金門印記 ISSUE 2 2020

M+ A Masterpiece of Engineering and Design 建築工程結合藝術 設計的完美傑作

P7 P23 Kitemark™ Certification awarded for Largest ever solo contract – Terminal 2 innovation management Expansion Works Kitemark™證書確認創新管理成就 最高價值單獨承建合約 — 機場二號客運大樓擴建工程 Chief Executive’s Mes sage 總裁的話

Gammon is proud to have played a key role in many of ’s most notable construction projects and none more so than our two current most high-profile contracts: The M+ under construction on the West waterfront and the Terminal 2 Expansion Works project by the Airport Authority Hong Kong. As many have noted, M+ is more than simply a museum. 4 Designed by the renowned Swiss architectural firm Herzog & de Meuron, it has been hailed as a work of art in itself. I am gratified to note that it is a project that has successfully called on all of Gammon’s ingenuity since we took over as the Management Contractor in September 2018. Of course, it was a challenge to take over the project well after commencement of construction in early 2015, but we achieved that by winning the trust of contractors already at work onsite. Another challenge was building over the tunnels of the MTR’s Airport Express and the Tung Chung Line, but our experience on the Lyric Theatre project, which presented similar challenges, was great training. I am also thrilled and proud that we have been awarded the Terminal 2 Expansion Works, which is Gammon’s largest solo contract win to date. Our proposal for the project focused on offsite and modular solutions, particularly for electrical and mechanical elements, and also for much of the internal fit-out of the main building, including check- 18 in islands, retail shopfronts and link bridges. We are also applying a kit-of-parts – subject to a high degree of standardisation – to numerous project areas. This has made it possible for us to simplify otherwise complex construction activities as well as improve safety and operational logistics in the airport environment. Issue 2/2020

多年來金門為香港建造無數地標建築,位於西九龍海濱的M+及香港機場管理局 批出的二號客運大樓擴建工程,可說是近期的重點項目。 CONTENTS 目錄 正如許多人說,M+不只是一所普通的博物館,它由瑞士著名建築事務所 Herzog & de Meuron設計,本身就是一項藝術傑作。 金門在2018年9月獲委任為M+項目的管理承建商, 4 News 快訊 我感謝團隊自承接項目以來,全方位展現金門的建造 實力。 10 Focus Story 焦點特寫 項目自2015年初已經動工,要順利接管項目已 The M+ on the West Kowloon waterfront is set to be a 是一項挑戰,我們的團隊成功取得已進駐地盤的分 work of art in itself and its construction has called on 判商的信任,凝聚力量,一起克服困難。另一項挑 all the ingenuity of the Gammon project team after the 戰是要在港鐵的機場快和東涌隧道上面施工, company’s appointment as Management Contractor in 幸而我們早前建造演藝綜合劇場時取得了寶貴經 September 2018. 驗,面對類似的挑戰,施工自然駕輕就 座落西九龍海旁的M+,本身就是一項藝術結晶。自金門在 熟了。 2018年9月獲委任為M+項目的管理承建商,工程團隊為建造這 我們最近取得機場二號客運大 項目施展渾身解數。 樓擴建工程合約,是金門迄今最高 價值的單獨承建項目,令我倍感振 17 Awards 獎項 奮和自豪。 我們會集中以場外和模組方 22 Health, Safety and Environment 案建造項目,特別是處理機電工 健康、安全及環保 程和主體大樓的內部設備,包括辦 理登機手續的櫃位、零售店面和連 接橋等。 此外,我們會在多個範疇採用 部件式施工方案,務求令工程高度標 準化。這方案有助精簡複雜的建築程 序,同時提升安全和優化在機場環境的 物流運作。

Thomas Ho 何安誠

2 | The Record • Issue 2/2020 From the Editor’s Desk 編輯的話

At Gammon, as we step into a New Year, 2021 – and with such a hard year behind all of us – our hearts are with everyone who is facing a resurgence of the Covid-19 pandemic, which is again rearing its head and bringing us hardship. This is a time in which everyone has to work socially distanced shoulder-to-shoulder to fight this. It’s no time for selfishness – thinking only about ourselves. It’s time to think of others, of the elderly, of the less privileged. 24 Gammon cares about the community and has long been committed to corporate social responsibility. We’ve been combining this with our embrace of healthy living by working with the Construction Industry Council Sports and Volunteering Programme since its inception in 2016. In 2020, two of our employees were recognised for their admirable efforts with the Volunteering Programme. Our Young Professionals Group collaborated with the Kei Shun Church of Love, and the Scout Association of Hong Kong to donate facemasks and hand sanitisers to communities – and we’re also focused on mental wellbeing, as we always have been. That’s what has led to our MINDSET-Jardines’ partnership – MIND HK – which hosted the Mental Health Conference and Youth Summit under the theme “Youth Mental Health”. Let’s also not forget our Employee Assistance Programme and Care Hotline, which is all about employee mental wellbeing. We are 28 also taking care of the physical and mental health of our staff by establishing the Wellness website, organising webinars and workshops. We’ve also launched the music video: “This Battle”, which was collectively produced together with colleagues in Hong Kong, and in mainland in our battle against Covid-19. Scan the QR code for the song! 23 Projects 工程項目 These are difficult times, but never forget that Gammon is a caring The Terminal 2 Expansion Works project by the Airport organisation – for you, each of our dear employees and for society. Authority is Gammon’s largest solo contract win We’re in this together – and Gammon is with you in a spirit of love. so far, while in mid-June the Architectural Services Department awarded temporary quarantine facilities 踏入2021年之際,我們回顧過去,金門與各位並肩在新型冠狀病毒疫情之下熬 Phase II at Penny’s Bay to Gammon and a year ago we 過了一個困難的年頭。然而,疫情的陰霾仍揮之未去,我們在新的一年要繼續迎 successfully developed a remote landslide sensor that 難而上。 integrates our expertise in engineering, construction 在這期間,我們緊守社交距離,並肩抗疫。而金門仍然緊記,要伸出援手, practice and digital capabilities. 關顧身邊的人、有需要的長者,以至弱勢社群。 香港機場管理局批出的二號客運大樓擴建工程,是金門迄今最 我們關顧社群,多年來致力履行企業社會責任,自「建造業運動及義工計 高價值的單獨承建項目;6月中,金門獲建築署批出竹篙灣第 劃」在2016年啟動以來,一直鼓勵員工積極參與,把企業社會責任結合健康生 二期臨時檢疫中心合約;一年前,我們集合工程、建築、數碼 活。我們非常高興,兩位同事在2020年的義工計劃中,獲大會表揚他們服務社 科技各方面的實力,成功研發實時無線山泥傾瀉監察系統。 群的貢獻。 此外,青年專業團隊聯同基順愛的家及香港童軍總會,捐贈口罩和搓手液等 28 Profi le 焦點人物 防疫用品予有需要的社群,因為我們一直緊記要關顧別人的福祉。 談到福祉,當然包括精神健康。思健及怡和為此,聯同MIND HK舉行「香港 31 Corporate Social Responsibility 心理健康研討會及青年高峰會」,集中討論青年精神健康。 企業社會責任 當然,還有我們為關注員工的精神健康而成立的僱員輔助計劃和關懷熱線、 專為照顧員工身心健康而設的員工福祉網站,以及組織各式各樣的網上研討會和 32 Major Current Contracts List 工作坊。 工程合約一覽表 我們早前已推出一段由香港、新加坡和中國內地的同事攜手攝製的音樂短片 《這一仗》,在抗疫的旅途上與大家互勉,加油打氣。 請掃描二維碼,欣賞這音樂短片! 踏入新的一年可能仍然困難重重,但請不要忘記,金門是一個關愛機構,我 Executive Editor Jenny Pong This publication is proudly managed and 們關心您、關心每一位員工和社群。就讓我們同心同德,互相關顧、互相守護, Editor, English Chris Taylor produced by Editor, Chinese Chloe Tam 製作及統籌機構 一起跨越障礙。 Design Manager Johnny Chan Bamboo Business Communications 執行總編 龐燕妮 英文主編 Chris Taylor Tel +852 2838 4553 中文主編 譚婉儀 設計總監 陳錦源 Fax +852 2873 3329 music video: Jenny Pong 龐燕妮 “This Battle” Your contributions are welcome. Please contact Director – HR 董事 – 人力資源 音樂短片 Candy Chan, Corporate Com mu ni ca tions Manager 歡迎各位提供寶貴意見,請隨時聯絡企業傳訊經理陳敏碧 《這一仗》 Tel +852 2516 8733 Fax +852 2516 6260 E-mail [email protected] www.gammonconstruction.com

The Record • Issue 2/2020 | 3 News 快訊

a commercial building at WELL Precertification Gold constructed by Gammon, has achieved the Final Platinum rating of both BEAM Plus and for Head Office LEED Certification. 金門位於海濱匯的全新總部9月底獲國際《WELL健 康建築標準》金級中期認證,成為全港首家奪得這 總部獲《WELL健康建築標準》 項殊榮的建築公司。 新總部於2019年12月啟用,遵循《v1版WELL 健康建築標準》進行室內設計及選料,把員工的健 金級中期認證 康和福祉融入建築空間的設計和配置之中。 工程團隊就新總部的各項細節,包括空氣質 Gammon’s new head office received Gold- associations with nature. Other features 素、飲用水、燈光、工作舒適度、員工的精神健康 level WELL precertification in late September, include an open-plan office where the height 等元素都考慮周詳。總部提供的飲用水都經過濾, making it the first construction company of all desks can be automatically adjusted at 以達至極高安全質量;室內又設有實時的空氣質量 in Hong Kong to have been awarded this the push of a button. 監測。 prestigious international accolade. But the Gammon Quayside office is not 辦公室的隔音設計,有效保障會議室及各工作 Since December 2019, employees have just focused on health and wellbeing – it is 範圍免受噪音滋擾,讓員工專注工作;共用空間的 enjoyed the new office at The Quayside also a testament to Gammon’s sustainable 綠色植生牆,能提高辦公室的和諧及舒適感;辦公 that follows the WELL Building environmental concerns. It is 室以開放式設計,辦公桌備有特別控制按鈕,可因 Standard (version 1) for complete with green features 應需要調校高度。 Interiors, that centres around such as LED lighting, energy 金門海濱匯的全新總部不僅關注員工的健康和福 performance, integrating health efficient lighting controls, and 祉,亦同樣著重環保與節能。綠色環保配備如LED照 and wellbeing in the design, all-sustainable FSC certified 明、節能調控系統當然不可或缺;室內添置的木製傢 build and fit-out. wood furniture to reduce 俱均獲森林管理委員會(FSC)發出認證,以減少對環 The new office project team environmental impacts. 境的影響。 took everything from air and “The accomplishment 企業可持續發展經理Emma Harvey表示:「這 water quality to light, comfort and mental recognises Gammon’s efforts and leadership 項認證肯定了金門致力為員工營造一個以健康和 wellbeing into consideration – and then in creating a workplace where employee 福祉為本的工作場所。我們除關注設計和實際操作 more; even filtering drinking water to high health and wellbeing are key objectives,” says 之外,會繼續監測工作空間的性能和使用者的滿意 standards and installing real-time monitoring Emma Harvey, Group Sustainability Manager. 度,確保這辦公室能持續為 video 影片 of interior air quality. “In addition to incorporating design features 員工提供優質工作環境。」 Meeting rooms and offices are designed and operation practices, we will continue 海濱匯位於觀塘,是一 to minimise disturbances from noise and to to monitor performance and occupant 項由金門建造的商業樓宇項 allow Gammon staff to concentrate on their satisfaction and make sure the quality of the 目,已取得綠建環評(BEAM tasks at hand, while the communal social hub environment is maintained for all users.” Plus)及領先能源與環境設 features “green walls” that conjure up calming In other related news, The Quayside, 計(LEED)的鉑金認證。1

4 | The Record • Issue 2/2020 快訊 News

BIM recognises outstanding practitioners BIM表揚傑出從業員

The Construction Industry Council (CIC)’s on BIM of CIC, presented the Celebration of BIM (building information certificates to Gammon and modelling) Achievement 2020 was held as representatives of the two project a webinar this year on 10 November, with teams. Gammon recognised as a BIM Organisation The aim of BIM Achievement is to Construction sector enterprises are 2020 and for two of our projects – the Advanced recognise outstanding projects, organisations encouraged to continually be creative, Manufacturing Centre and the Global Switch and individuals for their contributions innovative and transformative – even Data Centre – as BIM Projects 2020. in adopting and promoting BIM in the “disruptive” – in realising the full potential Ada Fung, chairperson of the Committee construction industry. of BIM and sharing it with all stakeholders. Each category in BIM Achievement might be assessed somewhat differently, but all share the same key BIM ingredients of vision and mission.

建造業議會在11月10日以網上研討會方式舉行 「2020建築信息模擬(BIM)成就嘉許禮」,金門獲表 揚為「2020 BIM機構」,先進製造業中心和Global Switch 數據中心獲大會確認為「2020 BIM項目」。 建造業議會BIM專責委員會主席馮宜萱建築師 頒發證書予金門及兩個項目團隊的代表。 「2020 BIM成就」旨在表揚傑出的建造項目、機 構和從業員,在應用和推廣BIM方面作出貢獻。 大會鼓勵業界繼續發揮創意、創新、變革,甚 至突破,使BIM發揮最大潛力,並與持份者分享。 儘管每個類別的評審準則略有差異,但所有得獎項 目均背負相同的BIM願景和使命。1

The Record • Issue 2/2020 | 5 News 快訊

Social unrest and the ongoing pandemic have inevitably taken its toll on the mental health of Hongkongers, with 45 per cent of young adults aged 24 or below suffering from stress disorders and nearly 50 per cent exhibiting symptoms of depression, according to a University of Hong Kong survey. For this reason, MINDSET, together with Jardines, partnered with MIND HK to host the Mental Health Conference and Youth Summit on 6-8 November with the theme “Youth Mental Health” and featuring more than 40 international and local speakers. Topics covered ranged from birth to adulthood and are suitable for mothers-to-be, parents and young people. To support this meaningful event, the conference programmes were livestreamed at The Quayside Social Hub on 6 November.

香港大學一項調查顯示,近期的社會動盪和持續抗疫措施難免影響香港 人的心理健康,受訪的24歲或以下年青人當中,45%受壓力問題困擾, Conference and youth summit 近50%出現抑鬱症狀。 思健及怡和有見及此,聯同MIND HK在11月6日至8日期間舉行「香 港心理健康研討會及青年高峰會」,聚焦討論青年精神健康,邀得40多 focus on mental health 位國際及本地專家出席,議題涵蓋從嬰兒到成人的精神健康,適合準母 親、父母和年青人參與。 探討年青人心理健康 金門在海濱匯金門薈直播11月6日的會議,支持這項有意義的活動。1

Tony Small, Director for Safety and Sustainability, shared how Gammon has dealt with Covid-19 and the implications for broader sustainability in future. Other webinars featured Environment, People and the Value Chain. The Environment webinar discussed generator-free sites, solar PV systems and use of technology for tree management. The People session emphasised diversity and inclusion and, lastly, the new Gammon head office was used as a case study for delivering healthier offices through the WELL® Building Standard. The webinars also examined carbon-reduction in the use of materials across the value chain. This year’s successful webinar was evidence that Gammon will continue to drive change and contribute to a brighter and more sustainable industry.

金門今年在線上舉行「可持續發展網上研討會系列:積極承擔 — 25成就25」,以配合公共健康及安全的需要。 為見及此,以往兩年一度的「可持續發展會議」,今年分為四節、在8月份 Sustainability Webinar 每一個星期四圓滿舉行,這新形式的線上會議更具包容性,超過600位來自香 港、新加坡、澳門和中國內地的客戶、業務夥伴、持分者和員工踴躍登記及參 可持續發展網上研討會 與其中。 第一節網上研討會以「安全」為主題。安全及可持續發展董事薛東尼在會上 In the interests of public safety, Gammon, this year, took sustainability 分享了金門應對新型冠狀病毒疫情的措施,以及如何在未來更廣泛地推行可持 online with a Sustainability Webinar Series: Responsible Growth – 25 續發展。 by 25. 而其他網上研討會的議題分別聚焦於「環保」、「人」和「價值鏈」。 More than 600 people registered for four sessions – one every 有關「環保」的網上研討會涵蓋討論完全不採用發電機的工地、太陽能光伏 Thursday in August – in place of the regular biennial sustainability 系統和如何利用科技推行有效的樹木管理。「人」的議題上,我們強調多元共融, conference. The new online format made the conference more 更以金門新總部辦公室為個案,討論如何透過《WELL健康建築標準》建構更健 inclusive, with clients, business partners, stakeholders and employees 康、優質的辦公室環境。在「價值鏈」環節則解釋選用綠建材達致碳減排。 joining from Hong Kong, Singapore, Macau and mainland China. 今年的網上研討會圓滿成功,印證金門不斷與時並進,我們會繼續努力, The first of the weekly webinars covered the subject of Safety. 為建造業未來的可持續發展作出貢獻。1

6 | The Record • Issue 2/2020 快訊 News

that the organisation has established support Kitemark™ certification achieved and processes required to achieve the intended innovation outcomes. Organisations also need to demonstrate improvement for innovation management through quantitative measurements compared to planned outcomes. Gammon looks forward to further Kitemark™創新管理認證 assessment on an ongoing basis to ensure we continue to manage innovation as are committed to. Gammon is excited to become the only initiatives recognised for their effectiveness organisation outside of the United Kingdom, in delivering innovation in the construction 金門成功獲頒英國標準協會(BSI)Kitemark創新管 and one of the first organisation globally, industry.” 理認證,成為英國以外唯一,及全球首批取得此認 to achieve BSI Kitemark certification for For Gammon, innovation has been a 證的企業,為此感到非常鼓舞。 innovation management. core business strategy over the past decade, BSI Kitemark創新管理認證旨在幫助機構,向 The Kitemark certification aims to assist and it has contributed greatly to our long- 持分者和客戶展示創新成果的價值和績效,而金門 companies in improving the value and term resilience and sustainability. Digital 是首批獲得這計劃稽核和確認的企業之一。 impact of innovation results for stakeholders transformation and automated construction 執行董事兼首席科技總監Paul Evans表示:「這 and customers and Gammon is one of the continue to enhance our operational 認證肯定了金門的創新管理領導、流程和工作,能 first companies to be audited and recognised efficiency and safety and we strongly believe 有效地在建造業實踐創新,金門以此為榮。」 by the scheme. that innovation creates value for our clients 過去十多年來,創新一直是金門業務發展策略 Gammon Executive Director and Chief and society in general. 的核心,幫助我們提升長遠的競爭優勢和可持續發 Technology Officer Paul Evans said that “Driving innovation with inspiring 展。我們不斷透過數碼轉型和自動化建築,提升運 “Gammon is proud to have our innovation leadership, fostering an innovative culture 作效率和安全。金門亦堅信,創新能為客戶,以至 management leadership, processes and through recognition and upskilling, and 整體社會創造價值。 funding value-added initiatives Paul Evans說:「我們以啟發性的領導推動創 are fundamental aspects to 新,以表揚績效和提升技能來培育創新文化,更支 Gammon’s way of working. We 持和資助能為項目增值的創新意念。金門非常榮幸 are delighted to have achieved 獲得這項認證。」 this certification,” said Paul. 這Kitemark認證確認企業的創新管理願景、策 Kitemark certification is the 略和政策,為創新目標訂定支援及流程。此外,企 approval of an organisation’s 業亦需要透過量化的指標,顯示創新管理已取得一 commitment to innovation vision, 定的成效。 strategy and policy, and receiving 金門會配合進一步的持續評估,確保創新管理 the certification is a recognition 符合既定的目標和水平。1

The Record • Issue 2/2020 | 7 News 快訊

A Hong Kong carbon-accounting verification first

全港首家碳排放審計標準驗證企業 reductions. It also brings Gammon’s accounting processes in line with global best practices of increasing visibility of indirect Gammon has become the first Hong Kong version of ISO 14064 encompasses a far emissions, particularly within supply chains, company to have its greenhouse gas emissions broader range of factors, including indirect and demonstrates our expertise in this area.” inventory verified in accordance with the emissions, various categories of gases, their “Given the looming climate crisis, latest ISO 14064 carbon accounting standard. overall impacts and the accuracy of data finding carbon reduction opportunities in Implementing the ISO 14064 standard collection methods. our emissions inventory is essential and part helps track performance and progress in Emma Harvey, Group Sustainability of our ‘Responsible Growth – 25 by 25’ both reducing and eliminating greenhouse Manager of Gammon, said, “Verification strategy carbon target,” said EddieTse, Senior gas emissions. gives us confidence in the accuracy of our Environmental Manager. The latest and more comprehensive data as the basis for meaningful carbon 金門成為香港首家以ISO 14064碳排放審計標準驗 證溫室氣體排放量的機構。 實施ISO 14064碳排放審計標準,有助企業追 蹤他們在減少溫室氣體排放量,和移除增量兩方面 的表現和進度。 最新版本的ISO 14064涵蓋的因素更加廣泛和全 面,包括間接溫室氣體的排放、不同種類的氣體,它 們整體的影響,以及收集數據方法的準確性。 金門企業可持續發展經理Emma Harvey表示: 「這驗證加強我們對數據準確性的信心,金門會以此 作為碳減排的基準。此外,這驗證亦促使金門的間接 排放審計標準(尤其是在供應鏈方面)符合全球的最 佳實踐典範,同時證明我們在這領域具備專業水平。」 高級環境經理謝志軒指出:「氣候危機迫在眉睫, 任何減少碳排放的機會都非常重要,這亦是金門『可 持續發展策略 ─ 25成就25』的碳排放目標。」1

A green guarantee 綠色擔保 precast façade units and aluminium system formwork for floors rather than timber, On 27 October, Crédit Agricole and residential project (New Kowloon Inland Lot reducing waste and use of resources. Gammon announced an agreement to No 6564, Kai Tak Area 1L Site 1) developed implement one of Asia-Pacific’s first “green by Wheelock Properties Hong Kong. 10月27日,金門聯同東方匯理銀行宣佈達成一項總 guarantees” a HK$170 million performance Discussions between Crédit Agricole and 值1.7億港元的履約保證金協議,是亞太區首批綠色 bond associated with a Kai Tak, Kowloon, Gammon commenced in June, with a view to 擔保之一。該履約保證金涉及會德豐地產的啟德住 implementing a green guarantee combined 宅發展項目,位於新九龍內地段6564號啟德1L地盤 with an innovative trade finance product. 1地段。 The guarantee requires that the project 東方匯理銀行與金門於2020年6月開始商討, receives a BEAM Plus Gold rating. 開展結合創新貿易金融產品的綠色擔保。該擔保要 In order to achieve a BEAM Plus Gold 求建造項目取得綠建環評金級認證標準。 rating (Version 1.2), Gammon is delivering 為使項目達至綠建環評1.2版金級認證,金門採 the construction project with practices that 取積極措施,減少建造過程對環境的影響,同時致 will reduce environmental impacts, improve 力提升環境素質和使用者的滿意度。 environmental quality and user satisfaction. 團隊就廢物、空氣、噪音和污水控制等實施妥 Environmentally speaking, this includes 善的環境管理;在區域內採購及使用可持續建造物 waste, air, noise, and water pollution 料,包括在臨時工程中使用的木材;並致力改善項 control, the use of sustainable and regional 目周邊的微氣候和樓宇內部的空氣質素。 materials and timber in temporary works and 此外,團隊採用名為 video 影片 improving the microclimate around and air 「淨能櫃」的大容量電池存 quality within the building. 儲系統,有效降低噪音、空 The Gammon team is also employing 氣污染和碳排放;建造樓層 a mass battery storage system, called the 時,以預製的外牆組件和鋁 Enertainer, to reduce noise, air pollution and 製模板代替木材,成功減少 carbon emissions on site, while also adopting 廢物和耗用資源。 1

8 | The Record • Issue 2/2020 快訊 News

network will be WinG (Women in Gammon A diverse and inclusive and Allies), which has recently been launched. WinG will focus on promotion of gender equality and women’s development in workplace where creativity, Gammon and the wider construction industry. We are very excited and look forward to making Gammon a more inclusive working innovation and excellence thrive place where we all thrive.

人人都生而不同,屬不同的種族、年齡、性別,以 營造多元共容環境 至有不同的表達方式、宗教信仰、性取向、身心狀 態、文化、經驗和社會經濟背景等等。 人人生而不同有其優點!正因為我們各自的獨 攜手創造 創新 成就卓越 特性,才衍生出多角度的觀點、做事方式和方法, 從而孕育豐盛的創造力、生產力和創新能力。有研 究指出,多元和包容的團隊不僅創意澎湃,成員相 Whether it’s race, age, gender identity or potential, and feel a sense of belonging 對更加投入團隊事務,更容易取得理想成果。 its expression, religion, sexual orientation, within a company that can be both exciting 我們努力令金門成為一個互相包容、互相尊重 physical or mental abilities, culture, and rewarding. 的工作場所,讓員工積極投入公司事務,發揮真我 experience, or socio-economic background, To support that, we now have a Diversity 個性和潛能,從而產生歸屬感,成為金門的一分 we are all different. & Inclusion (D&I) Council, composed of 子,不但令人興奮雀躍,更能取得豐碩成果。 Being different is good! Our differences representatives from different business units 為此,我們成立了一個由不同部門和高層管理 can generate a variety of views, approaches and senior management. The council will 代表組成的「多元共融委員會」,成員會定期聚首, and ways of doing things, thereby meet four to six times a year to formulate 每年約四至六次,就如何促進金門的多元共融環境 contributing to creativity, productivity and the framework and provide guidelines as to 訂定框架和指引。 innovation. Research shows that diverse, how best to promote diversity and inclusion 得多位多元共融領導的協助,我們正研究設 inclusive teams are not only more innovative, within Gammon. 立員工網絡,致力推廣共融,界定首要關注的事 they are also more engaged and successful. In addition, assisted by our D&I 項,以及正面回應那些會損害共融氣氛的政策和措 At Gammon, we strive to create a Champions, we are also looking into setting 施。首個員工網絡WinG(Women in Gammon and great workplace that is inclusive and more up different employee networks to promote Allies)已於日前啟動,成員會致力推動男女平等, respectful, so that it is a more positive place inclusiveness, identify areas of concern and 以及女性在金門以至整個建造業界的發展。 to work, a place where people can bring their address policies and practices that negatively 我們熱切期望為金門營造多元共融的工作環 true personalities, achieve their maximum impact inclusiveness. The first employee 境,一起在金門大家庭茁壯成長。1

The Record • Issue 2/2020 | 9 FOCUS STORY 焦點特寫 M+ A Masterpiece of Engineering and Design 建築工程結合藝術設計的完美傑作

How Gammon overcame a series of challenges to build Hong Kong’s latest and most spectacular cultural landmark. 金門克服種種挑戰,打造香港劃時代文化地標。

+, the new museum now under of visual art, design and architecture, moving construction on the West Kowloon images and Hong Kong visual culture in waterfront, will not only be an the museum’s 33 galleries, three cinemas, a important new addition to the city’s Mediatheque, a Learning Hub, a Research Centre Mcultural landscape but a work of art itself. And and other facilities. while this remarkable museum will undoubtedly The M+ construction project itself comprises make an indelible mark on the international art the M+ building, the Conservation and Storage world once it is completed, the Gammon project Facility, the WKCDA Tower with retail, dining team faced a number of challenges during and entertainment facilities and other arts construction that called upon all of their ingenuity. and cultural facilities, an interfacing car park adjacent to the M+ building, and related public A visionary new museum works. Designed by the renowned Swiss architectural Even those without a special interest in the arts firm, Herzog & de Meuron, M+ will change the will be well served by the museum. In addition to world’s perception of Hong Kong by bringing the exhibition spaces, facilities will include a Roof together some of the world’s finest collections Garden, two restaurants, a tea and coffee bar, and

10 | The Record • Issue 2/2020 BIM rendering a members’ lounge, many of which will look out many of the trades people had been working on of M+ project onto panoramic views of Victoria Harbour and the site since the commencement of the project, M+項目的 BIM繪製圖 Hong Kong Island’s urban skyline. it was important to gain their trust. “Team building was essential, since about Trust and teamwork 150 members of the 300-member team were One of the main challenges faced by Gammon from outside Gammon,” said CC. “We assured was taking over the project following the them they would be treated fairly and worked company’s appointment as the management hard to keep up their spirits.” contractor in September 2018, well after Another challenge was how to build over construction of the superstructure of the the tunnels of two existing live railways: MTR’s museum building had started in 2015. Airport Express and the Tung Chung Line. For CC Hau, Executive Director at the architects, this was an opportunity to create Gammon, said, “After our a unique “Found Space” for artists and curators appointment, we had to help staging large-scale art installations. the team resume the project This was not an easy task, however, as the as soon as possible. As work had to be done within minimal tolerances

The Record • Issue 2/2020 | 11 Skylight Gallery 天幕展廳

– any disruption to the operating railway would According to K.W. Lee, Senior Construction have had disastrous consequences. Manager, “All we could do was to maintain contact Fortunately, Gammon had experience working with our suppliers and use DfMA to update the on the nearby Lyric Theatre Complex, which was works schedule. It was totally beyond our control also built over the Airport Express. Brian Gowran, so we had to manage the best we could.” Director at Gammon said, “All the issues we faced at M+ were the same as those we faced at the Gammon’s technology advantage Lyric Theatre Complex. On that project, we were Given the complexity of the project, Gammon familiar with the operating regime.” made extensive use of advanced construction Another challenge faced by the team, like all technology – one of the key strengths of of Hong Kong, was coping with the COVID-19 the company – during the planning and pandemic. During the early months of 2020, implementation of the works. the outbreak of the virus caused lengthy delays Among the technologies deployed were in the progress of the works, as global supply Building Information Modelling (BIM), 3D chains shut down and deliveries fell behind by Scanning, lasers, drones, IoT sensors and up to eight weeks. Augmented Reality (AR), all integrated under Gammon’s Integrated Digital Project Delivery (IDPD) approach for better planning, progress We believe that our ability tracking and decision-making. One area where these technologies came to use this technology, into play was the installation of the Mechanical, which provides substantial Electrical and Plumbing (MEP) services, which the client expected to be of a very high standard savings in time and money, was and completely hidden from view. According to K.M. Lock, Contracts Manager one of the reasons Gammon was in charge of MEP, “Concealing all the MEP selected for the project.” services, including fibre optic cables, wiring, and fire service pipes, was a very difficult technical Contracts Manager K.M. Lock challenge.” 焦點特寫 FOCUS STORY

To help the engineers determine where the services would go, Gammon made use of Augmented Reality so they could visualise the desired locations precisely. “Our ability to use this technology, which provides substantial savings in time and money, was one of the reasons Gammon was selected for the project,” K.M. said. To protect these high value collections, Gammon helped to install an advanced long- throw sprinkler system for fire suppression. Additionally, environmentally friendly Novec 1230 gas will be used to ensure the museum’s artworks are not damaged by water in the event of a fire.

Lighting up the waterfront One of the most memorable features of M+ will be the surface finish of the main tower, which is made up of precast concrete units incorporating Floor lift for uploading large artworks terracotta tiles with a unitised aluminium facade 運載巨型藝術品的貨 behind. The podium tiles of the facade, which resemble the bamboo tiles of Hong Kong’s Through the use of Augmented Reality, Gammon engineers are able to “see” where each distinctive Chinese roofs, were extruded in Italy cable should be placed with great accuracy. and formed into precast concrete panels in China. 擴增實境技術讓金門的工程師能準確「看見」 Ensuring these modules met the project’s 每條電線的安裝位置。 quality standards was the responsibility of Paul Dymott, Senior Project Manager at Gammon. “The planning and sequencing of large units for delivery was critical,” he said. “Terracotta is long- lasting but also delicate, so great care had to be taken to bring them safely to Hong Kong.” Delivering the units to Hong Kong and installing them on site required a great deal of coordination, which was made possible by using BIM for clash detection. The assembly of the units and their installation, as Paul points out, was also an example of the benefits of DfMA for achieving higher quality and savings in time, labour and cost. What is perhaps an even more impressive feature of M+ is the giant LED system that covers the south facade of the tower. Measuring 100m in width and 65.8m in height, the system will be used for displaying moving image works. The panels making up the LED system were assembled in China, where they were tested and connected to the modular facade units. Like all of his colleagues who worked on this project, Paul is tremendously proud of his contributions on this extraordinary museum that holds such significance for Hong Kong and the wider art community. As he puts it, “Some day, I will be able to look back on my career and say I’ve only done one museum … but it was a very special one.” But even before then, everyone at Gammon can take great pride in this tremendous achievement of engineering that is bringing M+ Long-throw sprinkler system installed and tested at M+ building towards completion and putting Hong Kong on M+大樓安裝及測試長距離花灑系統 the world cultural map.

The Record • Issue 2/2020 | 13 落於西九龍海濱的M+,建造工程正進行得 感到賓至如歸。博物館除設有展覽空間外,還有天台花 如火如荼,落成後將進一步提升香港的文化 園、兩間餐廳、一間咖啡吧、會員樓層,置身其中,維 景觀,因為M+本身就是一項融合工程與設 港景色和港島的城市天際面貌盡收眼底。 座計的藝術結晶。金門的工程團隊正為建造項 目施展渾身解數,讓它竣工後在國際藝術界傲視同儕。 信任及團隊合作 M+項目的主要建築工程在2015年開始,金門在2018年 高瞻遠矚的全新博物館 9月獲委任為項目的管理承建商後,面對的其中一項主 M+由瑞士著名建築事務所Herzog & de Meuron設計, 要挑戰,是接手管理工程。 館內設有33個展廳、三間戲院、多媒體中心、學舍、研 執行董事侯志超說:「我們獲委以重任之後,要協助 究中心及其他設施,將雲集世界頂尖的視覺藝術、設計 團隊讓工程盡快重回軌道。因為多個工種的工友自項目 與建築、流動影像及香港視覺文化,高瞻遠矚的設計必 啟動時已在工地工作,與他們建立互信至關重要。」 定會改變世人對香港的觀感。 侯志超說:「我們要盡快建立團隊合作精神,因為在 M+項目的建築工程包括M+大樓、修復保管中心、 300名團隊成員當中,約150名來自其他公司,金門向 西九文化區管理局大樓(附有零售、餐飲、消閒及其他 他們保證會得到公平待遇,同時我們要努力維持整個團 文化藝術設施)、停車場,以及一些相關的基建工程。 隊的士氣。」 即使對藝術沒有濃厚興趣的人士,親臨博物館亦會 港鐵機場快和東涌列車就在工地下穿梭,團隊

14 | The Record • Issue 2/2020 焦點特寫 FOCUS STORY

擴增實境技術有助大幅節省時間和金 錢,金門擁有應用這技術的能力。我們 相信這是獲選管理項目的原因之一。” 合約經理駱國明

(DfMA)更新工程進度。當時情況超出我們可控的範圍, 所以只能盡力而為。」

金門的技術優勢 由於項目非常複雜,金門在規劃和施工過程中,廣泛使 用先進的建築技術,這也是其主要優勢之一。 這些技術包括建築信息模擬技術(BIM)、三維立體掃 描、利用激光和無人機測量、使用物聯網感測器和擴增 實境等,所有數據歸納到金門的「綜合數碼建造方案」, 方便團隊更有效地進行規劃、追蹤進度和作出決策。 把這些技術應用在安裝機械、電氣和管道(MEP)方 面,效用最為顯著,因為客戶要求優質之餘,更要把設 施完全隱藏。

Roof Garden at the M+ building M+大樓的天台花園

的另一項挑戰,是要在這兩條已投入運作的港鐵隧道上 面施工。建築師希望利用這機會營造獨一無二的「潛空 間」,讓藝術家和策展人在這裡展示大型藝術裝置。 然而這是一項艱巨任務,團隊必須在有限的容許範 圍內完成工作,因為對營運中的鐵路造成任何破壞,都 可能會帶來災難性後果。 幸而金門正建造鄰近的演藝綜合劇場,該場地同樣 是建在機場快之上,董事高偉賢說:「建造M+項目需 面對的所有問題,與建造演藝綜合劇場相同。我們建造 劇場時已得悉施工重點。」 工程團隊面對的另一項挑戰,與香港整體一樣,是 要應對新型冠狀病毒疫情。疫症在2020年初爆發時,全 球供應鏈受阻,建材運輸延誤八星期,工程進度亦因而 受影響。 M+’s giant LED system 高級建造經理李嘉華說:「在這期間,我們與供 M+的巨型LED媒體系統 應商保持緊密聯繫,並善用簡化製造及裝配過程設計

The Record • Issue 2/2020 | 15 FOCUS STORY 焦點特寫

負責MEP工程的合約經理駱國明表示:「要隱藏所 為這項目作出貢獻深感光榮。他說:「我期望有天回顧 有MEP設施,包括光纖電纜、電線和消防喉管,是非常 自己的事業時,可自豪地說,我只參與過建造一所博物 艱巨的技術挑戰。」 館,那就是獨一無二的M+。」 為了協助工程師判斷設施的走向,金門利用擴增實 此時此刻,金門每位員工一方面為這項工程的重大 境技術,讓他們能準確地把理想的位置影像化。駱國明 成就與有榮焉,一方面全力推動M+順利竣工,讓香港 說:「擴增實境技術有助大幅節省時間和金錢,金門擁有 躋身世界文化版圖。1 應用這技術的能力,亦是獲選管理項目的原因之一。」 為保護這些珍貴藏品,金門協助安裝先進的長距離 花灑系統滅火,又選用環保氣體Novec 1230滅火,確 保一旦發生火警,藏品不會被水損壞。

照亮維港 M+的大樓幕牆,令人一見難忘。這幕牆以鋁質支架配 合預製混凝土組件和陶瓦構成。 平台幕牆展現香港獨特的中式陶瓦建築特色。這些 陶瓦在意大利製造,在中國鑲嵌成預製混凝土組件。 高級項目經理Paul Dymott負責確保這些大型組件符 合項目的質量標準。他說:「周詳計劃和運送大型組件 的排序非常重要。這些陶瓦雖然耐用,亦非常脆弱,必 須小心處理,把它們安全運抵香港。」 把組件運抵香港,然後在地盤安裝,過程需要小心 協調。利用BIM技術,能有效預防工程衝突。Paul又指 出,DfMA在組裝和安裝組件方面亦發揮效用,能提高 質量、節省時間、人力和成本。 M+的巨型LED媒體系統令人印象深刻,這系統覆蓋 The terracotta tiles of the podium facade were 南面外牆,寬100米,高65.8米,展出流動影像作品。 extruded in Italy and 組成LED系統的面板在中國組裝,通過測試後才安裝至 formed into precast 幕牆組件。 concrete panels in China. 平台幕牆由陶瓦組成,這些陶 這座非凡的博物館對香港和整個藝壇意義重大。 瓦在意大利製造,然後在中國 Paul表示,他與所有參與這項目的同事一樣,對於能 鑲嵌在預製混凝土面板。

Bamboo and oak were chosen for the flooring and wall coverings because of their ability to withstand Hong Kong’s humidity. After assembly offsite, they were delivered by road to Hong Kong for installation. 因應香港天氣潮濕,項目選用竹子和橡木覆蓋地板和牆身。它 們在工廠預先組裝,然後經陸路運抵香港進行安裝。

16 | The Record • Issue 2/2020 獎項 Awards

Workplace safety and health win in council awards 新加坡工作場所安全及健康大獎

Gammon is pleased to share that Gammon rate. It also featured a workplace safety Construction Limited Singapore Branch and health management system that went won the Workplace Safety & Health (WSH) beyond legal requirements, Performance Silver Award and our T210 a notable organisational Mayflower MRT Station project won the Safety safety culture and the 坡T210美華地鐵站項目。 and Health Award Recognition for Projects implementation of good 「傑出表現獎」表彰推行健全的安 (SHARP) Award from the WSH Council. onsite safety standards. 全和健康管理系統;而「安全及健康認 The Performance Awards recognise the We congratulate the 可項目獎」則嘉許具有良好安全和健 implementation of sound safety and health project team on their 康表現,具備完善WSH管理系統的 management systems, while the SHARP great performance! 項目和地盤。 Awards recognise projects or worksites 美華地鐵站項目在2019年並無 with good safety and health performance, 金門欣然宣佈,新加坡工 意外事故記錄,意外受傷率亦較 good workplace safety and good health- 作場所安全健康局(WSH 建造業為低。工地的安全及健康 management systems. Council)頒贈「工作場所安 管理系統較法例要求高,且公司 The Mayflower MRT Station project 全及健康(WSH)— 傑出表 的安全文化及良好的安全準則明 achieved zero reportable accidents in 2019 現銀獎」予金門建築有限公 確地在工地實行。 and the project accident injury rate was 司新加坡分公司,以及「安 衷心祝賀美華地鐵站項目團 below the standard construction industry 全及健康認可項目獎」予新加 隊卓越的安全表現。1

Solar PV System is further evidence that Gammon has the ability to build, install and deliver a high-quality solar PV system that integrates reliable performance, safety and sophisticated technology. Congratulations go to the Steel Fabrication Team led by Roy Lo and Willis Yip, together with Rex Wong and Jacky Yang from Environment and Sustainability on their great efforts!

我們在金門科技園設置的太陽能光伏系統獲中電頒 發「創新節能企業大獎2020 — 可再生能源卓越大獎 (企業/政府部門)」。 PV System wins CLP Smart Energy Award 金門承諾以可持續發展的原則安全建構更優質的 生活及居住環境,這太陽能光伏系統符合持續發展原 太陽能光伏系統奪中電「創新節能企業大獎」 則,備有624塊太陽能板,全年發電量可高達276兆瓦 時(MWh),相等於約60個家庭的全年耗電量。 Our Solar PV System at Gammon Technology construction approach to the project to 項目採用「供製造和裝配的設計(DfMA)」模組 Park has been awarded the Grand Award avoid waste, reduce risk and shorten the 合成方法建造,可減少浪費,同時降低建築風險及 under the category of Renewable Energy time involved for construction. High grade 縮短工期。高規格的感應器、尖端的物聯網平台, (Corporate / Government Bodies) at the CLP sensors and a sophisticated internet of 加上視覺化的儀表板,對維護系統的長期運作和修 Smart Energy Award 2020. things (IoT) platform with a visualisation 護大有助益。 In line with Gammon’s commitment dashboard assist in the long-term running of 中電這獎項同時確認金門的「綠色領導」能力。 to building for a better quality of life and the system and trouble shooting. 項目已通過「綠建環評既有建築自選評估計劃」,在 living environment in a safe and sustainable The award is also a recognition of 能源使用範疇取得卓越評級。 manner, the Solar PV System involved Gammon’s green leadership for its success 金門科技園的太陽能光伏系統,是繼西沙路和 installation of 624 panels generating 276 in implementing the BEAM Plus Existing 啟德西同類型裝置之後的另一成就。這獎項進一步 megawatt-hours (MWh) of electricity per Building Selective Scheme, which received 確認,金門有能力建造、安裝和交付性能可靠、安 year, which is equivalent to the annual an “excellent” rating for green energy. 全和先進的優質太陽能光伏系統。 consumption of about 60 households. It follows the success of the Sai Sha 恭賀羅掁邦和葉劍挺領導的金門鋼結構部、環 Gammon adopted a modular design Road and Kai Tak West solar PV projects. 境與可持續發展部的黃振豐和楊釩鋆,更感謝他們 for manufacture and assembly (DfMA) CLP’s recognition of the Technology Park 的努力,為項目取得業界殊榮!1

The Record • Issue 2/2020 | 17 Awards 獎項

3D scanning technology was applied to transplant giant native ‘twin’ trees at Shap Sze Heung. 採用三維掃描技術為兩株 植根在十四鄉的巨型連理樹 進行移種工程。

Comprehensive Development – Sai Sha Top winner at CIC Sustainable Road Widening Works – for a 2km long live traffic road – for example, close collaboration Construction Awards between various stakeholders was essential. Holistic, digital tree management was undertaken to transplant and ensure the 「可持續建築大獎」最高榮譽 continued existence of twin venerable trees. Use of low-carbon concrete and a solar PV The Construction Industry Council (CIC) – a of Hong Kong (HKU) Medical Complex system for site electrification significantly platform to promote sustainable construction Extension project won the Contractor reduced the project’s carbon footprint, in the construction industry – announced Silver Award in the Repairs, Maintenance, while a Hybrid Reality Platform enhanced that two Gammon projects were the top Alterations and Additions (RMAA) category. sustainable construction. winners at the Sustainable Construction This year’s winners were selected after The HKU Medical Complex Extension Awards at a virtual presentation ceremony on careful consideration of performance in (MCE) is an RMAA project involving the 13 November. terms of corporate culture, stakeholder existing campus, and the works involve Sai Sha Road Widening Works, a Sanfield- engagement, environmental measures, demolition and construction of new facilities Gammon Construction Joint Venture supply-chain management and the adoption – principally a new three-storey, steel annex project, received the Contractor Gold Award of environmental measures. structure with a curving wall and a circular in the New Works category and the University In the case of the Shap Sze Heung boardroom roof that together combine to

The Sai Sha Road widening project is piloting the use of a hybrid reality platform that presents all digital data in one location. 西沙路擴闊工程試點使用「虛擬 實景管理平台」,把所有數據傳送 到一個位置進行分析。

18 | The Record • Issue 2/2020 獎項 Awards

Fabrication of all structural steel works off-site and adopting bolt and nut connections instead of traditional welding for most trusses are shortening the construction time and reducing waste generation and energy consumption through in the University of Hong Kong Medical Complex Extension project. 在香港大學醫學院大樓擴建工程,團隊透過 在場外預製所有鋼結構,以及採用螺絲和螺帽 連接代替傳統桁架的焊接方法,有效縮短 施工時間、減少廢物和能源消耗。

make a striking low-rise addition to Hong 幅減少工程的碳足跡;「虛擬實景管理平台」更進 Kong’s diverse urban landscape. 一步增強項目的可持續性。 The HKU Medical Complex Extension 香港大學醫學院大樓擴建工程涉及在開放的 building aims to achieve Platinum building 校園進行維修、保養、改建及加建,包括拆卸部 environmental assessment method (BEAM) 分建築和建造一座三層高的鋼結構新翼設施 — rating and Plus New Building 2.0 Pilot. 彎曲的外牆,圓形的會議廳屋頂,結合成耀目的 Construction was undertaken next to the 低層建築,為香港多元的城市景觀增添特色。 operational HKU building, which meant 團隊致力以取得綠建環評新建建築2.0(先導 that project works had to be as unintrusive 版本)鉑金級認證為目標。由於工程毗鄰校舍, as possible. Innovative methods included 團隊要盡量避免工程對校園構成滋擾。創新的施 saw-cutting slabs and taking waste concrete 工措施包括使用樓板切鋸機;把混凝土廢料運送 material offsite for breaking and recycling 到地盤以外的地方,循環再造成環保地磚,回收 into environmental pavers, successfully 率成功由30%提升至60%。 increasing the recycling rate from 30 per 此外,港大項目的工程主管黃駿傑同時獲大 cent to 60 per cent. 會頒發「年青從業員傑出獎」,西沙路項目的高級 CC Hau (right), Executive Director, and Michael Wong Chun Kit, Construction Supervisor, 建造經理黃頌光獲「建造經理卓越獎」。1 Wong (left), Senior Construction Manager, was also recognised with an Outstanding represent the Sai Sha Road project team to receive Award for Young Practitioner for the HKU Representatives of the University of Hong Kong the Contractor Gold Award in the New Works Medical Complex Extension project team to receive category of CIC Sustainable Construction Award. Medical Complex Extension and Michael the Contractor Silver Award in the RMAA category. 執行董事侯志超(右)及高級建造經理黃頌光(左)代表西沙 Wong, Senior Construction Manager, 香港大學醫學院大樓擴建工程的代表接過「承建商維修、 路工程團隊,接受建造業議會致贈的「可持續建築大獎 — won the Excellent Award for Construction 保養、改建及加建工程銀獎」。 承建商新工程金獎」。 Manager for the Sai Sha Project.

建造業議會致力向業界推廣可持續建築,在11月 13日舉行「可持續建築大獎」網上頒獎典禮,金門 兩個項目獲大會頒發殊榮。 金門新輝聯營的十四鄉綜合發展項目— 西沙 路擴闊工程奪「承建商新工程金獎」;香港大學醫 學院大樓擴建工程獲「承建商維修、保養、改建 及加建工程銀獎」。 評審準則包括企業文化、持分者的參與、環 保措施、供應鏈管理、採取的環保措施及成果。 優勝項目在各方面都有傑出表現。 在十四鄉綜合發展項目–西沙路擴闊工程, 團隊要在全長兩公里、交通繁忙的道路施工,與 眾多持份者保持緊密聯繫至為重要。此外,他們 採用綜合數碼化樹木管理技術移植一棵連理樹; 工地採用低碳混凝土和太陽能光伏系統,成功大

The Record • Issue 2/2020 | 19 Awards 獎項

Global Switch wins BIM award Global Switch數據中心 奪「建築信息模擬設計大獎」

As the main contractor for Global Switch Hong Kong Data Centre, in November Gammon was recognised a winner at the Autodesk HK BIM Awards 2020, in recognition of our design and build work on Global Switch modular integrated construction (MiC) into The Global Switch BIM project has been with a scope that includes substructure, play as solutions to construction challenges awarded due the ONE TEAM spirit exercised superstructure, electrical and mechanical, and not merely hyped construction by the builders, MEP and BIM team members. façade, fit-out and maintenance works. jargon. Modular units were built offsite It is also a benchmark for DfMA, showcasing Global Switch, the largest data centre in and transported to the construction site. Gammon’s capabilities as a digital contractor. Hong Kong, is delivered with our in-house Onsite factory and hoisting operations took expertise. BIM makes a project like this easier advantage of 4D BIM methodology, ensuring 金門憑Global Switch香港數據中心項目,在11月贏 because it makes it possible to coordinate the elimination of safety risks such as working 得「Autodesk 2020 香港建築信息模擬(BIM)設計大 manufacturing and hand it over stage- at height and fire hazards. 獎」。作為項目的總承建商,金門負責所有設計及建 by-stage. As Hong Kong’s largest carrier Among the most impressive Global 造細節,包括地基、上部結構、電機、幕牆、內部 and cloud-neutral data centre, the facility Switch achievements is the design and 裝配,以至維修工程。 has 70,000 square metres of world-class fabrication of the region’s heaviest MiC 金門集各部門的專才,順利移交Global Switch infrastructure services. thermal tanks, which saw the design process 這項香港現時最具規模的數據中心,特別是項目是 BIM was fully implemented from the streamlined through BIM, as well as the 利用BIM技術協調工場的生產,然後分階段付運, outset at Global Switch, bringing design coordination of logistics and hoisting utilizing 令整個建造流程更加暢順。項目的面積達70,000平 for manufacture and assembly (DfMA) and BIM and 3D simulation. 方米,是香港最大型的電訊營運和雲端數據中心, 能提供世界級的數據基建服務。 金門從策劃Global Switch項目開始已全面採用 BIM技術,更配合「供製造和裝配的設計」(DfMA) 和「組裝合成」(MiC)方案,解決工程面對的種種挑 戰,絕非紙上談兵。團隊在工場製造項目的模組構 件,然後把它們運送到地盤施工,又善用四維BIM 技術,模擬地盤內的流動生產線和吊運操作,把高 空工作和火警等風險減至最低,確保施工安全。 Global Switch項目其中一項重大成就,是以 「組裝合成」方法設計和安裝亞洲區內最重量級的儲 能缸。整個設計過程用BIM理順,再用BIM和三維 模擬協調物流運輸和吊裝工程。 Global Switch項目獲BIM大獎全憑金門的團隊 合作精神,特別是建築,機械、電氣和管道工程, 及BIM各部門的同仁,大家團結一致,推動工程順 利完成。而項目更為DfMA訂定新基準,充分彰顯金 門作為數碼建築承建商的超凡實力。1

20 | The Record • Issue 2/2020 獎項 Awards

Encouraging a smoke-free work environment

鼓勵無煙工作環境 GOLD AWARD 金獎

Gammon has received both the Gold Award The Smoke-free Leading Company and the Outstanding Smoke-free Community Awards were established to promote smoke- involvement Award in the Hong Kong free messages to their stakeholders on a Smoke-free Leading Company Awards. continuous basis, including employees, customers and the general public. Human Resources Director Jenny Pong stressed that construction workers were receiving information about the harmful effects of smoking through 3D demonstrations of damaged organs that were exhibited at the site to visualise the smoking effects , as well as videos broadcasts. Meanwhile, Gammon also has a dedicated healthcare team, which has been visiting sites since 2011 to conduct checks on smoking habits and has organised more than 人力資源董事龐燕妮強調,金門在地盤以三維 1,000 health talks in coordination with the 立體方式展示身體器官因吸煙受損的狀況,加上視 Lok Sin Tong Benevolent Society. 頻宣傳,向工友傳遞吸煙危害健康的信息。 金門早在2011年已成立一支關顧員工健康的團 金門獲頒贈「香港無煙領先企業金獎」及「傑出無煙 隊,由註冊護士定期走訪工地,為前線工友提供身 社區參與大獎」。 體檢查,了解他們的吸煙習慣;此外,我們聯同九 「香港無煙領先企業大獎」旨在鼓勵商界持續把無 龍樂善堂推廣無煙訊息,至今已舉辦逾1,000 場健 煙訊息推廣至員工、客戶、社會各界和不同持分者。 康講座。1

Employers Appreciation Ceremony 僱主嘉許典禮

Gammon’s continued commitment to nurturing young talent in the construction sector was recognised with four awards at the Construction Industry Council (CIC)’s Employers Appreciation Ceremony, which was held on 9 November. Gammon was awarded two Gold awards for the year 2019 in the annual CIC presentation: “Contractor Hiring the Most Number of Trades” and “Employer Offering Outstanding Apprenticeship Training.” We were also awarded a Silver award for “Contractor hiring the most number of graduates” in 2019, while the judging panel commended Gammon for offering quality training to semi-skilled workers. 在11月9日舉行的建造業議會「僱主嘉許典禮」,金 此外亦取得「2019年度聘用最多畢業生之承建 Gammon has long invested in cultivating 門獲贈四個獎項,肯定我們持續為建造業培育年青 商銀獎」,獲評審團稱讚為「優質培訓僱主(中工)」。 talents, especially youngsters and graduates, 才俊。 金門多年來投放大量資源培育人才,尤其關注 and providing opportunities for their growth 金門在典禮上獲贈「2019年度聘用最多工種之承 年青才俊和應屆畢業生,為他們提供發展機會,開 and development. 建商」及「2019年度傑出學徒訓練之僱主」兩項金獎。 展錦繡前程。1

The Record • Issue 2/2020 | 21 Health, Safety and Environment 健康、安及環保

Awards galore at Construction Safety Week 建造業安全周 成績耀眼

Gammon shone at this year’s Construction 在今年的「建造業安全周」金門共獲贈21個獎項,成 地磚,回收率成功由30%提升至60%。 Safety Week, organised by the Development 績耀眼,每個獎項都充分展現金門履行其核心價值 團隊的目標是要令項目成為首批獲得綠建環評 Bureau and the Construction Industry — 關愛社群、注重安全和健康、致力保護環境。「建 新建建築2.0(先導版本)鉑金級認證的「政府、機構 Council, with 21 awards, each of which 造業安全周」由發展局及建造業議會聯合舉辦。 和社區類別」建築。 encapsulates Gammon’s values in action – 香港大學沙宣道 21 號醫學院大樓擴建工程尤 金門的健康和安全措施、綜合數碼建造方案 consideration for local community, safety and 其出眾,獲贈「公德地盤」、「傑出環境管理」及「模 (IDPD)和供製造和裝配的設計(DfMA)同時獲得業 health, as well as environmental protection. 範分包商」三項金獎。 界肯定。並奪得「2020創意工程安全」一金、一銀和 Among the various awards, the 由於工程進行期間須保持大學校園正常開放, 三個優異獎,以及「吊運安全管理系統」優異獎。 University of Hong Kong (HKU) medical 工程團隊與校方保持緊密聯繫,同時採用更寧靜和 此外,七位前線工友出色的安全表現,獲「公 complex extension project won Gold in 整潔的施工方法。措施包括使用樓板切鋸機;把混 德地盤嘉許計劃」嘉許和表揚。1 the Considerate Contractors Site Award 凝土廢料運送到地盤以外的地方,循環再造成環保 (CCSA), the Outstanding Environmental Management & Performance Award Award List – Considerate Contractors Site Award Scheme (OEMPA) and Model Subcontractor Awards. 公德地盤嘉許計劃得獎名單 As it was necessary to keep the campus open as usual during the works period, Medical Complex Extension for The University of Hong Kong the project team cooperated closely with Non-Public Works – RMAA Works – Gold in CCSA, Gold in OEMPA HKU and adopted quieter and cleaner 香港大學醫學院大樓擴建工程 construction methods. These included the 非工務工程 - 維修、保養、改建及加建工程 — 公德地盤金獎,傑出環境管理金獎 use of saw-cutting slabs and transporting waste-concrete material offsite for recycling Residential Development at KIL 11257, Sheung Shing Street, Ho Man Tin into environmental pavers, successfully Non-Public Works – New Works – Group B – Gold in CCSA, Silver in OEMPA increasing the recycling rate from 30 per 何文田常盛街九龍內地段第11257號住宅發展項目 cent to 60 per cent. 非工務工程 - 新建工程 - B組 — 公德地盤金獎,傑出環境管理銀獎 The team aims to achieve one of the first BEAM Plus New Buildings V2.0 (Pilot The Sai Sha Road Widening Works for the Comprehensive Development at Shap Sz Version) Platinum ratings in the category of Heung, Sai Hung North Government, Institutional and Community. Non-Public Works – New Works – Group B – Bronze in CCSA, Silver in OEMPA Gammon’s initiatives in health 西貢北十四鄉綜合發展計劃 – 西沙路擴闊工程 and safety, as well as our Integrated 非工務工程 - 新建工程 - B組 — 公德地盤銅獎,傑出環境管理銀獎 Digital Project Delivery and Design for Manufacturing and Assembly approaches Entasis Limited were also recognised. We won a Gold, a Model Subcontractor – Gold Silver and three Merits at the Innovative 大師有限公司 — 模範分包商金獎 Safety Initiative Award 2020 and a Merit for Lifting Safety Management System. Central Kowloon Route – Kai Tak West At the CCS Award Scheme, seven Outstanding Award for Volunteering Excellence and Activeness frontline workers were recognised for their 中九龍幹線 — 啟德西工程 — 最積極義工參與率及突出表現獎 good safety performance.

22 | The Record • Issue 2/2020 PROJECTS 工程項目

年8月,金門獲香港機場管理局批出 Largest solo contract to date 總值128.8億港元的二號客運大樓擴 今建工程,這是金門迄今最高價值的單 - Terminal 2 Expansion Works 獨承建項目。 工程包括擴建二號客運大樓、建造連接橋 和交通基建如高架橋、道路和行人天橋,以 歷來最高價值的單獨承建合約 及改善香港國際機場的現有設施。 機場二號客運大樓擴建工程 這合約是香港國際機場三跑道系統的一部 分。工程完成後,二號客運大樓能提供全面 的出入境及旅客服務。 n August, Gammon was awarded the been awarded this prestigious project 總裁何安誠形容這個項目能充分展示金門 contract for the Terminal 2 Expansion at the airport,” Thomas said. “Our 的場外建造和「供製造和裝配的設計(DfMA)」 IWorks project by the Airport Authority construction proposal focuses on off- 的能力。 Hong Kong. Valued at approximately site and modular solutions, especially for 他說:「獲得這項機場標誌性的項目,我 HK$12.88 billion, it is Gammon’s largest electrical and mechanical aspects and 們倍感振奮和自豪。金門團隊會重點以場外 solo contract win so far. many of the internal fit-out elements 和模組方案施工,特別會靈活應用在機電工 The project involves expanding of the main building such as check-in 程和主體建築的內部設備,包括登機處、零 the Terminal 2 building and work on islands, retail shopfronts and link bridges. 售店面和連接橋等。 interconnecting bridges and other “We’ll also be applying a ‘kit-of- 此外,我們會在多個範疇採用零件構造套 transport infrastructure such as viaducts, parts’ approach with a high degree of 件施工方案,務求令工程高度標準化。這些 roads and footbridges, as well as standardisation to a number of areas. 方案有助精簡複雜的建築程序,大大減少地 modifications to existing facilities at These approaches allow us to simplify 盤的人力需求,從而提升安全和優化在機場 Hong Kong International Airport (HKIA). and reduce complex construction 環境的物流運作。」 The contract is part of the Three- activities and provide a significant 在取得這合約之前兩個月,金門已獲香港 runway System (3RS) project at HKIA, reduction in on-site labour requirements 機場管理局批出另一項三跑道系統合約,承 which aims for Terminal 2 to become a to improve both safety and the logistics 建旅客捷運系統及行李處理系統隧道和相關 full-service terminal for both arrivals and of operating in the airport environment.” 工程,總值73億港元。1 departures. This latest contract win comes Gammon Chief Executive Thomas just two months after Gammon was Ho described the project as an ideal awarded the HK$7.3 billion contract showcase for Gammon to display its to construct tunnels and other work abilities in off-site construction and design involving an automatic people mover for manufacture and assembly (DfMA). and baggage handling system at HKIA, “We are thrilled and proud to have which is also part of the 3RS project.

The Record • Issue 2/2020 | 23 PROJECTS 工程項目

Remote landslide sensors provide glimpse of Smart City future 遙距偵測斜坡 建構智慧城市

n Hong Kong, which is well known for its hilly and densely populated terrain, the risks Iassociated with slope failure both during and after construction are very real and of great importance in ensuring community safety and even avoiding tragic fatalities. In order to get instant information in the event of slope subsidence and landslide debris that impacts a slope barrier, the government’s Geotechnical Engineering Office (GEO) had been seeking to implement a real-time wireless landslide detection system (LDS) under the government Landslide Prevention and Mitigation Programme. A year ago, Digital G, Gammon’s digital business, received a challenge from the government to develop and implement such a monitoring system. The aim was for it to be smart, reliable and robust enough to survive in severe conditions such as typhoons, which often bring torrential rains to Hong Kong’s precipitous residential districts. To meet the aim effectively, Digital G integrated our expertise in engineering, construction practice and digital capabilities. The result of that effort has now been running for more than one year with uptime of more than 99 per cent, making it a success. The LDS provides a real-time monitoring solution for Hong Kong, while also successfully extending Gammon’s integrated digital project delivery capabilities to the post-construction stage. As for how it works, Digital G’s solution is holistic, putting in place various sensors on different parts of slopes. The sensors detect forces put on slope barriers by landslides and measure the thickness of debris and possible tilt of the barriers. In case of landslide events, instant alerts will be sent to responsible officers. When landslide debris impacts slope retainer walls, any barrier deformation triggers a laser device to measure extent and thickness of the debris, while also taking photographs to provide visual information concerning what has happened. With night vision, the system operates 24 hours a day.

24 | The Record • Issue 2/2020 In the event of a landslide, instant alerts are sent to designated personal via text messaging to a mobile app. This makes it possible for such personnel to get on-site information wherever they happen to be via their smartphones or laptop computers, bringing efficiency to slope monitoring and reducing labour involved in slope monitoring and even maintenance. From the app, information is relayed to the cloud, and from there to Gammon’s internally developed data-collection software GEOMON, which allows users to view and analyse real- time data. GEOMON has been successfully used by Gammon on construction sites in Hong Kong and Singapore for some 15 years and is the perfect complement for Digital G’s sensor detection system. The sensors are connected wirelessly and have self-sustaining power sources in the form of solar panels that last for three years without need for replacement. They provide real-time information via a remote-control platform and can “talk” to the government’s internet of things (IoT) platform, providing an excellent base for more comprehensive Smart City initiatives in Hong Kong. The beauty of the system is its ability to provide live information with minimal maintenance costs to both the system and the slopes themselves. It is the foundation of AI- enabled preventive maintenance for all future infrastructure.

所週知,香港山坡陡峭,人口稠密,斜坡崩塌 的風險不容忽視,無論是在項目建造期間、完 眾工之後,保護社區,保障人命安全都至為重要。 政府的土力工程處在「長遠防治山泥傾瀉計劃」下, 推行實時無線山泥傾瀉監察系統,以便即時掌握坡土沉 降和泥石流影響斜坡屏障的資訊。 金門的數碼科技業務Digital G一年前受政府委託, 研發和推行這監察系統。系統必須集智能、可靠和耐用 於一身,在惡劣環境,例如香港受颱風吹襲,為廣泛地 出文字短訊,即時提醒負責人員。即是說,負責人員無 區帶來暴雨時,亦要確保這系統能正常運作。 論在何時何地,都可以透過智能電話或手提電腦掌握現 Digital G集合了金門在工程、建築、數碼科技各方面 場情況。這不僅提升監察斜坡的效率,更減少涉及監測 的專長,有效克服了政府這項極富挑戰的任務。系統推 和維修斜坡的人力需求。 出至今逾一年,超過99%時間正常運作,成效無容置疑。 應用程式會將資料上傳至雲端,連接到金門開發的 這山泥傾瀉監察系統為香港提供實時監控斜坡的方 數據收集軟件GEOMON,幫助使用者瀏覽和分析即時 案,同時成功擴展金門的「綜合數碼建造方案」至建築物 數據。過去15年,金門在香港和新加坡的地盤均成功使 營運管理階段。 用GEOMON程式,GEOMON亦可完全配合Digital G感 Digital G提供的方案考慮周全,工程師在斜坡的不 測系統的需要。 同位置安裝感測器,用以偵測山泥傾瀉為斜坡屏障帶來 所有感測器以無線系統連接,以太陽能板自行提供 video 影片 的壓力、測量泥石數量,及屏障可能出現的傾側度,需 穩定電源,能運作至少三年而無需替換;更可透過遙 要時可即時通報負責人員。 距控制平台提供實時數據,及與政府的物聯網平台「溝 當泥石影響擋土牆時,如屏障有任何變形,會啟動雷 通」,為香港全面發展成智慧城市奠定基礎。 射設備,測量泥石的數量和厚度,同時拍照,提供現場實 山泥傾瀉監察系統本身成本極低,更能以極低成本 景資料;配合夜攝功能,系統能24小時全天候運作。 維護斜坡和提供即時資訊,為未來基建項目的「人工智 如出現山泥傾瀉情況,系統會透過行動應用程式發 能預防性維修工程」打好根基。1

The Record • Issue 2/2020 | 25 PROJECTS 工程項目

Among the many industry firsts in this project are the first on-site 5G smart control 5G Smart centre; the completion of 707 units in one month and 56 units in one day; more than 95% of works completed using modular integrated Control Centre construction (MiC), including pre-installed mechanical, electrical and plumbing (MEP); MiC 700 Quarantine Units units equipped with plumbing and drainage design for manufacturing and assembly (DfMA) in 87 Days module in factory and using flying factory for MEP and precast trenches. This is an approach that combines 5G智能控制中心 Construction 2.0 with Industry 4.0 and fully reflects Gammon’s highly efficient, integrated 87天建造700個檢疫單位 digital project management. The 5G Smart Control Centre played a vital role as a centralised pool of

n mid-June, the Architectural Services Department awarded temporary quarantine Ifacilities Phase II at Penny’s Bay to Gammon. The HK$418m contract comprises construction of 700 units, medical and command posts, a satellite medical post, accommodation for operations staff and other supporting facilities. Implementing the Hong Kong construction industry’s first on-site 5G Smart Control Centre, Gammon oversaw the design and fabrication of 700 quarantine units in just 87 days, ahead of the 90-day contract period.

26 | The Record • Issue 2/2020 intelligence, giving the project management team maximum control over all aspects of the works at all phases whether on-site or off-site. Over 95 per cent of the works were completed using MiC. The quarantine units were fully fitted out in mainland China while a flying factory on site was used to fabricate underground pipe modules. Information flowing into the 5G Smart Control Centre included Gammon’s digital monitoring solution for off- site construction, STAMP, which allowed the team to remotely oversee all aspects of MiC unit production at the factory. Quality control both at the factory and on site was monitored via the in-house developed system, Inspecto, which provided transparency to inspections. Gammon is grateful for the support of government departments through to suppliers, subcontractors and the project video management team. The Lion Rock spirit played a huge role in helping to overcome the challenges of delivery within such a short timeframe.

月中,金門獲建築署批出竹篙灣第二期臨時檢 疫中心合約,項目總值4.18億港元,工程包括 6建造700個檢疫單位、醫療站和指揮中心、衛 星醫療站,護理人員住宿和其他輔助設施。 金門在地盤設立了香港建造業界首個工地5G智能控制 中心,以促進工程效率,僅用了87天完成竹篙灣700個檢 疫單位的設計和建造,較原訂的90天合約工期提早完成。 of the works were 這項目有多個業界首創元素,包括:首個在工地設 completed using MiC 置5G智能控制中心;一個月內完成安裝707個檢疫單 工程使用「組裝合成」 位;一天內完成56個檢疫單位;超過95%的工程使用 (MiC)技術完成 「組裝合成」(MiC)技術完成,包括預先安裝的機械、電 氣和管道組件;單位出廠時已配備「供製造和裝配的設 計」(DfMA)的管道模組;在工地設立流動生產線製造機 械、電氣和管道組件,以及預製管溝。 為應付緊湊的工期,金門團隊結合建造業2.0與工業 4.0的概念,以高效的綜合數碼建造方案推展工程。首 個在5G工地應用的智能控制中心成為項目重要的中央 數據智能庫,讓管理團隊,不論在工地現場、工廠,以 至在各個階段,都能更佳掌管各方面的運作。 工程的95%以MiC技術完成,檢疫單位在內地廠 房組裝,團隊同時在工地現場使用流動生產線製造地 下管道模組。5G智能控制中心可以監察金門數碼平台 「STAMP」的數據,遙距監控廠房建造MiC組件的進度。 此外,工廠和現場的質量控制都能透過金門內部 研發的Inspecto系統進行監測,為整體檢測過程提供

透明度。 影片 金門感謝各界的支持,包括相關的 政府部門、供應商、分判商,以及項目 管理團隊,一起以獅子山的拼博精神, 在如此短促的時間內克服各項挑戰,順 利完成及交付工程。1

The Record • Issue 2/2020 | 27 PROFILE 焦點人物

Volunteering for all 老幼兼顧 義不容辭 hile Au Kam Chuen attends to “The moment I saw their faces, I knew I was the health of the elderly, Ng Yuen doing the right thing. What we give out are WWah organises engineering-related minimal to us, but can mean a lot to the elderly!” workshops for students. Gammon volunteers – Au Kam Chuen, Site Administration Manager are devoted to carry out corporate social “The STEM workshop is a ‘triple-win’ responsibility for the company reaching out to all solution for parties involved. Students and the walks of life of the society. general public can get to learn more about construction engineering through our workshops and activities, which are also platforms for participating staff to realise their full potential. In the meantime, Gammon can establish close ties with local community to disseminate information about the Central Kowloon Route – Kai Tak West Section project.” – Ng Yuen Wah, Senior Public Relations Officer Au Kam Chuen and Ng Yuen Wah were awarded Excellence in Construction Industry Volunteering Gold and Bronze Awards respectively in the Construction Industry Volunteer Award Scheme 2020. But they both note that accolades should go to the entire Gammon family as they are event coordinators only. While a “think outside the box” approach

28 | The Record • Issue 2/2020 焦點人物 PROFILE

is essential during the initial planning and “Events organising is also an unmatched coordinating stage, encouraging staff learning opportunity when I seek expert participation is equally important. The unfailing advice from various departments – for support from senior management is the key to example, colleagues from the Civil Engineering the success of all volunteering events, they say. Department suggested ways to build model of bridge using simple household supplies, while Fostering Gammon’s caring culture our Concrete Technology Department has For decades, Gammon has been dedicated provided a custom-made quick-dry formula for to corporate social responsibility. “Financial a special concrete-ware workshop. Meanwhile, and administrative support – as well as the I am able to expand communication networks participation of the senior management when I contact schools and the general public in – encourages the fostering of Gammon’s the vicinity, explaining to them that our project volunteering culture to the next level.” Au says. team is actually working hard to build transport “Gammon has already established a profound infrastructure for their community.” Ng says. foundation in providing community services. I hope that young colleagues will further enhance Gammon’s caring culture by initiating more regular events and by broadening the scope of community services in the future. Last but not least, senior management should welcome more unconventional events with innovative ideas. Ng Yuen Wah is definitely one of Gammon’s rising stars in this aspect.”

Unleash potential and self development Ng Yuen Wah notes the activeness of participating colleagues during the event organising stage and their excitement at various workshops. “Volunteering is, in fact, another platform for colleagues to unleash the full potential of their expertise.”

The Record • Issue 2/2020 | 29 PROFILE 焦點人物

邊廂,歐錦泉關顧長者健康;那邊廂,吳婉華 「STEM工作坊是一個三贏方案:學生和市民透過活 向學生傳遞工程知識。金門義工團隊真正做到 動得悉更多工程知識;義工透過分享和服務充分發揮潛 這老幼兼顧,傳播關愛文化,實踐企業社會責任。 能;公司加強與社區聯繫,傳達中九龍幹線 - 啟德西項 「他們的神情令我感受深刻,我知道,我們做對 目的工程資訊。」— 高級公共關係主任吳婉華 了!我們付出的人力物力非常微小,但對受惠的長者意 在「建造業義工獎勵計劃2020」分別獲贈「卓越建造 義重大!」— 地盤行政經理歐錦泉 業義工」金獎和銅獎的歐錦泉和吳婉華同時表示,獎項 是屬於金門大家庭的,自己只是義務工作中負責穿針引 線的一分子;構思和籌組活動需要打破固有思維,同時 要鼓勵同事在百忙中抽空協助和出席,在此,管理層的 大力支持是成功關鍵。

傳承關愛文化 多年來金門履行企業社會責任不遺餘力,歐錦泉說:「我 期望管理層無論在財務上、行政上和精神上,繼續加大 力度支持義工服務。」 「在義務工作方面,金門已建立雛型。我希望同事持 續推廣關愛文化,例如把服務恆常化,注入更多創新思 維擴闊服務範疇,管理層放手讓年青同事以嶄新形式籌 辦活動。吳婉華正是金門義工服務的新星。」

發揮與學習 吳婉華指出,同事的日常工作已經非常繁重,在籌組活 動時,仍非常樂意提供專業意見,與學生分享工程知識 時,更表現得興奮雀躍。「義工服務可說是另一個讓同 事發揮潛能的平台。」 「此外,我也從服務中學習。在統籌活動的過程 中,我有機會涉獵其他工程專業,例如土木工程部的同 事建議如何運用簡單材料架設橋樑模型,混凝土部的同 事特別為活動調配快乾石矢配方以製作混凝土器皿;透 過接觸區內的學校、業主立案法團和街坊,介紹金門團 隊正為他們建設社區的同時,我也藉此建立廣闊的人際 網絡呢!」1

Ng Yuen Wah, Winner of the Excellence in Construction Industry Volunteering Bronze Award • Coordinator of the “Central Kowloon Route – Kai Tak West Section” volunteering team; • The team’s STEM Workshop – Integrated Construction and Au Kam Chuen, Winner of the Excellence in Construction Education also won the Excellence in Construction Industry Industry Volunteering Gold Award Volunteering Project Bronze Award; • Committed in Gammon’s volunteering activities since 2005; • Organised more than 20 events with schools in the vicinity, • Distributed 25,000 face masks to elderly in need at his own including fun fairs, workshops and career talks; expense at the peak of the Covid-19 pandemic; • Arranged a professional team to teach students painting • Orchestrated a charity session for stage drama The Poetry techniques and to help them repaint walls of their school so that Journey of Tong, with all proceeds donated to the Tung Wah it could hold its up-coming open day with a refreshing look. Group of Hospitals; 「卓越建造業義工銅獎」得主吳婉華 • Organise regular visits to elderly homes for Gammon volunteers, especially during festive seasons. • 「中九龍幹線 - 啟德西」項目義工隊舵手; • 該工程團隊的「STEM工作坊 」項目,把工程知識揉合在STEM教學之 「卓越建造業義工金獎」得主歐錦泉 中,同時獲建造業議會頒贈「非凡建造業義工項目銅獎」; • 2005年開始為金門籌辦不同類型義工活動; • 與區內多間幼兒園、小學、中學和大專院校合辦超過20項社區活動,包 • 新型冠狀病毒疫情最高峰期間,自資訂購25,000個口罩送贈有需要的長者; 括遊戲日、工作坊、職業生涯規劃講座等; • 親自策劃話劇《藝海唐生》慈善場,將收入全數捐贈東華三院; • 安排專業團隊前往學校,義務教授學生髹漆技巧,指導他們翻新校園外 • 每逢節慶,帶領同事到老人中心探訪,為長者送上節日祝福。 牆,讓學校以全新面貌舉行開放日。

30 | The Record • Issue 2/2020 企業社會責任 Corporate Social Responsibility

Covid-relief with face masks and sanitisers 捐贈口罩和搓手液 同心抗疫

In August, Gammon again lent a helping Island, and Tsz Wan Shan, Kowloon. 金門在8月再次捐贈口罩和搓手液等防疫用品予基 hand to Hong Kong society by donating Gammon is committed to joining 層社群。感謝多家社福機構,包括基順愛的家、 facemasks and hand sanitisers to hands to face the challenges of Covid-19 護.聯網、香港童軍總會–柴灣及慈雲山的協助, communities with the help of the Kei Shun with a positive attitude. Our thanks also 把物資送予有需要的人士。 Church of Love, Lifewire, a healthcare crowd- go out to our Young Professionals Group 金門以積極樂觀的態度與各界攜手,一起面對 funding platform, and the Scout Association for coordinating these positive community 新型冠狀病毒的挑戰。感謝青年專業團隊統籌這些 of Hong Kong – Chai Wan, Hong Kong actions. 有意義的活動。1

Rising to the Lap Dog Challenge 跑圈為善最樂

On Saturday, 7 November, runners once again in the women’s category. Thanks went out to our rose to the Lap Dog Challenge to raise money running representatives William Ngai, Lenny Lam, for the Lighthouse Club Hong Kong Benevolent Tim Lai, Amy Sun and Christy Leung. Club – and sporty Gammon employees were among them. Gammon was fielding a team of 金門健兒和業界跑手在11月7日舉行的「明建會跑圈王挑 five at the Stanley Ho Sports Institute athletics 戰賽」一較高下,同時為明建會慈善基金籌募善款。比 track, Pok Fu Lam. The team ran a total of 439 賽在薄扶林何鴻燊體育中心田徑運動場舉行,五位金門 laps of the 400-metre track, and had successfully 虎隊在400米的賽道競跑439圈,成功籌得善款90,000港 raised over HK$90,000 donation. Christy Leung 元。梁越好個人完成了94圈,比去年多了六圈,奪得女 completed 94 laps which was six laps more than 子組冠軍寶座。衷心感謝魏漢華、林傲池、黎劍偉、孫 her record last year, making her the Champion 寶琦和梁越好,為慈善出力、為金門爭光!1

The Record • Issue 2/2020 | 31 MAJOR CURRENT CONTRACTS LIST

Job no. Title Client BUILDING

13693 No 1 Plantation Road, Hong Kong The Wharf (Holdings) Ltd

13699 The Fullerton Ocean Park Hotel Hong Kong Site Formation, Foundation and Parkland (Hong Kong) Ltd Superstructure Main Contract

13708 Proposed Residential Development (LOHAS Park Package 9) at Site J of the Remaining Wheelock Properties Portion of TKO Town Lot No 70, Tseung Kwan O Area 86, Tseung Kwan O, New Territories

13757 Medical Complex Extension at No 21 Sassoon Road for the University of Hong Kong The University of Hong Kong – Main Contract

13777 Main Contract for the Proposed Residential Development at KIL 11257, Goldin Group Sheung Shing Street, Ho Man Tin, Kowloon, Hong Kong

13788 L2 Contract of Lyric Theatre Complex & Extended Basement West Kowloon Cultural District Authority

13789 Retail, Public Circulation and Hotel Check-in of P5&6 Refurbishment project located Venetian Orient Ltd at the Venetian Macao

13799 St. Regis Serviced Apartments – Main Works Venetian Orient Ltd

13828 Development of IE 2.0 Project C Advanced Manufacturing Centre at Tseung Kwan O Hong Kong Science & Technology Parks Corporation Industrial Estate (TKOIE), New Territories for Hong Kong Science and Technology Parks Corporation Works Contract No. PD/WC/209 – Main Works Contract

13836 Proposed Residential Development at NKIL 6564, Kai Tak, Kowloon Wheelock Properties

13860 Proposed Residential Development at 139-147 Argyle Street, Kowloon Sino Land Co Ltd

13866 Proposed Residential Development at NKIL 6563 Kai Tak 1L Site 2 Kowloon Wheelock Properties

13886 Proposed Redevelopment at R.B.L 279, Shek O Residence


13662 Ocean Park Tai Shue Wan Water World Project, Contract No. TSW-C006 – Waterpark Ocean Park Corporation – Main Building Works

13703 L1 Contract for Lyric Theatre Complex and Extended Basement Project West Kowloon Cultural District Authority

13718 Central Kowloon Route – Kai Tak West HKSAR Highways Dept

13728 TMCLK Northern Connection Tunnel Buildings, Electrical and Mechanical Works HKSAR Highways Dept

13761 Contract No CC/2018/3A/072 – Management Contractor Agreement for Construction West Kowloon Cultural District Authority of M+ Museum for the West Kowloon Cultural District Authority

13876 Public Infrastructure Works for Phase 1 Development of WKCDA (Package 3) West Kowloon Cultural District Authority – Artist Square Bridge

13877 Modification Works at Elements Connection of Artist Square Bridge West Kowloon Cultural District Authority

13880 Contract 3802 – Automatic People Mover & Baggage Handling System Tunnels Airport Authority Hong Kong and Related Works

13883 Contract No HY/2019/13 Central Kowloon Route – Buildings, Electrical and HKSAR Highways Dept Mechanical Works

13887 CLP CCGT Black Point Power Station D2 Project – Early Civil Works CLP Power Hong Kong

13888 Contract C19W10 Intermodal Transfer Terminal – Bonded Vehicular Bridge Airport Authority Hong Kong and Associated Roads

32 | The Record • Issue 2/2020 MAJOR CURRENT CONTRACTS LIST

Job no. Title Client

13908 Contract 3508 Terminal 2 Expansion Works Airport Authority Hong Kong

15230 The Sai Sha Road Widening Works for the Comprehensive Development Sun Hung Kai Properties at Shap Sz Heung, Sai Kung North, Hong Kong

15232 Management Contract for U-turn Bridge and footbridge FB4 for West Rail Yuen Long Sun Hung Kai Properties Station Propoerty Development YLTL no. 510


15687 Lyric Theatre L1 Works Gammon – Main Contractor

15688 Central Kowloon Route – Kai Tak West Structural Steel ELS Work Gammon – Main Contractor

15699 Lam Tin Tunnel Noise Barrier Leighton – China State JV – Main Contractor

15700 HKU Medical Complex A&A Project Structural Steelworks Gammon – Main Contractor

15702 L2 Lyric Theatre – Structure Steelwork Gammon – Main Contractor

15706 NKIL6556 Kai Tak Area 1F Site 2 – Sturctural Steelwork Hip Hing Construction Co Ltd – Main Contractor

15708 Development of IE 2.0 Project C Advanced Manufacturing Centre – Structural Steel Gammon – Main Contractor

15709 Central Kowloon Route – Kai Tak West – Covered Walkway Gammon – Main Contractor

15712 Argyle Street No. 139-147 – Clock Tower Gammon – Main Contractor

15713 Yau Ma Tei West – Noise Barrier Build King – SKEC JV - Main Contractor

15714 Prince of Wales Hospital – Steel Gammon – Main Contractor

15717 Jockey Club One Health Tower for City University – Structural Steelwork CR Construction Co Ltd – Main Contractor

15722 Artist Square Bridge – Structural Steelworks Gammon – Main Contractor

15724 ELS Works Contract for Project Blue – Structural Steelwork WT Partnership (HK) Ltd


13647 Ocean Park Tai Shue Wan Water World Project – E&M Ocean Park Corporation

13663 MTR Contract K1847-16E(B) Replacement of Air-Cooled Chillers at MTR Stations MTR Corporation and Depots

13666 MTR SCL Contract 1164B – Building Services for SCL Hong Kong Island Section MTR Corporation

13688 Global Switch Hong Kong (GSHK1) – Building 3, 4 & 5 Data Centre at Tseung Kwan O Global Switch

13739 Electrical Installation for The Fullerton Ocean Park Hotel Hong Kong Parkland (Hong Kong) Ltd

13766 L2 Contract of the Lyric Theatre Complex and Extended Basement West Kowloon Cultural District Authority (Contract No. CC/2017/3A031) – E&M Installations

13805 Electrical, Lighting, Plumbing and Drainage Installation to T5B St Regis Apartment Hotel, Gammon – Main Contractor Macau

13838 Development of IE 2.0 Project C Advanced Manufacturing Centre at Tseung Kwan O Hong Kong Science & Techology Parks Corporation Industrial Estate (TKOIE), New Territories for Hong Kong Science and Technology Parks Corporation Works Contract No. PD/WC/209 – Main Works Contract

13900 Contract C19W10 lntermodal Transfer Terminal – Bonded Vehicular Bridge and Airport Authority Hong Kong Associated Roads – E&M

13910 Contract 3508 Terminal 2 Expansion Works – E&M Installations Airport Authority Hong Kong

The Record • Issue 2/2020 | 33 MAJOR CURRENT CONTRACTS LIST

Job no. Title Client FOUNDATIONS

13625 Automatic Deformation Monitoring System (ADMS) for Monitoring of West Rail Line Sun Hung Kai Architects and Engineers Ltd Viaduct Piers U277 to U280 in Yuen Long, N.T.

13660 Foundation Works for Tin Wing Light Rail Stop Property Development at Best Vision Development Ltd TSWTL No. 23, Area 33 Tin Shui Wai, New Territories

13697 Proposed Office Development at 2 Murray Road Central, Survey and Henderson Land Development Co. Ltd Tunnel Monitoring Works

13706 Central Kowloon Route, Kai Tak West, Subcontract for Foundation Works Gammon – Main Contractor – Highways Department (Contract No HY/2014/07)

13724 Geotechnical Instrumentation Works for Contract No. HY/2014/07 HKSAR Highways Dept Central Kowloon Route – Kai Tak West

13831 Main Contract for West Rail Yuen Long Station Property Development at Yuen Long Gammon – Main Contractor Town Lot No. 510, Subcontract for U-Turn Bridge Piling and FB4 Piling Works

13834 Foundation Works for 139-147 Argyle Street Gammon – Main Contractor

13835 Pile Foundation and Soldier Pile Wall Works for Footbridge, Noise Barrier and Pile Wall Sanfield-Gammon JV – Main Contractor for The Sai Sha Road Widening Works for the Comprehensive Development at Shap Sz Heung, Sai Kung North, Hong Kong

13839 Foundation and Site Formation for Public Housing Development at Lei Yue Mun Hong Kong Housing Authority Phase 4 at Yan Wing Street, Yau Tong, Contract No. 20180502

13843 Contract No 20190066 Ground Investigation Term Contract C (2019-2021) Hong Kong Housing Authority

13850 Proposed Residential Development at West Rail Kam Sheung Road Station Phase 1 Kin Wing Engineering Co Ltd Development, Yuen Long, N.T. Lot No.1040 in Demarcation District No.103

13851 Foundation and ELS (Stage 1) Works for Proposed Residential Development at Lot Jardine Matheson No 560 RP Strawberry Hill, 36 Plantation Road, Hong Kong

13854 Proposed Pump House and Related Pipe Works for Seawater District Cooling System Gammon – Main Contractor at IE 2.0 Project C Advanced Manufacturing Centre at TKOIE

13858 Contract No HATS 02/2020 Ground Investigation Works for Construction and HKSAR Drainage Services Dept Rehabilitation of Trunk Sewage Rising Mains in Cheung Sha Wan

13862 Foundation Works for AIA Urban Campus Redevelopment at No. 1 Stubbs Road AIA Co Ltd Hong Kong

13868 Demolition and Foundation Works at Prince of Wales Hospital for Redevelopment of Hospital Authority Prince of Wales Hospital, Phase 2 (Stage 1)

13869 Design and Construction of Piling Works for Proposed Residential & Recreational Sun Hung Kai Properties Development at TPTL 157, Sai Sha (Site B), Shap Sz Heung, New Territories

13873 Outline Agreement No 4600008232 for Site Investigation Works for Existing/ CLP Power Hong Kong Prospective Sites of CLP Power’s Premises for CLP Power Hong Kong Limited

13890 Hong Kong International Airport, Three Runway System Project Contract 3802 Gammon – Main Contractor – APM and BHS Tunnels and Related Works

13891 Contract 3802 – APM and BHS Tunnels Instrumentation Gammon – Main Contractor

13898 Contract C19W10 Intermodal Transfer Terminal – Bonded Vehicular Bridge and Gammon – Main Contractor Associated Road, Subcontract for Foundation Works

13901 CLP CCGT Black Point Power Station D2 Project – Early Works Contract Gammon – Main Contractor

34 | The Record • Issue 2/2020 MAJOR CURRENT CONTRACTS LIST

Job no. Title Client

13902 ELS Works for Project Blue – Proposed Development at 281 Gloucester Road, Mandarin Oriental International Causeway Bay

13903 Contract No HY/2019/13, Central Kowloon Route - Buildings, Electrical and Gammon – Main Contractor Mechanical Works (Public Works Programme Item 461TH)

13909 Tunnel Monitoring Works – Housing Development at Kai Tak Area 1 E1 Hong Kong Housing Society

13911 Contract 3508 Terminal 2 Expansion Works Gammon – Main Contractor

13915 Contract HY/2019/13 – Central Kowloon Route BEM Works Initial Instrumentation Gammon – Main Contractor

13916 Contract 3508 Terminal 2 Expansion Works Instrumentation Gammon – Main Contractor

13920 Foundation for Public Housing Development at Hang Tai Road, Hong Kong Housing Authority Ma On Shan Area 86B Phase 2, Contract No 20190526


14268 Contract T210 – Design and Construction of Mayflower Station for Land Transport Authority Thomson East Coast Line

14271 Contract T221 – Constrcution of Havelock Station for Thomson Line Land Transport Authority

14298 Contract T3152, Supply, Installation and Monitoring of Instruments for Contract T315 Land Transport Authority

14309 Neste Singapore Expansion – Services Culvert Engineering & Construction Work Neste Singapore Pte Ltd

14312 Neste Singapore Expansion – Civil Works (Greenfield) Neste Singapore Pte Ltd

14315 Contract R1012 – Design & Construction of Stabling and Maintenance Workshop Land Transport Authority Extension at Bishan Depot

14320 Construction for the Redevelopement of North-South Link Precinct, Sentosa Sentosa Development Corporation

14321 Arkema Symphony Project - Design & Build Building Package 01 Arkema Pte Ltd

14322 Term Contract No. 40 for Soil Investigation Works for a Period of 30 months for Ed Zublin AG Housing Development Board (HDB)

The Record • Issue 2/2020 | 35 主要工程合約一覽表

編號 項目 客戶 樓宇建築

13693 香港種植道一號 九龍倉集團有限公司

13699 香港富麗敦海洋公園酒店 地盤平整、地基及上層結構工程主要合約 聯(香港)有限公司

13708 新界將軍澳86區第70號地段J地盤餘下位置(日出康城第九期)住宅發展項目 會德豐地產

13757 沙宣道21號香港大學醫學院大樓擴建工程 – 主要工程合約 香港大學

13777 九龍何文田常盛街九龍內地段第11257號住宅發展項目主要工程合約 高銀集團

13788 演藝綜合劇場及地庫延伸部分L2合約 西九文化區管理局

13789 澳門威尼斯人酒店第五及第六地段零售、公共空間及酒店接待處翻新工程 東方威尼斯人有限公司

13799 澳門瑞吉金沙城中心酒店服務式住宅 – 主要工程 東方威尼斯人有限公司

13828 香港科技園公司工程合約PD/WC/209 – 將軍澳工業先進製造業中心IE 2.0項目C發展計劃 – 主要工程合約 香港科技園公司

13836 九龍啟德新九龍內地段第6564號住宅發展項目 會德豐地產

13860 九龍亞皆老街139至147號住宅發展項目 信和置業有限公司

13866 九龍啟德第1L區2號地盤 新九龍內地段第6563號住宅發展項目 會德豐地產

13886 石澳鄉郊建屋地段279號重建項目 怡和集團


13662 海洋公園大樹灣水上樂園項目 合約編號TSW-C006 – 水上樂園 – 主樓建築工程 海洋公園

13703 L1合約 – 西九文化區演藝綜合劇場及擴建地庫項目 西九文化區管理局

13718 中九龍幹線 – 啟德西工程 香港特區政府路政署

13728 屯門至赤角連接路 – 北面連接路隧道大樓及機電工程 香港特區政府路政署

13761 合約編號CC/2018/3A/072 – 西九文化區管理局M+項目管理承建商合約 西九文化區管理局

13876 西九文化區管理局第一期發展(承包項目3)公共基礎建設工程 – 藝術廣場天橋 西九文化區管理局

13877 圓方連接藝術廣場天橋優化工程 西九文化區管理局

13880 合約編號3802 – 旅客捷運系統及行李處理系統隧道和相關工程 香港機場管理局

13883 合約編號HY/2019/13中九龍幹線 – 大樓及機電工程 香港特區政府路政署

13887 中電龍鼓灘發電廠聯合循環燃氣渦輪二號發電機組項目 – 前期土木工程 中華電力

13888 合約編號C19W10多式聯運中轉客運大樓 – 封閉行車橋及相關道路工程 香港機場管理局

13908 合約編號3508二號客運大樓擴建工程 香港機場管理局

36 | The Record • Issue 2/2020 主要工程合約一覽表

編號 項目 客戶

15230 西貢北十四鄉綜合發展計劃 – 西沙路擴闊工程 新鴻基地產

15232 西鐵元朗站YLTL 510號地段物業發展項目U-Turn行車橋及FB4行人橋管理合約 新鴻基地產


15687 演藝綜合劇場L1工程 金門 – 總承建商

15688 中九龍幹線 – 啟德西鋼結構、挖掘及橫撐工程 金門 – 總承建商

15699 藍田隧道隔音屏障 禮頓 – 中建聯營 – 總承建商

15700 香港大學醫學院大樓改建及加建項目 – 鋼結構工程 金門 – 總承建商

15702 L2演藝綜合劇場 – 鋼結構工程 金門 – 總承建商

15706 啟德發展區 NKIL6556第1F區2號地盤 – 鋼結構工程 協興建築有限公司 – 總承建商

15708 先進製造業中心IE 2.0項目C發展計劃 – 鋼結構工程 金門 – 總承建商

15709 中九龍幹線-啟德西 – 有蓋行人通道 金門 – 總承建商

15712 亞皆老街139-147號 – 鐘樓 金門 – 總承建商

15713 油麻地西 – 隔音屏障 利基-SKEC聯營 – 總承建商

15714 威爾斯親王醫院 – 鋼鐵工程 金門 – 總承建商

15717 城市大學賽馬會健康一體化大樓 – 鋼結構工程 華營建築有限公司 – 總承建商

15722 藝術廣場天橋 – 鋼結構工程 金門 – 總承建商

15724 Project Blue挖掘及橫撐工程合約 – 鋼結構工程 務騰(香港)有限公司


13647 海洋公園大樹灣水上樂園 – 機電工程 海洋公園公司

13663 港鐵合約K1847-16E(B)港鐵站及車廠更換氣冷式製冷機工程 港鐵公司

13666 沙田至中環合約1164B – 沙中港島段之屋宇設備工程 港鐵公司

13688 將軍澳Global Switch(GSHK1)3、4及5棟數據中心 Global Switch

13739 香港富麗敦海洋公園酒店 – 電氣工程 聯(香港)有限公司

13766 演藝綜合劇場及地庫延伸部分L2合約(合約編號CC/2017/3A031)– 機電安裝工程 西九文化區管理局

13805 澳門TB5瑞吉金沙城中心酒店服務式住宅 – 電氣、照明、水管及排水系統安裝工程 金門 – 總承建商

13838 香港科技園公司工程合約PD/WC/209 – 將軍澳工業先進製造業中心IE 2.0項目C 發展計劃 – 主要工程合約 香港科技園公司

13900 合約編號C19W10多式聯運中轉客運大樓 – 封閉行車橋及相關道路 – 機電工程 香港機場管理局

13910 合約編號3508二號客運大樓擴建工程 – 機電工程 香港機場管理局

The Record • Issue 2/2020 | 37 主要工程合約一覽表

編號 項目 客戶 地基

13625 自動變形監測系統 新鴻基建築設計有限公司


13660 新界天水圍33區地段第23號天榮輕鐵站物業發展項目地基工程 邦信發展有限公司

13697 中環美利道2號寫字樓發展項目 – 測量及隧道監控工程 基兆業地產有限公司

13706 中九龍幹線啟德西 – 地基分判工程(路政署合約編號HY/2014/07) 金門 – 總承建商

13724 合約編號HY/2014/07中九龍幹線 – 啟德西 – 土力及地質勘探工程 香港特區政府路政署

13831 西鐵元朗站YLTL 510號地段物業發展項目 – 主要工程合約 金門 – 總承建商

U-Turn行車橋及FB4行人橋 – 打樁工程分判合約

13834 亞皆老街139-147號地基工程 金門 – 總承建商

13835 西貢北十四鄉西沙路擴闊工程綜合發展 – 行人天橋、隔音屏障及樁牆的樁柱地基及支護樁牆工程 金門-新輝聯營 – 總承建商

13839 合約編號20180502油塘欣榮街鯉魚門第四期公營房屋發展計劃 – 地基及地盤平整工程 香港房屋委員會

13843 合約編號20190066土地勘測定期合約C(2019-2021) 香港房屋委員會

13850 新界元朗丈量約份第103約地段第1040號 西鐵錦上路站第一期住宅發展項目 建榮工程有限公司

13851 香港種植道36號 560 RP地段 紅梅閣住宅發展項目 – 地基及橫撐工程(第一期) 怡和集團

13854 將軍澳工業先進製造業中心IE 2.0項目C發展計劃 – 海水冷卻系統泵房及相關渠務工程 金門 – 總承建商

13858 合約編號HATS 02/2020長沙灣污水主幹泵喉建造及修復工程 – 土地勘測工程 香港特區政府渠務署

13862 香港司徒拔道1號友邦大廈重建計劃地基工程 友邦保險

13868 威爾斯親王醫院重建計劃第二期(第一階段)拆卸及地基工程 醫院管理局

13869 新界十四鄉西沙(B地盤)大埔市地段第157號住宅及康樂發展項目 – 設計及建造樁柱工程 新鴻基地產

13873 中電定期合約4600008232 – 中電現時及未來建築物地盤勘測工作 中華電力

13890 三跑道系統項目合約3802 – 機場旅客捷運系統及行李處理系統隧道和相關工程 金門 – 總承建商

13891 合約編號3802機場旅客捷運系統及行李處理系統隧道 – 安裝儀器 金門 – 總承建商

13898 合約編號C19W10多式聯運中轉客運大樓 – 封閉行車橋及相關道路工程 – 地基工程分判合約 金門 – 總承建商

13901 中電龍鼓灘發電廠聯合循環燃氣渦輪二號發電機組項目 – 前期工程合約 金門 – 總承建商

13902 Project Blue挖掘及橫撐工程 – 銅鑼灣告士打道281號發展項目 文華東方國際

13903 合約編號HY/2019/13 中九龍幹線 – 大樓及機電工程(工務計劃項目第461TH號) 金門 – 總承建商

13909 啟德房屋發展區1E1 – 隧道監測工程 香港房屋協會

13911 合約編號3508二號客運大樓擴建工程 金門 – 總承建商

38 | The Record • Issue 2/2020 主要工程合約一覽表

編號 項目 客戶

13915 合約編號HY/2019/13 中九龍幹線 – 大樓及機電工程 – 安裝初期儀器 金門 – 總承建商

13916 合約編號3508二號客運大樓擴建工程 – 安裝儀器 金門 – 總承建商

13920 合約編號20190526馬鞍山第86B區2期恆泰路公共房屋發展 – 地基工程 香港房屋委員會


14268 合約T210 – 設計及建造湯申東海岸線美華地鐵站 新加坡陸路交通管理局

14271 合約T221 – 建造湯申合樂地鐵站 新加坡陸路交通管理局

14298 合約T3152 – 供應、安裝及監控T315合約之儀器 新加坡陸路交通管理局

14309 新加坡Neste擴建項目 – 建造排水渠系統及相關工程 Neste Singapore Pte Ltd

14312 新加坡Neste擴建項目 – 土木工程(Greenfield) Neste Singapore Pte Ltd

14315 合約編號R1012 – 設計及建造碧山補給站加固及維修工場擴建工程 新加坡陸路交通管理局

14320 聖淘沙南北海岸通道重建項目 聖淘沙發展局

14321 Arkema Symphony項目 – 設計及建造01期工程 Arkema Pte Ltd

14322 短期合約編號40 – 建屋發展局為期30個月土質勘察工程 Ed Zublin AG

The Record • Issue 2/2020 | 39 HONG KONG 香港特別行政區 MACAU 澳門 Headquarters Gammon Building Construction Gammon Construction Limited (Macau) Limited 總公司 金門建築(澳門)有限公司 金門建築有限公司 Avenida Do Almirante Magalhães Correia 22/F, Tower 1, The Quayside No. 105 77 Hoi Bun Road Centro Industrial Furama, 12° Andar B Kowloon, Hong Kong em Macau Tel: 852 2516 8823 Tel: 853 2845 2619 Fax: 852 2516 6260 Fax: 853 2841 0176

Gammon E&M Limited 中國大陸 金門機電工程有限公司 MAINLAND CHINA 22/F, Tower 1, The Quayside Gammon Construction 77 Hoi Bun Road (Shanghai) Limited Kowloon, Hong Kong 金門斯堪雅(上海)有限公司 Tel: 852 2516 8823 Room 301, 3rd Floor, OASIS Fax: 852 2562 3790 No. 58 Taicang Road, Huangpu District Shanghai, 200020 Digital G Limited People’s Republic of China 22/F, Tower 1, The Quayside Tel: 86 21 6103 6790 77 Hoi Bun Road Kowloon, Hong Kong Shenzhen 深圳 Tel: 852 2516 8823 8/F, Tower A, Sunhope E Metro Fax: 852 2516 6260 7018 Caitian Road, Futian District Shenzhen 518035 Entasis Limited People’s Republic of China 大師有限公司 Tel: 86 755 8869 7878 22/F, Tower 1, The Quayside Fax: 86 755 8869 7800 77 Hoi Bun Road Kowloon, Hong Kong Tel: 852 2516 8823 SINGAPORE 新加坡 Fax: 852 2516 6260 Gammon Pte Limited Co Reg No: 198001094M Into G Limited 1 International Business Park 22/F, Tower 1, The Quayside #10-01 77 Hoi Bun Road The Synergy Kowloon, Hong Kong Singapore 609917 Tel: 852 2516 8823 Tel: 65 6722 3600 Fax: 852 2516 6260 Fax: 65 6722 3601

Lambeth Associates Limited 琳寶工程顧問有限公司 22/F, Tower 1, The Quayside 77 Hoi Bun Road Kowloon, Hong Kong Tel: 852 2516 8823 Fax: 852 2516 6352

Jointly owned by Jardines and Balfour Beatty