金門印記 ISSUE 2 2020 M+ A Masterpiece of Engineering and Design 建築工程結合藝術 設計的完美傑作 P7 P23 Kitemark™ Certification awarded for Largest ever solo contract – Terminal 2 innovation management Expansion Works Kitemark™證書確認創新管理成就 最高價值單獨承建合約 — 機場二號客運大樓擴建工程 Chief Executive’s Mes sage 總裁的話 Gammon is proud to have played a key role in many of Hong Kong’s most notable construction projects and none more so than our two current most high-profile contracts: The M+ under construction on the West Kowloon waterfront and the Terminal 2 Expansion Works project by the Airport Authority Hong Kong. As many have noted, M+ is more than simply a museum. 4 Designed by the renowned Swiss architectural firm Herzog & de Meuron, it has been hailed as a work of art in itself. I am gratified to note that it is a project that has successfully called on all of Gammon’s ingenuity since we took over as the Management Contractor in September 2018. Of course, it was a challenge to take over the project well after commencement of construction in early 2015, but we achieved that by winning the trust of contractors already at work onsite. Another challenge was building over the tunnels of the MTR’s Airport Express and the Tung Chung Line, but our experience on the Lyric Theatre project, which presented similar challenges, was great training. I am also thrilled and proud that we have been awarded the Terminal 2 Expansion Works, which is Gammon’s largest solo contract win to date. Our proposal for the project focused on offsite and modular solutions, particularly for electrical and mechanical elements, and also for much of the internal fit-out of the main building, including check- 18 in islands, retail shopfronts and link bridges. We are also applying a kit-of-parts – subject to a high degree of standardisation – to numerous project areas. This has made it possible for us to simplify otherwise complex construction activities as well as improve safety and operational logistics in the airport environment. Issue 2/2020 多年來金門為香港建造無數地標建築,位於西九龍海濱的M+及香港機場管理局 批出的二號客運大樓擴建工程,可說是近期的重點項目。 CONTENTS 目錄 正如許多人說,M+不只是一所普通的博物館,它由瑞士著名建築事務所 Herzog & de Meuron設計,本身就是一項藝術傑作。 金門在2018年9月獲委任為M+項目的管理承建商, 4 News 快訊 我感謝團隊自承接項目以來,全方位展現金門的建造 實力。 10 Focus Story 焦點特寫 項目自2015年初已經動工,要順利接管項目已 The M+ on the West Kowloon waterfront is set to be a 是一項挑戰,我們的團隊成功取得已進駐地盤的分 work of art in itself and its construction has called on 判商的信任,凝聚力量,一起克服困難。另一項挑 all the ingenuity of the Gammon project team after the 戰是要在港鐵的機場快和東涌隧道上面施工, company’s appointment as Management Contractor in 幸而我們早前建造演藝綜合劇場時取得了寶貴經 September 2018. 驗,面對類似的挑戰,施工自然駕輕就 座落西九龍海旁的M+,本身就是一項藝術結晶。自金門在 熟了。 2018年9月獲委任為M+項目的管理承建商,工程團隊為建造這 我們最近取得機場二號客運大 項目施展渾身解數。 樓擴建工程合約,是金門迄今最高 價值的單獨承建項目,令我倍感振 17 Awards 獎項 奮和自豪。 我們會集中以場外和模組方 22 Health, Safety and Environment 案建造項目,特別是處理機電工 健康、安全及環保 程和主體大樓的內部設備,包括辦 理登機手續的櫃位、零售店面和連 接橋等。 此外,我們會在多個範疇採用 部件式施工方案,務求令工程高度標 準化。這方案有助精簡複雜的建築程 序,同時提升安全和優化在機場環境的 物流運作。 Thomas Ho 何安誠 2 | The Record • Issue 2/2020 From the Editor’s Desk 編輯的話 At Gammon, as we step into a New Year, 2021 – and with such a hard year behind all of us – our hearts are with everyone who is facing a resurgence of the Covid-19 pandemic, which is again rearing its head and bringing us hardship. This is a time in which everyone has to work socially distanced shoulder-to-shoulder to fight this. It’s no time for selfishness – thinking only about ourselves. It’s time to think of others, of the elderly, of the less privileged. 24 Gammon cares about the community and has long been committed to corporate social responsibility. We’ve been combining this with our embrace of healthy living by working with the Construction Industry Council Sports and Volunteering Programme since its inception in 2016. In 2020, two of our employees were recognised for their admirable efforts with the Volunteering Programme. Our Young Professionals Group collaborated with the Kei Shun Church of Love, and the Scout Association of Hong Kong to donate facemasks and hand sanitisers to communities – and we’re also focused on mental wellbeing, as we always have been. That’s what has led to our MINDSET-Jardines’ partnership – MIND HK – which hosted the Mental Health Conference and Youth Summit under the theme “Youth Mental Health”. Let’s also not forget our Employee Assistance Programme and Care Hotline, which is all about employee mental wellbeing. We are 28 also taking care of the physical and mental health of our staff by establishing the Wellness website, organising webinars and workshops. We’ve also launched the music video: “This Battle”, which was collectively produced together with colleagues in Hong Kong, Singapore and in mainland China in our battle against Covid-19. Scan the QR code for the song! 23 Projects 工程項目 These are difficult times, but never forget that Gammon is a caring The Terminal 2 Expansion Works project by the Airport organisation – for you, each of our dear employees and for society. Authority is Gammon’s largest solo contract win We’re in this together – and Gammon is with you in a spirit of love. so far, while in mid-June the Architectural Services Department awarded temporary quarantine facilities 踏入2021年之際,我們回顧過去,金門與各位並肩在新型冠狀病毒疫情之下熬 Phase II at Penny’s Bay to Gammon and a year ago we 過了一個困難的年頭。然而,疫情的陰霾仍揮之未去,我們在新的一年要繼續迎 successfully developed a remote landslide sensor that 難而上。 integrates our expertise in engineering, construction 在這期間,我們緊守社交距離,並肩抗疫。而金門仍然緊記,要伸出援手, practice and digital capabilities. 關顧身邊的人、有需要的長者,以至弱勢社群。 香港機場管理局批出的二號客運大樓擴建工程,是金門迄今最 我們關顧社群,多年來致力履行企業社會責任,自「建造業運動及義工計 高價值的單獨承建項目;6月中,金門獲建築署批出竹篙灣第 劃」在2016年啟動以來,一直鼓勵員工積極參與,把企業社會責任結合健康生 二期臨時檢疫中心合約;一年前,我們集合工程、建築、數碼 活。我們非常高興,兩位同事在2020年的義工計劃中,獲大會表揚他們服務社 科技各方面的實力,成功研發實時無線山泥傾瀉監察系統。 群的貢獻。 此外,青年專業團隊聯同基順愛的家及香港童軍總會,捐贈口罩和搓手液等 28 Profi le 焦點人物 防疫用品予有需要的社群,因為我們一直緊記要關顧別人的福祉。 談到福祉,當然包括精神健康。思健及怡和為此,聯同MIND HK舉行「香港 31 Corporate Social Responsibility 心理健康研討會及青年高峰會」,集中討論青年精神健康。 企業社會責任 當然,還有我們為關注員工的精神健康而成立的僱員輔助計劃和關懷熱線、 專為照顧員工身心健康而設的員工福祉網站,以及組織各式各樣的網上研討會和 32 Major Current Contracts List 工作坊。 工程合約一覽表 我們早前已推出一段由香港、新加坡和中國內地的同事攜手攝製的音樂短片 《這一仗》,在抗疫的旅途上與大家互勉,加油打氣。 請掃描二維碼,欣賞這音樂短片! 踏入新的一年可能仍然困難重重,但請不要忘記,金門是一個關愛機構,我 Executive Editor Jenny Pong This publication is proudly managed and 們關心您、關心每一位員工和社群。就讓我們同心同德,互相關顧、互相守護, Editor, English Chris Taylor produced by Editor, Chinese Chloe Tam 製作及統籌機構 一起跨越障礙。 Design Manager Johnny Chan Bamboo Business Communications 執行總編 龐燕妮 英文主編 Chris Taylor Tel +852 2838 4553 中文主編 譚婉儀 設計總監 陳錦源 Fax +852 2873 3329 music video: Jenny Pong 龐燕妮 “This Battle” Your contributions are welcome. Please contact Director – HR 董事 – 人力資源 音樂短片 Candy Chan, Corporate Com mu ni ca tions Manager 歡迎各位提供寶貴意見,請隨時聯絡企業傳訊經理陳敏碧 《這一仗》 Tel +852 2516 8733 Fax +852 2516 6260 E-mail [email protected] www.gammonconstruction.com The Record • Issue 2/2020 | 3 News 快訊 a commercial building at Kwun Tong WELL Precertification Gold constructed by Gammon, has achieved the Final Platinum rating of both BEAM Plus and for Head Office LEED Certification. 金門位於海濱匯的全新總部9月底獲國際《WELL健 康建築標準》金級中期認證,成為全港首家奪得這 總部獲《WELL健康建築標準》 項殊榮的建築公司。 新總部於2019年12月啟用,遵循《v1版WELL 健康建築標準》進行室內設計及選料,把員工的健 金級中期認證 康和福祉融入建築空間的設計和配置之中。 工程團隊就新總部的各項細節,包括空氣質 Gammon’s new head office received Gold- associations with nature. Other features 素、飲用水、燈光、工作舒適度、員工的精神健康 level WELL precertification in late September, include an open-plan office where the height 等元素都考慮周詳。總部提供的飲用水都經過濾, making it the first construction company of all desks can be automatically adjusted at 以達至極高安全質量;室內又設有實時的空氣質量 in Hong Kong to have been awarded this the push of a button. 監測。 prestigious international accolade. But the Gammon Quayside office is not 辦公室的隔音設計,有效保障會議室及各工作 Since December 2019, employees have just focused on health and wellbeing – it is 範圍免受噪音滋擾,讓員工專注工作;共用空間的 enjoyed the new office at The Quayside also a testament to Gammon’s sustainable 綠色植生牆,能提高辦公室的和諧及舒適感;辦公 that follows the WELL Building environmental concerns. It is 室以開放式設計,辦公桌備有特別控制按鈕,可因 Standard (version 1) for complete with green features 應需要調校高度。 Interiors, that centres around such as LED lighting, energy 金門海濱匯的全新總部不僅關注員工的健康和福 performance, integrating health efficient lighting controls, and 祉,亦同樣著重環保與節能。綠色環保配備如LED照 and wellbeing in the design, all-sustainable FSC certified 明、節能調控系統當然不可或缺;室內添置的木製傢 build and fit-out. wood furniture to reduce 俱均獲森林管理委員會(FSC)發出認證,以減少對環 The new office project team environmental impacts. 境的影響。 took everything from air and “The accomplishment 企業可持續發展經理Emma Harvey表示:「這 water quality to light, comfort and mental recognises Gammon’s efforts and leadership 項認證肯定了金門致力為員工營造一個以健康和 wellbeing into consideration – and then in creating a workplace where employee 福祉為本的工作場所。我們除關注設計和實際操作 more; even filtering drinking water to high health and wellbeing are key objectives,” says 之外,會繼續監測工作空間的性能和使用者的滿意 standards and installing real-time monitoring Emma Harvey, Group Sustainability Manager. 度,確保這辦公室能持續為 video 影片 of interior air quality. “In addition to incorporating design features 員工提供優質工作環境。」 Meeting rooms and offices are designed and operation practices, we will continue 海濱匯位於觀塘,是一 to minimise disturbances from noise and to to monitor performance and occupant 項由金門建造的商業樓宇項 allow Gammon staff to concentrate on their satisfaction and make sure the quality of the 目,已取得綠建環評(BEAM tasks at hand, while the communal social hub environment is maintained for all users.” Plus)及領先能源與環境設 features “green walls” that conjure up calming In other related news, The Quayside, 計(LEED)的鉑金認證。1 4 | The Record • Issue 2/2020 快訊 News BIM recognises outstanding practitioners BIM表揚傑出從業員 The Construction Industry Council (CIC)’s on BIM of CIC, presented the
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