境持續發展, good practices in the industry,” said Lee 出一分力。」 Shing-see, Chairman of the Construction 他說:「無論是碳排放、廢物或是廢水處 Industry Council. “ZCB is a pioneering 理,我們都不斷尋求更佳的方法,減少建造項 and inspiring project. I believe the ZCB 目對環境的影響。」 will become a model and inspire the 零碳天地這項目自2011年11月動工以來, construction of more zero or low carbon 一直採用環保的建材,包括由森林管理委員 buildings in Hong Kong.” 會(FSC)認證的木材、循環再造的鋼筋,在建 築期間更購得一種用循環再造碎石料和粉煤灰 For a greener Hong Kong (PFA)混合製成的特別混凝土。 “With our solid track record of leading 這項目亦廣泛採用建築資訊模型(BIM)技 sustainability efforts, we strive to offer 術,以「均衡挖填」方式挖掘地基,以免浪費 the best construction services available 人力物力,此外,又預先在工場切割和屈紮鋼 in the market and help our clients to 筋,盡量減少地盤的浪費。 achieve their dreams for a sustainable 在碳排放量方面,金門檢查建材的運送過 future. Currently, green projects account 程,塔式起重機、地盤辦公室和機械設備、混 for 41% of Gammon’s turnover. Our 凝土攪拌等的能源消耗,並研究更有效和環保 competitiveness lies on our sustainability 的作業措施。 policy and the use of our resources more wisely. Gammon is proud to help 環保建築設計 building a greener Hong Kong and be 零碳天地是一項「產能建築」,它能透過光伏板

The Record • Issue 2/20111/2012 33 PROJECTS 工程項目

Hong Kong Science Park GREEN, SUSTAINABLE AND MODERN 以綠色、可持續發展、先進技術建造香港科學園

Hong Kong Science Park Phases 3a and presently the highest level of completed by December 2013 and and 3b is a HK$2.18 billion contract certification available. All buildings will create more than 1,600 jobs in awarded to Gammon. in the project are targeted to meet Hong Kong. The project includes the the strict Hong Kong Building construction of three 8 to 9-storey Environmental Assessment Method 金門獲批香港科學園第三期a及b建造工程合 Research and Development Office (HKBEAM) Plus Platinum standard. 約,總值21.8億港元。 and Laboratory Buildings with Our Chief Executive, Thomas Ho, 工程包括興建三幢八至九層高的科研及 basement car parks, service tunnels said, “Gammon is delighted to have 實驗室大樓、停車場地庫及各大樓之間的連 and a link bridge between buildings, been awarded this project which 接路和天橋,總建築面積約105,000平方米。 covering a construction floor area of recognises our technical expertise 項目將展示最新的環保建築技術和綠色 105,000 m2. and capability in developing green 設計,包括自然通風系統、節能系統和可再 Showcasing the latest green projects following on from Hong 生能源,如太陽能光伏板等,每項設計細節 construction technologies and Kong’s first Zero Carbon Building in 都帶有環保元素,金門期望香港科學園將成 sustainable building designs – such Kowloon Bay.” 為香港另一個首屈一指的環保項目。 as the application and installation of Work on the project is due to be 園內最少會有一幢大樓達致全球認可的 natural ventilation, energy-efficient 環保評級系統,及目前最高級認證的「領先 systems and renewable energy such 能源與環境設計」(LEED)鉑金標準;此外, as photovoltaic – every detail plays 所有大樓都會達致香港綠色建築議會發展及 its part in the development’s vision 認證的「BEAM Plus綠色建築鉑金標籤」。 of being a green role model for 金門總裁何安誠說:「金門非常榮幸能成 Hong Kong. 功奪得這建造合約,這印證了我們在環保建 Within the project, at least one 築方面優秀的工程技術和能力。我們最近承 of the buildings will be targeting 建的香港首幢零碳建築物 – 零碳天地,正 the Leadership in Energy and 是金門在環保建築方面的代表作。」 Environmental Design (LEED) 香港科學園工程預計將在2013年12月 Platinum standard, a world 完成,建築期間會為香港創造超過1,600個 recognised green rating system 職位。1

34 The Record • Issue 1/2012 工程項目 PROJECTS

Gammon wins HK International Airport Midfield Concourse contract 落實機場中場客運廊建築工程合約

In its largest solo contract ever awarded, Gammon has safely deliver a development of the highest quality,” said been awarded the HK$6.2 billion Midfield Concourse Thomas Ho, Chief Executive of Gammon Construction. Works (Contract P533) in Hong Kong International Airport by the Airport Authority Hong Kong. 金門獲香港機場管理局批出價值62億港元的機場中場客運廊工程(合 Due to start immediately and scheduled for opening 約編號P533),成為最新一項價值最龐大的單一承建項目。 by end 2015, the project involves construction of a five- 簽訂合約後,項目隨即動工,預計於2015年底落成啟用。工程 level Midfield Concourse, including 20 aircraft stands, 包括在機場的中場範圍興建設有20個停機位、樓高五層的客運廊、 a cross-field taxiway, extension of the APM tunnel 一條跨場滑行道、伸延現時一號客運大樓的旅客捷運系統至中場客 from Terminal 1 to the Concourse, a new taxiway, and 運廊、一條全新滑行道,及擴建跑道南路。 extension of the South Runway Road. 金門總裁何安誠說:「我們的團隊承諾與客戶緊密合作,克服項 “We are fully committed to working with the Client to 目的種種挑戰,並有信心以最高質素安全地完成項目。」1 meet the challenges ahead and are confident that we will

Contract awarded for Seymour Road residential complex 西摩道住宅項目

Gammon has been awarded a HK$688 million contract to construct a residential tower at 33 Seymour Road in the Mid-Levels, Hong Kong Island. The 48-storey residential tower will feature a number of environmental and innovative construction features. It will house 127 flats in a total floor area of 19,955 square metres. It aims to achieve and comply with the ‘Platinum’ requirements of HKBEAM Plus. Scheduled for completion by the end of 2014, its close proximity to the crowded residential area is one of the challenges for the project. With an objective to minimise the impact on the community, the project is value-added by green construction innovations, for example the use of noise and carbon emission reduction machinery, and a windmill set up to generate electricity for lighting on-site.

金門奪得港島半山西摩道33號住宅發展項目,合約總值6.88億港元。 這幢樓高48層的大廈共有127個住宅單位,樓面總面積達19,955平方米,融合多 項環保及創新的建築特色,致力達到及符合香港建築環境評估制度BEAM Plus的「鉑 金」級標準。 預計項目將於2014年底完成。由於工程毗鄰人煙倜密的住宅區,工程團隊在項 目中加入環保建築元素,以減低對居民造成的影響,例如採用減少聲量和廢氣排放 的機器,並設立風力發電系統,以供地盤照明,為環保出力。1

The Record • Issue 1/2012 35 MAJOR CURRENT CONTRACTS LIST

Job no. Title Client Consulting Engineers/Architects Personnel Involved BUILDING 13262 Hennessy Centre Redevelopment at 500 Hennessy Gearup Investments Ltd Dennis Lau & Ng Chun Man Architects & SPM: Richard Shek Road, Causeway Bay, Hong Kong Engineers (HK) Ltd

13286 Centennial Campus of The University of Hong Kong The University of Hong Kong Wong & Ouyang (Civil-Structural Engineering) SPM: Tony Wong Ltd / Wong & Ouyang (HK) Ltd

13299 SS T333 – Redevelopment of Victoria Park Swimming HKSAR Architectural Services Dept P&T Architects and Engineers Ltd GM: Vincent Yuen Pool Complex (Programme No. 266RS) PM: Tako Yeung

13363 Venetian Orient – Parcel 5 & 6 (Resumption) Venetian Orient Ltd Ove Arup & Partners Hong Kong Ltd / SPM: S H Lau – WP63410 Tower 6A East Wing Fit-out including Aedas (Macau) Ltd Blockwork & Back of House

13372 Wan Chai Road and Tai Yuen Street Redevelopment Dollar Union Ltd AECOM Asia Co Ltd / CM: Desmond Chan Simon Kwan & Associates Ltd SPM: Franklin Sare

13383 Contract No. SS X301 – Redevelopment of HKSAR Architectural Services Dept Mott MacDonald Hong Kong Ltd / Const M: Percy Chan Kwun Tong Swimming Pool Complex and Kwun Ronald Lu & Partners (Hong Kong) Ltd PM: Stanley Chen Tong Recreation Ground

13389 Contract No. SS X302 Construction of an HKSAR Architectural Services Dept Mott MacDonald Hong Kong Ltd / Const M: Percy Chan Annex Building at the Ko Shan Theatre Ronald Lu & Partners (Hong Kong) Ltd PM: Jason Wong

13399 Proposed Residential Development at Fine Mean Ltd C M Wong & Associated Ltd / Aedas SPM: Lawrence Pun 38-44 Caine Road, Central

13408 Term Contract for Construction Management at The Hong Kong Jockey Club Scott Wilson Ltd / Aedas CM: Desmond Chan Happy Valley Racecourse of the Hong Kong Jockey SPM: M C Chan Club for Year 2011 - 2014

13409 Term Contract for Alteration and Addition Works at The Hong Kong Jockey Club Scott Wilson Ltd / Aedas CM: Desmond Chan Happy Valley Racecourse of the Hong Kong Jockey PM: Cyrus Lui Club for Year 2011 - 2014

13416 Central Police Station Conservation and Central Police Station Compound, Central Ove Arup & Partners Hong Kong Ltd / CM: Andrew Fan Revitalisation Project Rocco Design Architects Ltd SPM: Cliff Leung

13418 CIC Zero Carbon Building Construction Industry Council Ove Arup & Partners Hong Kong Ltd / CM: Desmond Chan Ronald Lu & Partners (Hong Kong) Ltd PM: Walter Lee

13448 Main Contract Works for Proposed Redevelopment Stable Castle Ltd C M Wong & Associated Ltd / AGC Design Ltd SPM: Franklin Sare at 12 Shiu Fai Terrace, Hong Kong PM: Jason Fung

13456 Proposed Residential Development at Swire Properties Ltd Dennis Lau & Ng Chun Man Architects & CM: Andrew Fan 33 Seymour Road Engineers (HK) Ltd / Ove Arup & Partners PM: Sherman Tang Hong Kong Ltd

13437 Proposed Redevelopment The Forum, Mulberry Land Co Ltd Ove Arup & Partners Hong Kong Ltd / CM: Andrew Fan Exchange Square Superstructure (GMP) Contract (a subsidiary company of Hongkong Land) Aedas Ltd SPM: Sammy Lai

13466 Development of Hong Kong Science Park Phase 3 Hong Kong Science and Simon Kwan & Associates Ltd / CM: Desmond Chan Main Works Contract for Phase 3a and 3b Technology Parks Corporation AECOM Asia Co Ltd PM: Walter Lee / Victor Tang

15201 Tamar Development Project, Hong Kong HKSAR Rocco Design Architects Ltd Const M: T Y Chung (Gammon-Hip Hing Joint Venture) CIVIL 13043 Contract No. 20/HY/2004 Maintenance of High HKSAR Highways Dept — SPM: Johnason Ko Speed Roads in New Territories East & Hong Kong Island – PPP (2005-2013)

13238 Contract No. HY/2007/09 Reconstruction & HKSAR Highways Dept AECOM Asia Co Ltd CM: K F Tam Improvement of Tuen Mun Road – Eastern Section SPM: Vincent Li / Kenneth Tai / T O Wong

13282 Contract No. DC/2007/23 Harbour Area Treatment HKSAR Drainage Services Dept AECOM Asia Co Ltd CM: Max Ko Scheme Stage 2A Construction of Sewage Const M: Colin Foster / Conveyance System from North Point to Daniel Boylan Stonecutters Island

13295 West Island Line, Contract No. 705 – KET Station & MTR Corporation Meinhardt (Hong Kong) Ltd / Aedas CM: Brian Gowran Overrun Tunnel Const M: Harry Tsang

13318 Contract No. HY/2009/08 Widening of Tolo Highway / HKSAR Highways Dept Hyder-Arup-Black & Veatch JV Const M: John Chan Fanling Highway between Island House Interchange SPM: W K Lau and Fanling Stage 1 – Between Ma Wo and Tai Hang

13337 West Island Line, Contract C704 – Sai Ying Pun and MTR Corporation — PD: John Secker University Stations and Sai Ying Pun to Kennedy Town CM: C C Hau Tunnels (Gammon-Nishimatsu WIL Joint Venture)

13428 Contract No. 3/WSD/11 – Construction of Pressure HKSAR Water Supplies Dept Black & Veatch Hong Kong Ltd SPM: Johnason Ko Management and District Metering Installations in APM: Jack To Western, Central, Eastern, Sai Wan, Kowloon West and Tsuen Wan East Major Fresh Water Supply Zones

13468 Contract P533 Midfield Concourse Works Hong Kong Airport Authority Ove Arup / Mott MacDonald / Atkins / OTC PD: Alan Gibson CM: Richard Ellis

15204 Cathay Pacific Air Cargo Terminal Cathay Pacific Services Ltd Meinhardt Hong Kong Ltd / Aedas / Ove Arup PD: Alan Gibson (Gammon-Hip Hing Joint Venture) CM: Richard Ellis

15205 Express Rail Link, Contract 811B – West Kowloon MTR Corporation AECOM Asia Co Ltd PD: Chris Williams Terminus Approach Tunnel (South) Const M: Anthony Zervaas (Gammon-Leighton Joint Venture)

15207 Express Rail Link, Contract 810A – West Kowloon MTR Corporation Aecom / Aedas / Buro Happold PPD: David Suff Terminus Station North PD: Martin Davies / (Leighton-Gammon Joint Venture) Elias Zraicat Const M: John McLeod

36 The Record • Issue 1/2012 MAJOR CURRENT CONTRACTS LIST

Job no. Title Client Consulting Engineers/Architects Personnel Involved Construction Services 15590 Reconstruction of Tuen Mun Road Gammon AECOM Asia Co Ltd SPM: K W Chan Contract No. HY/2007/09 Reconstruction & – Main Contractor Improvement of Tuen Mun Road – Eastern Section

15597 SS T333 – Redevelopment of Victoria Park Gammon Meinhardt (C&S) Ltd / Andrew Lee King Fun SPM: W F Lee Swimming Pool Complex – Main Contractor & Associates – Architects

15600 The Forum, Exchange Square Gammon Ove Arup / Aedas SPM: W F Lee – Main Contractor

15603 Widening of Tolo Highway/Fanling Highway Gammon Ove Arup / Hyder / Black & Veatch SPM: K W Chan between Island House Interchange and – Main Contractor Fanling Stage 1 – Noise Barrier

15609 Footbridge for Express Rail Link, Contract 811B Gammon-Leighton JV MTR Corporation SPM: C F Chan – West Kowloon Terminus Approach Tunnel (South) – Main Contractor

15612 Structure Steelwork for Contract No SS X301 HKSAR Architectural Services Dept Ronald Lu & Partners (Hong Kong) Ltd PM: T K Leung – Redevelopment of Kwun Tong Swimming Pool Complex and Kwun Tong Recreation Ground

15613 Steelwork for Contract No. SS X302 Construction HKSAR Architectural Services Dept Ronald Lu & Partners (Hong Kong) Ltd/ SPM: C F Chan of an Annex Building at the Ko Shan Theatre ACLA Ltd

15618 Hong Kong Jockey Club A&A Works The Hong Kong Jockey Club Scott Wilson / Aedas SPM: C F Chan

15619 C822 Tunnel Steel Forms CIFA S.P.A. MTR Corporation PM: Raymond Lee

15621 Composite Column for XRL 810A Leighton-Gammon JV AECOM / MTR Corporation SPM: C F Chan – Main Contractor PM: Danny Chan

15622 Austin Batching Plant Gammon AECOM / MTR Corporation SPM: K W Chan

15623 CIFA C824 Tunnel Forms CIFA S.P.A. MTR Corporation PM: Raymond Lee

15625 XRL 810A Temporary Traffic Deck Leighton-Gammon JV AECOM / MTR Corporation SPM: C F Chan – Main Contractor

15626 WIL C704 Strengther Piles Gammon-Nishimastu WIL JV MTR Corporation PM: Raymond Lee – Main Contractor

15627 Steelwork for Midfield Concourse Gammon Mott MacDonald / Ove Arup / Atkins / OTC SPM: C F Chan – Main Contractor PM: T K Leung

15628 Midfield Airport Concrete Batching Plant Gammon Mott MacDonald / Ove Arup / Atkins / OTC SPM: K W Chan

15629 Midfield Precast Concrete Tee Units Gammon Mott MacDonald / Ove Arup / Atkins / OTC PM: Raymond Lee – Main Contractor E&M 13267 HyD Contract HY/2007/09 Reconstruction and Gammon AECOM Asia Co Ltd PM: Osward Tang Improvement of Tuen Mun Road – Eastern Section – Main Contractor

13290 Building Services Installation for Centennial Campus The University of Hong Kong Wong & Ouyang (HK) Ltd GM: Jonathan Wong of the University of Hong Kong SPM: Felix Leung PM: K Y Law / Paul Lee

13297 SS T333 – Redevelopment of Victoria Park HKSAR Architectural Services Dept AECOM Asia Co. Ltd PM: Osward Tang Swimming Pool Complex – Electrical Installation

13301 MEP Main Contract for HMB Project Bridge at HSBC The Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Parsons Brinckerhoff (Asia) Ltd (MEP Consultant) SPM: Ryan Wong Main Building Hong Kong Corporation / EC Harris (Hong Kong) Ltd (Project Manager)

13305 Hennessy Centre Redevelopment at 500 Hennessy Gearup Investments Ltd Parsons Brinckerhoff (Asia) Ltd SEM: James Li Road, Causeway Bay, Hong Kong – MVAC & ATC, (MEP Consultant) / Dennis Lau & Ng Chun PM: Danny Chan / Electrical & ELV and Fire Services Installation Man Architects & Engineers (HK) Ltd Joseph Choy Nominated Sub-Contract

13334 MTR WIL Contract 704 – Sai Ying Pun, Hong Kong Gammon – Nishimatsu WIL JV MTR Corporation Const M: Banson Lam University and Kennedy Town Stations Tunnels & – Main Contractor E&M Works

13357 Cotai Parcel 5&6 (Resumption) & Tropical Gardens Venetian Orient Ltd — PM: Arrhenius Cheung Contract 62610 Hotel Tower 5A HVAC & Electrical Installation

13360 Mechanical Services for Cathay Pacific Air Cargo Gammon-Hip Hing JV Aedas Const M: K C Lau Terminal at Hong Kong International Airport – Main Contractor PM: Perry Yeung

13373 MTR WIL Contract 705 – KET Station and Overrun MTR Corporation MTR Corporation Const M: Banson Lam Tunnel – Associated E&M Works to Remedial and SE: Calvin Wong Reprovisioning Infrastructure Works (RRIW) and KET Station Public Transport Interface (PTI) & BS Works at Sands Street Pedestrian Link

13382 MTR WIL Contract No. 771 MTR Corporation MTR Corporation Const M: Banson Lam – Building Services for and EM: Daniel Au Hong Kong University Station

13386 Redevelopment of Kwun Tong Swimming Pool Gammon Mott MacDonald Hong Kong Ltd PM: Osward Tang Complex and Kwun Tong Recreation Ground – Main Contractor

13388 CLP Power Outline Agreement No. 4600004284, CLP Power Hong Kong Ltd Fugro & Meinhardt PM: Gerry Cullen Transmission Overhead Line Reinforcement, Refurbishment, Uprating and Installation Projects in Hong Kong

13393 Construction of an Annex Building at the Ko Shan Gammon Ronald Lu & Partners Ltd / Const M: Banson Lam Theatre – Electrical and MVAC Installation – Main Contractor HKSAR E&M Dept DPM: Patrick Yu

The Record • Issue 1/2012 37 MAJOR CURRENT CONTRACTS LIST

Job no. Title Client Consulting Engineers/Architects Personnel Involved 13396 MTR XRL 811B West Kowloon Terminus Approach Gammon MTR Corporation Const M: Banson Lam Tunnel (South) – Electrical Works Subcontract – Main Contractor DPM: Patrick Yu

13397 Main Contract for the Proposed Air-Conditioning The Hong Kong Jockey Club SunLand AL (International) Co Ltd Const M: K C Lau Infrastructure Upgrade (Phase 3 & 4) for Pavilion DPM: Charles Chow Stand and Happy Valley Stand at Happy Valley Racecourse (Ref: CTR/2011/014)

13398 Proposed Residential Development at Fine Mean Ltd Aedas Ltd / PM: Osward Tang 38-44 Caine Road, Central, Hong Kong Consolidated Consulting Engineers Ltd – Electrical Domestic Sub-Contract

13426 Parcel 5&6 (Resumption) Hotel Tower 6B HVAC & Venetian Orient Ltd — PM: Arrhenius Cheung Electrical Installation

13433 MTR SIL(E) Contract No. 953 MTR Corporation MTR Corporation Const M: Banson Lam Trackside Auxiliaries and Environmental SPM: Ryan Wong Control System DPM: Andy Ho

13439 Project Symmetry – New Data Center at Shatin – The Hongkong and Shanghai Leigh & Orange Ltd / Ove Arup & Partners GM: Jonathan Wong Building Services Installation Sub-Contract Works Banking Corporation Hong Kong Ltd / J. Roger Preston Ltd / PM: Willis Au-Yeung for the Sub-structure and Superstructure Works

13455 Contract P533 Midfield Concourse -E&M Works Gammon Mott MacDonald-Arup JV / Aedas Const M: Banson Lam – Main Contractor PM: Paul Lee / Terence Wong FOUNDATIONS – GROUND ENGINEERING AND SUBSTRUCTURE 13239 Foundation Works for Contract No. HY/2007/09 Gammon AECOM Asia Co Ltd Const M: Patrick Hou Reconstruction & Improvement of Tuen Mun Road – Main Contractor SPM: K W Tsui – Eastern Section PM: Samson Lam

13285 Contract No. DC/2007/23 Harbour Area Treatment Gammon AECOM Asia Co Ltd Const M: Patrick Hou Scheme Stage 2A Construction of Sewage – Main Contractor SPM: B C Tam Conveyance System from North Point to PM: J A Frame Stonecutters Island

13322 Contract No. HY/2009/08 Widening of Tolo Highway/ Gammon Hyder-Arup-Black & Veatch JV Const M: Patrick Hou Fanling Highway between Island House Interchange – Main Contractor SPM: K W Tsui and Fanling Stage 1 – Between Ma Wo and Tai Hang APM: Carl Chan

13323 Outline Agreement No 4600004073 2-Year Outline CLP Power HK Ltd Fugro (HK) Ltd Const M: Patrick Hou Agreement for Site Investigation Works for Existing / SPM: B C Tam Prospective Sites of CLP Power's Premises (2010-2012) APM: W F Lo

13333 St Paul's Hospital Redevelopment – The Demolition The Mother Superior of the Soeurs de P&T Architects and Engineers Ltd Const M: Charles Lo of existing Main Block and the Construction of Saint Paul de Chartres (Hong Kong) PM: Alan Ho Foundation and Basement Structure of Block B

13339 West Island Line, Contract C704 – Sai Ying Pun and MTR Corporation MTR Corporation Const M: Patrick Hou University Stations and Sai Ying Pun to Kennedy SPM: K W Tsui Town Tunnels PM: K M Leung

13364 Express Rail Link, Contract 811B Gammon-Leighton JV AECOM Asia Co Ltd Const M: Patrick Hou – West Kowloon Terminus Approach Tunnel (South) – Main Contractor SPM: B C Tam PM: J A Frame

13367 Express Rail Link, Contract 811B – Pre-drilling Works Gammon – Leighton JV AECOM Asia Co Ltd Const M: Patrick Hou for Bored Pile and Socketted H-Pile – Main Contractor SPM: B C Tam PM: Wing Chen

13369 Express Rail Link, Contract 811B – Socketted Gammon – Leighton JV AECOM Asia Co Ltd Const M: Patrick Hou H-Pile Works – Main Contractor SPM: K W Tsui PM: Ken Ma

13370 Express Rail Link, Contract 811B – Pre-drilling Works Gammon – Leighton JV AECOM Asia Co Ltd Const M: Patrick Hou for Diaphragm Wall – Main Contractor SPM: B C Tam PM: Wing Chen

13376 CEDD GE/2011/14 Provision of Soil and Rock Testing HKSAR Civil Eng & Dev Dept HKSAR Civil Eng & Dev Dept Const M: Patrick Hou Services for Public Works Laboratories PM: J A Frame / J Fowler – Urban (Term Contract)

13387 CEDD GE/2011/16 Provision of Soil and Rock Testing HKSAR Civil Eng & Dev Dept HKSAR Civil Eng & Dev Dept Const M: Patrick Hou Services for Public Works Laboratories PM: J A Frame / J Fowler – NT West (Term Contract)

13419 Ground Engineering Works for Fdn Works for The Wonder Crusie Group Ltd Dennis Lau & Ng Chun Man / Const M: Patrick Hou Proposed Residential Development at 18-22 Architects & Engineers (HK) Ltd SPM: K W Tsui Castle Rd 92-102 Caine Road HK PM: K M Leung

13425 Foundation Works for the Shatin Communications The Hong Kong Jockey Club Ove Arup & Partners Hong Kong Ltd / Const M: Patrick Hou and Technology Centre for The Hong Kong WCWP International Ltd SPM: K W Tsui Jockey Club APM: Carl Chan

13429 Ground Investigation and Horizontal Directional Geotechnics & Concrete AECOM Asia Co Ltd Const M: Patrick Hou Coring for Tseung Kwan O – Lam Tin Tunnel Engineering (HK) Ltd SPM: B C Tam APM: Jason Lau

13430 Contract No CV/2011/03 Liantang / Heung Yuen HKSAR Civil Eng & Dev Dept AECOM Asia Co Ltd Const M: Patrick Hou Wai Boundary Control Point – Ground Investigation SPM: B C Tam for Site Formation and Infrastructure Works

13440 Express Rail Link, Contract 810A WKT Station North Leighton-Gammon JV AECOM Asia Co Ltd Const M: Patrick Hou – Main Constrctor SPM: B C Tam PM: J A Frame

13441 Proposed Residential Development at 25A-B, 27-29A, Swire Properties Ltd Dennis Lau & Ng Chun Man Architects & Const M: Patrick Hou 31, 33-35, Seymour Road, 14-16 Castle Road, Engineers (HK) Ltd / Ove Arup and SPM: K W Tsui Hong Kong Partner HK Ltd PM: K M Leung

38 The Record • Issue 1/2012 MAJOR CURRENT CONTRACTS LIST

Job no. Title Client Consulting Engineers/Architects Personnel Involved 13444 Express Rail Link Contract 810A West Kowloon Leighton - Gammon Joint Venture MTR Corporation / AECOM Const M: Patrick Hou Terminus Station North Subcontract for Pre-bored – Main Contractor SPM: K W Tsui H Pile Works PM: Ken Ma

13450 Contract No GE/2012/03 Marine Ground Investigation HKSAR Civil Eng & Dev Dept HKSAR Civil Eng & Dev Dept Const M: Patrick Hou and Geophysical Surveys (Term Contract) SPM: B C Tam APM: W F Lo FOUNDATIONS – HEAVY FOUNDATIONS 13365 Express Rail Link, Contract 811B - Diaphragm Gammon – Leighton JV AECOM Asia Co Ltd CM: C C Wai Wall Works – Main Contractor SPM: Alan Wan APM: Dennis Lee

13368 Express Rail Link, Contract 811B -Bored Piles Works Gammon – Leighton JV AECOM Asia Co Ltd CM: C C Wai – Main Contractor SPM: Alan Wan APM: Dennis Lee

13390 Contract No. HK/2010/06 Wan Chai Development HKSAR Civil Eng & Dev Dept AECOM Asia Co Ltd CM: C C Wai Phase II – Central Wan Chai Bypass over MTR Tsuen SPM: C L Lee Wan Line (Leader – Gammon Joint Venture)

13392 Proposed Residential Development at Central Fast New Ltd Wong & Ouyang (HK) Ltd / CM: C C Wai Austin Station Site D at K.I.L. (New World Development Co Ltd / AECOM Asia Co Ltd SPM: Alan Wan No. 11129 (Vibro – Gammon Joint Venture) Wheelock Properties Ltd) PM: Michael Cheuk

13406 Foundation Works for the Proposed Residential Wonder Cruise Group Ltd Dennis Lau & Ng Chun Man Architects CM: C C Wai Development at 18-22 Castle Road, 92-102 Caine (Swire Properties Ltd) & Engineers (HK) Ltd / C M Wong & SPM: Raymond Leung Road, Hong Kong Associates Ltd PM: Thomas Ching

13420 Design and Construction of Foundation for Area 3A Hong Kong Science & Simon Kwan & Associates Ltd / Mace Ltd CM: C C Wai for the Development of Hong Kong Science Park Technology Parks Corporation SPM: Raymond Leung Phase 3 PM: Dominic Lee APM: Felix Chan

13421 Foundation for Public Rental Housing Development Hong Kong Housing Authority Hong Kong Housing Authority CM: C C Wai at Hung Shui Kiu Area 13 Phase 1 and 2 Contract SPM: Raymond Leung No. 20100093 PM: Matthew Yu

13422 Foundation for Public Rental Housing Development Hong Kong Housing Authority Hong Kong Housing Authority CM: C C Wai at Hung Shui Kiu Area 13 Phase 3 Contract SPM: Raymond Leung No. 20100096 PM: Matthew Yu

13423 Foundation for Public Rental Housing Development Hong Kong Housing Authority Hong Kong Housing Authority CM: C C Wai at Anderson Road Site D and E Phase 1 & 2 PM: M T Leung Contract No. 20110023 APM: Sammi Wong SINGAPORE 14176 Design, construction and completion of Chinatown Land Transport Authority Lambeth CM: Chiang Heung Chin Station and associated Tunnels and Downtown Line Phase 1 (C909)

14198 C463 Electrical Systems for Marina Coastal Land Transport Authority Parsons Brinckerhoff Pte Ltd GM: Robyn Thomas Expressway SPM: Zhang Li Zhong

14221 Civil & trackworks for Additions and Alteration Land Transport Authority Fong Consult PD: Olof Thoren Works at Bishan & Ulu Pandan Depots PM: David Munt (in JV with Balfour Beatty Rail 50:50 basis)

14226 P & G Singapore Innovation Center SgIC Project CH2M Hill Singapore Pte Ltd CH2M Hill Singapore Pte Ltd Const M: S Sundaravadivelan C200 Package – excavation, strutting and PM: Peter Lin structural works

14227 Keppel Merlimau Cogen KMCII Outfall Culvert Works ALSTOM Power Singapore Pte Ltd Worley Parsons Pte Ltd S Const M: GM Sawlani PM: Mukesh Chainani

14228 C925 Construction and Completion of Tampines GS Engineering & Construction Corp Ong & Ong Pte Ltd PD: Olof Thoren East Station and Tunnels for DTL3 – Piling Works PM: Vijayakumar S O Narayanan

14229 Supply and installation of building services for Alstom Power Singapore Pte Ltd Worley Parsons Pte Ltd GM: Robyn Thomas KMCII A & KMCII B PM: Abdul Lotif

14230 Construction of truck parking facilities including all Chevron Oronite Pte Ltd Foster Wheeler S Const M: GM Sawlani drainage, oil interceptor, weighbridge structure, DPM: Muthalu Subramanian duct bank and street lightings. Design and construction of 2 storey CHIC office and Guardhouse together all piling foundation and E & M system

14231 Construction of Seal Pit, Main Cooling Water Culvert, Alstom Power Singapore Pte Ltd Worley Parsons Pte Ltd SPM: John Devadoss HV cable trenches, MV cable ductbanks and civil PM: BK Sundaram works at Fuel Storage and Tankage areas

14232 Electrical and instrumentation. Erection and cabling Alstom Power Singapore Pte Ltd Worley Parsons Pte Ltd GM: Robyn Thomas DPM: Sauro Talag

14233 Design and Construction of Contractor Sheds & Chevron Oronite Pte Ltd Foster Wheeler S Const M: GM Sawlani toilets, Process Warehouse, MRO shed, Modifications SPM: John Devadoss of existing CCR, New laboratory & Maintenance DPM: Muthalu Subramanian Building, Substation 6 & 7. Foundation Micro-piling, E & M building services and external surfacing work are all included

14236 C1682B Supply & installation of Mechanical Services Land Transport Authority AECOM GM: Robyn Thomas for Tuas Depot PM: Moh Chee Seng

A Const M: Assistant Construction Manager AGM: Assistant General Manager APM: Assistant Project Manager CM: Contracts Manager Const M: Construction Manager Dir: Director DM: Design Manager DPM: Deputy Project Manager Engr: Engineer EM: Engineering Manager GM: General Manager OM: Operation Manager PD: Project Director PM: Project Manager PPD: Principle Project Director SA: Site Agent S Const M: Senior Construction Manager SE: Senior Engineer SEM: Senior Engineering Manager SPM: Senior Project Manager SSA: Senior Site Agent SEE: Senior Electrical Engineer

The Record • Issue 1/2012 39 主要工程合約一覽表

編號 項目 客戶 顧問工程師 / 建築師 負責人員 樓宇建築

13262 香港銅鑼灣軒尼詩道500號重建興利中心項目 Gearup Investments Ltd 劉榮廣伍振民建築師事務所(香港)有限公司 高級項目經理:石浩才

13286 香港大學百周年校園 香港大學 王歐陽(土木結構工程)有限公司 / 高級項目經理:黃劍雄 王歐陽(香港)有限公司

13299 合約編號SS T333 – 重建維多利亞公園游泳館 香港特區政府建築署 巴馬丹拿建築及工程師有限公司 總經理:袁嘉輝 (項目編號:266RS) 項目經理:楊偉德

13363 東方威尼斯人 – 第五及第六地段(恢復施工) 東方威尼斯人有限公司 奧雅納工程顧問香港有限公司 / 高級項目經理:劉兆熊 – WP63410 6A大樓東翼裝備,包括鋪砌瓷磚及場館工作區 凱達環球(澳門)有限公司

13372 灣仔道及太原街重建項目 Dollar Union Ltd 艾奕康有限公司 / 關善明建築師事務所有限公司 合約經理:陳偉賢 高級項目經理:佘家明

13383 合約編號SS X301重建觀塘游泳池場館及觀塘遊樂場 香港特區政府建築署 莫特麥克唐納香港有限公司 / 工程經理:陳津 呂元祥建築師事務所(香港)有限公司 項目經理:陳志強

13389 合約編號SS X302興建高山劇場新翼大樓 香港特區政府建築署 莫特麥克唐納香港有限公司 / 工程經理:陳津 呂元祥建築師事務所(香港)有限公司 項目經理:黃英傑

13399 中環堅道38-44號住宅發展項目 中天國際控股有限公司 黃志明建築工程師有限公司 / 凱達環球 高級項目經理:潘偉鴻

13408 香港賽馬會跑馬地馬場2011 - 2014年建造及管理定期合約 香港賽馬會 偉信顧問集團有限公司/凱達環球 合約經理:陳偉賢 高級項目經理:陳明昭

13409 香港賽馬會跑馬地馬場2011 - 2014年改建及加建定期合約 香港賽馬會 偉信顧問集團有限公司/凱達環球 合約經理:陳偉賢 項目經理:呂振雄

13416 中區警署保育及活化計劃 中區警署建築群 奧雅納工程顧問香港有限公司 / 合約經理:范益宏 許李嚴建築師事務有限公司 高級項目經理:梁賜熊

13418 建造業議會零碳建築 建造業議會 奧雅納工程顧問香港有限公司 / 合約經理:陳偉賢 呂元祥建築師事務所(香港)有限公司 項目經理:李志華

13448 重建香港肇輝臺12號的主要工程合約 安太有限公司 黃志明建築工程師有限公司 / 創智建築師有限公司 高級項目經理:佘家明 項目經理:馮曙光

13456 西摩道33號住宅發展項目 太古地產 劉榮廣伍振民建築師事務所(香港)有限公司 / 合約經理:范益宏 奧雅納工程顧問香港有限公司 項目經理:鄧兆強

13437 重建交易廣場富臨閣上層結構(保證最高價格)合約 Mulberry Land Co Ltd(香港置地附屬機構) 奧雅納工程顧問香港有限公司 / 凱達環球 合約經理:范益宏 高級項目經理:黎國鴻

13466 香港科學園第三期3a及3b建造工程合約 香港科技園公司 關善明建築師事務所有限公司 / 艾奕康有限公司 合約經理:陳偉賢 項目經理:李志華 / 鄧英偉

15201 香港添馬艦發展項目 香港特區政府 許李嚴建築師事務有限公司 工程經理:鍾達揚


13043 合約編號20/HY/2004新界東及香港島高速公路保養 香港特區政府路政署 — 高級項目經理:高振華 (2005至2013年)

13238 合約編號HY/2007/09 屯門公路重建及改善工程 – 東路段 香港特區政府路政署 艾奕康有限公司 合約經理:譚健輝 高級項目經理:李東祥 / 戴亮勤 / 王德安

13282 合約編號DC/2007/23 淨化海港計劃第二期甲工程興建 香港特區政府渠務署 艾奕康有限公司 合約經理:高健華 北角至昂船洲污水輸送系統 工程經理:Colin Foster / Daniel Boylan

13295 西港島合約705 – 堅尼地城站及越位隧道 港鐵公司 邁進(香港)/ 凱達環球 合約經理:高偉賢 工程經理:曾志偉

13318 合約編號HY/2009/08 舊政務司官邸附近道路交匯處與 香港特區政府路政署 安誠 – 奧雅納 – 博威聯營 工程經理:陳成德 粉嶺之間的吐露港公路/粉嶺公路擴闊工程 高級項目經理:劉惠光 (第一期 – 馬窩與泰亨)

13337 西港島合約704 – 西營盤及大學站,以及西營盤至 港鐵公司 — 項目總監:John Secker 堅尼地城隧道(金門 - 西松西港島聯營) 合約經理:侯志超

13428 合約編號3/WSD/11主要食水供應區的水壓管理及區域監測 香港特區政府水務署 博威工程顧問有限公司 高級項目經理:高振華 裝置建造工程 – 包括西區、中區、東區、西環、九龍西、 助理項目經理:杜重國 荃灣東

13468 合約P533機場中場客運廊工程 香港機場管理局 奧雅納 / 莫特麥克唐納 / 安達 / OTC 項目總監:葉達信 合約經理:Richard Ellis

15204 國泰航空貨運站(金門 - 協興聯營) 國泰航空服務有限公司 邁進(香港)/ 凱達環球 / 奧雅納 項目總監:葉達信 合約經理:Richard Ellis

15205 廣深港高速鐵路香港段,合約 811B – 西九龍總站隧道(南) 港鐵公司 艾奕康有限公司 項目總監:Chris Williams (金門 - 禮頓聯營) 工程經理:Anthony Zervaas

15207 廣深港高速鐵路香港段,合約 810A – 西九龍總站(北) 港鐵公司 艾奕康 / 凱達環球 / Buro Happold 首席項目總監:David Suff (金門 - 禮頓聯營) 項目總監:Martin Davies / Elias Zraicat 工程經理:John McLeod

40 The Record • Issue 1/2012 主要工程合約一覽表

編號 項目 客戶 顧問工程師 / 建築師 負責人員


15590 合約編號HY/2007/09 金門 艾奕康有限公司 高級項目經理:陳健榮 屯門公路重建及改善工程 - 東路段 – 總承建商

15597 重建維多利亞公園泳池 金門 邁進土木結構工程顧問有限公司 / 高級項目經理:李榮發 – 總承建商 李景勳·雷煥庭建築師有限公司

15600 交易廣場富臨閣 金門 奧雅納 / 凱達環球 高級項目經理:李榮發 – 總承建商

15603 舊政務司官邸附近道路交匯處與粉嶺之間的吐露港公路/ 金門 奧雅納 / 安誠 / 博威 高級項目經理:陳健榮 粉嶺公路擴闊工程隔音屏障 – 總承建商

15609 廣深港高速鐵路香港段,合約811B 金門 – 禮頓聯營 港鐵公司 高級項目經理:陳志發 – 西九龍總站隧道(南)– 行人天橋 – 總承建商

15612 合約編號SS X301 香港特區政府建築署 呂元祥建築師事務所(香港)有限公司 項目經理:梁德堅 重建觀塘游泳池場館及觀塘遊樂場 – 鋼結構工程

15613 合約編號SS X302 香港特區政府建築署 呂元祥建築師事務所(香港)有限公司 / 高級項目經理:陳志發 高山劇場興建新翼大樓 – 鋼鐵工程 傲林國際有限公司

15618 香港賽馬會加建及改建工程 香港賽馬會 偉信顧問集團有限公司/凱達環球 高級項目經理:陳志發

15619 C822 隧道鋼模 CIFA S.P.A. 港鐵公司 項目經理:李偉民

15621 廣深港高速鐵路810A 合成柱 禮頓 – 金門聯營 艾奕康 / 港鐵公司 高級項目經理:陳志發 – 總承建商 項目經理 : 陳沛強

15622 柯士甸攪拌廠 金門 艾奕康 / 港鐵公司 高級項目經理:陳健榮

15623 CIFA C824 隧道模板 CIFA S.P.A. 港鐵公司 項目經理:李偉民

15625 廣深港高速鐵路810A臨時交通道路面板 禮頓 – 金門聯營 艾奕康 / 港鐵公司 高級項目經理:陳志發 – 總承建商

15626 西港島C704強力基樁 金門 – 西松西港島聯營 港鐵公司 項目經理:李偉民 – 總承建商

15627 機場中場客運廊鋼結構工程 金門 莫特麥克唐納 / 奧雅納 / 安達 / OTC 高級項目經理:陳志發 – 總承建商 項目經理:梁德堅

15628 機場中場客運廊混凝土攪拌廠 金門 莫特麥克唐納 / 奧雅納 / 安達 / OTC 高級項目經理:陳健榮

15629 機場中場客運廊預製混凝土T形組件 金門 莫特麥克唐納 / 奧雅納 / 安達 / OTC 項目經理:李偉民 – 總承建商


13267 路政署合約HY/2007/09 屯門公路重建及改善工程 金門 艾奕康有限公司 項目經理: 鄧兆威 – 東路段 – 總承建商

13290 香港大學百周年校園裝設屋宇裝備 香港大學 王歐陽(香港)有限公司 總經理 : 黃志光 高級項目經理 : 梁永輝 項目經理 : 羅國義 / 李安培

13297 合約編號 SS T333 –重建維多利亞公園游泳館 香港特區政府建築署 艾奕康有限公司 項目經理:鄧兆威 – 安裝電機工程

13301 香港豐總行大廈HMB 項目電力及機電主要合約 香港上海豐銀行有限公司 柏誠(亞洲)有限公司(MEP 顧問) / 高級項目經理 : 黃澤君 EC Harris(Hong Kong)Ltd(項目經理)

13305 香港銅鑼灣軒尼詩道500號重建興利中心項目 – MVAC Gearup Investments Ltd 誠(亞洲)有限公司(MEP 顧問)/ 高級工程設計師 : 李清鈿 及ATC,電機及ELV,安裝防火設備指定分判合約 劉榮廣伍振民建築師事務所(香港)有限公司 項目經理 : 陳沛強 / 蔡耀基

13334 港鐵西港島合約704 – 西營盤及大學站西營盤堅尼地城 金門 – 西松西港島聯營 港鐵公司 工程經理:林健聰 隧道機電工程 – 總承建商

13357 金光大道第五及第六地段(恢復施工)及熱帶花園地段 東方威尼斯人有限公司 — 項目經理 : 張啟明 合約 62610 – 5A酒店大樓空調系統及電機安裝工程

13360 香港國際機場國泰航空貨運站機械服務 金門 – 協興聯營 凱達環球 工程經理 : 劉國昌 – 總承建商 項目經理 : 楊煥然

13373 港鐵西港島合約 705 – 堅尼地城站及越位隧道 – 修補 港鐵公司 港鐵公司 工程經理:林健聰 及重置基建設施相關的機電工程,堅尼地城站公共交通配置 高級工程師:黃子 及山市街行人連接系統的屋宇裝備

13382 西港島合約771 – 西營盤站及香港大學站的屋宇裝備 港鐵公司 港鐵公司 工程經理:林健聰 工程設計師 : 區德祥

13386 重建觀塘游泳池場館及觀塘遊樂場 金門 莫特麥克唐納香港有限公司 項目經理:鄧兆威 – 總承建商

13388 中華電力定期合約編號4600004284,為香港架空輸電纜 中華電力有限公司 輝固及邁進 項目經理:Gerry Cullen 進行加固、翻新、增加功率及安裝工程

13393 興建高山劇場新翼大樓 – 電機工程及空調系統 金門 呂元祥建築師事務所(香港)有限公司 / 工程經理:林健聰 – 總承建商 香港特區政府機電工程署 副項目經理:庚世璋

The Record • Issue 1/2012 41 主要工程合約一覽表

編號 項目 客戶 顧問工程師 / 建築師 負責人員 13396 港鐵高速鐵路香港段合約 811B 西九龍總站隧道(南) 金門 港鐵公司 工程經理:林健聰 – 電機工程分判合約 – 總承建商 副項目經理:庚世璋

13397 跑馬地空調基建改善工程(第三及第四期)– 會員看台 香港賽馬會 成新(國際)有限公司 工程經理:劉國昌 及聯合看台(Ref: CTR/2011/014) 副項目經理:周志偉

13398 香港堅道38-44號住宅發展項目 – 電機工程自選分包合約 Fine Mean Ltd 凱達環球 / 集益顧問工程有限公司 項目經理:鄧兆威

13426 金光大道第五及第六地段(恢復施工)6B酒店大樓空調系統 東方威尼斯人有限公司 — 項目經理 : 張啟明 及電氣裝置

13433 港鐵南港島(東段),建造合約編號953 港鐵公司 港鐵公司 工程經理 : 林建聰 軌道旁附屬建築物及環境控制系統 高級項目經理 : 黃澤君 副項目經理:何萬雄

13439 豐銀行數據中心 – 屋宇設備安裝 香港上海豐銀行有限公司 利安顧問有限公司 / 奧雅納工程顧問 / 總經理 : 黃志光 澧信工程顧問有限公司 項目經理 : 歐陽志雄

13455 合約P533機場中場客運廊- 機電工程 金門 莫特麥克唐納-奧雅納聯營/ 凱達 工程經理 : 林建聰 – 總承建商 項目經理 : 李安培 / 王恩頌

地基 — 地質工程及底層構造

13239 屯門公路重建及改善工程 – 東路段(地基工程) 金門 艾奕康有限公司 工程經理:侯文偉 – 總承建商 高級項目經理:徐國威 項目經理:林國耀

13285 合約編號DC/2007/23 金門 艾奕康有限公司 工程經理:侯文偉 淨化海港計劃第二期甲 – 總承建商 高級項目經理:談炳才 興建北角至昂船洲污水輸送系統 項目經理:J A Frame

13322 舊政務司官邸附近道路交匯處與粉嶺之間的吐露港公路/ 金門 安誠 – 奧雅納 – 博威聯營 工程經理:侯文偉 粉嶺公路擴闊工程第一期 – 總承建商 高級項目經理:徐國威 助理項目經理:陳中頌

13323 中華電力小額建築合約4600004073 中華電力香港有限公司 輝固香港集團 工程經理:侯文偉 中電現時及未來建築物地盤勘測工作兩年合約(2010-2012) 高級項目經理:談炳才 助理項目經理:老永蕃

13333 聖保祿醫院重建項目 – 拆卸主樓,建造B座地基及地庫結構 The Mother Superior of the Soeurs 巴馬丹拿建築及工程師有限公司 工程經理:盧毅聰 de Saint Paul de Chartres (Hong Kong) 項目經理:何偉業

13339 西港島合約704 – 西營盤及大學站,以及西營盤至 港鐵公司 港鐵公司 工程經理:侯文偉 堅尼地城隧道 高級項目經理:徐國威 項目經理:梁國明

13364 高鐵香港段工程,合約811B 金門 – 禮頓聯營 艾奕康有限公司 工程經理:侯文偉 – 西九龍總站連接隧道(南) – 總承建商 高級項目經理:談炳才 項目經理:J A Frame

13367 廣深港高速鐵路香港段,合約811B – 鑽孔樁及嵌岩工字樁 金門 – 禮頓聯營 艾奕康有限公司 工程經理:侯文偉 的預鑽工程 – 總承建商 高級項目經理:談炳才 項目經理:曾榮漢

13369 廣深港高速鐵路香港段,合約811B – 嵌岩工字樁工程 金門 – 禮頓聯營 艾奕康有限公司 工程經理:侯文偉 – 總承建商 高級項目經理:徐國威 項目經理:馬建華

13370 廣深港高速鐵路香港段,合約811B – 地下連續牆的 金門 – 禮頓聯營 艾奕康有限公司 工程經理:侯文偉 預鑽工程 – 總承建商 高級項目經理:談炳才 項目經理:曾榮漢

13376 土木工程拓展署合約GE/2011/14 為工務試驗所提供土壤及 香港特區政府土木工程拓展署 香港特區政府土木工程拓展署 工程經理:侯文偉 岩石試驗服務 – 市區(定期合約) 項目經理:J A Frame / J Fowler

13387 土木工程拓展署合約GE/2011/16 為工務試驗所提供土壤及 香港特區政府土木工程拓展署 香港特區政府土木工程拓展署 工程經理:侯文偉 岩石試驗服務 – 新界西(定期合約) 項目經理:J A Frame / J Fowler

13419 衛城道18-22號及香港堅道92-102號住宅發展項目地基工程 Wonder Crusie Group Ltd 劉榮廣伍振民建築師事務所(香港)有限公司 / 工程經理:侯文偉 高級項目經理:徐國威 項目經理:梁國明

13425 香港賽馬會沙田通訊及科技中心地基工程 香港賽馬會 奧雅納工程顧問香港有限公司 / 工程經理:侯文偉 胡周黃建築設計(國際)有限公司 高級項目經理:徐國威 助理項目經理:陳中頌

13429 將軍澳 – 藍田隧道地質勘測及水平定向鑽探工程 香港土力混凝土工程有限公司 艾奕康有限公司 工程經理:侯文偉 高級項目經理:談炳才 助理項目經理:劉仲麟

13430 合約編號CV/2011/03 香港特區政府土木工程拓展署 艾奕康有限公司 工程經理:侯文偉 蓮塘 / 香園圍口岸 – 土地平整及基建工程的土地勘探工作 高級項目經理:談炳才

13440 廣深港高速鐵路合約810A西九龍總站北 禮頓 – 金門聯營 艾奕康有限公司 工程經理:侯文偉 – 總承建商 高級項目經理:談炳才 項目經理:J A Frame

13441 香港西摩道25A-B, 27-29A, 31, 33-35號及衛城道14-16號 太古地產有限公司 劉榮廣伍振民建築師事務所(香港)有限公司 / 工程經理:侯文偉 住宅發展項目 奧雅納工程顧問香港有限公司 高級項目經理:徐國威 項目經理:梁國明

42 The Record • Issue 1/2012 主要工程合約一覽表

編號 項目 客戶 顧問工程師 / 建築師 負責人員 13444 廣深港高速鐵路合約810A西九龍總站北 禮頓 – 金門聯營 港鐵公司 / 艾奕康 工程經理:侯文偉 工字樁柱鑽探工程分判合約 – 總承建商 高級項目經理:徐國威 項目經理:馬建華

13450 土木工程拓展署合約編號GE/2012/03海洋場地勘探工程 香港特區政府土木工程拓展署 香港特區政府土木工程拓展署 工程經理:侯文偉 及地球物理測量(定期合約) 高級項目經理:談炳才 助理項目經理:老永蕃

地基 — 重型地基

13365 廣深港高速鐵路香港段,合約811B – 地下連續牆工程 金門 – 禮頓聯營 艾奕康有限公司 合約經理:衛志忠 – 總承建商 高級項目經理:溫穎倫 助理項目經理:李永基

13368 廣深港高速鐵路香港段,合約811B – 鑽孔樁工程 金門 – 禮頓聯營 艾奕康有限公司 合約經理:衛志忠 – 總承建商 高級項目經理:溫穎倫 助理項目經理:李永基

13390 合約編號:HK/2010/06灣仔發展計劃第二期 香港特區政府土木工程拓展署 艾奕康有限公司 合約經理:衛志忠 – 橫跨港鐵荃灣線段的中環灣仔繞道(利達 – 金門聯營) 高級項目經理:李志良

13392 住宅發展項目,柯士甸站 D地盤 K.I.L. 威翰有限公司 王歐陽(香港)有限公司 / 艾奕康有限公司 合約經理:衛志忠 編號:11129(惠保 – 金門聯營) (新世界發展有限公司 / 會德豐地產有限公司) 高級項目經理:溫穎倫 項目經理:卓志遠

13406 香港衛城道18-22號,堅道92-102號住宅發展項目地基工程 運航有限公司 劉榮廣伍振民建築師事務所(香港)有限公司 / 合約經理:衛志忠 (太古地產有限公司) 黃志明建築工程師有限公司 高級項目經理:梁傑仁 項目經理:程思偉

13420 香港科學園第三期發展項目,設計及建造3A區地基 香港科技園公司 關善明建築師事務所有限公司 / Mace Ltd 合約經理:衛志忠 高級項目經理:梁傑仁 項目經理:李鎮民 助理項目經理:陳耀昌

13421 洪水橋第13區第1及2期公屋發展計劃的地基工程, 香港房屋委員會 香港房屋委員會 合約經理:衛志忠 合約編號20100093 高級項目經理:梁傑仁 項目經理:余威洪

13422 洪水橋第13區第3期公屋發展計劃的地基工程, 香港房屋委員會 香港房屋委員會 合約經理:衛志忠 合約編號20100096 高級項目經理:梁傑仁 項目經理:余威洪

13423 安達臣道地盤D和地盤E第1和第2期公屋發展計劃的 香港房屋委員會 香港房屋委員會 合約經理:衛志忠 地基工程,合約編號20110023 項目經理 : 梁銘達 助理項目經理:王玉媚


14176 設計、建造及完成牛車水站,有關隧道及市區線第一期 新加坡陸路交通管理局 琳寶 合約經理: Chiang Heung Chin 工程(C909)

14198 濱海高速公路C463 電力系統 新加坡陸路交通管理局 Parsons Brinckerhoff Pte Ltd 總經理:Robyn Thomas 高級項目經理:Zhang Li Zhong

14221 加設及修改Bishan 和 Ulu Pandan 捷運系統補給站的土木 新加坡陸路交通管理局 Fong Consult 項目總監:Olof Thoren 及軌道工程(金門 – 保富聯營) 項目經理:David Munt

14226 P&G新加坡創新中心C200配套 – 挖掘、支撐和結構工程 CH2M Hill Singapore Pte Ltd CH2M Hill Singapore Pte Ltd 工程經理:S. Sundaravadivelan 項目經理:Peter Lin

14227 Keppel Merlimau Cogen KMCII 暗渠排水口工程 ALSTOM Power Singapore Pte Ltd Worley Parsons Pte Ltd 高級工程經理:GM Sawlani 項目經理:Mukesh Chainani

14228 C925為DTL3 建造及完成淡濱尼地鐵站及隧道的樁柱工程 GS Engineering & Construction Corp Ong & Ong Pte Ltd 項目總監:Olof Thoren 項目經理:Vijayakumar S O Narayanan

14229 為KMCII A和KMCII B供應和裝設屋宇裝備 Alstom Power Singapore Pte Ltd Worley Parsons Pte Ltd 總經理:Robyn Thomas 項目經理:Abdul Lotif

14230 興建貨車停泊設施,包括所有排水系統、集油器、 Chevron Oronite Pte Ltd Foster Wheeler 高級工程經理:GM Sawlani 橋秤結構、電纜管溝及街燈照明;設計及建造兩層高的 副項目經理:Muthalu CHIC 辦公室和警衛室,包括所有地基樁柱及機電系統 Subramanian

14231 在燃油貯存及貯槽設施區建造密封溝、冷卻水主要暗渠、 Alstom Power Singapore Pte Ltd Worley Parsons Pte Ltd 高級項目經理:John Devadoss 高壓電纜管溝、中壓電纜管道組及有關的土木工程 項目經理:BK Sundaram

14232 電氣及儀表,架設及鋪設電纜 Alstom Power Singapore Pte Ltd Worley Parsons Pte Ltd 總經理:Robyn Thomas 副項目經理:Sauro Talag

14233 設計及建造承建商屋棚及廁所,製品倉庫,保養、維修和 Chevron Oronite Pte Ltd Foster Wheeler 高級工程經理:GM Sawlani 營運屋棚,改善現有的CCR、新化驗室及保養大樓, 高級項目經理:John Devadoss 6號及7號變電站;包括地基、微型樁、機電工程、屋宇 副項目經理:Muthalu 裝備及重鋪外牆工程 Subramanian

14236 C1682B為Tuas補給站提供機械服務及安裝工程 新加坡陸路交通管理局 艾奕康 總經理:Robyn Thomas 項目經理:Moh Chee Seng

The Record • Issue 1/2012 43 HONG KONG CHINA Headquarters Gammon Construction Gammon Construction Limited (Shanghai) Limited 28/F, Devon House Shanghai , 979 King’s Road Room 3105B, Kerry Parkside, Hong Kong 1155 Fangdian Road, Pudong, Tel: 852 2516 8823 Shanghai, 201204 Fax: 852 2516 6260 People’s Republic of China Tel: 86 21 6845 7590 Gammon E&M Limited Fax: 86 21 6845 7270 28/F, Devon House TaiKoo Place, 979 King’s Road Shenzhen Hong Kong Branch Office Tel: 852 2516 8823 30/F, Fortune Building Fax: 852 2562 3790 No. 88, 3rd Fuhua Road, Futian District Lambeth Associates Limited Shenzhen 518026 28/F, Devon House People’s Republic of China TaiKoo Place, 979 King’s Road Tel: 86 755 3396 0088 Hong Kong Fax: 86 755 3332 9288 Tel: 852 2516 8042 Fax: 852 2516 6352 SINGAPORE Gammon Pte Limited MACAU Co Reg No: 198001094M Gammon Building Construction 29 International Business Park #06-05 (Macau) Limited Acer Building, Tower B Macau P.O. Box 6623 Singapore 609923 Tel: 65 6722 3600 Vietnam Fax: 65 6722 3601 Gammon Construction Limited Representative Office Ho Chi Minh City Vietnam

香港特別行政區 中國 總公司 金門斯堪雅(上海)有限公司 金門建築有限公司 上海 香港英皇道979號 上海浦東新區芳甸路1155號 太古坊德宏大廈廿八樓 浦東嘉里城辦公樓31層3105B室 電話:852 2516 8823 郵編:201204 傳真:852 2516 6260 電話:86 21 6845 7590 傳真:86 21 6845 7270 金門機電工程有限公司 香港英皇道979號 深圳 太古坊德宏大廈廿八樓 分公司 電話:852 2516 8823 中國深圳市福田區福華三路88號 傳真:852 2562 3790 時代財富大廈30層 郵編:518026 琳寶工程顧問有限公司 電話:86 755 3396 0088 香港英皇道979號 傳真:86 755 3332 9288 太古坊德宏大廈廿八樓 電話:852 2516 8042 新加坡 傳真:852 2516 6352 Gammon Pte Limited Co Reg No: 198001094M 澳門 29 International Business Park #06-05 金門建築(澳門)有限公司 Acer Building, Tower B 澳門郵政信箱6623 Singapore 609923 電話:65 6722 3600 越南 傳真:65 6722 3601 金門建築有限公司 越南胡志明市代表辦事處

Jointly owned by Jardines and Balfour Beatty 怡和集團與保富聯營