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BEHAVIOURAL SAFETY IN TEMPORARY WORKS MANAGEMENT SPEAKERS Dr. Angel LI, Psychologist, YHL Consulting Mr. Anthony James SMALL, Director, Gammon Construction MODERATOR David SEIN, Leighton-Chun Wo Joint Venture Using analytical tools to predict Demonstration of Virtual behavioural issues that can Reality Toolbox Talks adversely affect safety, and how to influence positive change.

Date: Saturday 11th January 2020 Time: 8.30 registration for 09:00-12:00 (followed by a guided tour of the CIC Innovation Area) Venue: Construction Innovation and Technology Application Centre (CITAC), G/F, HKIC Bay Campus, 44 Tai Yip Street, Kowloon Bay How to get there: Availability: 120 places (priority to HKTWF, ICE and Lighthouse Club HK members) Fee: Free of Charge Registration: On Line Registration (follow the link) for the Seminar and the Tour.

The HK Temporary Works Forum is a registered not for profit organisation in Hong Kong.

SEMINAR Hong Kong Branch

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Organiser: Mark Divers (Email: [email protected] / Tel.: 2835 0725) Programme: 08:30-09:00 Registration 09:00-09:15 Introduction and setting the scene, David Sein 09:15-09:20 Introducing the speakers, Shermein Wong 09:20-10:15 Psychology and Safety in Temporary Works Management, Dr. A. LI 10:15-10:45 BREAK (during the break attendees can visit the CIC Innovation Area) 10:45-11:45 Safety processes, procedures and people in Temporary Works: the role of digital technologies, Anthony James SMALL 11:45-12:00 Q&A 12:10 Guided tour of the CIC Innovation Area

The HK Temporary Works Forum is a registered not for profit organisation in Hong Kong.

SEMINAR Hong Kong Branch

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Dr. A.Y.Li, Chartered Psychologist, YHL Consulting Limited Dr. Li has over 25 years’ experience in psychological services, communication/cognitive behaviour and motivational skills training. She has developed the Augmented Collaborative Safety Culture (ACSC) programme - a customized and targeted Strategic-based safety process unique to each organization that consistently creates employee ownership and participation.

Mr. Anthony James Small, Director, Gammon Construction Ltd. Chartered Member of the Institution of Occupational Safety and Health (IOSH) and Honourable Advisor to the Hong Kong Branch (IOSH HK) Mr Small is a Director of Gammon a multi-disciplined construction and civil engineering business based in Hong Kong with operations throughout . Mr. Small is the Director responsible for Health and Safety, Sustainability, Quality and Audit.

Mr. Small also serves on the main committee of The Lighthouse Club HK, and is Chair of the Hong Kong Regional Council for the International Powered Access Federation (IPAF).

The HK Temporary Works Forum is a registered not for profit organisation in Hong Kong.

SEMINAR Hong Kong Branch

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Dr. A. Li, YHL Consulting Ltd

Psychology of Safety – Doing safety differently

Many companies have made continual progress towards improving safety. Over a number of years these efforts tend to produce dramatic reductions in accident rates. However, many organizations have reached a plateau (a human tendency) and are looking to move from good to great. Companies have robust training and effective safety processes, yet people are still getting hurt.

“No problem can be solved from the same level of consciousness that created it. We must learn to see the world anew.” – Albert Einstein.

I will discuss a parallel approach using psychology and data to build a safety predictive tool, with examples of how we have brought our unique perspective to construction sites. This will be led by discussing methods of analyzing data (a way to sense changes before hand) and predictive analytics to assess behavioural-based safety processes. Furthermore, I will touch on how data can and cannot assess the quality of observations, and how it can be used as a coaching tool. Finally, I will demonstrate how measuring the right data can effectively assess an evolving safety culture.

The HK Temporary Works Forum is a registered not for profit organisation in Hong Kong.

SEMINAR Hong Kong Branch

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Mr. Anthony James Small, Director, Gammon Construction Ltd.

Title: Safety processes, procedures and people: the role of digital technologies


To explore how technology and digitalisation is applied to engage front-line workers with innovative and engaging forms of communication so as to eliminate the need for classrooms and thus increase effectiveness and efficiency.

Background for generating the innovation

Gammon Construction Limited is committed to continuous improvement in workplace health and safety performance. In partnership with global research leaders in health and safety training, Gammon has successfully developed and currently uses a range of health and safety innovations using best practice in the use of virtual reality technology to deliver radically different and demonstrably better health and safety training experiences.

Previous innovations focus mainly on corporate safety induction for all direct staff and subcontractors’ workforce. It is then extended to falsework safety awareness training adopting VR to replace the practical sessions. The technologies have required the use of high-end computer hardware, which can prove difficult to scale and tends to form part of a broader health and safety training workshop. In research undertaken with the University of Hong Kong, Gammon recognised that it is critical for formal training to be followed up at more frequent intervals with workers on-site to reinforce and drive home the key health and safety messages. Traditional toolbox talks address this need, but can vary in quality from site to site and often rely on dated information posters for content. The Oculus Go VR Tool Box Talk Training innovation is to deliver critical safety messages, consistently, directly to workers, in a compelling virtual reality experience, in any language, using off-the-shelf, robust and inexpensive consumer-level technology.

The use of stepladders for BS and E&M work on many construction sites has been outlawed, but their use still continues and stepladders remain one of the major causes of construction worker injury. The Oculus Go VR Tool Box Talk is to review the key workplace hazards a worker might face when working at height, for instance using a portable stepladder is just the first in a long series of proposed modules to address all aspects of health and safety in construction. Our vision is to provide regular and repeated virtual reality experiences to each and every worker on- site to deliver a range of pressing safety messages, and as a critical component of regular health and safety tool box safety talks.

Safety benefit

Research has clearly demonstrated how quickly and inevitably the lessons of formal training are forgotten when workers return to the dynamics of everyday site activities. It is also proven that a critical means to address that decline is through frequent and focused reinforcement of the critical safety messages. The Oculus Go VR Tool Box Talk will directly and significantly benefit on-site health and safety behaviour by delivering exactly that reinforcement in an experiential and engaging way.

The HK Temporary Works Forum is a registered not for profit organisation in Hong Kong.

SEMINAR Hong Kong Branch

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Being experience-based, the Oculus Go VR Tool Box Talk is also an excellent catalyst for broader discussion on individual and group experiences with health and safety, which really brings home the training messages to immediate on-site behaviour and actual work practices.

It is of particular importance to improve the health and safety behaviour of the younger generation of up-and-coming workers – to establish health and safety norms at an early stage of their career. The Oculus Go VR Tool Box Talk uses the latest virtual reality technologies to engage younger workers and deliver information in a format they best respond to.

The capacity to deliver Oculus Go VR Tool Box Talks in any language of choice directs and clarifies the safety messages to all workers, regardless of their country of birth.

Estimated cost

The Oculus Go VR Tool Box Talks are delivered using consumer-level headset devices. The cost of an individual, stand- alone headset is currently in the order of HK$3,000. The headsets are offered in a super-durable, super-light polymer travel case containing between 4 and 12 headsets, ready to use out of the box. The cost of the set obviously depends on the number of headsets required. The cost of each Oculus Go VR Tool Box Talk is then also a function of the number and choice of modules required.

Current implementation

Gammon has launched this safety innovative project jointly with the University of Hong Kong, University of New South Wales, and University of Technology Sydney. The technology currently adopted connects to 4 headsets covering five topics, namely Working at Height, Heat Stress, Gloves, Eye Protection and Pinch Points. A number of 360 videos are pre-loaded under each topic. Apart from narration in both English and , the participants are prompted to look around in 360 degrees and identify what might go wrong. The trainers and the participants thus have on-going discussions and two-way communication. There is much room to further develop and extend it to scenarios associated with other trades. The innovative combination of live-action 360 video with hyper-realistic virtual reality scenes of authentic site situations is unique to Oculus Go VR Tool Box Talk.

The HK Temporary Works Forum is a registered not for profit organisation in Hong Kong.